Imagination is the engine of progress and the salvation of mankind (essay). Writing: Imagination What is imagination 15.3

Imagination is the engine of progress and the salvation of mankind (essay). Writing: Imagination What is imagination 15.3

Imagination in human life


Snezhana Ivanova

Imagination is a mental cognitive process aimed at modeling a new image or idea.

Imagination Is a mental cognitive process aimed at modeling a new image or idea. Imagination is strongly linked to other processes: memory, thinking, speech and attention. Indeed, in order to clearly imagine something for oneself, it is necessary to have complete information about the subject of interest, to be able to analyze and compare.

In everyday life, we often resort to the need to imagine something in our head. For example, abstract concepts or artistic images, one way or another, need to be imagined, so they are easier to remember. Imagination helps to make the inner world of a person brighter and richer. This process allows the individual to predict a certain situation in time, build existing prospects and internally prepare for the consequences of his choice. Sometimes people with extremely developed imaginations suffer from the fact that they begin to create such images that have nothing to do with reality, thereby misleading themselves and others. Human imagination helps creative people to create unique works of authorship. The essence of it as a process is to construct new images from the existing ones - inimitable and unique.

Types of imagination

In modern psychological science, it is customary to distinguish between voluntary (intentional) imagination and involuntary. In the second case, the process itself manifests itself in dreams that a person sees. That is, the events and experiences experienced during the day are transformed into individual images, which the personality continues to “scroll” in a dream.

Deliberate imagination it is activated only with the participation of the will of a person and includes several subspecies: recreational, creative, dream. Recreational imagination works on the basis of existing ideas about a particular subject. So, when reading fiction, we unconsciously build abstract pictures in our head, supplement them with our own ideas, meanings and meanings. It often happens that the same work gives rise to different (and even opposite) images in people.

Creative imagination is formed by transforming existing ideas about the world into unique structures. The creative process gives birth to a new product, which necessarily reflects the individual vision of the world of its creator. A special kind of imagination is dream... This type of imagination is different in that the image of the desired is always created in it, there is no special focus on the result in order to get it here and now. Striving for the future and the ephemerality of the emerging image sometimes leads to a departure from reality, to stay in a world of dreams and fantasies. If a person makes active plans for the implementation of what he has conceived, then the dream turns into a goal, which is much easier to realize in reality.

Imagination functions

Imagination as a mental cognitive process performs the main task of reflecting objective reality. The human brain is able to fully perceive information only when it is truly interesting to it. Among the main functions, it is customary to distinguish the following:

  • Goal setting and planning. Before taking on any business, a person needs to imagine its final result. In some cases, the success of an enterprise depends on the ability to predict and build a sequence of steps. Imagination here acts as a link between the desired goal and the final product of the activity. In this case, it is concrete, has nothing to do with fantasy. A dream can lead a person to new achievements, but only if he is ready to act, to take practical steps in the desired direction.
  • Cognitive function. No activity is possible without constant work on yourself. Whatever a person is busy with, for successful development he always needs productive activity. The need to learn new things, improve their skills and abilities leads to the process of activating cognitive activity.
  • Adaptive function. This function consists in the need to explain to yourself incomprehensible phenomena. So in ancient times, people created legends and fairy tales, using the imagination to minimize their own fear of the unknown.
  • Psychotherapeutic function. Imagination can be successfully used by a person as a psychological defense when he “invents” non-existent realities in such a way that they correspond to his inner readiness to perceive the world around him. The therapeutic focus is expressed in sublimated images, designation and recognition of one's own feelings.

