Universe MARVEL. Possible solo paintings about the moon knight and the black widow

Universe MARVEL. Possible solo paintings about the moon knight and the black widow


"People ask me. How can I live like this? Take risks? Fall into madness so many times? Die so many times? How can I live like this? How else can I live?"

Moon Knight is a ruthless liquidator who slays criminals without regret or remorse. The reason for this cruelty is extremely difficult to determine. Perhaps the whole point is that Mark is possessed by Khonshu, who subconsciously controls his actions. The Moon God constantly tells Spector to administer justice and kill in his name. When Mark expelled the spirit of Khonshu from his body, after a while he revised his methods and began to hand over the criminals to the police. However, after Marlene was attacked by the Shadow Knight, the Moon God took control of his mind again.

Powers and Abilities

Lunar Energy: At night, when the Moon rises in the sky, Spector acquires many superhuman abilities. Their power directly depends on how full the moon is.

Superhuman Strength: Luna greatly increases Mark's physical strength. During the full moon, the Moon Knight is able to lift an object weighing 2 tons.

Superhuman Speed: The energy of the Moon greatly increases Spector's speed. During the full moon, he can run faster than any athlete.

Superhuman Resilience: The energy of the Moon greatly strengthens Mark's body.

Superhuman Endurance: Energy from the Moon slows down the production of fatigue toxins produced by the Spector's body.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The energy of the Moon gives Mark a regenerative healing factor. During the full moon, his wounds heal instantly.

Astral Vision: At night, the Moon Knight is able to see magical creatures that other people cannot see.

Night Vision: Spector sees as well at night as during the day.

Shadow Walk: Moon Knight is able to become invisible when in shadow.

After Spector expelled the spirit of Khonshu from his body, he lost all superhuman powers.


Master of Martial Arts: Spector is a professional soldier who has mastered all the intricacies of military prowess in the fields of intelligence, command, and espionage. He has impeccable military training and vast combat experience.

Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat: Mark studied many types of martial arts, from simple boxing to Kung Fu. Several times Spector fought on equal terms with the Punisher himself, while not having any superhuman abilities.

Firearms Expert: Mark is a skilled marksman. He understands any type of firearm, be it pistols, machine guns, rifles, etc. Spector also throws grenades very well.

Melee Weapon Expert: The Moon Knight is excellent with any melee weapon, be it knives, nunchucks, katanas, etc.

Experienced Pilot: Mark completed piloting courses while training with the US military.

Interrogation and Torture Expert: Spector is well versed in the anatomy of the human body. This knowledge helps him during interrogation and torture.

Professional Detective: Mark has the skills of a professional detective. He always carefully collects information about criminals and can hunt down his victim for months.

Psychic Resistance: Under pressure from the personalities of Grant, Locke, and Moon Knight, Spector has developed immunity against certain psychic abilities.

Actor: Mark is a great actor. He is able to play both an arrogant rich man and a simple taxi driver.

Acrobat: Spector possesses acrobatic skills, which he has repeatedly demonstrated during the battle with criminals.


Spector's "triple life" eventually shattered his psyche, and he began to suffer from schizophrenia.


Avenger ID: When Mark was a member of the West Coast Avengers, he had the Avenger ID. After Spector left the group, he discarded this card.

Throwing Crescent Moons: Throwing crescent moons are the Moon Knight's primary weapons. They are attached to Mark's belt on either side of the buckle. Spector received throwing crescents from priests who worshiped Khonshu and later upgraded them. Moon Knight mainly uses crescents as throwing weapons, however they are also good in close combat.

Ankh: This ancient magic wand made of gold was used by the Moon Knight when he was a servant of Khonshu. Ankh was sanctified at the approach of danger and was used by Mark as a spear or club.

Katana: Spector wields a katana equipped with a protective grip that prevents Moon Knight enemies from using this weapon.

Bow: Mark also has a bow.

Pistols: Moon Knight wields two pistols that shoot crescents. Often a rope is attached to these crescents, with the help of which Mark binds his enemies.

Mini Airplane: Mark owns a miniature airplane with a video camera. Spector uses it to scout the area.

Wand: The Moon Knight's Wand is a multifunctional device. It weighs 5.5 kg (12 lb) and is attached to the Spector's left shin. The wand can transform into several types of weapons:

Nunchaku: The wand is able to split into 2 clubs connected by a chain, which Mark uses as nunchucks. Staff: The wand is capable of lengthening, transforming into a staff. Harpoon: An adamantium cable is tied to a hook located at one end of the wand. This uncomplicated design allows the Spector to rise to a height of 242 meters.

Other Weapons: Moon Knight also used throwing scarabs, a boomerang made of ivory, and a san setsu kon (a three-piece staff).

Main costume:

Armor: Spector's main suit includes white adamantium armor, with a walkie-talkie installed inside to communicate with Frenchy. It not only protects Mark from bullets, but also significantly increases his physical strength.

Cloak: The Moon Knight cannot fly, but a special cloak helps him glide from low altitudes.

Parachute: When falling from a great height, Spector uses a parachute.

Gauntlets: Over time, Mark designed special gauntlets that allow the Moon Knight to shoot throwing crescents straight from his wrists.

Silver Bracelets: When Moon Knight hunted a werewolf, he wore two silver bracelets on his wrists.

Secretive suit

Spector has a special black suit that he uses during stealth missions.

Lightweight suit

During the mission to Mars, Mark used his white suit without a cloak.


Lunar Flight: The Moon Knight's primary transport. The Lunar Flight is a four-seater aircraft that allows Mark to travel quickly throughout the city. Due to the ability to absorb engine vibrations, this vehicle is able to move silently. The lunar craft reaches speeds of up to 313.9 km / h (195 mph) and ascends to an altitude of 5,700 m (19,000 ft). The unit is also capable of swimming underwater. The lunar flight is operated by Spector's partner Frenchy.

Lunar Motorcycle: Mark uses his motorcycle quite often as well.

Angel Wing: Spector often uses a glider called the Angelwing.

Hero characteristics

  • Real name: Mark Spector
  • Nicknames: Moon Knight, Jake Lockley, Stephen Grant, Yitzak Topol, Khonshu's Fist, Crescent Crusader, Moon Legionnaire, Mantle Bearer Khonshu
  • Current nickname: Moon Knight
  • Personality: Well-known
  • Universe: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Good
  • Height: 189 m (6'2 ″ feet)
  • Weight: 102 kg (225 lbs)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Relatives: Shadow Knight (Randall Spector) (brother, deceased), Elias (father, deceased), mother (deceased)
  • Group Membership: Secret Avengers, formerly CIA, United States Marine Corps, Raoul Bushman's Crew, West Coast Avengers, Defenders
  • Friends: Frenchy, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Captain America
  • Enemies: Bushman, Shadow Knight, Morpheus, Black Ghost, Seth
  • Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
  • Citizenship: USA
  • Family status: Single

I am Moon Knight, bearer of the Khonshu mantle. Khonshu is the doer of justice. I am revenge ...


