In and Lukin Mot corrected by love to read. Comic opera

In and Lukin Mot corrected by love to read. Comic opera

V. I. Lukin

Mot corrected by love

Comedy in five acts


Zapadov V.A.Russian literature of the 18th century, 1770-1775. Reader M., "Education", 1979.


Most comic and satirical writers are now mistaken for a pen for one of the following three reasons. On the first, in order to glorify his name out of self-love, showing both to the fellow-citizens and to the one-time, a work worthy of their attention for a while, and through it to attract readers to show themselves respect ... On the second, in order to get a profit, regardless of whether it is useful for society to write it, and forgetting that the writer should acquire self-interest, characteristic of all people, if not useful, then an absolutely harmless means for his fellow citizens. On the third, to gratify envy, anger and revenge, with which they are contaminated against some people, or to harm innocent virtue both with words and writing due to innate hatred for all neighbors, which does not tolerate alien well-being. But as all the writings produced by such reasons are so disgusting to me that for the very sin I suggest that one day give them a place in my heart, then I took up the pen, following only one heartfelt impulse that makes me look for vices and my own in mockery. the virtues of pleasure, and the benefit of my fellow citizens, giving them an innocent and amusing time ... I called my comedy "Mot, Corrected by Love" in order to show young people as a precaution the dangers and shame that happen from extravagance, to have ways to please everyone viewers, according to the difference in their inclinations. One and very small part of the parterre loves characteristic, pitiful and noble thoughts filled with, and the other, and the main one, funny comedies. The taste of the first from that time was established, as they saw the Detushevs and Shosseevs ( Philip Neriko Detouch(1680-1754) and Pierre Claude Nivelles de La Chausse (1692-1754) - French playwrights, authors of "serious" comedies.) The best comedies. For this, I had to try to introduce pitiful phenomena, which, not calling my comedy "Mot, Corrected Love", was not so capable of doing ... My hero Dobroserdov, it seems to me, truly has a kind heart and gullibility combined with it, that and his death was ... I showed in him most of the young people and I wish that most of them, if not the best, so, but at least, at least by the same means, would be corrected, that is, by the instruction of virtuous mistresses ... very virtuous, and some condemners who armed themselves against me told me that we had never had such servants yet. '' he should serve as a model. I used to feel ashamed, my dear ones, '' I continued, `` and to look at that in all the translated comedies the servant is great idlers and that at the denouement, almost all of them remain without punishment for tricks, and others also receive rewards. '' this, with an abusive smile, one of them said to me: but why then suddenly such a chosen and fertile morality for this vile race? To this I responded: to cleanse this from meanness and teach diligence to his masters and deeds, to every honest person decent ... ... Detushev's servant Mota is free, and Vasily is a serf. He, being free, gives money to his master in the very extreme; I confess that the virtue of a roofing man is great, but more Vasiliev. He is released into the wild and receives an award, but he does not accept either. Let us assume that money is a trifle for him; but liberty, this precious thing, about which they seem most of all, and for which the good of them, their young years, diligently serve you in order to free themselves from bondage in old age - but Basil despises liberty and remains with his master. Here is an exemplary virtue, and one that even in the boyars cannot be called common ... Now it remains for me, finishing this preface, to assure all readers that I wrote "Mota" not at all for the purpose of satirically poking at my fellow inhabitants, but only home for their benefit and for giving them innocent pleasure ... ... I myself know that my comedy is not enriched with excellent and selective thoughts, but is written as close as possible to the samples, these components. My main desire, which is very easy and can be fulfilled, is to see myself succeed in this kind of writing. .. 1765





Dobroserdov great) Dobroserdov lesser) siblings Princess, a widow, in love with the big Dobroserdov. Cleopatra, the niece of the princess, the mistress of the great Dobroserdov. Zloradov. Stepanida, the princess's maid. Vasily, the great Dobroserdov's uncle. Panfil, servant of the lesser Dobroserdov. Crawling through, solicitor. Pravdolyubov. Dokukin. Unconnected. Widow, coachwoman. Karetnitsyn's daughter (no speeches). Servant of the great Dobroserdov. Magistrate clerk. Mailers (no speeches). Several merchants and a cab, the lenders of Bolshoi Dobroserdov (no speeches).

Action in Moscow, in the princess's house.

(The gullible young man Big Dobroserdov (that is, the elder) was carried away by a card game and squandered his father's estate at two years old, made debts, which was aided by the advice of his imaginary friend, the insidious Zloradov, with whose bad influence Dobroserdov's servant tried in vain to fight, his Uncle Vasily Fortunately for himself, Dobroserdov fell in love with the virtuous Cleopatra, who reciprocated with him, and, in order to see her more often, settled in the house of the princess, whom he was forced to pretend to be in love with. rejects, at the moment of explanation, the princess enters; angry, she sends Cleopatra supposedly to a monastery, while Zloradov instigates Dobroserdov's creditors to put the hero, as an insolvent debtor, in prison. Dobroserdov is going to flee Moscow.)


Phenomenon VI

Basil (entering). What will you please? Dobroserdov. Is everything ready? And have you found out about Cleopatra? Basil. Everything, sir, is ready, and I asked Mavra that the princess of your mistress does not want to cut her hair, she only intends to hide her for a while. Dobroserdov. I'll find her everywhere! But now you are aggravating the gnawing of my conscience with your sincerity ... And I am unable to repay all your services worthy of reward; but as much as I have, I will share with you. This is half of my wealth! And here's your vacation! From now on, you are free. Go and look for happiness in another place, and leave me alone to finish my ill-fated life. It won't last long. Accept and do not deny! Basil. I will not take either one or the other, sir. And when already at that time I did not lag behind you, when I endured every need and saw your displeasure with me, then can I leave you when you have become virtuous and have more need for my services than ever? I do not remind the past in order to sadden you more, but to assure you of my diligence. I will never part with you. Dobroserdov. Oh, a rare virtue in a man of such a state! You surprise me with your honesty. And I have been punished enough for doubting you. Basil. You were not the only one who doubted me, and I have already learned how difficult it is to make a name for a kind person. If I were a bum, I would rob you together with Zloradov and ... Dobroserdov. Don't remind me of him. You have already proved your good heart to me enough. Basil. But I must confess that your late parent taught me these honest deeds. He always observed the truth, and he tried to deduce vices from his servants. But for whom? Everything for her children, to establish them in virtue. Dobroserdov. Don't remind me of my parent's merits. They confuse me more. As much as he was virtuous, as much as I am vicious. Now I will not go to my uncle and brother, but I will go where fate will show me the way. Take it and say goodbye to me forever. Basil (falling to your knees). If you honor my services and loyalty to something, so ... Dobroserdov (picking up Vasily). Stand up! Basil (getting up, continues his speech). So at least keep it with you for them. Listen to my advice and to uncle ... Dobroserdov. Don't force me. Basil. Shale about yourself, fulfill my request. God Himself will persuade uncle to pity for your appeal, and if you don’t go to him, then I will not leave you alone. Dobroserdov. Don't convince me anymore. I'm ashamed to show myself to them. I beg you again! Be rewarded for all your loyalty. Basil. And I also dare to ask you that you, though not for your servant, but for your own benefit and for the sake of saving pity for the food worthy of Cleopatra ... Dobroserdov. Saying her name, you can force me to do everything. Moreover, gratitude tells me not only to listen to your advice, but also to obey them. Let's go to my uncle. Let's save my dear Cleopatra, and then I'll prove my gratitude to you. (They want to go, but at that time the widow enters with her daughter.)


Dobroserdov, Vasily and the widow with her daughter

Dobroserdov. Oh my God! You also sent this poor woman to my further torment, but she will not be deceived. Widow. Do not be angry, sir, that I have come to disturb you. The most extreme forced me to do that. You know that my late husband waited on his debt for a year, and I am waiting for a year and a half. Have mercy on the poor widow and orphans! Here is the eldest of them, and four more remained at home. Dobroserdov. I know, madam, that I am guilty before you, but I cannot pay you all the money, and I swear that I don’t have more than three hundred rubles. Take them, and you will, of course, get the one and a half hundred in three days or less. Although you will hear that I will not be in the city, do not worry about that. This person will hand them over to you; trust me and leave me alone. Widow. I'm happy with that too (leaves).


Dobroserdov and Vasily

Dobroserdov. Now I will go out of town, and you stay here. I am no longer ordering, but please, listen to me! Sell ​​all my things and please this poor widow. I hope that you can get so much for my dress and underwear. Basil. I'm not from you ... Dobroserdov. Do not disobey my request, and when I already agree to yours, so you will fulfill mine. In your favor, I will go straight to my uncle, and you, having corrected the set, will find me with him. Sorry!

(Merchants-creditors bring, at the instigation of Zloradov, a magistrate's clerk and mailers to lead Dobroserdov the big one to prison. In order for the "magistrate's command" to be summoned not in vain, the merchants decide to send Zloradov to prison, who is also their debtor.)


