Wolf messing - Hitler's nightmare, Stalin's friend. How the prophecies of Stalin's personal psychic come true

Wolf messing - Hitler's nightmare, Stalin's friend. How the prophecies of Stalin's personal psychic come true

Soviet Nostradamus Wolf Messing foresaw a lot

Wolf Messing- Soviet Nostradamus, whose predictions came true with horrifying accuracy. He made money by performing on stage, reading the minds of the public. Someone considered him a liar and a clown, someone a prophet and a phenomenon. Messing himself all his life tried to explain his amazing abilities from a scientific point of view.

Miracles happen

Wolf Messing was born on September 10, 1899 into a very devout Jewish family in a small town near Warsaw. Oddities have been observed by the boy since childhood. One day he told his father that their cow - the only breadwinner in the family - would soon die. The man did not believe his son and beat him hard. But soon their cow was gored to death in the herd.

Wolf was a sleepwalker, which frightened his brothers and parents. By cunning, the family sent their son to a yeshiva - a religious institution. But, having learned about the forgery, the teenager ran away from the institution. And at that time the first miracle happened to him. The hungry ragamuffin climbed onto the train and hid under a bench to get from Warsaw to Berlin "like a hare". But the conductor found the stowaway and demanded a travel document. Not remembering himself from fear, Messing felt the first piece of paper on the floor and handed it to the formidable man. He really wanted the inspector to mistake the dirty scrap for a ticket. And the incredible happened: the conductor, twisting the piece of paper in his hands, punched it.

Amazing gift

Messing lived in Berlin for five months. Once he fell in the street due to a hunger fainting, he was noticed by passers-by and sent to the hospital. Doctors considered the young man dead and placed him in the morgue. And only on the third day, a pathologist student discovered life in a lifeless body.

A psychiatrist, professor Abel... It was he who saw in Wolf an amazing gift to control the vital functions of his body and read other people's thoughts. Abel helped Messing develop his abilities and introduced him to his first impresario. The young man amazed the German audience, lying for three days in a glass coffin and showing no signs of life. He started making good money and was even able to send some funds to his family.

A disastrous march to the East

In 1937 when Adolf Gitler was already the Reich Chancellor of Germany, when racial laws had already been adopted, and the Jews were disenfranchised, Wolf Messing, in a public speech in one of the Warsaw theaters, predicted the death of Hitler if he went to the East with the army. This prophecy was printed in the newspapers.

They assured that after that, leaflets with Messing's portrait were pasted all over Warsaw, and 200 thousand marks were promised for his head (then there was a rate of 2.5 marks for 1 dollar). And the psychic himself was declared a personal enemy of Hitler. Messing later said that he was seized and put in jail, and that he managed to persuade the guards to go to his cell, and he slipped out unnoticed. However, there is no evidence of this wonderful story. However, Wolf managed to escape to the Soviet Union, unlike his relatives who died in concentration camps.

A little later, Messing announced that the USSR would enter the war with Germany. His words were spoken at a time when the non-aggression pact, signed in August 1939, was in force. There is also a legend that even before the start of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, in 1940, Wolf Grigorievich saw tanks with red stars driving through the streets of destroyed Berlin. And this prediction also came true.

100 thousand on an empty piece of paper

In Moscow, Messing impressed everyone with his extraordinary abilities. He, like in Germany and Warsaw, became a stage artist. Rumors of his colossal popularity reached Stalin... The head of the country decided to test the gift of the Jewish artist.

They say that Messing was given the task to get 100 thousand rubles from the bank on an empty piece of paper. And he did it, and the actions of the predictor were watched by the NKVD officers. In another test, Wolf had to get into the carefully guarded office of an official. Naturally, no pass. And the artist did it brilliantly. During the war, Messing donated his earned money to build two fighters. And in 1943, together with the State Concert, he was evacuated to Novosibirsk, where he continued to conduct psychological experiments from the stage.

Victory Day

It was in Novosibirsk that Messing predicted the date of the end of the war. Local historians say that it happened during a speech at the hospital. The illusionist was asked a question that worried everyone at that moment: when the war would end. And he replied that our country will defeat the fascists on May 8.

