Analysis of the work of the pantry. Pantry of the sun analysis of the work

Analysis of the work of the pantry. Pantry of the sun analysis of the work
"Pantry of the sun"

The study of the "Pantry of the Sun" should be considered as a continuation and development of the theme "Native nature". The task of the teacher in this case is complicated by the fact that the fairytale-reality "The Pantry of the Sun" is not just a work about nature. In his diary entry M. Prishvin says: “In„Pantrysun "I wrote that the truth is a harsh struggle for love ..." Prishvin creates a fairy tale "for everyone." The meaning inherent in it is deep. Just as the sun deposited its energy in peat deposits, the writer put into the "Pantry of the Sun" everything that he had accumulated over the years: a kind attitude towards people, love for nature ... True, it is not just love for a person. It is enclosed in a harsh struggle for love and is revealed in the clash of two principles: evil and love. “On one side of the semicircle a dog howls, on the other a wolf howls ... What a plaintive howl. But you, a passer-by, if you hear and you feel a response, don’t believe pity: it’s not a dog howling, man’s most faithful friend, it’s a wolf, his worst enemy, doomed to death by its very malice. You, passer-by, save your pity not for the one who howls about himself like a wolf, but for the one who, like a dog that has lost its owner, howls, not knowing who now, after him, to serve her " .

Evil, seeking to satisfy predatory instincts, encounters the power of love, a passionate desire to survive. Therefore, Prishvin's fairy tale shines not only with love - it is a struggle, it is a clash of good and evil.

The author uses some of the techniques of a traditional fairy tale. There are almost fairytale coincidences and coincidences here. Animals take an active part in the fate of children. A raven, a poisonous snake, a magpie, a wolf named the Gray Landowner are hostile to children. Dog Grass - a representative of "good nature" - faithfully serves man. It is interesting to note that the tale was originally called "A Friend of Man". All the philosophical arguments of the author about the "true truth" are placed in the chapters about Grass.

And at the same time, the events in the work have a real basis. "Pantry of the Sun" was written in 1945, after the end of the Great Patriotic War. And “back in 1940, the author spoke of his intention to work on a story about how two children quarreled and how they went on two separated roads, not knowing that in the forest all the time such bypass roads are again connected into one common one. The children met, and the road itself reconciled them " (according to the memoirs of V. D. Prishvina).

The technique of fusion of the fabulous and the real gave the writer the opportunity to express his ideal, the dream of the high purpose of man, of his responsibility to all living things on earth. The fairy tale is permeated with the writer's optimistic belief in the closeness and the possibility of realizing this dream, if you look for its embodiment in real life, among ordinary people at first glance. The writer first of all expressed this idea in the main characters of the work - Nastya and Mitrash.

The originality of the work is the disclosure of man through nature, through the relationship of man to nature. Prishvin wrote: "After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people."

Possible distribution of material by lessons

Part of the first lesson is devoted to acquaintance with certain facts of the biography of M. M. Prishvin, as well as his works. This will arouse interest in the work of the writer, with whom most sixth graders will get to know for the first time. In this case, it would be possible to invite students in advance to read some of his works - stories in the collections "Forest drops", "Floors of the forest", "Golden meadow", "Forest doctor", etc., and then in a small conversation at the beginning of the lesson to express their opinion or read a review of the book you have read.

M. M. Prishvin was born in 1873 not far from Yelets, on the noble estate of Khrushchevo, owned by his father, who came from Yelets merchants. He grew up among peasant children, studied at the Yelets gymnasium and was expelled from there with a "wolf ticket" for a major quarrel with a teacher. Then Prishvin studied at a real school in Tyumen, passed exams for a course in a classical gymnasium as an external student, and entered the Riga Polytechnic Institute. For participation in the Social Democratic student organization, he was arrested and after a year's imprisonment was exiled to his homeland under the public supervision of the police. In 1899, Prishvin went to Germany, to Leipzig, from where he returned four years later with a diploma in agronomist. He works at an experimental agricultural station, prepares himself for scientific and pedagogical activity in the laboratory of Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov. But the awakened interest in literature makes him drastically change his fate.

Since 1905, Prishvin became a travel writer, ethnographer, essayist. Publishes books. She actively collaborates in newspapers. He travels and walks around the country. He retained this way of life to a ripe old age. Prishvin admitted more than once that he embodied the dreams and fairy tales of his own childhood ...

In children's literature, Prishvin remained as the author of several collections of stories ("The Fox's Bread", "The Chipmunk Beast", "Grandfather's Valenok", "The Tales of the Huntsman Mikhail Mikhalych", etc.) Indian Vash Kuonnazin "Gray Owl" .

Instead of a story about the biography, you can read excerpts from the "Golden Rose" by K. G. Paustovsky (chapter "Mikhail Prishvin").

The second part of the lesson is devoted to reading aloud (by a teacher or a pre-prepared student) of the beginning of the fairy tale, the "Pantry of the Sun".

At home, sixth graders finish reading the work of M. Prishvin to the end.

The second lesson can be devoted to the initial acquaintance with the ideological and artistic features of the fairy tale - there were "Pantry of the Sun", the characters of its main characters - Nastya and Mitrashi.

The purpose of this lesson is to understand why the "Pantry of the Sun" is called a "fairy tale". This question is very difficult, so you should not seek exhaustive answers in the lesson. At this stage, students will only indicate what can be attributed here to a fairy tale, and what to have been. To this end, the following questions are proposed:

1. Where and when does the action take place in M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun"?

2. How does the beginning of a work resemble a fairy tale?

3. Remember artistic images, individual episodes that can be called fabulous. Think about the role they play in the piece.