Princess, B. Dobroserdov, M. Dobroserdov, Vasily and Zloradov (who makes different movements and expresses his extreme confusion and frustration)

B. Dobroserdov (to brother). Although you have delivered me from dishonor, you are not able to make my perfect welfare. I can't see my beloved already ... M. Dobroserdov. You will see her now. Vasily, go and ask here for Mrs. Cleopatra. She sits at the gate in a carriage. Basil. Immediately, sir. B. Dobroserdov. What? She ... she is here ... M. Dobroserdov. You will see her immediately. Zloradov. O perverse fate! Princess. What do I hear!


Princess, B. Dobroserdov, M. Dobroserdov and Zloradov

B. Dobroserdov. But aren't you flattering me? I'll run to her myself. (He runs, and the younger brother, having reached, stops.) Princess (to the side). How can I see her? I will die of shame. (To Zloradov.) Get away from me, dissolute. M. Dobroserdov (to brother). Don't go, but stay here. I will tell you how unknowable happiness I was able to bring your mistress. Approaching the Pereslavskaya Yamskaya, I met with the carriage and heard that the people sitting in it asked me to stop. When I came out, I saw Cleopatra and Stepanida, and this honest servant informed me of all your misfortune and said that instead of the monastery she was taking Cleopatra, without telling her, straight to the village of your deceased uncle, and wanted to notify you on the way. On the contrary, I announced to them the exchange of your happiness, and Stepanida and I forcibly persuaded your mistress to return here. B. Dobroserdov. A! Dear brother, you give me life! Zloradov (to the side). Is it finished? The stupid girl turned all my cunning into nothing!


The same, Cleopatra, Stepanida and Vasily

Princess. I dare not look at her, and my feet cannot hold me. (Leans on chairs and covers with a handkerchief.) B. Dobroserdov (rushing to Cleopatra, kisses her hands). Dearest Cleopatra! Let me kiss your hands, and first of all listen to my request. Forget the past! Forgive your aunt! She's innocent (looking at Zloradov), and he is the cause of everything. Tell her that not only will you not exact anything from her, but you will give her a good village to live on. I’m so rich now that I don’t need your dowry. I ask this of you as a sign of your love for me. Do it! .. Cleopatra (To Dobroserdov). I will do more than that. (Leaving him, she runs to the princess, wants to fall at her feet, but she does not allow her; however, she takes her hand and kisses it.) It is not for me, madam, to forgive you, but you will let go of my guilt, that she dared to return against your will. I’m tenacious here, I didn’t see any annoyance, and I had to obey you in everything by the order of my parent .. Forgive me! I am his words (pointing to Dobroserdov) I confirm and ask with tears ... Princess (crying). Stop bringing me to a shame! Stop it, dear niece! You multiply my repentance by your obedience ... I am so guilty before you that I am unworthy of such magnanimity. (Pointing to Zloradov.) This ungodly man knocked me down to everything! But I will try to make up for my guilt in my future life ... From this moment I leave my former actions and until death I will be with you forever ... (They hug.) Zlofadov (during the princess's speech, he twice attempted to leave, but, suddenly gathering his strength, he returned and, approaching Dobroserdov, humiliatingly tells him). When you are all so generous here, so I hope to be forgiven. B. Dobroserdov. As for me ... M. Dobroserdov. No, brother! Should not forgive him. Through this, we will do a lot of harm to honest people. Let him receive a worthy retribution for his villainy, and if he corrects himself, then I will not be the first to help him. Zloradov (M. Dobroserdov). When you now despise me so much, then I will try to do evil to you first of all. Time is ahead, and I will use it for that, so that all of you may build destruction. (He leaves, and as soon as he opens the door, so soon Dokukin and his comrades who are waiting for him take it.) Basil (after Zloradov). We are not afraid of you now, and they are expecting you at the gate. (How soon the merchants will catch him, he says.) Yes, now you have already fallen into the hole that you were preparing for your friend.

The last phenomenon

Princess, Cleopatra, B. Dobroserdov, M. Dobroserdov, Stepanida and Vasily

M. Dobroserdov. Do you see what he is like? B. Dobroserdov. I forgive him everything. Princess. Let go of my guilt too, following the example of your mistress, and when she still honors me with respect and friendship, then I will use the power given to me over her in your favor. (Takes Dobroserdov and Cleopatra by the hands.) I will forever agree to your well-being and ask you not to deprive me of your friendship. Cleopatra. I will forever be a submissive niece. B. Dobroserdov. My respect for you after death will not change, and you can demand any experience from me. But I, hope in you, take the courage now to ask for such mercy that we really need. Princess. I will fulfill all that I can with joy. B. Dobroserdov. Forgive Stepanida, madam, and give her free rein, since I am eternally freeing my Vasily. They love each other. Princess. She is in your power, set her free! Stepanida (kisses the hand of the princess). I will not forget your graces, madam. B. Dobroserdov (taking Vasily and Stepanida). Now you are free people. Here's a vacation, which you didn’t want to take, and I’m giving you two thousand rubles for your wedding, and I want you not to deny it with a single word. Basil (accepting, bows). Now I accept your mercies, and although you are releasing me, I will serve you forever as a token of my gratitude. And when you have already become happy, then we should only wish that all the girls of your mistress become like, and the obsolete coquettes who go into the coffin with pretentiousness, following her Excellency, from that received disgust. All the mots, following your example, would turn to the true path, and the servants and maids, like Stepanida and I, faithfully served their masters. Finally, so that the ungrateful and cunning, fearing their vile vices, lag behind them and remember that the god of villainy does not leave without punishment. 1764


Vladimir Ignatievich Lukin is the son of a nobleman who served as a footman at court. In 1752 Lukin was appointed a copyist to the Senate, from 1756 he entered the military service as a copyist, and in 1762 he was transferred as a secretary to the hetman K. G. Razumovsky. The beginning of Lukin's literary activity dates back to 1763. Having found a patron in the person of the State Secretary of the Empress I.P. Elagiva, who at that time was her main assistant in literary and theatrical affairs, Lukin translated the 5th and 6th parts of "The Adventures of the Marquis G ***" Prevost (St. Petersburg. , 1764-1765; the correct four parts were translated by Elagin in 1756-1758). In 1764-1765 Lukin was the most active figure in the "Elagin circle": he translated and translated into "Russian customs" a number of comedies by French playwrights; in lengthy prefaces to his plays, he substantiated the idea of ​​the need for borrowing, outlined the basic principles of the theory of "transposition", go "inclination to our mores" (this theory was completely borrowed from the works of the Danish playwright L. Holberg), resolutely rejected the principle of satirical depiction of social vices in Russian reality and attacked the greatest satirist of the era - Sumarokov. Denying satire "on faces", Lukin asserted the principle of satire "on vices." Finally, Lukin energetically supported the "national" theater, created in St. Petersburg on the idea of ​​Catherine II under police supervision; with the help of this theater, the government was to obtain a powerful means of influencing the "morality" of the people. An example of such "morality", pseudo-folk "primordial Russian virtue" (as interpreted by Empress Catherine), in the works of Lukin himself should have been the image of Vasily's servant - a slave by conviction (see the foreword and text of the play "Mot Corrected by Love"). At the same time, the activities of Lukin (as well as other members of the "Elaginsky circle") contributed to an increase in theatrical repertoire, and the creation of the first examples of a new genre of "tearful comedy" for Russia expanded the possibilities of drama. The servile character of Lukin's writings and the reactionary meaning of his dramatic activity were correctly understood and condemned by all progressive-minded writers. In the second half of the 1760s, Lukin created several more alterations, and in 1769, apparently, he collaborated in the pro-government magazine "Anything and everything", which caused a new wave of attacks on him from satirical magazines ("Truten" and others. ). Lukin's service career was very successful. At the end of 1764, he was officially appointed cabinet secretary under Elagin, in 1774. served in the Main Palace Chancellery, of which Yelagin was a member. He also accepted Lukin as a Freemason and made him the Grand Secretary of the Masonic Main Provincial Lodge and the master of the chair (ie, the head) of the Urania Lodge. Lukin rose to the rank of actual state councilor (rank IV class, equal to a major general). After 1770 Lukin left literature. The last significant appearance in print was the translation of the 7th and 8th parts of "The Adventures of the Marquis G ***", containing the history of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut (M., 1790).

Kheraskov's dramaturgy

Lukin's drama

In his work, for the first time, the realistic and democratic tendencies of sentimentalism were manifested. The appearance of his plays in the theater of the 60s meant that the hegemony of the nobility in drama was beginning to falter.

A commoner writer, the initiator of the struggle against classicism.

Condemns Sumarokov and his orientation towards French classicism, the court audience, which sees only entertainment in the theater. He sees the purpose of the theater in an educational spirit: the use of the theater in correcting vices.

