The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl born in winter. The meaning of the name Aurora

The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl born in winter.  The meaning of the name Aurora
The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl born in winter. The meaning of the name Aurora

Choosing a name for your child is a responsible task for every parent. A unique letter code largely determines a person’s fate, affecting his relationship to the world around him, his personal life, and career. But this does not mean that all owners of the same names are destined for an equal fate. Many factors play a role in shaping personality. And first of all, this is the astrological sign and season of birth. And what is in store for the one who was named Aurora? What will her fate be like?

Origin of the name

The first thing every person receives at birth is a name. It is this that will have a great influence on the formation of a future personality. By naming their daughter Aurora, parents instill in the little person a certain energy impulse that this name carries. So what will Aurora be like in childhood, adolescence and adulthood?

Choosing a name for a baby is an important point that will affect her future fate.

The name Aurora is of Roman origin. Aurora is Latin for “dawn,” and the basis of the name aura means “pre-dawn breeze.” This name was borne by the goddess of the morning dawn, bringing daylight to the gods and people. She became the progenitor of 4 winds and bright stars in the sky. In Greek mythology, Aurora was known as Eos, or the ruddy dawn.

There is another version of the origin of the name. This option is based on the Latin words aurum and hora, which literally means “golden time” or “golden hour”.

Creative personalities could not ignore this beautiful goddess. Artists imagined her emerging from the ocean early in the morning, or on a chariot drawn by winged horses, sometimes a solar disk or a halo of rays around her magnificent brow was depicted above her head.

Photo gallery of famous works of art depicting the goddess Aurora

Auguste Fragonard depicted the triumph of Aurora over the Night “Aurora” Guido Reni is considered one of the best paintings of the artist Jean Honore Fragonard conveyed on the canvas the feelings of Aurora in love with Cephalus Louis Girodet de Russy-Trison depicted the goddess of the morning dawn, bringing light to people Painting by Francesco de Mura “Aurora and Tefal" is filled with light and airy colors

Poets of different eras also could not resist the beautiful Aurora. The first thing that comes to mind is A. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”. Competing in praising the beauty of the goddess, poets called her beautiful-haired, golden-throned, rose-fingered.

Many words rhyme with the name Aurora, for example, vzora, flora, chora, furor, decor, Pandora. In Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning,” the lines familiar from childhood sound like this: “It’s time, beauty, wake up: open your closed eyes towards the northern Aurora, appear as the star of the north!”

Forms of the name Aurora

The character of a person largely depends on how hard or softly a name is pronounced. Aurora sounds very decisive, sonorous, bright. Even in the shortened version, the name remains strong, and for someone’s perception it is somewhat harsh - Ara, Rorka, Ava. But if you use diminutive forms, then you hear more tenderness and warmth in them - Avushka, Asya, Avrosha, Avrorushka, Avosya, Avochka, Avushka.

Name Aurora - photo gallery

Little Aurora are big dreamers
Aurora loves creativity The name Aurora is often used as a logo Aurora - the heroine of the film "Maleficent" Aurora from the cartoon "Sleeping Beauty"

Related names

Related names for Aurora are Zoryana, Zarina, Zarema.

Which middle name goes best with your first name?

They and the middle name should sound beautiful and combine harmoniously. The even distribution of vowels and consonants in the name and patronymic should make this combination convenient for pronunciation and pleasant for the ear. Of course, you need to take into account the overall style. For example, Venera Semyonovna will not sound very harmonious.

According to many sources, the most suitable middle names for Aurora would be:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Albertovna;
  • Dmitrievna;
  • Nikolaevna;
  • Igorevna.

The meaning of the name Aurora - video

Church name

Aurora is not included in either the Catholic or Orthodox church calendar, which means the name has not been defined in Orthodoxy.

What does it sound like in other languages

The name Aurora was not popular in Russia before the revolution. But after the revolution, in connection with the events related to the cruiser Aurora, girls began to be called this more often. And since 1920, Aurora has been included in the list of names recommended by Soviet calendars. Nowadays, parents still rarely call their daughters this way. But in other countries of the world the name is found often, although it is pronounced in different ways.

How to spell and pronounce a name in different languages ​​- table

Name transliteration

Until 2015, transliteration in Russia was carried out according to the rules adopted in 2010. Since 2017, transcription has been carried out in accordance with international standards. In accordance with the new rules, the name Aurora will be written in Latin letters Avrora.

Nickname options associated with this name on social networks

On social networks, the name Aurora is often found in combination with a surname. For example, Aurora Koshkina or Aurora Egorova. Sometimes girls add adjectives to their names, which denote a distinctive feature of their place of residence: Aurora Morskaya, Aurora Moskovskaya.

For communities or stores, the name Aurora is also sometimes chosen, but they must add to it either an indication of what kind of interest is represented there (Aurora Mall in Samara, summer cinema "Aurora") or write in a foreign language - AURORA CONCERT HOLL.

Name of the social network page

Name day

The name Aurora does not appear in church calendars, which means she does not have a heavenly patron, and she is not congratulated on Angel’s Day. Celebrates his name day on his birthday. Although among Protestants the name has recently become a baptismal one, and the name day celebration falls on July 3. And in European countries, girls with the name Aurora are named Anna at baptism, so they celebrate their name day on the day of this patroness.

