Mass effect 1 steel ratio. Companion rating from Mass Effect

Mass effect 1 steel ratio.  Companion rating from Mass Effect
Mass effect 1 steel ratio. Companion rating from Mass Effect

Who do we love and who do we hate?

It happens every time when it comes to Mass Effect: we argue about which part of the series is the best, which missions are the best, and which of the characters deserves the title of "best". All this suggests that the series is incredibly good and does not let the players go even after almost ten years after the first meeting with it. And her characters are able to cause adoration in some players, and hatred in others.

Built on the foundation laid by Bioware back in Knights of the Old Republic. At first, companions were just a fun addition, serving to fill the game with lore. Then they became romantic partners, and relationships with companions influenced their growth, changed them (and even the world around them). In Mass Effect 2, such characters stepped out of the background, becoming part of the plot, which five years later resulted in the triumphant conclusion of the trilogy, which gave us an experience never seen before.

That's why these guys mean so much to us players. I got a list of the best partners from Mass Effect, with whom even in space, even in bed.

It's dangerous to be a boring male starting partner in a Bioware RPG. And of the three people, Jacob is the one who does the best in this role. James Vega, beautifully voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr., was quite funny in the Citadel expansion. Kaidan Alenko had migraines and could have been abandoned on an alien planet with an atomic bomb. But Jacob… he is destined to promise you a beer he will never buy, and his most desired dream is to quit wandering in space and start a family.

He has the strangest relationship with his father of all the characters in Mass Effect 2, which does him credit, but even this fails to lift him just above the horizon of the ordinary. And the culmination of a romantic relationship with him is simply the worst moment in "ME". I'm sorry, Jacob, there's no one worse than you. You won't see a prize.

The only thing that makes Kaidan better than Jacob is the ability to kill him.

I'm still mad at Mister Bad Veteran for letting me down on my suicide mission at the end of Mass Effect 2. If he's so seasoned and experienced, how could he screw up as a commander by letting one of my comrades die? This is a disservice, Zayed. And that scar of yours doesn't look as cool as you think.

Through the thin mask of the character, I saw what he really was: a less interesting reincarnation of the Mandalorian Canderous Ordo from KotOR. None of Zayed's military tales can compare to Ordo's atmospheric description of his exploits in the Mandalorian army.

The only good thing about Morinth is that she can replace Samara in the squad, but the deal is unequal - it's just a disguise. That's her whole role: a poor substitute for a more interesting and controversial Justicar. As an antagonist, however, one is great - I remember those cat-and-mouse with Morinth, which for me was one of the most exciting moments in ME2. Back then, a single wrong answer in a conversation could result in death or mission failure.

You can probably say something good about Javik if you paid $ 10 for the From the Ashes expansion, in which this thawed Prothean appears. But, as it turned out, few of our team got him into their squad, which is why Javik ended up in 16th place. He doesn't play a significant role in Mass Effect 3's story, which I think shows that Bioware didn't bother to work on a protean that could add depth to the game. But he could become a key element of history and take a more important place in our common memories.

When it comes to choosing a romantic partner from the crew, I think a lot of people follow the common rule: people are boring, you need to look at other species. Vega is no exception to the rule - an ordinary guy-man, nothing extraordinary. I no longer remember the details of his story, but I liked him himself, especially his awkward attempts to taunt me, his commander. But at the end of the day, he's just an ordinary guy, nothing special.

Kasumi Goto's Stolen Memory is perhaps my favorite addition in the entire ME trilogy. In it, Shepard can be James Bond and get into a party in a chic mansion, and the fact that Kasumi is presented to us as a clever invisible thief distinguishes her from the rest of the Normandy crew.
The backstory of Kasumi and Keiji, her former partner, is revealed in the Loyalty Mission in the most powerful and insightful way. It becomes clear to Shepard how much her partner's death hurt her, and he agrees to punish Donovan Hawk, Keiji's killer. The reward is a blow to the stomach, which turns out to be the ending of the add-on.

In combat, due to his Shadow Strike, when Kasumi disappears to appear behind an enemy and strike them, the assassin is considered one of the most visually interesting characters in the entire game. I know that Kasumi can be found in ME3 and its Citadel expansion, but unfortunately I didn't succeed, despite the fact that I still have her alive in the second part.

Guys, I'm sorry, but 13th place is just a laugh. Personally, I put Ashley in 3rd, right behind Garrus and Mordin. Not my biggest disappointment in democracy in 2016, but definitely in the top five. A couple of months ago, I wrote a lengthy article in defense of Williams for Official Xbox Magazine, which appeared in November on our sister site GamesRadar+. To cut it short here, Ash is one of the most developed characters in the entire series, and one of the few who doesn't need Shepard's intervention to get things going.

