Adrian Dmitrievich Zakharov. Russian architect A.

Adrian Dmitrievich Zakharov. Russian architect A.
Adrian Dmitrievich Zakharov. Russian architect A.

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov (1761-1811)

Architect Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov, the famous architect Russian classicism-an amp, immortalized himself with the construction of the unique building of the Admiralty in Leningrad. A. D. Zakharov entered Russian architecture as one of the most gifted representatives, as a talented architect town planner, boldly solved the most difficult architectural tasks of his time. He paid great attention to the organization of construction, planning individuals, the reconstruction of previously constructed structures, the architectural and complete solution of small, utilitarian buildings, etc. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of A. D. Zakharov for the Russian architecture of the turn of the 18th and XIX centuries. He created by the admiralty, he summed up the significant stage of the development of Russian architecture and urban planning and determined their further development for decades.

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov was born on August 19, 1761 in the family of a small employee of the Admiralty College of Invoor Dmitry Ivanovich Zakharov. Six years he was given to the school at the Academy of Arts. Thus, it was predetermined by his future path to art and architecture. After graduating from the school, he moved to the "architectural classes" of the Academy, where he continued his education. Awards for successful coursework projects, testifying to its great tale, follow one after another.

In 1778, for the project of the "Country House", he received a second silver medal, and two years later, in 1780, for the project "House of Princes" - the first silver. In the autumn of next year, he graduated from the Academy with a big gold medal. She was obtained by him for the diploma work depicting a "entertainment house" (Fozzal). This difference was given to A. D. Zakharov the right to foreign pensioners.

Following the established tradition, in the autumn of the same year, A. D. Zakharov left to France along with other students of the Academy, distinguished by the final exams.

Arriving in Paris, A. D. Zakharov tried to get into the workshop of the famous French architect de Vali, who had been tavering once Bazhenov. "I was presented to him," wrote Zakharov to the Academy, "but he could not take me with his student, ... he did not have a place, but allowed to bring his work, what he never refused to anyone ...".

A. D. Zakharov had to look for another leader who could complete his education with his advice and instructions. After working for half a year from a little-known architect Belikar, A. D. Zakharov, who was not satisfied with him, moved to Schalgran, under whose leadership worked until the end of his retirement.

A. D. Zakharov regularly reported the Academy about his classes: "I continue to go to the Royal Academy at the lecture," he wrote, "I take the program when I ask the Academy to ask, with time from workshops copying" (report of December 27, 1783) . In July of the following, 1784, he announces a reference to St. Petersburg one of his projects: "I have made it and painted the program, which was asked by Mr. Schagen ... under the look at which I was working."

Despite the full satisfaction with his head and his advice, A. D. Zakharov, however, sought to go to Italy, this promised country of all people of the art of the XVIII century. A visit to the famous monuments of Rome and Northern Italy, their study and sketching, as it were, completed a course of study. On April 20, 1785, he officially told the Academy about "intolerant and prisoners" his desire to visit Italy with its artistic and architectural treasures. "Like Nor Slavny Masters in the architectural school in France - wrote Zakharov - however, the auxiliary, which artist may have, are always very superb to those that ITALY gives him, where artism was erected on an extreme degree of perfection." The Academy of Arts did not object to the trip by A. D. Zakharov in Italy, but did not let any money for her. There was no of his own funds from the young architecture, and his hot desire remains unfulfilled. In May 1786, A. D. Zakharov returned to his homeland.

In the same year, on December 1, A. D. Zakharov was recognized as "appointed" for the competition of the title of academician. He was offered the topic: "House for public enjoyments." As can be seen, public buildings have ever more and more conquered a place in the competitive trials of the Academy of Arts. The project on the proposed topic of A. D. Zakharov finished only after eight years - in 1794, when and was awarded the title of academician. Such a long delay in the execution of the project was caused by a large pedagogical work, which was invited by a young architect. He began this work at the Academy of Arts since 1787 and did not interrupt it until the death. He led her in the years of the most intensive work on the project, and during the construction of admiralty, when this enormous building absorbed all his attention and strength.