Mot Corrected by Love - 1765

The only original play by Lukin. The spoiled customs of the noble society are condemned, the types of ordinary people are shown with sympathy.

Action in Moscow. The young nobleman Dobroserdov squandered his father's estate in two years, he cannot pay off his creditors. The culprit - Zloradov, pushes for extravagance, making money himself, wants to marry the "fifty-year-old beauty", who is in love with Dobroserdov, "a rich princess. Dobroserdova is saved by his love for his niece, Princess Cleopatra, awakens the desire to return to the path of virtue. A sudden inheritance helps pay off creditors.

Merchants, first introduced by Lukin into Russian drama, play an important role. The virtuous merchant Pravdolyub is opposed to the Unconnected and Dokukin. Democratic tendencies - the servants of Vasily and Stepanid are not comic characters, but smart, virtuous people.

Lukin's thought about the high price that serfs pay for the extravagance and luxury of landowners is a social sense.

This is the first attempt to create a Russian drama that reflects the customs and life of modern Russian society.

The initiator and the largest representative of noble sentimentalism in the drama of the 18th century.

In 50-60 he acts as a poet and playwright of the Sumarokov school. But already in the early works, the features of sentimentalism appeared. Is critical of a life full of evil and injustice. A call for self-improvement and self-restraint, there are no tyrannical and accusatory motives characteristic of Sumarok's classicism.

Persecuted - 1775

He preached non-resistance to evil and moral self-improvement as the path to happiness. Don Gaston - a virtuous nobleman, slandered by enemies, having lost everything, retires on the island. Events develop against the will of the passive and virtuous protagonist. An unknown young man, rescued by Gaston from the waves of the sea, is successively found on a deserted island; he turns out to be the son of his enemy Don Renaud, the daughter of Zeil, the cat he considered dead, and Renaud himself. Zeila and Alphonse - the son of Renaud - love each other, Gaston meets with the enemy. But the virtue and Christian attitude towards the enemies of Gaston makes his enemies friends.

The production of tearful dramas required a special design for this play - the 1st action is the seashore, the entrance to the cave, the 2nd is the night, the ship is at sea.

Arises in the early 70s. soon - one of the most popular genres.

Comic opera - dramatic performances with music in the form of inserted arias, duets, choirs. The main place belonged to dramatic art, not musical art. The texts are not operatic librettos, but drama works.

These drama works belonged to the medium genre - they turned to modern themes, the life of the middle and lower classes, combined the dramatic beginning with the comic. Expanding the democratization of the circle of characters - beyond the tearful comedy and bourgeois drama, there are heroes - representatives of the people - commoners and peasants.

The plots are varied, but special attention was paid to the life of the peasantry. The growth of the anti-serfdom peasant movement forced to address the question of the life and position of the peasantry.

The author begins the comedy with a preface, where he describes the reasons why the writer undertakes to create. The first is the thirst for fame; the second is the pursuit of wealth; and the third - personal reasons, for example, the desire to annoy someone. Lukin, in turn, pursues a different goal - to benefit the reader.

The events of the comedy take place in Moscow in the house of a widow from a princely family, who has sincere feelings for one of the Dobroserdov brothers. Waiting for the owner to wake up, the servant Vasily reflects on the sad fate of the owner, who has squandered to smithereens, which is why the threat of imprisonment hangs over him. Dokukin, the landlord's creditor, appears with a demand to repay the debt. Vasily's attempts to send him out were unsuccessful, and Dokukin went with his servant to the bedroom of Dobroserdov, who had already woken up from loud voices. Seeing Dokukin in front of him, he reassures him with a message about his marriage to the princess, who promised to give so much money in honor of the wedding that it would be enough to pay off the debt without difficulty. Dobroserdov goes to his bride, and Vasily explains that Dokukin should not be seen in the house, since no one should find out about the owner's duty and misery. The creditor leaves, promising to find out about everything from Zloradov.
The servant Stepanida appears from the princess’s half of the house and, noticing Dokukin, asks Vasily who he is. He tells Stepanida in detail how his master ended up in debt. When Dobroserdov was fourteen, his father sent him to St. Petersburg to look after his brother there. But the young man was not carried away by the sciences, preferring an idle way of life to them. Later he became friends with Zloradov, with whom, after the death of his uncle, they settled in the same house. Not without Zloradov's participation, Dobroserdov squandered his entire fortune in a month, and four months later owed a total of thirty thousand to many merchants, one of whom was Dokukin. Zloradov, among other things, quarreled Dobroserdov with another uncle, because of which he left all the inheritance to his second nephew and left with him out of town.

You can only earn your uncle's forgiveness by marrying a good girl, and Dobroserdov sees this in the princess's niece, Cleopatra. Vasily turns to Stepanida with a request to persuade the girl to secretly escape with Dobroserdov. Dobroserdov, who has approached the conversation, joins the conversation, and also asks the servant for such a service. Stepanida is happy to help the mistress get away from her aunt, who spends her money on her whims, but doubts that her upbringing will allow Cleopatra to do this.
Stepanida leaves, and the princess appears in her place. She without shame invites the young man to take part in her preparation for going out, but Dobroserdov shies away from the prospect of choosing clothes for the princess, and then going to visit someone, pretending to be very busy. After that, he sends Vasily to Zloradov, as it seemed to him, his only friend, in order to tell him everything and ask him to borrow money to escape. Vasily's persuasions that this person is only plotting evil do not help.

Waiting for news from Stepanida, Dobroserdov curses himself for his former frivolity. Stepanida appears with the news that she could not talk to Cleopatra, so she advises Dobroserdova to tell her about her feelings for the girl in a letter. Dobroserdov goes to write a letter, and Stepanida comes to the conclusion that the reason why she helps lovers lies in her own indifference to Vasily, whose kindness overrides the shortcomings of appearance and age.

The princess comes in and scolds the servant, the latter makes excuses that she came here to find out about Dobroserdov for her. He himself appears and, noticing the princess, carefully hands the letter to Stepanida, after which the princess and the maid leave, and the young man remains to wait for Vasily.
Later Stepanida comes with bad news. The princess went to her daughter-in-law to arrange Cleopatra's wedding with the wealthy breeder Srebrolyubov, who promised not only not to ask for a dowry, but also to give the princess a large house and ten thousand from above. However, Stepanida invites the young man to help with this.

Vasily comes with the news of the meanness of Zloradov, who persuaded Dokukin not to wait and immediately claim the debt from Dobroserdov, explaining that he was planning to leave the city. However, this does not cure the young man of gullibility, and he tells everything to Zloradov. The latter promises to draw three hundred rubles from the princess, judging for himself that Cleopatra's wedding with Srebrolyubov is very beneficial for him. Zloradov punishes writing a letter to the princess asking for a loan of this money to pay off the card debt, so that he can then take it to the princess. Dobroserdov agrees, and Vasily is furious with the gullibility and simplicity of the young man.

Stepanida arrives with the news that Cleopatra has received a letter, and although she hardly dared to flee, she also has feelings for Dobroserdov. Suddenly Panfil, a servant of Dobroserdov's brother, appears with a letter. It said that his uncle had forgiven Dobroserdov, having learned from his brother about the young man's desire to marry a virtuous girl. However, due to the slander of the neighbors, who reported that Dobroserdov, together with the princess, was spending the bride's fortune, the uncle abandoned his previous words, and only the arrival of a young man with a girl to clarify the situation can save the situation.

With the help of the solicitor Prolazin, Dobroserdov seeks to postpone the decision of the magistrate, but the methods that the solicitor offers him do not suit him, because he cannot steal bills, give bribes or renounce his signatures on bills. In the meantime, all creditors who have learned about Dobroserdov's departure are arriving, demanding to repay their debts. And only Pravdolyubov, also his creditor, agrees to wait.

Zloradov appears. Everything is going according to his plan, it remains only to arrange so that the princess finds Dobroserdov and Cleopatra during their meeting. Then a monastery awaits Cleopatra, a prison for a young man, and money for Zloradov. Dobroserdov receives money from his "friend" and again, without foresight, talks about his conversation with Cleopatra. After that Zloradov leaves.
Cleopatra arrives with Stepanida. In the midst of their explanation, the princess appears along with Zloradov. Stepanida takes the situation into her own hands and tells the princess about Dobroserdov's plans, and then offers to entrust her with sending the girl to the monastery. The princess agrees in a rage, and attacks Dobroserdov with abuse, reproaching him for ingratitude. Zloradov throws off his mask and echoes it. The couple leaves, and Dobroserdov can only complain about the fate of the servant.

