The apple-book festival "Antonovskie apples" will take place in Kolomna. The "Antonovskie apples" apple-book festival will be held in Kolomna The city, where the Antonovskie apples festival will take place, is famous for its gardens

Apple Book Festival
The apple-book festival "Antonovskie apples" will take place in Kolomna. The "Antonovskie apples" apple-book festival will be held in Kolomna The city, where the Antonovskie apples festival will take place, is famous for its gardens

The special train will leave the Kazan railway station at 8.45. Everyone will be invited to an apple-literary journey to the ancient city near Moscow.

From the train you can immediately go up to the deck. The "Book Boat" will sail along the Moskva River as part of the festival. On board - a "floating" library and a creative workshop for children based on the books of Gianni Rodari. Participants will compose a fairy tale and develop their imagination according to the method of the famous Italian writer. Departure time: 11.00, 13.00, 15.00.

The festival, which will be held for the seventh time, is multi-genre and traditionally includes several programs at once. For the first time in the history of the festival, the Kraft Parade will be held, which starts in Gagarin Square at 13.00. This is a fancy-dress procession that will unite the townspeople and representatives of the restored historical museum productions of Kolomna, including the famous marshmallow museum.

At the Literary Heritage Salon, guests will meet Andrei Filimonov, a writer, journalist and poet, author of the novel Recipes for the Creation of the World, Dmitry Danilov, a Russian writer and playwright, laureate of the Golden Mask Prize, Michael Kerins, a Scottish writer and director, owner of a literary Oscar "as a master of storytelling.

The theater program includes performances for both adults and children. The stage in the Zaitsev square will host the poetic performance "Poems of Boris Pasternak from the novel Doctor Zhivago" performed by the RAMT artist Denis Balandin and the performance from the "Manor Theater" program of the A.N. Tolstoy literary museum "Clever Janitor" based on the stories of Chekhov.

The play "Smart Dog Sonya" based on the book of the famous children's writer Andrei Usachev will be presented by the "Vdrug" theater together with the "Sreda" creative center, and the Ryazan Regional Drama Theater will show the fairy tale "Magic Dreams of Kuzma" for children and adults. Liza Morozova, artist, participant of the Venice, Prague and Moscow Biennale, will conduct her new performance. This time, Liza's artistic action is dedicated to the relationship between personal and historical time in the context of one life - her own. The artist's diaries and news for the last 32 years became the material for the creation of the performance.

By the way, not by books alone. A farmer's market awaits guests, where they will treat them to farm cheeses - suluguni and even burrata and mozzarella and others, as well as Kolomna kalachi, pretzels, bagels prepared according to historically authentic recipes.

The theme of the feast will be continued by the City Dinner, at which the director of the F.M. Dostoevsky Andrei Lisitsky will talk about Fyodor Mikhailovich's gastronomic addictions and the recipe for an ancient wonderful dish - the Meshcherskaya fighter, which disappeared from culinary use "solely because of the dissonance of its name."

The festival will end with a concert on the stage in the park named after Zaitsev. The program of the concert includes "The Four Seasons" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, arranged for accordion.

On September 15, 2018, Kolomna will host the Antonovskiye Apples International Apple Book Festival. The main theme of the event is "Eternal Stories", which are written about in books, read in letters, conveyed in music and recipes, told to grandchildren, and shown in theatrical performances. On Saturday, farmers, actors, readers and writers will tell their stories, and the city will briefly become a literary capital.

In 2018, the book festival will take place a little later than usual. Therefore, new books will be even more desirable, the aroma and taste of Antonov apples will be even more delightful, and farm treats with warm tea will be even tastier.

By tradition, the book market will open its work. Almost 30 publishing houses have planned their master classes and events for the festival. Moreover, all visitors will find new art and literary projects, an English pavilion, creative talks, a heritage salon and other interesting events.

At the City Dinner, guests will be offered delicious treats, and in the evening, a concert awaits everyone.

The program of the festival Antonovskie apples 15 September 2018

The daytime program of the Apple Book Festival starts at 11:00 and ends at 18:00. It will be replaced by an evening program.