The first job of the work of A. D. Zakharov should be considered a draft solemn decoration due to the conclusion of the world with Turkey in Yassas in December 1791. This is an early architectural work A. D. Zakharov, was still in a typical manner of the XVIII century, with its addiction to Allegories. The "image writing" of the author himself has been preserved, which figuratively reveals the thought of this project: "Depicted by the Temple of Russian well-being in a solemn decoration. According to the temple of the altar with the flames built on it ... At among the entrance to the temple, land and sea Trophies, meaning the victories of the last war ... At the ends of the entrance, two obelisis erected, on which the coat of arms of the Russian province. To one genius the medallion with the inscription: Ochakov and Dniester ... The temple and monuments are based on a stone grief. Mountain marks hardness and unshakable ".

In this architectural scenery, much has not yet found a final decision, an overly abundance of all sorts of architectural forms, not to mention some inconsistencies of the scale of individual parts of the composition. But in this early project, A. D. Zakharov, we discover those techniques and the monumentalism, which will then be developed by the master in its subsequent works.

The practical activity of A. D. Zakharov as an architect began only in recent years of the XVIII century. In 1800, he is appointed by the architect of the city of Gatchina. Here he leads work on the palace, on the crazy thought of Emperor Paul, the project of the Kharlampia monastery, which was supposed to be built near the palace, and is building a number of park pavilions. Of these works, the most interesting is the building "Poultry House" or "Pheasannik". The building is made, like the palace, from the local, natural stone. Especially attractive central part. Her columns and pilasters covered by the longitudinal chairs are especially profitable on the background of the shaded walls of the loggia (the genus of the building in the array of the building). The central part is crowned with balustrade from heavy tumbers with balls and beautiful curly bassine. The windows of the second floor under the loggia and side wings are completed by arches. This technique, like raised seams between stones, enhances the value of the material - the stone from which the building is made. Round towers on side facades are no less monumental than the central part.

In this early building, A. D. Zakharov already guessed those characteristic features of the master's architecture, which will later become the leitmotives of his works. Strict simplicity and monumentality of forms - this is what attracts A. D. Zakharov, what he seeks and what he reaches with such perfection.

After the death of Paul's work in Gatchina was interrupted. A. D. Zakharov is sent to a number of provincial cities, where he had to choose places for the construction of buildings of military schools. At the same time, he constitutes the church project under the Alexander Manufactory, which was built in 1804, despite the fact that the traditions of the architecture of the XVIII century. It is also visible here quite clearly, yet individual parts of the building, like a column portico, processing the walls of the temple, etc., allow you to see in this work and the features of the new architecture that has subsequently received the name of the ampir style. The construction of this temple, as well as the projects of typical buildings of government agencies for the provincial and county cities, appeared as if preparing for the huge work, which was to absorb all the forces of the architect.

On May 25, 1805, A. D. Zakharov was appointed "Main Admiralty Architect". This date is in the life of the architectural. It comes on the path of intensive architectural activities, the result of which is the construction of a new building of the Admiralty, who brought him world glory.

During Peter, the architect of the boxes built the wooden building of the first admiralty. It served not only by the place where the management of the Russian fleet was placed, but mainly it was intended for repairing and build up Russian warships. Long low hulls, surrounded by the Military Danger of Rips and Earth Bastions, formed in terms of a figure that resembled a large, somewhat stretched letter P. Only in the center of these buildings, a Statercar Tower was raised, crowned with a spire with a boat at the top, by this symbol of admiralty. Initially, this construction was almost no way connected with the architectural landscape of the new capital, especially since the central part of the city, with all the palaces and government buildings, was to be located on Vasilyevsky Island. The rest of the city was supposed to be placed on the opposite, right, the bank of the Neva. Only a high tower with a spire as it would have echoed from a slender bell tower of the cathedral of the Petropavlovsk fortress, topped with the same spire - needle.