Another time, to a similar question, Wolf Grigorievich said that in 1945. So the rumor appeared among the people that Messing predicted the day of victory - May 8, 1945. The surrender of Germany took effect late in the evening on May 8 (CET) - Moscow time has already begun on the 9th. They say that after signing the surrender, Stalin allegedly sent a telegram to a clairvoyant, where he pointed out the error of his prediction on one day.

Scary flight

It was rumored that Messing was Stalin's personal psychic. Joseph Vissarionovich unconditionally believed the telepath. And only one prediction of Messing aroused Stalin's anger. Wolf Grigorievich warned the leader that if he did not change his attitude towards the Jews and did not affect their persecution, he himself would die on the Jewish holiday. And so it happened: Joseph Vissarionovich died on March 5, 1953. On this day, the Jewish people celebrate Purim, established in memory of the salvation of the Jews from extermination in the Persian Empire.

They also said that Messing saved the youngest son of Stalin. Vasily from death. Allegedly, Wolf Grigorievich told the leader that the plane on which Vasily was going to fly with the hockey club of the MVO Air Force to Chelyabinsk would crash. The disaster happened on January 7, 1950: during the landing approach, a Douglas C-47 military transport plane crashed, all passengers and crew members were killed.

Later, at the end of the 60s, a small interview with Wolf Messing was published in one of the Azerbaijani newspapers. And in it, the psychic said that he actually told Stalin about his son. According to the clairvoyant, he could not foresee the death of the plane, otherwise he would have tried to save the entire crew and pilots. He simply said that it would be better for Vasily Stalin to go by train to Chelyabinsk.


Wolf Messing didn't talk much about the future. He believed that people should not know their future in order not to suffer. But he was constantly asked about it. Unlike the same Vangi, he never spoke allegorically, preferred simplicity and clarity.

Wolf Messing

The name of Wolf Messing is practically unknown to modern youth, because they rarely write about him and are rarely interested in the biography of Messing. It is difficult to imagine that some half a century ago, the name of Wolf Messing was on the lips of all Europe. In the Soviet Union, Messing gained the glory of a skillful hypnotist and diviner, and in European countries, Messing was known as an unsurpassed psychic, clairvoyant, predictor and prophet of the 20th century. Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein admired him, and considered Hitler a personal enemy.

Oddly enough, Wolf Messing enjoyed the patronage of the USSR leadership. Joseph Stalin did not in the least interfere with his activities and tours, on the contrary, he even allocated a good apartment in the capital, not wanting to cross the road to Messing in any way. Science of that time was not so supportive of Wolf Messing, because at that time it did not recognize telepathy and the like, considering it quackery. This contributed to the fact that Messing's prophecies sank into oblivion and went with him, as he himself predicted - on November 8, 1974. Wolf Messing was not afraid of death and somehow did not even try to escape. Predictions taught him to calmly accept the twists and turns of fate.

Wolf Messing - the greatest hypnotist and telepathist of his time - was born on September 10, 1899 in Poland, which at that time was part of the USSR. As a child, he suffered from sleepwalking, so there were often cases when in clear weather he got out of his bed in the middle of the night and watched the moon in his sleep.

The father found a way to save his son from this disease: he put a basin of cold water near his bed, so during the next attack, Wolf inevitably stepped into the water, from which he immediately woke up.

At the age of six, he was sent to study at the cheder, a religious elementary school at the synagogue. In it, young children spent most of their time learning prayers from the Talmud, a book that sets out the legal foundations of Judaism. Wolf Messing showed extraordinary ability to memorize complex texts, so they decided to send him to continue his studies at a school for clergy.

Wolf had an excellent memory, and in this rather pointless occupation - cramming the Talmud - he excelled. He was praised, set as an example. It was this ability of his that was the reason for his meeting with Sholem Aleichem ... Noting Wolf's piety and ability to learn, the rabbi decided to send the boy to a special institution that trained clergymen - yeshiva. But the boy did not want to be a clergyman. And then the first miracle in his life happened.

