The hosts of the show “Double Standards. »About rest in Russia, travel agencies, saving money and a trip to Dagestan

The hosts of the show “Double Standards.  »About rest in Russia, travel agencies, saving money and a trip to Dagestan
The hosts of the show “Double Standards. »About rest in Russia, travel agencies, saving money and a trip to Dagestan

Russian tourist TV show from the NTV channel.

The show was created based on a TV show "Double standarts " and is its logical continuation. The hosts of the show invariably remain Irina Shikhman("Stories in detail", "Details. Recent history", "Diary of observations") and Andrey Samartsev("Central Television").

In the new program, the viewers, together with the duet of the hosts, will continue their virtual journey to different parts of the world and compare them with each other, finding out where the rest is better and cheaper.

Content of the program Double standards. Here you are not there!

"Double standarts. Here you are not there! "- a project that was born out of a TV show "Double standarts "... Initially, "Here you are not there!" was the heading of this project, but over time the creators of the show found it appropriate to turn a separate heading into a whole program, which, like Double Standards, is aimed at viewers planning travel or still only dreaming of becoming tourists.

Andrey Samartsev: “I don’t know of any equally informative travel program that would tell about all the pros and cons of rest in Russia and abroad. We share with our viewers really working tips on how to save on vacation and at the same time indulge in pleasures. "

Together with the hosts of the program, viewers are transported to different parts of the world, comparing holidays in Russia and the CIS countries with similar conditions in foreign countries: Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam.

Irina Shikhman: “NTV program“ Double standards. Here you are not there! " will compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other - in Russia or in the post-Soviet space, and then draw up his own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. What you need if you are going on a trip. "

Is it really cheaper and easier to vacation in Russia? Is it possible to compare hotels in the former USSR with hotels in other countries? Where are the more delicious and plentiful portions of food? To these and many other questions, the presenters are diligently looking for answers in each new episode.

In the episodes of the program, the presenters compare the most different types of recreation and pastime. Where is it easier and cheaper to dine in Nice Park or in a Jurmala restaurant? Where are the ancient monuments more interesting - in Rhodes or in Derwent? Which city can give more vivid impressions - Kazan or Istanbul? Which country has preserved more traces of communism - Montenegro or Abkhazia?

On September 1, 2017, the program “Double Standards. Here you are not there! " a special issue about highway travel was released. Leading Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev had to drive through popular tracks and explore all of their most interesting corners. Irina drove along the Moscow-Sochi road, the Don highway.

“The Don route was not chosen by chance: it is the most tourist road in Russia, because most often tourists choose the southern direction. In summer, everyone travels to Sochi in their own cars. Therefore, we decided to find out what to see on the way, how much excursions, accommodation and meals cost. Thanks to this journey, NTV viewers will be able to learn that Kudykina Gora exists, see all the delights of industrial tourism, get to know the immersive theater and plunge into the atmosphere of the Sochi casino, ”said the host Irina Shikhman.

Andrey Samartsev took a ride along the famous American Route 66, which is also called the Historic Highway: “Automobile travel continues to gain popularity, so we decided to keep up! I have long wanted to ride the famous Route 66. I think this is the surest way to see the real America. True, we had to change the rules of the program a little ... Usually we spend a weekend on trips, but in two days it is impossible to cover the entire historical route and stop at all interesting places! Although I tried not to linger anywhere for a long time, my journey lasted for 5 whole days. In one of them I had to spend the night in the car, wash in the shower for truckers and drive 1200 miles, crossing 3 states. "

On July 1 in the program Double Standards 1 07 2017 watch online, do you think you haven't earned yourself a luxury vacation? Are the prices for tours scary, but you want to relax to the fullest? Do you think you have to be a millionaire to stay in a luxurious apartment or rent a room with a view of the Lazurka? No matter how it is! Choose: play big in Minsk or try your luck in Monte Carlo for the same money?

Our whole life is an attempt to balance between a rock and a hard place. The principle of double standards is applicable to any area of ​​human existence - from the sphere of consumer services and lifestyle to personal relationships, and, of course, big politics. Vegetarians versus meat-eaters, housing for rent versus mortgages, plastic surgery versus naturalness ... Eternal controversy does not subside, and it is often difficult to decide which side you are on. Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev, the hosts of NTV's new weekly project "Double Standards, Latest Fresh Issue", will help dot the i's.

Genre: Around the World

A new guide to alternative tourism. The presenters will be able to open Russia from an unexpected angle and find out how things are abroad in two days and the same amount of 30,000 rubles. Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev explore the most popular tourist trails and find where the sea is cleaner and where the service is better, where to go skiing, and where to go for a calm winter vacation away from crazy freeriders.

The presenters will thoroughly study all the turns of the “wrong way”, help to find the cheapest tickets, check the edibility of exotic local dishes, try on themselves unusual healing techniques and give answers to the questions: “Tibet or Altai?”, “Kuril Islands or French Polynesia?” , "Egypt or Anapa?" ...

