Lesson of a fairy tale in the preparatory group. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group: "Traveling through Russian folk tales"

Lesson of a fairy tale in the preparatory group. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group: "Traveling through Russian folk tales"
Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity".

Software content:

Expand children's ideas about the types of the fairy tale genre;

Continue to teach children to evaluate the actions of the characters in fairy tales;

Develop the ability to make generalizations, the simplest conclusions and conclusions;

- To develop the ability of creative self-expression;

Foster emotional responsiveness, empathy.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales about animals, magical, social and everyday tales, considering illustrations for fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, reading proverbs, playing exercise: "Explain a proverb", conversations: "What is magic and witchcraft", "Magic objects".

Material and equipment:

Disc with recorded songs: "Come a fairy tale", "There are many fairy tales in the world", illustrations for fairy tales: "Porridge from an ax", "A man and a bear", "A fool and a birch", "Like a fool guarded the door", "Like a man geese Divided ”, a magnetic board, magnets, a projector, a laptop, a screen, slides with images of magical objects, plasticine, sculpting boards, napkins.

The course of the lesson.

Listening to the song "Come Fairy Tale".

Poet Yuri Entin, composer Yevgeny Krylatov.

Educator. What do you think we are going to talk about today?

Children answer. About fairy tales.

Educator: What is a fairy tale? Where did fairy tales come from? What kind of fairy tales are there?

Children answer.

Educator: A fairy tale is a story about fictional events, about something that does not happen in the world.

Fairy tales have come to us from time immemorial. They were composed by people and told to each other, and then they began to collect and record. This is how fabulous stories have come down to us. Merry and sad, scary and funny tales are familiar to all people from childhood. There are three types of Russian folk tales: fairy tales, everyday tales and children's tales about animals.

Guys, I invite you to take a fascinating journey into this magical fairy world.

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Game: "Guess and name"

The teacher makes a riddle, and the children call a fairy tale.

Educator: If Petya-simplicity had not looked out the window,

The fox would not have carried him away for the dark forests.

("Cat, Fox and Rooster")

The girl went into the hut,

He sees there is a table, three chairs.

I sat on every chair

I ate Mishutkina's stew.

("Three Bears")

The cunning cheat sent him to fish with his tail.

The tail froze, and as a result, he was left without a tail.

("Sister Fox and the Wolf")

Mom taught the kids

do not open the door to strangers,

the kids did not obey and fell into the wolf's mouth.

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
Both lived in the swamp,

They went to woo each other,

But we could not agree

Stubbornness is also characteristic of birds.

("Crane and Heron")

Educator: Who are the heroes of these fairy tales?

Children answer

Educator: Fairy tales where the main characters are a wolf, a fox, a hare, a bear, a cat, birds, and fish are called animal tales.

How do fairytale characters differ from real animals?

Children answer

Educator: Animals in fairy tales know how to speak, behave like people, differ from other animals in cunning, ingenuity.

What other fairy tales do you know about animals?

Children answer.

Educator: What is a fox in fairy tales (bear, hare, wolf)?

Children answer.

Educator: The fox is cunning, the wolf is stupid and greedy, the bear is gullible, cowardly hare.

What bad character traits are ridiculed and condemned in these tales? What positive character traits are celebrated?

Children answer

Educator: In fairy tales, laziness, stupidity, cowardice, cunning, greed, lies are ridiculed, and friendship, kindness, hard work, honesty help the heroes to get out of the most difficult situations.

Educator: Anecdotes are now being written about funny incidents from life, and our ancestors composed fairy tales and these fairy tales were called everyday life. Household tales are similar to animal tales.

They also talked about some situations only from people's lives, their daily activities, about grief and joy. Poor people are often offended by the rich and the evil, and in order to achieve justice, the protagonist has to show intelligence, ingenuity, cunning. In these tales, anger, greed and stupidity are not won over by magic, but by kindness, courage, resourcefulness and a sense of humor. People and animals can be heroes of everyday fairy tales.

Game: "Find an illustration of a fairy tale to which the proverb fits."

"Let's go for the fool, but follow yourself!" ("How Ivan the Fool guarded the door", "The Fool and the Birch").

