Why do you dream about a bus stop? Magic numbers Dream interpretation bus stop.

Why do you dream about a bus stop?  Magic numbers Dream interpretation bus stop.
Why do you dream about a bus stop? Magic numbers Dream interpretation bus stop.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of driving a Stop in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I am studying at the sewing department. I dreamed that I was on a tram, getting off after a couple of stops and at the same time finishing something. And I seemed so carried away, I passed my stop and the next final one.

    I was traveling with a person I knew on the bus, they called me from behind and asked me something, I moved, and when I turned back to see my friend, he was no longer there. A girl was sitting opposite the seat where my friend was sitting. I know her in real life. We haven’t talked to her for a long time, but in a dream she started talking to me and joking, to which I was very surprised. Then I got off at another stop and started looking for how to get to my missed stop, crossed the road, pulled up a long red bus, but I didn’t get on, but walked off the road into a forest area. Then I woke up

    I dreamed that I passed my stop (in my city, the one where I live), got off at the next one and walked back. But the way back was the road along which I go to visit my grandmother in the village. I met a man with a dog and talked to him. Then he fell behind and I walked alone. Before I met this man, I dreamed that I was walking around some kind of residential multi-story building and the thought in my head was “ah, that’s where she lives.” Afterwards I found myself in a different place.


    I dream that I am going to work by tram, but I find myself in an unfamiliar place and realize that I have passed my stop. I sit down to drive in the opposite direction, but again I don’t get to my stop, I end up at a stop further, i.e. I passed the stop again. In fact, I often dream that I am late for a train or tram or that I get on the wrong one. What is it for? Thank you!

    I dreamed that I passed my stop on the train and the conductor told me that I was already leaving the depot in the opposite direction from where I came. But then I saw a familiar area in the window and got off the train, and then woke up

    I dreamed that I was riding on tram 5 and then it passed the stop (that’s where it ends) and I was talking with the driver, some high-rise buildings appeared there and everything was dark. But I wasn’t scared, then some man appeared and said “more “it’s not time” and the driver said to get off, we drove several kilometers from the stop. I got out and walked along the flights, and when I turned around there were no flights,

    I dreamed that the driver of the bus didn’t stop me at the stop, neither at stop 1 nor at stop 2. He didn’t like how I did something wrong
    I screamed at him

    I sat down and sat

    I freaked out and ran away

    I dreamed that the driver of the truck did not stop me at the stop, neither at 1 nor at 2
    I screamed at him
    But he didn’t seem to hear, he was listening to music
    I say: what should I do now? Drive in circles?
    Nobody answered me, people didn’t stand up for me
    I sat down and sat
    We arrived at the garage, I said: What are we doing here? Take me back
    He started laughing and saying he'd be unlucky
    I freaked out and ran away
    But the next minibus took me straight home

    It’s evening, I get on the bus, I’m driving and suddenly I realize that I’ve passed my stop. I go out, see an unfamiliar house, I go into it, there is a woman with a child and my ex-husband. I grab a knife and rush at my ex-husband, stab him in the chest, cut his throat. A few drops of blood come out of his throat, but he is alive and does not fall. And then it’s already day and I’m standing with him unharmed on the street. In fact, we really broke up with him because of another woman.

    Hello. My name is Marina. I dreamed that I was riding a bus and the driver didn’t hear where I needed to stop. Stopped much further. I got off the bus. I was wearing heels, couldn’t keep my balance and fell. I tried to put on my heels and go, but I couldn’t. And I had to walk home on the wet, cold autumn asphalt. I ran home, my feet were cold.

    I was traveling with my boyfriend to my grandmother's birthday. We were traveling by bus, I was thinking about whether this was the same day, in a dream I remembered that it was a different month outside, but since I was in a dream, then apparently everything was different in a dream. I took out my blush, they were broken. I was very upset. Moreover, we passed the stop we needed.

    I'm on the bus, an old model, there are few passengers, but good interlocutors sat opposite me and while talking I fell asleep and had to get off at the final stop, there is dirt and no one, emptiness, everything appears gray, two gorgeous young women appear, they go to the hospital, I follow them in the cloakroom, we undress, they take my badge and they ask for a phone number and disappear near the wardrobe, I find my mother’s shawl wrapped in other scarves, I want to take it, they don’t let me, they say it’s not mine, I prove that my mother is leaving, I need to go home, but how should I call my son, I ask the man to dial his number, he can’t do it, I wake up all on my nerves

    I dreamed about riding in a full bus. A friend got off at the stop, but didn’t see her face, I handed her my bags, then the bus doors closed and I didn’t have time to get off. I got off after a couple of stops, walked back, climbed the steps, the sun was shining brightly. I saw a flying saucer in the reflection of the phone, I understood that they were watching me. I remember that there was just a little left to the stop where my bags were left, I remember a bright light from the sky, and I woke up

    In the dream, I and two other girls (I know one, but we don’t communicate now and the second one is not familiar to me) were traveling on a train. But for some reason they passed our stop. And I ran around an unfamiliar town and looked for a train station to get back. I found it...and one of the girls was already there. There was just a little time left before the train, but I ran to look for another girl... in the end I found it and we were on time for the train..

