Alexander Kolker beat Maria Pakhomenko. Maria Pakhomenko

Alexander Kolker beat Maria Pakhomenko.  Maria Pakhomenko
Alexander Kolker beat Maria Pakhomenko. Maria Pakhomenko

Maria Pakhomenko always sang. Even her school diary read: "Sings in the classroom." School girlfriends, led by Masha, organized a vocal quartet. “We’ll do our homework, we’ll go in one after another, get together, stand in the gateway and sing to tears, we liked it,” she recalled. - Passers-by were delighted: Oh, girls, who taught you to sing like that? Sing it again! " A chance helped to get on the stage. The House of Culture of the Promkooperatsii in Leningrad was recruiting for a youth ensemble. At the audition of talented girls, the famous musician Anatoly Badkhen noticed. The entire quartet was accepted. And soon the girls had a unique chance to start a professional career.

The famous Oleg Lundstrem came to Leningrad with a tour. He heard a girl quartet singing at a rehearsal at the House of Culture. “Lunstrom said:“ Girls, do you want to work in our orchestra? If you say yes, you will already be enrolled. "Can you imagine our feeling? We almost flew into the sky. Everyone flew home on wings, and we lived side by side, on the same street. I came and tell my mother and father that this is such a the story that here is Lunstrem himself ... Father says: "Throw it all out of your head, otherwise I will show you such a Lunstrem that you will remember for a long time." And this dream was over, "said Maria Leonidovna.

After graduating from school, Maria Pakhomenko wanted to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages. Passed all the exams, scored a passing grade. But she was not accepted, explaining that she received fives in the wrong subjects. The girl submitted documents to the first institute she came across - Radio Engineering. And the pop ensemble became the only joy for her. But fate apparently knew what she was doing. There Maria met Alexander Kolker, at that time, in the mid-50s, an aspiring composer. No one then imagined that in just a few years he would become the author of real hits.

They say that, caring for Maria Pakhomenko, he did not leave anyone else the slightest chance ... After the birth of his daughter, the rehearsals in the ensemble had to be suspended. The quartet fell apart. Pakhomenko first appeared on stage alone in 1963. At first, Maria did not want to perform solo numbers. And then Alexander Kolker insisted, convinced that, having such vocal and external data, one should not be afraid. In addition, the song "Shakes, Shakes", written by him for the play "I'm Going Into a Thunderstorm" is a 100% hit. And so it happened ... Within a few months the song was heard from everywhere. The audience adored the singer, Maria was grateful to them. “I brought a whole trunk of flowers. Then at night I poured water into the bathroom, untied bouquets, heated. And in the morning I arranged them in vases. This was my favorite ritual, ”she recalled in the TV show“ Idols ”.

In 1968, more than two and a half million of her records were sold, she was awarded the "Jade Record" - a prestigious international prize awarded in Cannes. And in 1971 she represented the USSR in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition. It is noteworthy that Maria Pakhomenko herself did not want to go to the festival. She was afraid that her loss at home would not be forgiven: our "Golden Orpheus" had never received it. In addition, she did not want to go without her husband - Alexander Kolker, as often happened at that time, was not allowed out of the country with her. But in Lenkontsert Maria was told: “If you don’t want to go, call the Minister of Culture Furtseva and explain yourself.” She found it easier to agree ...

Right before going on stage, the singer wanted to comb her hair. And I couldn't - my hands were shaking with excitement. Then she just let her long, luxurious hair down. This made an additional impression on the jury ... When she found out about the victory, joyful Masha called Moscow, the ministry: “Hurray! "Grand Prix" is ours! " - she exclaimed. But the important clerk turned out to be not the most enlightened: “Why are you shouting ?! Grand Prix, Grand Prix! And where is the first prize ?! " By the way, Maria Pakhomenko spent the money part of the prize on a festive banquet for friends. And the gilded statuette of the Golden Orpheus almost remained in Moscow. Ekaterina Furtseva, wanted to put her in her office. But then Pakhomenko showed character and refused to give a well-deserved award.