One day, his father sent Wolf to the shop for a pack of cigarettes. It was evening time, the sun had gone down, and dusk fell. He approached the porch of his house in complete darkness. And suddenly a giant figure in a white robe appeared on the steps. Wolf made out a huge beard, a broad, cheekbone face, unusually sparkling eyes ... Raising his hands in wide sleeves to the sky, the messenger said:

My son! Above, I was sent to you to foretell your future in the service of God. Go to the yeshiva! Your prayer will be pleasing to God ... It is not difficult to imagine the impression these words, spoken in a thunderous voice, made on the nervous, exalted boy. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness ... Shocked by what had happened, he did not have the strength to resist and agreed with the will of his mentors.

Later, Wolff moved to Berlin, where he developed psychic abilities. He developed a mind reading technique that quickly attracted attention throughout Europe.

In Vienna, Messing met Sigmund Freud, who investigated him. Freud was amazed at the results. Freud gave Messing psychic commands. In the words of Messing himself: “I still remember the psychic commands of Freud. Go to the bathroom, open the closet and pick up some drugs with tweezers. Return to Albert Einstein and pull three hairs out of his lush mustache. " Messing did everything as ordered.

Years later, when it came to this incident, Freud said that "If I began to live my life again, I would like to devote it to psychic research."

The loudest prediction of a psychic is Wolf Messing's prediction about Russia, a few months before the start of the war. Then he predicted the death of Hitler, if the Fuhrer "goes to war in the East." After that, Hitler offered 200,000 marks for his head.

It is now known that during one of the meetings with Stalin Messing warned the leader: Stalin's son, Vasily, in no case should fly to Sverdlovsk with the Air Force hockey team. By the will of his father, Vasily had to go by train ... The plane with the team crashed, all the hockey players were killed.

In 1943, in Novosibirsk, Messing predicted that the war would end in victory on May 8, 1945. Stalin sent him a telegram with gratitude for the precisely named day of the end of the war ...

After Stalin died, they cooled down somewhat by Messing. The fact is that he could not make friends with Nikita Khrushchev, who asked that Wolf Grigorievich speak at the 22nd Party Congress with a story as if Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had come to him in a dream and asked that Stalin's body be removed from the Mausoleum. Messing flatly refused such an offer, saying that he does not communicate with the dead, and indeed does not believe in spiritualism. And after that, he began to have certain problems with concerts, but he paid little attention to this. He had a great grief - his wife died, and he fell into a depressed state. But the fact is that he himself predicted her death, up to a certain day.

During the time he lived in the USSR, Wolf Grigorievich managed to travel the whole country, visiting even its most remote corners on tour. At the same time, in the late 60s and early 70s, he stops touring, despite the real boom in parapsychology. The reason for the termination of the performances was the fear of the great sorcerer for his health, Messing was afraid that if he continued to show his "psychological experiences", his brain would collapse.

Messing himself said about his gift: “I just concentrate and suddenly see the end result of a stream of events. Bypassing the whole chain. I call it“ direct knowledge. ”It is impossible to explain. What do we know about time? About its effect on the brain? I think there are some- These are the intersection points of the future, the past and the present. Perhaps, in moments of trance, my brain is able to tune in to them. And then it's like a jump into another time, to another point in space. I can't say more. "

He wrote about his telepathic abilities “The thoughts of people come to me in the form of drawings. I usually see visual representations of specific actions or locations. First, I put myself in a certain state of relaxation in which I experience feelings and strength. Telepathy is then easy to achieve. I can only get some thoughts. If I touch the sender, he helps me figure out where the thought is directed from the general "noise". But direct contact is not necessary for me. "

At the end of his life, Messing was seriously ill for a long time. Escape from German captivity in Warsaw made itself felt and his legs began to fail. To somehow rectify the situation, an operation was prescribed by the famous surgeon Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky. Leaving his home, before leaving for the hospital, Messing, in front of witnesses, looked at his own portrait and said that he was not destined to return here again. The operation was successful, but then the heart and kidneys suddenly failed. Burakovsky was furious when he found out what Messing said before the operation, because if Wolf Messing himself was against it, then it was necessary to postpone it. A great mind and an amazing psychic who made the most accurate predictions, the mysterious personality of his era, Wolf Messing, died on October 8, 1974.