One of the creditors appears - a poor widow and her daughter - with a request to return a one and a half year debt. Dobroserdov immediately gives the three hundred rubles brought by Zloradov, and after the widow leaves, he punishes Vasily to sell his entire wardrobe in order to pay her the rest of the debt. The owner himself offers the servant freedom, but Vasily refuses to leave the owner at a difficult hour for him. At this time, creditors and clerks gathered around the house, who came at the invitation of Zloradov.
Unexpectedly for everyone, Dobroserdov Jr. appears. He announces that their uncle has died and left the entire inheritance to his older brother, forgiving him for everything. So now you can easily pay off all your debts. But Dobroserdov Sr. is saddened by only one thing - the absence of Cleopatra. But here, too, fate favors him. Stepanida actually took the girl to Dobroserdov's uncle, where they told everything.

The creditors, realizing that there was no need to expect interest from Dobroserdov, remembered Zloradov's debts and presented the promissory notes to the clerks. Vasily and Stepanida receive freedom, but decide to stay with their former masters.

Please note that this is only a brief summary of the literary work "Mot Corrected by Love". Many important points and quotes are missing in this summary.

Complete collection of all
Russian theater compositions.

Part XIX.

at the Imperial Academy of Sciences,


five actions.


The first time is presented at the Russian Court Theater, January 19, 1765.


DOBROSERDOV is large, DOBROSERDOV is smaller, brothers. PRINCESS, a widow in love with Bolshago Dobroserdov. CLEOPATRA, the niece of the Princess, the lover of the great Dobroserdov. ZLORADOV. STEPANIDA, Princess's servant. VASILIY, big Dobroserdov's uncle. PANFIL, servant of the younger Dobroserdov. PROLAZIN, solicitors. PRAVDOLYUBOV. DOKUKIN. DEADLINE. Widow carriage. The daughter of Karetnitsyn is speechless. SERVANT, big Dobroserdova. MASTER'S OFFICE OFFICE. RETAILS, without rchey. NѢѢKOLKO KUPTSOV and YAZOVISHIK, the lenders of Bolshago Dobroserdov without rchey.

Action in Moscow in Knyaginin's house.




The theater represents a large cross room, in which there are 4 doors, on each side there are two: on the right one means half of Knyaginin and Cleopatrina, and the other bedroom and Dobroserdov's cantor: on the left, all strangers enter from the front, and pass through the other from the courtyard alone home. In the same rest there are two chairs, canapes, and several chairs VASILY. [sleeping on a canapé; and when he wakes up he takes out his watch and says it all.] I'm pretty good! Instead of waking up my master until light, I myself slept until seven o'clock, and what I told him yesterday, now I ruined it myself. - - - But what to do? the missed thing cannot be reversed. If it was not possible sevodni, maybe tomorrow it will be possible, if only he Eldoradov did not open. - - - But who can believe that the son of the deceased Dobroserdova, honest and benevolent my master, squandered his father's name for two years, and should he leave the city of Magistrates' prison? - - - No one! yes, and I myself would never have hurt anyone, if, according to my unhappiness, I was not a witness to all his shameful goals, from which my strength was not enough to abstain. But I am overjoyed; that he for his happiness and fell in love with the good Cleopatra, which leads him to the true path. [walked up to the door of the Good-hearted bedroom and said]. It is very quiet in his bedroom, and it seems to me that he has not yet awakened, and when we are already late, I will let him rest, and between Stepanidѣ, and if it succeeds, I will talk to her about the order. [As soon as I opened the door in the hallway; then the gentleman rings the bell. He wants to go to him, and says]. A! he woke up; I'll go to him. [But Dokukin enters at the same time].


Vasiley and Dokukin.

Vasiley [aside.]

The devil bring you!


I wish you good health Vasiley Matvevich! Do not be discouraged, perhaps, that I wandered to you so early. I am dear, the way is to go radiantly.

VASILY. [aside.]

By involuntary deception comes. [Dokukin] What should I chase for? I am glad that you have found it to us; I have good news for you.

DOKUKIN [aside.]

He is not thinking of letting me in again. [Vasily.] Tell me more! for the good news, and we will repay the good ones.

Vasiley [smiling].

I think that you are not in need of money?


There is such a need for them that it’s also a shame to say. The very Nomtsy, from whom I took goods for you, want to send me off to the Magistrate.


It’s not easy for this to happen. As if you had no money!


We always don’t lie to Her! her! I have not a hundred pennies in my house; and everything is in debts according to the noble boyars, from whom some of them do not even enter the court; but you can't get them into the Magistrate. But in truth I have reached such a misfortune that I will act with my debtors in the same way as they want with me.

But I think that we are not among the number of debtors with whom you want to split up with Magistrates' assistance; but at the same time my boyar will pay off you very soon.

DOKUKIN [to the side].

I see his fables. [Vasily.] I’m a hundred-or-so glad that I’ll get the money without any hassle; otherwise, inevitably, I should have started a quarrel with you.

Vasiley [to the side].

How would you hurry him to survive. Turn the lord Dokukin, that my boyar will not allow it to happen; and in five or six days he will receive a thousand more than ten.


God grant him at least a hundred; we are his mercy and always came in handy. Listen Vasiley Matvevich! when I receive the money, I will also beat your grace with the forehead by two hundred; Yes, the cloth for a pair of dresses you can wear.

I am not a hunter before gifts, and I ask you to leave them. I think that you are now delighted with my news, which is very pleasant for me. Go home with God; and after a week, come to us with brooms.


Okay: however, it seems indecent to me to leave without giving your boyar a bow. Please report me to him. I want to give him a humiliated bow for a good payment, and thank him for his mercy.

Leave perhaps unnecessary courtesy! My boyar's right will not be angry with you; but you can't see him soon, for an egg that he went to bed very late.


Ying I-hundred will wait; and without a bow to leave it hurts not to be courteous. Yes, it would not be bad if he deigned to repeat your words.

Aren't you lying to me? I never seem to deceive you. Don't worry in vain; and go where it is necessary for your own souls; and don't hesitate to fix mine. See you alone, if I leave, it will be boring to wait here?


By no means a hundred is not boring, if you expect to get almost missing ten thousand manets, which were acquired by the sweat of your brow. [Vasily goes, and Dokukin stops] Where do you wish to go? I will not leave you alone, and I will go to the bedroom itself.

Perhaps do not follow me. I'll see if the master is awake; and if I woke up, I will also report on you.


Thank you for your reports; I will follow you even without them. I remember very much how they took me away, so then they let me in right into the bedroom and often sat down at the table; and now you survive from the front. Will is a hundred of your mercy. I wonder in your words, and I see that in kindness - - -

AND! how shameless you! You always love to be bored in vain. I swear you'll get the money soon. Goodbye. [Go to the door.]

DOKUKIN [rushes into following Vasily, which, when he sees him, stops.]

I am everywhere ready for you, and although I am glad to wait here until tomorrow. You always gently lay down and sleep well; and telling the uterus the truth , you have already deceived me more than once, and through your seeing-off for more than half a year I cannot master Dobroserdova see.

Don't shout at the top of your lungs. I say that my boyar is very late to lie down, and at the same time he is not healthy. You can wake him up and calm him down.


I listen to a hundred, and I've already heard these balusters for more than a hundred! Only now you won't please me with them. I will deliberately scream to wake him up, and I will not let you out of my hands. Where are you, there I am. [he approached the table and laid out various papers on it and said.] And here's how much you owe me. The withered one is yours.


DOBROSERDOV [not seeing Dokukin, whom he is fingering, says to Vasilya.]

We are already late, and you shout not to eat, and to me - - - [but then you see &# 1123; in Dokukin, rѣch suppresses.]

Vasiley [Dobroserdov is quiet.]

Now, sir, we ought to get away from him somehow.


Oh my God! against conscience must lie. [Dokukin] How did it bring you here in the morning, sir Dokukin? I remembered you very often.


Do not bring me in, your highness; and my money, for which I spent more than half a year every day, trampled down more than one pair of shoes, but I could not see you, and - - -


A! So you came for the money? I'm glad that by the way. I will break up with you very soon.


This is not possible, if now you are kindly welcome. Already the seventh month of the bill had passed, and I submitted it against my will to the Magistrate; I just think that you are not intimidated by me for that.


Why be angry! Everyone has the right to claim their own good. But haven't you heard about my wedding? I will soon marry the mistress of this house. - - - Just keep quiet about this for a while.


What profit will there be from that?


And, here's what: Princess she promised to give me fifteen thousand for the wedding preparations next Sunday. Be patient until tѣh, and hopefully hope that I myself will bring money to you to the courtyard. - - - But isn't it Zloradov didn’t tell you about that?


Not a word; Yes, I’m full of money of all sorts of miles.


You will receive them, and we will remain forever friends: but now I can’t talk to you anymore, I sent them for me, and I’m already promiscuous; and such elderly ladies should be very fondled when the wedding comes. Goodbye dear friend and be reliable! [Vasily] I will go to Knyaginѣ; and you try to get him out of here, and advise him to eat Stepanida, what we talked about yesterday.


Vasiley and Dokukin.

Vasiley [To Dobroserdov.]

I hear, sir! [stops Dokukin, who is following Dobroserdov and says.] Don't go after him for God's sake; maybe Princess will catch you with him.


