Is he bored? Tarot reading "Does he miss me"

Is he bored?  Tarot reading
Is he bored? Tarot reading "Does he miss me"

When we don’t see a person for a long time for whom we have feelings, we want to know what the person we are interested in is doing somewhere out there, far away. It’s not for nothing that many girls so often ask the Tarot card question “Does he miss me?”, hoping to get a positive answer. Today we invite you to consider several simple layouts on this topic.

In what situations is it reasonable to ask cards if the person misses you?

As you know, cards don’t like to be tugged at over trifles. But can the beloved girl’s worries about her chosen one, who is far away, be considered a trifle? We see nothing wrong with such questions, but only on the condition that they are not asked out of idle curiosity. For example, it is useless to ask Tarot cards “Does he miss me?” if you saw the person a couple of hours ago. But a situation where a couple does not see each other due to a business trip or the departure of one of the partners to another city is quite suitable for consideration

It is worth mentioning separately about relationships called “love at a distance”, when, for example, the husband works on a rotational basis and is not at home for several months a year, and the wife goes crazy with excitement. You can guess about boredom if you have an “Internet romance” when you seem to be together, but have never seen each other in real life. By the way, with the development of the Internet, this topic has become very popular and it really happens that people “in absentia” fall in love with each other, living in different cities or countries, while they communicate through social networks, instant messengers, and Skype.

Tarot reading "Does he miss me?"

This fortune telling can be done in case of temporary separation from a loved one. As you know, it is from a distance that we can often understand how strong our feelings really are. Before making a Tarot prediction “Does he miss me?”, you need to hold the cards in your hands, think about your other half, who is now somewhere far away, mentally imagine this person, and then shuffle the deck and pull out six arbitrary Arcana, laying them out as in the picture.

Position meaning

  1. Will tell you about your own feelings for your beloved man
  2. Describes how he feels
  3. Emotions of a person who is far from you. This card can also suggest whether he realizes how serious the connection is between you.
  4. Thoughts of a loved one
  5. How will his feelings change soon? The card can show, for example, a change in feelings from slight sadness to severe melancholy, or vice versa, when a person first gets very bored, and then gets used to the idea that you won’t see each other for a long time
  6. Will your meeting take place soon, what emotions will it evoke in your soul?

Tarot spread “Separation”

This layout, like the Tarot reading “Does he miss me?” We carry it out only when the person is far from us. We mentally try to tune in to the same wavelength as him, shuffle the cards, think about him, visually imagine the appearance of our loved one, and then take out six random cards from the shuffled deck.

What will they talk about?

  • 1 and 2 - Describe a person’s feelings at a given moment in time
  • 3 - Events happening to your loved one now
  • 4 and 5 - The future of the man of interest, what awaits him very soon
  • 6 - Changes in his feelings, whether they will strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken

Tarot card spread “Love at a distance”

This romantic card prediction will allow you to connect with your loved one who is far away. Fortune telling is also suitable for online novels, when it is unclear whether virtual relationships will develop into real ones.

Meaning of card positions

  1. Partner's perception of the relationship
  2. How does he feel about your meetings, dates, spending time together (for an online romance - does he look forward to these meetings?)
  3. A man's perception of online communication with you
  4. Leisure time of your loved one: who or what takes up his free time?
  5. Is separation and distance difficult or easy?
  6. The man's plans for a future together with you
  7. Does he have a desire to connect his destiny with you and get married?

As you can see, you can get quite detailed answers to the question to the Tarot “Does he miss me?” We wish you never to be separated from your loved ones!

There are several signs that clearly indicate that he is bored. These include:

  1. The desire to maintain contact even after a breakup. Distance is not a hindrance to feelings. If a man really misses his significant other, he will find a way to connect. The girl will receive SMS messages or hear constant calls. The chosen method depends on the capabilities of the young man. Regardless of where he is, the guy will still strive to continue communication.
  2. He gets boring. Many men who miss the woman they love begin to feel uncomfortable. Male representatives often do not understand how to behave in the current situation. The guy may become jealous and turn into an annoying admirer. He will bombard the girl with stupid questions, inundate her with SMS messages and calls. The lady will be hit with a barrage of ridiculous and unnecessary gifts.
  3. Shows increased activity on social networks. A guy can’t always say directly that he misses you. Behavior on social networks will eloquently convey this feeling. A bored man starts liking photos and sending cute pictures. On the guy’s wall you can see the corresponding statuses and photographs reflecting his inner state.
  4. Tries to make peace after a quarrel. A man who really misses you will be the first to meet you halfway after a conflict. If a girl doesn’t dare call him on her own, you should wait a few days. Missed men in love quickly give up. Within 1-7 days the guy will call again with a proposal for reconciliation. However, the rule does not always apply. There are principled men who will stand their ground to the last. You shouldn't expect the first step from such a guy. If a girl wants to save a relationship, she must take the initiative on her own.