"Shurik, you're a telepath! Wolf Messing ..." - said the heroine of the most popular Soviet comedy. Everyone in the Soviet Union knew who Messing was. His abilities were legendary, and most surprisingly, many of these legends were true. Wolf Grigorievich Messing amazed his contemporaries with his unique abilities: he could read the thoughts of others and predict the fate of the mighty of this world.

The attitude to the phenomena that Messing demonstrated has always been ambiguous. Various scientists, including Freud, tried to unravel the nature of his abilities. Some still consider Messing an ordinary charlatan.

Who Messing really was and what was behind his actions - the authors of the two-part documentary "I am Wolf Messing" on Channel One, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the psychic, which is celebrated on September 10, tried to answer these questions.

Childhood of a psychic

In childhood, the future psychic hypnotist did not differ from his peers. He was born into the family of a poor gardener from the Jewish town of Gora Kavaleriya in the Russian Empire (today it is the territory of Poland). In addition to Wolf, the family had three more sons, whom the cruel father often beat for offenses.

The only thing that distinguished Wolf from his brothers was sleepwalking. But this problem was solved with the help of a trick of the mother, who put a wooden trough of water on the floor by his bed. The sleepwalker could jump up in the middle of the night, but immediately woke up by stepping into the water.

Messing's father wanted his son to become a rabbi. Wolf himself did not like this idea, but one day an unusual incident happened to him that convinced him to agree with his parents. In the evening he went out into the courtyard and suddenly saw a man in shining white robes in front of him. "You will become a rabbi," the boy heard. After that, he did not remember anything, but woke up only in his bed, when his parents read prayers over him, writes peoples.ru.

Wolf became a student of the cheder, but soon the riddle of the man in white robes was solved. He recognized him in one of his father's friends, after which he ran away from home. Eleven-year-old Wolf boarded a train to Berlin and during his trip realized for the first time that he was endowed with the gift of suggestion.

When the conductor demanded a ticket from Wolf, he, with shaking hands with fear, handed him the first piece of paper he found on the floor, mentally begging this person to imagine that this was the ticket. To the boy's surprise, that is exactly how he reacted. Moreover, the conductor advised the young man to take a comfortable seat and get some sleep. However, the realization of what had happened so frightened Wolf that he could not sleep a wink.

Mind reader

In the capital of Messing, poverty and hunger awaited. One day he fainted on the street and went to the hospital, where amazing things began to happen to him. Messing realized that he could voluntarily fall into a trance. Soon, his ability to control his own body interested a prominent neuropathologist - Professor Abel, writes evrey.com.

The professor began to teach Messing and conduct various experiments on him. The results of the study shocked the scientist: his ward could not only hypnotize, but also read minds. The young man himself was no less surprised.

"When I first discovered telepathic possibilities in myself, when I realized that I had a mysterious gift to command people, I swore to myself that I would never, under any circumstances, use my gift to harm a person and society," Messing said for many years later.

Abel helped 12-year-old Wolf find an impresario, and soon the boy became a variety show artist. The young artist quickly became a local celebrity. They began to talk about him as a famous guest performer, capable of guessing the thoughts of the public, finding objects, looking into the future and past of the audience. At the age of 18, the name of Wolf Messing has already thundered all over the world.

Messing's speeches were called modestly - "Psychological Experiments". In the course of these "experiments", the psychic easily fulfilled the orders that the audience mentally gave him, told in detail the biographies of unfamiliar people and had the ability to stop the heartbeat. There were rumors that Messing could lie in a cataleptic stupor in a crystal coffin for three days.

Hitler's main enemy

By the age of forty, Messing managed to visit all continents, to meet such celebrities as Einstein, Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Marlene Dietrich. By that time, among his clients was the Polish president himself, Józef Piłsudski.

Messing also had sworn enemies. So, Hitler, having learned that the psychic predicted his death in the event of the outbreak of war with Russia, promised a reward of 200 thousand marks for the capture of the psychic. As a result, Messing was arrested, but they did not have time to bring Hitler: the psychic by the power of thought gathered all the guards in the cell, after which he fled. He freely left the city, and then Germany, and on the border with the USSR showed a leaflet instead of a passport, instructing Hitler to find him.