"To spare the groats - and you can't cook the porridge" ("Porridge from an ax").

"The stupid sour, but the clever will contemplate everything" ("How a man divided geese").

"He looks a simpleton, but a sly one at heart" ("The Man and the Bear").

How is the rich shown in the fairy tale, and how the poor?

Children answer.

Educator: The rich are stingy, stupid and greedy, while the poor are hardworking, honest, kind.

Physical education.

The girl walked through the forest, children walk in place

And I came across a house, join hands above the head with a house

He sees that there are no owners. Stretch on toes, pull the head forward

There is lunch on the table. Squeeze your left hand into a fist, put your right palm on top)

I sipped from three cups, show how they eat

I lay in three beds. Put the palms together under the cheek

Educator: The most ancient tales are fairy tales. They begin with the words: "In the distant kingdom, in the thirty-ninth state, lived-were ...". In fairy tales, a transformation takes place.

Name fairy tales with transformation elements.

Children answer.

Educator: What evil forces does the hero fight there?

Children answer.

Educator: With Baba Yaga, Koshchey the Immortal, the hero does not fight alone, wonderful helpers and magic items come to the hero's aid.

What animals act as wonderful helpers?

Children answer.

Educator: Animals - horse, wolf, birds, fish - can act as wonderful helpers.

View slides.

Game: "What fairy tale is the magic object from?"

Educator: At the end of fairy tales, the hero defeats the evil forces. Why?

Children answer.

Educator: The main character is strong and kind, and if he makes mistakes, he corrects them by passing the tests. Good is rewarded and evil is punished. The hero of a fairy tale must go through trials, which each time become more and more difficult.

What do fairy tales teach? What can happen to a person if he does something wrong?

Children answer.

Educator: Fairy tales teach courage, kindness, how to behave correctly. We learn from fairy tales that trouble can happen to a person if he does bad deeds. Remember, guys, we recently read the fairy tales "The Frog Princess", "Tereshechka" and "The Firebird", and now let's imagine what would have happened if the main characters of these tales had behaved differently.

Problematic situation.

“And if Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale“ The Frog Princess ”would not have been so impatient, and had not burned the frog skin then …….”.

“And if Tereshechka was not so resourceful, then….”.

“And if Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale“ The Firebird ”was more careful and obeyed the gray wolf then….”.

Educator: In fairy tales, the heroes had objects that helped them in difficult times. Now each of you will sculpt your own magic item and tell you what he would like to ask him.

The song sounds: "There are many fairy tales in the world" poet Yu. Entin, composer A. Rybnikov.

Sculpt: "Sculpt your magic item."

Children's stories about what they would ask for a magic item.

Educator: So we visited with you in a fabulous country.

Fairy tales teach us goodness. Whoever listens to fairy tales becomes smart, kind and fair.

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deputy head for educational and methodological work,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Rainbow ",

Rybnoe town, Rybnovsky district, Ryazan region, Russia.

Lesson objectives

1. Develop imagination, memory, speech, pantomimic and speech expressiveness.

2. Consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales.

3. Develop the creativity of children.

4. To form interest in fairy tales, the moral principle of the child's personality.

Introductory conversation

Educator. Children, today we will go on a magical journey into the world of fairy tales. It will be unusual because all the tales will be messed up. We will compose our own fairy tale during the trip. And we will go together with the heroes of the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Remember the heroes of this tale.

Children(remember). Ellie's girl, Lumberjack, Scarecrow, Lion, Totoshka, Wizard, Gingema, Flying Monkeys, Bastinda.

Educator. How did Ellie's girl get to Great Goodwin? She had magic shoes. Now I will give you such shoes (he gives out imaginary shoes). Tell us what color are your shoes, what shape is your nose, what is the height of the heel, what fasteners, what are they decorated with? Tap your heels, slowly and quietly at first, and then faster and louder. Ready to fly to the Emerald City? Spread your arms out to the sides like birds. Let's fly. A warm wind blows over us. We fall into the clouds, they are fluffy, soft, white, cool. Let's swing on them a little.

We are in the city of Emerald

We go the hard way

We go the hard way

Expensive is not easy.

Fulfill three wishes

Wise Goodwin will help.