She is one of the few characters who seriously challenge Shepard's decisions, especially when it comes to Cerberus. If she feels that the commander is wrong, she is ready to challenge him, even at gunpoint. Ashley is more than just a partner, she could even be the main character of the game, judging by the fact that she was not blown away by the Prothean beacon effect at the beginning of the first game. She deserves a better fate than 13th place and the "space racist" meme. If you left her on Virmire, you and I will never be friends.

Judge Dredd with his daughter - a serial killer. In the second and third parts of the game, Shakespearean deaths accompany her, making Samara one of the most tragic characters in Mass Effect. Her loyalty mission will have to choose between killing Samara and killing Morinth. Aside from the suicide mission in ME2, she is one of three partners (besides Tali and Legion) who can commit suicide in the game. In the case of Samara, this is due to the impossibility of fulfilling the vow and executing her only daughter, who violated the ban and fled the monastery.

Samara's rigid, uncompromising commitment to the Code of Justicars means that she is the only character in the entire series who lacks a moral gray area. A big hindrance in a game full of tough decisions, where the combat effectiveness of the party members has to be balanced against their beliefs and principles. However, in the company of an extremist it becomes even more interesting.

Grunt has many advantages. First, his name (English - Grunt). Secondly, he was voiced by Steve Blum, who has approximately one billion games and anime series under his belt, but he is best known for voicing Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop, a character very close to me. Grunt's scaly crest looks very cool, and his suit looks like Iron Man, who, forgetting about his legs, has been stinging an elephant's chest every day for forty years.

All Grunt is capable of is fighting and talking about them. Not much, but after all the rest of the crew, busy soul-searching and searching for the meaning of life, this can be a breath of fresh air.

To be honest, I'm still terribly unhappy that Bioware decided to give the Normandy AI a sexy robot body, and then prescribed the Joker to want to sleep with her. We all know that under the guise of a space opera "Mass Effect" hides shura-mura with the galaxy's most attractive aliens, but, Bioware, in fact, do not get so hung up on this. EDI, for example, has great lines and reflections on the topic "what it's like to be human", but let's be honest: the Legion does a great job with this, which makes the humanoid form of EDI simply unnecessary.

Also, I'm pretty sure that in my Mass Effect 3 ending, Suzie ended up on Earth, somehow managing to get off the Normandy with the Joker. That's if we talk about spoiled impressions.

My Shepard was flawed. A tragic childhood spent in war and poverty - no wonder he was a huge Korn fan in my head. Therefore, when Jack appeared in the frame, there was a lot of space for her in my imaginary space. She too had a terrible childhood, orphaned early and subjected to sadistic experiments by Cerberus. Her character was molded under harsh external influences, biotic abilities made her a real psychopath. And so what if Jack used them to kill her tormentors? A well-deserved punishment, nothing more.

She has been criticized for being too harsh an archetype: a potential villain, vulnerable deep inside. Yes, true, but who said that such people do not exist? Short temper and irritability are a natural human reaction to growing up in isolation and pain. Jack has earned the right to be as harsh with others as she pleases.

If she survives ME2, she's channeling her destructive energy in a different direction by teaching young biotics at the Grissom Academy. She finds a new purpose in life, and my Shepard, who has a similar "luggage", helping Jack, himself, in a sense, is cleared. According to lore, she is Experimental Zero, but in our hearts she is number one.

Miranda was my Shepard's romantic interest in ME2 and ME3, which I guess was a pretty safe pick in a series where you can get involved with various outsiders. A lot is connected with her: her initial closeness to the Illusive Man and Cerberus suggests a lack of trust in her, and in the first hours of the second part of the game she doubts Shepard and even goes into conflict.

Little by little, he wins Miranda's trust, and the decisive moment comes when he must choose her side or Jack's position during their argument aboard the Normandy. After that, when Miranda realizes that Shepard feels the same way about the mission as she does, the relationship develops into a romantic one.

Miranda became the subject of genetic experiments, which complicated her relationship with her father, as we are told in more detail in ME3. Personal crisis, in my opinion, makes Lawson one of the most complex characters in the series, explaining quite clearly why she is the way she is.

Despite the combination of a whole bunch of hackneyed sci-fi cliches (rebellious collective mind of robots, their soul-searching, etc.), Legion manages to remain an interesting character. And the fact that he rudely patched himself up with a piece of dead Commander Shepard's suit doesn't just underline the legion's toughness, it proves that he's more than just a geth, capable of independent thinking and perhaps even sentimental.

While he has no sense of humour, the Legion often proves to be funny, occasionally chirping in a deadpan machine-style, like the possibility of a ferocious Jack punching someone in the face (which, by the way, the Legion suggested deactivating and transporting in a cargo compartment). For me, Legion is more attractive as a partner than you-know-what-quarian, and I miss him more than anyone else in the entire series. Cool robot.

6. Tali'Zorah nar Raya

Mass Effect isn't the first sci-fi to mix mashine and religion, but the concept of a migrating fleet as a home and a pilgrimage as a transition to adulthood is still great, and in the first part of the game, Tali's stories complemented the universe perfectly. Perhaps, if it weren’t for her mask, which she never took off in all three games, Tali would not be remembered so much (I’ll pretend that that terrible photoshop from the third part didn’t exist), but at the same time she remains the only character, whose story arc stretched through an entire trilogy.