    I urgently needed to go somewhere, and I boarded the nearest bus, and after that I found out that it was driving past the stop I needed, but I begged the driver to stop, and in the end he stopped for me after some distance and I got off... Explain please, what does this mean???

    I'm traveling on a train and returning after getting off at one of the stops I don't find my luggage. I'm walking along the train looking for him. I can’t find my luggage and as a result I understand that I missed my stop in Moscow, where my husband should be waiting for me. I decide to get off at the next one and return by train, but I realize that money is missing with my luggage and I need to ask a passenger for a loan. I wake up. After a while I fall asleep and the dream continues. Now I'm on a tour bus. At the bus stop, after drinking coffee, I reach into my wallet to pay. But instead of the small change that lies there, I take out semi-precious stones. I think it was the necklace that broke. I reach for the next coin, and it literally turns into a pebble in my fingers. I ask my friend to give me some change, 3 times for 5 rubles. I hold the coins in my hand, but when I put them on the counter, I see that they are already white buttons. The barmaid looks at me hopelessly. You have to hurry so as not to be late for the departure of your excursion bus.

    I dreamed that I was traveling on a train and constantly passing my station (if anything, my sister and I were traveling). And I got off at the wrong station (Several times in a row). Then I asked the conductor, the controller (I don’t remember who exactly, but it was definitely a man) for the departure schedule (or just a schedule) and he says that he doesn’t have decanters, but in his hand I see a piece of paper (very similar to a schedule). After some time, the leaf disappeared.

    It was in winter, I got on the train, two people I knew were sitting there, I wasn’t going to go anywhere, I guess I went in to say hello to them, I sat down, I was in light clothes, shorts and a sports jacket without shoes, then the train started moving , and I started to get completely hysterical: “Where am I going? I don’t even have anything with me.” The hysteria intensified when I realized that the train was rushing along a slope on which there were no rails, it was no longer a train, but a bus, my friends did not try to calm me down, one of them even shouted something either at me or he was saying something loudly

    Hello! I dreamed today that I was on a bus (there were 2-3 people) and I passed my stop for an unknown reason, I shouted to the driver, he stopped and it turned out that I had lost my bag and some guy gave me someone else’s bag, and there was urine in it (without smell) and urine pours onto the steps of the bus.

    I dreamed that I was on a bus where there were a lot of people, I told the driver to stop at this stop, but he drove on. Several people also wanted to get off at this stop.

    I was at the stop. My dead brother and other people were sitting there. We stopped the car to pick up one of the people at the stop and called my brother since they were going to the same village to take him. At first I pretended that I hadn’t seen my brother, but then I explained why I was doing this did. A tractor drove past us on which a dead woman arrived with a nail and we looked in surprise. I woke up in surprise

    I get on the bus, I’m driving without a specific purpose, the conductor comes up to me so that I can pay for the fare, I start rummaging through my dad’s bag (I don’t know how I got it) to look for money, I pay, I look out the window and realize that I’ve passed my stop, but still keep going

    It turns out that we went to the lake with our little brothers, but I don’t remember that we swam... then everything happened so quickly and we were already walking to the stop... on the way we saw a lot of little herons, burgundy or something, they followed me, then I was waiting for a traffic light to cross the road, one of them was flying at me and I couldn’t tear myself away from them, but then they were gone completely, and I ended up in a minibus and there I fell asleep, it turns out, I quickly opened my eyes and looked at the map, I it turns out I drove through... then I somehow ended up with my grandparents in the village, they were cooking meat and potatoes and then I woke up

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was traveling on a train and in a large double compartment where a very handsome man was staying, but I was not happy with his presence and left the compartment, but when I returned, I found the room smoky and again I left not happy and surprised that that the man smoked, for some reason knowing that he did not smoke. And then I have to get off at the next stop, but I don’t find my luggage and look for it everywhere, but then when I passed the stop, I remember that my luggage is in the compartment with that man and it seems to me that I know him. The events on the train in the dream took place in the evening

    I’m riding with a friend in a minibus (I’ve never even seen this person in real life) it seems like my city, but it’s completely different. Then I realized that I had passed my stop, I asked the driver to stop but he drove on, I shouted to stop but he didn’t care. As a result, he stops only after a kilometer. My friend and I went out and didn’t know what to do next.

    I dreamed that I was riding in a carriage with a girl I knew and passed my stop. She came out and I didn't. I asked the conductor and driver for help, they helped me. And suddenly my husband and I are flying on a plane and we get off at the village stop, he says our village is starting, but it turns out that this is not our village, they say the residents of this village and there is white white snow on the streets

    I was traveling on a train with a man (I don’t know him in reality), and passed my stop. I got off at an unfamiliar station with this man, he offered to go visit him. But I went to buy a ticket back. And he also bought me a ticket, but for a later time. But I still decided to go earlier. The ticket was colorful, like a holiday card.

    I was driving at the bus stop, it was time to get out, I got up, I went with the boy to the back door, they came up and it was closed, we went to the front door, it turned out we didn’t have time to get out, we were moving on. The driver said it was her own fault for not getting out. I needed to open the rear doors and didn’t have time. When we came out, we were walking along a pedestrian path, suddenly there was a staircase without steps, like a slide. I climbed on top of the child, no, I had to lift him up. We arrived where we should have left earlier, it became dark. There are buses waiting, I walked around one, I saw a child in my arms in a diaper, something smelled wrong, it seemed like the diaper was full of poop, but I didn’t really see shit, just yellowish. I walked around the bus, like a bazaar, there were figurines of white doves, a lot. I went further and looked at the buses, different numbers; mine wasn’t there. The child sat down on the bench, the boy fell asleep in his arms, a man then a woman came up. Talk.

