English names on the letter n female. Full list of English female names: features, meaning and characteristics

English names on the letter n female. Full list of English female names: features, meaning and characteristics
English names on the letter n female. Full list of English female names: features, meaning and characteristics

Until the eleventh century, English names served as the only source of identification of the personality, the British did not have the patronymic. People differed simply by name, and the three ancient Anglo-Saxon name of that period - Edith (Edith), Edward (Edward) and Edmund (Edmund) lived to this day.

Foreign names in England

Most of the Staroangalian (Anglo-Saxon) names that have reached us belong to the two-axis: æðelgar - ælele (noble) + gār (spear), EADGIFU - Eād (wealth, prosperity, luck, happiness) + gifu, gyfu (gift, gift), EADWEARD - Eād (wealth, prosperity, luck, happiness) + weard (guard, keeper).

Old English names were given newborns at the baptism ceremony. Ancient names were given to children depending on the social status of the family. Norman knowledge wore German names - Jeffrey, Henry (Henry), Ralph (Ralph), Richard (Richard), Roger (Roger), ODO (Odo), Walter (Walter), William (William) and from Brittany - Alan (Alan) and Brian (Brian).

Normans offered the idea to form ancient English women's names from men's - Patrick (Patrick), Patricia (Patricia), Paul (Paul), which are used in England to the present. Between 1150 and 1300, the number of names used began to decline rapidly. By the end of the fourteenth century, most of the male population had one of five names: Henry (Henry), John (John), Richard, Robert (Robert), William (William).

Women's names in the fourteenth century also did not differ in diversity: Alice (Alice), Ann (Anne), Elizabeth (Elizabeth), Jane (Jane) and Rose (ROSE). Since the personal name is no longer able to individualize a particular member of society, the use of hereditary surnames, for example, Richard, Son John (Richard, Son Of John) began. This process in London proceeded very slowly, moving down the social staircase from wealthy aristocrats to the poor. In the north of England, even at the end of the sixteenth century, many residents still did not have their surnames.

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the biblical names of the New Testament were included:

  • Andrew (Andrew).
  • John (John).
  • Luke (Luke).
  • Mark (Mark).
  • Matthew.
  • Peter (Peter).
  • Agnes (agnes).
  • Ann (Anne).
  • Catherine.
  • Elizabeth (Elizabeth).
  • Jane.
  • Mary (Mary).

Common names in the XVIII century in England were John, William and Thomas and Women's - Mary, Elizabeth and Anna. In the XIX century, men's names of John, William and James, and Women's - Mary, Helen and Anna. In the XX century, the English fashion for names varied significantly every ten years..

Popular English names of the last 500 years

The National Statistical Service of the United Kingdom (Office for National Statistics) held an unusual English experiment in the field of family history. She studied more than 34 million British and Irish birth records from 1530 to 2005 and identified 100 most popular male and female names.

English names for men:

  • John (John).
  • William (William).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • George (George).
  • James.

English names for women:

  • Mary (Mary).
  • Elizabeth (Elizabeth).
  • Sarah (Sarah).
  • Margaret (Margaret).
  • Anna (Ann).

Rare and unusual names

Unusual English names were identified according to the management of national statistics England. Each name from the following lists was established in 2016 on the registration data of children in England. A rare case of the application of the name, as it was given not more than three newborns, confirms the high degree of uniqueness in the context of the country.

The most rare English girls names:

  • Adalie. Meaning: "God is my refuge, noble."
  • Agape. Meaning: "Love" in ancient Greek.
  • Birdie. Meaning: "Bird".
  • NOAM. Meaning: "Friendhood".
  • Onyx. Meaning: "Claw or Nailing" in ancient Greek. Black gem.

The most rare English names of boys:

  • Ajax. Meaning: "Orel" in ancient Greek mythology.
  • DOUGAL. Meaning: "Dark Stranger" in Gaelic.
  • Henderson. Meaning: Traditional English surname.
  • Jools. Meaning: "descended from Jupiter."
  • Marvellous. Meaning: Beautiful, beautiful, wonderful. More traditionally is the name of the Nigerian girl.