But over time, the position of the admiralty in the city has changed much. From the building standing on the edge of the city, it turned into him almost the main construction. In any case, by the time of A. D. Zakharov, it was playing, even in his unassuming form, a prominent role in the city. The efforts of Russian architects - Zakharov, Yeropkin and Obukhov - in the middle of the XVIII century. The planning of St. Petersburg was ordered. Three Avenues, which were the main streets of the capital, decorated with wonderful palaces, private houses, temples and government agencies, agreed to the foundation of the Admiralty Tower. Contrary to the initial plan, the city began to be built on the left bank of the Neva, on the so-called Admiralty side. The best and most important buildings of the city were concentrated here. Thanks to this, the Admiralty took a completely special place in the city and his architecture. From the practical, production facility, it turned into a building, playing a huge architectural and organizing role in the city.

But by the beginning of the XIX century, when Petersburg was decorated with exceptional skills and beauty buildings, the old Admiralty Korobov could not have to answer the role that it was now endowed with the efforts of many architects of the XVIII century. Naturally, the building should have been radically rebuilt according to the new position, which it occupied in the city. This difficult, but the honorable task fell to the share of A. D. Zakharov.

A. D. Zakharov approached its resolution primarily as an architect town planner. He realized that he had to build a beautifully worthwhile building, but the main building of the capital of Russia. And he lined up this building. The great intentions of Bazhenova, who dreamed of rebuilding the center of Moscow in the form of one grand constructure, came to life again in the projects A. D. Zakharov in St. Petersburg.

One of the big merits of A. D. Zakharova was that he retained the tower with the spire of Korobov, her dress only in a new fit in her way. Thus, continuity was preserved with the building that was once constructed on the command of Peter. But A. D. Zakharov gave his building much more importance than it had before. His Admiralty was made by a monument to the great act of the foundation of St. Petersburg, like the capital, like port, like the "windows to Europe". Admiralty has become a symbol of the city.

A. D. Zakharov retained the scheme of the former plan in the form of the letter P. Tower, as before, was a node of the entire architectural composition. In her, the architect invested all his talent. The tower was done by the personification of the strength of the Russian fleet. The bottom of the tower is a mighty cube in the form of a single array. In its thickness, the arches leading to the courtyard of the Admiralty. Rows of castle stones over the double arch talk about its load. Tubes "Glory" on its sides, bas-relief "on the fact of the fleet in Russia" and the graces that carry the earthly sphere complement the decoration of this part of the tower. At the same time, these sculptures of their composition, with their main lines, were eaten by architectural lines, thereby creating a deep unity that bind sculpture with architecture. In addition, the subject of sculptures revealed the meaning of the greatest acts of Peter.

Above this heavy mighty base, the lightweight tower, framed, as if a wreath, colonnade and decorated with numerous sculptures. The golden spire with the golden boat at the top is easily and rapidly attributed to the sky, completing the dome of this majestic facilities. Given the cloudy sky above the capital, A. D. Zakharov applied not only gold (spire), but also painted the entire building in yellow with white. Therefore, even on the most gloomy days, the admiralty seems always joyful, light, bright, gloomy, exactly bathing in the bright sun rays.

It was much more difficult to solve the hulls stretched along both sides of the tower. In total, they form a facade, having up to 400 meters of length. Such a facade length threatened the fact that the building visually easily could be filled with separate parts almost not connected with each other or look boring, "cassenny." But A. D. Zakharov overcome this difficulty. Skillfully bypassing the portico column or individual protrusions of the building, alternating them with concisely treated walls of the main buildings and skillfully subjugate their tower, he avoided the possible flaws. The building of the Admiralty does not disintegrate into individual components of its parts, on the contrary, it looks like a single, mighty array, which occupies a huge quarter of the city. The common unity and a grand scale secured the fact that role and importance in the architecture of the city, which the architect gave him.