In the daytime, the festival will take place in several places: the Artkommunalka Museum, Kolomensky Posad, Gagarin Square, Zaitsev Square. The Book Boat will be launched along the Moskva River, and the English Pavilion will open in Moskvoretsky Lane.

The literary program "Heritage Salon" is held annually within the framework of the festival. Every year it is new and includes communication, creative conversations with new authors and already known to the public.

This time, such people as Michael Kerins (director and writer from Scotland), Dmitry Danilov (domestic playwright and writer), Andrey Filimonov (poet, journalist and author of novels), Yulia Kuznetsova (children's writer, translator, philologist).

At the festival it will be possible to take part in a city lunch in the fresh air. Everyone who wants to cook their favorite dishes at home and bring them with them. The goal is to remember the good tradition of neighborly feasts.

Fans of everything English will gather in the English pavilion at the Intercession Church. Visitors will be able to read aloud, taste sandwiches with the most delicate English marmalade, listen to a concert and talk with Scottish writer Michael Kerins.

The guests of the festival will also enjoy a theatrical program, which will present a fairy tale for children and adults, as well as several performances for an adult audience in the Zaitsev square.

Within the framework of the festival, a farmer's market will open, where the best local products will be presented: rabbit meat, game, eco-chips, pumpkin jam, natural cheeses, pumpkin tea. Everything is ecologically clean, natural, without preservatives and tasty.

Artist Elizaveta Morozova will present her new performance. There will also be an excursion program, during which it will be possible to learn in more detail all the historical details about merchant houses, towers and walls of the Kremlin, about life in Kolomna.

At 13:00 in Gagarin Square, a craft parade starts - a fancy-dress procession of museum representatives, accompanied by drummers.

The festival will end with an evening concert in the Zaitsev square from 18:00 to 19:30.


In a few days, in the town of Kolomna near Moscow, an annual book festival will begin with such a lovely autumn "name Antonovskiye apples". Here again lovers of fiction will gather, those who not only love to create, but also to discuss, review other creations. At the festival, you can not only be interested in novelties of fiction, but also have fun, watch master classes, and participate in competitions not only for adults, but also for children.

The city where the Antonovskiye Apples Festival will take place is famous for its orchards

Kolomna is a pearl of Russian gardening, the roots of which go back to the XIV century! The inhabitants of Kolomna have long planted vast apple and cherry orchards, and the city was literally buried in their greenery. The sweetest, fragrant, golden and liquid Kolomna apples were grown here, which they did not disdain even at the royal court. In the 18th-19th centuries, apples were the second (after meat) product that was exported throughout Russia and even abroad. There are still many apple orchards in Kolomna.

Karamzin wrote about it this way: “... Kolomna is famous for apples, cherries and other fruits. We eat them in Moscow ... ".

The inhabitants of Kolomna continue the traditions of their ancestors, and every September Kolomna smells of apples - a literary and gastronomic festival "Antonovskie apples" is held here, in which we invite you to become participants.

Beauty Kolomna is a wonderful pearl of Russian cities! Our acquaintance with the magnificent Kolomna will begin with a visit to the beautiful Kolomna Kremlin. Kolomna Fortress is the twin brother of the Moscow Kremlin. Here Dmitry Donskoy gathered troops, the Polish beauty Marina Mnishek languished in dungeons, Ivan the Terrible prayed for the salvation of his soul. Over the centuries, this real masterpiece of Russian fortification has never been captured by the enemy and is included in the top ten "Miracles of Russia", as one of the most striking monuments of architecture and culture of our Motherland.

Guests will get acquainted with the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin's Cathedral Square, which is decorated with the majestic Assumption Cathedral, founded by Dmitry Donskoy in 1379. Admire the most beautiful Tikhvin Church with a unique hipped-roof bell tower of the 17th century adjoining it, the old Church of the Exaltation of the Cross and the stunning, pale blue Intercession Church of the Novo-Golutvin Monastery, restored by Matvey Kazakov himself.