Characteristics of the name and its influence on fate

The fact that a name influences character, sensitivity to the world around us, and attitude towards people has been noticed for a long time. Even the Gospel says: “Life is by name, not name by life.” So how will the name affect Aurora's fate?


L. Tsimbalova describes little Aurora as a child who can cause a lot of trouble for her parents. In childhood, the bearer of this name is distinguished by eccentricity, great imagination and quick temper. And if she deserves punishment, parents should be firm. Stubbornness is another character trait, as Aurora intended, so be it. Moreover, forceful punishment will not lead to anything good, but you can convince the baby. To prevent Aurora from losing faith in herself, her aspirations cannot be constantly suppressed. In her studies, the girl shows even average results, although she does not stand out for her special intelligence. But Aurora can safely be counted among the diligent and attentive children, which helps in achieving a good level of development and success in the intended goals.

B. Khigir adds the following features to the described portrait. Little Aurora loves to read, she is musical and loves dancing. Outwardly, a child often looks like his father, but his character is almost always his mother’s. Often exposed to colds, the nervous system suffers due to increased irritability. Therefore, parents definitely need to organize the child’s daily routine so that enough time is allocated for rest.

Little Aurora can be a naughty child, her eccentricity causes a lot of trouble for her parents

Every little Aurora happily sings a song from the cartoon “Sleeping Beauty” which contains the following words: “Hail Princess Aurora, be happy and healthy!”


As a teenager, Aurora is extremely ambitious; she perceives all troubles as a challenge and a guide to action. Neither parents nor friends can influence her decisions. She considers only her own opinion, not noticing those around her. Without proper support, an overly self-confident girl often suffers painful defeats. Balance and even coldness begin to appear in the character, which cannot but offend family and friends.

For Aurora as a teenager, there are no authorities

Adult Aurora

Childish stubbornness and perseverance will help Aurora achieve success in many endeavors in adulthood. This will give confidence to a naturally energetic woman. Another distinctive feature of her character, which B. Khigir notes, is the ability to calculate everything in advance, and if Aurora takes on some business, then we can say with confidence that she will finish what she started.

Aurora, with a stretch, can be called pleasant in communication; she is characterized by a rather harsh judgment about the people around her. The woman sometimes behaves coldly, without showing emotions. For this reason, she has very few close friends, and sometimes none at all. But I have a lot of acquaintances, and this is thanks to the ability to please the right people. The thought of a new acquaintance’s cool temperament will never even cross their minds, because at the right moment, Aurora perfectly knows how to keep her character flaws in check.

At the right moment, Aurora is able to try on the desired image.

What attracts those around her to Aurora is her ability to give practical advice and a sincere desire to help others in difficult times. The owner of the divine name will never advise or commit meanness towards another person.

Over the years, Aurora can become vindictive. But still, her prudence will help separate the wheat from the chaff, and a woman will never take revenge for little things, or punish a loved one for an insult. Her generosity will even help correct the situation. But she will never tolerate neglect for long and her methods of punishing the offender will be quite harsh.

If in childhood parents indulged the child in everything and praised him excessively and for no reason, Aurora will suffer from painful pride in adulthood. This character trait can extremely complicate the life of the owner of the name; moments when she encounters reluctance to praise her and agree with her point of view become an unpleasant surprise for her. To establish normal relationships with others, Aurora must learn to listen to constructive criticism.

Sometimes, greedy for flattery and praise, Aurora can become a victim of a smart manipulator who will use a woman’s business and personal qualities for his own benefit.

Talents and hobbies

Despite the apparent coldness, Aurora loves noisy parties, where she is able to transform herself beyond recognition. Musical by nature, she loves to dance and sing. Feeling competition, Aurora can quite boldly lay siege to her rival.

Aurora's favorite hobby and best way to relax is traveling. Girls bearing this name are creative people. Many of them write poetry and draw well.

Aurora is a creative person who loves long journeys


The name Aurora gives the owner a decisive spirit and practicality, which has a positive effect on career growth. She copes with the tasks assigned by her superiors quite easily. For this, management values ​​and respects her. The ability to achieve significant results in almost any field makes Aurora a universal and irreplaceable worker. But creative work brings her true pleasure.

Aurora will make a good businesswoman, well versed in financial matters and has excellent analytical skills. But wealth for her is not an end in itself, but only a means of subsistence. Aurora will make a good career doing modeling or advertising; she will make a good administrator or translator. A girl can also succeed in the field of trade.

But still, according to B. Higir, Aurora feels great and is able to realize herself as an assistant, being in the shadow of her superiors.

Aurora is quite successful in any field, but according to B. Higir, she will make an excellent assistant for a manager


Aurora, who is often ill in childhood, will nevertheless have good health. But with age, a disease associated with a lack of calcium - osteoporosis - can occur. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to osteochondrosis. You should also pay great attention to your teeth and gums.

To maintain health, Aurora needs walks in the fresh air, good nutrition and a complex of vitamins.

In order not to strain her health at work, Aurora needs to rest more often

Love, marriage, sexuality

Many men pay attention to the mysterious and unapproachable Aurora. But this does not mean at all that they are ready to destroy this icy shell of arrogance in order to free the true feelings of the owner of the name, so many simply retreat. But in vain. Beneath the strict mask there actually lies a tender and romantic nature. It is precisely because of the feigned severity that the owner of the name can remain lonely.