What do I need before?

You will spoil everything. If she finds out that my boyar owes you, she will completely mess up with him. Yes, we already started talking with you too much; and I am afraid that she, or her maid, might not be found. Her daughter is evil like the devil, and I do not understand why she does not love my master, and tries to eat Princess quarrel. Yes, here she is. Go get out of here.


Sorry! [Going talking to himself.]

Just not too soon you will deceive me. I'll go to Zloradoev; he forced me to tell the truth. Vit and there is a bill of exchange for two thousand.




[Look closely at Dokukin] What kind of person was this talking to you?

Ostashkovskaya merchant Dokukin. Although he is dressed poorly, he sells cloth and brocade here and in Petersburg, and my boyar owes him ten thousand.


How many lenders do you have? They bored us from the side, and I'm already thinking of helping. I think that my mistress's niece, who married him, will not be happy?

This is almost true. I am not hiding from you, and I tried to receive your love not by wealth, but by my actions. Dobroserdov very bѣden; but I can assure you that vigilance is good for him, and he will give up extravagance altogether, he has already changed.


I hear more good about him from you than I see inwardly, and I begin to suspect. Are you skipping on it? That you are telling the truth about yourself is nice to me: I love you for that, and for this I help your boyar. However, we hear a lot of bad things. They say that he squandered very shamefully?

I already told you that we have nothing, and - - -


Yes, I didn’t say how you missed it. This is very annoying to me. Tell me now, or ...

I would love to, but there is a lot to talk about ...


You will have time to tell about everything! prevent anyone. Princess recently woke up, drinking coffee and told her to curl up her hair.

Good, I’ll say. I just wonder that you are gone Cleolatra did not hear. She knows everything about my boyar.


Maybe that's why she didn't open up to me, so that I wouldn't tell her to love mota; however, I myself, I don't know why, just love it very much Dobroserdova, and is ready to serve him diligently. - - - Start fast.

OK! About my deceased master, you heard a lot from me that he was an honorable man; but he himself was the parable of filial misery, which he sent to Petersburg in the year fourteen to enroll in the service, and instructed his cousin, who was in the young lots of the same motom. What is my hello Dobroserdov. Although, my friends tried to dissuade my old man, and they advised him to teach his son the necessary sciences; however, he did not listen to anyone.


Old people are always stubborn. Cleopatrin the father did the same, and as a result of annoyance to all his friends, he gave his daughter to look after my boyar's helper, and his sisters.

With his son he sent me as an uncle, and ordered me to look after him, for which my young boyar listened to me from the very beginning; but when he saw that his uncle was giving him free will, he began to despise my admiration and confessing to the lord, or better to say, to the deceiver Zloradov, completely deteriorated. I reported about his uncle, to whom his nephew said to me: "Listen brother Vasily! not every bast in a string. Let the young rabits have fun, and we were like that with my brother. "I dared to argue about that; but he told me to be silent, and said, That I would know the servile position; and if I still get bored, I wanted to kick me out,


And this uncle, the entrenched father Cleoratrine.

So, my boyar not only did not listen to me, but he had already begun to beat me: and how soon his uncle died; then he began to live together Zloradov, which made him a perfect mota; and finally, after the death of my old boyar, which happened a month later, he introduced him to unscrupulous merchants, and ravaged and robbed him to the end. We borrowed four months to thirty thousand, although we didn’t receive half of the sleigh, but Zloradoov enjoyed. For my zeal, I have been beaten many times.


I now hated this rogue more, for the fact that he brought you into the beatings.

What to regret about me? Having ripped my boyar to the end, he quarreled him here with his relatives, his uncle, who, having told about the extravagance of his nephew, wanted to restrain him; but instead he saw that his admiration despised him. This old man, being very quick-tempered, was so angry that he went to the village, and wanted to approve all the inheritance to the younger brother of my brother. In short, we have now reached such a state that every day we are afraid of the Magistrates' prison.


So for this Dobroserdov so much a man of the deceased?

Thanks to God, there is still hope for him, about which you will immediately hear. Falling in love with Cleopatra, he became a completely different person. Not every day has been eaten Zloradov it happens, and good to me. It’s known to you that he was shown pretending to Princess lovers, in order to come here and to eat Cleopatra more often to see: yes, your fifty-year-old beauty for the wedding is forcing him, and yesterday we got a little Dobroserdova letter, they decided to get rid of it and from all creditors; only in volume need your help, and you make up all our hope.


If I can say hello, of course I will not refuse.

My little boyar writes that he, taking advantage of his uncle's extreme illness, tried to appease him to us, in which he hopes to have success.


God grant!

And how did I know that our creditors from the Magistrate demand for Dobroserdov parcels; then he compelled him to leave the city this day; but he said that he would leave without Cleopatra he will not agree: and although I tried to persuade him with all my might to get out of here much earlier, he denied, and only set out to go out to the first village; I was told to stay here, and through you to persuade Cleopatra, so that she would have eaten you to him at night.


His intention is not very reasonable.

On the contrary, if he is going to an uncle with this virtuous lady; but the old man, who is inclined to pity, will easily forgive him. And if he doesn't like that, so he will go to his brother's village, and secretly marry, he will live until his uncle's death.


Will he be richer in uncle's death?

Of course! I was and forgot to tell you that the smallest Dobroserdov promised to share all the inheritance with his brother; but on it. you can rely on the community. You see and you know that he is very constant, and your degree proves that Zloradova hates.


That he is honest, we know; but how did you not think that Cleopatra will not agree to leave? And besides, and Princess it is not so easy to deceive.

In persuasion Cleolatra I relied on you and, on her love to my master; and spend Princess, he took on himself according to his needs, although he did not deceive anyone with timidity. We concluded so in the evening; but the davish merchant prevented us. However, the boyar told me to advise you about this. But here he is - - -



DOBROSERDOV [walking soon to Stepanidѣ.]

Did he tell you about our enterprise? and do you intend to help me?


I've already heard everything just - - -


When you heard everything, you already know that without your help I will forever lose K leopatra. use all the opportunity, and incline her to go with me; and knowing about your love, as soon as I am happy, I will not leave you.


If I will undertake to help; it is not so much for yourself as out of pity for you and for your mistresses. She does not lead a cheerful life with her aunt, who lives with her wealth, and how many people know, she has already squandered more than 30,000 rubles; but also contains, which is a pity to look at. I would be very glad to have delivered her out of the hands of my dandy, just not in this way.


If you leave me, you will cut off the last road to my happiness. Depict Cleolatr into what extremes I am, and reassure her that there is if she will go with me; This will help me learn the forgiveness of my uncle. I would go to her myself; but you know that I am up to you, as long as princess at home, you can't see her. Persuade her, and if she agrees; then we can go away this night.


All right, sir! I say hello to all this, but I doubt that I would agree. She is a reasonable and benevolent lady, and it will not soon fall into such a deep sense: and no matter how much she loves you, she will not want to give a reason for her reproach.


But I am I hope from her love. She knows how I lie to her. Go and help me without wasting time; and I will never forget your service.


I swear that I will apply all my strength to this, and I will not delay you.




She will of course agree to be, and we will leave today. Nothing can hold me back.

Develop creditors.


Leave this danger. Are they really going to take me in right now? Although I will secretly leave here; however, I will not deceive them in the least, because as soon as I will receive the inheritance, or from my brother according to his common half; then I am separated with everything.

It's pretty good; but do you now have so much money to get out of here? Take away the honest lady, honestly lead and support her. And, as soon as you reconcile with your uncle, it is God who knows.


In this case, my friend will not leave me.

Hope for it in vain! He wants to take advantage of you, not help you. Yes, here is the Princess. Should I stay here?





What has this sir got into you? Yesterday I didn’t see you all day, and now, having called to myself, I can’t wait. I don’t know, what should you conclude from this act? The closer we are to our happiness, the colder you become.


In vain, madam, blame me. I love you so much for your good graces that I would not prefer anything to your presence. Now I just got dressed and wanted to go to you. [aside] Having come to repentance, it is hard to deceive people!

What are you saying about yourself, and why is it so sad? Take a look at me. Oh cunning! you always know how to speak kindly. I see that you are flattering; however, I lie to you: me and your flattery. nice. - - - What is it? - - - Are you already angry? Stop it, perhaps; I said this, my soul, as a joke.


Can I be angry with you?

Whether you are angry or not, only I will admit that you always try to move away from me; and this is very unfortunate for me. Yes, I fully know what to punish you for evil. You will go with me to my nevѣstkѣ; we will dine with her, dine, and have fun until midnight. - - - Aha! I see that this punishment does not seem very harsh to you, and you agree to it without excuses.