    I was traveling with my boyfriend and his friend to their hometown of Gukovo. But what’s strange is that in the dream, for some reason, we went to Moscow, but we knew that we would eventually arrive at our destination. Then I dreamed that I passed our stop and my boyfriend’s friend forgot his luggage. I also forgot to take it, I only remembered when I got off the bus. Then I went to look for them and decided to take a shortcut through some school, the director stopped me there and found cigarettes. Then I went out, but didn’t find anyone and then woke up.

    My husband left our one-year-old daughter alone with the doctors; she was feeling sick. I left a large white dog at the veterinary clinic near the hospital (we don’t have a dog in reality). Someone tied her front left leg with an iron rod until it bled. I find out that my daughter is alone in the hospital, and I run there. I took her and at the veterinary clinic I saw 2 little puppies. I’m going home on a trolleybus and my eldest son (4 years old) and my mother-in-law are there with me. They get off at the bus stop, and I’m distracted by a girl who dropped her wedding ring, and I drive by. She finds him. And I find a men’s quartz watch. I take it and realize that I’ve passed the stop. The watch is standing, I wind it up and it starts walking. The strap is so worn and worn, it looks like it has been worn for a long time. I get off at the next stop and run home. At home I show the Watch to my husband.

    I dreamed that I needed to get to one station, and this was the next stop, I drove one more stop further. I need to go back, I got off the train, first I waited on the platform for the train in the opposite direction and met a bunch of friends, talked to them and had fun, then I got on the train and sat all the time waiting not to miss my stop and someone distracted me or I I thought for a minute and I realized that I was at my stop, but the doors were already closing and the train moved on. I’m already nervous because friends and relatives were waiting for me to visit, they set the table, but I’ve been gone for a long time. I get to the next stop, and it turns out to be a not very favorable area. I landed there and immediately boarded the yacht, and the final stop was the area where I needed it, I was very worried, I asked everyone to stop in the place I needed, but after looking around I realized that the decoration on the yacht was very beautiful, we sailed along the river slowly and carefully, I I even enjoyed this moment, we sailed past expensive and beautiful mansions located next to the embankment, I took pictures of them, I took incredibly beautiful pictures of myself there. But the inner feeling that I needed to go there did not let go... help me explain

    I dreamed that I was driving a minibus to the store and passed a stop. It was in the city during the day, there were high-rise residential buildings around, then partly the sea, I was driving along a bridge that rose very high. While driving, I talked to my friend on the phone about how I passed the stop, that’s all. Thank you.

An informative dream that predicts various events and changes for you. Usually a bus in a dream shows progress in life, work and movement forward in a team or group of people. Very often it shows you and your family, the slow progress through life and the various opportunities that will pass you by. This is what dreams of a bus mean most often in various dreams.


In most dreams, it means family, work, routine, the ordinary daily life of every person. For those who are used to driving a personal car, such a dream means a deterioration in their financial situation, difficulties and poverty. Sometimes such a dream shows that soon you will have to deal with the problems of other people or be in the same harness with them. For everyone else who does not have personal transportation, a bus in a dream means changes and actions in normal daily life, except for an accident or collision.

Waiting for this type of transport in a dream at a bus stop is a desire for change. Sometimes such a dream means changes for you in life or a desire for them. Often such dreams are dreamed by people who are looking for work, family, or want to escape from everyday life and go somewhere. Or a bus with intercity flights is a common form of transport for them.

Why do you dream of waiting at a bus stop? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts you a tedious expectation and desire for changes in your own life. It seems that stagnation has set in. If you were just standing at the bus stop and were nervous because he wasn’t there, and you were in a hurry to get somewhere? The dream book writes that such a dream means trouble for you, various obstacles in business and difficulties.

If you are planning a business that requires quick action, then the lack of passing transport means failure or that circumstances will prevent you from implementing your plans right now. If you dreamed of a bus, then the dream book writes that you will have time to get things done at the last minute. Sitting in it is a good sign. It means that you can achieve what you want. But, if it is not your vehicle that constantly approaches the stop, expect troubles and difficulties in your life and work. Most likely, life will not give you the opportunity to do what you need right now.

Model and direction

Your progress in life can be indicated by fellow travelers, transport model, direction and views outside the window. It also plays a role whether you are able to get off the transport where you need it or the final stop of the transport.

Seeing a Soviet-era bus in a dream means that the problem and your immediate prospects will be related to events of the past. Sometimes a trip in it with people of that time is a dream of problems associated with parents and grandparents, grandparents. The meaning of such a dream is even more enhanced if your real family has preserved the way of that time, ancient objects and things. A trip on such a bus means that you will have to deal with your family’s past. Sometimes such a dream means receiving an inheritance that will be quickly squandered. In some cases, a dream about a non-modern type of bus shows a problem associated with that period of your time when the trip was quite real. Try to remember what and what memories your trip was associated with and what problem it speaks about now.

