Aquagrim with your own hands, or magic transformation. Learning to draw aquagrim on the face: Lessons for beginners

Aquagrim with your own hands, or magic transformation. Learning to draw aquagrim on the face: Lessons for beginners
Aquagrim with your own hands, or magic transformation. Learning to draw aquagrim on the face: Lessons for beginners

Children's holiday - a colorful and bright event. The best way to create the necessary atmosphere is aquagrim. Drawings on the face with 100% probability will like any child.

Do not think that it is suitable only the smallest. If the drawing is high-quality and corresponds to the theme of the holiday, even the teenager will not refuse such an original element of the "costume".

Children's skin is very gentle and easily leaving allergic reactions, so the use of any means is unacceptable. Even if the child's child / girlfriend is in order, there is no guarantee that your child has the same way. Prefer natural materials.

  1. Art brushes made of natural pile. Synthetics causes rash and irritation. In addition, the texture of synthetic materials in itself is rough and leaves microscopic damage on the tender skin.
  2. Cosmetic sponges for makeup. If there are no cotton wheels. They will not evenly cause paint, but better with them than rub finger.
  3. Decorative cosmetics. Tool, pencils, lipstick, blush and shadow of any color. It is better and safer than ordinary stationery, but it is desirable to avoid their use, especially on small children (kindergarten).
  4. Special markers on water based.
  5. Aquagrim. Technological and secure method. Water-based paints are absolutely harmless to children's skin. Even if the child rushes and eats the paint, nothing will happen to him.
  6. Food colorings. An alternative when there is nothing in the stores, but to draw a gouache scary. Absolutely harmless.

Additional material - wet and dry napkins. It will be necessary in the process of applying paint to wipe the brushes and post the drawing.

If the pattern is large, it is recommended to apply the basis for it and apply tone. Sometimes, even for small pictures you need a tone, in order to create contrast. The basis is, as a rule, children's cream. It is smeared and allowed to absorb them to avoid the negative effect of some paints on the skin.

Always check an allergic reaction. Apply to the inside of the wrist, apply paint / felt-tip pen and watch the reaction within an hour.

If there is no scabies, rash, redness, burning, any discomfort - apply on the face. Even specialized materials can, individually, cause allergies.

Body art on the child has one distinctive feature - the expectability of the model. Adult is not difficult not to blink, look at one point and do not move the nose for a certain time. The child does not possess such talents.

The limit is 5-7 minutes. At the same time, the crocha should be in a certain "environment" - there should be no temptations that are provoking on the janseau, twigs and other manifestations of mobility.

Put a large mirror. Children with great pleasure and enthusiasm are observed for putting the makeup. They are so absorbed by the occupation that they may not even notice the cake that carry to the table (but it is better not to risk).

If you are not a professional artist, do not try to draw a masterpiece. You will spend time, you will be tired of yourself, disappoint and thaw the child.

Baby for happiness will be enough small. If the drawing must certainly be chic - work in advance so that the picture is drawn to the holiday with closed eyes. First try on yourself, and then bring to perfection on the child.

Paints for aquagrim do it yourself

Make safe paint yourself. You will need:

  • children's cream;
  • food colorings;
  • starch.

Proportions for one color. Each color is noticed again.

  1. Mix starch (3 tbsp) + water (1 tsp) + cream (1 tsp).
  2. To add a dye to the mixture, stirring until the color of the desired saturation is possible. To obtain a certain shade, several colors are mixed.

Simple drawings on the face: Ideas for the girl and for a boy

First ask the child! Body art is done for him and should like him! If the baby himself can not choose - be modern and clever parents. Find out what children are fond of in his company.

Believe me, the baby will be offended and ashamed to come for a holiday with a face of a squirrel when everyone else is in the images of Hellow Kity and Spider Man. Go back with time and fashion.