And Ellie will return

Home with Totoshka.

The Scarecrow met us first. Show how fat he is. And what is it stuffed with? With straw. Show how straw spills out of him and he turns from thick to thin. Take the needle, tear off the thread, thread it into the needle, tie a knot. Sew up the holes on the Scarecrow. Let me portray him (imitates).

Children, what was the Scarecrow missing, what did he want to ask Goodwin? He lacked brains. Shall we share our knowledge with him?

Tell him:

“We know everything in the world, we can

And we will help the Scarecrow ... "

Let's take the Scarecrow with us, let him study with us. Let's go further with Ellie's song.

And we are coming towards ... Who? You thought Lumberjack, no, it's Pinocchio! Why is he going to Goodwin? What does he want to ask for?

Children offer their options.

Show what a long nose Buratino has. What is it made of? How do his wooden arms and legs move? Show under the song Pinocchio.

Who enters the house in good fairy tales?

Who is everyone familiar with from childhood?

Who is not a scientist and a poet,

And conquered the whole world?

Who will everyone recognize at once?

Tell me what is his name?

His cap is on his head,

But the enemy will be fooled.

He will show his nose to villains

And make people laugh to tears.

Who will everyone recognize at once?

Tell me what is his name?


Let's take Buratino with us. He is very naughty, albeit kind. Maybe Goodwin would teach him how to behave? Let's go further with Ellie's song. And here is the Woodcutter! But what about him ?! He cannot move, he is all rusted. Show what a motionless Lumberjack, even an ax is frozen in his hand. I will lubricate him with machine oil and he will be able to move. First, the neck moved, then the arms, torso, legs. And now the Lumberjack can already move freely. He even sang his own song. Sing along with him.

I am an iron woodcutter.

And could be useful

But only not enough

Heartfelt kindness. (2 times.)

Children, let's give him a piece of our heart? Say: "Take, Lumberjack, a piece of our heartfelt warmth."

Children make a gesture.

What lovely children! Now the Lumberjack also has a heart, and he can feel.

Look: there is a lake in front, and some ugly goose or duck is swimming on it. Who could it be? What fairy tale? Of course, this is the ugly duckling from Andersen's tale. Guys, what is he missing? Probably beauty. Everyone teased him as ugly, ugly, ugly. How unhappy he was! But we know how the fairy tale ended. Show him what a beautiful swan he will become. They flapped their snow-white wings, proudly stretched out their necks, and flew slowly.

But what noise is there ?!

The grandfather calls the grandmother, the grandmother - the granddaughter, the granddaughter - the Bug. What fairy tale are we in? Turnip. Why couldn't grandfather pull out a turnip? He is already old, and he does not have the strength to pull out a large turnip. Perhaps he wants to ask Goodwin for strength, youth? Do you have strength and youth? Let's help pull the turnip out. I'll be the turnip. And you get up one after another, firmly grab the one in front of the waist, rest on the ground.

We pull the turnip, pull it,

And we won't get tired of pulling.

One, two, three, four, five,

All strained again.

One, two, three, four, five,

We must hold on tight to everyone.

We will help the old man anyway.

So they pulled out a turnip.

So we helped grandfather. Well done! Let's go further. Av-av-av! This is Totoshka calling us. We ended up on a field with big red poppies. The flowers are so tall that you can play hide and seek. Move the poppies apart, maybe someone is hiding in them?

Who here can tremble so much from the heroes of the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"? Yes, it's Leo! I see his long, thick mane. It looks like he was very scared of us. He tucked his tail between his legs, trembling all over, covered his head with his paws and peeks out from behind the flowers with fear.

Show such a cowardly lion.

But we are brave! Let's share courage with Leo, say: “Take, Leo, a piece of my courage. You need her so much. You are the king of beasts! " Stand with Leo straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, cross your arms on your chest, and proudly raise your head. Say, “I am a lion, proud, courageous and fearless! I am the king of beasts! I am strong and mighty! " (2 times.)

Since we are so brave, can we play tag with the evil Gorgon? When you run away, you can tease her, make faces at her.