More modern bus models mean advancement in life in the present time. A minibus or minibus shows a small group of people; larger models dream of your individual advancement, which will be influenced by completely different people.

If you dream of a bus, then the dream book writes that you will soon have a journey ahead or simply progress through life with some people. Pay attention to whether there were any acquaintances or friends among them, as they show what field of activity your path will relate to.

Family can show your general direction in life, colleagues - work or career, friends and lover - personal life, relationships with loved ones and new contacts.

The direction of movement in the dream book of a bus is interpreted to your prospects for the near future, events and acquaintances. Just a trip without unnecessary adventures and troubles usually dreams of changes that will be gradual. It is good to get out of this mode of transport if you do it voluntarily. Otherwise, the dream book predicts failure for you. Getting on the bus means a transition from thinking to action.

Adventures on the road

Driving a bus in a dream means responsibility for the well-being of other people. Just being a passenger depends on the circumstances. If you dream that a vehicle has left on a new, unfamiliar road, then the dream book interprets a bus as a sign of change, surprises and new acquaintances. In a dream, going to another city means big changes or aspirations for them. Sometimes such a dream predicts the development and expansion of your living space. Driving onto a familiar street means news. Finding the way to your home means personal harmony.

If in a dream you had to travel with unpleasant travel companions, then such a dream means conflicts or cramped circumstances. Miss your stop - don't miss your chance. The dream book writes that you need to be active in activities so as not to lose yourself. Driving in circles means defeats and troubles, or a repetition of the same situation.

Reaching your destination means the successful implementation of plans. An accident in a dream or the death of people is a sign of alarm and that you need to cancel your trip. Sometimes such a dream means that circumstances will prevent you from achieving your plans.

Most often, a bus dreams of quick trips and travel. But when trying to understand what it means to dream with this vehicle, try to remember the details of the dream: the color of the bus, its size, the number of people in it, etc. In some cases, it is the nuances of a dream that help you understand why you saw this image in your night dreams.

Interpretations in famous dream books: Miller, Vanga and others

Different dream books describe the meaning of a bus appearing in a dream in different ways. Basically, they indicate that the image of this vehicle portends good events in a person’s life:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. Riding a bus in a dream means that in real life you are more active in business. In all your endeavors, luck accompanies you, even if it is not so obvious. Don’t be afraid to take on new projects, use every available opportunity to achieve your own benefit.
  2. Freud's Dream Book. Waiting for the bus at the bus stop - you are currently looking for your soulmate. For people who are married or in a serious relationship, such a dream indicates their lack of confidence in their companion. According to Freud, if you dream of a bus whose interior is crowded with passengers, you should expect the arrival of guests or distant relatives;
  3. According to Loff's interpretation, if you are riding a bus in a dream, then you are dissatisfied with your financial situation. It is likely that you have lost your sense of security and are living one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up. After the black stripe there will definitely come a white one, you just need to be patient a little.
  4. Dream book of the 21st century. Most often, a bus seen in a dream means success in business. Such a dream foreshadows a pleasant meeting or a successful business agreement. Don't be afraid to seek outside help if you feel like you're not up to the task. As a result, you will not only solve the problem, but also get a new reliable partner.
  5. The Muslim dream book does not give the best definition of such a dream. If you travel in a dream by public transport, you will not be able to complete your planned tasks in the time frame that you expected. Now is not the best time to set new goals for yourself. Pay all your attention to the problems you already have and try to avoid too close contacts with people you don’t know well.
  6. Dream book of Tsvetkov. If during sleep you see yourself from the side in the bus as a passenger, unpleasant meetings with old friends await you. Driving a bus means disappointment in business. Perhaps you chose the wrong direction to solve the problem, try to look at the situation from the other side.
  7. Vanga's dream book. The dream has a favorable meaning if you saw yourself as a passenger on a bus traveling along a mountain road. Such a dream promises you joyful events and exciting trips in real life, during which you will acquire useful connections. They will work to your advantage in the future.

A bus seen in a dream usually portends success in business.

Why does a man or woman dream?

If a young girl has a dream in which she is riding on a bus, this predicts that she will meet unpleasant people. Perhaps you made the wrong decision in some matter and now you have to face the consequences of your own choice. Failure may befall you at work. At this time, you should not take on new responsibilities and projects; focus on resolving existing problems.

If a girl has a dream in which she is riding on a bus, this predicts that she will meet unpleasant people.

When a young guy dreams of a bus, he expects an interesting conversation with a person who can radically change his whole life. Be careful, because dream books do not define whether changes will be good or bad.

If during such a dream a man is traveling on a bus not alone, but in the company of strangers, this may mean that he harbors a grudge against one of his close friends. Think about who could annoy you so much. It is better to get rid of unexpressed anger as quickly as possible before it turns into unpleasant consequences for you.

If a man dreamed of a burning bus, he should be careful on the road

When an adult man sees himself sitting on a bus in a dream, his work colleagues will support any of his endeavors. Feel free to take on new projects - the results will not take long to arrive.

Other interpretations of a dream with a bus for a male dreamer:

  • problems and obstacles on the road symbolize competitors who will put spokes in the wheels;
  • a burning bus - you need to be careful on the road, the dreamer may become a victim of a dangerous combination of circumstances;
  • if a man saw from the sidelines or became a participant in a bus accident in a dream, in real life he may become a victim of financial fraud.