At the start of the series, Tali provides an insight into the relationship between the quarians and the geth, which will play a larger role in Mass Effect 2. The personal conflict between the quarian and the Legion is well staged, and Tali's loyalty mission deepens understanding of the reasons for the confrontation between the geth and the quarians and the customs of the latter.

The end of Tali's story in Mass Effect 3 was one of the most touching moments in the entire series for me. I knew her for many years, I liked her voice and curiosity, together we defended the galaxy and cleared her name. But because of the good/bad morality binary system, I didn't have enough Paragon/Renegade points to peacefully resolve the final clash between Tali and the Legion. One of them was destined to die along with his entire species. There is no perfect happy ending, and there shouldn't be.

"Mass Effect" often rewards "solving" storylines with good endings, but not in this case. Tali's last step into adulthood ends in a bitter disappointment that Mass Effect has built over the course of five years. And it still hurts.

A cold-blooded killer whose conscience protests against his chosen profession. Terminally ill with a terminal illness, he signs up to take part in Shepard's suicide mission against the Collectors in Mass Effect 2 because he has nothing to lose. Thane is the personification of Shepard's good and bad decisions, the embodied image of his team slowly moving towards inevitable death. Besides, who can resist his cracked voice?

Oh Liara. My sweet blue-skinned 106-year-old carefree child. It would be a mistake to think that the asari scientist on the Normandy is only the player's conscience. Yes, Liara tries to counterbalance Shepard's necessary cynicism, but she's still so much more than just "cute".

Liara's academic take on the Protheans makes her the smartest choice for just about any mission. She is most interested in finding new knowledge, and thanks to the skills of a universal biotic, Liara becomes very useful in battle. But what I like the most is that she brings a lot of emotions to the game without unnecessary snot and suffering.

Liara is a complex person. Problems with her mother, lack of experience in love relationships, inability to lie - all this becomes insignificant before the feeling of miracle and hope that she brings with her. As if she is a kind of lens through which you can look at the Mass Effect universe from a different angle. Unlike the rest of the team, Liara is rarely sure about her answers (take her doubts about the krogan cure in Part 3, for example), which makes traveling with her more interesting.

Also, Liara has an awesome story arc. If your Shepard falls in love with her, then, after his death in Mass Effect 2, the asari sincerely mourns him. Suffering hardens her character, which leads Liara to turn into a Gray Broker (by the way, addition). Liara, you've always been the best.

I played the Mass Effect series with one rule: don't go back to a previous save to revise a decision you've made. What happened, happened, regardless of the consequences. And I broke that rule only once, in the first game, when an argument led, shockingly and, in my opinion, unfairly, to a cutscene with Rex's death. I couldn't deal with this. No way. Rex is too cool to die. This was the only time I replayed an event in Mass Effect.

Rex is very cool (he is my best partner candidate) not only because he is a hardened veteran, but also a deep thinker who disagrees with most other krogan (including his father) to continue the war after the genophage. Plus he's big, he's got a really deep voice and he's got great scars, and he's just the best.

The big disappointment for me was the inability to choose Rex as a companion in Mass Effect 2, after he was replaced by a smaller (but still cool) krogan, Grunt. But that's what real men do: take responsibility, instead of dragging skirts all over the galaxy.

I love Mordin. He showed that you don't need a goatee, a raspy voice, and a gloomy look to be an antihero. At first, his machine-gun speech seems like an artificial way to set him apart from the rest of the companions, but you quickly realize that under his cheerful guise lies a cold, calculating mind that has spent years solving the most difficult situations, situations that Shepard finds himself in in the second and third games. His rapid speech is the product of a mind overflowing with thoughts that demonstrate his scientific genius and anxiety. Symptoms of the conflict of logic and compassion that is happening in the heart of Mordin.

And then this optimist suddenly finds out that he is responsible for the genocide that is part of the plot of "ME". As your relationship grows closer, he opens up and you can see how he tries to analyze the terrible problems that he had to face. He's done the moral math, kill one million and save ten, but his genophage is a slow, painful end for the krogan.

Traveling with Shepard, he is forced to watch this race disappear. None of your companions have faced a dilemma of this magnitude, but the salarian genius somehow manages to carry this unbearable burden, finding the strength to hum Gilbert and Sullivan.

When it comes to the Mass Effect character popularity contest, Garrus has an edge: he's great. In addition, he has a significant role in all three games, which only Tali can boast. So the competition is unfair. Tali is cool, sure, but she's barely outgrown the quirky little sister archetype that computer RPGs are slowly getting rid of.

Garrus is another matter. He is your best friend, first and closest, he is the one whose goals and moods always coincide with yours, and he is always ready to watch your back. From the first meeting of the former C-Sec officer and the newly minted Specter while investigating the Saren case to the last battle with the Reapers as two war heroes, this is one of the best friendship stories in the history of video games. Well, or a wonderful romance, if your Shepard is a woman.