If I’m madam. - - -

You are already completely clothed; and so now it is not for you, but for me, it has become: but I don’t hide, and I’ll be dressed in half an hour. Come my lord with me! you will stand at my toilet (a foreign word says a coquette, which is decent for her; and if she spoke her, then of course Ruskoe would have been written.), and tell me which dress is better to stick to me. I will hope everything that you like; Yes, I am with you and dress nice.


With all my heart I would like to, madam, but I can’t not only eat you, go down to your lavatory. Yesterday I received unnecessary letters from my brother, and he instructed me so differently that I can finish this day with difficulty.

Put it aside until tomorrow.


Yes, this is a thing, madam, it does not endure time. Having written a letter, I must go to many places, and I ask you to fire me for the whole day, and not be angry for that. I owe a lot to my brother, and I owe him thanks.

No matter how sad it will be without you, but if you have such a need, then I will not force you; however, you yourself will bother that you will not go with me, there you would have heard a lot of nice things. Vѣr, my soul, that I am going for your well-being; but I will not tell you what it consists of, in order to punish you for your disobedience. Goodbye my joy! I will go to get dressed; and you, in between, try to finish your dull soon, and without telling me, do not leave the yard. Forgive my treasure. - - - [he looks around and speaks as he walks] Sorry! forgive my joy!


I am glad that I have separated from her; it becomes more and more opposite to me from hour to hour. Vasiley!



What do you want?


Now you have to try for money; and how soon I will open myself to my friend; then he will certainly serve me.

What, sir? Do you want to open up to him? If you breathe it in, you will spoil it altogether, and maybe you will make a great deal of trouble! But how long will you lie to such a deceiver, whom by deceiving you, instead of gratitude, he scolds everywhere?


And where do you hear about this?

He is not only on the sideѣ, and Knyagin often vilify you; and although it does it very skillfully, nevertheless, her anger diminished, and she told me about it more than once.


Stop! You eat Stepanida, I don't know why, Zloradova hate. Go to him and ask him to me; I know that he will not leave me.

Divide into the future will lead. If you want his help, sir, do not expect any confidence from me.


Do not annoy me anymore. You needlessly think so badly about it. This is still an old malice in you. Go, and don't be too quick to ask him here, and I'll wait for you at the office.


Vasiley one.
[looking at next.]

How annoying I am that I cannot free you from this rogue who was brought into vigilance! If I didn’t feel sorry for you, I would have parted with you long ago. Oh my God! Deliver my lord's godfather from this deceit, and help me to expose his treachery!

End of the first action.



[Leaving the office, he walks with quiet steps, and pronounces in a pitiful voice.]

It's about an hour already I Stepanid I waited, and this hour seemed to me indescribably long. Everything that an unwary person can feel, I feel everything; but I am more tormented by him. He must endure only the persecution of fate, and I repentance and gnawing of conscience. - - - I can only imagine a past life; then I become unbearable. From that time, as I parted with my parent, I incessantly lived in vices. I deceived, dissembled, pretended to be, was an herald of respect for a worthy uncle, did not listen to the advice of friends and admiration of a vicious minister, and now I suffer worthily for that. Hourly, I feel sad, I sigh and incessantly reprimand myself for the past deeds. - - - But I'm very happy that I realized Cleopatra. With her guidance, I turned to the virtues. O! if it's nice to have an honest mistress! What is the difference between her and those helicopters with whom I led a lifeless life; squandered the acquired name by the labors of my ancestors; was repeatedly deceived by them, despised, and finally thrown into desecration. Dearest Cleolatra! You brought me back to life, [Sits down in an armchair in thought, and often inspects the door that the Princess goes to.] But well there is no Stepanida. No Cleopatra Did you disown with me? If I hear it; then - - Нѣт! she will not leave me: she knows my fiery love, and - - -



DOBROSERDOV [I will meet her.]

What will you tell me to delight? Say: I must live or die.


Having lived, of course, you will die, but not now.


Leave the jokes, perhaps. They are very far from the place, and do not weary me, otherwise - -


Don't be so impatient. I do not like faint-hearted people.


And I tѣkh, who joke at the wrong time, and instead of sm lead to annoyance. Tell me that Cleopatra did you say?


Nothing. - - - However, do not despair, sir, so soon. Because of that she did not deign to order anything, that I did not have time to speak to her.


How? You haven't said yet?


Nѣt sir! Princess called her to her and told her to stay until she left for her bedroom.


No matter how you are and Knyagin she was notified.


Yes, it was impossible in any way. Do not be angry in vain; I know that you are hot-tempered and passionately in love, and for this I will immediately begin to talk about things.



Write a letter to just as soon as possible. I won't be able to talk to her for a long time; and the letter and Knyagin I will try to give it skillfully. Explain your condition to her, and I'll wait for you here. She was sent to the pantry for a dress, and I ordered him to go to her directly, while I deliberately went to you. Go ahead and finish the day.


I am very pleased with your invention, and I will write right away. [goes and comes back] But how soon will I get an answer?


Having written about this, you can talk, but now hurry up.


Do not go away.



These are the men in love! They are forgotten; they repeat one word two times, they spend the necessary time in empty conversations, and they are very similar to madmen. It's just a pity to me Dobroserdova and Cleopatra; I would be very glad if he would take her away and eat them myself. - - - Yes, it seems to me that I'm not helping them out of pity, but more out of love for Vasily. Although he is not very useful and is much older than me; however, the man is kind and conscientious according to my thoughts. But what then Dobroserdov Does it take so long? Well, if they bring a dress, and Princess I will be seized, so the abuse cannot be avoided. Yes, here she is, how could I wriggle out? - - - [thinks.]



PRINCESS [totally dressed]

What are you here, my beauty, do you please? Of course you wanted to chat with someone? You know that I don't like being a nanny at work. What is it? You can't wait wherever you go. I was forced from you to put on another dress, but you still did not take out that one, about which I ordered?


She took it out, madam, and ordered Moor carry it straight along the little ladder to you: but she may not have reported that to you. I myself deliberately went through Dobroserdovy chambers, to find out what he wants, and notify you about that.

A! that's another thing! if you had told me before, I would not have scolded you. You acted very cleverly. Is he at home?


His servant said that he was writing, and besides you, he told no one to tell.

PRINCESS [aside.]

I wonder in vain! everything proves that he loves me. Whatever I do, they don't slander him; however, I will not believe anyone. I will go to him, and although I will look at him, I will be so pleased. A! yes here he is.



DOBROSERDOV [not seeing the Princess goes to Stepanidѣ.]

I am already, - - - [but when he saw the Princess, he was somewhat embarrassed and said to her.] A! madam - - - how soon I heard your voice; then you can’t endure a minute, and having thrown it a little, I ran to you. Surely you are already walking?

Yes, my soul! and how much you don’t want to part with me, you try to squeeze me out of the yard, as much as I’ll come along.


No way, madam! With joy I would like to be with you inseparably.

And I sincerely wish the same, but I can’t: I’ve already lost my temper. Forgive my treasure! Maybe we won't see you again tonight. I’ll just go into the room for a minute and go straight away. Let's go; I still need to order you. Goodbye my svѣt! it's just a pity that you won't be with me; otherwise I would have heard how much I love you, and how I am trying for you.


I am sure of everything. [takes her hand, kisses her and escorts her; and on the way gives the letter to Stepanidј.]



Is it not Cleopatra, after reading my letter, reject my pitiful prose? I vividly described my condition to her, and I hope that she will be touched by him. Despair and my longing will induce her to compassion; but love will compel you to follow another. Oh fate! reward me with such happiness, which I am now unworthy of: but in the process I will try to prove that although I retired from a virtue for a while and was blinded, I did not remain ill-natured for ever. - - But well and Vasily nѣt at this time? No on Zloradova Haven't you found it at home? - - But I don’t understand why he hates my friend cruelly. - - - Is it really for self-interest that he wants to embroil me with him? - - - Nѣt! to such idleness in this false human inclination is not visible. - - - Of course, out of anger. - - - So it is! Although he is a good man, the vengeance that was frozen in their family and anger remained in him. But someone is walking; maybe he was with my friend.




Is it really gone Princess? and did you give the letter? ...


Princess I’ve already left, but there was no time to give the letters, because, having seen her off, I came to tell you very unhappy news.


What else will I hear from you for a new attack?


My noblewoman has revealed to me that she will be signing a row for your mistress's dowry at her place.


What? Sign a row?


Yes, sir! She wants to give out after tomorrow Cleopatra for a rich breeder Srebrolyubova, - - -


What do I hear! O merciless fate! [standing in despair thinks, and Stepanida looks at him in amazement, but he suddenly NS breaks the silence]Нѣт! I will not admit it. [bѣzhit.]

STEPANIDA [stopping Dodroserdov]

Where are you going? Do not get excited otherwise; you will not help yourself with this.


Can I be cold-blooded when my beloved is kidnapped? No Princess lost my mind that ...

STEPANIDA [smiling interrupts him pѣ; whose.]