For a married man, seeing himself on a bus means his wife’s infidelity or the appearance of a rival.

If an adult woman is waiting for a bus in a dream, she should pay more attention and care to her family. Perhaps your relatives feel that you have distanced yourself from them and are completely immersed in your own thoughts. Did the dreamer still wait for the transport? The man she loves reciprocates and is ready to provide the necessary support at the first request. If the bus does not arrive or does not stop, the woman should pay attention to her appearance.

If a married woman in her dream is traveling on a crowded bus, she will soon plunge headlong into household chores. Often such a dream can indicate pleasant meetings with old acquaintances and the unexpected arrival of guests. You will have almost no free time left to devote to yourself, but don’t be discouraged. Guests will bring with them good news that will open up several new opportunities for you to improve your financial situation.

Description: large, receding, inverted

If in a dream you saw a big beautiful bus, unexpected profits await you and it is not at all necessary that it will be related to work. It can be expressed in the form of gifts from a loved one, the emergence of new opportunities, or promotion on the career ladder.

Did you dream about a double-decker bus? You may become a victim of deception. Remember which floor you were on: if on the first floor, a stranger will try to deceive you, on the second, someone you trusted will betray you.

If you dreamed of a double-decker bus, you may become a victim of deception

The transport was large in size, but gloomy and frightening, and did the dream leave a negative feeling? You should take care of your own health. Perhaps you are burdened by some thoughts and unspoken ideas. Try to deal with them before they become the cause of poor health.

A leaving bus seen in a dream foreshadows major financial losses. You should be more careful with your money. Be attentive to your health - there is a risk that most of the costs will be associated with it.

If you saw an overturned bus, there is a high probability that you will experience a lot of stress at work or after communicating with relatives. Try to reduce all your contacts to a minimum. The best solution would be to be alone. Otherwise, you yourself will not notice how you will find yourself drawn into an unpleasant story or conflict.

Empty or filled?

If you dreamed of an empty bus, it symbolizes a lack of communication in everyday life. Perhaps you are too passionate about work and have given up on your social connections. Spend a free evening with friends or relatives. Any communication now will benefit you.

Seeing a bus overcrowded with passengers means that you should give yourself a rest. You are probably exhausted and often feel like a squeezed lemon. Finish urgent tasks and put the rest aside for a while. Now you need to focus on your spiritual and physical well-being. The moment has come when you simply need to replenish your energy reserves. Take yourself a little vacation: be in nature, lie on the couch with a good book, watch your favorite movie. All this will be quite enough for you to get back on track in the future.

If in a dream you get on a bus with many children on it, this will be a harbinger of a lot of trouble that awaits you soon. And it is likely that the troubles will be unpleasant. The details of this dream are also important:

  • if you quickly leave the bus or it passes by you, you will be able to quickly cope with problems;
  • If in a dream you drive for a long time, or the transport cannot move, you will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that the situation in life improves.

Seeing a bus crowded with passengers means you should give yourself a rest

Why do you dream of red or yellow?

The red bus is considered a good symbol for personal life. Such a dream often means that there is not enough physical intimacy in the dreamer's life. If you are currently looking for a life partner, the dream foretells you new meetings and acquaintances.

Yellow transport in a dream says that a person should think about his own life. Perhaps you feel dissatisfied with the way things are going. Wrong decisions and dubious adventures are the reasons for what is happening in your life now. You will have to face the consequences of your own actions, but you should not be afraid of this. Be patient and perceive any situation calmly and judiciously.

Meaning of actions: drive, sit down and drive, get out of it

If in a dream you get on a bus, then you can easily cope with any troubles. True, you will have to solve problems on your own; outside help can only worsen the situation. You may have to face doubts about your lover's fidelity. Do not enter into conflict with your loved one; first, deal with your own suspicions. After carefully weighing everything, you will understand that your fears are unfounded.

If in a dream you boarded a bus with your relatives or friends, then they will help you make the right decision to prevent problems in the future.

Swearing in a dream with bus passengers means quarrels and conflicts.

If in a dream you are in the driver's seat and driving the bus yourself, this indicates leadership qualities. The moment comes when you will have a good opportunity to influence the opinions of loved ones and work colleagues. Use this chance to advance your career.

In a dream, you see yourself getting off a bus - this indicates your reluctance to obey the established rules. Perhaps you disagree with the way things are done at work or you are not satisfied with the framework into which your loved one wants to push you. You should be more restrained, since excessive emotionality can cause many conflicts, the consequences of which in the future will prevent you from achieving what you want.

Wait, miss the bus or run after it

To dream that you are late for the bus or trying to catch it speaks of difficulties and problems that you will soon face. You may find yourself in a difficult situation due to the machinations of ill-wishers, so you should be more careful about your contacts with others. Don't share personal information or take on new business. The best option is to protect yourself from unnecessary meetings and responsibilities.

To be afraid in a dream that you will be late for the bus, but still catch it is a good sign. You will avoid a financial crisis and serious waste.