And for Aurora herself, such behavior is the norm. An unpleasant discovery for her will be the fact that the opposite sex sees her as a woman incapable of sincere expression of feelings. But having truly fallen in love, Aurora will change completely. To make her loved one happy, she is able to give up her principles, become softer and kinder.

In personal relationships, Aurora, as elsewhere, is used to being a leader. In order to start a family, she needs a man with a soft and pliable character who will not argue and defend dominance. A girl will get married if she is completely confident in her choice. Aurora is strict in everyday life, so her significant other will equally share the responsibilities of performing household chores. She makes a great mom. Children will be surrounded by care and attention. The trusting relationship that has developed between mother and child will help to carry out the upbringing process easily.

Aurora is a good housewife and mother, but she will share household chores equally with all household members

A. Alexandrov describes Aurora as the head of the family to the core. This is both her strength and weakness at the same time. She is ready to support a weak man and transform him beyond recognition in terms of leadership qualities. In return, she needs respect, love and praise. In this case, Aurora will surround the family with even greater warmth and care.

Aurora is very faithful in love. Although in intimate relationships he can hide his emotions up to a certain point. But if a man manages to kindle the flame of passion in her, a volcano of passions will break free. Aurora listens to her partner very sensitively and tries to fulfill his wishes, although in fact she herself is not averse to dominating the relationship. It is easier for Aurora to learn and discover the depth of sensual sexual relationships based on her own feelings, rather than resorting to the advice of the Kama Sutra or similar literature.

Compatibility of Aurora with male names - table

In the list of compatibility with male names, only Oleg is categorically not suitable for Aurora

Symbolism associated with the name Aurora - table

Interpretation of the letters of the name

A - in all languages ​​this is a symbol of beginning - leadership qualities, the desire to be first, strength and desire to start and implement something. To work is a natural need for people who have this letter in their name. But the desire for action will not manifest itself in any field, but only in one chosen independently.

B - careful planning of the future and the desire to bring plans to life. Realistic plans and perseverance help achieve your goal. Sociable and creative personality, focused on the future. Inner unity with nature is also a characteristic feature of these people.

R - loyalty to the word and the chosen goal - a distinctive feature characteristic of a person with this letter in his name. The ability to delve into the essence of the matter, rather than a superficial look, helps to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion. But you shouldn’t get carried away, stupid risks will not lead to anything good.

O - a conservative way of thinking, but adherence to principles can fetter potential opportunities. A parent’s worldview and the prevailing household routine can limit thinking and completely deprive them of the opportunity to look at life differently. The feelings of people with the letter O in their name are very deep; for self-realization they need to understand their purpose. They can help predict goals with the help of excellent intuition. Money is handled skillfully.

The name Aurora begins with a letter that symbolizes the beginning in all languages

How the time of year affects fate

An important role in what kind of character Aurora will have and how her fate will turn out is played by her date of birth. B. Khigir describes the bearers of the name in this way depending on the time of birth.

  1. Winter. Those born at this time of year tend to value their personality too highly. For this reason, they often remain unmarried. These women are very talented. The desire to make a splash in society can lead to extravagance. Their passion is traveling to different cities and countries.
  2. Summer. Summer Aurora are romantic and captivating in nature. Their subtle spiritual disposition makes them prefer poetry, and often girls write poetry themselves.
  3. Autumn. In the lives of Aurors born in the autumn, everything is sorted out. Prudence and the ability to calculate everything in advance allows them to avoid unpleasant surprises. They are happy in family life, despite the fact that they strive to dominate. But at work, on the contrary, they prefer not to leave the shadow of management. These women have great patience and sensuality. Bragging is not about them. Unconventional thinkers, they try to use non-standard solutions when choosing clothes. Favorite colors are purple, brown and blue.

Summer Aurora - romantic natures

The influence of zodiac signs on fate

Aries. Impulsiveness, unpredictability, sensitivity and excessive emotionality are the main traits of Aurora, born under this sign. Too amorous. It seems to her that another heartfelt affection is a real feeling. The result is a broken heart, suffering and worries from another mistake.

Aries Aurors are unpredictable and impulsive

Calf. The complete opposite. The main character traits will be thoughtfulness and prudence. Before doing anything, he will think about the upcoming actions for a long time. The girl is talented and serious. When creating a couple, she will look for true love. Falling in love and the transience of relationships are not for her.

Taurus Aurors are reasonable and thoughtful

Twins. Aurora born under this sign is cheerful and optimistic. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor, he is the life of the party and fits harmoniously into any society. But excessive gullibility and promiscuity in people can harm her. And any mistake, even a minor one, will cause depression.

Gemini Aurors are great optimists

Cancer. Indecisiveness and lack of independence, vulnerability and immaturity make this person dependent on the endless support of others. She who does not know how to make decisions and take responsibility needs a strong shoulder and a decisive partner. It will not be difficult for the charming and sweet Aurora to find a reliable life partner.