While we were playing tag, someone's house collapsed. And in it lived: a frog-frog, a runaway hare, a mosquito-squeak. What is this house? Who else lived in it? Of course, this is a teremok. The residents of the house wanted to ask wise Goodwin for advice on how to fit everyone in the house? Tell me how to do this? Let's dance together with the residents of the building.

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,

He is not low, not high, not high ...

All the inhabitants of the country of fairy tales were satisfied, we helped everyone. Now let's go back to kindergarten to the song "Little Country".

There are beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Little country.

There are animals with kind eyes,

There, the life of love is full.

There a miracle lake sparkles

There is no evil and sorrow,

The firebird lives there in the palace

And gives people light.

I only dream of this country

But a bright moment will come

And on a magic chariot

I will fly.

I have a goodbye hour

In my starry country.

There is a handsome boy waiting for me

On a golden horse.

Small country, small country.

Who will tell me, who will tell me,

Where is she, where is she.


Remember, children, the heroes of which fairy tales traveled with us? How did we help them? What other fairy tales would you like to go to? You can even come up with your own.

Directly educational activities in the preparatory group "Tales from the Chest"
Software content.
Learning tasks:
1. Clarify and enrich children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.
2. Teach to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.
3. To fix familiar fairy tales in the memory of children, to recognize them by fragments.
4. Maintain interest in theater and play activities.
Developmental tasks:
1. Develop the ability to act in concert.
2. To develop speech, memory, imagination, fantasy, thinking.
To activate the speech of children, to enrich the vocabulary.
Educational tasks: To foster interest in fairy tales, a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and to each other.
Wellness tasks: Relief of muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes).
Methods: Game, partial search, problematic, independent.
Techniques: Artistic word (proverbs, riddles, poems), explanations, encouragement, physical training, independent activities of children.
Vocabulary work: Magic, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.
Material: Pictures for riddles, fairy tales, whirligig, disc with Russian folk tales, 2 easels, felt-tip pens, cards, a fairy tale costume for a teacher, masks for theatricalization of a fairy tale.
Equipment: Chest, audio recording with melodies, tape recorder, stand with books of Russian folk tales, illustrations of fairy tales.
Course of the lesson
Quiet fairytale music sounds.
Educator. Guys, come in. Say hello to the guests.
Do you like reading fairy tales?
Children. Yes. We love. Like very much.
Educator: Fairy tales tell about the unprecedented, wonderful and they are different: folk and author's. Why do you think they are called folk?
Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.
Educator. And how can you say about a fairy tale, what is it?
Children. Magic, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.
Educator. Guys, would you like to be wizards? What magic objects do you know? (children's answers: boots are runners, an invisible hat, a self-assembled tablecloth, an airplane carpet ...)
Do you want to meet a fairy tale? Then we go to a fairyland, but what we get there on, a riddle will help to guess.
He will carry you to any place
Wherever you want
And before you have time to look back
How suddenly you will meet miracles.
And he doesn't need a pilot at all
After all, this is a magical ... (carpet plane).
Educator: Well done, you guessed it, and here is my magic assistant. Sit on the carpet - the plane will take us to the land of fairy tales
Let's go friends
Into a wonder tale - you and me
To the theater of puppets and animals,
For girls and for guys!
There is a magic screen here,
There are countless fairy tales!

1,2,3 take off, we all close our eyes. We are flying to a wonderland, past the blue skies 1,2,3,4,5 you can open your eyes (disguises as a storyteller).
And you and I found ourselves in the land of fairy tales, and I turned into a storyteller.
Oh, what is it? The children's answers (box), it’s probably magical, let's open it, they find a letter and books in the box. (Text of the letter with assignments)
Text of the letter:
Dear Guys. Fantastic heroes from all fairy tales are writing to you. We were bewitched by an evil wizard, confused all the tales and all the heroes. Please help us get into your favorite fairy tales, disenchant us. To do this, you need to complete 6 tasks. We are looking forward to your help.
Heroes of fairy tales.
1.The field of miracles "Guessing fairy tales"
(from 10 fairy tales, read only the text of their three fairy tales)
2. Game: "You to me - I to you."
(Children stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball to the children from the middle of the circle, naming the animal. Children take turns answering which fairy tale this hero is in.) For example: a cow - the fairy tale "Little Havroshechka".
Goat - "Goat Dereza", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids";

The Bear - "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", "The Frog Princess", "Zayushkina Hut";

Wolf - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf",; "Chanterelle - little sister and gray wolf").