But that's not all Garrus is. The idea that Garrus is dependent on Shepard and is in his shadow is one of the most talked about in the fan community. After the "death" of Commander Garrus throws the hero's life away, and the moment when Shepard finds him and frees him from the existence of the Archangel, becomes a real relief. He wasn't born to be Batman, he's a born Robin. It's a shame to admit it, but it's not Shepard's sole decision. Yet these "roles" remain a thorn in the two's friendship, a flaw that makes the relationship more believable.

The best thing you can do is let Garrus win that friendly shooting contest on the Citadel. Let the guy enjoy the moment, he deserves it.

Right now, while you are looking at the monitor, there are a lot of interesting and not very interesting video games being made in the world. Most of us don't know anything at all. We won’t be surprised if tomorrow morning, for example, it turns out that Valve announced Half-Life 3. But we still know something about some. The year is coming to an end, and we can already draw some conclusions. And if we decided to paint the hit parade of already in development, but, nevertheless, classified games, then Mass Effect Andromeda would definitely enter the top three. The game is, to be sure, interesting, but even if you are an ardent fan of Mass Effect, it is unlikely that you know much about this game.

In general, we thought, and went to the Internet, in order to sift through all the information that is already more or less reliably known, and try to tell you about the results, if possible, fun and interesting.

What will the game be called?

The most accurate thing that can be said is that the game will be called Mass Effect Andromeda. Although, surprises are possible, and even this seemingly 100% information may turn out to be incorrect. But further, even more difficult.

But why is the game called that way?

But because its events will take place in the Andromeda galaxy. This itself tells us that the game world is huge. In addition, we can assume that such a journey was made possible by some kind of now fashionable jump through space, or some other technological achievement. From here, one more assumption can be made: according to the plot, a temporary collapse will await us, similar to what we saw in the film Interstellar, when the main character, who flew far into space, remained young, and everyone who was waiting for him on Earth either grew old or died .

Who is developing such a great game?

It is being developed by Bioware Montreal, the same studio working under Electronic Arts that has already made Mass Effect 3: Omega DLC for us. By the way, as it has already become known, the game is made on the Frostbite engine. This is the same technology that DICE used to create Dragon Age: Inquisition and Star Wars: Battlefront.

The main character will have to find a planet suitable for the resettlement of earthlings.

Travel is understandable. What is this game about?

We will answer like American politicians: we are glad that you asked this question! This game, as already mentioned, is about traveling through distant worlds. You will have to play for a man or a woman, and, it does not matter for whom exactly, this will not affect the plot in any way. The main character or heroine will carry out an important mission: they will search for a planet suitable for the mass resettlement of all mankind. You will have to do this not alone, but with a whole team that the hero will have in submission. The developers have officially promised us a joint study, the fight against adversity and even love. By the way, we have already shown the official debut trailer. There we were shown a planet that does not have a sky, as such. In other words, at least one planet will definitely be without an atmosphere. In outer space, we were shown flying creatures that looked like dragons. Maybe you have to fight them. The protagonist will have a helmet that is completely different from the one Shepard had, and there will also be a special omni-tool on his arm. The protagonist's costume will be equipped with a turbine, allowing for something similar to a double jump. By the way, the size of the map, apparently, will be 4 times larger than the one we saw in the third part of Mass Effect. The developers somehow stated this, but casually and not officially. And, of course, one cannot fail to say that the main character in the story will stumble upon the remnants of some powerful civilization, the successful development of technology, which seems to be the key to defeating all our enemies.

But how does it all connect with the previous trilogy, and does it connect?

As mentioned earlier, the events of the game are developing in another galaxy. Judging by some hints, we will assume that the main character was sent on an expedition by the leadership of the Citadel - a huge space station that the Reapers built a long time ago. Therefore, some connection with the old characters associated with the Citadel and the plot is possible, but nothing more than modest references. We assume that Andromeda will have a completely separate history.

Captain Shepard will definitely not be the main character.

Who will be the main character?

The main character promises to be a character nicknamed Pathfinder. This nickname is universal in that in English it does not have such a pronounced male gender as ours. A woman can easily become a pathfinder there. There were rumors that the name of the main character would be Ryder, which is a definite reference to Sally Ride, a female astronaut, whom some not very erudite Americans naively call the first woman in space, "forgetting" about our Valentina Tereshkova.

Who will be on the team?

There is no exact data on this, but it looks like there will be three crew members in total. The first is a character named Drak, from the Krogan race. The second character is a female biotic named Cora. Nothing is known about the third subordinate. But on the other hand, it seems that the characters can be subjected to impressive customization. This feature will come into the game from the last Inquisition - the third part of the Dragon Age, where the process of creating your own character turned, in fact, into a separate entertainment.

Who will play the bad guys?