Forms of imagination

  • Agglutination. It is a kind of fusion of images of various properties of objects. All mythical creatures are based on this technique: centaur, mermaid, etc. Agglutination appears as a result of the combination of individual characteristics and the formation of a mixed image.
  • Accentuation. It manifests itself in deliberate exaggeration, focusing on any particular feature of a literary or mythical character. For example, a boy with a finger was so tiny that his height could be compared to a little finger.
  • Hyperbolization. Enlarging or reducing an object to its ultimate size by imagination, thereby achieving the effect of absurdity. Exaggeration often emphasizes the character of a character, forces the reader to build their own assumptions about why this happened.
  • Typing. Even the most creative image is created according to a certain type. Schematization facilitates the process of creating a picture of an object with the imagination and simplifies its perception. Essential signs are taken as a basis, and a holistic image is built on their essence.
  • Schematization. Helps to build a new image based on existing representations of a particular subject. The general scheme is built by highlighting similar features and transferring them to other objects.
  • Aggravation. It consists in deliberately emphasizing individual features of objects.
  • Transfer of signs. It can manifest itself in the creation of non-existent objects, mythical and fantastic creatures, inanimate objects and endowing them with signs of living.
  • Imagination techniques affect the modeling of individual reality, the creation of high-quality images that did not exist before. The whole effect is achieved with the help of imagination.

Features of imagination

Through this mental process, each individual has a unique opportunity to create and model his own reality. Special needs such as self-fulfillment and personal growth are directly reflected through the imagination. So, for example, an artist is able to display in a work those issues that most strongly concern him, thereby reducing the number of his own feelings about this. Imagination is a great help to the sublimation process. The role of imagination in any kind of activity is extremely high.

Development of imagination

Imagination, as a process that helps to cognize the world around us, can and should be improved. To solve this problem, special exercises and classes aimed at its development are the best suited. I must say that imagination cannot be developed separately from attention, memory and thinking. That is why the tasks presented below contribute to the noticeable progress of all cognitive processes, the leading of which is imagination.

  • Forecasting the future situation. The development of imagination begins with the formation of the skill to clearly imagine an object or phenomenon. Before starting any business, try to think in advance what will come of it. Answer yourself to the question, what do you want to get as a result, what do you see as the ultimate goal. It has been proven that the ability to imagine and think constructively in the direction of a given goal forms self-confidence, gives additional strength, adds determination, and reduces doubts.
  • Creation of an artistic image. Writing a fairy tale, story, creating a portrait or landscape will do. You can also include embroidery here, the main thing is that you like the process itself. First, build in your head the image you want to portray. Try to keep it bright, eye-catching, helping to reveal your aspirations and talents. It is not necessary to create "War and Peace", you can limit yourself to a small poem or sketch, the main condition is that creativity should inspire new ideas. It is good if fresh images and ideas begin to appear in the process of imagination. The exercise is aimed at forming the ability to develop an image, to let it unfold in all its completeness and diversity.
  • Completing the figure. The exercise consists in developing the skill to create a picture in imagination from nothing, perfectly trains attention to detail, teaches you to understand that a new image can be modeled from the smallest details. In the center on a sheet of paper, as a rule, there is a fragment of the figure that needs to be completed. If you distribute such sheets to the participants of a small group and ask them to complete the task, each will end up with their own unique drawing. The process of imagination for each person works purely individually.
  • "I am a successful person." If you have long dreamed of self-realization, then doing this exercise will bring you great joy and a tremendous rise in energy. Imagine what you need in order to consider yourself an accomplished person. The main task is to realize as concretely as possible and keep in mind the activity that brings maximum satisfaction, helps to develop your personality. When this image is found, continue to draw in your imagination a picture of ideal success, note what events should happen in the future. The exercise is unique in that it allows not only to train the imagination, but also aims a person at a positive result, helps to develop faith in one's own strengths and capabilities.

These imagination exercises contribute to the formation of an individual vision of life, building prospects for personal and professional advancement. Tasks can be completed every day, they are suitable for representatives of any profession and rank. Of course, it will be much easier to perform them for creative people related to painting, literature, music, design, etc.

Thus, the role of imagination in human life is extremely significant and profound. After all, each of us in any activity needs to master abstract thinking, to be able to imagine the desired effect. Try to read more books, participate in the cultural and social life of the city, constantly improve your potential. A developed imagination is an integral part of a successful personality.