Aurora-Cancer indecisive girls

A lion. A complex character, but the ability to present herself, intelligence and delicacy - went to Aurora, who was born under the constellation of the king of beasts. The mood can change instantly, and instead of the gentle purring of a kitten, you suddenly hear the menacing roar of a lion.

Aurora the Lioness has an unpredictable character

Virgo. Unfortunately, this zodiac sign deprived Aurora of eloquence and sociability. A pessimist by nature, she is often alone. She wants to realize herself and achieve material well-being, but this rarely succeeds.

Aurora-Virgo prefers solitude

Scales. This zodiac sign, combined with the characteristics of the name, reveals to the world a complex and uncommunicative nature. On the one hand, kind and gentle, this person can suddenly show aggression and firmness. Having set many goals for himself, he very rarely achieves them, since he gives in to any obstacle and does not want to take responsibility.

Aurora-Libra is a complex nature

Scorpion. This combination represents an extraordinary personality who has many hobbies and loves adventure. He can simultaneously take on an unbearable burden in the form of several tasks at once, which, unfortunately, he rarely completes, since he sometimes gives in to an obstacle that has arisen or is afraid of a mistake. But if there is a strong and reliable, but domineering partner nearby, he can achieve success.

Aurora-Scorpio is an extraordinary personality

Sagittarius. The girl, at first glance, is strange, sharp, with a lot of peculiarities. Activity, energy and efficiency compete with inconstancy, unpredictability and optionality. She will not build a family nest, because she will not want to part with freedom.

Aurora-Sagittarius is an active person

Capricorn. The ideal is a kind, sympathetic, benevolent, balanced, reasonable and calm person, eager to help anyone in need. She will create a family with an equally kind and calm man. But in fact, this girl does not need support, but a push to take decisive action.

Aurora-Capricorn is friendly and open to the world

Aquarius. Winter tranquility-loving Aurora hates travel and adrenaline. She is secretive, silent and uncommunicative. Prefers to spend time alone, making plans literally every day. She can only be paired with a calm and balanced man, who will not be inconvenienced by a boring and measured life.

Aurora-Aquarius is a secretive lover of planning personal time

Fish. Positive from all sides, Aurora will conquer anyone with her charm, friendliness, tact, sociability and eloquence. Friendly and responsive, she, unfortunately, does not understand people and is able to endow them with positive traits that are absent from birth. Falling in love, which she mistakes for sincere and pure love, can bring her suffering.

Aurora the Fish is the most charming and attractive

Famous historical and public figures

History has preserved many famous women with the name Aurora. Nowadays, this name also helps media figures not to get lost among popular personalities.

  1. Aurora Karlovna Shernval (1808 - 1902). A socialite from the Finnish city of Shernval, a maid of honor and a lady of state at the Russian imperial court, a well-known philanthropist. In 1836, at the insistence of the empress, she married the rich man and philanthropist Pavel Demidov. After his death in 1846, she entered into a second marriage with Andrei Karamzin, whom she really loved.
  2. Countess Maria Aurora von Köningsmarck (1662 - 1728). Official mistress of Augustus the Strong, mother of the French Marshal Moritz of Saxony. Voltaire put this woman on a par with “the most famous woman of two centuries” Catherine II.
  3. Aurore Dupin, by her husband Baroness Dudevant (1804 - 1877). Well known under the pseudonym Georges Sand, she is a French writer.
  4. Aurora Pavlovna Demidova (1873 - 1904). Russian aristocrat who inherited a modest share of the Demidovs' inheritance. A rare variety of rose is named in her honor.
  5. Aurora Bautista (1925 - 1912). Spanish actress who has appeared in 38 films.
  6. Aurora Miranda (1915 - 2005). Brazilian actress and singer.
  7. Aurora Robles (1980). Famous model from Mexico.
  8. Aurora (1973). Famous Russian TV presenter, actress, model. Real name is Irina Yudina.
  9. Oror Jean (1985). French skier, took part in 5 races at the Vancouver Olympics.

Photo gallery: famous women with the name or pseudonym Aurora

Aurora Dupin, known as the writer Georges Sand Aurora (Irina Yudina)

In addition to eminent personalities, ships were also given the beautiful name Aurora. History preserves the memory of the last Russian military sailing ship, which circumnavigated the world in the 19th century under the command of Rear Admiral I.N. Izylmetyeva. Of course, this is also a famous cruiser, a blank shot from which served as the beginning of the assault on the Winter Palace. In 2000, a modern cruise ship with the proud name “Aurora” was launched. The customer of this beauty was the cruise company P&O Cruises.

Remembering the heroic journey of the cruiser Aurora, you slowly begin to hum: “What do you dream about, the cruiser Aurora at the hour when morning rises over the Neva.” But it turns out there is another song about the glorious ship. It was written by composer Yu. Milyutin and poet M. Lisyansky. It's called "Aurora". There are wonderful lines there: “The evening bells rang, a wave hits the granite. Aurora preserves the peace of Leningrad in its eternal parking lot.”

Good day! My name is Irina. I live in a wonderful place - Crimea. By education - a teacher. I really love nature and animals. I have been interested in floriculture for a long time, but I have only just begun to master the wisdom of gardening. My motto is: live forever, learn forever.

The name Aurora has several meanings and origins. About them and much more in our article.