VII Book Festival "Antonovskie Apples" supports the title of the Year of Cultural Heritage

On September 15, 2018 in Kolomna, Moscow Region, the VII International Apple Book Festival "Antonovskie Apples" will take place. On this Saturday, the city will turn into the literary capital of the Moscow region. The main theme of the festival is Eternal Stories. Eternal stories are those that adults tell their children and grandchildren, those that we read in letters, postcards, diaries and books. They sound in music and are staged in the theater, transmitted in recipes and written in books. In addition, in Europe, 2018 has been declared the Year of Cultural Heritage and Kolomna will also make its contribution when on September 15, writers, readers, actors, farmers will share their stories. Due to the fact that this year the festival will be held a little later than usual, the aroma of Antonov apples filling the city in autumn will be even more tart, new books promising long evenings in a cozy armchair will be more welcome, and seasonal farm food with hot tea - more delicious.

The festival will not be limited only to events in Kolomna itself, but will also invite you to an “apple and literary journey” through the city streets and beyond. The cultural program of the International Festival "Antonovskie Apples" will not ignore either adults or children. This year the Book Fair will host master classes, contests, games for children and adults. It will not be boring! Here are some of the participants in the Book Fair: The Rare Bird Publishing House (Publishing House Neolit) publishes children's fiction and educational literature, an example of which will be Christina Anders' book Good Night, translated by Katerina Gaidai, presented at the festival. Katerina will give a master class “Draw your rare bird” and tell readers about her books, for example, the book “Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers”. The publishing house MYTH is very versatile, it publishes books for children, as well as books on self-development, creativity, business and marketing, healthy lifestyle and broadening one's horizons.

At the festival MIF will present the books “My Herbarium. Leaves of Trees ”,“ The Main in Art History ”“ Anne Frank's Diary ”. In addition, MYTH will bring entertaining beautiful educational games for the whole family and arrange a holiday of table fun. You can buy any game you like right on the game library. One of the leading children's publishing houses in Russia is the CLEVER publishing house. In his arsenal there are books for the early development of children, aids for the development of speech, attention, memory, fine motor skills, drawing books, books for the first independent reading, scientific, educational and art publications for different ages.

The publishing house will bring to the festival a new collection "Baby's Main Book" and board games for ages 0+ and up to infinity, unusual formats, quick games from 10 to 30 minutes and much more. The Antonov Apples Festival offers a detailed theme “Bridges and Walls” This year, very different writers will visit Kolomna: the winner of the Big Book Prize Lyudmila Ulitskaya and the laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana literary prize Narine Abgaryan. There will definitely be a full house at their creative meetings. Also, within the framework of the literary program, there will be a discussion “On literary creativity as“ bridge building ”, in which the writer Yuri Nechiporenko, author of the book“ #tyzhemat. Motherhood with and without rules. ” The meeting will be moderated by Fyokla Tolstaya.

Bridges and walls became the theme of "Antonov apples". During the Literary Odyssey, the organizers propose to build a bridge between two objects: a sofa and a suitcase. What connects them? Of course the walls. The walls of our house, where incredible travels are thought of on your favorite couch. And then a suitcase is pulled out from under the sofa, with which we set off. "Literary Odyssey: Sofa and Suitcase" covers a century and a half of Russian and Soviet literature, many countries and cities. Traveling with the authors of famous works from our suitcases, the participants will compile for themselves a map of the "Literary Odyssey" - a list of pleasant and useful sofa reading.

This Saturday, September 15, in old Kolomna, the Antonovskiye Apples festival will take place. The main theme of the festival will be Eternal Values. Kolomna was not chosen in vain for such a wonderful festival. It is here that traditions are carefully preserved and each of us has long known Kolomna marshmallows and rolls.

We adore marshmallow and love to visit Kolomna, and you should definitely look at the CRAFT-PARADE in which the townspeople, reenactors and representatives of the Scented Joy, Kolomna Pastila, and Kalachnaya museums will take part!

A real holiday will unfold in charming Kolomna, where everyone can feel like a resident of a beautiful Russian city with a rich and ancient history, but that's not all!

There will be so many tasty and unusual things at the fair that we obviously won't be able to leave empty-handed. Game products from Delikates-Game, ecologically clean rabbit meat from the Peasant farm "Shikunov AM", natural cheeses without additives and preservatives from the Artem Ilinykh cheese factory, pumpkin jam, eco-chips and pumpkin tea from the family project "Kuma Pumpkin". Everything is natural, environmentally friendly and delicious! Well, and of course, marshmallow!