Popular topics:

  1. Animals. Cats, butterflies and squirrels for girls and dogs, bunnies for boys.
  2. Cartoon characters. Mermaids, Fairy girls, super heroes boys (Spiderman, Iron Man, etc.).
  3. Thematic drawings. On Halloween skeletons, witches; For the new year, trees, snowmen and snowflakes; Water holidays are mermaids and water.
  4. Pirates are popular and are appropriate at any event, both for boys and girls.
  5. Princesses and robbers.

If a costume is needed on the holiday, it can either add body art, or make a body-art basis and finish the image of a pair of strokes. For example, a pirate - draw a couple of scars, beard, "patch" on the eye, make a hat from paper and give a plastic saber from the nearest store (you can also look after the tricon, longer will last).

The image is ready. With girls and that easier - colorful butterfly on the face and a lush skirt on the dress. And do not need any wings behind your back, which interfere with run and cling to everything.

How to draw a light picture on the face of a child with your own hands

As examples, take one drawing for each method.

General Instruction:

  1. Remove the hair from the face - tie in the tail and dress the hoop.
  2. Enter the basis and tone (if necessary).
  3. Draw contours.
  4. Fill the main large pattern elements in color.
  5. Dorisinate small details.


Draw a kitten. You will need 2 brushes - flat with a rounded tip and a thin cone odor. The tone is not needed, as the drawing is not big and consists of small strokes. Colors are chosen to the dress. After applying the layer, let's dry it before applying the second.

Description of technology with step-by-step photo:


We need special pencils for aquagrim. They are somewhat inconvenient to apply - for clear lines it is necessary to pull the skin strongly. Thin lines will not work. Pencils are used for quick and simple rice. Tinnate and apply the basis, when using specialized pencils, not necessarily. The basis of the drawing is symmetry.

Draw Tiger:

Aquagrim is convenient and pleasant. Significantly reduces time to dry out layers. Apply gently and evenly. I do not need symmetry. The area of \u200b\u200bdrawing is small, so it is not necessary to apply the tone and the foundation.

Draw a dog:

Why don't you draw watercolor or gouache

Stationery paints contain chemical elements in its composition. The skin on the face is very gentle and sensitive. The simplest thing that ordinary paint can make is not to give the skin to breathe. The worst is allergic. Up to rash, redness and scabies.

Price for drawings for children from professionals

If you order services of masters, it is best to do this on a massive holiday, as the payment of a professional is hourly. On average, the cost of one hour of operation - 400 rubles. And this is based on one person is spent 5-7 minutes. As a rule, professional paints are used for body art, but there are exceptions. If there is no confidence - ask the documentation.

Another example of application of aquagrim - in the next video.

First of all, aquagrim is the technique of applying paints on the skin. Since the interaction time of the skin of the skin can be sufficiently long, special paints are applied for aquagrim, safe for health. They must have a water base and be degreased. In this case, you can not be afraid for the health of even the smallest participants of the holiday. In addition, Aquagrim Children should well wash off. If cosmetics are high-quality, then there will be enough ordinary soap and warm water to remove it. Another feature of paint for aquagrim - it must quickly dry out, which allows you to perform makeup, not dirty, even independently.

In order to make an aquagrim on your own hands, you need to purchase not only paints. We will also need special means for making makeup. All necessary materials can be found in stores of goods for creativity. Paint can be powder - requiring dilution and usual. Apply make-up with sponge and tassels. It is better to get several tools of different diameters at once. Tassels should be at least two - thin for small details and wider flat. It should be paid to the fact that the brushes are made of natural materials.

Before applying paint on the face, it should be tested on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Although dyes should be hypoallergenic, there is a possibility of individual intolerance.

Beginning of work

Aquagrim application technique is quite simple - it is similar to drawing along ordinary paper. However, performing drawing on the skin should be extremely neat. One mistake - and all makeup will have to wash and start all over again. Therefore, we strongly recommend it in advance to think about the sketch and do not hurry. Walking up aquagrim with their own hands follows from the easiest ideas. With each new execution, the skill will grow and make makeup at home will be all easier and more interesting.

