Star of the Strelka group Gera: My husband beat and broke me! & Nbsp. Children, business, yoga and theater: what the soloists of the cult group “Strelki” are doing. What happened to the group of arrows?

Star of the Strelka group Gera: My husband beat and broke me! & Nbsp.  Children, business, yoga and theater: what the soloists of the cult group “Strelki” are doing. What happened to the group of arrows?
Star of the Strelka group Gera: My husband beat and broke me! & Nbsp. Children, business, yoga and theater: what the soloists of the cult group “Strelki” are doing. What happened to the group of arrows?

In the 90s, there were many hysterical hits about a broken heart: either Toni Braxton groaned in the shower under Ubreak My Heart, then Gwen Stefani angrily asked for Don't Speak, but the seven "Shooter" (or "Shooter" , as they called themselves then), whose loudest hit - "You left me" - forever entered the history of Russian pop music.

The status of "Russian Spice Girls" with a clear distribution of roles, coupled with a clip of sticky hits about parties of best friends, mummies and handsome deceivers allowed Strelka to remain in the Russian pop elite for several years and easily fill Olimpiyskiy with loyal fans in 1999- m.

With the arrival of the millennium, reshuffles began in the group, the repertoire from a hooligan-playful turned into a collection of purely feminine experiences, and the producers were carried away by the creation of "reserve teams" and "sister" projects, like "Shooters International", which were remembered only for the rewrite of Sexual Revolution in Boris's company Moiseeva. The original "Strelka" disbanded in 2004, but last year they unexpectedly succumbed to persuasion to perform at the next concert in the style of the 90s. The night of nostalgia was successful, and four members of the "golden lineup" decided to resume their concert activities: Maria (Margo), Svetlana (Gera), Ekaterina (Radio operator Kat, or simply Kat) and Sali (Tori). At the new Strelok concerts, apart from classical hits, one can also hear the novelty “Man in love”, from which we learn that “men in love do not look into the eyes (“ because you cannot look at the sun ”).


The soloists of the group "Strelki" now

Tori, Kat, Margot and Hera

We met with the soloists of the Strelki group and found out how each of them got into the group, what they did after the band broke up and what they expect from the reunion. We also contacted Yulia Beretta and Leah Bykova, who told why they did not join their former colleagues.

Fox, Stasya, Mouse, Julia Beretta, Margot, Hera and Kat

Photo from personal archive

Remember how you became Strelki?
We all have a common history. There was a casting. Our future producers saw the wonderful group Spice Girls and decided to do something similar in Russia. In 97, they advertised everywhere: in newspapers, magazines, on television. We were looking for girls who could sing, dance, looked good, had acting skills and could read a poem. 4000 people came. And so they took the best, ta-dame!

What poems did you read at the casting?
Kat: I was showing a light bulb.
Hera: I sang "Closing the Circle" by Chris Kelmi and "It's Just Over Winter" by Alena Sviridova. She danced a dance from modern jazz choreography and read a fable.

Margot: I could not think of what to sing for me, and Leonid Velichkovsky (Producer of the group. - Approx. ed.) said: "Sing cherry-cherry." I sang: “Cherry! Cherry!". Danced to George Michael's Fast Love. Later I was told that our producer says to our future choreographer Lyuba: "Look how the girl dances well." And Lyuba is like: “No,” (laughs). And I carefully watched the video, taught all these rapper movements. In fact, I danced cool! And I also read a fable, but I got confused in the text. It didn't work out for me with acting, in general.
Tory: I also went through the casting with the girls, sang, read a fable, I don't remember what. I was taken away, I was supposed to be the eighth member, but I decided not to go to the group, I refused. And then, two years later, when Mouse and Stasya left the group, she came to a new audition. I prayed so that I would not be remembered! She came in, called her name, and they told me: “Where have you been for two years ?!”. Seliverstov (Igor is the second producer of the group - Approx. ed.) remembered, found out and said that everything, the casting for the rest is over.

What a long listening time it was!
Hera: As many as four rounds! It all started in March 1997, and on May 9, the participants were approved. The first concert was scheduled for a graduation party, and we prepared for four hours every day for a month.
Kat: It so happened that it was my own graduation, I graduated from school that year.

The chemistry between the members was excellent - no worse than that of the Spice Girls. Did you work together quickly?
Margot: No. The producers had big problems with us. We were completely out of line with what they wanted. A month later, they gathered us and threatened: "So, now everyone will go home, we will look for new ones." They handed out to each of the images and said: "Here you will be an angel, you are rock, you are sexy." And to their homes: "Go and think." I got "sexy". Christmas trees, sticks, I'm sexy ?! That's it! As a result, I fell into this image.
Hera: As for ourselves, we became friends at once. To be honest, already at the casting, our five went together - even without the Mouse. Already there they realized that we are in charge here at the casting. Knew we would stay. We understood what the producers needed and that we were suitable. I immediately understood which girls I was competing with for a place in the group, looked at them and exhaled: “Not competitors”!

What was the most memorable moment in your career at Strelka?
Margot: First tour. We went with "Ivanushki", Roma Ryabtsev, Alena Sviridova and Zhenya Osin to Kursk by bus.
Kat: Our concert at Olimpiyskiy in 99th. After him, I could not calm down for three days.
Hera: I also have Olimpiyskiy. It is a feeling that we have gathered a full audience, everyone with posters, knows the songs. We gathered for an after-party in a very cool restaurant. I went there and I see all these important aunts and uncles who are still at the helm, and they shake our hands: they say, well done, girls. I felt like an adult and significant.
Margot: My whole concert is a blackout. I only remember that I sang a solo song in such a black super-dress with a cutout and dedicated it to the one who was in the audience, only to him one of all. I prepared very seriously. I don't remember anything else.
Hera: And the stage pool? You should have jumped. In the end, no one jumped into it!
Margot: I don't remember anything at all.
Hera: I'll send you a video. And on that day, a fan gave me three bouquets. In the morning, 100 white roses and one red, at the concert 100 red and one white, and after 100 white and one red. There were men! Beautifully beautiful.