In the early 70s, the singer could act in films. And in what - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"! In the midst of the tour, the bell rang, and Tatiana Lioznova said: “I invite you to star in this film. Trust me, it will be a very good film, you will have to play Stirlitz's wife there. And Stirlitz will be played by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. " But the words "serial film" stopped the singer, she apologized and refused. If Lioznova had not forgotten to say "episode", everything could have turned out differently.

It is known that the best songs for Maria Pakhomenko were written by her husband, the famous composer Alexander Kolker. Moreover, Alexander Naumovich himself admitted in an interview that for him to be Pakhomenko's husband is much more honorable than the author of well-known melodies. In 1976, Maria Leonidovna was awarded the title of Honored, in 1999 - national. But the most important thing is that millions of fans love her sincerely.

my beloved and mysterious singer
Oleg 58 2009-03-23 23:51:54

I first heard the song performed by you when I was about 8-10 years old, and I immediately remembered it, remembered it and fell in love with it. This is a wonderful and sincere song "Geese-Swans". The text and melody of this song, and your unforgettable voice, I carried through my whole life, and what my joy was when, after almost forty years, I, with some difficulty, managed to find it on the Internet. On your birthday, on behalf of the multi-million army of your fans, I want to wish you health, happiness and eternal love. Know - you are loved by millions! I will be very glad if you answer me.

In early September, the husband of People's Artist Maria Pakhomenko, composer Alexander Kolker, announced publicly: his wife was gone! Give back my Mashenka! And he even addressed an open letter with accusations against his daughter Natalia. She allegedly stole a parent suffering from Alzheimer's, writes "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

“We took my mother to us two months ago,” Natalya Pakhomenko tells her version. - The neighbors in the village called. They saw their father hitting mom. My husband and I went to the dacha. And already at the entrance I heard wild screams. I walk in and see: he hits her in the head. He explained that she had not put an empty cup in the sink behind her, but he was teaching her to be independent. I decided that my mother did not deserve such a fate. Therefore, I took it to myself.

Maria Leonidovna, whom fans remember as a blonde beauty with a thick braid and a unique voice, according to her daughter, was often bruised. This time also weighed 38 kilograms with a height of 160 centimeters. I was afraid of any rustle.

The legend of the Soviet stage with her husband and her daughter with her family live on the same staircase, door to door. And this greatly complicates the matter.

In February of this year, alarming news went through the media: People's Artist Maria Pakhomenko disappeared.

- I found out that my mother was missing, only the next day, - says the daughter. - And then by chance: a neighbor came in and asked to return the jacket he gave to Maria Leonidovna, having met her in the yard in home clothes. And the father all this time sat quietly at home and did not report to the police. I didn’t even ask if it’s with me. One phone call was enough!

And the next Natalia's accusation against her father would have sounded monstrous if it had not been documented in the form medical certificates of multiple fractures ribs and about a dozen witnesses.

“In the hospital, she was X-rayed: half of her ribs are broken, and the fractures are already old,” says the daughter. - And once she got to the ambulance in the department with a tailbone injury. Kolker then explained that she had fallen off the ladder. But they don't have a house and a stepladder!

Natalia wants only one thing: to be allowed to calmly look after her mother. Maria Pakhomenko needs to be hospitalized for prophylaxis. And the documents, including the passport, medical insurance, remained with Kolker. He promises: as soon as the daughter sends her mother to the hospital, he will immediately take her away.

Husband Maria Pakhomenko, Honored Artist of Russia, composer Alexander Kolker, another version.

“The problems in our family began six months ago, when this gigolo appeared,” says Alexander Naumovich. - What kind of husband is he? He is a marriage swindler, found Natalia on the Internet. And now he lives in her apartment, took her car, which I gave my daughter. Do you know what he said in the summer when he kicked me out of his dacha in Narva? "Get out from here!" - and this is for me, an honored elderly man. He is tall, much taller than me, and I cannot cope with him. I had to leave and spend the summer in the city.

And now they've also stolen my wife. I lived with Maria Leonidovna for 54 years. He wrote songs for her, looked after her in recent years, washed her clothes, we don't even have a washing machine - there is nowhere to put in our small apartment. And now the daughter says that I beat my wife? Where is the logic? And where are the documents confirming this? She slanders! And I will never make peace with her, after all this is out of the question. VIDEO 100TV

The daughter and husband of the legendary singer Maria Pakhomenko accuse each other of the tragedy that befell their family and the subsequent split.