Her sir, and nature is not so much clever that she could lose it a little, and this is very harmful for you, but very useful for her. The rich groom gives her a record, according to which he is obliged by marrying Cleolatr, her name is never to intercede, and the superhuman gives ten thousand and a stone courtyard; and she agreed to do that, out of love for you.


Let anyone love her. I will not look at her without disgust. I'll go to Cleopatra, and is it - - -


You can't go to her. Princess ordered me and Moor look after her, and she vѣra rѣcham Zloradova, whom you, as if jokingly, called fickle, begins to suspect, and thinks that you are in love with Cleopatra. She sir, for that she wants to give her away, and for this she ordered her not to leave her bedroom.


That's how they slander my friend! (Stepanidѣ) But what am I supposed to do in this extreme?


Suffer a little, and rely on me. And now I'm ready for anything for you. And when it came to such a misery; then I will try with all my might to persuade, in what your letter will help me a lot.


I rely on you in everything: do not leave! But I myself would have been better able to persuade her.


Do not worry too much, but trust me that I will free you from my noblewoman: only for God's sake, without seeing me, do not go to Cleolatr. This will ruin everything. Goodbye sir.




Sorry! (he stands in thought; but when he saw Vasily, tells him) Will my friend be here soon?

Soon sir. But I would like not to see him, and I think that when you hear about his zeal, you will wish the same.


What else do you have for new news?

They will open your eyes.


Leave the rudeness and talk about forgiveness.

Now I have something to expose your friend. When I came to him, I made my way without a report to the very bedroom, and I don't know why I was puffed up to look through the doors to see if anyone would eat him, and - - -


I do not have tea, you didn’t know any secrets?

This is true! and thank God that having recognized them, I will warn you of your leg. Having looked, I saw that Zloradov sitting with Dokukin, for which I immediately put my ear to the door, and although it is sinister and obscene to eavesdrop, everything is allowed against a deceiver.


Stop scolding him! but tell , will he be here?

Soon, you yourself will honor him more than me. I heard, sir, that he admonished Dokukin, not hesitating to take you on guard, and said that you were going to leave here on the sly.

DOBROSERDOV [to the side].

He's on Zloradova very spiteful. [Vasily] This cannot be.

Leave it alone now: you will get so far from him that you will not be allowed to leave. Zloradov Soonerly tomorrow you should have taken to the Magistrate and not allowed to get out of here.

DOBROSERDOV [sad and grieved.]

How could I hope for that! O izmѣnnik! what did I love you? [he says for a minute]Нѣт! it is unclear to me; you may have misheard.

Nѣt sir! I listened very clearly, and when I saw that they had finished the conversation, I went out onto the porch and let go Dokukin, and by tone told your neural friend that - - -


If you tell the truth, how not only he is not worthy of a friendly name, but deserves any punishment! To whom is it possible to get into the world even nowadays? I'm used to judging everything by myself. But! Vasily! think about that; what - - - - A! yes, here it is. - - - I don't know how to eat it? Leave me alone!

Vasiley [walking.]

He will now be right. [leaves]



ZLORADOV [going to Doboserdov.]

Hello dear friend! [wants to hug him; but when he saw that he was standing in deep thought, leaning on the armchairs, examining him, speaks affectionately] But why are you so confused? It seems to me very obscene for the groom to be in such a gloomy appearance, and especially when a rich and uncomplicated man is married to. With her money, we can have fun and find mistresses smarter. - - What is it? You don't want to look at me.


I am very sad and I have a great reason.


It can be seen that it is not without reason. However, you need to open up to your faithful friend, who will not regret life for you. One word, so I will go for everything.

DOBROSERDOV [hesitates aside.]

Of course Vasiley angry at him.


What are you whispering?

DOBROSERDOV [looking at him with coldness speaks.]

So! - - - thinking.


Stop being sad. I have tea, you worry, so that Princess I did not waste about your vivacity and about debts. Do not be afraid of this. I have persuaded all your creditors so that they not only wait; but they are also ready to turn as much as you like in the future.


He is certainly true to me; a Vasiley or misheard, or riveted.


But how long does it take to talk to yourself? If I am a burden, so tell me; I'd rather leave than annoy my friend to greet [wants to go.]

DOBROSERDOV [holds him back.]

Don't go away! See, I sent for you.


I would have been to you without sending; but your creditors restrained me, and one by one they tormented me without ceasing until this time. I had Bezotvyaznoy, Dokukin, Pritsepin, Prostofilin; in short, their whole gang: only I could manage with them, and inclined them to the point that they all hello for you.


In vain I hesitated in it. He just loves me in a friendly way. [hugs Zloradov] Oh, how much I owe you! You are giving me a favor, and I want to ask for your help in such a task on which my life depends.


If I am not sparing mine, I can help you; you will see that I will not renounce. Speak, and hope that everything will be fulfilled.


You know how much I love Cleopatra; but on the contrary how Princess I hate.


I know.


Now this woman has become unbearable to me. She wants my mistress to be married tomorrow.


And for whom?


For what is the breeder.


Per Srebrolyubova? For this silly fellow? Have you forgotten the volume?


I didn’t hear it!


This is the one about which Samolyubov Recently he told us that his father had made all his wealth in an unauthorized way, and that with the help of the then unconscious judges he robbed the treasury, and under the guise of iron ore. I used ten gold and silver.


A! so now I will not allow to marry him Tleolashrz: and it will not be forgiven for me to give in to such a scoundrel the utter of my life.


What are you looking forward to?


Princess despise - and with my mistress get away from here.


If you need to take her away, then rely on me. I alone can do it.


It will not be necessary to take away; I hope she volunteers to go.


But have you made an agreement with her? And when did you put your undertaking to finish?


Today. And although I haven't talked to her about that yet; however, I hope that she, having heard my proclamation, and knowing my innocent love, will obey me.


Tell me, what help is needed from me? I will die out of shame, if in such a necessary case I do not show you services.


I need money, I have more than twenty rubles nѣt; and this will take at least three hundred.

ZLORADOV [with pity.]

If I had, and if I could borrow somewhere; I would not spare anything to help you. But in my absence, now I am so bad that I don’t have more than five rubles, and I’m annoyed that I could not serve my friend with idleness. Oh fate! you often deprive us of ways to show the benefactors due gratitude!


Do you not understand what are the means to that? Seek, and help the unhappy one, which must perish without your help.


Let me think a little.


Good. [stands thoughtful.]

ZLORADOV [step aside says.]

Now we must not miss the time of this silly simpleton to take out fresh water. Having assumed that I have nothing more to live from him, I have long been looking for an opportunity to embroil him. Princess and take her wealth into your hands. But how would you tell me about that? ... I'll think about it. - - - A! this fiction is superb. - - - [approached admiration for Dobroserdov] Well! I found a way and we will probably get the money.

DOBROSERDOV [with impatience.]

Speak and please!


We will get them from Princess, and she is good, we will laugh at her. And to tell the truth, this old fool deserves it.


But how?


Write a letter to her, as if you were the first to go to the Count Gordeyanov I lost three hundred rubles, which I had to send in the morning without fail; however, in order to preserve her and her honor, she wishes, without leaving the house, to pay off, and then show that you are worthy to be her husband. You will touch her with this flattery so that she will not regret even three thousand.


Very good. But do you know where she is?


My butler told her that she had gone to her nevstk. Go and write a letter soon.


Won't you come with me?


Нѣт! I will sit here and read this new book a little .. It is called the position of a true friend, and most of all I teach gratitude.


I will make it at once.


ZLORADOV alone [looking at the slѣдъ Dobroserdovu.]

Now you can't pass the misery! - Stupid Princess You are not decent for you: although she is not her own name, she is very rich. You don't know how to use your own; and even more so, you will not die, and so it is necessary to save you from that. I know that this cutesy old woman is evil as hell; and I have a way to set it on fire. I’ll go and tell her all his intentions, I’ll bring him into extreme chagrin, and immediately without wasting time I’ll pretend to tell her that I’ve fallen in love with her myself. She is furious to despise him, and prefer me. It will certainly come true. - - - Then I will immediately survive from here this young fellow, and give him into the hands of the lenders; and to the ruin of the idler Vasily I'll use a solicitor. This uncle gives me a lot of annoyance: but he will be in prison for that. I will bribe the jailer so that they can exhaust him as much as possible, and all this, with the help of my sharp mind, I can helpless without timidity. Repentance and gnawing of conscience are not at all known to me, and I am not one of those simpletons who are terrified by the future life and hellish torment. If only here to live in contentment; but there, whatever happens to me; I'm not worried about that. In my opinion, fools and fools will be! - - - [seeing Dobroserdov] Is the letter ready?



Here it is! Go help me, and always be your servant.


Be reliable! This is already done; and in between you try to speak to your mistress; for the money, of course, will not. Goodbye! - - - [walks and turns around] I forgot to ask you. Have you seen the solicitor about whom. did you hear me? And what did he talk to you?