Modern tendencies

Fashion trends on names are all the time in a dynamic movement. New names were born, returned from the distant past old, gaining newly forgotten popularity, and sometimes the British simply borrowed names from other peoples. In England, its own features - the fashion on the names also dictates the royal family. The names of the members of the Royal Family Harry, William, Elizabeth, George, are particularly popular with the people. The National Statistical Service of Great Britain ONS in 2017 published an annual report in which data on the names of newborns in 2016.

The name of the boy Oliver's boy's name is leading in this list, and the female leader - Amelia (Amelia). This championship this star couple occupies since 2013. Although in fact, many believe that in London in the first place the male name Mohammed is leading. If you carefully analyze the list of the best names of children in England and Wales, it seems that this opinion is true.

Mohammed - Arab name and has several writing, so in the given statistics the name Mohammed is found several times. Muhammad took the 8th place, Mohammed ranked 31st, Mohammad took 68th place, with a total number - 7,084 people. And the name Oliver gave 6623 newborns, so the obvious advantage of Mohammed in front of Oliver. ONS representatives associate such popularity of the Muslim name in England with social change in the country.

Ahead of ONS, English Website for parents Babycentr released its official version of 100 best names in 2017. The lists are composed of a survey of more than 94,665 parents of newborns (51,073 boys and 43,592 girls). Olivia again ranked first in the nomination of female names. This year, the name Muhammad confidently bypassed the name of Oliver, taking a leading position. The site also notes that in England, they began to give more names, neutral by the floor, for example, the names of Harley almost the same name of male and female children.

Top British Women's Names 2017:

The best English men's names of 2017:

Values \u200b\u200bof English names

Numerous life stories, research results and theory suggest that the names help to form a person's personality. The names are certainly not the only power in life that causes the personality to develop in a certain way and becomes a person, but the importance of the name was noticed in antiquity.

English men's names and their meanings

Values \u200b\u200bof English female names

  1. Olivia (Olivia). This is a name in Latin Oliva, which means "olive".
  2. Sophia (Sophia). The legends of her probably arose as a result of the medieval "Holy Sofia", means "Holy Wisdom".
  3. Amelia (Amelia). A mixture of medieval names Emilia and Amalia. In Latin, this means "hardworking" and "desire". His Teutonic meaning is "Defender".
  4. Lily (Lily). In English The value LILY: Lily flower is a symbol of innocence, purity and beauty.
  5. Emily (Emily). Emily is a female name received from the Roman female AEMILIA. The Latin name AEMILIA, in turn, can occur from the Latin word Aemulus (or from the same root as Aemulus) - this means "rival".
  6. Ava (AVA). Maybe from Latin Avis, which means "Bird". It may also be a short form of the name of Chav ("Life" or "Live"), the Jewish form of Eve.
  7. Isla (ISLA). Traditionally used mostly Scottish use received from Islay, which is the name of the island from the west coast of Scotland. It is also the name of two Scottish rivers.
  8. Isabella (Isabella). Options of Elizabeth, meaning "dedicated to God" in Hebrew.
  9. Mia (MIA). In Latin, the meaning of the name of Mia: the desired baby.
  10. Isabelle (Isabelle). In Hebrew the meaning of the name Isabel: Dedicated to God.
  11. Ella (ELLA). In English Meaning: Eleanora Abbreviation and Ellen - Beautiful Fairy.
  12. Poppy. This is a female name from the name of the poppy flower, obtained from the ancient English Popæg and related to various types of papaver. The name is gaining popularity in the UK.
  13. Freya (Freya). In Scandinavia, the meaning of the name: Lady. The derivative on behalf of Frey, the Scandinavian goddess of love and fertility and mythological wife Odin.
  14. Grace (Grace). In English, the meaning of the word: "grace" arising from Latin Gratia, which means the blessing of God.
  15. Sophie. In Greek, the meaning of Sophie: wisdom, wise.
  16. Evie (EVIE) in Hebrew the meaning of the name of Evi: Life, Live.
  17. Charlotte (Charlotte). Charlotte is a female name, the female form of the male name Charloss, a decreasing charles. It has a French origin meaning "free person" or "small."
  18. Aria (Aria). Italian - "air". In the music of Aria - this is usually solo in the opera. In Hebrew, this comes from Ariel, which means Lion God, and his Teutonic origin is connected with a bird.
  19. Evelin (Evelyn). French: from the surname received from French Avelin, meaning hazelnut.
  20. Phoebe (Phoebe). The feminine form of the Greek Foyba (bright), which comes from FaoBo (bright). Phoebe meets in Greek mythology as the name of Artemis, the goddess of the moon. In Fibi poetry personifies the moon.