Geese - "Geese-Swans";

Fox - "Crane and Fox", "Zayushkina Hut", "Fox and Rooster";

Hare - "Zayushkina hut", "Kolobok", Teremok "," Rukavichka ";

Chicken - "Ryaba Chicken".
Well done!

3. Game "Learn a fairy tale by illustration"

- You are great, you can learn a fairy tale from a riddle. And try to learn a fairy tale from an illustration (on the board there are illustrations for the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "The Poached Chicken", "The Chanterelle - Sister and the Gray Wolf").
1) - Guys, look and tell me, from which fairy tale is this illustration? - shows an illustration from the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" (This is the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".)
- Who wrote it? (This is a Russian folk tale.)
- What does this tale teach us? (The fact that you cannot open the door for strangers, obey your mother, not be evil like a wolf, but you must be kind.)
2) - Look and tell me, which fairy tale is this illustration from? - shows an illustration from the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" (This is the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken".)
- And which chicken in this fairy tale - good or bad? (The chicken is good. She gave grandfather and grandmother a golden testicle, and when the mouse broke it, she took pity on them and laid another testicle for them.)

Physical culture minute "Fairy Tales"

The mouse was running fast (running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)
Oh, dropped the testicle (bend over, "raise the testicle")
Look, I broke it (show the "testicle" on outstretched arms)
Here we put her (bend over)
And they poured water on it (imitation of movement)
The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)
Now let's pull it (imitation of movement)
And cook porridge from turnips (imitation of food)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")
We are a nice family of kids
We love to jump and jump (bouncing in place)
We love to run and play
We love butting with horns (they start in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands)

4. Game "Guess the word that was hidden" (work in subgroups, easel).

5. The game "Learn a fairy tale by a riddle" (children do not name, but find a picture).

In heaven and on earth, a woman rides on a broom,
Scary, evil, who is she?
Baba Yaga

At Alyonushka's sister
The little brother was carried away by the birds.
They fly high
Far away they look
(Swan geese)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp, someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, handsome?
(Princess Frog)

Near the forest, at the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three cots, three pillows.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

Her grandfather planted her in a field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.

6. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Storyteller: you are so great, thank you for completing all the tasks: disenchanting fairy tales and helping all fairy tale heroes return to their fairy tales. You have a kind and sensitive heart.

Probably, there are gifts for us in the magic box, shall we see?

For intelligence and ingenuity,

I want to say thank you

To those who worked

To those who tried

I will show everyone a gift from the chest.

(takes a board game out of the chest).

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sit down on our flying carpet.

We take off 1,2,3, again close our eyes.

1,2,3,4,5 here we are in the group again, you can open your eyes (while pronouncing the words, the teacher takes off the storyteller's costume)

Educator: Now our lesson has come to an end, and we are back in the group.

What was the most difficult task for you?

What was the easiest task on our journey?

Children, what did you like the most?

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.
And to the one who believes
A fairy tale is required
Will open all the doors.

Guys, let's say goodbye to the guests, and we ourselves will get acquainted with a new game or fairy tale.



  • Systematize and expand children's knowledge about familiar fairy tales; Learn to analyze, generalize, evaluate the actions of the heroes; create a joyful, emotional mood in children.




  • Development of psychological qualities: attention, thinking, imagination, arbitrary behavior, fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination, speech.
  • Develop the personal and semantic sphere of children (attitude to reality, experience, mutual assistance and interaction).
  • To develop the desire of children to participate in joint play activities, the skills of the community of the teacher and children.
  • Develop group cohesion, movement coordination, and positive social behavior skills.
  • Develop the motivational sphere of children.


  • To foster in children a benevolent attitude towards the characters, arouse sympathy for them and a desire to help.

Methodological techniques:

  • artistic word (riddles), conversation, examination of illustrations, explanations, encouragement, physical minutes, use of schemes, summing up.

Vocabulary work:

  • Magic, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, old-time, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.