Mark Spector (Marc Spector) was born in the family of a rabbi who fled to the United States from Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust. Mark's mother died shortly after his birth, and he remained in the care of his father Elias. Spectrum Jr.'s childhood was very turbulent. Mark often had serious conflicts with his father about his outlook on life. Elias never responded to violence with violence, because he considered himself above it. Not sharing his father's views, Spector Jr. became a heavyweight boxer. Once Mark was supposed to fight a formidable opponent in a boxing tournament, but Elias entered the ring instead. The rabbi asked his son to change his mind and stop the fight. Angry, Spector Jr. punched Elias and fled. The next morning, Mark's brother, Randall Spector, invited him to join the Marine Corps. Spector Jr. agreed. Mark never saw his father again.

After a while, Spector, following his brother, became a CIA agent. In a new job, he met and befriended William Cross and Amos Lardner. All went well until Mark's girlfriend Lisa (Lisa) found out that Randall was illegally selling weapons to the enemies of the United States. She was going to tell the CIA everything. Then Randall killed Lisa with a butcher ax. Upon learning of this, Mark entered into a fight with his brother, during which the latter was blown up by a grenade. After some time, Spector and Larnder participated in a secret CIA operation called "Cobra", the goal of which was to completely subdue the minds of the agents. During one of the assignments, Mark, without realizing it, betrayed Amos. Ultimately, Spector left the CIA and became a mercenary. Jean-Paul "Frenchie" DuChamp became a new partner of Mark. Together they completed many assignments, one of which took place in South America, where Spector assassinated President Bosqueverde Ricardo Dominguez. The new ruler was Rodrigo Raposa, who promised Mark that he would establish democracy in the country. However, having come to power, the president became a dictator and began to shoot all dissenting citizens. Even then, Spector began to doubt the correctness of his choice.

Moon Knight is born

After some time, Mark and Frenchy began working for the terrorist Raoul Bushman, who was distinguished by excessive cruelty. One day Spector, Frenchy and Bushman arrived in the city of Selim to find the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh. Wanting to get the treasure by all means, Raoul staged a real massacre in the city. Bushman killed many civilians, including archaeologist Peter Alraune. Then Mark realized that he had made a huge mistake by agreeing to work for Raoul. Spector took Alron's daughter Marlene and French to the pharaoh's grave and returned to Bushman to end him once and for all. Fighting with Raul, Mark was defeated and fled. Having been badly wounded, Spector barely made it to Marlene. Seeing how Mark dies, Alron and Franchy took him to the statue of the Moon God - Khonshu. Spector died a few minutes later. At that moment, Mark's spirit collided with Khonshu. The Moon God promised to save Spector and give him new powers. In return, Khonshu demanded that Mark swear to administer justice on his behalf. Spector agreed. After that, Mark was resurrected and went to Bushman, having previously removed the cloak from the statue. Faced with Raul, Spector easily defeated his servants, but the killer himself managed to escape. After the revival, Mark forgot about the treaty with Khonshu. Spector believed that his visions were just a hallucination, and the statue of the Moon God gives him superhuman strength.

Then Mark decided to end his career as a mercenary and fight crime. Together with Marlene, Frenchy and the statue of Honshu, he returned to New York. In the United States, Alron and Spector became romantically involved. The money that Mark received while working as a mercenary, he saved all this time. Therefore, by the time he returned to New York, Spector had huge savings. Using this money, he designed a special suit and took on a new name - Moon Knight. To get information about the criminals, Mark created 2 new images for himself: the image of Steven Grant as a millionaire financier, and Jake Lockley as an ordinary taxi driver. Spector also acquired informants in the person of homeless Bertrand Crawley and cafe owner Gena Landers. Thus, during the day, Spector received information about criminals, both in the upper circles of society and on the street, and at night he donned the Moon Knight costume and hunted these violators of the law. Subsequently, this "triple life" shattered the psyche of Mark, and he began to suffer from schizophrenia.

The appearance of the night hero

Early in his superhero career, Spector worked for a group of aristocrats called The Committee. They asked Mark to catch the werewolf Jack Russell. Ultimately, Spector was able to defeat the villain largely thanks to the silver bracelets. However, when Mark brought Jack to his employers, he realized that a group of aristocrats wanted to use Russell for their own ends. Then Moon Knight freed the werewolf, and together they defeated the Committee. Spector then faced the Conquer-Lord. The offender came up with a cunning plan, the purpose of which was to kill the mayor of the city, but was defeated. After a while, Mark joined the Defenders group, in which he fought against the Zodiac. Moon Knight teamed up with Spider-Man to confront the villainous Big M and Cyclone. Spector also rescued The Thing from his former partner, William Cross, who became the criminal Crossfire. Sometime later, Mark encountered the Rogue (Hatchet-Man), who was none other than his surviving brother Randall. Spector also defeated the terrorist Lupinar. It is worth saying that in the fight against criminals, Spector showed excessive cruelty. In the vast majority of cases, Mark killed the villains and carved a crescent moon on their bodies, thereby sacrificing them to Khonshu.

Over time, the glory of the Moon Knight spread throughout New York, and many super-criminals wanted to fight him. Among them was Jimmy Crawley Slasher - a villain who killed homeless people in an attempt to find his father, Black Spectr - a criminal who threatened to destroy the entire city if residents did not support his candidacy for mayor. Spector later confronted Bushman again and sent him to jail. However, Raoul was not going to give up. He hired the Midnight Man, who destroyed the Khonshu statue. Mark was convinced that all his power was contained in this monument. Therefore, when the statue was destroyed, Spector suffered a nervous breakdown and ended his superhero career for a while, until Marlene created a copy of the monument. Beloved Mark told him that this statue of Khonshu is real, thereby restoring the Moon Knight's self-confidence. At the same time, Spector first encountered Morpheus, a villain who was a patient of Doctor Peter Alraune, Marlene's brother. Mark also fought a criminal named Fly. Spector later learned that his former partner Lardner was killed when he tried to leave the CIA. While investigating Amos's death, Mark was attacked by his brother, James Lardner. James participated in the Cobra program, so all his actions were controlled by the CIA. In the end, Lardner, unable to withstand the mental stress, committed suicide.

After a while, Spector learned that his father was seriously ill. Then Mark dropped all his business and went to Elias. When Spector Jr. arrived in Chicago, his father was already dead. Mark decided to go to the cemetery to say goodbye to Elias. Arriving there, Spector was horrified to find that his father's grave was empty. Mark was furious. He decided by all means to find the one who did it. Ultimately, Spector found the thief. It turned out to be a student of Elias - Reuben Davis (Reuben Davis). He kidnapped the body of Mark's father to use it as an energy source. Reuben took on a new name, Zohar. Using superhuman powers, Davis fought the Moon Knight, but was ultimately defeated. After the battle, Mark suffered another nervous breakdown. For a while, he stopped his superhero career and spent all his time with Marlene. But later he again returned to the fight against crime. Spector decided to do away with Stephen Grant's identity and sold the statue to Khonshu to the museum.