There is no reliable information about this. Most likely, there will be several bad guys, but we will have to take the main battle in the process of studying the mysterious alien, highly developed race, which we talked about above. It is there, in theory, that we will face the main evil, which can be not only a competitor in the pursuit of technology, but also the very ones who destroyed such an advanced civilization. We don't expect it to be, for example, some of the micro-robots that were in Stanislav Lem's "Invincible", but more in favor of choosing enemies to shoot at. According to the latest rumors, the protagonist will have to face an enemy - a human wearing an armor similar to the protagonist's armor that will have "Khet" written on it, while the protagonist's armor will have "H7" written on it.

The key to victory will be a successful struggle for the technology of some ancient, advanced civilization.

How is it with the spaceship?

Yes, we will have our own ship, which will be called Storm. The storm is the name, or the designation of its class is not clear. There are quite definite rumors regarding the fact that the ship can be controlled manually, maybe even to conduct aimed fire and maneuver. So far, this is all that can be scraped together on this topic.

How will you explore the planets?

The planets, allegedly, can be visited, independently determining their choice: if I want - I fly, if I don’t want - I don’t fly. It will be possible to travel around the planets themselves in a car, better known as Mako. In addition, the main character and the rest of the squad will have jetpacks, which we have already talked about before.

What will the gameplay be like?

The answer to this question is a mystery shrouded in darkness. But if six months ago this darkness was akin to the darkness at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, now we already have some idea. A key feature of the gameplay is the mobility of movement, which will be achieved with the help of a jetpack and Mako, because the hero will have to explore vast territories that you can’t just go around on a bicycle. There are also rumors that the hero will have to free and recruit local aliens who are oppressed by guys with the inscription Khet on their spacesuits. The locations themselves will be divided into colony camps, where each type of settlement will provide the hero with certain resources. We saw something similar in the latest Assassins Creed. Therefore, we personally will not be surprised by the large open spaces, a large number of bases, and possible criticism from the gaming community that the gameplay turned out to be monotonous and boring.

Will there be multiplayer in the game?

According to preliminary data, yes - it will. And it will be similar to the one already in Mass Effect 3. We also know that the game will have a special currency called APEX.

Will there be characters from previous parts in the game?

They will definitely be, but whether Captain Shepard will be there is unknown. If it does, then, as igrodely promises us, it will not play any important role, but will appear in the game for show, and even then, if you're lucky. However, many believe that Shepard will definitely be, and, allegedly, he will even be a playable character. Personally, we do not think so, but, alas, we are not yet able to refute the facts.

Actually, while I was googling pictures for drinking this blog, I came across a funny article - it turns out that a certain Russian scientist Vladimir Leonov in 1996 described in his article something he called quarkonium. Moreover, this quarkonium can form the basis of some anti-gravity engines ... well, in general, the world is rich in all sorts of "unrecognized geniuses", whose brain sometimes generates hellish trash ... but it's still funny that he does not sue Bioware, who slammed his ideas along and across. But sour can cut the dough.

But back to more established physics. Actually, the zero element in terms of Mendeleev's periodic law ... yes, exactly the one in whose honor the named plate hangs in every school chemistry room, regardless of whether there is "chemistry" (that is, reagents) in this room ... although it is actually the first option I drew this tablet ... Yes, don’t knock me down at all, what did I write about ... Actually, in the current, expanded version of the tablet ... no, not in the one in which the schoolboy (th) poked you with an evil teacher chemistry, and with all sorts of minus elements (in other words, with antimatter) and more extreme atoms (there is still such a thing as muonium), such an element as neutronium is theoretically possible. Well, how is it possible, its one "isotope" is known - a free neutron, with a half-life of 614 seconds, but the existence of a theoretically unstable dineutron and a stable or long-lived tetraneutron is possible.

But despite the fact that neutronium and its isotopes can occupy a zero cell (plus a zero cell, so to speak, since antineutronium is also possible), it does not have the magical properties of the zero element in the ME universe. But in elementary physics there is such a particle as the Higgs boson... yes, yes, yes, exactly the one for which the Large Hadron Collider was built. So he is responsible for the inertial mass. Here it can theoretically work as a zero element of ME, but the creation of such installations, if possible, is a task for the future, possibly far away.

Mass Effect and Grandpa Einstein

All modern physics is based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which contains the well-known formula:

At the same time, it is accepted as an axiom that nothing in this world can move faster than light. But only light can move at this speed - it is impossible to accelerate even an elementary particle to the speed of light, since its mass increases as it approaches this speed, plus there are still funny effects over time, such as a year of flight for the inhabitants of the ship will be equal to many thousands of years for those who don't fly. Almost nothing can move faster, but...

Actually, Albert Einstein's theory was created in order to explain what the classical Newton's theory could not explain, that is, Newton's theory is a special case of Einstein's theory. But modern physicists are not satisfied with Einstein's theory either.