Each of us received a birth name. However, when we look at our lives, we wonder who we turned out if our names were different.

Choosing a name for the girl British is doubly more difficult, since the British girls names consist of two names of First Name and Middle Name. Important, of course, is First Name, since this is a personal name. It should be noted that the fashion for the British girls' names is changing every year, as there is an active mixing of several cultures, which was not in past centuries.

In the XVIII century in Britain, the most popular women's names were Elizabeth, Mary and Anna. Almost every third newborn called either Mary, or Anna. At the same time, such women's British names like Mary, Anna is almost not losing their popularity. Even now they are often used. But choosing the name of the girl, parents must understand what they determine her fate. If you want to have a girl with a militant character, we advise you to call her Alexandra or Alexandrea, that is, the protector of mankind. And the names of Gabbi and Brill are meaning - strong from God. British name Claribel means bright and beautiful. When choosing a name, do not forget to take into account and consonance with the surname, while the name should be light and enjoyable. Such a mistake very often makes parents, calling their children complex names. As a result, a child has a challenging fate or a difficult character. Our list of British girls names will help you when choosing.

British girls names:

Iion Island

Loris - Sadness

Alet - True

Lou - famous warrior

Alexa - Defender of mankind

Maibelline - attractive

Alis - noble view

MISI - Pearls, Honey Bee

Amaranta - not disappearing

Madonna - my lady

Allyn - Bird

Margot - Pearls

Annice - Chaste, Holy

Marta - Lady

Alexandrea - Defender of mankind

Mackenzie - Milovoid

Annette - benefit, grace

Morana - Beloved

Adrina - from Hadri

Makay - a gift of God

Alberta - Bright nobility

Maidlin - from Magdala

Annie - Elegant meadow

Merrylin - Beloved, Lake

Azalea - dry

Monat - Little Wrock


Mio - powerful in battle

Brianna - Power

Melloni - black, dark

Brill - Strong from God

Melis - Honey Bee

Bailey - Sheriff's Assistant

Monta - sharp hill

Becky - lubricating in a trap

Nicholet - victory of people

Beth - God - my oath

Nevěž - Heaven

Brooklyn - Creek, Stream

Natil - Birthday

Bessie - God - my oath

Omega - the last child

Briar - Spiny Shrub

Prunella - a small plum

British - Little Britain

Prudens - careful

Belind - beautiful snake

Paisley - Church

Blondie - blonde

Petunia - Petunia

Belita - a little beauty

Ron - Wise Government

Vega - Padena, attacking

Roxan - Dawn.

Wilma - helmet

Roma - Rosemary (grass)

Winnie - Holy Conscious

Rebeckenn - Missing trap

Valery - Silty

Rhona - Wise Government

Villaow - Iva

Rena - born again

Vanessa - Showing

Roni - bringing victory

Venday - Girlfriend

Rose - Rising

Gislain - Pledge

Ruby - contemplative

Gai - Earth

Rinna - Deva.

Gabbi - Strong from God

Sarangin - Princess

Johnel - God's God

Sam - Listening to God

Dorinda - a gift

Sabina - Sweet

Destini - Fate, Welfare

Scarlet - Alaya

Jesse - God sees

Samavy - God listened

Jiuelle - Gemstone

Stalla - Star

Demi - Earth Mother

Stef - Crown

Divina - a similar goddess

Sage - Wisenry

Deman - a parishionean

Sayanna - Be old

Jasmine - jasmine flower

Celeste - Heavenly

John - God's God

Sandy - Sunday

Disri - desired

Titania - from titans

Justis - Justice

TEM - a gift of God

Joanne - God's God

Tessa - Znica

Gilbertine - Pledge

Twill - Twilight

George - Peasantka

Trisha - nobleman

Dalinda - Noble Snake


Dolores - sadness

Teresa - Znica

Josie - Minuding

Temple - Temples

Georgina - Peasant woman

Tessa - Znica

Desica - welcome

Tieler - Roof

Yerline - noble, Princess

Teri - Znica

Zanin - God's good

Tibby - Gazelle and Bold

Zavannan - Savanna

Tamsen - twin

Ilan - Tree

Tresh - nobleman

Indian Indians

Unag - hunger

Ivon - tees

Fern - Fern

Iline - Bird

Flower - flower

Zell - Ryane

Felicia - lucky

Cortet - Virgo or Gorge

Flossie - Flower

Kissel - blind

Haven - shelter, shelter

Kalein - Girl

Hortens - Sad.