No less brilliantly completed lateral housings from the Neva. Both are enemed with pavilions. In the center of these pavilions are arches, overlapping the once channel, leading to the inner courtyard of the Admiralty. This channel included small vessels for repair in the workshops of Admiralty. On the sides of the Arch on the pedestals, crossed Jacri are strengthened - these fleet symbols. Pavilions are crowned with low cylinders, on which the flagpoles are strengthened in the diverse tails of dolphins. On both sides of the central parts of the pavilions with their arches, column porticists were delivered, architecturally binding these parts of the building with all the rest of the Admiralty building.

Admiralty, like no other building of that era, is abundantly decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs, made by the best Russian sculptors of that time. Decorative stucco, curly bas-reliefs, frontones, separate sculptures in exceptional abundance decorate the work of A. D. Zakharov. Due to this, despite the severity of architectural forms and lines, the building as a whole looks exclusively plastic, devoid of dryness and monotony.

Despite the fact that the admiralty was completed after the death of his author, despite the fact that it has undergone a number, sometimes even significant, changes, it still produces a strongest impression on the viewer. Admiralty personifies the city, and no wonder his image was knocked out on the medals dedicated to the Great Defense of the city from the fascist Horde who dreamed of seizing it in 1941-1942. It stands in a number of the greatest architectural works of the world. It is possible to be amazed how the architects could not only design this tremendous structure, but also to fulfill all its main details. Despite this huge work, A. D. Zakharov carried out a number of other works related to his post architect of the Naval Office. So, simultaneously with the execution of the first version of the Admiralty, it designs and builds a cathedral in Kronstadt, many parts and parts of which are very close to the respective parts of the Admiralty.

Among these works, the project of "marine provisions", where the master's style, so attracting us in the Admiralty, has affected, it seems, with even greater completeness. The building of a huge length is decided in calm laconic and monumental forms. Not a single column, such a favorite ambique architects, does not decorate the building "stores". Nevertheless, it attracts us to the grace and nobility of its forms, the measuring rhythm of windows and inputs. Only in some placed sculptural bas-reliefs modestly decorate this monumental structure.

In addition to this project, A. D. Zakharov created a draft hospital built in Kherson, Gatchina educational settlement, etc. But all these works, as it were, they could not be compared with the admiralty, which is a genuine unsurpassed jewel of the architecture of Russian classicism ampir.

The Academy of Arts noted this sudden and so heavy loss. In the report in 1811, we read: "The Academy in the Sea in the year was deprived of his own, professor of architecture, Stat adviser Zakharov, how the loss of information and diving it is quite for the Academy is sensitive. The experiments of the talents and the right taste in buildings can suffice and one The currently under construction of the Admiralty building, differing in splendor and beauty. "

About A. D. Zakharov: Grabar I., the history of Russian art, t. III; Historical exhibition of architecture of 1911, St. Petersburg, 1912; Lancer N., Zakharov and his admiralty, "old years", St. Petersburg, 1912; His, the main admiralty and history of its creation, "Marine Collection", L., 1926, No. 8-9; Grimm G. G., Architect Andreyan Zakharov. Life and creativity, M., 1940.

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov was born on August 8, 1761 in St. Petersburg in the family of the Admiralty employee of the ensign of Dmitry Ivanovich Zakharov. The family lived on the outskirts of the city, for Kolomna.