There will also be theatrical performances, contests and concerts. The festival program is extremely rich!
A specialized "Apple Express" will help us to get to Kolomna, which will set off from the Kazan railway station. On the way, the guide will tell us about the history of Kolomna and unknown interesting facts about marshmallow.

We are already in anticipation. Wait for our report!

“This year the festival“ Antonovskie Apples - 2018 ”is held within the framework of the Year of European Cultural Heritage. The main theme of the festival will be "Eternal Stories".

“Eternal stories are those stories that adults tell their children and grandchildren, those that we read in letters, postcards, diaries and books,” the message says.

The book market will traditionally operate - about 30 publishers have prepared special events and master classes. In addition, a heritage salon, creative meetings, literary and art projects, an English pavilion and many other events await guests. Communication and treats await the guests of the festival at a city dinner, the festival will end with an evening concert.

"Antonovskie apples-2018": festival program

On September 15, Kolomna will host the 7th International Apple Book Festival "Antonovskiye Apples". On this Saturday, the city will turn into the literary capital of the Moscow region. The main theme of the festival is Eternal Stories.

They sound in music and are staged in the theater, transmitted in recipes and written in books. In addition, in Europe, 2018 has been declared the Year of Cultural Heritage, and Kolomna will also contribute when on September 15, writers, readers, actors, farmers share their stories.

Due to the fact that this year the festival will be held a little later than usual, the aroma of Antonov apples filling the city in autumn will be even more tart, new books promising long evenings in a cozy armchair will be more welcome, and seasonal farm food with hot tea - more delicious. The festival will not be limited only to events in Kolomna itself, but will also invite people to take an “apple and literary journey” through the city streets and beyond.

DAY PROGRAM, 11:00 - 18:00

In the afternoon, the festival will be held in Zaitsev Square, Gagarin Square, Kolomensky Posad, Artkommunalka Museum, will launch a Book Boat along the Moscow River, and open the English Pavilion in Moskvoretsky Lane.

The Heritage Salon is a traditional and every year a new literary program of the festival, which includes creative meetings with famous favorite authors and authors new to the public. The guests of the Salon will be Andrey Filimonov (writer, journalist and poet, author of the novel Recipes for the Creation of the World), Dmitry Danilov (Russian writer and playwright, laureate of the Golden Mask Prize), Michael Kerins (Scottish writer and director, winner of the literary Oscar as a master of storytelling). Yulia Kuznetsova, a philologist, translator, and children's writer, will take part in the children's program.

The City Lunch is an open-air lunch where each participant brings family recipes. The half-forgotten tradition of a joint good-neighborly feast, the habit of visiting friends at home, took root at the festival and will be held for the second time.

As part of the Reading in the Gardens program in the English Pavilion near the Intercession Church, lovers of all English will be able to meet with the children's writer from Scotland Michael Kerins, listen to a concert, taste sandwiches with real English homemade marmalade, and most importantly - read aloud. Participants of the events will share into readers and listeners, and will also be able to try themselves in both roles.

The theater program, first announced at the festival last year, has expanded its boundaries. The play "Smart Dog Sonya" based on the book of the famous children's writer Andrei Usachev will be presented by the "Vdrug" theater together with the "Sreda" creative center, and the Ryazan Regional Drama Theater will show the fairy tale for children and adults "The Magic Dreams of Kuzma".

For adult spectators on the stage in the Zaitsev square there will be a poetic performance "The Poems of Boris Pasternak" from the novel "Doctor Zhivago" performed by the RAMT artist Denis Balandin and a performance from the "Estate Theater" program of the A.N. Tolstoy "Clever Janitor" based on the stories of Chekhov.

Also, within the framework of the theatrical program, the play "Christmas tree in the room" will take place, which will be shown at the site of the "Artkommunalka" museum. This unusual performance was created thanks to the charity film and theater project "Interaction".