If in a dream you see yourself getting on a bus, you can easily cope with any troubles

A dream in which you buy a bus ticket indicates that you are on the right track. All your actions and decisions will bring good profits and benefits in the near future. In addition, seeing a bus ticket is a positive answer if you are tormented by any question. The meaning of this dream is favorable, so feel free to take on new things and fulfill your own desires.

A dream in which you buy a bus ticket indicates that you are on the right track.

Waiting for a bus at a bus stop in a dream indicates that a person is worried about his health. If there are a large number of people crowding at the bus stop besides you, this symbolizes your worries about the state of affairs at work. Try to pay more attention to your family and your own interests that are not related to your career. If in a dream you stand at a bus stop for a very long time or the bus does not come at all, this indicates a desire to rest. Allow yourself this weakness, nothing bad will happen.

If in a dream you get on the bus, but cannot find an empty seat, you will find yourself in a situation where you have to defend your own opinion.

Arguing with a conductor in a dream means the appearance of an annoying person in your life, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of

When in your dream you see a conductor while on a bus, this promises you useless acquaintances and remorse. If something has been bothering you in recent days, share the problem with your friends. Don't let your own experiences eat you from the inside. Arguing with a conductor in a dream means the appearance of an annoying person in your life, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of.

If in a dream you discuss the bus schedule or its route with passengers, this will become a symbol of a profitable deal.

Seeing in a dream how a bus hits a stranger - means changes in your personal life. Whether they will be good or bad will depend only on you, your patience and ability to quickly navigate the circumstances. However, if a bus hits you, the plans and ideas that you cherish in your head are not destined to come true.

A bus seen in a dream can be a harbinger of pleasant events, or it can point you to ill-wishers and health problems. Try to remember as many details of your dream as possible. Even the smallest details can completely change the interpretation of a dream. It is also important to listen to your inner feelings the next morning: if you woke up in a good mood, the dream will have a positive meaning; if you woke up in a bad mood, you should pay close attention to the interpretation in order to avoid troubles.

The article on the topic: “dream book waiting for a bus at a bus stop” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream in which you happen to see passengers at a bus stop waiting for transport is considered a symbol of changes in fate. Watching people who want to leave in a dream means an accumulation of urgent matters. Why you dream of waiting for a bus at a bus stop and getting on it can be learned from modern dream books.

Settings from Miller's dream book

A famous psychologist claims that a person who dreams of a waiting room is not quite ready to implement his own projects. He waits for the right moment and learns from others. Seeing a bus stop in a dream means:

  • deserted - to loneliness and helplessness;
  • with a crowd of people - someone wants to interfere with plans, is actively building barriers;
  • destroyed - to difficulties, fruitless actions;
  • new and clean - to meet a person destined by fate.

All changes are for the better

Standing on the side of the road or at a bus stop in a dream and seeing passing cars means changes for the better. This means that the dreamer has already decided to break with old relationships, habits, stopped projects and take on something new. Dream books guarantee: a new step will definitely lead to success.

Freud also encourages an optimistic position. His dream book explains well why one dreams of waiting for a bus at a bus stop. It turns out that you are “bored” of your boring previous relationship with an uninitiative partner, so you decided to go “hunting” for new sensations and feelings.

Getting into the nearest car in a dream is a sign of changes in your personal life. The subconscious mind suggests that the dreamer is ready to add variety to the intimate sphere and completely dissolve in new love. Happiness is close if you dreamed that the people at the bus stop were friendly and interesting.

Don't conflict

Why do you dream that a long-awaited transport has arrived at the bus station, but you can’t get on it because of a big crowd, says Vanga’s dream book. She warns: be prepared to fight hard for your loved one and for a good place at work.

In addition, the famous healer predicts the emergence of rivals, competitors who are ready to push everyone aside with their elbows in order to achieve their goal. Try not to argue or conflict with anyone in the coming days.

Don’t rush - no one will be able to fill your niche, so just watch the excitement from the sidelines and be sure that the one destined by fate will not slip past you. Especially if you dreamed that you still waited for the car you needed.

Only caution will help

Getting off at a strange bus stop in a dream, getting scared and starting to panic is a bad sign. Dream Interpretations reduce the interpretation of a dream to making an unforgivable mistake, as a result of which you may lose your home. Be attentive also in the case when you dreamed that you had to wait for the bus not at the bus stop, but on the side of the road.

Getting sick and unable to cope with your tasks, getting nervous exhaustion at work due to the burden of piled-up problems that are difficult to overcome alone - this is exactly what you dream of missing the right bus stop and driving on.

Why do you dream about a bus stop?

A bus stop in a dream symbolizes changes, goals, changes in life, in love that you want to achieve, but have not yet achieved. If you take a bus going in the wrong direction, then this is a bad dream, and you need to be careful: competitors, betrayals, deceptions - that’s what this promises. If you take the bus going in the right direction, then you will probably achieve your goal. If you remain at the bus stop or just look at it, then you are afraid of change and cannot change your destiny. Perhaps it's time to move on?