Kitty - Immaculate, Chaste

Hannah - kind, merciful

Claribel - bright and beautiful

Cheris - Cherry

Karon - Love

Chelsey - landing place

Calee - Strange

Chantel - Stone Place

Katya - Immaculate, Chaste

Cheriz - Cherry

Kerry - People Kiara

Cheryl - Favorite

Connie - stable

Shanna - Lilia

Cappukine - Nasturtia

Sha - like a hawk

Kelly - Blonde

Shavon - God's God

Curry - man

Shari - Favorite

Collin - girl

Sharon - Plain

Corrie - Deva.

Chevone - God's God

Kortney - short nose

Chanel - God's God

Keita - Forest

Shena - God's God

Kira - like the sun

Evis - Bird

Kaleich - Strange

ETEL - noble

Katelinn - Labor

Eldred - an ancient meeting

Cameron - Curved Nose

Ermma - whole

Lolly - miserable

Ezelinda - noble snake

Lillay - Lilia

Emmah - all, whole

Fox - God - my oath

Aimi - very beloved

Latisa - Happiness

Elanor - Light Star

Lukinda - light

Ashley - Mussenger Grove

Lackey - Cinnamon Tree

Edvena - Rich Girlfriend

Leontine - like a lion

Eugene - Good Born

Lola - sadness

Yula - taking into account

Letty - Happiness

Unice is a good victory

Women's full names in England have their own distinctive feature. They consist of three parts, two of which are written through hyphen, and surnames. The first name is the main one. The second is the average. The third is the surname. The main name is the first name, it is them or a decrease in it, they call a girl in life from him. The list of English female names is constantly replenished, because any word can be the name, even the name of one of the relatives or celebrities.

The history of the origin of the English name

Initially, English names, like all other nations, were an ordinary nickname, consisted of two words - noun and adjective. They reflected the character of a person, its main features and signs. Further development led to the fact that people began to attribute novels the names (nicknames), reflecting the most desired qualities that would predetermine and influenced fate.

Original English female names

For England itself, truly English names are rare. Of the total, they take less than 10%. But it is not only in England. In any Christian country, the foundation constitutes names borrowed from the Bible, that is, they wear Jewish, Latin or Greek roots. List of English female names having english origins:

  • Mildred - Mildred. Gentle and strong.
  • Alice - Alice. Translated means a "noble class."
  • ALFREDA - Alfred. Wisdom, mind.
  • Yvonne - Ivonna. Lien.
  • Eloise - Eloise. Daughter approximate to God.

Nevertheless, part of the British remain faithful to their traditions and call their daughters to the conquest of England Vikings reduced the number of English names. Instead, Normannsky appeared. Currently, in Britain, not all women's names are English, the list is constantly increasing at the expense of famous foreign things, in honor of which democratic British call their baby.

Names from Christian Saints, Bible

He strongly influenced women's names distribution in England Christianity. When baptized babies, they called in honor of the saints and the characters of the Bible. In the people, these words were reedded to their own way, so new women's names began to appear. The list is provided below:

  • Mary - Mary. Serene. It happened from the Jewish name Maria. So called the mother of the Lord Jesus.
  • Ann - Ann. Grace, grace. This name was called the mother of the prophet Samuel.
  • Maryanne - Maryann. Serene grace. This name merged two - Mary and Ann.
  • Sarah - Sarah. The name means "owning power, princess."
  • Sophia - Sophie. Wisdom. It came to English from Christianity.
  • Katherine - Catherine. Purity. The name came from Christianity.
  • Eva - Eve. A life. Came from the Bible. So called the ancestral man.
  • Agnes - Agnes. Innocent, immaterial. The name came from Christianity.
  • Susanna - Suzanne. Little lily.
  • Judyt - Judith. Glorification. Biblical name.
  • Joan - Joan. A gift for merciful god.