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“There is no better color for that”, “The girls are standing”, “Everything will pass” ... The lines of the famous hits of Maria Pakhomenko are still humming both young and old. People's Artist of Russia, two weeks before her 76th birthday. In recent years, the singer suffered from Alzheimer's disease and partial memory loss. On the air of one of the talk shows, her daughter Natalya accused her father, composer Alexander Kolker, of beating her mother, and he, in turn, said that his wife had been kidnapped by his own daughter. The "interlocutor" found out what kind of relationship the star's relatives have now and how the father and daughter divided the property of Maria Pakhomenko.

"This girl will definitely be mine"

In 1956, music connected Alexander Naumovich and Maria Leonidovna. He organized a youth pop ensemble at the Leningrad Palace of Culture. Lensovet, and Maria came there to audition.

Once I looked into the music class and saw how she was combing her hair: she had a luxurious braid up to the ankles, - recalls the singer's husband. - I was so impressed by the unprecedented beauty, tenderness and grace that I promised myself: "This girl will definitely be mine!" He courted for two years, brought flowers every day. But the courtyard boys did not allow Masha to come near: they did not understand what she found in me: short, wearing glasses ...

Maria and Alexander have lived together for 54 years / editorial archive

But Maria's parents, according to his recollections, received Alexander very favorably:

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And I realized that everything was going as it should, - says the composer. - Two years later, I made an offer, but she did not immediately agree. When he came to the registry office, he did not wait for her and returned home with thoughts of a disrupted wedding ... Soon Masha herself came to me, from the doorway said: "Well, Sashulya, let's go to sign." The wedding was celebrated in a modest way, in the family circle. Someone shouted plaintively: "Bitter!" - hugged and kissed.

Alexander Kolker dedicated to his favorite song. Everything was romantic and beautiful, like in a book novel.

Masha sang very purely, highly artistic and professional. I immediately saw a future star in her and offered to sing my song "Shakes, Shakes". At first I was very shy, refused, but I literally dragged her to the House of Radio, where she finally recorded the composition. And when this song sounded in her unique voice, then the whole country was really "pumped up".

"Maria Pakhomenko is an ordinary woman!"

In the 60s, unprecedented popularity came to the singer. The whole country wondered what she was, the true Maria Pakhomenko. In 1968, more than two and a half million records of Maria Pakhomenko were sold, which was marked by the "Jade Record" - a prestigious international prize awarded in Cannes. In Bulgaria, the singer won the Grand Prix at the Golden Orpheus competition for the songs My Beloved and Don Quixote.

Kolker courted young Maria for two years / editorial archive

Once Masha performed in Sochi. It was very hot that day, she sang 17 songs, was very tired and asked me to drive the car to the artistic entrance so as not to communicate with the fans. And when Mashenka got into the car, a crowd of spectators surrounded her, and one man jumped on the hood and stared at the windshield, looking at his beloved singer. The audience shouted: “Well, what do you see there? What is she, the real Pakhomenko? " He got up and said: "Maria Pakhomenko is an ordinary woman!" Masha also received many letters from all over the country, but one of them was addressed to me, I will never forget: "Now I serve in the army, but when I get out, then I will take her away from you."

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Four years after the marriage, the long-awaited daughter Natasha was born to the composer and singer. Since childhood, she was surrounded by a creative atmosphere, she decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents who helped with admission to the theater institute.

I did everything for Natasha. On one call, she entered a theater university, then became a teacher at the Institute of Culture. I always tried to make her have everything the way she wants.

Singer had female organs removed

Alexander Kolker told us about how he saved Maria Pakhomenko from death.

In 1981, Mashenka was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and we miraculously managed to get to the oncological institute, where she was urgently operated on. In order to avoid relapse, she had all the feminine removed. All week he did not leave Masha's bed: he moistened his dry lips, wiped his forehead.

After surgery, the artist became sterile.

For the past seven years, Pakhomenko suffered from Alzheimer's disease, which turned a well-groomed woman into a frail old woman. Doctors could do nothing to help, nature, as they say, cannot be fooled. Maria Leonidovna began to literally melt before our eyes.