It is said that after the escape from Germany, Messing's struggle with Hitler continued on a telepathic level. And this was allegedly one of the reasons why the psychic was included in a narrow circle of people close to Stalin.

Messing made an indelible impression on the Soviet leader. Once a psychic received an assignment from Stalin to enter his office without a pass, bypassing three posts of internal security, Izvestia writes. Soon the genius of hypnosis entered Stalin's office without a report, and he was greatly frightened when he saw him. "I know your thoughts, do not consider me an enemy," Messing said to the frightened leader.

The medium is not wrong

After the war, Messing traveled a lot with concerts throughout the USSR. In the questionnaires in the column "profession", Wolf Grigorievich wrote: "pop artist". Messing demonstrated his "experiences" with ease, like twenty years ago. But even he, the genius of hypnosis, sometimes had to get into a mess.

Once a woman turned to Wolf Grigorievich with a request to tell what happened to her son, who did not return from the war. The soothsayer asked her for her son's letter and as soon as he touched the paper, he realized that the one who wrote the message was already dead.

Messing had to tell the sad news to the soldier's mother. However, two weeks later the woman returned, but not alone, but arm in arm with the young man, who was thus allegedly "killed". The young man attacked the psychic with accusations, but Messing, knowing that there could be no mistake, asked whose hand the letter was written. It turned out that the son did not write it, but dictated it aloud to his neighbor in the bed in a military hospital.

And what happened to him? - asked Messing.

He died soon after, ”the young man replied.

Messing performed thousands of miracles in his life, but his paranormal abilities did not make his own life easier. In recent years, Wolf Grigorievich suffered from diseases, some of which were the result of his arrests in Nazi Germany. He, like all people, was afraid of death, although, according to his relatives, he knew not only the cause of his death, but even the date and hour.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

He terrified with his accurate predictions. He even managed to predict the date and circumstances of his own death - but could not prevent it. Wolf Messing died on November 8, 1974

He was called "the main soothsayer of the USSR", there were no empty seats on his performances, and he did not like general attention and preferred loneliness, suffering from an unknown gift received at birth.

Prediction of the "angel"

As a child, Wolf Messing suffered from somnambulism - he walked in a dream, and then suffered from unimaginable headaches. Then such a deviation was treated simply - they put a basin of cold water in front of the patient's bed. So they did with little Messing - until his attacks stopped. Soon his sleepwalking disappeared without a trace.

In the Jewish school he attended, the rabbi immediately noticed the boy's outstanding memory and abilities, advising his parents to teach him later as a clergyman. The parents agreed - still, such an honor! And the boy himself sharply opposed and would argue for a long time, if not for a wonderful vision that once visited him: an Angel in white robes appeared before Wolf, predicting a successful future for the boy if he became a rabbi. Nothing to do - Messing gave his consent to study. And only then I found out: a tramp dressed up as an angel, bribed by Messing's father.

How Messing developed his talent

As a teenager, he escaped from the educational institution in which he was being prepared for the dignity of a clergyman, and went like a hare by train to Berlin. The conductor was approaching, and the shameful expulsion from the car was inevitable ... But then the boy looked intently into the eyes of the conductor and handed him a piece of paper. He, as if nothing had happened, punched the piece of paper and allowed the boy to go on.

In Berlin, Messing met with a professor Abel, neuropathologist and psychiatrist. Gradually, the boy learned to manage his abilities, developed them under the guidance of Abel. He trained hard to read and inspire thoughts, learned to turn off pain ... His career as a fakir began. When the First World War broke out, despite a difficult time, he traveled to all European countries with his performances, becoming by the end of his tour a wealthy and famous person.

And then World War II came, and his family died - they were shot in the Majdanek camp, like thousands of other people who were born as Jews. Wolf managed to escape from the punishers. He moved to the Soviet Union. Here he quickly became famous for his performances, in which he amazed the public with accurate predictions, mind reading and other "tricks".

How Stalin experienced Messing

Historian Roy Medvedev wrote a lot about relationships Joseph Stalin and Wolf Messing. Stalin himself, according to eyewitnesses, also possessed some supernatural abilities - his quiet voice and heavy gaze literally fascinated people, he could inspire the listeners what he wanted, paralyzing their will.