Why did they break up?
Margot: It was in 2004. We were already six years old then, and the contract was signed for five. In 2003, the producers gathered us and offered us another year. Hero and I stayed, Julia Beretta and Kat were no longer in the group at that time. Lisa remained from the main team. We worked it out, and in 2006 the contract ended, and Hero and I assembled our own duet "Bridge".
Hera: In general, the main work stopped back in 2002. Time began to change, the music was different, but our producers did not notice it at all. And when they noticed, they realized that they needed to do a full upgrade, which meant a lot of investment. They didn’t want to and gave up on everything.

Was it then that Strelki International appeared?
Hera: They appeared earlier. On the same wavelength with us. At some point they walked with us ...
Tory: They never went!
Margot: When Yulia and Kat left us, they began to recruit young people to our group, "to hammer holes." And when we left, it was over. The new girls worked for a long time, almost until 2010, but, in fact, they just sang covers. Shooter International had its own "young" crowd, its own affairs, its own songs. Here, I remember, they sang with Moiseyev.

Who did what when it was over?
Margot: Hero and I became a duet "Bridge". They performed for 2 years, then I gave birth to a child, then a second. Along the way, I was engaged in creativity and the creation of my own jewelry - the B.B.Love brand, which I still manage.
Hera: I returned to the profession. She graduated from theatrical, began acting in TV shows and films. I went to advanced training, plunged into theatrical life. And she began to try herself as a composer, wrote songs, performed, starred, played.

You, Gera, also had a project called "Nestrelka" with Yulia Beretta ...
Hera: Yes. It was a short project, like an anecdote. That is why the name was so funny.
Kat: After leaving the group, I gave birth to two sons and organized a business that is completely unrelated to show business. Now I combine creativity with commerce. I'm going to recover legal. In view of my whole life situation, this will be very relevant. Now I finally understood how it works, otherwise I used to study by correspondence and didn't really learn anything.

As I understand it, the sons followed in your footsteps?
Kat: Almost. Elder recently starred in "Yeralash" and, so I suspect, will go into acting.
Tory: After Strelok, I also continued to be creative. She opened her own vocal school. I am raising three children. She sang, worked all this time with Evgeny Viktorovich Osin. In general, she did not go far anywhere.

Often, probably, they were tormented by the question of the return of "Shooters" ...
Hera: In each interview: "When, when?" And I said: NO-CO-YES. That's really, really, "never say never."

And how did it all come about?
Hera: We called our former producer Leonid Velichkovsky from one radio station and asked if it was possible to gather us for the "90s Disco", where all the stars of that time were, except us. He decided to give it a try. And suddenly everything coincided with us. We decided to joke, have fun, "remember youth." And after the concert we sat in the dressing room and realized that everything went so well that it would be great to continue.
Margot: Without words, we understood each other that this was a new beginning.

But not everyone decided to return ...
Hera: Half of us live abroad, and one girl sings herself.

Do you know what those members of the "golden line-up" are doing who are not performing with you now?
Hera: Lisa lives in London, Stasya - in Holland and does yoga. Leah lives in Australia and has just given birth. A Mouse in Turkey with her husband and child.

What about Julia Beretta? Is this a sore point at all?
Margot: No, we have no painful questions. She has been performing solo for the last 12 years, she no longer needs the Strelki group. Call Alena Apina to the "Combination" group now - she won't go, she doesn't need it.

And recently Yulia sang in the "Olympic" song "Shooter" ...
Tory: She wants to sing these songs, she likes them. And we like it. Good songs!

You always have comic "boyish" songs (like "Pretty Boy" and "Mommy") went hand in hand with lyric compositions: "Boomerang", "Thorns and Roses" and so on. What kind of music should we expect from you now?
Hera: So far we have released one song - "Man in love". But apart from that, they shot the comedy Instagram mini-series "Babki-Style". This is a hooligan story. So, as far as the songs are concerned, we cannot say yet.
Margot: We are waiting for a resonance from the "Man in love". We will shoot the video soon, we plan to release a mini-album in the fall. And touring tours.

Fans in social networks demand to finish the trilogy of clips "You left me" and "Boomerang" and again call Ivars Kalnins in the clip. How do you like the idea?
Hera: We ended this story back then, but the fans, it seems, did not. (Laughs)
Margot: We wrote at the end “To be continued”. It was intrigue. But we promised a sequel about this girl. And we are no longer very interested in this girl. She is already a grandmother, why talk about her?

How was the fate of Liya Bykova and Julia Beretta from "Strelok"

Leah: I left the group back in 98, and not after the breakup: I worked in the group for only a year. There were several reasons. Maybe the realities of Russian show business were slightly traumatizing. And I was still in my third year at the Faculty of Translation, Moscow State Linguistic University, studying Chinese and English. Study outweighed. In 2000, I went to study in Australia, received a master's degree in finance from UNSW. I got accustomed, since then I live and work in Sydney and raise a child.