Freud associates such a dream with the expectation of love and sexual experiences. According to Freud's dream book, seeing a bus stop in a dream means looking for your destiny. That is, even if you don’t admit it to yourself, you are still trying to find your soul mate, even if unconsciously. And if you wait for the bus at the stop and get on it, it means that you are not satisfied with your life partner. He is not right for you, and your relationship is just a habit that has become a responsibility.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is not very optimistic, but it doesn't foretell anything too bad for us either. A bus stop seen in a dream suggests that you are trying to achieve some goals, but so far, most likely, to no avail. It is quite possible that you are being pursued by competitors who are trying with all their might to stop you. If you take the bus in the wrong direction, then there will be problems and obstacles, if not, then you will succeed. The difficulties will end, it’s just that your time has not yet come.

According to Vanga’s dream book, to see a dream in which there is a bus stop means either a warning, or useful acquaintances and entertainment. If you are waiting for him on a steep slope or in the mountains, then you will soon have to hit the road. Most likely, this will be a pleasant trip that you go on with a person you don’t know yet. If you see cars rushing past you at great speed, then you need to carefully think through every step, since your rashness and impulsiveness can lead to trouble.

If you couldn’t find a bus station for a long time or walk around it and don’t understand where to go, then changes await you in the field of work. You will be offered a new position or you will find a better place. It is possible that you will have to change your field of activity or retrain.

Your dream could also mean making new acquaintances. You will soon meet a person close to you in spirit, with whom you will have many common interests.

According to Tsvetkov

If you dreamed of a bus stop, it means that you have some plans and plans that in the near future can change your life for the better. Even if they seem impossible to you for now, don’t be upset. You will succeed, you just need to wait a little longer.

If you saw a person bored or suffering from agonizing anticipation, then you should be more persistent. Your indecision only harms you. Don't be afraid to persevere - good luck awaits you. But only if you take the first step.

Dream Interpretation

Wait for the bus at the bus stop

Dream Interpretation Waiting for the bus at the bus stop dreamed of why you dream about Waiting for a bus at a bus stop? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Waiting for a bus at a bus stop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

“Dream Interpretation of Waiting for a Bus, dreamed of why you dream about waiting for a Bus in a dream”

Dream Interpretation wait for the Bus

Why do you dream of waiting for a Bus in a dream according to the dream book?

Waiting for a bus in a dream is an indication of the monotony and dullness of everyday life, the absence of joyful moments in it.

You should be patient, everything can change for the better in a moment. Try not to miss the gift of fate.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream of waiting for the Bus, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of waiting for a Bus in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

We were traveling on the bus for work. we went out and went where we were going to some building, after leaving the building we went to the bus stop to wait for another bus. Then I really wanted to go to the toilet, I went in and woke up.

I’m standing with my mother at the stop, the bus is approaching, I’m getting on the bus, there are a lot of people on the bus, we went and I see that my mother stayed at the stop

I waited a long time for the bus, but the one I needed never arrived, many buses passed by but none of them went to my address

in a dream, I changed my place of work - I left far away for three months. We got to the place of work on foot. We walked along the asphalt road. There I had to wash floors, or rather clean the rooms where other workers lived. I also saw the stairs to the third floor. I met a man who worked there as a foreman. Then I went home and so did he. I knew for sure that we were going home for 3 weeks. After this time, I was waiting for the bus on the road. She was standing with a bag. The bus that was supposed to take us back to work arrived. I remembered something, called the man I met, he came out with a large bag and stayed. The bus left.

The bus was driving. I was standing at the bus stop. I pulled on something and the window broke and the bus fell on me (((what does this mean?? please tell me!!

Hello! I dreamed that I walked for a long time along the side of the road to a bus stop. As if I knew for sure that I needed to get on this bus to get to some place (like getting a job), I waited for it for a long time, there were a lot of people at the stop, and then my bus came, everyone started to crowd into it, and so I went up to it and the women said to me: “You don’t need to go there, why do you need it, it’s bad there and there’s nothing good, you shouldn’t go there” and then I realize that she is right and I say that I won’t go. The bus left, I first looked after it, and then turned around and went back. What could this mean? Thank you in advance

I didn’t have time to catch the bus that my grandmother left on. Then the mother of my friends picked me up from the bus stop. I said that I needed to catch the bus.


a couple of days ago I dreamed about Putin, as if he was asking me to marry him. And today I had a dream that I was in a hurry somewhere and said that I was late for a lecture at the institute and could not leave the house, where some kind of pasta or noodles or spaghetti were being cooked in the kitchen. Finally, I somehow got ready and went out into the street, where I couldn’t take the bus, since there were a lot of people around, but I still sat down and seemed to go and I woke up.

I stood at the stop waiting for the bus. But it never arrived, there were a lot of people sitting at the stop, some standing, I also sat on a bench or stood up, I was worried that I didn’t know which bus to take, I took my phone out of my bag and called my daughter, but she she never answered me

The bus and documents were returned to me. It is my personal one, but it was rented. It sits empty at the bus stop and I don’t know what to do with it?

stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. There were a lot of people. Then I rode on a bus that was also crowded.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Bus stop interpretation of the dream book

    Many people wonder why they dream of waiting for a bus at a bus stop? Our dream book has prepared a detailed answer. The interpretation of the dream itself can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the smallest details of the dream.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Miller will tell you why you dream of waiting for a bus at a bus stop. If a person sleeping at a bus stop looks at passengers, there will soon be a lot of joy, but if it is impossible to see people’s faces, there will be a short separation. If there are a lot of people standing there, expect obstacles; if there are few people, there will be a pleasant bustle; if there is no one at the stop, a family member will get sick.