Khonshu's fist

After some time, 3 Egyptian priests appeared to Mark, who served Khonshu for several millennia. They told the Specter that the Moon God himself had chosen Mark as the repository of his spirit. Then Spector remembered the agreement he had concluded with Khonshu. The monks taught Mark how to use his power more effectively and gave him mystical weapons. Marlene, tired of enduring the double life of her beloved, left Spector. During this time, the team of the West Coast Avengers, while traveling in time, was trapped in the time stream by Dominus. Team leader Hawkeye asked Khonshu for help. Since the Moon God exists outside of time, he transported to the present and transmitted Barton's message to Mark. Then Spector teamed up with Henry Pym, Espirit, and together they defeated Dominus. After the battle, Hawkeye invited the Moon Knight to join their team. Mark himself did not want to join the Avengers, however, under pressure from Khonshu, he nevertheless agreed. After a while, the Spectrum began an affair with the Tigra. The Moon God was against their relationship, since he considered Mark's beloved a daytime being. After a while, Hawkeye's wife, Mockingbird, killed the Phantom Rider. Upon learning of this, Barton was beside himself with rage. He left his wife and left the Avengers. After the team disbanded, Moon Knight teamed up with Mockingbird, Tiger, and they continued to fight the criminals. The trio helped the Giant-Man defeat the High Evolutionary. Later, the spirit of the Phantom Racer returned to take revenge on Mokinbod. The team then turned to Hellstrom for help. With the help of the wizard, Spector learned that Khonshu subconsciously influences his actions and deeds. Ultimately, Hellstrom convinced the Moon God to leave Mark's body. After expelling Khonshu, Moon Knight dropped the magical weapons given to him by the monks and left the team.

Return and old sins

Back in New York, Spector faced off against Marlene and continued to fight crime. After some time, Mark ran into the son of the Midnight Man - Jeff Wilde (Jeff Wilde). Jeff took the name Midnight and fought crime. Upon meeting Moon Knight, Wilde invited him to team up and work together. Spector agreed, although he didn't take Midnight seriously. Mark and Jeff's partnership continued until a mercenary named Silver Sable kidnapped Spector and took him to Bosqueverde, where the Moon Knight was put on trial for the murder of Riccardo Dominguez. The former president of the country, Rodrigo Rapos, who once hired Mark, was ousted and fled. The new government was eager to punish Spector for the murder of Dominguez, but even more it wanted to catch Raposa. Then Mark promised that he would deliver Rodrigo to Bosqueverde in exchange for his freedom. Spector had been tracking Raposa for months. Ultimately, the Moon Knight captured Rodrigo and turned him over to the Bosqueverde authorities. Thus, Mark finally said goodbye to the nightmares of his past. Back in New York, Spector discovered that Jeff had been kidnapped by the Secret Empire and turned him into a cyber agent. The Moon Knight then teamed up with Spider-Man, Punisher, Darkhawk, Nova, Night Thrasher, and together they conquered the Secret Empire. Midnight apparently died during the battle.

After some time, Randall returned and took his brother's power. After gaining the power of Mark, the villain attacked Marlene. Then Spector teamed up with the Punisher, and together they defeated Randall. After the battle, Moon Knight created a new image for himself. He became the head of the company Spectorcorp, whose base was located in a tower called the Shadowkeep. In the center of this building was a room with holograms of various special agents. This room Mark named the Shadow Cabinet.

Infinity War, Crusade and Death

During the Infinity War, Magus created an evil twin of Mark named Moonshade. Teaming up with Doppelganger, the doppelganger attacked Spector, but was defeated. After the end of the Infinity War, the Goddess began her Crusade against evil. Since the deity could not fight crime alone, she selected a small number of superheroes who, in the opinion of the Goddess, were worthy. Among them was Mark. As part of the new team, Spector fought evil until Adam Warlock, Thanos and Professor X jointly defeated the Goddess. After a while, the Moon Knight encountered the Hellbent - creatures that are a mixture of human and demon. Their leader, Seth Phalkon, launched a virus called Zero Hour into Spectorcorp's computer system, which was supposed to blow up Mark's company. To save his employees, Spector isolated the destructive computer code in the Shadowkeeper Tower. Breaking free, the virus blew up the tower and killed Mark.


Some time later, Khonshu revived Spector so that he could resist Set's new conspiracy. This time, the villain recruited Bushman, Black Ghost and Morpheus. Using the statue of Set, the villains were about to attack the UN peace conference, but were stopped by the Moon Knight. In the meantime, CIA officials tried to kill Spector because he knew about their brainwashing operations on agents. Teaming up with his former CIA partner, Candace Calder, Mark exposed the agency's illegal activities to the world. Moon Knight later traveled to the spirit world with the Black Panther to help T'Challa reunite with his own deity, Bast. At this time, Nightmare, wanting to stop his partners, took the form of Khonshu and tried to lead the heroes astray. Fortunately, the real Moon God returned and the demon was forced to flee. After a while, Daredevil began to assemble a team to catch the Punisher. Upon learning of this, Spector decided to help the heroes. He not only joined Daredevil, but also fully funded the team's activities. Together, the heroes faced off against Cloak, Tombstone, Big Ben, Bullet and many others. Everything was going well until one day the team faced Zaran. The villain wounded the Moon Knight and blew up the heroes' base. Left without a headquarters, the team broke up. After the destruction of the base, Spector lost a large amount of money and decided to end his superhero career.

After a while, Mark was again attacked by Bushman. In the final battle, the Moon Knight cut the skin from Raoul's face, leaving only the skull. However, during this battle, Spector fell from a great height and broke both legs. Unable to fight crime anymore, Mark began to drink frequently, which eventually led him to conflicts with Marlene. During one of them, Spector, in a rage, hit his beloved. Shocked by Mark's behavior, Marlene packed her things and left him. Knowing that Spector was weakened, the Committee hired a Taskmaster to kill the Moon Knight. The villain had almost reached his goal, but at the last moment he was interrupted by Mark's butler. Then Spector managed to pull himself together and defeated the Brigadier. After defeating the villain, Mark stopped drinking and began to undergo physical therapy. Eventually, Moon Knight returned to fighting crime, but from that moment Khonshu appeared before Spector in the guise of the Bushman he had killed. The Committee later hired The Profile to complete what the Brigadier had begun. However, a group of aristocrats miscalculated. Profile went over to the side of the Moon Knight and became his informant.

Civil War

At the beginning of the Civil War, Spector did not take sides. He also said that for Captain America, winning this battle is like winning a capture the flag game. Rogers, in turn, did not want to see Moon Knight on the Avengers due to his very brutal methods of fighting crime. Iron Man also did not want Spector to join their ranks due to his unstable psyche and frequent nervous breakdowns. When the Superhero Registration Act was passed, Moon Knight decided to side with Stark. Spector tried to register, but Iron Man did not want to see Mark on his team. He instructed a psychiatrist to shut down Moon Knight during testing. The doctor, following Stark's instructions, turned Spector's words upside down during the interview. When the psychiatrist began to threaten Mark, the Moon Knight's patience ran out. Obsessed with Khonshu, Spector drove the doctor into hysterics and forced him to approve the registration.