The most common version is considered to be the version of the Latin origin of the name. According to this version, the name Aurora means "dawn" or "morning dawn". According to Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of the dawn. From her and her beloved Astraeus came all the stars in the sky.

The second version can be called an origin from a combination of the words Aurum (gold) and Hora (season, time). It is believed that in this case the meaning of the name Aurora is “golden time”.

The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl

A girl named Aurora is a rather complex child and has incredible stubbornness. She is impulsive in her actions, and therefore it is very important to teach her to think first, and only then act. There is no point in forcing Aurora to do anything, but it is possible to negotiate with her. It is important to be an example for her and then she will listen to you more. You should be very attentive to the girl’s self-esteem. Very often, Aurora’s pride will cause her and those around her a lot of problems, and therefore from birth it is worth correcting, if possible, this negative character trait. But this should be done carefully, and even better, seek help from a child psychologist.

Aurora is a good student, although she does not have any special inclinations. But the girl is quite diligent and hardworking. She usually has favorite subjects where she performs better. She doesn’t try very hard in other subjects, but she also tries not to get very bad grades. Imagination and analytical thinking are quite well developed. If her imagination pushes her to find a creative hobby, then her analytical mind pushes her to a specific choice of profession.

Aurora's health is most often average. As a child, she gets sick quite often and is generally a restless child. Her nervous system is of the weak type (according to Pavlov). That is why it is very important that Aurora follows a sleep and rest schedule. This will allow her nervous system to recover normally. As she grows up, many problems will stop bothering her and Aurora will maintain good vitality for many years.

Short name Aurora

Aurorka, Ava, Macaw, Rora.

Diminutive pet names

Aurorochka, Avrorochka, Avrorushka, Avroronka, Aurorchik, Avochka, Avushka, Avonka.

Name Aurora in English

In English, the name Aurora is spelled Aurora and pronounced Aurora or Aurora.

Name Aurora for international passport- AVRORA.

Translation of the name Aurora into other languages

in Hungarian - Auróra
in Danish - Aurora
in Icelandic - Áróra
in Spanish - Aurora
in Italian - Aurora
in German - Aurora
in Norwegian - Aurora
in Polish - Aurora
in Portuguese - Aurora
in Romanian - Aurora
in Ukrainian - Aurora
in French - Aurore
in Finnish - Aurora
in Czech - Aurora
in Swedish - Aurora

Church name Aurora not certain. This name is not in both the Orthodox and Catholic calendars.

Characteristics of the name Aurora

Adult Aurora is a self-confident and energetic woman. She achieves success in many ways, because from childhood she shows the perseverance necessary for this. Unfortunately, Aurora quite often displays the selfishness characteristic of childhood, as well as narcissism. You can’t call her a particularly pleasant person to talk to, because she quite harshly expresses her judgments about others. All this becomes the reason that Aurora has very few friends, and often none at all. It’s true that it’s worth noting that Aurora has a lot of friends. She knows how to please the people she needs and in relationships with them she easily restrains her temper.

Aurora’s hard work and perseverance are evident in her work. She tries once again not to quarrel with her colleagues, but slowly and confidently moves up the career ladder. It is not typical for Aurora to stay in one position for a long time. If her job does not provide opportunities for career growth, then rest assured, Aurora will not work there for long. It can also be noted that Aurora’s analytical abilities take a toll. It is in the profession that this talent of hers is fully revealed. Aurora is also successful in the role of administrator. She is moderately strict with her subordinates and knows how to please her clients.

In family relationships, Aurora prefers to occupy the position of leader. She finds a man who is satisfied with this and lives happily with him. The truth is that Aurora marries the leader’s man. Such a marriage usually will not last long, because there will be eternal disputes in the family as to who should have the last word. It can also be noted that Aurora is a good and caring mother. She knows how to establish contact with children and gently guide them through life.

The mystery of the name Aurora

Aurora's main secret can be called her selfish attitude towards her comrades. She does not communicate with people “from whom there is nothing to take.” Her social circle depends rather on the mercantile interests of the owner of the name. At the same time, she does not feel any remorse about this at all.

Another secret of Aurora is her greed for flattery. She loves to be praised and is ready to forgive flatterers a lot. Some people notice this and begin to manipulate Aurora with ease.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Robin.

Name color- Pink.

Plant- Blooming almond.

Stone- Pink Chalcedony.

Mysterious and unusual, this female name is rarely given to a child from birth, but many famous personalities choose it as a pseudonym because the meaning of the name Aurora in Latin is “dawn” or “rising sun.” But if parents still decide to name their daughter that, then they are destined to live with a multifaceted and creative nature, and prepare for raising a not-so-obedient baby.

The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl implies the absence of any authority, she does not look up to anyone, and expects everyone to dance “to her tune.” Therefore, the mother and father of this eccentric baby should show firmness, and even toughness, in raising her, although this will be very difficult.

Already at a very tender age, a girl is capable of manipulation, using kindness and pliability more often than anger and aggression. But if she looks at you with her innocent eyes, having previously done a mischief, then you don’t need to let her get away with it, otherwise the girl will completely lose her belt. Another important detail characterizing the meaning of the name Aurora for a child is perseverance.

She will strive for her goals, albeit small, but of great importance to her. And here the parents have a chance to cheat and direct her determination in the right direction. The baby has many innate creative talents, and the main thing is not to waste time and give her the opportunity to do what she likes.