4. What is reality in the "Pantry of the Sun"?

Highlighting the fabulous and realistic elements, let us draw the students' attention to the fact that the fabulous elements in Prishvin's work are no more, but no less fabulous than all the other images of the work. Therefore, everything here can be called a fairy tale and at the same time a reality. It is important to note here the peculiarities of the writer’s style: when talking about something magical, Prishvin will cautiously notice “it seems,” “as if,” “looks like,” and if it’s about real, the writer will definitely emphasize the magical properties of kindness and hard work.

Thus, when analyzing, it is important to focus the students' attention on the fact that in the work “Pantry of the Sun” “the story and the fairy tale never become different images, different components of the narrative - the essence of the Prisvinian manner is precisely that they are clearly perceptible and absolutely inseparable in each details of the text " .

The next stage of the lesson is working on the characteristics of Nastya and Mitrashi. Sample conversation questions:

2. Highlight comparisons and epithets that help to understand the author's attitude to Nastya and Mitrasha. What, in your opinion, are the character traits of these children that are especially dear to the author?

3. Remember how Nastya and Mitrasha lived after the death of their mother. What kind of relationship has developed between them? What, in your opinion, was especially surprising in their life?

The main content of the next lesson is comprehension of the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, its causes and consequences; spiritualization of nature, its participation in the fate of heroes.

To understand the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, some methodologists suggest organizing a discussion that helps to arouse interest in what you read, and also contributes to a conscious understanding of the work. The main questions of the lesson: who is right - Nastya or Mitrasha? Whose side is the storyteller on?

Another way is also possible - “following the author”. In this case, we propose a conversation with constant reference to the text. Sample questions and tasks:

1. Retell in your own words, and then read the scene of the argument between Nastya and Mitrashi. Notice how nature "behaves". Is it possible to determine which side the author is on?

2. What made Mitrasa follow the uncharted path? Why was he in trouble? How does the author feel about Mitras in this story? What helped Mitras to emerge victorious from all that happened? Confirm your assumptions with the details of the text.

3. How did Nastya behave when she was alone? Why did she forget about her brother? What does the author condemn in Nastya's behavior? Find an artistic image that helps to understand the author's attitude to Nastya.

4. Why does the writer insert into his narrative the story of a spruce and a pine growing together? Why is this story placed before the appearance of the children in the forest?

5. Read the description of nature after the episode of the children's quarrel (from the words "Then the gray gloom came tightly ..." to the words "howled, groaned ..."). Consider how the author helps you understand the meaning of what is happening. What is the author's attitude to this?

6. Why did the grass come to the aid of a person?

It is appropriate not only to remember specifically what impersonation is, but also to carry out work that will help expand and consolidate this concept. Pupils give examples from the "Pantry of the Sun", when inanimate objects are endowed with signs of living beings, plants and animals seem to acquire human properties: the black grouse welcomes the sun, the guard raven calls for a close fight, pine and spruce, old Christmas trees growing together interfere with Mitrash and others. It is important to make it clear to students that throughout the course of the narration one can feel the desire of a person to comprehend and animate nature, to make it understandable, close and dear to people.

At home, students should answer in writing one of the questions suggested for discussion in class.

In the next lesson, after checking your homework, you can begin to summarize what you have learned. The main goal of the lesson is to define the main idea of ​​the work. With a system of questions, the teacher will lead the sixth graders to the conclusion that the "truth" of life, its most important meaning lies in the unity of man and nature, in the related wise attitude of man to nature. Using the example of the main characters, the writer seeks to show the strength, beauty of man, his power and enormous possibilities. The title of the work is associated not only with peat deposits. The author has in mind the spiritual treasures of a person who lives in nature, is her friend.

Sample conversation questions

1. Why did the writer call his work a fairy tale? What meaning did he put into these words?

After answering this question, it will be appropriate to read the writer's dedication, placed in one of the first editions for children of the "Pantry of the Sun", which will help to better understand the meaning of the whole work:

“The content of an ordinary fairy tale is the struggle of a man-hero with some villain (Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent-Gorynych). And at the end of the struggle, there must certainly be a victory, and a fairy tale in this sense is an expression of universal human faith in the victory of the good principle over the evil one. With this faith I walked my long literary path, with this faith I hope to finish it and pass it on to you, my young friends and comrades. " .

2. What is the significance of the story of Weed in the work?

3. What is the meaning of the writer in the words "pantry of the sun"?

4. What is the significance of the dispute between Nastya and Mitrashi in writing? How is this story connected with the words: "This truth is the truth of the eternal harsh struggle of people for love"?

5. How do you see the narrator?

6. Read the epigraph to the chapter. How does he characterize the writer?

In conclusion, we can say that after the appearance of the "Pantry of the Sun", the Mosfilm film studio invited Prishvin to write a screenplay based on this work. The film was never created, but a film story entitled "The Gray Landowner" was published in 1957 in a collection of works by M. M. Prishvin.



Lesson type: combined


  • on the basis of what has been read to teach to highlight the character traits of the main characters,
  • analyze the actions of children, their behavior in nature;
  • develop thinking, speaking, replenish vocabulary.


Educational. Analyze the episodes of this work; to reveal the features of the genre, the characters of the heroes, the writer's intention is to show the unity of man and nature.

Developing. Improve expressive reading skills; develop speech, creativity of students.

Educational. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, respect for nature.



  1. Summary of a literature lesson on the topic "Analysis of the work of M. Prishvin" Pantry of the sun "for grade 6

Theme: The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrashi

Lesson type: combined


  1. on the basis of what has been read to teach to highlight the character traits of the main characters,
  2. analyze the actions of children, their behavior in nature;
  3. develop thinking, speaking, replenish vocabulary.


Educational: - to analyze the episodes of the given work; to reveal the features of the genre, the characters of the heroes, the writer's intention is to show the unity of man and nature.

Developing: - improve the skills of expressive reading; develop speech, creativity of students.

Educational: foster a benevolent attitude towards each other, respect for nature.

Equipment: portrait of M. Prishvin, projector, crosswords.

During the classes.

A person must be reasonable in his relationship with nature, understand it, love and protect.