A large number of names that are used and today is obliged to their appearance of Protestants and Puritans, who opposed themselves to the Anglican Church and gave their children new, different from the usual names. They mostly wore a rather strange character, consisted of proposals. For example, The-Work-of-God Farmer, which means God-work Farmer. But life defeated religious fanaticism. Simple people gave their daughters beautiful and new names:

  • Daniel - Daniel. God is my judge.
  • Sarah - Sarah. Powerful.
  • Susan - Suzan. Lily.
  • Hannah - Hannah. Happened on behalf of Anna. Grace. Grace.
  • Dinah - Dina. Derived from Diana. Divine.
  • Tamar - Tamara. Date palm.

The modern list of English female names that appeared in the Puritan families, rather significant. Many representatives of this current were forced to hide and went to Australia or North America.

American names

America settled leavings from different countries. Mostly people from the British Empire: British, Scots and Irish. For the most part, these were commoner and criminals who fled from persecution in their homeland. It was they who brought here a shortened shape of the names that were well taken for and got popular. The list of English female names was replenished with new, such as Ben, Ed, Mad, Mel, Dan, Meg, Ellie, Tina, Lina.

In addition to the inhabitants of Britain, thousands of inhabitants moved here here, who came with their traditions and names, which were partly altered by the English-speaking population at their own way.

The most popular American female names (in English):

  • Mary - Mary. Derived from Mary. Serene.
  • Patricia - Patricia. Noble.
  • Linda - Linda. Beautiful.
  • Barbara - Barbara. Foreign.
  • Elizabeth - Elizabeth. God is my oath.
  • Jennifer - Jennifer. Charger.
  • Maria - Maria. Serene.
  • Susan - Susanna. Little lily.
  • Margaret - Margaret. Pearl.
  • Dorothy - Dorothy. Dar of the gods.
  • Nancy - Nancy. Grace.
  • Karen - Karen. Generous.
  • Betty - Betty. Oath gods.
  • Helen - Helen. Sunbeam.
  • Sandra - Sandra. Male protector.
  • Carol - Carol. Derivative from Carolina - Princess.
  • Ruth - Ruth. Friendship.
  • Sharon - Sheron. Princess, plain.

British Catholics, Protestants, Puritans brought their rules to America for which names were given. They, as well as in England, consist of three parts - the main, middle and surname. Many American names borrowed the British.

New female names

In the XVIII century, a new tradition appeared in England to give the second (average) name. It returned to the life of Staroangalian and gothic names, such as Matilda, Diana, Emma. There are new beautiful English female names. The list of them replenished well-known English writers. Jonathan Swift, William Shakespeare and others gave English women such names:

  • Stella - Stella. Star.
  • Vanessa - Vanessa. Butterfly.
  • Juliet - Juliet. Born in July.
  • Ophelia - Ophelia. Erected.
  • Viola - Viola. Violet.
  • Silvia - Sylvia. Forest.
  • Julia - Julia. Girl with soft hair.
  • Clara - Clara. Clear. Light.
  • Pamela - Pamela. Stranger. Pilgrimage.
  • Wendy - Wendy. Friend.
  • Candida - Candida. Clean. White.
  • Clarinda - Clarinda. Shine. Purity.
  • BELINDA - Belinda. Beautiful.
  • Fleur - Fleur. Flower. Blooming.
  • Sybil - Sibyl. Prophetess. Oracle.

Beautiful female names

Every parent wants first of all that his child be healthy and beautiful. By his newborn daughters, the British choose the names are harder and gentle. Hoping that the girl will have the features of the character that means name. Therefore, the names choose calling and with meaning. If there is no such name, then the child can be called by any word. Legislation This allows, so new beautiful English names are appear. List on led below:

  • Agata - Agatha. Good, good.
  • Adelaida - Adelaide. Noble.
  • Beatrice - Beatrice. Blessed.
  • Britney - Britney. Little Britain.
  • Valery - Valerie. Strong, brave.
  • Veronica - Veronica. That that brings victory.
  • Gloria - Gloria. Glory.
  • Camilla - Camilla. Decent service to the gods.
  • Caroline - Carolina. Princess.
  • Melissa - Melissa. Honey.
  • Miranda - Miranda. Delightful.
  • Rebecca - Rebecca. Trap.
  • Sabrina - Sabrina. Notable.