Julia Beretta: The reason for my leaving the group was the end of the contract with the producers, and the Strelka project at that time, it seemed to me, had already exhausted itself. I went on a solo voyage. Then I began to actively act in films and study. Graduated from GITIS, Nifontov's workshop. To date, I have about 30 films and one performance on my account. Not far off, by the way, and the second. And two more music albums. The author of most of the songs on my second disc was Andrey Gubin. 15 clips, participation in various television projects and more. Last November I became a mother ...

Why didn't you return to the group? Because, firstly, the Strelki group is a production project that implies young, gambling, reckless girls, and I'm not like that anymore! Secondly, I put a lot of time and effort into my personal project - Julia Beretta. Thirdly, it is more interesting to implement your creative plans than to dance to someone else's tune, and in general the female team - this, as you know, is always difficult!

And for many years now, with the permission of the producers, I have been performing at my concerts songs from the group's repertoire that my fans want to hear: "At a party" and "You left me." By the way, I myself wrote several songs for the group, which became hits at that time: "Boomerang", "We'll have time", "Moscow", "Vesna". From a certain point, she became the official copyright holder of the exclusive rights to the music of these songs. Moreover, then none of the girls thought about returning to the group. Now they are reunited, and I sincerely wish them all only the very best! Good luck and new hits. Since today it is much more difficult to climb to the top of the charts and resist there.

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In January 2003, the group released the clip "Yugorskaya Dolina". In addition to Maria Korneeva, Svetlana Bobkina and Larisa Batulina, who remained in the group, new members appeared in the video - Lana "Lulu" Timakova, Elena "Malaya" Mishina, Natalia Deeva and Oksana "Gina" Ustinova.

The same line-up recorded the song "Whole Summer". Later, Elena Mishina left the group.

Galina Gala Trapezova, a 23-year-old ex-member of the Strelka International team, appears in the group, and the group takes part in a candid photo session consisting of: Svetlana Bobkina, Maria Korneeva, Larisa Batulina, Oksana Ustinova, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapezova. And after a while Svetlana Bobkina and Maria Korneeva left the group at the same time and created the "Bridge" group. In October 2003, the video "Veterok" was released, consisting of: Larisa Batulina, Natalya Deeva, Oksana Ustinova, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapezova. Later, 21-year-old Anastasia Bondareva appears in the group. Shortly before the shooting of the video "Best Friend", Larisa Batulina left the group, and new members came - 21-year-old Nika Knight and Anastasia Osipova, who participated in 1997-1998 in the "second" line-ups. The premiere of the new video took place in December 2003.

In 2004, the group recorded new songs: "Valentine", "Rain is Falling", "Fire of Letters", "Don't Let Me Go", "Summer was Running", "Heat", "Don't Go", "Seven Seas" and "You far". The album "Odyssey" was also being prepared for release. The film "Games of Moths", shot in 2003 with the participation of a group consisting of Svetlana Bobkina, Maria Korneeva, Larisa Batulina, Lana Timakova, Oksana Ustinova and Natalia Deeva, is released.

In the fall of 2004, the group toured the United States with Anastasia Kovaleva-Natalya Deeva-Deborah-Nika Knight, a little later in France with Lana Timakova-Anastasia Osipova-Galina Trapezova-Oksana Ustinova-Marina Dmitricheva.

In March 2005, Galina Trapezova left the group.

Such frequent line-up changes that began in 2003 were negatively perceived by the fans of the collective, and on February 28, 2006, the main line-up in the person of Lana Timakova, Anastasia Kovaleva, Oksana Ustinova, Nika Knight, Natalia Deeva and Anastasia Osipova ceased to exist. It is this date that is considered the day of the official termination of the group's existence. Numerous "second line-ups" performed at concerts and in broadcasts, sometimes the "main" participants Lana Timakova and Anastasia Bondareva-Kovaleva performed with them. In this regard, there was confusion associated with the exact date of the end of the stay of all the "main" members of the group, as well as misunderstandings about the exact number of compositions. In the future, the producers of the collective made statements about plans to revive the group and the preparation of new material, but things did not go further than conversations.