M. Prishvin

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Let's smile at each other and let our day be filled with smiles and joys.

II. Motivation of educational activities, announcement of the topic, the purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will analyze the episodes of the story of MM Prishvin "The Pantry of the Sun". Write down the number and topic of the lesson "The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrashi." And to begin with, we recall the peculiarity of Prishvin's work, around which he built his work? (Nature and man, the relationship is traced)

III. Work on the content of the work.

  1. Literary duel.

Your goal is to quickly and correctly answer the questions I have asked.

1. In what year was the fairy tale written? (In 1945)
2. Who is Antipych? (Forester)
3. What was the name of the wolf in the work? (Gray landowner)
4. In a popular way, some superbly pleasant place in the forest. (Palestinian)
5. A swampy place in a swamp is like a hole in the ice. (Elan)
6. The name of the swamp near which the children lived. (Bludovo)
7. The names of the main characters. (Nastya, Mitrasha)
8. Who saved the boy in the swamp from death? (Dog Weed)
9. In whose name is the story of the "Pantry of the Sun" being told? (Marsh Treasure Scouts)
10. The author of the work. (Mikhail Prishvin)

2. Frontal conversation with elements of selective reading of the text and retelling.

1) How do you see the main characters of the fairy tale? Let's try to make a cluster about the inner traits of Mitrashi and Nastya.

3) Why does he call them “Golden Hen” and “little man-in-a-bag”?

(Affectionate nickname “golden chicken” gives the description of Nastya a fabulous charm. The effect is enhanced by the diminutive suffixes in the words: “chicken,” “legs,” “coins,” “nose,” “clean,” “freckles.” Mitrasha is described differently. The main thing in his description is masculine and strong-willed qualities.

(The children had no time to play and have fun. They took care of the big household, “about all living things.”

(The author compares the children with the actions of their parents. Nastya, “like the deceased mother,” “got up far from the sun,” “drove out her beloved herd,” stoked the stove, cooked dinner, “was busy with the housework until the night,” Mitrasha “learned from her father "To make wooden dishes," on him lies the whole male household and public affairs. He visits all meetings, tries to understand public concerns. ")

Let's read a short dialogue at the beginning of the story. (P. 121 from the words “Very good….” To the words “… or plant potatoes.”)

6) How does this dialogue help to understand the characters of the brother and sister?

(Children imitate the behavior of their parents. Mitrasha recalls “how his father instructed his mother” and tries to teach Nastya. Nastya behaves like a deceased mother: she does not argue with Mitrasha, smiles, he “begins to get angry and swagger.” Nastya teases at first, then affectionately pats his brother on the back of the head. A small squabble ends with reconciliation and friendly work.)

Let's read the roles of the dialogue in the episode "Nastya and Mitrasha Gathering for Cranberries". (p. 123 “Nastya, starting to gather,… where sweet cranberries grow”).

7) What role does this dialogue play in the further narrative?

(Nastya listened inattentively to her brother when he talked about the “Palestinian woman” in the forest. She has her own female household chores, she makes sure that they are fed on the way. Mitrasha has already decided that he will go to look for a Palestinian woman. He is a man, a researcher, looking for new ways. This is how the conflict of the narrative is outlined.)

8) What event is the plot of the story?

(A dispute, and then a quarrel between the guys, which almost led to a tragedy. Reasonable Nastya tried to convince her brother to go along a wide, dense path, but Mitrasha was stubborn and set off “on his own, along his own path.” At this point, Nastya got angry, and so it turned out that the guys went their separate ways.)

10) What role does nature play in the development of events?

Teacher comment:

The fornication swamp seems to be an alarming, dangerous, scary place. The very nature here frightens not only man, but also the beast. Let's pay attention to how the fox's anxiety and fear are shown: diminutive suffixes in its description make it small and defenseless.

Here, a dog and a wolf are opposed - a friend and an enemy of man: "a feral dog ... howled from longing for a man, and a wolf howled from unreserved anger towards him." This is where Nastya and Mitrasha, cranberry hunters, came to this bad place.

Nature portends unkindness. Another signal of the approaching discord between brother and sister is a cloud that “like a cold blue arrow ... crossed the rising sun in half”.

Alarms are added by the wind, because of which “the pine groaned” and the “spruce growled”.

11) What is the meaning of the parable of the fate of the pine and the spruce?

(Two trees doomed to live together are described as living beings. Large trees should have grown independently, separately from each other. They grew together, but they are disconnected, do not help each other, wanting to assert themselves at the expense of the other. that people should help each other, support each other.

CONCLUSION: So, we examined the relationship of the heroes, the author's attitude to the children, dialogues that help to reveal the characters of the heroes, the composition of the work, the role of nature in the development of events.

III. Students retell episodes at will, complementing each other.

Episode 1 - “Mitrasha in Trouble”.

How does nature warn a boy about danger?

(“The ground underfoot has become like a hammock suspended under a muddy abyss” - the alarm is already in this. The old Christmas trees scare Mitrasha, block his path.)

(The author likes the courage of Mitrashi when he walks through the terrible forest, his ingenuity, when he guesses how to cut the road. The author worries, worries about the boy, sympathizes with him as if he wants to warn him against danger. ...

Episode 2 - “Nastya's Adventures in the Woods”.

Why did Nastya forget about her brother? How does the author feel about Nastya?

(Nastya came across a Palestinian woman sprinkled with red cranberries, and forgot about everything. The author asks: “Where does a person with his power get greed even for the sour cranberry?” He does not seem to condemn Nastya, but is only surprised. towards children is also expressed through the attitude of animals towards them.)

How do animals react to the appearance of children in the forest?

(Teterev Kosach does not notice them, “before that they were quiet”.)

IV. Group work. Staging of the episode "Quarrel of Nastya and Mitrashi"

(Narrator, Nastya, Mitrasha, crow).