English surnames

It so developed historically that the primary name is personal, and the surname, which means belonging to the family, family, is secondary. In the same way, the English names and surnames are women. List of most popular and common names:

  • Anderson - Anderson.
  • Baker - Becker.
  • Brown - Brown.
  • Carter - Carter.
  • Clark - Clark.
  • Cooper - Cooper.
  • Harrison - Harrison.
  • Jackson - Jackson.
  • James - James.
  • Johnson - Johnson.
  • King - King.
  • Lee.
  • Martin - Martin.
  • Morgan - Morgan.
  • Parker - Parker.
  • Patterson - Patterson.
  • Richardson - Richardson.
  • Smith - Smith.
  • Spencer - Spencer.
  • Taylor - Taylor.
  • Wilson - Wilson.
  • Young - Jung.

Most like most peoples, there were personal names. In some cases, they do not undergo any changes - Allen, Baldwin, Cecil, Dennis. Other are connected with the names of the gods and Teutonic mythology - Godwin, Goodiers, Godyears. The part is formed from the Scandinavian names - Swain, Thurston, Thurlow.

Some surnames consist of a personal name to which the end is added - Son, which indicated the "son of such": Thompson, Abbotson, Swainson. The inhabitants of Scotland apply the prefix - Mac, which also means "son". For example, MacDonald is Donald's Son, MacGregor - "Son Gregor".

Some surnames wear a professional shade, that is, Stuart - "Royal Seneshyal", Pottinger - "Cook, which boils Royal Soup." Families, like names, can be given in honor of the place of residence, it may be the names of counties, countries, cities.

List of popular and rare English names for girls.

Now many newly minted parents come up with various and interesting names for their kids. Foreign popularity is gaining popularity with old Russian names. Their popularization is associated with foreign film guides and serials.

What are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short English names for girls: rating the best with meaning

Now there are many girls with foreign names in our country. We offer you a rating.

Foreign names and their decoding:

  • Ebial. Translated means "Father's joy". Most often, very positive girls grow up, are in a good mood.
  • Elinor. Translated is deciphered as "Cinema". Usually girls are simple enough and comfortable in communication.
  • Eveline. The girl is very independent and early flies out of the parent nest. Translated means "Free Bird".
  • Avalon. Translated means "apple". Girls grow up very powerful and responsible. In America, so girls are called in winter.
  • Holly. Girls are very sensual and sure. They never betray. Translated means "sister".
  • Anabel. Girls are very non-standard and different from most. They have a subtle mental organization that does not like everyone. Translated means "elegantly beautiful."
  • Andrea. Means "militant." This is a wrestler girl who is not afraid of difficulties. She is always ahead and very brazed.
  • Doris. Such girls are very funny and cheerful. Translated means "funny".

Short Beautiful English Names Women's For Girls and Girls: List, Values

Popular names are popular because of their conciseness.


  • Laura. Such girls can predict the future. They are endowed with good intuition. The translation means "provisy".
  • Chloe. The girl is very strong spiritually and will not stop any obstacles. Translated as "mighty".
  • Chris. Very popular in the US name. There is a legend dedicated to this name. The girl is very brazed and brave.
  • Lisa. Friendly girl with many familiar. He loves to communicate. Translated the name means "friendship".
  • Izi. The girl is very emotional and sensual. Translated means "sensual."
  • Audrey. This behalf of English origin, but gained popularity in America. Translated means "bright".
  • Neli. A popular name that means "appearing". Such a girl can be unexpected and spontaneous.
  • Ketie. Very gifted and active. Means "girl".

The most popular English names are female: list, values

There is a lot of foreign names that most often call girls.


  • Agatha. The girl is very good and responsive. Means "kind", "light".
  • Eypril. The girl is very emotional and can cause a response from many men. Translated means "Spring".
  • Audrey. Famous and common name in the States. Means "light, radiant".
  • Sessilia. This is a girl - fire. Very passionate and emotional. Means "changeing".
  • Emily. The girl knows what he wants, and is constantly in motion. Means "rival".
  • Amanda. A girl with a bright and good energy, always on a positive. Means "pleasant."

The most rare English names are female: list, values

As in our country, there are names in countries in countries that are called girls less frequently.