The festival's farmer market will bring together producers of local products: game products from Delikates-Game, ecologically clean rabbit meat from the peasant farm Shikunov A.M., natural cheeses without additives and preservatives from the Artem Ilinykh cheese factory, pumpkin jam, eco-chips and pumpkin tea from the Kuma Pumpkin family project. Everything is natural, environmentally friendly and delicious!

Liza Morozova, artist, participant of the Venice, Prague and Moscow biennials, will conduct her new performance at the festival. This time, Liza's artistic action is dedicated to the relationship between personal and historical time in the context of one human life - her own. Lisa chose her diaries and news for the last 32 years as the material for the performance. The last entry in the diary will be made and read in the presence of the audience of the performance, who thereby become its participants and go down in history.

The excursion program of the Society of Lovers of Free Walking will give you a vivid and deep idea of ​​the historical details of life in Kolomna: the walls and towers of the Kremlin, merchant houses, as well as the route of "a Muscovite who visited Kolomna in 1918 in search of provincial naivety."

For the first time in the history of the festival, a craft parade will take place, which starts in the Gagarin square at 13:00 and will pass through the Gagarin and Zaitsev squares. The townspeople will join the solemn costume procession of the participants, representatives of the restored historical museum productions of Kolomna, accompanied by drummers. For all participants, the organizers are preparing the festive attributes of the procession. The procession will be attended by the Fragrant Joy Museum, the Kolomenskaya Pastila Museum of Tasteful History, the Kalachnaya Museum, the Confectionery Shvedova store, the Patefonka loft.

EVENING PROGRAM, 18.00-19.30

The festival will end with a concert on the stage in the park named after Zaitsev. The program of the concert includes: "The Seasons" by PI Tchaikovsky, arranged for accordion, performed by the laureate of international competitions Maria Vlasova; The Seasons by M. Bronner, dedicated to P. Tchaikovsky, is performed by the Tver Governor's Chamber Orchestra; conductor Andrey Kruzhkov. The theme of the concert is the great musical heritage and our attitude towards it; the impact of heritage on contemporary music.

Free admission.

PR curator of the festival: Nina Suslina, [email protected],
[email protected]
Festival website:

Festival organizers:
Autonomous non-profit organization "Kolomensky Posad", Center for Cultural Initiatives of the Moscow Region, the SlowFood Kolomna community with the support of the administration of the city of Kolomna and the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.

PR-curator of the festival "Antonovskie apples" about the highlights of the upcoming event

The PR curator of the festival, Nina Suslina, talks about the highlights of the upcoming event:

- We are preparing an extensive program - day and evening - with the participation of extraordinary creative personalities.

- Who will it be?

- We will be visited by: Andrei Filimonov - writer, journalist and poet, author of the novel "Recipes for the Creation of the World", Dmitry Danilov - Russian writer and playwright, laureate of the Golden Mask Prize, Michael Kerins - Scottish writer and director, owner of the literary " Oscar ". Yulia Kuznetsova, a philologist, translator, and children's writer, will take part in the children's program.

- Is there a theatrical program?

- Yes, and it will expand its boundaries. The play "Smart Dog Sonya" based on the book of the famous children's writer Andrei Usachev will be presented by the "Vdrug" theater together with the "Sreda" creative center, and the Ryazan Regional Drama Theater will show the fairy tale for children and adults "The Magic Dreams of Kuzma". For adult spectators on the stage in the Zaitsev square there will be a poetic performance “Poems of Boris Pasternak from the novel Doctor Zhivago” performed by the RAMT artist Denis Balandin and a performance from the “Manor Theater” program of the A.N. Tolstoy literary museum “Clever Janitor” based on the stories of Chekhov.

- Something will be for the first time in the history of the festival?

- Craft parade, which starts in the Gagarin square and will pass through the Gagarin and Zaitsev squares. The townspeople will join the solemn procession of the participants - representatives of the restored historical museum production facilities of Kolomna, accompanied by drummers.

"Antonovskie apples" awarded by the All-Russian festival in the field of event tourism "Russia Event Expo"

The Antonovskie Apples Festival was awarded an award from the All-Russian Exhibition in the field of event tourism “Russia Event Expo”. It is conducted by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. For several days, dozens of tourist projects from all over Russia were presented in Petrozavodsk.