Questions to the class:

1.How could it happen that such friendly guys did not just quarrel, but also left each other? After all, they knew that a ruthless Gray landowner was wandering in the forest, that there was a disastrous place in the swamp?

Questions to the class:

1. Why did Grass not immediately respond to Mitrashi's call? p.65

2. What, besides sharpness, courage, patience, helped Mitras to escape?

4. Why did the almost wild Grass obey the man and come to his aid?

5. What truth did Antipych whisper to both dogs and people?

IV. Output.

So what is the sun's pantry? (This is not only a fornication swamp with its own reserves of combustible peat, it is all nature and man is a "wise master".)

Connecting the life of people and nature, Prishvin expresses his main idea: Man should be reasonable in his relationship with nature, understand it, love and protect.(This is an epigraph to the lesson, we write it down in a notebook).

Now let's get back to the cluster. Are there any changes? Are there any differences in their character? And the similarities?

Now we are divided into 2 teams: to my left is the team "Mitrashi", and to the right is "Nastenka"

So, pay attention to the screen.

V. Homework:

1. Think why the "Pantry of the Sun" is called a fairy tale-reality?
2. Fairy tale and reality in the work of Prishvin(examining the text, to identify the elements of the tale and were)

3. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Peculiarities of students' perception of M. Prishvin's story "The Pantry of the Sun"

Observing the peculiarities of the perception of the story by students, we can conclude that when reading independently, students are aware of the plot of the story, perceive individual descriptions of nature. The most important point - the reason for the quarrel of children - does not lead them to think; the students confine themselves to reproducing the dispute about which road Nastya and Mitrasha should take to Blind Yelan. Without the help of a teacher, it is difficult for schoolchildren to reveal the author's attitude to nature and people, they do not have a desire to reveal the meaning of the title of the fairy tale-were.

But one should not rush to conclusions about the nature of the direct perception of the tale by the students - there was Prishvina, because the absence of a verbal report may indicate the absence of conscious perception or experience of aesthetic perception, and not about the limited perception of a particular literary work, especially such a complex philosophical work as is the "Pantry of the sun" MM Prishvina.

In connection with the above, there is an assumption that an additional means of revealing the perception of the moral and aesthetic potential of the "Pantry of the Sun" can be drawings of schoolchildren, the creation of which they will begin to study the text in the classroom. In the practice of language teachers, drawings on the text of works of art are created by students in the process of analysis in the lesson or after this work. This small experiment has a limited goal: to identify layers of student perception that are not recorded in the verbal report on what has been read. The results were interesting.

Let's try to analyze the figurative perception of the text of the "Pantry of the Sun" by sixth graders on the basis of their paintings. The methodology for testing the experimental technique of studying artistic perception was as follows. Students of the VI "B" class of the Don Real Gymnasium in Rostov-on-Don, who read Prishvin's fairy tale, were given the task to create drawings, choosing for this any topic, episode, description. We will arrange the received children's drawings in accordance with the sequence of events of the "Pantry of the Sun" and similar stages of the subsequent textual work, which should help to make adjustments to the now traditional method of analyzing Prishvin's story. The drawings created by the students are different in execution and in the degree of independence, however, they convince in a sufficiently differentiated and deep perception of the text. The choice of themes for pictures is also interesting.

The portrait of Nastya was presented by the girls of the class. The students embodied in him what Prishvin revealed in the image of the "golden chicken". The overall joyful impression of the girl's portrait is enhanced by the combination of bright colors and golden hair. Nastya is as if illuminated by the rays of the sun. The drawings of the other two students reveal the students' great attention to the working life of Nastya and Mitrashi, to their simple economy, which suggests the need to pay due attention to this issue in the lessons of working on the text. Pupils depict a village courtyard, a house, buildings, Mitrasha driving out cattle, Nastya grazing a goat against the background of a green meadow.

The schoolchildren caught not only the writer's special interest in the importance of solar energy in the creation of peat riches, but also a special "sunshine" in the depiction of children, that unique flavor of Prishvin's fairy tale, which was not felt in their statements in conversations with the teacher, preceding the study of the "Pantry of the Sun" ".

In the drawing of one of the best students in the class, we see intergrown trees and two different roads along which the heroes of the story will go: clearly visible, where Nastya is pointing, and almost invisible, overgrown with grass, where Mitrashi's hand is turned. The drawing does not feel independence, but the attention to the character of Mitrashi, to his stubbornness and perseverance, pleases.

Three drawings are associated with the history of the forester Antipych and the dog Travka. Two drawings reveal the sixth graders' perception of the final events of the story.

Children's drawings reveal new aspects of the perception of a work of art. In combination with the data of preliminary oral conversations, these pictorial experiments convince that the students consciously reacted to the images, theme, idea of ​​the work. The schoolchildren turned out to be receptive to the ideological concept and artistic manner of the author, to his vision of man and nature. It should be noted that this small experiment does not contradict the very nature of Prishvin's artistic talent. The writer said that he often had two desires: to photograph what he saw and write about it. A striking example is the photograph of the writer "Spruce and Pine in the Fornication Swamp", she inspired him with one of the significant images of the "Pantry of the Sun". Working with art photographs occupied a special place in Prishvin's creative life, as evidenced by his numerous expressive photographs, which are presented in the writer's collected works.

The experiment carried out helps to make adjustments to the work with students at all stages of the study of the fairy tale - there were "Pantry of the Sun". First of all, it is necessary to increase attention to the development of figurative perception and aesthetic sense of students, to increase the emotional orientation of the lessons. More attention will be required to work with those chapters, which reveal the role of labor in the life of children, the originality of their characters and life positions; to implement these tasks, creative questions and tasks should be thought out, increased attention to the speech activity of students and the moral potential of the lessons. It should not be forgotten that interest in various aspects of the work, which cannot be overlooked in the drawings of students, was revealed in the conditions of artistic and aesthetic activity, and not contemplation.