  • Fairy-tale heroes for riddles, the game "Fold a fairy tale" (cut pictures), a storyteller's costume for a teacher.


  • Audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, tables, chairs, an interactive board.

Course of the lesson

Quiet music sounds.

Educator. Hello children. My name is Storyteller. I am very glad that you came to visit me. Do you like listening to fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love.

Storyteller: Fairy tales are different, amazing events and transformations take place in them.

Ancient fairy tales
Sad, funny
Kind, serious,
Lunar and stellar.

Storyteller: Would you like to get into a fairy tale?

Storyteller Guys, I suggest you sit in a circle. And we begin our journey into the world of fairy tales. (The door opens, a ball rolls up)... And a magic ball will help us in this.

The first task. Guys, listen to these expressions and tell me where you can meet them: Once upon a time; In a certain kingdom, in a certain state; A long time ago; And I was there, honey, drinking beer.

(The storyteller passes the ball in a circle, who has the ball and answers the question).

Children's answers

Storyteller: That's right, guys, these expressions are found in fairy tales.

Second task. Guys, I still have tricky tales, the names of the characters are written incorrectly, only you can help me. (Reads in the book)

  1. Brother Kozlenochek and sister Gulenushka live in this tale. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  2. What are the names of Ivan Tsarevich's bosom enemies? Serpent Ravninych and Koschey the Fearless? (Serpent Gorynych and Koschey the Immortal).
  3. Do you know this tale? Called "The Turkey Princess" (Princess Frog)
  4. And here is another tale "Striped chicken" . (Chicken Ryaba)
  5. And this is my favorite fairy tale "Boy with a cam" , is it wrong? (Tom Thumb).
  6. There is a girl in a fairy-tale land, they call her Vasilisa the Most-stupid! (Wise)

Storyteller: Oh, of course, her name is Vasilisa - Wise, how could I forget, I went to visit her and took a book with me "Favorite Tales" ... Vasilisa the Wise liked these tales so much. But violent winds flew, carried the book of fairy tales to the Far-away kingdom. And they enchanted the wind with Koschey and Baba Yaga. Vasilisa gave me a map that will help us find the way to the Far Away Kingdom and asked you to help me. Will you help me? (children's answers)... Let's choose the main one who will be in charge of the map. (selected using a counting tool).

On gold


Will you

Speak quickly
Do not delay
And honest people!

It's time for us to hit the road. And the flying carpet will help us with this! (takes out a carpet).

Oh, guys, how can we fly on it because it is all in holes, And who made these holes for us, do you think? (children's answers)

Right, is it a mouse? (And from what fairy tale is the mouse? Teremok, Turnip, Chicken Ryaba)

Can we repair our flying carpet together?

Assignment Three: Look at what the holes in the carpet look like? (Answers of children)

Storyteller: That's right, they look like geometric shapes, so I have patches in the form of geometric shapes, let's close all the holes (children work).

Storyteller: Well done guys, the flying carpet is now as good as new again. Now we can go on it to the Fairy Tale (we all get up on the carpet and simulate a flight).

And so we found ourselves in a fairy tale. Let's look at the map and think about what to do next, where to go ??

(The map shows an Apple tree)

Storyteller: -Oh, guys, look what this card shows us.

Children: (look at the map and say) Apple tree.

Storyteller: So our path lies with you to the apple tree.

(go to the apple tree)

Storyteller: Guys, if you and I are in the Kingdom of Faraway, then tell

please, in what fairy tale did the apple tree help the girl and her brother to hide from those who were catching up with them?

Children: Geese-swans.

Storyteller: Right. Let's ask the apple tree for directions. Just do not forget the condition, you must be very quiet so that the Geese - Swans do not hear us.

Children: Yablonka - mother, show us the way, where to look for our book.

Yablonka: Complete my task first, then you will know your path.

Storyteller: Are you ready to complete the fourth mission?

(Fairy characters appear on the interactive whiteboard).

(Children show the heroes of fairy tales, characterize them).

1. Let the sneaks disappear, you know-it-alls!
Hello and congratulations from (Dunno).

2. I promise you a piece of the pie!
And chicken legs ... (Baba Yaga)!

3. A film about me is a great picture!
I wish you a lot of happiness ... (Pinocchio)

4. Let the white fluff fall to the ground!
More gifts for you ... (Winnie the Pooh)!

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables!
6. Prefer walking

Go to the forest! Greetings ... (Goblin).