When Andreian was six years old, his father gave the boy to the art school at the Academy of Arts. His teachers were A. F. Kokorinov, J. B. Vallen-Demotam, Yu. M. Felten. In 1778, Andreij Zakharov received a silver medal for a country house project, in 1780 - a large silver medal for the "architectural composition representing the princes house". In 1782, Andreyan Zakharov finished training at the Academy with a large gold medal. The Council of the Academy decided to send it " for success and commendable behavior, according to the privileges of academic ... In other people's edges, the pensioner to acquire further success in architecture". [Cyt. By: 2, p. 33]

Four years of Zakharov studied in France from the largest French architect architect Jean Francois Schalgren. In the Paris Academy of Architecture, he listened to lectures and received programs for projects. Shalgren wrote about his student in the recall for the Academy of Arts:

"Currently, under my leadership, it works ... Zakharov, the abilities and behavior of which I can't catch enough. Such people always give a high idea of \u200b\u200bthe school that has brought them, and allow them to highly appreciate the institution that has such brilliant facilities. What I do not doubt the zeal, the prudence, the prudent behavior of this young man will continue, you, of course, will favorably meet him on return ...
... My intention was to make him exercise over big tasks that require all tension of talent to develop a wonderful talent that this young man received from nature. "[Cyt. By: 2, p. 34]

Andreyan Dmitrievich wished to visit it and Italy, he wrote to the Academy of Arts. But funds were not found on such a journey.

In 1786, the young architect returned to St. Petersburg. Soon his teaching activities began. The Council of the Academy of Arts Andreij Zakharov was enrolled in Adewunct-professors, then he was given a service apartment.

In 1794, the architect received the title of academician, in 1797 he became a professor. Ambassador of resignation A. A. Ivanova and Yu. M. Felten Zakharov remained the only teacher of the architectural class. A year later, he submitted to dismiss him from office an academic architect, in order to deal with only teaching activities. But due to the lack of replacement and plans for the reconstruction of the building of the Academy Zakharov, this was denied.

Paul I Andreij Zakharov was appointed architect Gatchina. In fact, he became court architect. It freed him from work as an academic architect and allowed more time to pay teaching young architects. In Gatchina, Andreij Zakharov took part in the restructuring of the Imperial Palace and many urban and palace-park structures (Lutheran Church of St. Peter, the Lion and Humpback Bridge, "Farm", "AUDGE"). In the same place, he was the projects of the Admiralty brains, the Mausoleum of Paul I and other buildings.

In 1800, the new president of the Academy of Arts Count A. S. Stroganov highlighted the Zakharov title of the Sixth Class Officer and Places in the Council of the Academy. The architect became a senior professor and headed the architectural class. From this time, the assistant of Zakharov was the future famous architect A. N. Voronikhin.

His trip to the cities of Russia in 1801-1802 played a big role in the creative life of the architect. It was undertaken to indicate Alexander I in order to choose places for the construction of military schools.

Andreyan Zakharov in 1803-1804 created a draft association of old buildings of the Academy of Sciences in one, but this intention was not implemented. At the same time, the architect worked on the building plan of the Arrow of Vasilyevsky Island.

After the resignation from the post of the chief architect of the Admiralty-Collegium Admiralty Ch. Cameron, Andreyan Zakharov took his place in 1805. Thanks to this appointment, the architect was able to create his most famous work - the building of the Admiralty. It became the only construction of the architect, which came to this day almost unchanged. In the same post, the architect created a number of projects for Kronstadt, including the Andreev Cathedral. For St. Petersburg, they created projects for restructuring provincial warehouses, naval barracks on a gallery street, a maritime hospital and a gallery port.

In the history of the world architecture of Zakharov Andreyan Dmitrievich left a noticeable trace. His period of creativity coincided with the flourishing of Russian architecture. Date of birth Zakharova A.D. - August 8, 1761. The child gifted from nature was born in St. Petersburg. His father was held in the service in the Admiralty College. At a six-year-old, he becomes a student of the artistic school, which consisted of the Academy of Arts. Having finished him, Andreyan Dmitrievich goes to the architectural department and here shows his abilities.