Behavior Observation

Having mutual friends will allow the girl to be at the same event with the young man of interest. Experts advise paying attention to how he behaves in the company of close people. It is worth carefully examining his body language and listening to his speech. If a guy, despite the presence of close friends, remains withdrawn or too excited, this may be due to the fact that his feelings have not cooled down and his partner is very bored.

Caution should be exercised. The feelings experienced by a former boyfriend are not always positive. A guy can continue to be angry if a girl has offended or hurt him greatly. A man’s behavior should be considered in the context of a breakup.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the man from afar. If a former young man, while communicating with others, continues to periodically look at the girl, this indicates that he still has feelings for her. The guy probably misses the fair sex and wouldn’t mind getting her back.

If the couple still has close friends in common, you can ask if your partner mentioned you during the conversation. The information received will allow us to lift the veil of secrecy. However, such questions can only be asked to people who know how to keep secrets. Otherwise, the girl risks that the young man will find out about her questions.

What should we not forget?

The easiest way to find out if a person is bored while you are not around is to ask him this question himself. However, many people are afraid of having a frank conversation. But even a simple conversation can lift the veil of secrecy and tell about true feelings.

  1. Even if your ex-boyfriend is bored, he may hide it. A man who has been hurt in the past will be especially careful. The culprit of the event may not count on sincerity on the part of the young man.
  2. A repeat meeting will clarify the relationship. However, if a couple's conversation usually ends in an argument, it is not worth dating. Trying to find out if he is bored will only make the situation worse.
  3. If a girl believes that the current situation can still be corrected, there is no need to waste time sorting out the relationship. A timely conversation will help avoid misunderstandings.
  4. It is worth finding out what is behind the silence of a bored person. This will allow you to understand if the couple has a future.
  5. If a young man does not miss a girl, there is no need to try to win her back. Experts advise letting go of the current situation and moving on with your life. Perhaps the girl will soon meet a new love.

5 ways to tell if he misses you

  1. Pay attention to messages from him. If a guy who is far away gets bored, he begins to continuously write to the girl. Typically, such messages do not contain important information. A young man can discuss the weather, send photos, and talk about his achievements at work. This behavior indicates that the man is in love and misses him very much.
  2. Consider the number of calls received and the reaction to silence. A bored man gets very angry if a girl doesn’t answer him. The guy calls constantly. If, after several missed calls, a girl still picks up the phone and hears an angry tirade, you should not be offended by the man. Such behavior indicates that the young man has warm feelings, jealousy and a desire to meet again quickly.
  3. Pay attention to social networks. A guy who is bored likes all the photos of his chosen one in a row. It doesn’t matter that the photo was posted several years ago. If funny and cute pictures come from him, this may also indicate a desire to see each other again quickly.
  4. Take a closer look at the man's behavior. If he is bored, he initiates a meeting himself. A girl may receive an offer to spend the weekend together at the beginning of the week. A man is trying to surprise a woman he cares about. He can come up with a whole plan to attract attention to himself.
  5. Contact an astrologer psychologist. The specialist will accurately determine whether the man is bored and will tell you how to get the relationship back if the girl still wants it.

If you are separated by distance from a loved one, you may wonder if they miss you. You may have stopped communicating with a friend, relative, or other loved one. Or maybe your loved one went on a business trip and you really want to know if he misses you? After reading this article, you will be able to determine whether a loved one misses you.


Find out if the person misses you, if you have grown apart or your relationship has ended

    Invite the person to meet and observe his reaction. If you feel that your relationship with a friend has weakened, but you would like to know if he misses you, invite him to have a cup of coffee with you. Remember that your meeting should take place in a friendly environment. If your friend happily accepts your invitation, he probably misses you. On the other hand, if he postpones the meeting or agrees half-heartedly, then in all likelihood he doesn't miss you.

    • Be honest, but don't blame your friend for the fact that your relationship has cooled. You could say, “I miss our Friday walks so much! How about we meet again?”
  1. Talk about the problem. If your friendship is on the verge of breaking down and you don't fully understand why it happened, you can openly talk about it with your friend. Tell him that you have noticed that you have been growing apart lately. Find out if you have offended your friend by word or deed. If a friend confirms your assumptions, be prepared to listen without making excuses.

    • Of course, you can directly ask if your friend missed you, but be careful not to embarrass him. If he feels that you are blaming him, he is unlikely to answer you honestly.
  2. Talk to mutual friends. You must be clear about what you want and what you are striving for. For example, you might say to a mutual friend, “I feel like my mutual friend and I have been growing apart lately, and I feel so sad about it. Do you think I should try to make things better now?” Listen carefully to the answer.