    Modern dream book

    By new standards, this dream is considered to be a harbinger of new love. If a free person dreams of this, then he will soon meet his love, and unexpectedly. If a person is married, then old feelings will flare up again in front of both spouses.

    In the understanding of the Modern Dream Book, waiting predicts a person will have constant quarrels with everyone around him. It is possible that in the future you should not do important things or start serious projects.

    What was the stop?

    If you remember the type of stop at which you stood, then the dream can be analyzed in more detail:

    • large - there will be delays in work;
    • tight - you are very envied;
    • with a roof - you have a secret patron;
    • broken - to an unexpected departure;
    • painted with hooligans - to long success;
    • with many announcements - you will have constancy in love;
    • dirty - what you have dreamed about for so long will come true.

    Dark streak of events

    If in a dream you are standing by the side of the road and looking out for a bus, your family misunderstands you. The dream book advises you to devote a couple of hours to your relatives and dot all the i’s, otherwise this misunderstanding will soon ruin many of your plans and turn your life around, not for the better.

    Standing at a bus stop for a long time, but the transport still doesn’t come, means you receive negative energy from a stranger. The dream book advises to avoid strangers in the near future and try not to come into contact with them.

    White event bar

    Freud's dream book advises you to strengthen your current relationship if in a dream you are sitting at a bus stop. If you stand on it, open your soul to your partner, and everything will immediately fall into place.

    What might you dream about if you managed to get on a bus at a bus stop in a dream: expect changes in your intimate life. Your partner has been wanting to offer you obscenities for a long time. Take the first step and you will be satisfied.

    What can you dream about if in a dream you are in a hurry and cannot wait for transport: many competitors will step aside and give you a chance to realize yourself. This moment should not be missed. Act while you can.

    Why did you dream about the bus?

    at the Women's Club!

    The belief that a bus usually dreams of a trip is quite erroneous.

    The dream book explains a bus in a dream in different ways. It all depends on the circumstances under which you saw him in your dream.

    To understand what exactly this or that was dreamed of, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of the dream. As well as the sensations and emotions experienced in it.

    Be a passenger or driver

    If in a dream you are riding a bus on a flat road, expect a salary increase soon. And if the road is winding, with sharp turns, then you should work hard and strictly follow the requirements of the management.

    Traveling in crowded conditions, in a vehicle full of people, means waste. And if there are few passengers, then you will spend the money on useful things.

    • Being late for work because the bus broke down is a sign of joy.
    • An accident on the road means a public speech.
    • Riding in public transport while standing means losing a valuable item, and sitting means finding something.
    • Being a driver brings new ideas and beginnings.
    • A bus trip to the village is an original solution to the problem.

    If you dream of a bus on which you are going home, then this trip means prosperity in all matters. And going to the sea means realizing your ideas and getting rewarded for them.

    Communicate with people along the way - be attentive to your parents. Listening to the conversation of fellow travelers means being embarrassed about your appearance. And passing your stop means discord in family life.

    When you dreamed that you were riding on a double-decker bus, expect deception. If your place is on the first floor, then strangers will try to deceive you. And if on the second, then you will be deceived by loved ones.

    An accident seen from a bus window means communication with a respected person. And a quarrel with a transport driver warns of mistrust on the part of relatives.

    Waiting at the bus stop

    The question often arises: why do you dream about a bus if you dream of waiting for it at a bus stop? This mostly happens when you are excited about something.

    For example, when you are worried about your health, you may see your bus passing by in a dream. And worries about problems at work come at night in the form of a large number of people at the bus stop.

    • Waiting in an unfamiliar place means thinking about your parents.
    • If you are waiting for your bus, and it comes full of passengers, this means caring for your loved one.
    • An accident at a bus stop means resolving a conflict situation at work.
    • Talking on the phone at a bus stop means recovery.
    • Waiting a long time for transport means a desire to go on vacation and relax as soon as possible.

    Often a bus that arrives at a stop empty is a sign of good luck. If no one enters it except you, then soon you will be able to get a more profitable job. And it is completely filled with people, which means pleasant events await you in your personal life.

    Waiting for a bus with a friend is a sign of a trip out of town. And if at a bus stop you see a lot of people you know, then your friends will invite you to become their business partner.

    Other dreams

    Being late for public transport in a dream means planning a serious purchase. And being late, but waiting for the next one, means pointless spending.

    If you dreamed of an accident involving a bus and several cars, then in reality you should try to restrain your emotions. And riding on the roof means being afraid of the reaction of your superiors to your actions.

    • Being late and walking to work means that your colleagues will react inadequately to your proposal.
    • A bus and truck accident means looking for a new place to earn money.
    • A trip without brakes means jealousy and mistrust.
    • Seeing a bus without wheels is a sign of wealth.
    • Knocking on closed doors of transport means inspiration.

    If you broke a windshield in a dream, the dream book explains this as your unwillingness to obey your partner. And driving a vehicle without knowing how to do it in reality means family well-being.

    Discussing your route schedule with people means making a good deal. And traveling on several buses with transfers is a fun adventure.

    This is how the dream book explains the bus seen in a dream. Using this information, you can better understand your inner experiences and begin to plan your actions based on knowledge of your future.

    And the most important advice