In 1968, more than two and a half million records were sold by Maria Pakhomenko / Valery Plotnikov

However, after the last visit to a sanatorium in the Leningrad region in 2013, I felt good. There was a cough, the doctors, after listening to the lungs, said that everything was in order. A few days later, the singer's condition suddenly worsened. Maria Leonidovna was hospitalized, but it was not possible to save her. On the evening of March 8, she died of pneumonia in the intensive care unit. The singer's husband, Alexander Kolker, blames their daughter Natalia Pakhomenko and her civil husband for the death of his wife.

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They stole my wife, with whom I lived for 54 years, and kept them in their apartment for eight months. This couple didn't even let me talk to her on the phone and say goodbye! Mashenka was ill, and when they left somewhere, they sent her to an almshouse in Toksovo near Leningrad, where there was no medicine or medical care - she was only allowed to pray.

Kolker says that he only learned about his wife's death from his granddaughter.

During my life I bought three modest apartments in St. Petersburg - one, two and three rooms - and three more houses with all amenities in the north-east of Estonia in Ust-Narva. Daughter's cohabitant Alexander Belyaev got into her confidence on the Internet and came from Israel for my real estate! They slandered me on television, said that I allegedly beat my Mashenka, but this is a lie! I doted on her!

"Sasha did not allow Pakhomenko to communicate with anyone"

A family friend, Russian composer, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Alexander Borisovich Zhurbin, presented the Musical Heart of the Theater prize to her husband for the best music for the play Viper (Novosibirsk Theater of Musical Comedy).

Family friend - composer Zhurbin - does not believe that the singer was beaten by her husband / Anatoly Lomokhov

In recent years, Masha has been in poor shape and, to put it mildly, not entirely mentally healthy. Sasha did not allow Pakhomenko to communicate with anyone. Although, when I presented the award, I asked Masha to come on stage. Moreover, she even sang a capella. Honestly, I don't believe the rumors that he beat her. This simply cannot be! They always walked together, hugging, holding hands. They had a very touching and warm relationship.

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In one of the popular talk shows, Natalya stated that she did not need anything from Kolker and that her father had seizures of neurasthenia, so he could first confess his love to his wife, and then beat her. The "interlocutor" found a witness who saw Alexander Naumovich treating his wife.

When they came to the store, Kolker was very rude. It seems to me that he was sometimes not himself, - says Elena Romanova, deputy manager of one of the St. Petersburg supermarkets, located not far from Pakhomenko's house. - At first, he smiled sweetly at everyone, and then suddenly aggression appeared. For example, at the exit from the store, he was rude, rude, grabbed Maria Leonidovna by the coat, shook her and shouted with obscenities: “Stay close! I'm going to hit you now!

Once he was picking grapes, and Maria Leonidovna stood near a display case with vegetables and took a bell pepper, - the witness continues to recall. - He snatched out this pepper, began to poke her in the face: “Eat! Eat! Eat! " I was very sorry for the artist. Of course, we wanted to go up to Kolker and stand up for her, but he was in a brutal state ... It was scary, because this could affect her, who silently endured her husband's antics: she squeezed, looked detached, closed her eyes, but was afraid of him move away. Then we told this to her daughter, and she took Maria Leonidovna to her place.

Father demanded 30 million rubles from his daughter

Natalia Pakhomenko herself avoids communication with journalists. We managed to talk to her lawyer Sergei Berezovsky:

No property disputes between Natalia Alexandrovna and Alexander Naumovich have happened and are not happening - everything was decided during the life of Maria Leonidovna. Kolker and his daughter share the apartment they live in. And the granddaughter, Maria Pakhomenko Jr., was presented with a dacha in Estonia. In 2012, a battery case was considered in court. Kolker felt he had been slandered and filed a counterclaim in 2013.

Kolker blames the daughter of the artist and her roommate Belov (pictured) for the death of his wife / Russian Look

Then, according to Berezovsky, the composer demanded 30 million rubles from his daughter and her husband and an official denial of information about the beatings in the media.