In addition to the four lessons of the program, many had an extracurricular reading lesson, which preceded the main lessons. This contributed to the introduction of students to the world of Prishvin's works of art, its unique images, helped to understand the writer's active love for man and nature, to realize the imagery and significance of the word in a literary work.

The same purpose is served by a short introductory speech by the teacher to the study of the fairy tale-were, in which the main themes of his works should be touched upon.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954) was an agronomist, ethnographer, hunter, traveler, and writer.

Prishvin's passion for travel is associated with the desire to discover the unknown, "unprecedented". Already the titles of the writer's early works: "In the Land of Unafraid Birds" ("Behind the Magic Kolobok" (1907) - show his desire to comprehend the life of man and nature, to combine dream and reality. After 1922, MM Prishvin lives in the Moscow region (Zagorsk, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Zvenigorod.) During the Great Patriotic War, Prishvin lived in the village of Usolye not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Nastya and Mitrasha are the main characters of the story written by M.M. Prishvin in 1945 .; he gives it a name and defines the genre: fairy tale-reality. In it, the writer sums up his thoughts about the roads that man chooses, about the life of nature. We will try to bring the students closer to the images of nature captured by the writer in his photographs; for this purpose, we will use the Collected Works of M.M. Prishvin 1957 In addition, in the lesson we use footage from a film strip about Prishvin.

Let's take a close look at what attracted the writer, and we will see harmony in his attitude to nature and man, the desire to see in the life of nature that which is akin to the world of man. Bizarrely shaped snow-covered trees are associated with the idea of ​​a night watchman or a mother's kiss. He takes pictures of a forest lake and names the photograph "Forest mirror".

After the teacher's introductory words, we begin work on the text, analyze episodes and descriptions, ponder the reasons for the heroes' actions, build observations on the literary word of the writer. Various options are possible: reading the story in full or with small cuts (subsequent analysis) or reading in parts with accompanying parsing of the text. As homework assignments, the following are possible: retell any of the ten chapters of the tale, preserving the author's style, write a presentation on separate fragments of the text ("Working life of children", "Quarrel of Nastya and Mitrashi", "History of the dog Grass" "Wolf Gray Landowner" "Two roads to Bludovo swamp"), prepare an expressive reading of one of the descriptions of nature.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the initial perception of the "Pantry of the Sun" by sixth graders, we will focus on the questions and assignments that are offered for homework, for analytical discussion, for generalizations at the end of each of the four lessons.

  • 1. Reproduce the description of the appearance of Nastya and Mitrashi, determine the author's attitude towards children.
  • 2. Tell about the life of the children, about the role of labor in their destiny.
  • 3. Prepare a retelling of the events in the Fornication Swamp on behalf of Nastya and Mitrashi (optional).
  • 4 Why did the children quarrel? What features of the characters of the young heroes were the reason for their quarrel?
  • 5. Why did Mitrasha get into trouble? What mistake did Nastya make?

b. Tell the story of the dog Weed. How did Grass divide all people in her mind?

  • 7. What is the significance of the pictures of nature in the "Pantry of the Sun"? What is the meaning of the image of the sun in the fairy tale-were? For what purpose does the author use impersonations?
  • 8. Explain the meaning of the title of the work and the subtitle "fairy tale".

Such questions and tasks orient the class towards understanding the integrity of the work and its main components. In the first lessons, the analysis is based mainly on the reproducing activity of students (1 - 3rd tasks). Next, you should develop imaginative thinking, attention to the moral problems of the work, bring up a sense of the word (questions and tasks 4-6). The last (8th) question is designed to generalize observation of the peculiarities of the author's intention and genre of the work.

With the students, the analysis of the work begins with the description and characteristics of the main characters, since the author himself begins with this. During the lesson, it is especially important to determine the direction of analysis, the angle of view that will formulate the assessment of the work, gives integrity to both the perception and analysis of the literary text. Students reproduce the opening lines of the story. We decide that it is no coincidence that the whole story is being told on behalf of geologists and hunters. At the end of the "Pantry of the Sun" it is said: "We are scouts of swamp riches." But not only peat riches are in question, not only peat gives the sun its warmth. Prishvin writes about the wealth of human souls, about "wonderful equality" in friendship, about the struggle between good and evil in the human world, in the human soul, in the natural world.

In describing Nastya's appearance, the repetition of the word "golden" is striking. It was this feature of her that was conveyed in children's drawings. Nastya is 12 years old, freckles are scattered all over her face, like gold coins, her hair "shone with gold", she herself was "like a golden chicken." Next, the students tell the story. that in the description of Mitrashi, who was two years younger than his sister, the author emphasizes strength and stubbornness, hence his nickname: "A little man in a bag" (this is how his teachers at school, smiling, called him). He, too, was "covered in golden freckles." We seem to immediately feel the reflection of the sun's rays on the faces of the children. The theme of the sun, human warmth literally from the first pages of the "Pantry of the Sun". The sixth-graders undoubtedly caught this motive in their independent reading, although they were not able to say about it in the preliminary conversation. But in the drawings this was reflected in the choice of a bright yellow color and in the image of the sun.

Further, we draw the attention of students to the fact that in every word the author's love for children is visible, and not only the author's. Both the storytellers and the neighbors loved the children orphaned during the war, tried to help them. Prishvin emphasizes the importance of friendship in the lives of Nastya and Mitrashi: "There was not a single house where they lived and worked as well as our favorites lived." In their friendship there was "wonderful equality", "their friendship overcame everything." Acquaintance with the fate of brother and sister, their common friendly work around the house and the household should become for students a lesson in morality, a lesson in labor education. It is advisable to devote a significant part of the first lesson to this issue.