FROM pikov:

  • Rebecca. This is a very sociable representative of the fine sex. It gets great with others, since her name in translation means "friendly".
  • Mabel. An unusual representative of a beautiful floor. It has a calm temper and finds a way out of any life situations. Translated means "pearl".
  • Kendleis. The girl with the same name is very modest and shy. It rarely causes a lot of noise, because her name is translated as "virny."
  • Madlin. A fine sex with that name is very calm and responsible. Since childhood, she can assign a variety of tasks. Translated means "obedient daughter".
  • Nellie. Our name is also not distinguished by extremely popular as in European countries and America. Translated means "appearing".
  • Laura. With such a girl is not boring, she will always find a lesson. Translated means "toy".

Girl with rare name Rebecca

The most unusual English names are female: list, values

There are names that are quite rare and are unusual.

FROM pikov:

  • Annik. The girl with the same name, tries to be useful. After all, in the translation of her name means "useful".
  • Christie. The girl is very devout, since the name in translation means "Christ's sequence".
  • Dusties. The character of a fair sex has a strong and volitional representative, as in translation means "Stone Torah".
  • Stanley. The young lady seeks for harmony in everything. Translated means "cleansing".
  • Manley. The young lady always strives for clarity and certainty. Perhaps due to the fact that the name in translating means "clarifying".
  • Bases. A somewhat non-standard name that is very reminded by male. Translated means "grass".
  • Ogden. The girl is very persistent and strong in spirit. She does not disappear and always goes alive, because her name means "oak grove".
  • Kevin. This name is called both girls and men. Translated means "cute, beloved."
  • Clare. The name can be often found in films, but it is not popular. Translated means "glorifying".
  • Philipe. This name can also be considered both male and female. Translated as a "horses amateur".

Girl with an unusual dusty name.

Despite the popularization of foreign, yet in our country they are infrequently called girls in English names. The names that have gained popularity as we have and in Europe are more often used.

The names of the children are accepted after birth, but parents come up with their long before the appearance of kids on the light. Choosing a name for the future daughter, parents think about various aspects: a combination of letters, cavulusity, the meaning of the name and even the influence of it on the fate of a person. Each couple tries to come up with something special and unique.

The results of studies conducted by various historians revealed the fact that the very first English names were derived from words (nouns and adjectives) existing in ancient English language. The special sense load was not at all the name of the person, but his nickname.

The situation with the name has changed dramatically after the conquest of England by Normans. There was a quick replacement of English names to Norman. Today, truly English names wears only a small part of the British.

It is noteworthy that the old original British names are quite a bit. They almost did not reach this day. The most overwhelming majority of them were borrowed from such cultures as Hebrew, ancient Greek, Celtic, Norman, etc. At that time, people received long and short names, praised gods, the forces of nature and any human qualities.

In the XVI century, the old English women's names mentioned in the Old and New Testament were pretty common in England. Among the following:

  • Mary is a derivative from the Jewish name Maria. This ancient name is very beautiful - "serene";
  • Anna - named Mother of the Prophet Samuel. Translated as "grace";
  • Maryann - United Names of Mary and Anna;
  • Sarah - named wife of Abraham. The meaning of this name is "Lady".

The influence of literature on the formation of names

Writers played a huge role in the emergence of new female names. It is thanks to literature in English such a rare female name, like Sylvia, Ophelia, Stella, Jessica, Vanessa, Julie, Juliet, Jessica and Viola appeared.

In addition, the literary works kept many Staroangalian names. Among beautiful female names there are vintage names borrowed from other languages. The names of this origin include: Anita, Angelina, Jacqueline, Amber, Daisy, Michel and Ruby. And this is not the entire list.

Popular English Women's Names

Fashion for names, as well as many other life aspects, comes and leaves. Some are quickly forgotten, and forever, whereas others come back from time to time - as a rule, in the original form, but sometimes in the new interpretation.

According to the data of the United Kingdom's national statistics, Olivia, Emma and Sophie have become the most popular names in recent years. The list of 30 other popular English female names is presented below:

  1. Olivia
  2. Sofia
  3. Isabel
  4. Charlotte
  5. Emily
  6. Harper
  7. Ebigeyl
  8. Medison
  9. Avery.
  10. Margaret
  11. Evelyn
  12. Edison
  13. Grace
  14. Ameli.
  15. Natalie
  16. Elizabeth
  17. Scarlet.
  18. Victoria

Successful names and not very

It has long been known that the person's name largely defines his fate. Psychologists from all over the world are actively working on this issue, conducting various research, observations and polls. As a result, the indicator of the success of personalities, named in one way or another, also has a strong impact on the popularity of the name itself.