The variable m, that is, the mass, is somehow connected at the quantum level with the Higgs boson I have already mentioned, or it is also called the “God particle”. That is, the affinity of particles with this boson determines the inertial characteristic, which is also mass. That is, in reality, m=ab (maybe more variables).

As for the constant c, which is also the speed of light... not everything is so simple here. There is a theory in which, in the early stages of the existence of the Universe, the speed of light was significantly greater than the current one, but then fell to its current value. It is quite possible that this constant is strongly tied to dark energy and dark matter, which can create a kind of "refraction medium" for light that slows it down ... although a slightly different possibility is also possible.

Remember that speed is the distance traveled per unit of time. TIME, Carl!!! Despite the fact that humanity has been trampling this planet for many thousands of years, we still do not know what time is. We can measure it, but we don't understand what it is. Perhaps if you hit the brakes or vice versa, accelerate some temporary variable, then the speed of light will also change.

Ships that can't fly...

No, I overdid it a little, they can fly, but they will never develop superluminal for one reason - but they do not have enough thrust to overcome the speed of light. Why? Consider Newton's second law.

The thrust of any jet engine is proportional to the speed of the gas flowing out of it. If we reduce the weight of the working fluid, but accelerate it more strongly, the thrust will not change. Of course, it is possible to configure the mass of the field in such a way that a substance with an ordinary mass accelerates, but a light ship pushes. But a non-lightened substance cannot accelerate a ship to superlight, and a lightweight one will have microscopic thrust.

The situation is not changed much by military-grade anti-proton engines, similar to the Normandy SR1 / 2 engines, which are essentially photonic, that is, the working body is essentially light. But still, the momentum is not enough to accelerate to the speed of light.

Plus one more problem - relativistic time dilation. Theoretically, when the speed of light changes, this hellish Achtung will probably move to higher speeds, to which the ship does not accelerate. In the Star Wars universe, relativistic protection is used for this, which does not allow the ship to move in time, but in the ME universe, such technology is not mentioned.

A weapon that doesn't fire...

Another omission from the developers. Suppose some lightweight ammunition accelerates in the barrel, but what happens when it goes beyond the mass fields? Its mass will increase, but the speed will remain the same? In this case, the law of conservation of energy would be tritely violated, since this would be equivalent to auxiliary energy appearing out of nowhere. In reality, its speed will drop.

Hidden text

The second rather controversial point is the caliber. I think every shooter from a pneumatic gun understands that at some significant distance it is almost impossible to hit something - the bullet loses speed and a very large spread of fire. And it’s also not just that the bullets of sniper rifles are made as heavy as possible - the SVD has a caliber of 7.62, and the rifle of the champion in range, the M99 "Barett", has a caliber of 12.7 or 10.6 in general. In reality, the ME weapon would have a good advantage only in a vacuum, where there is no problem with the bullet's braking by the atmosphere.

Now it is somehow forgotten that science fiction in its pure form is a very specific genre that requires significant knowledge of science from the author. With a few examples, I will show why the brainchild of Drew Karpyshyn is not, in fact, pure science fiction, since it sins with large, truly galactic scale scientific errors.

1. Why ships with a null-element core
can't fly faster than the speed of light?

The Mass Effect theory states that when a mass effect field is formed, all objects that fall into it significantly change their mass. That is, a 2000-ton space frigate, when the zero-element core is turned on, can lose up to 99.999% of its mass and turn into a 20-kilogram model on a 1:1 scale. It is believed that in this case, even a low-power (albeit very efficient) ion engine will be able to give the ship a very solid acceleration. And a thermonuclear burner with a specific impulse of tens of kiloseconds or, moreover, an annihilation anti-proton engine (we will conditionally consider it an order of magnitude more efficient), it would seem, can really fire a ship that has lost mass to the devil knows where.
Unfortunately no. Because there is a small but. More precisely, even two.
First, the loss of most of the mass does not increase the speed of light in any way, either inside the mass effect field or outside. This is just nonsense, written in the style of "as you know." Nothing is known. Reducing the mass of an object, whatever one may say, does not allow increasing the speed of light, since it has nothing to do with the physical characteristics of the object itself. The speed of light in vacuum is invariant. And point!
Secondly, the authors of the SSD idea did not take into account that, along with the reduction in the mass of the object to almost zero, the mass of the working fluid of the engine also decreases, which, for all its fantasticness, remains a purely blunt jet piece of iron. The flow of the working fluid forms an impulse and, accordingly, moves the spacecraft with jet thrust. That is, even if the ship weighs 1 gram instead of 10,000 tons, its thrust will proportionally decrease, and it will accelerate in the same way as if the mass reduction did not occur.