01. Minsk vs Monte Carlo

Is it true that in Minsk a royal suite will cost the price of a rest in an ordinary sanatorium? And in Monte Carlo, you can find a gorgeous view of the Lazurka no more expensive than a motel near Moscow? What is the "forbidden" for free treat the guests of the Belarusian capital? Where does the mayor of Monaco advise to dine and how can you save money in the land of billionaires?
Where do luxury yacht clubs come from in Minsk and why more and more rich people and stars prefer to anchor there? For whom does Alla Pugacheva's favorite pastry chef bake in Monaco? Why did they start breeding ostriches in Belarus? And also - an exclusive tour of the residence of Alexander Lukashenko.

02. Baku vs Dubai

Where can you feel like a sheikh in Dubai? Where does the entire Russian elite have a rest in Baku?
Why is gold in Dubai the most popular commodity? What kind of "black gold" are they gifted to tourists in Baku and why are they bathing in oil there?

03. Yamal vs Ethiopia

Wondering where to fly for the May holidays? Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev explored mysterious Yamal and distant Ethiopia. The presenters found out which of these directions is more exotic, how tribes with pagan rituals live, and whether it is possible to see the end of the earth for only 30 thousand rubles.

04.Saint Petersburg vs Amsterdam

Is it true that St. Petersburg is modeled after Amsterdam? The presenters of the program went to these cities to tell viewers how to spend an unforgettable weekend. Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev figured out how to catch the orange mood and take a boat ride for free on King's Day in Amsterdam, and where they accept How much does it cost to ride the highest swing in Europe? How much does it take to see the northern capital from a bird's eye view? Are St. Petersburg delicacies cheaper than catering in Amsterdam? Why is the famous spire of the Admiralty actually Dutch? Where is the Hermitage in Holland ?

05. Georgia vs Switzerland

More and more tourists prefer the mountains of Georgia to the Swiss Alps. Both of these resorts are considered year-round, which means it's time to check how suitable they are for summer vacations.

06. Kazan vs Istanbul

At the walls of the Kazan Kremlin, a mosque and an Orthodox cathedral peacefully coexist. The menu of any restaurant includes borscht and lipadya, and mini-skirts and hijabs are in fashion at the same time. For one weekend in Kazan, you can understand what is more in this city - Asian or European? The capital of Tatarstan can be reached both by rail and by plane. A train ticket from Moscow costs 900 rubles, but it takes 12 hours to reach the final stop. By air, the journey will take only an hour and a half, and the price tag is slightly higher - 2134 rubles. You can get from the airport to the center by train for 40 rubles. A minibus will take you for the same price. Football fans rushed to the capital of Tatarstan for the arrival of Ronaldinho. In addition, in this city you can drive a racing car on the highway.
As for Istanbul, it has many faces. Do not count how many cultures he absorbed into himself. One foot is in Europe, the other is in Asia. Direct regular flights connect Istanbul and several cities of Russia. The cheapest non-stop ticket will cost 3593 rubles one way.
Istanbul has two airports. One is in the European part, the other is in the Asian part. As for the program, in addition to walking along the streets and the embankment, you can arrange a meeting with sharks. The pleasure is not cheap, but worth it. Better to save money on going to a restaurant or staying at a hotel, but not on experiences. Presenters of the program “Double standards. Here you are not there! " first we practiced in shallow water, learned to breathe under water, and only then we were sent to a shark den.

07. Yalta vs San Marino

A Soviet engineer could only dream of an all-Union health resort, Yalta. But this resort has been known since the time of the Tsar of the Peas: once in 1787, Empress Catherine II skipped 15 million rubles here. Then, with this money, it was possible to rebuild the entire city, which they did.
Dwarf in size, but gigantic in its history, the state of San Marino, according to encyclopedias, is the oldest in Europe. The small and duty-free republic of San Marino impresses not only with its postcard appearance, but also with its affordable prices.

08.Derbent vs Rhodes

Disputes about the age of Derbent will never subside. Any Dagestani will tell you that he is at least 5,000 years old. Derbent is the southernmost city in Russia. If you want to combine sun, sea, golden sands and cultural program - this city is for you. It is also considered the most environmentally friendly.
And in Rhodes, people lived in the Neolithic era. All guidebooks unanimously say that the gods rested here. Here you can combine business with pleasure. In the morning - dive into the azure sea and lie on the beach, and in the evening - plunge into history and see some of the most ancient ruins on earth. It is not difficult to get into history here.
In Dagestan, in any house, they will gladly feed you, and they will easily leave you to spend the night if there is no hotel nearby. Don't be afraid of anything except service. And in Rhodes you will understand the meaning of Chekhov's lines - "there is everything, as in Greece."

09. Jurmala vs Nice

By the opening of the tourist season, presenters Irina Shikhman and Andrei Samartsev found out whether it was possible to relax in Nice on an imperial scale, having only 30,000 rubles in your pocket, and found out where in Jurmala you can feel like a representative of the Soviet intelligentsia. The presenters have researched both resorts and found where it is possible to relax more profitably.