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He claimed that he had never used physical force against his wife, and called the husband of his daughter Alexander Belyaev - a respected man, head of a laboratory at the University of Haifa in Israel - a gigolo and a polygamist! Although he only had two marriages.

The lawyer said that it was impossible to listen to testimony about the beating of Maria Pakhomenko without tears.

The meeting was attended by witnesses who saw how the husband raised his hand to his wife. The beatings began in 2011, when people saw him beating Maria Leonidovna on the beach in Ust-Narva. The singer recently did not think very well, as she suffered from a severe form of Alzheimer's disease. She endured everything in silence. Perhaps because of the mentality, because she was born in the provinces, and there her own foundations: beats - it means she loves. With Kolker, attacks of aggression very often happened, and most likely due to age and creative jealousy. Maria Leonidovna sang almost until her last days, performed in Ust-Narva and was always a star, but Kolker still did not have such popularity, was, so to speak, in the shadows.

The scandal in the Pakhomenko family continues to this day / RIA Novosti

It turns out that Kolker raised his hand not only to his wife.

On one of the talk shows, there was an egregious incident, - continues the lawyer Berezovsky. - Alexander Naumovich was sitting in the studio, there was a discussion, and one of the artists expressed his opinion, which the composer did not like: he got up and started hitting the singer on the head right in front of the cameras. I've seen it myself. Once Maria Leonidovna was invited to one of the creative evenings, but Kolker was not invited. He began to resent and lashed out at the woman editor.

Nobody even guessed that, it would seem, in the exemplary union of Pakhomenko - Kolker there is a place for assault. Unfortunately, misunderstandings between father and daughter resulted in legal proceedings. I would like to believe that, despite the mistakes made, the family will nevertheless be reunited and words of forgiveness will be heard.

On March 8, 2013 it became known that in St. Petersburg at the age of 76, the singer of the songs "The girls are standing" and "School waltz". In recent years, Pakhomenko suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Soviet and Russian pop singer, People's Artist of Russia Maria Leonidovna Pakhomenko was born on March 25, 1937 in the village of Lutnya, Krasnopolsky District, Belarus (now Mogilev Region).

Maria began to study music at school. Later, while studying at a radio engineering school, she organized a quartet, which later became a professional one (under the direction of V. Akulshin). She graduated from the Music College named after. M.P. Musorgskog about. She performed with the ensemble of the DK im. Lensovet.

In 1963, Pakhomenko recorded a song by the composer Alexander Kolker "Shakes, Shakes ..." for the performance of the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya "I'm going into a thunderstorm", which brought fame to the singer. Songs performed by the artist began to sound in the programs of many radio stations and on television.

The stage success of Maria Pakhomenko was largely associated with the songs of her husband Alexander Kolker. The singer was also entrusted with the first performance of their compositions by other leading composers. She sang many songs of the past in a new way.

In 1964, Pakhomenko became a soloist of the Leningrad Music Variety Ensemble under the direction of A. Badchen and A. Kolker at Lenconcert. In the same year the first recordings of the singer were published on flexible gramophone records in the magazine "Krugozor". For the performance of the song "Ships are Sailing Somewhere Again," she took 1st place in a competition held in 1964 by the radio station "Yunost".

In 1968 the artist was awarded the Grand Prix at the MIDEM Recording Competition in France (the Jade Record prize), and in 1971 she became the first Russian pop singer to win the Grand Prix at the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria.

In the 1980s, she worked as a presenter on Leningrad television in the series of programs "Maria Pakhomenko Invites". For many years she toured the USSR and abroad.

She starred in several musical films: "The City and the Song" (1968), "The Address of Songs - Youth" (1968), "Margarita is Raging" (1970), "Moscow in Notes" (1972), "Love Will Remain" (1975) and others.

Of the numerous works of Pakhomenko, among the most famous: "The girls are standing", "School waltz", "It's not a secret" (with the "Singing guitars" ensemble), "On the wedding day", "A song about a kind man", "Ruddy apple", "Quiet Cities", "A sad little star hung over the river." In the period from 1964 to 2000, recordings of Pakhomenko's performances were published in millions of copies on flexible gramophone records, giant disks, audio cassettes and CDs.