Next, we talk about the life of Nastya and Mitrashi. Children note that they did not immediately learn everything, that they left behind a peasant farm and took great care of it after their parents. "But did our children cope with such a disaster during the difficult years of the Patriotic War!" - the author exclaims. “If it was possible,” we read further, “they joined in social work. Their noses could be seen on collective farm fields, in meadows, in a stockyard, at meetings, in anti-tank ditches: their noses are so perky. " So, the guys learned everything, especially since in many ways they imitated their father and mother. We note that the guys took part in all common work and affairs. Respect for family traditions, the desire to do good not only for oneself, but also for others (Mitrasha made wooden dishes for neighbors) - everything is naturally connected with one another and reveals the spiritual wealth of a brother and sister. It is no coincidence that out of 11 drawings created by students of the 820th Moscow school, 2 are devoted to the working life of a brother and sister.

The first two tasks will require from the children a thoughtful detailed consideration of the first chapter of the "Pantry of the Sun". Further, there is no need for such a detailed analysis, since the students "entered" the artistic world of the work, assimilated the original positions of the author. The next group of questions and tasks covers the main events and descriptions of the story. We start with an assignment that helps the development of observation, the creation of positive motivation in relation to the analysis of the text itself, the awakening of the creative principles of the personality. Prepare a retelling of the events in the Fornication Swamp on behalf of Nastya and on behalf of Mitrashi (optional). " Differentiated tasks, in addition, increase interest in work in the classroom, introduce an element of comparative analysis and bring closer to the solution of a number of difficult issues related to the awareness of the author's position and characters of the characters.

Retellings of students, as a rule, are distinguished by a pronounced personal attitude, analytical character. The teacher helps to comment on the most significant points. It is especially important to link the events and characters of the "Pantry of the Sun" in the course of adjusting the retellings. Let us recall that M.A. Rybnikova considered "the unity of the event line with the type line" to be one of the foundations of the school analysis of a literary work. In general, the retelling of events from various points of view helps the sixth graders to understand the deep intention of the writer behind the external simplicity of the plot. The main thing is that reflections on the actions of the heroes become a kind of moral lessons for students, help them think about the reasons for their own actions, foster a sense of responsibility for friendship, work, teach them to understand the reasons for disputes and disagreements between people and distinguish the true from the false, superficial.

We turn to the quarrel of children at the Lying Stone, as in a mirror, reflected in the state of nature. A cloud appeared in the sky, "like a cold blue arrow, and crossed the rising sun in half." Then "the second cool blue arrow crossed the sun." And finally, when the brother and sister went their separate ways, the raven nevertheless hit the mow, and "the gray gloom came close and covered the whole sun with its life-giving rays." In this part of the conversation with the students, we expand the understanding of impersonation and its role in a work of fiction.

We return again to pondering the deep reasons for the quarrel of children, which will teach schoolchildren to thoughtful reading and analysis, as well as to understand the moral potential of the "Pantry of the Sun". So, what features of the character of the young heroes were the reason for their quarrels? Thinking about the answer together leads the students to understand the difference in life attitudes of siblings. Mitrasha seeks to discover the new, the unknown. He wants to go where "no one else has been." Nastya is mastering human experience and wants to go where “where all people go”. The children did not know that "the big path and the small one, skirting the Blind Elan, both converged on the Sukhaya River and there, beyond the Sukhaya River, no longer diverging, they eventually led out onto the Big Pereslavskaya Road."

Mitrasha chooses a straight path, "his own path." Let us tell the class that the theme of one's own path, "the way", is one of the central themes of the work of M.M. Prishvin. One of the heroes of "The Ship's Bowl" says that "every person on the path to the truth has his own path." Each person, according to the writer, should come with something of his own, conquered by himself, on the common long road of life. " Nastya and Mitrasha did not know that both roads converge in one place. They did not know another thing either: that Nastya's faith in human experience should have been combined with Mitrashi's dream of the unknown.

This conclusion leads the students to prepare an answer to the 5th question: “Why did Mitrasha get into trouble? What mistake did Nastya make? "

The schoolchildren conclude that Mitrasha would not have gotten into trouble if he had not left the "human path" would not have forgotten the advice of the old forester Antipych: "If you did not know the ford, do not go into the water." Mitrasha walked along the path along which "the same person walked as he did, which means that he himself, Mitrasha, could boldly walk along it." But Mitrasha decided to cut the road, "left the beaten human path and climbed straight into the Blind Elan". But Nastya also warned him about the danger, and “the white-grass grass showed the direction of the elani bypass”. As soon as Mitrasha, as it were, neglected the experience of people and went straight ahead, leaving aside the whitebeard grass - "the constant companion of the human path", he immediately found himself in danger. At first he did not feel her, that is why Elan was called the Blind, "because it was impossible to recognize her by her appearance." And when the boy sensed danger and stopped, in an instant he plunged knee-deep. I tried to jerk - again, and again, and again. And he plunged to the very chest, so that he could only hold on to the gun laid flat on the swamp. And it was here that "the magpies, smart for every filthy thing, realized about the complete powerlessness of the little man immersed in the swamp."

The episode where the elk and Nastya meet turned out to be interesting for the students. It is especially striking that the elk does not take Nastya for a person: "She has the habits of ordinary animals." And only the meeting with the hissing snake brought Nastya to her senses: "Nastya imagined that she herself remained there, on the stump, and now she has emerged from the snake's skin and stands, not knowing where she is." It is advisable in this part of the conversation to turn to the concluding part of the story. Only when Nastya gave all the healing berries to the evacuated Leningrad children did they understand how she suffered because of her greed.

After studying the "Pantry of the Sun" M.M. Prishvin, the teacher can offer the class various tasks: home essays of various types, the creation of pictorial drawings with the subsequent design of the exhibition in the literature office, a reading competition, an excursion to nature, etc.