By choosing a picture, you can start work. It is necessary to act step by step, in strict accordance with the following instruction.

  • First of all, paint is applied. Smooth and smooth layer apply the paint of the primary color. For this convenient to use a sponge or sponge. The main tone is applied in stages from the hair growth line to the chin. Especially carefully need to handle areas around the mouth, eye and nasolabial folds. Eyebrows are also processed at the first stage. They must be made as imperceptible as possible.

  • The next stage of the scheme is the processing of the zones around the eyes. Here you need to act very carefully, so as not to damage the gentle skin. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a wide and soft brush. Hand should be kept at right angles to the skin. With the help of a pencil, eyebrows are drawn, this item will task the mood of all makeup.

  • Next, the aquagrim is applied in stages, top down: the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek, mouth, chin.

  • Then outlines with thin contours. It is not easy to apply the contours.

In cases where aquagrim for children is created with their own hands, the base of application of the foundation can be skipped and immediately draw parts. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the time removal of makeup.

Aquagrim for children - ideas

We list the main types of aquagrim, which are popular among kids.

  • First of all, these are animals. All kids love to imagine themselves with crucibles, bunnies, butterflies, chanterelles, fish, hedgehogs, mice, horses, and so on. Before you start drawing, you should clarify the child who he who wants to become. Next, in accordance with his wishes, an image is created. Here you will have to try and identify the most characteristic signs of one or another beast: mustache, strips, specks and so on.

  • Another popular motive can be called fabulous characters and super heroes. In this category, you can record a person-spider, betmen, ninja turtles, princesses, dragons and others. All listed images are created not only with the use of aquagrim, but also with the corresponding costumes. Without them, sometimes, the child may be difficult to explain the surrounding who he reincarnated.

Aquagrim for adults

Aquagrim for adults is used, as a rule, in two cases - to entertain children and for their own joy, for example, for a party to Halloween.

  • If the task is to delight children, you can use the following images: Tsarevna, Snow Maiden, Fairy, Snow Queen, Mermaid. The appearance of a similar guest will be for the guys a real gift. Especially if you dress up according to the selected image.

  • If there is no opportunity to change to become a makeup, it is better to reincarnate in a super hero or clown. Here will be sufficient to simply paint face. Specified images of winning and in that they do not require special work and detail. It is enough to draw a bright contour of the lips and a stretched smile or a Mask of Betman - and you are already recognizable.

  • Aquagrim is also popular at various thematic parties, for example, on Halloween. As a rule, images of witches, disclosers and all sorts of unclean are created here.

  • In addition, aquagrim is used by adults at various events of an entertainment or advertising nature. For example, it can be used when working on a photo session or an exhibition.

    I suggest draw a bat on the face of the child. We will need four stages for this:

    1) We draw a mouse on my face, it will be located in our middle of the forehead, there will be a head and ears on the forehead, the caller will be on the nose, and the wings in the future will take the face while we draw their borders.

    2) draw a full silhouette of the mouse, be careful when drawing next to the eyes;

    3) We supply our bat at the edges;

    4) detail E, draw eyes, ears, wings. As a result, you should have a mouse as on the first quarter of the image shown below.

    Aquagrim mice, despite its effectiveness, can be done very quickly, and it will not be difficult even to a novice master.

    See the example above.

    The gray paint, applied to the sponge, was over the eyebrows, on the nose, above the upper lip, touched the chin. Everything is very soft and transparent.

    Drew the ears too gray, and then the pink paint was sneakened gently ears inside and cheek.

    White draw your teeth, which are located just in the center of the lower lip, and then black paint using a thin brush we supply the necessary parts: ears, angle of eyes, nose, teeth and mouth, draw a mustache.

    Try, sure you will have a great result!

    To make aquagrim, you need to take special paints for face art - aquacra, brushes and display the drawing on the face in the form of a mouse.