Further destinies of the participants

  • Yulia Dolgasheva makes a solo career as Julia Beretta, as an actress and singer. In 2012 he plays the main role in the play "Downed Pilot".
  • Svetlana Bobkina makes a career as a solo singer and actress. From 2003 to 2005 together with Maria Korneeva sings in the "Bridge" group, and from 2009 to 2012 together with Julia Beretta- in the NonStrelki group.
  • Maria Korneeva from 2003 to 2005 together with Svetlana Bobkina sings in the "Bridge" group, which he leaves due to pregnancy. In 2010, together with Ekaterina Kravtsova starred in the video of the group NeStrelka "Party 2". She is married and has two children - Fedor and Alisa.
  • Ekaterina Kravtsova in 2002, after being fired from the group, she tries to commit suicide, but she is saved. Having recovered, he makes a solo career under the pseudonym Radio cat and releases the video "He is me". In 2010, together with Maria Korneeva starred in the video of the group NeStrelka "Party 2". She is married, brings up sons Daniel and Fyodor. Owns his own bakery.
  • Maria Solovyova For 4 years she lived in a civil marriage with the writer Dmitry Lipskerov, the couple had two children - Konstantin and Sophia. Now Maria works as a choreographer.
  • Anastasia Rodina marries Dutchman Peter Even and moves to the Netherlands. Works as a yoga instructor, brings up three sons, sometimes comes to Moscow.
  • Leah Bykova gets married and works as a translator.
  • Larisa Batulina in 2007 starred in a cameo in the film "Serko". Works as a designer.
  • Salome Kitia sang in the Ru Club group, now she is making a solo career under the pseudonym Sali Rosiver. She is divorced and has three children.
  • Oksana Ustinova becomes a presenter on the Muz-TV channel. From 2006 to 2008 she sang in the group "Milk" with Galina Trapezova... Now she is one of the members of the Einstein Girls group.
  • Natalia Deeva for a while sings in the group “Come on! Come on ”, after which he leaves show business, deciding to devote himself to his family.
  • Elena Mishina marry. She also sang in the "Vorovayki" group for a long time. Leaving and returning to the group several times, in 2013 he leaves the group again. With Elena the "Vorovayki" group has recorded several albums, including songs with Elena's solo performance.
  • Lana Timakova after the breakup of the group until 2009, she performed with the members of the "second" line-ups. She also recorded solo songs "Your Eyes" and "Baby". She is married and lives in Spain.
  • Galina Trapezova in 2005, as part of the Wild Berries group, he takes part in the 5 stars competition, a video is released for the song "Physical Culture". But due to lack of popularity in 2006, the group breaks up. From 2006 to 2008 she sang in the group "Milk" with Oksana Ustinova... Now Galina is married.
  • Anastasia Bondareva-Kovaleva after the breakup of the group until 2007, she performed with the members of the “second” line-ups, while at the same time pursuing a solo career under the pseudonym Nastasia. In 2012, she became a producer and member of the Strelochki group, which was later renamed Perestrelki. Raises his son Timothy.
  • Nika Gordey in 2012 together with Anastasia Bondareva-Kovaleva, Ellina Tokareva, Karina Vasilyeva and Aida Evdokimova becomes a member of the STRELOCHKI group, but leaves the band until it was renamed Perestrelki and the group's debut video was released. Now he works on backing vocals for Alexander Lominsky. She is married and has a daughter.
  • Anastasia Osipova since 2007 she is a member of the Brilliant group.
  • Oksana Yashankina becomes the organizer of the show project Fitness Team Moscow, and in 2012 takes part as a fitness instructor in the show "Top Model in Russian". She is married to Dmitry Yashankin and has two sons.
  • Karina Vasilieva(nee Tonakanyan, according to the first husband Evsyukova) from 2006 to 2009 performs with Lana Timakova and the rest of the participants of the "second" compositions. Marries Denis Yevsyukov, who in 2010 was sentenced to life imprisonment for shooting people in a supermarket. In 2012 she became a member of the Strelochki / Perestrelki group. She is married for the second time to Dmitry Vasiliev - DJ Diamond.
  • Marina Konova releases a solo song "Guess" under the pseudonym Marik-A. Now he works as a producer for the distribution of TV content in the CIS and Baltic countries.
  • Marina Dmitricheva in 2004 he leaves the group of his own free will, works as a yoga instructor.
  • Aida Evdokimova makes a solo career, after which he tries himself as a member of the "Chinshila" group. In 2012 she became a member of the Strelochki / Perestrelki group.
  • Ellina Tokareva in 2009 she starred in the video for the group Velvet "Sorry". In 2012, she became a member of the Strelochki / Perestrelki group, which she left in the spring of 2013 due to pregnancy reasons and a desire to continue her modeling career.
  • Lyudmila Shushanikova makes a solo career under the pseudonym Lyudmila Hart, but later leaves show business and becomes a holiday organizer. Not married, raising a son.
  • Natalia Rubtsova works in the modeling business and decides to devote himself to his family.
  • Olesya Levites becomes an actress. She also hosted programs on REN TV, TRO and Doverie.
  • Deborah Natasha Chloe after "Shooter" sings in the musical "Eastwick Witches" of the "Art Voyage" theater, recorded the track "Scream in the Heart" with rapper Lil Sof
  • Anna Simakova decides to devote himself to the modeling business. Now he works as the Minister of Culture under the administration of the city of Mineralnye Vody.
  • Olga Kurbatova Marries, graduates from the Faculty of Psychology and works as a child psychologist. 4 years after the wedding, the couple had a daughter.
Further destinies Marina Belyakova and Ekaterina Ovchinnikova unknown.

At the end of the 90s, the girl group "Strelki", created by producers Igor SILIVERSTOV and Leonid VELICHKOVSKY, enjoyed no less popularity than "VIA Gra" is now. One of their brightest soloists was the young Ekaterina KRAVTSOVA, better known as Radio Operator Kat. Now she is a member of the new project "Radiocat". At one of the concerts, our special correspondents talked with her and learned a lot of interesting things.


I got to Strelki by accident, - Katya admitted. - Before that, I had no idea of ​​singing on stage.

My parents and I lived in Lytkarino near Moscow. But my mother really wanted to move to Moscow. In the early 90s, she and my dad began to transport goods from abroad as "shuttle traders". And at some point they got really good at it. We bought an apartment in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. And then there was a default, and all the money was covered with a copper basin. Dad could not stand it. He began to beat mom hard. One day I came home from school and found her in the kitchen with a battered head. After that, I did not communicate with my dad for seven years. I couldn't forgive him for that. Mom, leaving the hospital, began to drink deeply. There was nothing to live on. The apartment was taken away from the debts. The only thing we have left is a small batch of shoes in the warehouse. And I, a 14-year-old girl, began to trade it on the CSKA market. She made good money. Rented an apartment. Paid for my mother's treatment with a psychiatrist. In general, little by little I began to improve my life. And then on the TV show "Clip" I heard that girls were being recruited into the group, and decided to try her luck.