After registering, Mark continued to fight crime. At this time, the Black Ghost escaped from prison. The villain knew that Iron Man did not trust the Moon Knight. Wanting to take revenge on Spector, the Black Ghost began killing innocent people and carving a crescent moon on their heads (the sign of the Moon Knight). The villain's calculations were justified. Iron Man, along with S.H.I.E.L.D., captured Mark and canceled his registration, but Specter managed to escape. After learning that the Black Ghost was making an army of nanobots to subdue the city, Moon Knight decided to stop the villain. Faced with the criminal, Mark threw him from the roof of a tall building. The Black Ghost appears to have died. Since SHIELD. continued to search for Spector, Moon Knight went underground.

When the authorities were desperate to catch Mark, they hired the Thunderbolts. Iron Man opposed this idea, but his protest was rejected. To become more inconspicuous, Spector changed his white suit for a black one. After some time, the Moon Knight asked Khonshu for forgiveness for the fact that his faith had faltered. However, the Moon God replied that he would never forgive Spector, since he has enough parishioners even without Mark. Later, Frenchy was attacked by the Thunderbolts. Upon learning of this, Moon Knight put on his white suit again and went to help his partner. However, upon arriving at the indicated location, Spector discovered that he had fallen into the trap of the Thunderbolts. Mark confronted Venom, who had almost killed the hero, when SHIELD officers suddenly appeared, and the Moon Knight managed to escape. Then the Thunderbolts sent in the trail of the Bullseye Spector. The heroes fought in New York on several occasions. Eventually, Moon Knight and Bullseye ended up in a warehouse containing a large amount of explosives. Then Mark lured the villain and blew up the room, while he himself fled through the secret passage. On the same day, Norman Osborne convened a conference at which he announced that Spector was dead. Wishing that everyone would continue to consider him dead, Mark decided to return to the identity of the taxi driver Lockley and began to live under his name. After a while, Spector fled to Mexico, where he learned that Osborne had become the director of the H.A.M.M.E.R., and Iron Man had been fired from his post. Then Mark vowed to take revenge on Norman at all costs.

Dark Reign

Back in the United States, Moon Knight stopped the bank robbery without killing a single person, which greatly surprised the police. Spector continued to fight crime, but this time he revised his life principles. From now on, Mark tried not to kill the villains, but to catch them and turn them over to the police. Over time, people began to view the Moon Knight as a hero, even despite Osborne's assertion that Spector was a threat to society. Later, one of the millionaires asked Mark to find his daughter, who had been kidnapped by a corrupt police officer. During his quest, Moon Knight encountered the Punisher, who was also on the trail of law enforcement. After some time, Mark encountered the Sentry. Reynolds, who was working for Osborne at the time, asked Spector if he considered himself a hero. With these words, the Moon Knight and the Sentinel set out to fight the criminals. In the end, Reynolds said that someday Mark will have to go through trials, after which everyone will see whether he is a true hero or not. After hearing this, Spector replied that the Sentinel would have to do the same. Mark later learned from Profile about Slug, the villain who robbed the bank and stole the diamonds. Spector tracked down the criminal and entered into battle with him. When Mark defeated the Slug, the spirit of Khonshu demanded that Moon Knight kill the villain. However, Spector did not listen to him. Meanwhile, Osborne hired Hood to take out the Moon Knight. The mercenary, in turn, turned to Profile for help. Mark's former informant decided to dig Bushman out of the grave and revive him. After a while, Spector learned of the Ravencroft prison break. Without hesitation, Moon Knight, along with Frenchy, went to suppress the riot. During the battle, Mark faced the Scarecrow and defeated him. Then the villain told Spector that he had to fight his former enemy - Bushman.

The next day Mark went to Rooftop. However, on the way, he was attacked by the Bushman. Raoul shot the Moon Knight with an RPG, but missed. Then Bushman fled, leaving Mark to fight the crowd of prisoners. After defeating the criminals, the Moon Knight carved the crescent mark on their straitjackets. Spector then continued his search for Bushman. After a while, Mark discovered Raoul at one of the warehouses of the OsCorps company. A battle ensued between the heroes, during which Bushman was again defeated and asked for mercy. Moon Knight hesitated for a long time and ultimately turned Raoul over to the police. Mark later witnessed how Deadpool attacked the hospital. The mercenary was going to kill one of the patients, who is the boss of the Ukrainian mafia. However, Spector stopped him. Mark fought with Deadpool, during which the latter was forced to flee. After the battle, Spector learned that a tongue-in-cheek mercenary had been hired by a woman whose son had been kidnapped by a Ukrainian mafia boss. Then Moon Knight decided to find this child. Mark's search led him to a warehouse, where he found a boy with mafia men. Defeating the criminals, Spector freed the child and returned him home. Later, the leader of the Ukrainian mafia was killed in the hospital.

Heroic Age

Some time later, Captain America invited the Moon Knight to join his team of Secret Avengers, and Mark agreed. Spector's first mission as part of the new team was to capture Captain Barracuda, who hijacked an oil tanker and demanded ransom for it. During the operation, Moon Knight rescued his team from a trap, thus earning the respect of its members. Defeating the villain, the Avengers traveled to Mars to find their ally Nova, who was looking for the Serpent Crown at the time. Upon arrival, the team discovered that Richard had already found this artifact and put it on. Seeing this, the Avengers fought Nova.


After a while, Marlene told Mark that she was pregnant. Spector was overjoyed to hear this. Later, Captain America asked Moon Knight to enter the Shadow Land under the guise of a prisoner, and Mark agreed. Having made his way to the Shadow Land, Spector witnessed the struggle of the heroes with the ninja. Then Moon Knight decided to intervene. He put on his suit and entered the battle. During the battle, Mark was attacked by Daredevil. In the heat of the battle, Spector's mind was infected by some being in Daredevil's mind. At that moment, Khonshu appeared. He told Mark that only the Sapphire Crescent, an artifact that was once part of the statue of the Moon God, could help him get rid of the disease. Spector asked Khonshu to help find this relic. Then the God of the Moon demanded from Mark that he again swore allegiance to him and swore to kill in his name. However, Spector refused to comply with these conditions. Returning home, Mark discovered that Marlene had been attacked by the Shadow Knight. After finding the villain, Mark entered into battle with him, during which he learned that the villain was his brother, Randall. When Spector almost defeated the villain, the culprit unexpectedly escaped. After the battle, Spector agreed to accept Khonshu's terms. Then the Moon God told Mark that the Crescent Sapphire was at a fortune teller in New Orleans. Having gone to the indicated place, Spector bought the artifact and returned to the USA. Upon its return, the Crescent Sapphire was stolen by the Shadow Knight. The brothers then fought again, during which the Moon Knight cut Randall's throat. After the battle, Spector returned to the Shadow Land and found Daredevil. After the meeting, Moon Knight returned home and told Marlene that Lockley was dead and Mark Spector had returned.