    The mouse is not so difficult to draw: this is a gray creature with a body, a small head and an oblong face, ears, legs and tail.

    In addition to the usual mouse, you can show some cartoon mouse on the face, which is much easier to draw.

    Such aquagrim can be done for children for a holiday.

    The mouse can be drawn in any part of the child's face: on the cheek, on the forehead or make a completely aquagrim mask gray, which consists of muzzle The mouse on the face of the child: where the mouse is spout, there the nose in the child and the eyes also coincide. Myshkina ears can be painted on the forehead, and the tail on the side of the cheek.

    You can show big teeth and it will be characteristic of the mouse, as well as mustache

    And I would suggest draw a mouse on the cheek of the child. Aquagrim is needed gray, or blue, or pink - there is no difference in principle, because it is a fabulous aquagrim, so that it was bright and having fun! You can first cut the outline of the mouse on paper, apply paper hole on the cheek and apply aquagrim. And then draw eyes, mustache, tail. With a smile of a child, the mouse will move and it will be funny!

    I recommend to draw a fabulous mouse on your baby. Let it be a little funny, perhaps it even with cheese in the hands of painting it as you want). Take gray paint, white aquagrim, black paint. These colors are only needed to draw the mouse. If you draw cheese, take another yellow aquagrim.

    Draw the best of all, of course, from the head. Just draw a gray stain, and on the white paint and black eyes draw, the mouth with the tooth (one can draw one, so it will be so funn); The mouse should be drawn with gray acagrima, handles and legs are also gray. If we have fabulous mouse. That in the handle you can put a cheese lolk). And you can generally draw cheese with a central link. And the mouse is drawn so. To get out the impression that she climbs out of it). Do not forget to draw her tail. If we are in our own. That tail can be drawn with a light stroke. If the mouse climbs out of cheese. Then the tail is drawing so. So that he peeking out of the cheese hole.

    If you do not have gray aquagrim. It can be safely replaced by blue.

    You can try to draw a mouse to the whole face - fruit. There are round ears to make a child's forehead, and then the nose will be a spout (aquagrim will need black or pink). Eye, too, make a darkening of the eyelid.

    You can add cilia and brings.

    Do not forget about the mustache. There are no difficulties in general, the main thing is to determine the color, it is better to use gray shades to make it similar to the mouse. And do not forget in advance to check the skin reaction.

    Since, if the child is generally inclined to allergies, or there is damage on the skin, then aquagrim is better to exclude or postpone on then. But such creativity is always interested in kids).

    Aquagrim Myshka

    • Draw the face with a gray-blue tinge or just gray,
    • The contours of the face and the ears are circulating black,
    • Eyebrows allocate
    • Pink make the center of the oars,
    • Top eye and part under the nose, teeth - white,
    • Dorify eyelashes,
    • Pipka black
    • Mustache black.

    All drawing on the face is ready.

    Ready option

Long time has long been put back to the use of aquagrim in children's holidays. Now they will not surprise anyone. Make a beautiful pattern on the body costs from 200 rubles and higher.

But is it worth the pleasure of this money?

Yes, undoubtedly, when you invite a very good and verified master who is able to portray the masterpiece on your face, the drawing is worth it. But often, especially in children's holidays people work, whose professionalism does not always correspond to high demands.

I have come across a problem many times - I will cry a person for his work, which I would have done myself ten times better, and for free. Sometimes I even want to argue: "And for these punching on a nice face of my child, I have to pay you 300 rubles?". But I certainly wondered to do not spoil my mood and the more my child delivered from the "masterpiece".

A couple of weeks ago I purchased in the store aquagrim in the form of crayons for the face. "It will come in handy!" - I thought, and snapped the packaging with the shallow to myself in the basket.

By the way, I was familiar with Merma and Aquagrima before. And more than once used these cosmetics in children's holidays. Before that, I was purchased more expensive aquagrim in the form of markers.