10. Sochi vs Oludeniz

The presenters Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev tested the most unusual offers of this summer in Sochi, and also learned how Russian tourists are lured to the Turkish coast. The Olympic resort is rich in unusual promotions: you can take a quantum leap in a new amusement park or visit a restaurant where instead of waiters - robots, check the strength of the world's longest suspension bridge. And the resort town of Oludeniz is the most unexplored place in Turkey. There is a blue sea, green mountains, beaches that are taken under the protection of UNESCO, as well as ancient abandoned cities, churches in the rocks, beautiful canyons and endless opportunities for outdoor activities.

11. Abkhazia vs Montenegro

In the new tourist season of the program, the hosts Irina Shikhman and Anton Samartsev offer to visit the mysterious and unexplored Abkhazia - visit Stalin's dacha, collect honey from mountain bees, as well as look into abandoned cities and feel the spirit of frozen time. Sunny Montenegro became another destination. The country surprised with its eco-settlement system, real rafting awakened the drive, and ethnic villages whirled the dance leaders.

12. Special issue: Russia vs America

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev continue the tourist season! A special issue of the program is dedicated to traveling along the tracks. This time, the presenters do not have two days, but the goal is to drive the tracks from start to finish and see all the fun along the way. Irina Shikhman will explore the Don highway along and across the Moscow-Sochi route, and Andrei Samartsev will drive along the famous Highway 66 in America.

13.Paris vs Tbilisi

Paris or Tbilisi - which city deservedly bears the title of the most romantic in the world? The presenter Irina Shikhman showed how to go to a dinner party in the capital of France for free, and explained what parameters girls must have in order to get into the famous troupe "Moulin Rouge". Andrey Samartsev visited the real Tbilisi sulfur baths and took a ride on the city reservoir on a luxury yacht. Which of them rested better and cheaper?

14.Romania vs Udmurtia

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev set off on a new journey! This time the presenters compared Romania and Udmurtia. Irina Shikhman visited the real Romanian castle of Dracula, saw the world's only "funny cemetery" and found out why in Romania sorceresses have their own lobby in parliament. And Andrei Samartsev had a chance to walk through the mysterious caves in Udmurtia, get acquainted with small nations, learn ancient rituals and spend a day at an agricultural farm.

15. Naples vs Ossetia

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev continue to travel! This time the presenters went on a gastronomic tour, compared Naples and Ossetia and found out which appeared earlier - pizza or Ossetian pie. Andrey Samartsev swam to the mysterious island and entered the mansion shrouded in ominous secrets, after which he spent the night in a fishing village on a paradise island in the middle of Europe. And Irina Shikhman met kind Ossetian traffic police inspectors, visited the city of the dead and showed the waterfalls of incredible beauty.

16. Sakhalin vs Brittany

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev went to taste this delicacy - they tried and compared the oysters of Russian Sakhalin and French Brittany. Andrey got acquainted with the unique island of Moneron, where he plunged to the sea stars, and also tried to make money by dressing in a shrimp costume. And Irina tried the delights of couchsurfing, worked as a fisherman on an oyster farm and saw a real wonder of the world.

17.India vs Uzbekistan

Do you want to dine in the best restaurants for just a couple of hundred rubles, get backstage at the largest film studio on the planet and see a real wonder of the world? Then you go to India! But only in Uzbekistan there are outfits that are copied by world-famous designers, carpets that Russian billionaires hunt for, and the legendary pilaf, the recipe for which has been kept since the time of Tamerlane.

Funny phrases, which then bring a smile to the whole country for a long time, may come into being not only thanks to famous comedians. For example, the former adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin, among other things, became famous for his unique statements, which are still quoted today. His sayings were even given a separate name: "chernomyrdinki". We bring to your attention 25 of the most outstanding phrases of this man, which could not have been invented on purpose.


You have to think what to understand.


If your hands itch, scratch it elsewhere!



Some of the principles that used to be principled were actually not principled.


There is still time to save face. Then you have to save other parts of the body ...



I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing else.


We must all lie down on this and get what we should have.



We remember when oil was bad. They just said - the oil was gone. Then the eggs were pressed so that they also disappeared.


We will defend this in order to prevent this from happening.



Here you are not here!


And who to ask, I ask you? These are there, those here, and those still no one has ever ...



We have one course - the right one.


We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.



I can speak to everyone in any language, but I try not to use this tool.

The hosts of the program, which will now appear on a regular basis, Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev, will continue to explore the most popular tourist routes.

TV presenters went to different parts of the world, thanks to which NTV viewers had the opportunity to compare Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam, as well as many other cities. “Today 72% of Russians do not have a passport. At the same time, the majority assure that it is better at home than abroad: recreation is cheaper, nature is richer, food is tastier, and people are kinder. Once, within the framework of the "Double Standards" program, we decided to check it out. And, having compared the two most expensive resorts, we came to our conclusion, where is it better to have a rest: here or there? The release attracted a significant audience, and Andrey and I decided to go traveling. We compared a huge number of cities and each time got a huge response from the audience. Therefore, we decided not to stop in the new season. NTV program "Here you are not there!" will compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other in Russia or in the post-Soviet space. And then he will compose his own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. What you need if you are going on a trip, ”said Irina Shikhman.

Continuation of the fascinating travels of Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev in the program "You are not there!" viewers will be able to see it already in the new season.