Pakhomenko was married to composer Alexander Kolker. They have a daughter, Natalya, a director and screenwriter.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Natalya Pakhomenko wants her father Alexander Kolker to be declared legally incompetent through the court

Natalya Pakhomenko wants her father Alexander Kolker to be declared legally incompetent through the court

On March 8 in St. Petersburg, two weeks before her 76th birthday, the performer of the popular songs "Shakes, Shakes", "The Girls Are Standing," "Miracle Horses," Maria PAKHOMENKO, the first among Russian artists, winner of the Grand Prix of the international competition Golden Orpheus, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease in recent years and, as a result, completely lost her memory. Last year, the 53-year-old daughter of the singer Natalya PAKHOMENKO with a scandal took her away from her husband, 79-year-old composer Alexander KOLKER (). However, under the supervision of her daughter, who assured her that Maria Leonidovna would be much better, the singer lived only a few months.

- Maria Pakhomenko died of pneumonia, - the civil husband of her daughter told the St. Petersburg "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Alexander Belyaev... - On February 17, the daughter placed Maria Leonidovna in a sanatorium in Toksovo, which is located at the monastery. They have modern equipment and good doctors. The singer was taken home on March 2. She coughed a little. Natasha gave Pakhomenko some medicine, and the symptoms disappeared. On the evening of March 5, the artist became worse. They called an ambulance. The cardiogram showed: everything is in order with the heart. "Intercostal neuralgia", - stated the doctor. He prescribed an ointment and some other medications. But on March 6, the condition did not improve. The People's Artist was bad. The district doctor of the 49th polyclinic listened to the lungs: "Everything is clean." But on March 8, the singer became really bad. At 7 am, relatives again called an ambulance. "She has pneumonia!" the doctor exclaimed. The patient was urgently sent to the intensive care unit of the hospital in Uchebny Pereulok. And at half past six in the evening Maria Pakhomenko died.

Stole the music

As I managed to find out, the sanatorium in Toksovo, where the daughter sent the singer, was the Geriatric Medical and Social Center named after Empress Maria Feodorovna, or, simply put, the almshouse at the Cathedral of the Archangel of God Michael.

Yes, Maria Pakhomenko stayed with us for three weeks, - confirmed Galina Mikhailovna, director of the geriatric center. - This was not her first admission to us. Before that, she had already been with us when her daughter was leaving and could not leave her alone. We did not carry out any treatment. Only care. On March 2, Maria Leonidovna departed home, accompanied by relatives. I don't know what the relatives are saying, but she left us as an absolutely healthy person. Somatically healthy. If she had pneumonia, it would probably be evident from the patient herself.

Information about the untimely provision of medical care to Maria Pakhomenko was also questioned in the St. Petersburg polyclinic number 49, whose doctor examined the singer two days before her death and did not find any signs of pneumonia in her.

As far as I know, the singer had not only our employees, but also other doctors, - said the head of the clinic Ekaterina Korolkova... - And the relatives did not apply to us with claims. If there are statements on their part, the clinic will give an official answer.

Alexander Kolker, who lived with Maria Pakhomenko for 54 years, considers her daughter and her common-law husband, head of the laboratory of molecular cytogenetics of plants at the Institute of Evolution of the University of Haifa, Alexander Belyaev, to be responsible for her death. Leaving his wife in Israel Olga Raskina with his underage son Mikhail, 55-year-old Belyaev moved to St.Petersburg a year ago to Natalya Pakhomenko and, according to the composer, set out to take possession of the property and money of their family.

It’s very hard for me now, ”Alexander Kolker admitted when I called him to express my condolences. - They carried out their criminal plans. Maria Leonidovna was stolen and destroyed. Helped her to die. Now I am waiting for them to take over me. In fact, they have already started. They slandered me on television. They opened my apartment and stole all my scores, claviers, all the music that I wrote during my 80 years on this earth. If they can quickly get my notes to the West, they will receive huge sums of money. And no Russian Authors' Society will reach them. I turned to the Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg and to Bastrykin to the Investigative Committee of Russia. Appealed to our governor Poltavchenko... But "the silence of our Russian fields" was my answer. And now my daughter is suing me. He wants to incapacitate me and assign custody of me.