All in all in the room

- Did your work at Strelka live up to your expectations?

Where exactly! Producers bought themselves cars, apartments, houses ... And we worked hard like horses. We visited Moscow for a maximum of two days a month and received a penny. We were paid $ 15 for a 20-minute show. For a two-hour solo concert - 200 each. This is despite the fact that Strelka cost from $ 5,000 and more.

About the conditions in which I had to work, I generally keep quiet. On tour, we were often lodged in some hostel with all of us in one room. And they did not even consider it necessary to feed. Moreover, they were constantly fined for being late and other offenses. Now, when I'm working on the project myself, I understand that in fact the salary at Strelka was quite normal. After all, out of these 5,000 dollars, it was necessary to pay not only us, but also a lot of people - a sound engineer, an administrator, etc. As a result, the producers did not have much left.

- It's no secret that in female groups like "Strelok" the participants usually live not at the expense of concerts, but at the expense of rich fans ... - It was so with us. But this does not mean that someone was given to rich men for a piece of bread. All the same, there were some feelings. For example, Velichkovsky really liked Yu-Yu (Yulia Dolgashova. - MF). But she didn't like him. And she did not sleep with him. But Margo (Maria Korneeva - MF) and our sponsor Alexei Potapov, general director of the paging company WessoLink, had mutual feelings. And the matter ended with the fact that he married her.

Shibanutaya on the whole head

Former director of the strip club "Dreams" Andrei Yermonin recently told us that at one of the parties your group performed naked in front of the oligarchs and then splashed with them in the pool. Was this also done for love? Or were you forced by the producers?

The producers had their own intrigues. Of course, there was no such thing that they could come and say: "You, you and you go and serve this and that." But attempts, with the help of the group members, to establish contacts with someone from the right people did take place. I remember that once we arrived at a radio station, and the producers told us: "If you want to be played here, decide who we will send?" In principle, this is a normal situation for show business: if you want to be somewhere, you have to do this and that. But even if someone from "Strelok" was sent to someone, I do not know anything about it. In any case, I personally did not participate in anything like that. I also had an image slightly shibanut on my head. Everyone loved that I was so cool. But no one perceived me as a girl. Perhaps that is why all these dirty deeds bypassed me.

- But what about the sensational billboards with your photos and inviting slogans “Do you want? Call me! ”, With which all of Moscow was hung? We then called your director Vadim Fishman under the guise of customers, and he said directly that after the performance it would be possible to agree with the group members about closer communication ("EG" No. 50, 2000). - When these shields appeared, we made a scandal. They came and said: “Guys! Either you take them off, or we leave the group. " The producers were forced to remove the billboards. We put up with a lot anyway. Take, say, the Playboy shoot, which almost got me into a fight with my boyfriend. Or the same "second line-ups" with the help of which the producers arranged the concerts of "Shooter" simultaneously in several places. We were simply confronted with the fact: "You don't want to, but there will be 48 more teams." This, of course, outraged us. But we had signed contracts, and we could not rock the boat.

Marry an oligarch

- Maybe the so-called second lineups of "Shooters" were recruited to please rich clients?

It may well be. Participants of the "second line-up" received less than us - from 50 to 100 bucks per performance. And at the same time, they did not pretend to be in the main team. Then these new girls changed often - about once every six months. For example, I introduced Lana Timakova to Strelki. She gave the impression of a very modest girl. Imagine my amazement when I was later told about her stormy adventures with Serov, Agutin and other stars. - And what about the fate of the members of the main team?

The first - a year after the creation of the group - Leah jumped off. She was a 3rd year student of foreign languages. She translated from Japanese into English and from English into Russian. I think she's doing very well now. Then Stasya left. She got pregnant from the Dutchman Peter. And she became a respectable mother of the family. Now he and Peter already have three sons. Then the Mouse left (Maria Solovieva. - M.F.). She married Dmitry Lipskerov, a writer, creator of the Twin Peaks and Drova restaurants, and a member of the Public Chamber. They have a son and a daughter. The producers tried to persuade the girls to stay. They promised to raise the salary. But they could not keep them. As a result, they won back on the rest - they were all fined. Like, they suffered losses and had to be reimbursed. And in September 2002, our contracts ended. First, Yu-Yu left, who by that time had already recorded a solo album and began performing under the name Beretta. Then Hera began her solo career (Svetlana Bobkina. - M.F.). I was not going to leave. But the producers recruited new girls and I was fired. True, then they offered me to return. We tried to reassemble the original line-up. They called everyone. But no one wanted to return. Apparently, they have eaten in seven years.

Kind Mitrofanov

- What did you do after leaving Strelok?

Spun as best she could. For example, at one time she worked as a development director in a dry cleaner. I found wholesale clients and received interest on it. Then everything piled up on me - both the dismissal from Strelok, and the quarrel with my boyfriend. It seemed to me there was no way out. I got into the car, drove around Moscow for hours and looked with my eyes for his car number. As a result, the psyche could not stand it, and I ate 20 phenazepam tablets. For my 35 kg body weight, this was more than enough. She lay, looked at the ceiling and thought: “Hurry to close your eyes! This ceiling shook! " Fortunately, my mother found me on time, called an ambulance, and they pumped me out. After that I started writing songs. Thus, I kind of took out the accumulated pain from myself. And then my son Danila was born, and a meaning appeared in my life. - Who is the father of your child?- The same young man, because of whom I had a suicide attempt. I started living with him, an ordinary student, while still working at Strelka. Now this person has disappeared from my life. Recently, he said that I am angry and he no longer wants to live with me. In fact, I'm kind. I'm just very tired. He's messing around. And I fiddle with the child, work, cook, do the housework. Naturally, by the end of the day, everything is already on the nerves. But now I'm not particularly upset that he left. - How did it happen that you suddenly returned to the stage again?- Deputy Alexey Mitrofanov helped me. Even when I was working at Strelki, he somehow approached me after a concert in Sochi, gave me a business card and asked me to call him. “Listen, get out of the Shooters,” he said when I called. - You are already untwisted face. Let's do a project with you. " He promised to settle all the problems with the contract. But then I refused. And four years later, I remembered this conversation. I offered Mitrofanov one of my songs as the anthem of the Liberal Democratic Party. He immediately invited me to his "Metropol". My songs, however, did not interest him. But he introduced me to the guys from Tallinn, with whom I did the Radiocat project ...