2. Why won't ME weapons fire?

For the same reason why a ship will not fly at FTL. Even if we reduce the mass of the bullet by a thousand times, at the exit from the mass effect field, this mass will return, and in a jump. The simplest equations of the total momentum of the system will show that the bullet will simply slow down sharply due to the sudden increase in mass (equivalent to the simultaneous clinging of a weight to a rapidly moving ball from a bearing). And let's not forget: according to the visualization in the game, the bullets fly about six to ten times slower than those fired from the AK-47, which once again crosses out all these ME-tricks with weapons. It looks rather funny, if you recall the extract from the Code, which says that "the speed of a bullet in modern weapons has already reached the maximum possible value."

3 Why Asari Are The Most Unnatural
alien race in the galaxy?

Even if we assume that the evolution of the asari followed similar paths to the evolution of humans (and we know that this is not the case - the Protheans strenuously helped the asari develop), it is extremely (!) unlikely that the blue-skinned same-sex race that grew out of marine mammals would 95% repeat the appearance of people, descendants of land primates. However, it should be noted that asari "tentacles" (actually cartilaginous processes) may well be the same protective mechanism that protects the head from external factors, like the hair on a person's head. Moreover, the physical protection of the skull with the help of cartilaginous tissues is more effective, and thermoregulation with their help is also quite possible - one would still have to understand how. In general, with regard to thermoregulation, there is a lot of room for imagination, because the asari must definitely have some significant differences from humans with this. If only because blue-skinned people don’t sweat (otherwise they would all have eyebrows, and not just Liara and Benezia solely for the sake of their daughter being more kawaii).
Another feature of the asari that is very unnatural for humanoids is the ears without a shell. Their structure directly dictates for the asari an extremely mediocre localization of sound sources in the frontal part of the sound panorama. At the same time, it is known that in the culture of the asari music is very important. Most likely, the asari use some other organs that are not directly connected to the ear folds to perceive the sound picture. But most likely, the creators of ME simply absolutely needed an ultra-humanoid class of aliens like the Minbari from Babylon 5 or the Vulcans from Star Trek. In any case, the physiology and appearance of the asari do not harmonize either with each other or with the conditions for the development of their civilization.

4. Why are the geth not real AI?

Because if they were indeed a race of interconnected programs capable of harnessing the technology resources of the Creators, then the geth would never have chosen an anthropoid form for most of their combat platforms. Numerous biomotor studies have already proven that a person actually has an extremely inefficient and irrational constitution in terms of interspecies competition, and only the development of the brain and, as a result, the skills to create tools of labor and war allowed homo sapiens to reach the local top of the evolutionary pyramid. The geth, on the other hand, contradict both evolutionary laws (they do not create complex tools of labor of the physical plane), and elementary pragmatics in the creation of combat platforms that (except for the Colossi) copy the human body - as I already said, very inefficient in terms of biomotor and therefore obviously losing in combat operations. And even more so, if the geth were really intelligent, they would not use an external, extremely inertial, and therefore slow to aim weapon.

Mass Effect 3 left its users with fewer opportunities for development love and romantic relationships. Much less time has been devoted to this moment in the game than before, but nevertheless it is there. Users can develop connections with old characters or choose new ones, of which there are quite a lot in the game. This is not surprising, because the well-being of the entire galaxy, or rather its existence, is at stake, so there is no time to be distracted by love and not seriously. All scenes of love can be seen at the finish line of the game, namely, shortly before the attack on the Cerberus base. Before that, all the user can see is declarations of love, kisses and sometimes bed if the relationship goes beyond the standard.

Mass Effect 3 romance with companions

So, the game has the opportunity to develop new romantic relationships with female and male characters, as well as continue the old ones. When playing as a male hero, you can expect to seduce the following new girls - Ashley Williams, Diana Allers, Liara T'Soni, Lieutenant Cortez and Kaidan Alenko. When playing as a girl, she has the option to befriend Kaidan Alenko, Diana Allers, and Samantha Trainor.

Old relationships are possible with Tali'Zorah, Liara T'Soni, Miranda Lawson and Jack when playing as a man. When playing as a female only with Garrus Vakarian. Jacob Taylor will only agree to discuss the past, but he does not agree to re-enter into a love affair. Also, you can not continue to build relationships with James Vega, Suzi and Javik, here fifty years of hibernation come into play, from which you still need to move away.

If you communicate correctly with some heroes, then you can achieve sympathy between them, and after that a romance. In particular, this can be done with Susie and the Joker. To understand how you should behave here, you must carefully read the messages that arrive at the commander's terminal located in the Normandy. The most obvious call is an invitation from friends and partners to meet. As a rule, these meetings take place in the Citadel at its various levels. It could be the cafe "Apollo" or a club with a telling name "Purgatory".

Don't be fooled by Diana Allers. She invites guests only if the hero does not have a serious relationship, and even after this invitation, you can begin to build new relationships with other characters, since there will be no continuation with Diana.

A feature of the third part of Mass Effect is the inability to sort through partners and periodically change them. The developers have relied on loyalty, so you should not forget about it, and if one relationship has already begun, then you should forget about others, since there is a little trick at the end of the game that will allow you to see everything, but not to play again every time.

What to do to start a romance in Mass Effect 3 and how to develop it after that.