At all stages of the study of the work (introductory and orientation lessons, analysis lessons, generalization of the material in the final lessons), attention to the author's intention, to his concept of time and man, to the embodiment of this concept in the system of images, in the structure works. The world of the writer's ideas, his aesthetic principles are not immediately revealed to the student-reader, however, the lack of purposeful joint activity of the teacher and students in this direction gives rise to an inferior, fragmentary perception, when students do not combine the meaning of individual scenes and episodes into a single picture, do not feel the meaningful function of composition and genre, they think the means of poetic expressiveness out of connection with the very essence of the work.

Konstantin Paustovsky called Prishvin "the forbs of the Russian language." Tenderness and love for nature is felt in every line of the writer. In the story "Pantry of the Sun" Prishvin describes the nature of the eastern part of the Oryol region, simple and a little harsh. Against this background, all the beautiful qualities of the earth stand out more clearly, it seems that nature itself is spiritualized, that it participates in the fate of the main characters, Nastya and Mitrashi.

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From the very first line of the story, we get to know children, whose life is completely and completely connected with nature, land, forest. Orphans Nastya and Mitrasha run an uncomplicated household, cope with everything themselves. The land and the forest feed them, and children do not miss the opportunity to use their gifts, the "pantry of the sun". When Nastya and Mitrasha go for cranberries, we follow the guys to get acquainted with the incredible world of the Russian forest and its heroes. We gradually forget that Prishvin's characters are not people, but animals, birds, trees and herbs, river and wind, so they are spiritualized in the story. Each has its own character and habits: magpies argue with crows, the river brutally cracks down on trees, regaining a place for itself, the wind sings and carries seeds. Rocks, birds and wolves even have their own names, and each has a different role to play in the story. Some characters are kind to people, some look indifferently at little people walking through the forest on their own business, but some can destroy, and only friendship, ingenuity and mutual assistance allow Nastya and Mitrasha to avoid dangers. One involuntarily recalls the words of the writer himself: "Even if the wild swamps alone witnessed your victory, then they will flourish with extraordinary beauty - and spring will remain in you forever." Prishvin shows Russian nature as a mother-breadwinner, storyteller and teacher. The guys learn their lessons and understand that the "pantry of the sun" is open only to those who have diligence and courage go hand in hand with caution and prudence. There is something amazing in the look of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin on the earth, nature and people. He sees the world as if for the first time, as in childhood. And from this the forest begins to talk with a person, if he is able to hear him. And I am very glad that we can again and again plunge into this world and communicate with its heroes.

Updated: 2012-03-11

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

"To protect nature means to protect the homeland."

M. Prishvin

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on January 23, 1873, p. Khrushchevo, Eletsk district, Oryol province.

Russian writer, author of works about nature, who showed in them a special artistic philosophy of nature, hunting stories, works for children. His diaries, which he kept throughout his life, are of particular value.

Born into a merchant family. After graduating from a rural school, he entered the Yeletsk classical gymnasium, from where he was expelled (1888) for insolence to the teacher V.V. Rozanov. Moved to Tyumen to live with his uncle, he graduated from six classes of the Tyumen real school. In 1893 Prishvin entered the Riga Polytechnic.

So, the very first book by M. Prishvin "In the Land of Unafraid Birds" made him a famous writer. A new name appeared in Russian literature - Prishvin. But the road to himself was not so close for Mikhail Mikhailovich, he did not immediately find his face, which we immediately imagine when pronouncing the name - Prishvin.

He wrote many books, tried different genres such as: story, essay, poem, novel, diary. But most of them were written in nature, you can even see this by the titles of the works:

    Lisichkin bread


    Golden meadow

    Forest floors

    Talking rook



    Guys and ducklings

    Blue bast shoe



    Sip of milk

    How Romka crossed the stream

    Our garden

    Island of salvation

    Forest master

    Pantry of the sun

From childhood, we are taught that nature must be loved and protected, and we must try to preserve its values, which are so necessary for man. And among the many great Russian writers who touched on the theme of nature in their works, one still stands out against the general background. We are talking about Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, who was called the "old forest man" of Russian literature. Love for this writer arises even in elementary school, and many carry it throughout their lives.

Man and nature in the work of Mikhail Prishvin

As soon as you start reading the works of Mikhail Prishvin, you immediately begin to understand their features. They do not have any political overtones that his contemporaries loved so much, there are no bright statements and appeals to society. All works are distinguished by the fact that their main value is man and the world around him: nature, everyday life, animals. And the writer tries to convey these artistic values ​​to his reader so that he understands how important unity with nature is.

One day Prishvin said:"... I write about nature, but I myself only think about people" ... This phrase can be safely called system-forming in his stories, because in them we see an open and thinking person, with a pure heart talking about true values.

Despite the fact that Prishvin survived several wars and revolution, he never ceased to praise a person for his desire to know life from all sides. Of course, love for nature stands apart, because in his works not only people speak, but also trees and animals. All of them help a person, and such help is mutual, which emphasizes unity.

Another great writer, Maxim Gorky, spoke very precisely about Mikhail Mikhailovich. He said that none of the Russian writers had met such a strong love for nature. Indeed, Prishvin not only loved nature, he tried to learn everything about it, and then convey this knowledge to his reader.

Reflections on the purity of the human soul

Mikhail Prishvin sincerely believed in people, trying to see only good and positive in them. The writer believed that over the years a person becomes wiser, he compared people to trees:"... the way people are, they have endured everything in the world, and they themselves are getting better until the day they die." And who else but Prishvin, who survived the hard blows of fate, should know about this.

The writer placed mutual assistance at the basis of human relations, because a person had to always find support in his friends and relatives. He said: "The highest morality is the sacrifice of one's personality in favor of the collective." Nevertheless, Prishvin's love for man could only be matched by his love for nature. Many works are written in such a way that each phrase hides a deep meaning, an argument about the subtle relationship between man and nature.

M. Prishvin is the greatest writer who linked nature and man together. No wonder he says:"Everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from man."