None of his work remained unnoticed. He is awarded silver medals for the projects of a country house and a princes house. Zakharov brilliantly finishes the Academy of Arts, carrying a gold medal with him. She was honored for the diploma project "Miscellaneous House". With respect to the final exams, it turns out to be among other students who are departed to France. There, the young architect collects new knowledge, learning from Belikar, Schalgrhan. But his dream was a trip to Italy, wherever he could attend to get acquainted with the famous architectural monuments. There were no funds to travel abroad, and the young man did not have.

Zakharov returns to St. Petersburg and begins to engage in architectural activities and at the same time he has time to teach young tagging. In 1800, he received the position of architect Gatchina, it proceeds to the design of a number of new structures. So the farm appeared, the "poultry house", the lion's bridge, the monastery of St. Harlampia.

After the death of the emperor, Paul's work in Gatchina moved to the background. Zakharov as the chief architect of Admiralty began to develop a new home project. By that time, the old building of the Admiralty did not meet the requirements. It loosely looked at the background of beautiful workshops created structures. Therefore, in front of Andreyan Dmitrievich, there was a task to build a beautiful building - the symbol of the city. He coped brilliantly with her than he immortal about himself memory.

The new Admiralty building has a main facade of a length of 407 meters. As the basis was taken for the previous plan of the structure. The center managed to save the tower with the spire created by the box. It was necessary to reflect it only. A wonderful building made in the ampir style concluded decorative reliefs and stucco, bas-reliefs, numerous sculptures, architectural convexities.

It is a pity that the author himself failed to see the fruit of his work in all its glory. All admiralty work was completed after his death. Andreyan Dmitrievich is seriously ill. So without recovering from the ailment, Zakharov dies on September 8, 1811 in the fifty-year-old age.

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov (8 (19) August 1761 - August 27 (September 8) 1811, St. Petersburg) - Russian architect, Representative of the ampir style. Creator of the complex of admiralty buildings in St. Petersburg.


Born on August 8, 1761 in the family of a small employee Admiralty College. At an early age, he was given by the Father in the Art School at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied until 1782. His teachers were A. F. Kokorinov, I. E. Starov and Yu. M. Felten. In 1778, Andreij Zakharov received a silver medal for a country house project, in 1780 - a large silver medal for the "architectural composition representing the house of the princes". At the end of the school, he received a large gold medal and the right to a retired ride abroad to continue education. He continued to study in Paris from 1782 to 1786 from J. F. Schalgren.

In 1786 he returned to Petersburg and began working as a teacher at the Academy of Arts, while at the same time starting to engage in design. After some time, Zakharov appointed an architect of all unfinished buildings of the Academy of Arts.

After that, he worked in St. Petersburg, reached the title of the chief architect of the maritime department.

Since 1787, Zakharov taught at the Academy of Arts, among his students there was an architect A. I. Melnikov.

Since 1794, Zakharov became an academician St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

At the end of 1799, Decree Paul I Zakharov was appointed chief architect of Gatchina, where he worked for almost two years.

Works in 1799-1804

Works produced by A. D. Zakharov during this period walked on the increasing complexity of tasks and disclosure of the architect talent. He worked with ever increasing challenges.

1799-1800 Gatchina. Lutheran Church of St. Peter

The construction of churches was started by an unknown architect in 1789, but not over. Zakharov began work in 1799, under his leadership the building was significantly rebuilt, the interior decoration was completed, the iconostasis and the department with the Baldakhin were also created. The most noticeable of the expressive details of the new building were the gold-plated rooster and a ball made for spitz, concluding a bell tower of a thick brass (destroyed in the Great Patriotic War, not restored).

1800 Gatchina. Humpback Most

The humpback bridge in the Palace Park Gatchina was built by A. D. Zakharov on his own project, the first documentary evidence was dating November 1800. The bridge has two wide coastal wests decorated in the form of terraces - sightseeings. The terraces and the span of the bridge are observed by balustrade, stone benches for rest are arranged in the middle of the bridge. Since the architecture of the bridge is designed to perceive from a long distance, its elements create a game of light and shadow, which is clearly visible from afar.