Ashley Williams or Kayden Alenko, the secret to success.

  1. Come to the hospital and visit the selected character there, you should not neglect the conversation with the doctors, it will come in handy.
  2. In the Sirte Supply shop, you need to buy Tennyson's book or a bottle of whiskey. One of these items should be given as a gift during a visit to the hospital.
  3. Returning after completing the mission "Priority: Palaven" you need to go to the hospital again.
  4. When quarreling with Udina, you must control yourself and not kill your opponent.
  5. After an invitation to the cafe "Apollo" be sure to agree to a meeting that will be the climax.

Relationship with Liara T'Soni.

  1. After completing the missions, Liara should be visited in her cabin on the Normandy ship, where you can spend time with her talking on various topics.
  2. Come to the meeting at the Apollo, where you will do everything to reconcile her with Etita.
  3. Come to the last meeting, which will be held at the Meridian market.

Romance with Tali Zora.

  1. At the end of the Geth Dreadnought mission, the girl will offer to restart the relationship. This proposal must be accepted.
  2. Before proceeding to the mission "Priority: Rannoch" you need to complete several side missions and then look at the commander's terminal. There will be a letter from Tali. After that, the girl needs to be invited to visit her in her cabin. There will be an important conversation. If this is not done, then the relationship will end.
  3. Before doing "Priority: Rannoch" you need to meet in the Citadel.
  4. After completing the mission “Priority: Horizon”, you should go to the bar, where the hero will meet a drunk Tali with whom you will need to talk again.
  5. During the passage of the mission "Priority: Rannoch" there will be a climax in the conflict of earthlings and geth. Here Tali Zora can die and this cannot be allowed.
  6. After returning from the planet, a conversation should take place in the engineering compartment on the Normandy.

Relationship development with Miranda Lawson.

  1. A letter from the girl will come to the terminal, after which you need to go to the docks to meet the heroine.
  2. There is a terminal in the Spectors' office from which you need to talk to Miranda.
  3. The last step will be a meeting in an apartment where the girl will be in danger, if she comes to the meeting, she will survive, if not, she will die.

Romance with Cortez.

  1. In between tasks, you need to go down to the docks with the shuttles of the Normandy ship and talk with Cortez.
  2. Convince the man to go to the Citadel.
  3. Come to the meeting at the Citadel at Docks level D24.
  4. On the Doki level: Storage Area, you need to support Cortez, who will mourn next to the memorial wall.
  5. Drink and dance together at the Purgatory Club.

Relationship with Samantha Trainor.

  1. Between tasks, you need to talk with the girl at the navigation maps.
  2. At the end of the task "Priority: Citadel II", come to the chess tournament in the captain's cabin and invite Samantha there.

Garrus Vakarian will agree to a relationship after the following steps.

  1. At the end of the mission "Priority: Palaven", go to the gun battery and talk there. During the conversation, you need to renew the relationship.
  2. Meet again after returning from Tuchanka.
  3. Agree to a date at the Citadel.

Relationship with Diana Allers, reporter.

  1. Permission to accompany the team on the Normandy.
  2. On the engineering deck, visit in a private quarters between missions.
  3. Invite to your cabin to agree to conduct an interview, using flirting and charm to announce a desire to build a relationship.

Relationship with Jack.

  1. During the quest "Grissom Academy: Evacuation" meet with Jack.
  2. During the meeting, greet with all my heart. Do it without rudeness.
  3. When the retreat begins, the hero will be in the shuttle, here you need to take the apostate action.
  4. After reading the letter on the terminal, agree to meet in Purgatory.
  5. Offer to start the relationship again.

With all partners there is a point of no return, after which it will be impossible to start relationships with others.

  • Ashley Williams or Kayden Alenko - meeting and talking at the Apollo; .
  • Tully Zora - Conversation in the engineering bay after the end of the mission "Priority: Rannoch";
  • Garrus - a date in the Citadel building;
  • Cortez - meeting in "Chitilische";
  • Liara T'Soni - after the mission "Messana: Distress Signal" there will be a conversation on the Citadel;
  • Samantha - meeting in the cabin after the chess tournament;
  • Jack is a conversation in Purgatory.

Not all characters were created complete scenes of love relationships. They went to Ashley Williams and Kayden Alenko, Liara T'Soni, and Miranda Lawson. Samantha Taylor didn't get that kind of scene, but there's a shower scene that makes up for it. Tali Zora received a very spectacular mask and costume. The rest of the characters were left without videos.

In order to view all the videos without going through the game again each time, you can change the save file, which must be made after the final choice, but before the start of the attack on the Cerberus base. To do this, in the Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor program, you need to open this save. Next, in the Romance tab, check the box with the name of the character you are interested in. You should not check the boxes for those characters that are not available to the player for relations, otherwise this will lead to crashes and game errors. Next, the modified save must be closed, loaded in place of the original and the game continues. You can do this trick an unlimited number of times.