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An essay based on a work on the topic: Imagination is the engine of progress and the salvation of mankind (essay)

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein

Everything that mankind has achieved over the centuries in science, technology and culture has been achieved through imagination. Neither Tsiolkovsky, nor Yuri Gagarin, nor the first American cosmonauts on the Moon would have been possible without the first dreamer who imagined himself flying like a bird. His jump from the bell tower with homemade wings in his arms anticipated the space age of humanity. Russian Icarus was not alone. It is known that on his sketch of the first flying machine, Leonardo da Vinci wrote the prophetic words: "A man will grow his wings." The Renaissance artist's aircraft could indeed fly a few feet, but the church labeled it “the instrument of the devil”.
So, the collective imagination contributes to the rapid development of progress. I would especially like to note the importance of the imagination of creative individuals. Science fiction writers all over the world have created an amazing country, which is not on the geographical map, but it is indicated in the soul of every person who knows how to dream. This is a FANTASTIC country. She lives according to her own laws and orders. There all desires come true and all dreams come true. But the land of Fantastic is not so surreal. Let us recall Jules Verne: submarines migrated from the area under his control to the real world, and our scientists claim that the flying spacecraft drawn by the writer is very similar to the Soyuz and Apollo spaceships. The collective world imagination also feeds the work of such remarkable science fiction writers as Ivan Efremov, Arkady and Boris.
We have published a whole "Library of Modern Science Fiction". Even a cursory acquaintance with it will make the reader be convinced of the desire of the authors to continue the tradition of scientific foresight. But even if there are no specific scientific discoveries in the works of modern science fiction writers, they still work for the progress of mankind. For example, the work of the Strugatskys "A beetle in an anthill" poses moral problems that, as it were, prepare humanity for psychological balance among ultra-modern devices on earth and in space. I believe that the problem is not only in forming in thoughts what was not yet in the physical world, but also in how a person will use this miracle of technology. Errors of this kind have led to atomic explosions in Japan. Humanity still lives in fear of nuclear and other ultra-modern weapons of mass destruction.
The work of science fiction writers is a spontaneous protest against social relations that disfigure and cripple the human soul. It is for this reason that the greatest achievements of science and technology today are perceived by many people as an insurmountable evil, as a means of even greater enslavement of mankind. Writers create works in which science fiction is only a background against which the tragedy of insoluble contradictions between a human and a cybernetic robot is played out.
For example, in the short story by Australian science fiction writer Lee Harding “The Quest,” a certain Johnston is looking for a corner of real nature outside of “giant cities that cover the entire planet with armor of metal and plastic. There is even a watchman living in a wooden house. The hero is going to stay there forever, but the watchman discourages him: "You must remember, Mr. Johnston, that you are part of the equation. A monstrous equation that helps municipal cybers keep the smooth flow of the world process." Disregarding the warning, Johnston stays in the park, picks a rose from the bush and is horrified to see that the flower is synthetic. But all the blood flows out, and the hero does not die, and only a patrol robot kills him with a beam of ions.
Hopefully, the creative imagination will someday be impossible to use against a person, but only to solve world problems. American writer Robert Anthony put it well: “We should never think of a situation as hopeless or insoluble. Believing that we are on the road to self-destruction is simply delusional. " I totally agree with the American writer. Our creative imagination is the key to our future.