Gatchina. "Lion bridge"

Built according to the project A. D. Zakharov in 1799-1801. The second name bridge received due to stone lion's masks, which decorate the castle stones of his three arches. In addition to these stone masks, according to the architect's plan, the sculpted groups, the Allegory "Abundance of Rivers" were supposed to establish sculptural groups. After the tragic death of the emperor Paul I, this project was not implemented. But even without sculpture, the lion bridge belongs to the best works of palace-park architecture. Destroyed during the war years Lion bridge restored at the end of the last century.

Gatchina. "Farm"

Gatchina. "Poultry"

1803-1804. Project building of Vasilyevsky Island

The restructuring of Vasilyevsky Islands in St. Petersburg on the Project Zakharov was supposed to be fulfilled in the traditions of the French town-planning school: the unity of the ensemble should have been achieved by the general rhythm of the construction of buildings and the same architectural details. The project execution was to lead to the restructuring of the Academy of Sciences.

1803-1804. Architectural plan of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair

Zakharov prepared a draft architectural plan for the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, according to which the architect A. A. Betankur built it in a few years.


Born on August 8, 1761 in the family of a small employee Admiralty College. At an early age, he was given by the Father in the Art School at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied until 1782. His teachers were A. F. Kokorinov, I. E. Starov and Yu. M. Felten. In 1778, Andreij Zakharov received a small silver medal for a country house project, in 1780 - a large silver medal for the "architectural composition representing the house of the princes". At the end of the school, he received a large gold medal and the right to a retired ride abroad to continue education. He continued to study in Paris from 1782 to 1786 from J. F. Schalgren.

In 1786 he returned to Petersburg and began working as a teacher at the Academy of Arts, while at the same time starting to engage in design. After some time, Zakharov appointed an architect of all unfinished buildings of the Academy of Arts.

After that, he worked in St. Petersburg, reached the title of the chief architect of the maritime department.

1803-1804. Architectural plan of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair

Zakharov prepared a draft architectural plan for the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, according to which the architect A. A. Betankur built it in a few years.

1805-1811 Work on the building of the Admiralty

The initial building of the Admiralty was carried out by Architect I. K. Korovov in 1738, this building is the greatest monument of the Russian architecture of Ampire style. At the same time, it is a city-forming building and the architectural center of St. Petersburg.

Zakharov performed work in 1806-1811. Creating a new, grand building with the length of the main facade of 407 m, he retained the configuration of the plan already existing. Having granted admiralty, the majestic architectural appearance, he managed to emphasize his central position in the city (the main highways converge in three rays). The center of the building is the monumental tower with a spire, on which a ship is located, which has become a symbol of the city. This boat carries the old admiralty spire, created by architect I. K. Korobov. In two wings of the facade, symmetrically located on the sides of the tower, alternate with a complex rhythmic pattern, simple and clear volumes, such as smooth walls, strongly speakers, deep loggias.

The strength of the design is a sculpture. The decorative reliefs of the building complement large architectural volumes, the gracefully unfolded facades are shared by the visible sculptural groups.

Inside the building, such interiors of the admiralty are preserved as the lobby with the front staircase, the assembly hall, the library. The abundance of light and the exceptional grace of finishes are shaped with a clear severity of monumental architectural forms.

Other works in St. Petersburg and suburbs

During the period of work on the Admiralty, Zakharov also worked on other tasks:

Main article: Provitansky Island

In particular, Zakharov developed around 1805. Draft Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in Ekaterinoslava. The cathedral was built after the death of the architect, in 1830-1835. under the name of Preobrazhensky and preserved to the present day. The project of the cathedral was also used by Zodkim S.E. Dudine for the construction of the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Izhevsk.

A. D. Zakharov was buried at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery. In 1936, dust and tombstones A.D. Zakharov and his parents were transferred to