Bought chalks still could not try. But today we still unpacked a pack. Then, I literally in 2-3 minutes depicted on the face of his daughter a simple butterfly.

The drawing is pretty primitive. But the child was happy on the ears.

I photographed the whole process of drawing and now I will tell it.

At first I painted the head and the torso of the butterfly.

Then came out the contour of the wings.

And at the end made a pair of red dots on the wings.

That's all!

Now I will tell a little about the advantages and disadvantages of aquagrim.

Aquagrim is perfectly washed off. This is his undoubted advantage. But if the child will touch himself for the face, then the aquagrim can easily swear and even blurred clothes.

Aquagrim is two species. Pencils (crayons, markers) and paints. In the latter case, the aquagrim is more convenient in applying, as you can use the brushes.

My aquagrim was in the form of small things. Clear rather thick and lines are wide. What does not always look beautiful and does not allow you to make a more elegant contour. Yes, and when applying the pattern, the chalk closes the area of \u200b\u200bwork, which greatly affects the accuracy and sweeterity of the picture.

And in general, it is possible to paint the children of kids on the holiday on the holiday on our own, you only need to buy aquagrim and try to try quite a bit.

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A fun and entertaining addition to any children's holiday - aquagrim for children - a unique opportunity to make a fairy tale with a fair, in a matter of minutes I transformed into a princess, fairy, butterfly, pirate, tiger, cat, spider man, Batman, or any other fabulous hero. Aquagrim is a real little miracle, a magic droplet, which will make a children's holiday bright and unforgettable. The most interesting thing is that the kids like not only the end result, but the process of transformation, beyond which they are watching with open mouths, wondering how beloved fabulous characters come to life, and wait for her turn.

Bright images for colorful children's holidays

Many little fidgets for one holiday managed to try on several cardinal opposite images, especially since rinse the mask can be ordinary water with soap. The popularity of Aquagrim is growing every day and gradually it becomes the same beloved and inalienable attribute of children's holidays as a cake, ice cream, balloons and clowns.

To the category

What is aquagrim for children and adults

Aquagrim - the art of changes in appearance, reincarnation using low-fat cosmetic paints on a water basis, which do not cause irritation and are absolutely safe for delicate children's skin. The paint dries quickly, does not spread, it allows you to apply one layer on another, it is easily washed off with the skin with water and easily dismissed when it gets into clothes, the drawings are stored until the first washing, they are obtained bright and saturated. Aquagrim is a unique technique that combines the art of theater grima, drawing by watercolor paints and makeup. Paints for Aquagrim were created by the leading world cosmetic companies in the 60s of the last century, after which in the West this technique was widespread, won the hearts of both children and adults. In our edges, Aquagrim got only 10-15 years ago, having time to take care and love their colorful outstanding temper, appreciating a merciless blow to gray and sullen reality. Aquagrim application technique is identical to working with watercolor: paints are applied in water with tassels and sponges.

Aquagrim is actively used in children's clubs and entertainment centers, in large shopping centers and on massive festivities, on the "warming up" to circus and children's theatrical ideas, and wherever the need arises and entertain the restless fidget. Since Aquagrim allows you to create full-fledged theatrical images, it is simply indispensable in children's performances and productions, at concerts and matinees, in the speeches of original dance groups. Increasingly, Aquagrim's help resorts to the organization of domestic children's holidays, while dealing with their own forces or inviting professional aquagotrels. The best addition to the entertainment festive program is difficult to come up with!

Yes, and adults themselves are happy to participate in the magical transformations, because we all come from childhood and in the depths of the soul, everyone lives a child who still wants to believe in good fairies, enclosures, magic wands, carpets-aircraft, invisible hats, tablecloth Selfranki, princes, princesses ... It is not surprising that more and more often aquagrim can be found on adult thematic corporate enterprises and on club parties, not to mention the combat coloring of football fans before the decisive matches of favorite teams. This is also aquagrim! What to say, adults like children! During the New Year's matinee and carnavalov, as well as during the celebration of Halloween, Aquagrim is simply grinding, because painted images of witches, vampires and other colorful evil spirits, allow you to actively engage the facial expressions, are more natural and plausible than created using ordinary masks.