Khonshu - Egyptian Moon God. It is said that his power is so great that it is able to protect, heal any wounds and give strength for revenge. Khonshu has many worshipers that the Moon God communicates with through his statue. However, it was Spector Khonshu who chose as the repository of his strength and his spirit. It is worth saying that the relationship between the God of the Moon and Mark is very strained. Khonshu often reminds Spector that he is his servant and that the Moon Knight's life belongs to him. The Moon God also subconsciously influences all of Mark's actions, forcing him to do his will.


People ask me. How can I live like this? To risk? Falling into madness so many times? Die so many times? How can I live like this? How else can I live?

Moon Knight is a ruthless liquidator who slays criminals without regret or remorse. The reason for this cruelty is extremely difficult to determine. Perhaps the whole point is that Mark is possessed by Khonshu, who subconsciously controls his actions. The Moon God constantly tells Spector to administer justice and kill in his name. When Mark expelled the spirit of Khonshu from his body, after a while he revised his methods and began to hand over the criminals to the police. However, after Marlene was attacked by the Shadow Knight, the Moon God took control of Spector's mind again.

Powers and Abilities


Lunar energy: At night, when the moon rises in the sky, Spector acquires many superhuman abilities. Their power directly depends on how full the moon is.

Superhuman strength: Luna greatly increases Mark's physical strength. During the full moon, the Moon Knight is able to lift an object weighing 2 tons.

Superhuman speed: The energy of the moon greatly increases the Spector's speed. During the full moon, he can run faster than any athlete.

Superhuman resilience: The energy of the moon greatly strengthens Mark's body.

Superhuman endurance: The energy of the moon slows down the production of fatigue toxins produced by the Spector's body.

Regenerative healing factor: The energy of the moon gives Mark a regenerative healing factor. During the full moon, his wounds heal instantly.

Astral vision: At night, Moon Knight is able to see magical creatures that other people cannot see.

Night vision: Spector sees as well at night as during the day.

Shadow walk: Moon Knight is able to become invisible when in shadow.

After Spector expelled the spirit of Khonshu from his body, he lost all superhuman powers.


Master of Martial Arts: Spector is a professional soldier who has mastered all the intricacies of military prowess in the field of intelligence, command and control and espionage. He has impeccable military training and vast combat experience.

Master of hand-to-hand combat: Mark studied many types of martial arts, from simple boxing to Kung Fu. Several times Spector fought on equal terms with the Punisher himself, while not having any superhuman abilities.

Firearms expert: Mark is an experienced shooter. He understands any type of firearm, be it pistols, machine guns, rifles, etc. Spector also throws grenades very well.

Melee weapons expert: Moon Knight is excellent with any kind of melee weapon, be it knives, nunchucks, katanas, etc.

Experienced pilot: Mark completed piloting courses while training in the US military.

Expert in interrogation and torture: Spector is well aware of the anatomy of the human body. This knowledge helps him during interrogation and torture.

Professional detective: Mark has the skills of a professional detective. He always carefully collects information about criminals and can hunt down his victim for months.

Extrasensory resistance: Under pressure from the personalities of Grant, Locke and Moon Knight, Spector has developed immunity against certain psychic abilities.

Actor: Mark is a great actor. He is able to play both an arrogant rich man and a simple taxi driver.

Acrobat: Spector possesses acrobatic skills, which he repeatedly demonstrated during the battle with criminals.


Spector's "triple life" eventually shattered his psyche, and he began to suffer from schizophrenia.


Avenger ID card: When Mark was a member of the West Coast Avengers team, he had the Avenger ID card. After Spector left the group, he discarded this card.


Throwing crescents
: Throwing crescent moons are the Moon Knight's primary weapon. They are attached to Mark's belt on either side of the buckle. Spector received throwing crescents from priests who worshiped Khonshu and later upgraded them. Moon Knight mainly uses crescents as throwing weapons, however they are also good in close combat.

Ankh: This ancient magic wand made of gold was used by the Moon Knight when he was a servant of Khonshu. Ankh was sanctified at the approach of danger and was used by Mark as a spear or club.

Katana: The Spector wields a katana equipped with a protective grip that prevents Moon Knight enemies from using this weapon.

Onion: Mark also has a bow.

Pistols: Moon Knight wields two pistols that shoot crescents. Often a rope is attached to these crescents, with the help of which Mark binds his enemies.

Mini plane: Mark owns a miniature airplane with a video camera. Spector uses it to scout the area.

: The Moon Knight Wand is a multifunctional device. It weighs 5.5 kg (12 lb) and is attached to the Spector's left shin. The wand can transform into several types of weapons:

  • Nunchucks: The wand is capable of splitting into 2 clubs connected by a chain, which Mark uses as nunchucks.
  • Staff: The wand is capable of lengthening, transforming into a staff.
  • Harpoon: Attached to a hook at one end of the wand is an adamantium cable. This uncomplicated design allows the Spector to rise to a height of 242 meters.

Other weapons: Moon Knight also used throwing scarabs, an ivory boomerang, san setsu kon (a three-piece staff).


Main costume:

Armor: The Spector's main suit includes white adamantium armor, with a walkie-talkie installed inside to communicate with Frenchy. It not only protects Mark from bullets, but also significantly increases his physical strength.

Cloak: Moon Knight cannot fly, but a special cloak helps him glide from low altitudes.

Parachute: When falling from a great height, Spector uses a parachute.

Mittens: Over time, Mark designed special gauntlets that allow the Moon Knight to shoot throwing crescents straight from his wrists.

Silver bracelets: When Moon Knight hunted a werewolf, he wore two silver bracelets on his wrists.

Secretive suit

Spector has a special black suit that he uses during stealth missions.

Lightweight suit

During the mission to Mars, Mark used his white suit without a cloak.


Lunar flight: The main transport of the Moon Knight. The Lunar Flight is a four-seater aircraft that allows Mark to travel quickly throughout the city. Due to the ability to absorb engine vibrations, this vehicle is able to move silently. The lunar craft reaches speeds of up to 313.9 km / h (195 mph) and ascends to an altitude of 5,700 m (19,000 ft). The unit is also capable of swimming underwater. The lunar flight is operated by Spector's partner Frenchy.

Moon bike: Mark also uses his motorcycle quite often.

Angel wing: The Spector often uses a glider called the Angelwing.

Alternate universes

Earth 2099 (Earth-928)

In this universe, Moon Knight is a crime-fighting woman in the city of Attilan.

Ultimate universe (Earth-1610)

In this universe, Spector is a Navy SEAL soldier who participated in a special Super Soldier program. After the army, Mark went to work for the Roxxon company until it went bankrupt. Then Spector took on a new name - Moon Knight and began to fight crime. After the war, Mark met a girl named Marlene, and they soon began dating. At the same time, Spector began to suffer from schizophrenia, as a result of which three new personalities appeared in the mind of the Moon Knight: Stephen Grant, a little red-haired girl and Ronin. Early in his superhero career, Mark fought Spider-Man because he mistakenly assumed that Parker blew up the building. Subsequently, the heroes will come together in battle more than once. Moon Knight also fought in the gang war between the Kingpin and Hammerhead. Mark later fought Spider-Man, Iron Fist and Shang Chi. In the midst of the battle, Spector was severely wounded by Elektra, however, before losing consciousness, the Moon Knight managed to stab Nachios with a moon blade, thereby saving the Black Cat. After awakening from his coma, Mark escaped from prison and continued to fight Spider-Man, Punisher and Daredevil.