    • You shouldn’t find out if a person misses you just to stroke his pride.
  3. Let the relationship end naturally. Pay attention to signs that will show you that a friendship is coming to an end. There may be long silences or awkward pauses during the conversation. In addition, it will be difficult for you to make joint plans. You will also encounter misunderstandings more and more often. Believe me, friendships don't have to last forever; life changes, interests change, which in turn affects relationships.

    • If your friendship is coming to an end, don't worry too much about whether your friend misses you. Instead, think about what was good about your relationship and be ready to move on.
  4. Don't confuse the phrase "I miss you" with the statement "I want to be with you." Even if your ex-friend misses you, this does not mean that he wants to renew the relationship. You may both be grieving the loss of what was good in your relationship. However, this does not mean that you should try to get your relationship back.

The relationship between two people is always a mystery. To lift the veil of secrecy, get answers to the most secret questions, find out if he misses me, fortune telling on cards will help those who wish. Ancient maps will truthfully answer troubling questions and show the whole real picture of what is happening, you just need to be alone.

Fortune telling “Does my loved one miss me?”

Many women doubt the feelings of their beloved man, especially if they face a long separation. The most exciting question for them is “Does a man miss me?” Fortune telling on two cards “Yes-no” will be able to answer this question accurately and without veiled connotations. In order to understand everything, you need to imagine the image of a loved one, pick up the deck and mix it well, then take a card out of the deck and see what suit it is.

  • a red card means the answer to the question is “yes”;
  • card of black suit - “no”.

Fortune telling “Are you bored?” on a coffee bean

Issues related to personal life worry women the most. In order to find out what the chosen one is thinking about or whether he is bored, the “Coffee Bean” fortune telling is ideal. This is an ancient way to make sure of the feelings of a loved one, for which you need coffee beans and a specially prepared fortune telling field, divided into 30 squares. In each square, randomly write a number from one to thirty, think about your loved one, and throw a coffee grain so that it falls on the lined field. The outcome of the fortune telling depends on which square the grain is in.

  1. He misses.
  2. Having a hard time with separation.
  3. He loves and is looking forward to meeting you.
  4. Glad you broke up.
  5. His thoughts are occupied with something else.
  6. He is passionately in love.
  7. I miss you so much.
  8. Thinks about you.
  9. He dreams about you.
  10. Doesn't get bored.
  11. Wants to call.
  12. Afraid of being rejected.
  13. Worried.
  14. He will invite you on a date.
  15. Kisses.
  16. Wants to see.
  17. He is languishing in anticipation of the meeting.
  18. I fell out of love.
  19. Wants to say something important.
  20. Hopes to meet.

Tarot reading “Does he miss me?”

Tarot cards know best what is going on in the head of a loved one, and will happily tell you about everything. Fortune telling “Is the guy bored?” will help you understand his desires and prepare for a possible turn of events. For the layout you will need Tarot cards and an image of your loved one in your thoughts. You should choose any five cards from the deck and ask them the question: “Does he miss me?” and ancient fortune telling will truthfully answer this question. Tarot card meanings can be found.

  1. A card showing his feelings.
  2. A card that tells what's on his mind.
  3. A card that answers the question of whether he is bored now.
  4. A card that predicts the development of future relationships.
  5. A card that will tell you what to expect from the upcoming date.

Fortune telling: “Does a man get bored after a breakup?”

Predictions using cards can help you sort out difficult love situations. Separation does not always mean that feelings have faded; fortune-telling “Does a person miss me after breaking up” will help reveal all the secrets of what is happening. To read the layout and get answers to your questions, you need to take the Tarot, mix it, thinking about the person whose image haunts you, and pull out six cards. Based on them, you need to draw conclusions about the feelings of your loved one, but with the meaning of the cards you can.

  1. Was the decision to break up the right one?
  2. Does your loved one get bored after a breakup?
  3. What lies ahead for him?
  4. What awaits the fortuneteller after breaking up with her loved one?
  5. Could the separation have been avoided?
  6. Is it possible to renew the relationship?

Fortune telling “Does my husband miss me?”

Married relationships don't always work out perfectly. Every couple is haunted by quarrels, worries, and separations. Away from her husband, when he went on a business trip or on business, fortune-telling “Does he miss me?” will be able to talk about what surrounds him at the moment and about whom all his thoughts are. To do this, you need Tarot cards, you should mix them, ask a mentally exciting question, and take out any seven cards. What they mean can be understood.

  1. Does he miss his wife?
  2. What's his mood?
  3. How does he treat his wife?
  4. What does he want right now?
  5. What is he thinking about?
  6. Will the marriage be long and happy?
  7. The result of fortune telling.