To the category

Funny drawings on cute face

Aquagrim will not require high costs. The main thing is high-quality paints, a set of tassels, sponges and elementary skill to draw. Everyone who can keep a brush in their hands and at least a little knows how to draw, in just 5-10 minutes it can create a real masterpiece - the only and unique one of its kind. True, if you organize a non-modest family celebration, and a holiday for a large number of children, it is better to invite professional aquagotrels who know how to work with children of different ages, causing drawings quickly and efficiently, and most importantly - know how to turn the whole process to fascinating and enchanting .

The real masters of their case arrive to the children in the bright clown outfits or costumes of fairies and fabulous heroes, and certainly with aquagrim! The fairy tale should be fabulous, and magic magic! In addition, professional aquagotrels, perfectly possessing the technique of creating drawings on the face, can easily implement even the most bold and unexpected whims of small dresses, which is not under the amatera.

Several light lungs with a brush, a couple of curls, smears and zhangigulin and the child turns into a favorite fabulous character, rejoices from joy and sick from pleasure, trying on a new role. Aquagrim allows an ordinary children's holiday to turn into a bright thematic party. So, grasping the birthday girl in the pirate, all invited children can be turned into his team.

Most popular images for girls: Princess, fairy, butterfly, star, cat, ladybug, flower, heart, rainbow.

The most popular images for boys: Spiderman, Batman, Tiger, Leo, Pirate, Robot, Indian, Monster.

To the category

Learning to draw aquagrim: step-by-step guide

To create aquagrim, we will need it:

  • Special water-based paints that have two species - liquid and in the form of a compressed dry powder, externally similar to ordinary watercolor paints.
  • Tassels for drawing - standard brushes from a natural pile for gouache or watercolor of different sizes are suitable: at least two thick brushes with a flat taper and thin pointed tassels for drawing small parts.
  • A set of sponge - special sponges for applying on the face of tone.

  • Stage First: Preparatory

Despite the fact that the aquagrims of famous brands held a special examination and testing, before starting work on a small section of the skin model, it is advisable to apply a little paint and conduct a sensitivity test and an allergic reaction. Before applying the grima, we remove your hair from the face to open the forehead as much as possible, and throw something that is not sorry to be stained, although the paint is easily removed from the clothes with warm water.

  • Stage Second: Tone Overlay

First of all, it is necessary to impose a tone to face, which should be perfectly even and smooth. Spontaneous (sponge) wet in water, carefully pressed, the three of the paint and light circular movements apply the tone, evenly distributing it all over the face. Long straight smears are better to avoid, because when drying, they will be too noticeable. Be sure to look at the top and lower eyelids. Special attention is paid to folds in the corners of the eyes, nose and lips, since it is the embossed parts of the person who cause the greatest difficulties of newbies.

  • Stage Three: Drawing of lines and contours

Now the most complex and responsible part of the work begins - drawing contours, lines and small parts. Holding a brush as a pencil, Makazy slightly above the bristles and circular strokes are gaining paint. The paint should be a creamy consistency, it should not drip and spread. We apply aquagrim, holding a brush at a right angle to the face of the model. To get a point or thin line, barely touch the skin with the tip of the bristles. If you need a thick line, we apply a brush to the skin and, gently pressed, carry it out.

When the model is not an adult, but a child, it is necessary to work clearly and quickly, because a little fidget is quite difficult to sit still. In addition, from touches of brushes to the face of children can be seed or ridiculous, which will immediately affect the facial expressions. Experienced aquagotrels can work with a similar "clientele" and distract the children of a relaxed conversation.