  1. (37 words) Gogol's story "Portrait" also shows the influence of real art on a person. The hero spends his last money on a painting that boggles his imagination. The portrait of the old man does not let go of the new owner, even outside. Such is the power of culture over human consciousness.
  2. (43 words) In Gogol's story "Nevsky Prospect" Piskarev is influenced by his vocation - painting. That is why the whole life for him is painted in colors unknown to ordinary people: in a public woman, for example, he sees a muse and a wife, does not hesitate to help her. This is how real art ennobles the personality.
  3. (41 words) Real art always makes a person more elevated and noble. In Ostrovsky's play "The Forest," the actor who knows Schiller by heart also has a concept of honor inherent in literature. He gives all his money to the dowry to a stranger girl Aksyusha, without demanding anything in return.
  4. (46 words) In Dostoevsky's novel Poor People, real art helps Varya not lose her virtue, despite all the hardships of life. The student taught her to read Gogol and Pushkin, and the girl became stronger in character and stronger in spirit. At the same time, kindness, sensitivity and special inner beauty developed in her.
  5. (50 words) Real art is always dedicated to people, it is “created” from a big heart. In the story "Chudik" the hero only paints the carriage, but he does it not only beautifully, but also with love. His gesture was not understood, but to us, the readers, this situation reminded of the fate of all persecuted creators who embodied their goodness in works of art.
  6. (38 words) Pushkin's poem "The Prophet" clearly expresses the vocation of real art - to burn the hearts of people. A poet makes it a verb, an artist with a brush, a musician with his instrument, etc. That is, their works always excite and overwhelm us, forcing us to think about eternal questions.
  7. (39 words) Lermontov's poem "The Prophet" raises the theme of not recognizing the creators. The author writes how people began to despise his "pure teachings." Obviously, real art is not necessarily proclaimed as such, on the contrary, sometimes it surpasses its time and becomes misunderstood among conservative people.
  8. (49 words) The theme of real art was close to Lermontov. His poem "When Raphael is Inspired" describes the process of creating art, when the "heavenly fire" burns in the sculptor, and the poet listens to the "enchanting sounds of the lyre." This means that culture does not even come from people, but from something sacred and mysterious, which is beyond our understanding.
  9. (30 words) In Chekhov's story “The Student,” the hero tells simple women a biblical story. Even in the form of a retelling, real art causes conflicting feelings and sincere feelings in people: Vasilisa is crying, and Lukerya is embarrassed.
  10. (58 words) In Mayakovsky's poem "The Other Side", the theme of art is central. The author says that it serves people, inspires them to change, that poets "throw themselves at their feet", go to the front line after the people. And even when "the holiday will be for the pain of battle", people will also need art to cheer and delight them. Thus, it is irreplaceable and very important to us.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (40 words) I realized the influence of real art when I became interested in playing the guitar. I began to listen carefully to the music, looking for chords, riffs and interesting tricks. When I listened to the meters playing, I got real pleasure, comparable only to the euphoria at a concert.
    2. (46 words) My sister became my guide to the world of art. She showed me old prints and frescoes in large and beautiful books, and once she even took me with her to the museum. There I experienced such elation, such a keen curiosity about life, that I will never be the same again.
    3. (50 words) Real art has drawn me to itself since childhood. The craving for him led me to the bookshelves, where I found the book "Richard the Lionheart." I remember that it flew by in one breath, I read even at night, and in the rare hours of sleep I dreamed of tournaments and balls. Thus, culture enriches human life.
    4. (38 words) I remember how art inspired my grandmother. She did not miss a single theatrical performance and always returned in such joyful excitement that she chirped all over the house, and I did not feel her age: she seemed young and blooming to me.
    5. (45 words) Real art is most evident on stage. When I went to the theater for the first time, I watched Woe From Wit with delight and rapture. I tried to remember every word, every gesture, as if a miracle was being played in front of me, and I, the chronicler, must convey its magnificence to descendants.
    6. (45 words) I wasn't really interested in art until I discovered music festivals. The sound is different there, and the atmosphere, in a word, is not like in ordinary studio recordings. I was paralyzed by such a lively, sincere, strong music and made me realize myself, love and feel my essence.
    7. (56 words) Art makes people more cultured. My mother worked in a museum and was a very polite woman. She really loved and understood the exhibits she was looking at, and this sublime feeling made her better. She never even shouted at me, but her quiet weighty word was like thunder for me, because I was not afraid, but respected her.
    8. (48 words) Art has played a decisive role in my life. I was having a dark period in my life, I didn't want anything, when suddenly my great-grandmother's old oil paintings came across my eyes. They crumbled in order, I decided to try to revive them. Then I found my calling - painting. With my talent, I continued the family tradition.
    9. (34 words) Real art makes a person better. My brother, for example, was withdrawn, it was difficult to get along with people, but as soon as he developed a passion for painting, he became a very interesting interlocutor, and society itself was drawn to him.
    10. (41 words) Art is the source of culture. I noticed that people who are interested in art are much more polite and tactful than those who do not notice it. For example, I am mostly friends with guys from a music or art school, as they are versatile and pleasant to talk to.
    11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!