A technique that should never be used is suppression. If she loses the ability to achieve her goal, then life will lose its former meaning for her. Using authoritarian methods of education, you can easily lock Aurora into your own complexes.

The interpretation of the name changes somewhat in adolescence - the girl becomes more reasonable, amazes with her academic capabilities, and even shows pedantry. But inside she is still just as emotional, life has just taught her to be more careful.


Aurora’s relationship with the opposite sex cannot be called rosy. Yes, with her amazing appearance and deliberate coldness she attracts the glances of many men, but this does not “mean” that they are all ready to break the “ice” of inaccessibility and try to get the attention of this girl.

And she is more concerned about her career and self-development, so most dates end in vain. The girl is calm about one-time sex, and it is this trait that gives characteristic meaning to her actions. Plus, most men don’t like the fact that she strives for leadership in a couple, and often simply suppresses the decisive actions of her other half.

Therefore, Aurora often remains lonely, and in most cases she feels much more comfortable without relationships that are burdensome for her. But if she does get married, then the man next to her should be soft, calm about the fact that he is being controlled.


In family life, a woman prefers consistency and strict rules, which “indicates” the need for regular control of household members. She does not accept her husband’s disdainful attitude towards her requests, but at the same time she herself tries to treat her chosen one with the greatest possible respect.

She tends to keep a tight rein on her husband, and if the man’s personality is quite authoritarian, then most likely he will go “to the left” despite the prohibitions. However, the girl attaches special importance to fidelity, and if she finds out about the betrayal, divorce will be the only way out of the situation.

Business and career

Aurora’s self-esteem is always at its best, which means that by her actions she fully justifies the snobbery and vanity inherent in her character. Whatever task her superiors entrust to her, she will definitely see it through to completion and receive well-deserved praise. It is in her work that she tries to achieve impeccability; here her innate ability to idealize is manifested.

The woman has good abilities in economics and finance, she is “friendly” with numbers, and is particularly honest. Despite her mathematical mindset, the creative component of the work process is also of great importance to her, and if there is no opportunity to express herself at work, she comes up with hobbies for herself, sometimes even the most incredible ones.

Origin of the name Aurora

The question of where this ancient name came from leaves no one in doubt - Aurora was the name given to the ancient Greek goddess of the dawn, and accordingly, the origin of the name Aurora came to us from Ancient Greece.

Its etymology goes back to the word meaning dawn, but it can be interpreted in different ways - “rising sun” or “morning star”. There are many stories associated with the ancient goddess Aurora, but perhaps the saddest is about how she lost her son in the Trojan War, whose name is now constantly on the goddess’s lips.

On ancient frescoes she is depicted in a mournful pose and with tears in her eyes, which, according to legend, turn into cold morning dew. This plot reveals the secret of the name, which, despite all its inaccessibility and majesty, hides a loving and vulnerable soul.

Characteristics of the name Aurora

Despite her difficult character, Aurora is always respected in the team and is loved by her friends. She can give good advice, her logical, impeccable thinking helps to analyze the current situation. Although the girl cannot be called sociable, she attracts friends of both sexes, but at the same time attaches great importance to her surroundings.

As in all other cases, the characteristics of the name Aurora are fraught with pros and cons. One of Aurora's main drawbacks is her vindictiveness and vindictiveness. She is ready to do anything to punish her offender, and sometimes her methods are quite cruel.

But this also has its advantages - she will never mistake a trifling mockery for a situation worthy of revenge, her prudence helps to highlight the most important. However, if she was offended by a loved one - be it a relative or a spouse, she is quite capable of forgiveness, but she will not tolerate neglect for long.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Chalcedony.
  • Name day - no.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.

Famous people

  • Aurora is a Russian TV presenter and actress.
  • Aurora Vaillantcourt is a Canadian actress.

Different languages

Since this sonorous name came to us from Greece, the translation of the name Aurora is in many languages ​​of the European group, and its sound is quite similar to Russian: Aurora, Auroura, Auri, Aurorina, Oror.

You can also talk about how the word is translated into languages ​​that are exotic to us. If you translate its meaning in Japanese - “dawn”, then it will be pronounced as Akira. When transcribed into Chinese, the sound will be very unusual, due to the absence of the letter “r” in the language - Avaluol, which can be written in hieroglyphs - 阿娃羅拉.

Name forms

  • Full name: Aurora.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Aurorka, Aurorushka, Avrorochka, Avra, Rory.
  • Declension of the name – Aurora, Aurora.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Aurora.

There are names that are distinguished by their special beauty in their sound and content. For many, the name Aurora is associated with the sea, the creaking of a ship's mast and the cry of seagulls.

Women with this name are distinguished by calmness and prudence, as well as inner stamina and strength, which can be felt just by being nearby. What else is hidden in the character of such women, as well as what the meaning of the name Aurora is, we will try to tell in our article today.

Every word has its own etymology, origin and origins. Also, a name has its own beginning, so it is always important to know in which country its first owners lived and how it is translated. The name Aurora is of Greek origin; it was not a mere mortal who bore this name, but the Greek goddess of the dawn.