Analysis of the work "Pantry of the Sun"

genre : Pantry of the sun "-fairy tale-reality. Since quite real children go on a very real journey - for cranberries. But they have to deal with the animate forces of nature - both supportive and hostile (wolf Gray landowner).

Characteristics of the main characters:
In the work "Pantry of the Sun", the main characters are a brother and sister named Mitrasha and Nastya, who have lost their parents, as stated in the work.

At the very beginning of the work, the main characters are described. External image of Nastya :
“Nastya was like the Golden Hen with high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, gleamed with gold, freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and frequent, and they were cramped, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up. "

Description of the image of Mitrashi: " Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only ten years old. He was short, but very dense, forehead, wide nape. It was a stubborn and strong boy. "A little man in a bag", - the teachers at school called him among themselves, smiling. "The little man in the bag", like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, clean, too, like his sister's, looked up. "

Mitrasha and Nastya were smart children: “ But very soon the clever and friendly guys learned everything themselves and began to live well. And what smart kids they were! "

It can also be noted that Mitrasha and Nastya are very hardworking:
“If it was possible, they joined in community work. Their noses could be seen on collective farm fields, in meadows, in a stockyard, at meetings, in anti-tank ditches: their noses are so perky. "

In particular, about Nastya, this can be noted in the following lines: “ In the same way as the deceased mother, Nastya got up far from the sun, in the hour before dawn, through the shepherd's chimney. With twigs in hand, she drove out her beloved herd and rolled back into the hut. Without going to bed anymore, she kindled the stove, peeled potatoes, refueled dinner, and so fiddled around the house until nightfall. "

And in particular about Mitras: “ Mitrasha learned from his father how to make wooden dishes: barrels, gangs, tubs. He has a jointer that is more than twice his height. And with this fret he adjusts the planks one to one, folds and holds them with iron or wooden hoops. "

Despite everything, Nastya loves her brother: “ Nastya, noticing that her brother was beginning to get angry, suddenly smiled and stroked the back of his head. Mitrasha immediately calmed down, and the friends followed the path indicated by the arrow, now not next to each other, as before, but one after another, in single file.

And Mitrasha was a brave fellow at all: “ But not everyone could believe that a boy in the eleventh year of life could kill an old cunning wolf. However, several of them, who believed, went to the indicated place with a rope and large sledges and soon brought the dead Gray landowner. "
But of course, brother and sister are not ideal, correct and obedient children at all. They argue over who is more important.
« It happens, and now Mitrasha will remember how his father instructed his mother, and will decide, imitating his father, to teach his sister Nastya as well. But little sister obeys, stands and smiles ... Then "The Little Man in a Bag" begins to get angry and swagger and always says with his nose up: - Here's another! - Why are you swaggering? - objects the sister. - Here's another! - the brother is angry. - You, Nastya, are swaggering yourself. - No, it's you! - Here's another!"

Mitrasha likes to prove her case: « After checking the direction of the paths with the compass, Mitrasha, pointing out the weak path, said:
- We need to follow this one to the north.
- This is not a trail! - answered Nastya.
- Here's another! - Mitrasha got angry. - People walked - it means a path. We need to go north. Come on and don't talk anymore. "
Because of which, later he almost drowned in a swamp.

Nastya was a greedy girl : Carried away with collecting an unprecedented crop of cranberries, I almost forgot about my brother. "At first, Nastya plucked each berry from the whip separately, for each red berry she bent down to the ground. But soon she stopped bending over because of one berry; she wanted more. "
"And just to remember about my brother, it was necessary, when suddenly Nastenka saw such that not every cranberry gets to see at least once in her life ..."

But the experiences they have experienced make children smarter and kinder. « But when from the orphanage of evacuated Leningrad children they turned to the village for all possible help to sick children, Nastya gave them all her healing berry. It was then that we, having entered into the confidence of the girl, learned from her how she suffered inwardly for her greed. "

The attitude of the author to the heroes : The author treats his brother and sister kindly, since throughout the entire work he speaks of them only with kind words. Affectionately calls the boy Mitrash or a little peasant in a bag "," a hunter with a double visor ", or Nastya also affectionately calls" chicken ".

Speech characteristics of heroes: the speech of the two heroes is colloquial, since children use the words "Palestinian", "okay", etc.
In addition, it can be noted that Mitrasha always uses exclamation sentences, which shows his courage and masculinity, for example, “
Let him try! "

You can also say that the author uses the sounds of various animals in the work: “Tek-tek! - a huge bird capercaillie in a dark forest. - Schwark-schwark! - a wild drake flew in the air over the river. - Quack quack! - mallard duck on the lake. - Gu-gu-gu ... - a beautiful bird bullfinch on a birch "

Features of the plot and composition: Prishvin is very attentive to children. With gentle humor and great love, he describes two independent peasant children who know how to cope with a large farm. Prishvin, in the images of brother and sister, affirms peasant solidity, love of work, practical acumen and the ability to cope with difficulties.
The name "Pantry of the Sun" is an ambiguous image. The “pantry of the sun” is not only peat that can be used as a source of energy. This is all the reserved northern nature, this is the kind heart of the people. Prishvin is a great connoisseur and lover of nature. He poetically describes the awakening of spring nature, the voices of birds and animals, merging into a single magical chorus of the Russian forest.

Educational value: In his fairy tale, Prishvin brings up in children an aesthetic sense of admiration for nature, tk. in his work there is a lot of descriptions of nature. A child, reading the "Pantry of the Sun", also develops kindness in himself, because, comparing himself with the heroes of this work, he understands that everything that is not done should be in the name of kindness, not only for himself, but also for others. Also, this fairy tale teaches a child not to be greedy, tk. the quality of "greed" is very vividly condemned in this work.In addition, the "Pantry of the Sun" brings up in children that it is simply necessary to listen to the opinions of others, otherwise you can break a lot of firewood. In addition, you can determinethat this work teaches the child to be brave and hardworking.