After the skirmish, Murdoch invited the Moon Knight to join his team called the Ultimate Knights to fight the Kingpin together. Spector agreed. To get close to Fisk, Mark took a new name - Ronin (Ronin) and went to work for Wilson. One day, the Kingpin ordered Spector to catch Spider-Man. Rhonin then stole a school bus, drove to the school and started firing a pistol, hoping to lure Spidey out. After seeing what happened, Kitty Pryde tried to thwart Mark, but was defeated. At that moment, Spider-Man appeared, and a battle ensued between the heroes, as a result of which Spector was victorious. After putting Spidey to sleep, Ronin carried Peter to the Kingpin. Once at Fisk's mansion, Spector learned that Iron Fist had betrayed their team and told Wilson the whole truth about Rhonin. The Kingpin's men then grabbed the Moon Knight and took him to the river. There they shot Spector in the head and threw him into the water. Falling to the bottom of the river, Mark, under the pressure of his three personalities, woke up and managed to get to the shore. He then went to the police and told them that Fisk had tried to kill him. To confirm these words, Spector revealed his secret Moon Knight identity to them. Thus, Mark became the first superhero to show his true colors. Then the police arrested Kingpin, and Spector turned into a public hero.

House M (Earth-58163)

In this universe, Mark Spector became a member of Luke Cage's Avengers.

Zombie Universe (Earth-2149)

In this universe, Moon Knight is one of those heroes who did not turn into zombies. He joined the resistance organization Nick Fury, in which Spector hunted zombies until he was infected. Later, the Silver Serfer killed Mark when he attacked him.

Earth X (Earth-9997)

In this universe, the Moon Knight hunted the sons of Set at the behest of Khonshu. To accomplish this task, the God of the Moon gave Mark immortality. Captain Marvel later killed Spector to obtain the Re-Animator stone. While in the world of the dead, Moon Knight helped Mar-Vell defeat Death. After the battle, Mark ended up in Paradise, created by his ally.

Almagel universe (Earth-9602)

In this universe, the Moon Knight is Dick Grayson. He later took the name Moon wing and was recruited by Bruce Wayne to work at SHIELD.

Dinosaur World (Earth-99467)

In this universe, the Moon Knight is a Velociraptor hunter. During the Infinity War, he was killed by his clone Moon Shadow.

Mutant X (Earth-1298)

In this universe, Moon Knight is a member of the Lethal Legion team, in which he fought the Beyonder. Spector died during the battle.

Exiles (Earth-8545)

In this universe, Moon Knight became infected with the Legacy Virus and, together with the rest of the heroes, created a group called Vi-Locks Prime.

Bullet Points (Earth-70105)

In this universe, the Moon Knight's story is similar to the original. The only difference is that Spector helped defeat Galactus.

What if…?

Dwayne Taylor became Iron Man

In this universe, Moon Knight was imprisoned by Dwayne Taylor and later freed by the New Warriors.

The Punisher teamed up with Venom

In this universe, Moon Knight, along with Spider-Man and Daredevil, tried to stop the Punisher.

Moon Knight Drives a Taxi

In this universe, Spector has completely lost his mind, entangled in his many personalities. He donned a Moon Knight suit and started driving a taxi. Mark fought many times with those who did not pay his fare.

  • In Egyptian, the name Khonshu sounds like Chons, which means wandering in Russian.
  • Not far from the Egyptian temple of Khonshu, there is a crescent-shaped pool showing how great God's lunar power is today.
  • In 1999, Moon Knight High Strangeness was nominated for a favorite limited series by the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award.

First appearance

Werewolf by Night Vol 1 # 32

Once the owners left the mercenary Mark Spector to die in the Egyptian desert, but Khonshu's admirers found him. This god saved Spector's life and endowed him with incredible superpowers. Returning to America and bringing the statue of Khonshu with him, Mark became a crime fighter named Moon Knight. He also came up with two new personalities for millionaire Stephen Grant and taxi driver Jake Lockley. Together with his friend French pilot and beloved Marlene, Hadron Moon Knight fought such bandits as the Werewolf, Midnighter and members of the Black Specter gang. In addition, the hero often helped and. When Mark got tired of endless battles, he put the suit in the closet and sold the statue to Khonsh. However, Spector soon decided to go to Egypt again.
The level of his superpowers directly depends on the change in the phases of the moon. As a weapon, the Moon Knight uses the gifts of the god Khonshu: throwing scarab darts, a golden Egyptian cross that glows when danger approaches, and an ivory boomerang.
Having met again with the fans of the Khonshu cult, Mark learned from them that being the Moon Knight is his destiny, and it is impossible to refuse it. Having received a new suit and a set of weapons from God, Spector returned to the United States to continue his noble mission. When Norman Osborn (see article) took control of the team, Mark faked his own death and later joined Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers.
In the endless war with the underworld of New York, the Moon Knight was helped by his beloved Marlene Alron and old friend Frenchy.
REAL NAME: Mark Spector. TYPE OF LESSON: millionaire, playboy, taxi driver. LOCATION: New York. HEIGHT 188 cm. THE WEIGHT: 102 kg. EYES: dark brown. HAIR: fair-haired. FIRST APPEARANCE: comic "Werewolf by Night # 32" (August 1975).

The character exists in the Marvel Universe and was created by artist Doug Monkh and author Don Perlin. Moon Knight first appeared in Werewolf by Night # 32(August 1975). The character was warmly received by the public and soon received his own stories, and later - his own comic book series.

Moon knight
Moon knight

Moon Knight on the cover Moon knight #1
Publication history
Publisher Marvel comics
Debut Werewolf by Night# 32 (August 1975)
Authors Doug Monkh
Don Perlin
Character characteristics
Position Good, Antihero
Alter ego Mark Spector
Aliases Moon Knight
Race A man empowered by the Egyptian moon deity Khonsu
Height 188 cm
The weight 102kg
Teams and organizations
Secret Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Defenders, Marvel Knights, Heroes for Hire
Spider-Man, Black Panther, Eric O'Gredy, Captain America, Warrior, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Echo, Cloak and Dagger, Werewolf in the Night, Tigger
Taskmaster, High Evolutionary, Morpheus, Kang the Conqueror
Special powers
    • Fluent in acrobatics
    • Weapon expert
  • I Superhuman Strength, Super Endurance, Super Agility and Reflexes (depending on the phases of the moon)
    • Mastery of hand-to-hand combat and many martial arts
    • The power of Khonshu protects the Moon Knight from evil spirits
    • Ingenious level of intelligence
    • Master tactician and strategist
    • Peak of physical development (during the day when there is no moon).
    • Healing factor (during the day when there is no moon).
    • Regeneration (depending on the phases of the moon)
    • Delayed aging
    • Excellent swordsman
    • Accurate shooter
    • Astral vision (at night when there is the moon)
    • May become invisible in the shadows (at night when there is a moon)
    • Huge financial opportunities
    • Excellent detective
    • Great actor
    • Various edged and firearms
    • Various vehicles including the Muncopter helicopter and Angelwing aircraft
    • High tech gadgets

Publication history

The character first appeared in Werewolf by Night # 32 (August 1975), a story written by Doug Monkh and drawn by Don Perlin as an enemy of the protagonist; his story continued and ended in issue # 33. The Moon Knight was instantly popular with readers and received his own issue in Marvel Spotlight # 28-29 (1976), again written by Doug Monkh and artist Don Perlin.