According to Greek mythology, this goddess had a pair of wings and moved across the sky on a chariot. Her son died during the Trojan War, and there is a legend that the morning dew is none other than Aurora's tears. Separately, it is worth mentioning that neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic calendars contain this name, so at baptism your child will need to be given a different name.

A little about character

It is worth paying attention to the character of this woman, his formation and transformation. If you decide to choose this name for your girl, then know that you will have a creative child growing up, open to everything new.

This girl is not obedient or meek, she wants to be the center of attention in any way possible. It is important for parents to instill discipline in a girl and not indulge her in all her desires, otherwise it will not be easy for her to form the right values ​​in life.

Aurora’s perseverance must be directed in a positive direction, for example, into studying or playing sports or dancing - this will help her realize her energy, on the one hand, and achieve high performance, on the other. The main thing is that Aurora herself chooses an activity she likes, otherwise she will simply give up halfway through something that is not at all interesting to her.

As a teenager, Aurora is characterized by a strong character, she does not recognize authorities, which means that not every teacher can become a truly good mentor for her. But despite this, the girl is distinguished by good academic performance.

Closer to adolescence, Aurora learns to take control of her emotions, show restraint and calmness, but she does not always succeed. Sometimes the inner volcano of passions bursts out, and then everyone around understands what power this girl really has.

The older Aurora gets, the better she learns to take control of her excitability - sometimes it may seem to others that she is cold and insensitive, but in reality this is not the case. She becomes stable, stoic and calm, although failures still affect her and she shows her short temper from time to time.

This woman makes high demands both on herself and on those around her, for which her colleagues or some acquaintances may dislike her. Relatives and friends know that she actually has a deep soul, knows how to sympathize and empathize, and her criticism is not just words, but an eternal striving for the ideal.

It is also important to find out not only Aurora’s character, but also other personal characteristics that make her truly unique. Aurora is moral - of course, it is difficult to call her a moralist “to the core”, but she tries in everyday life to observe generally accepted norms and respect the law.

This woman should protect her body from hypothermia, as she is susceptible to various colds. Also, due to the suppression of emotions, psychosomatic diseases can occur.

Aurora has a flexible mind, she thinks outside the box, goes beyond boundaries and often approaches standard problems creatively. Aurora has good intuition, she feels the people around her, which helps her in making decisions.

This woman is an excellent performer; she skillfully copes with all work tasks, which is why she is valued and respected by her superiors. She is capable of achieving high results in almost any field, but she will get true pleasure from creative work.

Aurora will also make an excellent businesswoman; she will be able to competently manage her business thanks to prudence, the ability not to waste words and knowledge of financial issues.

All names are submissive to love

It is important, when studying the meaning of the name Aurora, to pay special attention to family relationships and marriage. Love and relationships often fade into the background for Aurora, she is sometimes cold and unapproachable, she is more interested in work and self-realization rather than female happiness.

It is difficult to tame this girl, and it is generally impossible to take her by storm. She strives to lead in relationships with a man, and this repels many representatives of the stronger sex. As a result, Aurora may be alone for a long time.

When the marriage takes place, Aurora’s husband will most likely be a kind and gentle person. For this woman, the financial side of the relationship is of particular importance, so Aurora also wants to see a successful man next to her.

Aurora is faithful and will have a hard time dealing with betrayal - most likely, she will break up with such a man. But it must be said that Aurora’s character makes her a wife from whom they do not leave, because she does not dissolve in a man, and remains an incompletely solved mystery for her husband. Her husband will not look for hobbies on the side, as he will not stop pursuing his own beautiful wife even after the wedding.

It will also be useful for all owners of this “morning” name to learn something else about themselves:

  • Aurora does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not in the calendar.
  • The forms of the name are Ava, Ara.
  • The talisman stone is chalcedony.

Knowing a person’s name, you can discover his soul, his consciousness, his personality. When you study the meaning of names, you study not only words, you study the world. Author: Daria Potykan

It would be a mistake to assume that in our country the name Aurora became famous thanks to the Disney cartoon that appeared on our screens in the 2000s. Even in Soviet times, this name had a heroic trail thanks to the sailors of the rebellious cruiser, named after the goddess of the morning star. But aren't parents mistaken when they want to name their daughter this name?

There is only one theory (even an axiom) of origin - Latin. From Latin the name translates as “morning star” or “dawn”.

This was the name of the ancient Roman goddess of the morning star, a crowned winged maiden rushing across the sky in a chariot (analogous to the ancient Greek Eos, sung in the Odyssey).

In a shortened, friendly version it sounds like this: Ava, Rora, Avushka, Avonka, Avochka.

In other countries it changes to: Aurore (France), Aurora (Portugal, Finland, Hungary). We can say that the native “sister” of this name is the Ukrainian Zoryana (in Russian it also sometimes appears, and already sounds like Zvezdana).

What character does it give to its owner?

Strengths: she is a calm personality, practically devoid of the nervousness and vanity inherent in many women. At the same time, the girl knows how to deeply empathize with people (although she does not do it for show), and has a strong character. She doesn’t like to argue and will never try to get something done on her own, but at the same time it’s very difficult to force her to change her own point of view, so it’s better not to try.

Running and haste are alien to her. Aurora is very constant in everything, from everyday life to work.