So, one of the polls conducted in the UK showed which British names are recognized by the most successful inhabitants of Misty Albion, and which on the contrary. The survey results are shown in the table below.

Rare British women's names and their meanings

There are many names that remain out of popularity rating, being the least used. The so-called "outsider names" includes:

  • Annik - benefit, grace
  • Allyn - Bird
  • Amabel - attractive
  • Bernece - bringing victory
  • Bambi - Ditya
  • Becky - the one that hits a trap
  • Betse - my oath
  • Villaow - Iva
  • Gabbi - power from God
  • Dominic - Lord Property
  • Jodjo - multiplying
  • Frames - Tosca
  • Jiuel - Gemstone
  • Georgina - Peasant woman
  • Iline - Bird
  • Kiva is beautiful
  • Kelly - Blindowing
  • Lukinda - light
  • Laylay - miserable
  • Morgan - Marine Circle
  • Marley - Favorite
  • Melisa - Bee.
  • Mackenzie - Pretty
  • Minddy - Black Snake
  • Mighan - Pearls
  • Penelope - Taples Surface
  • Poppy - Mak.
  • Rosaulin - Gentle Kobylitsa
  • Totti - Girl
  • Phyllis - Krone Tree
  • Heather - Heather
  • Edvena - a wealthy girlfriend

The most beautiful women's English names

The beauty of the name and its fraud is very important for girls and women. All my life will be associated with the name given to her by parents. There are not arguments about tastes, and if one person likes the name Amelia or Elizabeth, then another it can annoy. Nevertheless, there is a rating of names that, according to most people, seem most beautiful.

Names in Russian English names
Agatha Agata.
Agnes Agnes.
Adelaide Adelaida.
Alice Alice.
Amanda Amanda.
Amelia Amelia
Anastasia Anastasia.
Angelina Angelina.
Anna Ann.
Ariel Ariel.
Barabara Barbara.
Beatrice Beatrice.
Bridget Bridgeet.
Britney Britney.
Gloria Gloria
Deborah Debra.
Diana Diana.
Dorothy Dorothy
Camila Camilla.
Caroline Caroline.
Cassandra Cassandra.
Catherine Katherine.
Constance Constance
Kristina Christine.
Olivia Olivia.
Cecilia Cecil
Sheril Cheril
Charlotte Sharlotte
Eleanor Eleanor.
Elizabeth Elizabeth.
Emily Emily.
Esther Ester.
Evelina Eveline.

Unusual Women's English Names

Simple people rarely wear unusual names. After all, many parents when choosing a name for a child are guided not only by their preferences, but also think that their child does not become a subject for ridicule among children. But celebrities have a look at this expense, they choose strange female and male names, guided only by their fantasy and the desire to attract as much attention as possible.

Scout-Lari and Tallup-BELL - so Bruce Willis called his youngest daughters. And this is not a little none of the nickname of your favorite horses winning on horse racing.

Gwyneth Paltrow called her daughter with an apple, that way the name of the EPL is translated into Russian.

Marquis called his son Rapper 50 Cent, ignoring men's English names.

The singer David Bowie left without attention to all the famous English names for boys and nare the son of Zone, simply considering the fun combination of Zone Bowie.

Beyonce and her husband Jay-zi called Blue Avi's daughter, which means "blue ivy".

Daughter actress Mila Yovovich name is Ever Gabo. The second part of the name is the first syllables of the names of the parents of Mila - Galina and Bogdan.

The name of the daughter of the American rock musician Frank Zapap - Moon Unit, which means the "lunar satellite".

Summer Rain - such a name came up with his daughter's singer Kristina Aguilera. Translated from English this means "summer rain".

Some people who are immersed in the world of favorite films and TV shows, and not representing their lives without them, call their children not only in honor of the familiar heroes and actors, but use the usual words that are not their own names.

So there was a completely new female name - Khalisi, the word from the popular series "Game of Thrones", which meant the title of one of the heroines, Synonym for Queen or Queen. Today, in the world, 53 girls have such a name.

Human fantasy does not know borders, so new names for men and women in the world will appear again and again. Some of them will come together, will become popular, while others will have a little ear on and forget.