7. I wish you, friends, a long road!
I'll save you from the flu! (Chippolino)

Storyteller: - Well done! You know fairy tales well!

Physical minute "Movement"

We're kicking top-top
We clap-clap hands!
We are eyes for a moment,
We are shoulders chik-chik!

One-two, one-two
It's time for us to go!
One - here, two - there,
Turn around you.

One - sat down, two - got up
Everyone raised their hands up.
They let go, shook me!
Further on the way we all went

Storyteller: We go quietly, do not push. Remember that we must help each other. (The teacher's cell phone started playing).

Yes, this is Mashenka from the Geese-Swan fairy tale. (Mashenka asks us to help her find the way to Baba Yaga's hut in order to quickly save her brother)

(There is a map on the board depicting the road to Baba-Yaga's hut)

The storyteller is looking for a way with her children. And when they find it, the teacher asks the children a question: “Guys, we found the way for Mashenka. How can we send her a card ?? "

Children: Give their suggestions.

Storyteller: Guys, we live in the 21st century. They all have computers and cell phones. And the phone has many functions and even a camera. So let's take a photo of the road for Mashenka and send her a photo. (the teacher takes pictures and sends)

Storyteller: Mashenki, we have helped, it's time for us to go. Let's take a look at our map.

Guys, look the map shows us the house. So our path lies to the house (go to the house).

The house is so beautiful, painted. Tell me guys, in what fairy tale one hero broke the house and scared away all the tenants ???

Children: Teremok.

Storyteller: Well done! Right. There is a note on the house. Let's read it (reads the note).

Good fellows and red maidens! We, the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale, learned one secret of Koshchei. We are afraid of him, so we hid. And we inform you. We saw how Koschey and Baba Yaga cut the photo and repeated everything: "Now they will never find their book" ... When they left, we found all the pieces, but could not collect them. Maybe you can do it. We wish you the best of luck. Residents of the teremok.

Storyteller: Guys, we need to try to collect the pieces of the picture, there is probably very important information about where Koschey and Baba Yaga hid our book. Only we need to be very quiet, because we have come very close to the place where the book is hidden. So Koschey and Baba Yaga are somewhere nearby.

Children: (Collect cut pictures showing the chest).

Storyteller: Probably Koschey and Baba Yaga hid the book in the chest.

How do we find our way to the chest? Oh guys, we have a magic ball, he will show us the way.

(The ball finds its way to the chest)

Storyteller: Well done! Found a book "Favorite Tales" ... Why do you think Koschey and Baba Yaga dragged "Book of fairy tales" ? right guys, because there is a lot of goodness and magic in fairy tales. Today we tried our best and returned "Book of fairy tales" , for this we had to overcome a difficult path, solve riddles and go through all the tests. We won because we are friendly guys, right ?.

Storyteller: It's time to go back to kindergarten with your friends and toys. To do this, we will stand on a flying carpet, close our eyes and say all together the magic words: "One, two, three - get back to the kindergarten!" .

So we found ourselves in a kindergarten group!

Children: Hurray!


Storyteller: - What was difficult for you, Baghavdin? What task did Tonya and Sasha like to carry out? What was the easiest task for Svyatoslav ... Arina?

Abstract of educational activities in the field of "Speech development" in the preparatory group for school

"We read fairy tales - we know a lot"

Purpose: To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales, to enrich the store of literary impressions.



1. To form a personal perception of fairy tales;

2. To consolidate the ability to determine the name of fairy tales according to the statements of the characters of fairy tales.

3. To consolidate the ability to form words from the proposed set of letters.

Developmental tasks:

1. To develop auditory, visual perception;

2. Develop the speech of children.


1. To cultivate benevolence;

2. To cultivate emotional responsiveness, the desire to come to the aid of the hero of the fairy tale).

Preliminary work:

1. Reading Russian folk tales;

2. Conversations about the actions of the characters,

3. Didactic games "Guess what a fairy tale". "Determine whose magic item."

4 Learning the role of Alyonushka (dialogue).

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Greetings, so that the words are not repeated (hello, good afternoon, glad to see you, welcome, nice to meet you (you can hear a girl crying).