Weaknesses, imperfect sides: a girl who is too serious is often (and mistakenly) considered an “ice queen.” She does not forgive mistakes either to herself or to others, so she can be a rather tough boss or mother. She is also selfish and rarely communicates with people who are unprofitable to her. A woman can be skillfully manipulated if you flatter her all the time.

The fate of Aurora in our country

  • The first years of life. This is a little “match” that doesn’t obey either dad or mom. She loves to invent things. The baby is very stubborn, and if she has gotten something into her head, it is difficult to convince her (although if this is an outright mistake, it is better for mom not to pick up the belt, but still dissuade her, long and persistently, so as not to “break” her character and do not undermine your faith in yourself). She shouldn’t be spoiled, and if the baby does something bad, punish her.
  • School years. This is a good girl who “takes” objects not with intelligence, but with patience. He listens to parents or teachers only when he sees them as an example to follow. She is very proud.
  • Youth. A girl can choose a profession in which her analytical mind will be useful. And at the same time, she will no less successfully become interested in some creative hobby.
  • Mature years. This woman believes in herself, having a lot of energy and perseverance inside. She achieves a lot in life. Unfortunately, many people consider her a “difficult” person because of her selfishness and too truthful statements to her family and friends. That is why this woman’s friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. But she has a lot of acquaintances. If she needs a person for business, Aurora knows how to please him.

What will bring her happiness, add strength

  • Patron planet: Proserpina (astrologers argue whether this is a distant planet of our system or an asteroid from the main belt of the solar system; ironically, it is named after another Roman goddess, but no longer heavenly, but from the underworld).
  • Ideal zodiac sign: Virgo (if your daughter was born from August 23 to September 22 and you give her this name, she will be especially lucky).
  • Best time of year: summer.
  • Luckiest day of the week: Wednesday.
  • Name color: purple and pink.
  • A stone that must shine in Aurora jewelry: chalcedony (necessarily pink).
  • Animal totem: this is a bird, a robin.
  • Amulet plant: almonds during the flowering period.

Name days (angel day): there are none.

Various aspects of Ava's life:

  • Love. This beautiful and elegant girl always has a guy who has his eye on her. True, with him she can be a lover, a partner, but not a soulmate. That's why many of her novels remain novels.
  • Family. Whether the husband wants it or not, the head of the family will be the wife. If the husband turns out to be a leader and tries to pull the blanket over himself, there will be constant arguments in the house, and nothing good will come of it. Some Aurors, due to their ostentatious coldness and severity, do not start families at all.
  • Children. But Ava is becoming a wonderful mother. She knows how to communicate with the younger generation and raise children without “strain.”
  • Choosing a job. She must have the opportunity to “grow” at the top, otherwise the woman will gain experience and immediately move to another company. An excellent position for Aurora would be that of an administrator (the woman perfectly holds her subordinates under a tight rein), analyst, or trainer.
  • Career. It is slowly but surely moving up. Ava tries not to conflict with her colleagues so that they do not interfere with her.
  • Diseases. In childhood, they attack the baby almost in unison. The nervous system is considered the weakest point of this child, so parents need to carefully monitor the baby’s routine (it is important for her to get a good night’s sleep and rest). During adolescence, a girl will outgrow most of her childhood problems and become much stronger.

Which guy will she be happy with (nominal compatibility)

Namesakes, thanks to which this name is on everyone’s lips

  1. Aurora Sanseverino (1667-1727) - poetess from a noble family, Italy.
  2. Aurora Dupin is one of the creative names of the French writer, better known in our country under her other pseudonym - Georges Sand (1804-1876). She became world famous thanks to the books “Countess Rudolstadt”, “Consuelo”.
  3. Aurora Nilsson (1894-1972) - writer from Sweden.
  4. Aurora Batista (1925) - film actress from Spain.
  5. Aurora Miranda (1915-2005) - actress and singer from Brazil. She not only starred in funny films, but also voiced cartoons.
  6. Aurora Clavel Garardo (1936) is a film and theater actress from Mexico.
  7. Aurore Clément (1945) - actress from France. She starred in the series “Maigret”, the films “Apocalypse Now”, “Marie Antoinette”.
  8. Auror Kuehne (1985) - skier from France.
  9. Aurora Robles (1980) - supermodel from Mexico.
  10. Aurora Asknes or Aurora (1996) - Norwegian singer, genre - pop music.
  11. Aurora (1973) - Russian presenter. This is a creative pseudonym, Yudin's real name.

But not only famous people have distinguished themselves with this name, but also...

  1. “Aurora” (2006) dramatic film by Ukrainian director Oksana Bayrak. Tells about the drama of a girl who suffered from the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  2. “Aurora’s Glove” (2016) is a modern Russian series. Detective melodrama. Named after the main character.
  3. "Sleeping Beauty", Disney cartoon (1959). The name Aurora was given to the main character - a princess in a pink dress. This cartoon was translated into Russian in 2008.
  4. Aurora, cruiser. One of the main symbols of the October Revolution: he fired a salvo, which served as a “bell” for the start of the assault on the Winter Palace. Every true Soviet pioneer knew the song about him by heart.

All Aurora are talented. In particular, a singer who proudly bears this name can prove this. Believe me, her voice is definitely worth hearing!