Once Stalin, talking in his Kremlin office with Messing, invited him to leave the territory of the Kremlin without a pass. Messing, smiling, agreed. If it were an ordinary person, he would be quickly detained by the guards. Stalin waited for a while - but no call from the guards was received. Then he called the post himself. He was told that yes, Citizen Messing came out, presenting a pass with Stalin's signature. When the armed guard was asked to show this pass, he stared in amazement at the scrap of newspaper that the great hypnotist and fortuneteller had given him.

How Messing escaped the Gestapo, hypnotized the Nazis

Wolf Messing was hated and feared Hitler, to whom the seer predicted death if the head of the Third Reich unleashes a war against the Soviet Union. To get rid of a terrible man, whose predictions tended to come true, Hitler announced a reward for Messing's head, promising 200 thousand Reichsmarks.

Surprisingly accurate predictions were left to the descendants of I.V. Stalin, some of whom have already been fulfilled. Prophetic prediction I.V. Stalin about Russia - the USSR, the Russian people and the East (quoted from the article by R. Kosolapov, “What is she really like to Stalin?” Pravda newspaper, dated July 4, 1998).
1939, on the very eve of the war with Finland, JV Stalin invited the famous revolutionary (since 1915) Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai, the daughter of a tsarist general, who at that time was the plenipotentiary ambassador to Sweden ( 1930 - 45). The conversation was very confidential and made an extraordinary impression on A. M. Kollontai. “Coming out of the Kremlin, I did not go, I ran, repeating, so as not to forget what Stalin had said. Entering the house ... began to write. It was already deep night ... An indelible impression! I looked differently at the world around me. (To this conversation) I turned mentally many, many times already in the years of the War and after it, reread it, and always found something new ... And now, as in reality, I see Stalin's office in the Kremlin, there is a long table and Stalin ... , he said:
- Brace yourself. These are tough times. They must be overcome ... We will overcome them. We will definitely overcome! Strengthen your health. Get tempered in the fight. "
The record of this conversation with I. V. Stalin was found in A. M. Kollontai's diaries, which she kept for a long time. For the first time these archival extracts were published by the historian and biographer A. M. Kollontai, Doctor of Historical Sciences M. I. Trush in collaboration with prof. R. I. Kosolapov in the journal "Dialogue" for 1998
J.V. Stalin said:
“Many deeds of our party and people will be distorted and spat upon, primarily abroad, and in our country too. Zionism, striving for world domination, will brutally take revenge on us for our successes and achievements. He still views Russia as a barbarian country, as an appendage of raw materials. And my name will also be slandered, slandered. Many atrocities will be attributed to me.
World Zionism will strive with all its might to destroy our Union so that Russia can never rise again. The strength of the USSR lies in the friendship of peoples. The spearhead of the struggle will be directed, first of all, at breaking this friendship, at separating the borderlands from Russia. Here, I must admit, we have not done everything yet. There is still a large field of work here.
Nationalism will raise its head with special force. He will crush internationalism and patriotism for a while, only for a while. National groups within nations and conflicts will arise. There will be many pygmy leaders, traitors within their nations.
In general, in the future, development will proceed in more complex and even frantic ways, the turns will be extremely steep. The point is that the East will be especially excited. Sharp contradictions with the West will arise.
And yet, no matter how events develop, time will pass, and the eyes of new generations will be turned to the deeds and victories of our socialist Fatherland. Year after year, new generations will come. They will once again raise the banner of their fathers and grandfathers and give us their due. They will build their future on our past. "
Further, according to this diary entry, J.V. Stalin said:
“All this will fall on the shoulders of the Russian people. For the Russian people are a great people! The Russian people are a kind people! The Russian people, among all peoples, have the greatest patience! The Russian people have a clear mind. He was, as it were, born to help other nations! Great courage is inherent in the Russian people, especially in difficult times, in dangerous times. He is initiative. He has a strong character. He is a dreamy people. He has a purpose. Therefore, it is harder for him than for other nations. You can rely on him in any trouble. The Russian people are irresistible, inexhaustible! "