Court meetings

In the Primorsky District Court of St. Petersburg, which geographically belongs to the place of residence of Kolker and his daughter, the fact of filing a claim by Natalia Pakhomenko to declare her father incapacitated could not be confirmed. As suggested in the Office of Civil Affairs, the statement of claim may have been forwarded to one of the judges, but a hearing has not yet been scheduled, and therefore it is not registered as pending. But it turned out that on December 19, Kolker himself filed a lawsuit with the Primorsky court to invalidate the donation agreement, the defendants of which were his daughter and two organizations - the Office of the Federal Registration Service and Municipal District No. 66 of St. Petersburg.

Last fall, in an interview with Express Gazeta, Alexander Naumovich said that shortly after meeting Alexander Belyaev, Natalya Pakhomenko re-registered ownership of three apartments in St. Petersburg that had previously belonged to her parents. But on February 12, the judge ruled - to refuse Kolker the claim. True, this decision has not yet entered into legal force, since the composer filed an appeal and it has not been considered by the court until now.

By the way, as evidenced by the court archive, just a few months before Alexander Belyaev appeared in Natalia Pakhomenko's life, her relationship with her father was not so hostile. Then, in the same Primorskiy District Court, Natalya Aleksandrovna was charged with an administrative offense. She was accused that on April 14, 2011, while driving her car, she collided with a collector's armored car and, having caused it mechanical damage, fled the scene of the accident. She was threatened with deprivation of rights for up to one and a half years or arrest for up to 15 days. And none other than her father, Alexander Kolker, helped her to avoid punishment, who testified that her daughter was in a hurry to deliver them with Maria Leonidovna to the Almazov Clinic, where they put an artificial valve in his heart.

View from the outside

"Sold my mother and father"

Natasha is lying, accusing her father of violence against her mother, - said the former editor of the TV programs "Wider Circle" and "Sing, friends!" Olga Molchanova... - Alexander Naumovich was always very kind to Masha.

I remember when in the late 70s I was filming her in the program “Sing it, friends!”, He asked us to cover the camera lens with Vaseline or put tulle on in front of the camera. Apparently, Masha already had visible wrinkles. And he wanted her to look younger. Then Natasha came to see me in the "Wider Circle" program. She sang a duet with her mother. Kolker did not appear on these sets. And when I came to Leningrad and stayed at their dacha in Komarovo, Natasha, in turn, was absent.

Then I did not attach any importance to this. What was hidden behind all this - it became clear to me only many years later, when in 2009 on the TV channel "Russia" I was offered to make a film about Masha Pakhomenko. "Let's take pictures of you at home in St. Petersburg!" I suggested to Kolker. "Shoot anywhere, but not there!" - he said. Then I found out that they had given their three-room apartment to Natasha, and they themselves were huddled in a 17-meter room. Apparently, he was simply embarrassed that the pop star and the famous composer, whose performances with music are staged in theaters throughout the country, have such cramped living conditions. As a result, we decided to shoot them at a dacha in Ust-Narva.

Masha felt great then. And when she gave us interviews, she did not experience any memory problems. At the same time, Natasha and her daughter Masha lived in a neighboring house. But during the five days that our film crew spent in Ust-Narva, we never saw her. In order not to meet with us, she cowardly and despicably ran away from home.

I left a note for her at the door asking to show herself in front of me. “I would like you to say a few words about mom for our film,” I explained in a note. But she never showed up. “She has a bad relationship with her father,” Masha explained to me. “But it boomerangs to me too. Although she communicates with me on purely business issues related to her granddaughter and some household chores. And she doesn't even say hello to her father. "

As for the relationship between Kolker and Masha, they still remained more than tender. “Pakhomenko and Kolker are a symbol of the beautiful, intelligent Leningrad,” he said in my film Mikhail Boyarsky... And it was necessary to leave them in the memory of people as everyone loved them. Why put these showdowns on television ?! Apparently, it's all about the big money, which, as far as I know, Natasha was paid for this. And for these 30 pieces of silver she sold both her father, whom she hates, and her supposedly beloved mother, whom she showed to the whole country in such a form that, apart from shuddering, this did not cause anything in the souls of people.