Recently, the Strelki group, at the invitation of Joseph Kobzon, performed in the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug as part of the singer's and politician's report on deputy work.

At the end of the 90s, the girl group "Strelki", created by producers Igor SILIVERSTOV and Leonid VELICHKOVSKY, enjoyed no less popularity than "VIA Gra" is now. One of their brightest soloists was the young Ekaterina KRAVTSOVA, better known as Radio Operator Kat. Now she is a member of the new project "Radiocat". At one of the concerts, our special correspondents talked with her and learned a lot of interesting things.

I got to Strelki by accident, - Katya admitted. - Before that, I had no idea of ​​singing on stage.

"ARROWS": did not hesitate to bare their seductive bodies (photo from Playboy magazine)

My parents and I lived in Lytkarino near Moscow. But my mother really wanted to move to Moscow. In the early 90s, she and my dad began to transport goods from abroad as "shuttle traders". And at some point they got really good at it. We bought an apartment in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. And then there was a default, and all the money was covered with a copper basin. Dad could not stand it. He began to beat mom hard. One day I came home from school and found her in the kitchen with a battered head. After that, I did not communicate with my dad for seven years. I couldn't forgive him for that. Mom, leaving the hospital, began to drink deeply. There was nothing to live on. The apartment was taken away from the debts. The only thing we have left is a small batch of shoes in the warehouse. And I, a 14-year-old girl, began to trade it on the CSKA market. She made good money. Rented an apartment. Paid for my mother's treatment with a psychiatrist. In general, little by little I began to improve my life. And then on the TV show "Clip" I heard that girls were being recruited into the group, and decided to try her luck.

All in all in the room

Did your work at Strelka live up to your expectations?

Where exactly! Producers bought themselves cars, apartments, houses ... And we worked hard like horses. We visited Moscow for a maximum of two days a month and received a penny. We were paid $ 15 for a 20-minute show. For a two-hour solo concert - 200 each. This is despite the fact that Strelka cost from $ 5,000 and more.

About the conditions in which I had to work, I generally keep quiet. On tour, we were often lodged in some hostel with all of us in one room. And they did not even consider it necessary to feed. Moreover, they were constantly fined for being late and other offenses. Now, when I'm working on the project myself, I understand that in fact the salary at Strelka was quite normal. After all, out of these 5,000 dollars, it was necessary to pay not only us, but also a lot of people - a sound engineer, an administrator, etc. As a result, the producers did not have much left.

It's no secret that in female groups like "Strelok", the participants usually live not at the expense of concerts, but at the expense of rich fans ...

It was so with us. But this does not mean that someone was given to rich men for a piece of bread. All the same, there were some feelings. For example, Velichkovsky really liked Yu-Yu (Yulia Dolgashova. - MF). But she didn't like him. And she did not sleep with him. But Margo (Maria Korneeva - MF) and our sponsor Alexei Potapov, general director of the paging company "WessoLink", experienced mutual feelings. And the matter ended with the fact that he married her.

Shibanutaya on the whole head

Former director of the strip club "Dreams" Andrei Yermonin recently told us that at one of the parties your group performed naked in front of oligarchs and then splashed with them in the pool ("EG" No. 6, 2006). Was this also done for love? Or were you forced by the producers?

The producers had their own intrigues. Of course, there was no such thing that they could come and say: "You, you and you go and serve this and that." But attempts, with the help of the group members, to establish contacts with someone from the right people did take place. I remember that once we arrived at a radio station, and the producers told us: "If you want to be played here, decide who we will send?" In principle, this is a normal situation for show business: if you want to be somewhere, you have to do this and that. But even if someone from "Strelok" was sent to someone, I do not know anything about it. In any case, I personally did not participate in anything like that. I also had an image slightly shibanut on my head. Everyone loved that I was so cool. But no one perceived me as a girl. Perhaps that is why all these dirty deeds bypassed me.

But what about the sensational billboards with your photos and inviting captions “Do you want? Call me! ”, With which all of Moscow was hung? We then called your director Vadim Fishman under the guise of customers, and he said directly that after the performance it would be possible to agree with the group members about closer communication ("EG" No. 50, 2000).

When these shields appeared, we made a scandal. They came and said: “Guys! Either you take them off, or we leave the group. " The producers were forced to remove the billboards. We put up with a lot anyway. Take, say, the Playboy shoot, which almost got me into a fight with my boyfriend. Or the same "second line-ups" with the help of which the producers arranged the concerts of "Shooter" simultaneously in several places. We were simply confronted with the fact: "You don't want to, but there will be 48 more teams." This, of course, outraged us. But we had signed contracts, and we could not rock the boat.