Educator: Who is crying there? Girl, what's your name?

Alyonushka. : Alyonushka.

Educator: Why are you crying?

Alyonushka: Father and Mother left me to follow my brother. I did not obey them, went for a walk with my friends and played too much. Geese-swans swooped in and carried away my brother on the wings. Oh, it will be bad for me from my father and mother.

Educator: Don't be sad, Alyonushka, look how many assistants you have. Guys, can we help Alyonushka out?

Children: Yes.


To get into a fairy tale,

Words need to be said:

Close your eyes

Everybody try

1,2.3- turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.

Here we are in the clearing. Guys, look, what is this?

Children: Stove.

Educator: Hello, mother stove.

Stove. Hello, good people.

Educator: Stove, can you tell me where the geese-swans flew?

Stove. I’ll say just complete my task first: open the flap and look inside.

Educator: Guys, I found the disk, which means that the task is encrypted on it. Guys, you have to find out from the illustration which fairy tale the hero is from (children guess from the images).

Stove: We completed the task. Let me tell you, the geese-swans flew to the apple tree.

Educator: How do we get to the apple tree?

Stove: I have a magic ball, it will show you the way.

So tnank you,


We went to a forest clearing,

Raise your legs higher.

Through bushes and bumps

Through branches and stumps.

We walked carefully

They didn't stumble, they didn't fall.

Together, they ran merrily.

And they were not at all tired.

They came to the clearing,

They found a miracle apple tree.

Educator: Hello, apple tree! Can you tell me where the geese-swans are, where did they fly?

Yablonka: GOOD DAY. I will give you a hint if you pick my magic apples and complete the tasks.

Educator (reads) Guess which hero the words belong to:

1. Crawl into one of my ears, and crawl out into the other, everything will be ... (Cow).

2. Do not drink, brother, you will become a kid (Alyonushka).

3.Is it warm for you, girl, is it warm for you, red? (Frost)

4. Beaten not beaten lucky (Fox).

5.Oh, doll. eat, listen to my grief (Vasilisa the Beautiful).

Yablonka, Well done, we did it. The geese-swans flew to the milk river (the teacher rolls the ball, the children follow the snake).

Educator: Hello, milk river - acid banks! Tell me. where did the geese-swans flew ?.

River: I will say, but in order to cross to the other side, you need to build a bridge, not a simple one, but from letters. Hear a riddle, a clue word for the bridge.


An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp, someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin

Has become cute, beautiful, handsome. (Word-answer: Princess-frog).

The river. Coped with the task. Cross the bridge.


Now we will cross the river,

We'll get to the other side.

We will come to Babka-Ezhka

And we will save Vanyusha.

Baba Yaga appears. Sniffs.

Baba Yaga: FU, FU, FU. Who disturbed me? Smells like a child's spirit, oh, how many of you are there. Why did you come? I don't expect guests.

Educator: OH, Baba Yaga, what an angry you are, what a loud voice you have and unfriendly words.

Baba Yaga: Stop talking to talk. Why did they come, did they not get dusty?

Alyonushka: We came for brother Vanya.

Baba Yaga: Look what you wanted. I won't give it to you just like that. Koschey sent me a crossword puzzle, I can't guess anything. If you help me, darlings, then we'll see.

Joint guessing of the crossword puzzle (questions about Russian folk instruments)

Baba Yaga: Where did you come from so clever?

You have guessed the whole crossword puzzle,

Very smart people here.

I invite everyone to stand in the circle,

Dance with Grandma-Hedgehog!

Dance-game "Grandma-Hedgehog"

Alyonushka: Baba-Yaga, it's time to return brother Vanyusha. We have coped with your task. Please return Vanechka.

Baba Yaga: Well, okay, yours took it. Take your VANIA (offended).

Educator: For some reason I feel sorry for Babu Yaga. Maybe she does such bad things because no one loves her and she has no friends, no one cares about her?

Let us please her

Let's pick a flower and give it to her.

So that she is not sad

So that her life is more fun.

Children collect flowers and give them to the character.