He then appeared in Spectacular Spider-Man at # 22 and # 23; the plot of both issues was created by Bill Mantlo, and the drawings by Mike Zeck at # 22 and Jim Mooney at # 23; in Marvel Two in One at # 52, with a storyline written by Stephen Grant and artwork by Jim Craig; in Defenders # 47-50. Moon Knight also made an occasional appearance in Hulk! Magazine # 11-15, # 17-18 and # 20, as well as Marvel Preview # 21 (this is where he first appeared in his costume); all stories were written by Doug Monkh. The drawings were created by Jen Colan at # 11, Keith Pollard at # 12, and Bill Senkiewicz for the rest of the stories. These stories were subsequently reprinted in Moon Knight: Special Edition # 1-3.

Then, in 1980, Marvel launched a new standalone comic series called Moon Knight, which continued to be written by Doug Monkh and still painted by Bill Sienkiewicz. Starting with issue # 15, Marvel pulled the series from newsstands, making it only available through direct purchases at comic book stores. The episode continues until # 38, after which the comic was canceled. After being canceled in 1985, a six-issue mini-series, Moon Knight - Fist Of Khonshu, by Alan Zelenitz and Chris Warner, was released to try to establish a new status quo for the character's popularity, but it was canceled after six issues. ... After that, the hero appeared on the pages of the comic "West Coast Avengers" from issue # 21 to issue # 41 and in Annuals # 1-3. After appearing in Punisher Annual # 2 in 1989, the character once again received his own comic book series - this time titled "Marc Spector: Moon Knight". At the time, Moon Knight also played an important role as a guest star on the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man comic, and the storyline in Amazing Spider-Man # 353-358 served as the end of the current storyline in the character's story, as he then died fighting the Secret empire. This series was eventually canceled with No. 60 (March 1994); the last six issues of the series were drawn by Stephen Platt, who joined Image Comics impressed by the quality of his work on the series. Two "solo comics" about the Moon Knight were also published during the release of this series (Marc Spector: Moon Knight - Special Edition # 1 and Moon Knight: Divided We Fall), followed by two more limited editions in January 1998 and January 1999. a four-issue series that resurrected the hero because, as mentioned above, in 1989 the episode ended with the death of the character.

The modern Moon Knight series was launched in April 2006 by Charlie Houston and artist David Finch. Since issue # 14 of this series, Mike Benson has co-authored Houston. Peter Milligan also wrote the story for the 2008 single-season comic "Moon Knight: Silent Knight", which was designed by Lawrence Campbell.

A short episode titled "Vengeance of the Moon Knight" launched in September 2009, written by Greg Hurwitz and drawn by Jerome Opena. Following the cancellation of the episode, Moon Knight was placed in the Secret Avengers book, and in 2010 his story was relaunched in Heroes for Hire in preparation for the upcoming full-fledged relaunch of the solo series, co-written by Brian Bandis and Alex Maleev.

Fictional biography

Mark was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of an American rabbi who fled Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia to the United States in the late 1930s. He grew up and trained hard, as he wanted to become a professional heavyweight boxer, while his father wanted him to continue the family tradition and become a priest. One day, his father tried to stop him from going to a match, and then Mark hit his father, and the next day he joined the United States Marine Corps and never saw his father again. Two years later, having become an experienced fighter, he entered the service of the CIA, where he first worked with William Cross (the future supervillain Crossfire), and also confronted his own brother Randall, who was also a CIA operative, but at the same time smuggled weapons and killed his beloved Mark when she found out about it. In addition to working directly for the CIA, Mark was also a mercenary willing to work for whoever paid the most. While working as a mercenary in Africa, Spector met and became friends with the French pilot and mercenary Jean-Paul Duchamp, whom he called "French", who later became his partner; together they carried out various missions in South America and Africa. Then they both worked for the African terrorist and villain Raoul Bushman, whose savagery and bloodthirstiness and the desire only to rob and kill made Mark think about the correctness of his chosen path. In Sudan, they attacked the trail of an archaeologist who was looking for the tomb of the pharaoh with a large amount of gold and jewelry. Traveling to Egypt, their group stumbled upon this archaeological expedition consisting of Dr. Peter Alran and his daughter Marlene. During excavations, they discovered a temple with ancient artifacts, among which was a statue of the Egyptian moon god Konshu. Wanting to rob the temple, Bushman killed Dr. Alrond, and at the same time Alrond himself wanted to do the same, but Mark warned Bushman, thereby saving his life. Overwhelmed with guilt and disgust over everything that happened, Mark helped Marlene, Alrond's daughter, escape from the city of Selima, located next to the excavation, but during his escape he was caught by Bushman, who, knowing about his humanity, arranged before him the execution of the inhabitants of the city. Unable to bear it, Mark challenged Bushman to a duel, but lost. Bushman took Mark, beaten almost to death, to the desert, where the temperature dropped to negative values ​​at night, and left him there to die.

Marlene and a group of Egyptians, who, as it turned out, still worshiped the ancient Egyptian god Konshu, found Mark and took him to their temple. In front of the statue of Konshu, where they put him, Mark's heart stopped, and Marlene decided that he was dead and began to pray to Konshu. However, in fact, Konshu appeared in a vision to the soul of Mark, offering to give him a second life and new strength if he becomes his incarnation (avatar) on Earth and will serve him. Accepting his offer, Mark woke up, recovered, put on a silver shroud, which was wrapped around the statue of Konshu, and again fought with Bushman. This time, he defeated him (although Bushman eventually escaped) and returned to America (New York) with Marlene Alrond, Duchamp and the statue of Konshu. Determined to become a fighter of criminals, Mark created a face-covering silver suit based on the silver shroud of Konshu and became the Moon Knight. At the same time, he invented two virtual images for himself, the roles of which he played himself. One of them was millionaire Stephen Grant, who owns a luxurious mansion, the role of which Mark could play because he earned a fortune during his work as a mercenary. The second is taxi driver Jake Lockley, whose image he used to collect information about street criminals. In the role of Lockley, he soon acquired assistants - homeless Bertrand Crowley and coffee shop owner Jena Landers. Her sons Ricky and Roy often carried out various orders of his, and in the end Mark revealed his secrets to them.