Marry an oligarch

Maybe the so-called second "Strelok" trains were recruited to please rich clients?

It may well be. Participants of the "second line-up" received less than us - from 50 to 100 bucks per performance. And at the same time, they did not pretend to be in the main team. Then these new girls changed often - about once every six months. For example, I introduced Lana Timakova to Strelki. She gave the impression of a very modest girl. Imagine my amazement when I was later told about her stormy adventures with Serov, Agutin and other stars.

And what about the fate of the main cast members?

The first - a year after the creation of the group - Leah jumped off. She was a 3rd year student of foreign languages. She translated from Japanese into English and from English into Russian. I think she's doing very well now. Then Stasya left. She got pregnant from the Dutchman Peter. And she became a respectable mother of the family. Now he and Peter already have three sons. Then Mouse left (Maria Solovieva - M.F.). She married Dmitry Lipskerov, a writer, creator of the Twin Peaks and Drova restaurants, and a member of the Public Chamber. They have a son and a daughter. The producers tried to persuade the girls to stay. They promised to raise the salary. But they could not keep them. As a result, they won back on the rest - they were all fined. Like, they suffered losses and had to be reimbursed. And in September 2002, our contracts ended. First, Yu-Yu left, who by that time had already recorded a solo album and began performing under the name Beretta. Then Hera began her solo career (Svetlana Bobkina - MF). I was not going to leave. But the producers recruited new girls and I was fired. True, then they offered me to return. We tried to reassemble the original line-up. They called everyone. But no one wanted to return. Apparently, they have eaten in seven years.

Kind Mitrofanov

What did you do after leaving Strelok?

Spun as best she could. For example, at one time she worked as a development director in a dry cleaner. I found wholesale clients and received interest on this. Then everything piled up on me - both the dismissal from Strelok, and the quarrel with my boyfriend. It seemed to me there was no way out. I got into the car, drove around Moscow for hours and looked with my eyes for his car number. As a result, the psyche could not stand it, and I ate 20 phenazepam tablets. For my 35 kg body weight, this was more than enough. She lay, looked at the ceiling and thought: “Hurry to close your eyes! This ceiling shook! " Fortunately, my mother found me on time, called an ambulance, and they pumped me out. After that I started writing songs. Thus, I kind of took out the accumulated pain from myself. And then my son Danila was born, and a meaning appeared in my life.

Who is the father of your child?

The same young man that caused me to attempt suicide. I started living with him, an ordinary student, while still working at Strelka. Now this person has disappeared from my life. Recently, he said that I am angry and he no longer wants to live with me. In fact, I'm kind. I'm just very tired. He's messing around. And I fiddle with the child, work, cook, do the housework. Naturally, by the end of the day, everything is already on the nerves. But now I'm not particularly upset that he left.

How did it happen that you suddenly returned to the stage again?

Deputy Alexey Mitrofanov helped me. Even when I was working at Strelki, he somehow approached me after a concert in Sochi, gave me a business card and asked me to call him. “Listen, get out of the Shooters,” he said when I called. - You are already untwisted face. Let's do a project with you. " He promised to settle all the problems with the contract. But then I refused. And four years later, I remembered this conversation. I offered Mitrofanov one of my songs as the anthem of the Liberal Democratic Party. He immediately invited me to his "Metropol". My songs, however, did not interest him. But he introduced me to the guys from Tallinn, with whom I did the Radiocat project ...


Recently, the Strelki group, at the invitation of Joseph Kobzon, performed in the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug as part of the singer's and politician's report on deputy work.

Svetlana Bobkina, she is known under the pseudonym Gera, sang as part of the popular girl group Strelki. Together with other soloists, she starred naked in the video "Dislike", because no one had done this on the Russian stage before. Why for several years she could not get rid of the most severe depression and how her life developed after leaving the group, our reporter found out.

An elite high-rise building in the center of Moscow, a clean and spacious entrance, we call. The door is opened by Svetlana Bobkina, no au pair, she is used to doing everything herself. Cooking, washing, cleaning, writing music, making his way to the cinema, coming up with projects and trying to implement them. It's amazing that such a fragile woman has so much strength, courage and faith in herself. But she had, oh, how hard it was!

I worked in the Strelka group for seven years. And all this period I was haunted by failures. Once, after a night concert, I was returning home, then I lived with my parents. I parked, went to the entrance, it was already four o'clock, and then a man attacked me. He silently hit me, trying to hit me in the face. I screamed, but he kept hitting me until he fell. From pain or fear, I lost consciousness, how long I lay, I do not know, the neighbors came out to my cry.

They lifted me up, brought me to my senses. I got up and went to the car. They called out to me:

I turned and walked quietly into the entrance. Mom opened the door. She thought I was drunk. I even looked out the window, the car was standing straight. Mom made a bed for me, I was in a kind of stupor, went to bed. Turned off the light, I feel that I am worse. I called my mother. And when she saw my face, she was horrified. It swelled up and looked like a large balloon that turned blue and green before our eyes. In general, I spent a whole month in the hospital with a diagnosis of a concussion. Producers Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky jokingly thanked me:

Hera, it's good that you're out of luck. What PR are you doing to the group! They write about us with your stories!

That is, there were many such unpleasant stories?

Yes, and not only with me. On January 28, 1998, our Yulia Dolgasheva was run over by a car, and exactly a year later I broke my leg. We, all the girls from Strelok, went to Austria for a week. We were in Vienna for three days, and then we gave up on a ski resort. The director Makarenkov went with us, we wanted to shoot for the video "Happy New Year". There I fell from a steep mountain and ... like in that movie, I woke up - a plaster cast. But two months later she was already on stage.