In the first story of the character's appearance, the criminal organization "The Committee" provided Mark (under the name Moon Knight) with his costume and weapons (silver) so that he could track down the werewolf hero Jack Russell. In Los Angeles, the Moon Knight captured him for the Committee and handed him into their hands along with his beloved and sister, but then, upon learning that the Committee wanted to use them for criminal purposes, he freed him and thwarted the Committee's plans, then fought Russell in the guise of a werewolf again and receiving a bite from him, which gave him additional powers associated with the lunar cycle. After that, he became a fairly well-known superhero, albeit with many "oddities", fought many supervillains and sometimes teamed up with other heroes such as Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Shang-Chi and others.

Abilities and weapons

Even before becoming the Moon Knight, Mark - thanks to his boxing career, service in the Marine Corps and work in the CIA - perfectly mastered the techniques of all Western and Eastern martial arts, acquired the highest shooting accuracy, learned how to handle any types of cold steel and firearms. mastered the skills of driving any vehicle, and also acquired great knowledge in the field of detective work and torture used to extract testimony from the interrogated. His physical strength, speed and endurance were approaching the limit of human capabilities, and after being bitten by a werewolf, his strength increased on an ongoing basis.


Twilight descended on the ground. the stained glass windows of the royal library faded. it became completely dark in the halls. only a lamp under a green shade burned on the table of the royal library caretaker. light snatched the nearest shelves out of the darkness, gleaming dully on the gold tomes. the tower clock struck eight times. the old librarian slammed the book shut. it was time to go to rest. in his youth he used to sit in the reading room all night long, but now he went to bed with roosters. age made itself felt. the old man turned off the lamp and shuffled to the stairs leading to the attic above the library, where his apartment was located.

As soon as his steps died down, a tall figure appeared from behind the curtain. Its outline was blurry and unsteady. The stranger walked between the shelves. From time to time he stopped and sighed so hard and long, as if he was in great trouble. These groans would send goosebumps down everyone's spine. He walked over to the cabinet where the old manuscripts were kept.

There was a rustle in the closet, and a curious sharp nose appeared from there, and after that a little man, as tall as an elbow, climbed out. He had a wrinkled face and a white beard. He looked like a dwarf, but in fact he was a brownie, one of many that guard the peace in the palace.

Each brownie has its own place. The shingles live in the attic and make sure that the roof does not leak. Attic houses guard the belongings left in the attic. Stoves make sure that chimneys are not clogged. And in the library lives the brownie Scribe. When the current librarian was young, the Scribe gave him a lot of trouble, out of mischief, confusing books and rearranging them to other shelves. But since then, a long time has passed, and both curators of the library have learned to get along.

Have you come again, Horebringer? I’m sorry I don’t wish you good health, ”the Scribe said, not too amiably.

Ah, everything is so sad, - the ghost sighed and sobbed several times, restraining sobs.

What did you come with? You don't just come.

Ah, poor, brave Prince Gleb. How awful it is to be on the other side of the Mirror of Fate, where not a single living soul gets, ”the Horebinger said, wringing his hands.

Come to your senses! Gleb returned a long time ago, and not alone, but with the little gypsy Marika and with the Duchess Agnes, the very one who sank into the water fourteen years ago. So there is nothing more to be sad about. The prince is at home, the girl lives with Agnes and considers her to be her mother.

The girl is as much a gypsy as you are a troll. There is not a drop of gypsy blood in her. The gypsies found her as a baby on the road and raised her in a camp. How sad it is, ”the Gorebringer cried.

What's so sad about that? Now the girl is rolling around like cheese in butter. Soon the Duchess is planning to celebrate her tenth anniversary magnificently, - announced the Scribe.

My heart is torn to pieces when I think that Prince Gleb will not live to see his birthday - the ghost burst into tears.

What?! Are you causing trouble again?

It's not my fault. Gleb himself is to blame. Do you know Khovantsev? - asked the Horebinger.

Are these insidious creatures from the twilight world? Who does not know them. They always try to lure gullible people into their networks and promise them various benefits. Only then you have to pay dearly for it.

Exactly, - said the Herald and sadly continued: - The Khovantsy gave Gleb the Moon Knight's magic purse while he was in the Looking Glass. And the prince did not return the thing.

Can not be! It doesn't sound like him. He is a well-mannered and honest young man, - said the Scribe decisively.

I have no doubt about his honesty. He just has nothing to return. The purse was stolen by the Witch from the Fox hole.

How? Does this old cheat again mean to do dirty tricks?

It turns out like this. After all, the Moon Knight will ask not from her, but from Gleb. And a knight is a bad joke. He knows no mercy for those who are greedy for money. Poor, unfortunate prince, - the ghost burst into a new stream of tears.

What should Gleb do? - the Scribe was confused.

Do not know. My business is to bring the news, and the rest does not concern me, ”the Horebinger sobbed and melted into thin air.

The scribe stood for some time in thought, and then waved his hand.

In some ways, the Harbinger is right. We should not interfere in the affairs of people. The only thing that I can do is to compile a chronicle of events so that everything exactly reaches the descendants.

He took out paper and pen and sat down to write.

Prophetic dream

The radiant empress of the night, the moon rose imperiously over the earth. The witch's eye looked from heaven, bewitching everything living on earth. The wolves in the forest, raising their muzzles up, greeted the ruler of the night with a drawn-out howl. Their ominous hooting was echoed by owls, whose yellow eyes burned in the darkness like small moons.

Moonlight cobwebs enveloped the sleeping city. Residents peacefully rested in their beds, but anxiety seeped into their dreams. The spiers and roofs of the palace were covered with silver. The rays rushed in a stream into the windows, but, bumping into heavy curtains, helplessly flowed down them, unable to penetrate into the inner chambers. Here and there they managed to find a crack, and then a thin scout ray slipped inside and searched all the corners, but not finding what he was looking for, he shyly crawled away, leaving the room at the mercy of the blindness of the drawn curtains.

And now one ray got lucky. He slipped through the gap between the curtains and found himself in luxurious chambers. The ray cautiously made his way over the carpet and climbed over the silk blanket on the bed where the boy who was entering the time of youth slept. This was the one who was to inherit the throne and rule the kingdom, but as yet the affairs of state had not left a seal of concern on his forehead. He slept peacefully and serenely. Her hair was scattered across the pillow in a golden halo. A ray of moonlight touched the curls, slid over the boy's face, and at once the peaceful sleep was colored with anxiety.

Gleb dreamed that he was drifting in a small boat without oars in the middle of the endless sea. The wind ruffled the surface of the water, and from this small silver reflections danced on it, similar to fish scales. Suddenly the boat began to sink slowly. Water gushed through a large hole in the bottom. Gleb began to scoop it out with his palms, but the boat sank more and more, until it completely disappeared under the water. And then the silver reflections turned into coins. Around, as far as the eyes could see, stretched a desert of silver. The dunes of shiny coins swayed and lived like waves of the sea.

Like quicksand, they continued to drag Gleb down. He desperately scrambled, unable to resist the elements. Fear extended its invisible tentacles to him. Gleb realized that a little more and he would suffocate. Gathering all the willpower, he rushed and ... awakened from the nightmare.