We also had such a case: Ekaterina Kravtsova, Radio Operator Kat, left the group, or rather, she was gone. And now she, who has worked at Strelka for five years, finds herself in a very difficult situation. And on the personal front, something doesn't work out for her, she decided to poison herself with pills, I don't remember exactly. But her mother, apparently, felt the trouble, came. An ambulance, the doctors managed to save her.

Some kind of mysticism. Did something similar happen after you left the band?

Of course! Do you remember the story about police major Denis Yevsyukov, who shot in the capital's supermarket? So his wife was Karina. They even called me and asked what kind of person she was. But I don’t know the girls from the second cast. To be honest, I was generally ashamed that we were cut into trains. Once there was a concert in Moscow. And they ask me: "Who are you singing with today?"

I looked around and did not really recognize anyone, it was me, a newcomer, whom no one knew by sight. And the rest of the ballet girls. And each was dressed, what she had time to dress up in! I was ashamed to perform. The producers did not take care of us. And they did not want to change something, the money went, but they did not need creativity and new programs.

Why hire people, invest emotions, energy? We were treated like puppets who don't have the right to vote. The girls and I even approached the leaders of the group, offered to change the direction, style of music, order new costumes, prepare a new program. But they answered: "Why do tuning" Zaporozhets "?" It was very unpleasant, they did not appreciate us, if they said that, then they considered us a second-class group. I couldn't stand such an attitude anymore! And in 2003 she went nowhere, and in 2004 Maria Korneeva and I organized the "Bridge" group. But two years later, Masha became pregnant, and the group broke up.

Maria preferred the family to the scene. Are you devoted only to the stage?

Like all women, I want to be loved and loved! The first time she got married while still very young, when she studied at the acting department at VGIK, it was a student marriage. Oleg also studied acting, now, by the way, he is a fairly well-known artist. (We are talking about the actor Oleg Vasilkov. He was the last love of the actress Elena Mayorova, who burned to death. - Ed.) But I don’t want to talk about him, not because we somehow parted badly. It's just that he has had his own life, family for a long time. It was some kind of childish love. Now we do not communicate closely, but if we meet at an event or concert, we have a nice conversation. We do not congratulate each other on the holidays, but we are not at war either, he is just my classmate, and this is a spontaneous student story, which should have ended this way. We just helped each other before. Nicely met and nicely parted.

For the second time she married a director. It was not easy with him. Sam is from America, but also studied at VGIK. He is an interesting person, intelligent, he was even predicted a great future. He was considered one of the best students of Soloviev. His fantasy is at the level of genius! But Sam has a personality ...

I'm not easy, but he is a very difficult person, and thank God that it's all over. We parted, do not communicate, and I have no desire to communicate with him! He is very talented and this is his bright side. But as for his human qualities - there is black and black. When we met, I couldn't see the other side of him.

He made a film and invited me as an actress. On the set, I was amazed at his vision of the world. The wedding was played in America, and then we returned, and family everyday life began. They lived together for three years. It was difficult to live! It's so good that I got out of this! I married him at the age of 26-27, but I was still a child by perception, naive and stupid. He was not exactly mocked, he was despotic. Broke me! Both at home and on the set. And when I was about to break, I left.

I thanked the Lord God that it happened. I have already broken, but if everything continued, I would become an absolutely broken person. He not only suppressed me psychologically, he could hit me, and it was impossible to untie this knot. I could not tell my parents that he offends me, beats me! He was terribly jealous of me. For example, on the street I met a friend: “Oh, hello! Hey!" And some kind of kiss on the cheek. For this I could get! In all, inadequacy and negativity ... But he, as a director, did not take place. Even after he left, I felt his oppression, it took me several years to recover. And I was unhappy for a long time. I had admirers, but my man was not there, with whom you do not need to talk, explain, you can keep silent. Who would understand me, would not jerk, would not interfere, which you can admire. I was looking for such a man, but then I realized: we must wait. I let go of the situation, I thought that, apparently, I would never find him.

And met a new love? How did you meet Roma? Are you in the acting environment, is he in the construction business?

I went to rest alone, I like to travel alone. I can write well, I think I don’t need to speak, you can listen to the guide and learn a lot. So I went to Thailand. One went to the beach, one bathed. And somehow I come out of the sea and see Roma. He has a beautiful sun tattoo on his stomach. True, then Roma explained that it was not the sun, - Svetlana laughs, - I, of course, did not look at it. And he asked me in English: "Where are you from?" He took me for an Italian. Conversation ensued, then there were dates. The novel showed me another island - Phuket, not a tourist one. And two days later he left. Then we talked on the Internet, barely waited for the meeting. He, like a true man, insisted that I pack my things and move in with him. We've been together for three years.

Are you not going to get married?

We are going, but this year is a leap year, the next is some kind of mystical, the number "13" ... After all, the stamp in the passport is not the main thing, the relationship is more important!

As Roman appeared, everything fell into place for me. Now I feel the approach of success! Somehow everything goes like this. I met people who hear me, understand what I want. I have a great vocal teacher who does not hold me down, and I have opened up anew! I heard my own voice. Musicians are also on my wave. I feel that the new program will give new sensations. It’s like soup, you know. You cook it, throw everything at it, throw it, and it cooks, you cover it with a lid and wait. The main thing is to be able to wait. Then the broth is infused and a delicious soup is obtained. You have to throw, throw at him and wait.

So now, all these years I cooked and waited ...