Although he communicated to me to be , just didn’t hold the words.


Send for him now your servant by my name. You must see him properly. Although you will go away from here, you need to warn that the creditors would not make a great noise here and would not bring dishonor to you. He will persuade them, and he will show you such help, which you do not hope. Goodbye! and as long as I'm kъ Knyagin I go, see him.


All greetings.




Well! Why did you put this on him? Otherwise, nothing can justify you, how is it that you misheard. Do you see how he tries about me? I went for money, and gave instructions on how to calm the lenders.

I talk to him with Dokukin I heard and remember from word to word; but I knew in advance that he, remaining with you, would turn out. Soon you, sir, will learn the truth of my words and repent; but late.


Stop it, perhaps! And I lie that you are not to blame, and not out of anger at him. Go to Arbat! there is a merchant's yard Faleliyeva where the retired Komisar lives Prolazin.

Not the Komisar sir, but a loafer. If you call him; then he will deceive you, and with his cunning will drag you into. It is true that Zloradov he has good hunters! ...


You hate all of his acquaintances. But tell me why you are scolding this lawyer like that?

By the fact that he is idle, yabadnik, crooked and worthy of hellish torment. You, sir, drive me to madness, and force me to forget what I owe to you.


Do you know him briefly?

In short, it is impossible to know the scope of it. He was a slave of the Prince Weakly meaningful, from which he went out into the butler, and stole a thousand and twenty: -However, being able to be hypocritical, he remained an honest man to this day. By the same time, having fertilized with the stolen goods of the master's good the same unscrupulous friends of his boyar, what is your Zloradov, begged for free. The prince delivered him to a wealthy place, where he, with the help of judges who do not remember, not only about the oath, but also about the future torment, stole from a hundred thousand, and finally, with the rank of the commissar, he resigned, and now he built himself a house no worse than his former ... He gave the money to the growth; however, accustomed to idleness, to this day he does not lag behind them, and deliberately dresses in vain to hide the unjustly acquired wealth.


Of course Zloradov about that does not exist. He would not approve of me such a shameless person: however, go for him. I have to listen to my innocent friend, and at the same time I want to see this man in the first place. Ѣzdizh fast! And in between, I will visit the post office, and I will order, if letters from my brother are sent to me, send them back to Vologda.


I cannot marvel at your immense lightheartedness: and it seems to me that Zloradoov It was not for nothing to call the concoctor together. Some kind of idleness invented by him. - - - I stitched that one argued; but my strength was gone. This idler, having seduced my boyar, swears at me; and if God does not help me, then Doboserdov will soon descend into the former life.

End of the second action.




Dobroserdov I was surprised by leaving the yard when I must wait for the answer of my mistress. To know that he has the greatest need. But they told me that he would be home immediately: and so I would rather wait here for you than at Cleopatrf. This is a poor lady with her grief, and she forced me to cry. It is very sweet to look at a kind lover, but very sorry; and my tears begin to roll again.

[cries and wipes away tears.]


DOBROSERDOV and STEPANIDA DOBROSERDOV [goes to Stepanid very soon.]

You cry and I see that your tears open my sorrowful lot. Don't weary me! Speak! Of course I am abandoned? Ah! if I hear it; then in a minute I will leave here, and I will punish myself for my absences.



But is she with me?


Cleopatra, Martha




[continues through tears] Stepanida [crying.]


[wants to go.]

STEPANIDA [stop him.]




What do you want?

DOBROSERDOV [to the side].

[kъ servantsѣ] Let it in.




There is no one hiding here: [pointing to Stepanida.] [Panfil submits the letter]


Not all hope so soon! be deprived. You are not completely unhappy. They love you as much as you deserve by your current behavior.


But is she with me?


Nѣt sir! However, there is still hope for that; and you don't have to suffer much. I came to notify you that Cleopatra, although he does not bow, but great shows regret about you. I will try Martha as far as to remove from the house, and I will find you a chance to see your mistress.


Oh, how much will I owe you! But what were you crying about, and what did your tears mean? Tell. Didn't it upset Cleopatra my letter, and how did she receive it?


As soon as I handed your letter to her; then she began to read it with admiration, and read it through it. And so I saw in the first place how hard it is to part with a loved one. After a little silence she shed tears and was embarrassed and did not know what to do; then she wanted to go, then she renounced; and from her face I understood how hard it was for her heart. [continues through tears] Stepanida, she said to me: go! tell him that I'm ready to eat him everywhere. - - - Nѣt! decency, honor and position, forbid me to go to hell, having convinced him that if I was allowed, I would have retired to the edge of the world to eat him without thinking and would have shared his lot; but the virtue tells me to part with him. - - Come - - - Stay - - - comfort me - Nѣt! God and hope him that after death I will love him: but I cannot eat him, let him know about everything and do not be a witness of my melancholy and weakness. Here are her disorderly words, sir! regret her. [crying.]


Oh fate! I must thank you, and complain about your severity! You reward me with your most virtuous mistress; but you will take it away, and plunge me into an endless vigil! I cannot part with it, and my life without it will be unbearable. [wants to go.]

STEPANIDA [stop him.]

Wait, sir, and calm down for a few minutes. I will try to give you a chance to see you and eat very soon. Cleopatra.




What do you want?

An unfamiliar person, looking and eating similar clothes on the order, stands in the front hall, wants to talk to you and says that he has brought a used letter to you.

DOBROSERDOV [to the side].

Is it not from the magistrate, he sent for me? But well, even from there! [kъ servantsѣ] Let it in.




Where did you come from? And why is there in such a strange dress? Aren't you really going to add my sorrows too? Where is brother? And is your uncle alive?

Do not let the sir know about me, and do not mention the brother: I secretly sent him to you.


There is no one hiding here: [pointing to Stepanida.] She knows all my circumstances. Is there a letter from your brother? [Panfil submits the letter] Why are you so thin and blѣden?

Please read it; and about this you will find out.

DOBROSERDOV [expanding the letter.]

My heart trembles! and foreshadows an all-new blow!

Reads a letter:

Dear brother! At the very time when I propitiated my uncle, when I learned about the virtues of your mistress, and straightening about her prosperity, her villages, lying among the neighbors, wanted to ask you, and send me to the Princess with a nickname so that she would give her niece to you; at the time of a fierce fate, he threw us into the greater misfortune! What a new misfortune! Oh fate! do not spare the penalty and fight fast!


Known adviser to you Pryamikov, friend of our uncle, going from Moscow to their villages, to nam zakhal. The first thing he said to the uncle was for you the realization that you wanted to marry the Princess. He described this lady and her niece's actions so disgusting that I could not listen without disgust, and assured my uncle that you were wasting with her Cleopatrino dependent, and only for that do you marry her aunt in order to wind more. The sick old man was more upset with you than before, and as I began to justify you, he turned against me too: in short, he forbade me to always talk about you, and called my previous words a deception; and from the annoyance I became more ill - - - and now I am afraid of his life. -- - Oh my God! do not greet me with a murderer of honor of a worthy uncle.


I find one remedy for correcting your misery. If you can take your mistress away, and go to us with her. Uncle, seeing what is contrary to what he has heard, will forgive you: only do it as quickly as possible. I will use everything to your advantage, and on purpose I am sending Panfil by mail to notify you. Sorry! and it’s true that I don’t change forever, and about your use3; I will try more than my own. Oh dear brother! I cannot repay your services - - - But what is it? 29th of October. [Panfilu] Are you really khal for 10 days? Where have you been for so long? and why did my ill-luck aggravate?

Although I seem to be guilty before you: but how soon will I tell the reason for that; you will see that in all your misfortune is in the way.


Speak quickly!

By order of my boyar, I rode to you day and night, and approaching Yaroslavl into a dark night he overturned with a body, and was so killed that he lay in this city for a short time; and now, through force, to you prikhal.


Quite an outraged fate is driving me! and I get a decent punishment. Go bѣdnoy in Vasiliev room, and calm down.

I hear, sir.



DOBROSERDOV [taking Stepanida by the hand]

And we will go to Cleopatraѣ. I have her patience to delay.


I swear to you that you cannot go to it. Give me your brother's letter. I will show it Cleopatra: and you probably can come to us in half an hour, Yes, and Vasiley with what kind of unfamiliar person. Welcome your letter soon!


Take it, and do what you can: and I will follow you,



Here, sir, his grace, for whom they deigned to send me.

DOBROSERDOV [To Prolazin].

I am very glad that you did not disobey my proclamation.


I must serve all honest people; but I ask your high-nobility not to get angry at me that you didn’t have it yesterday. For the tenth year already, I have been fasting on this day after the promise, I do not promise anything, and I keep the oath I took on myself very firmly; the way every Christian is satisfied. And for this communion God raised me almost dead from the bed.

Vasiley [aside.]

It would be better if you died; I would have rescued many people.


Yes, if you please, my dear sir, declare what I am the lowest servant can I help you? I must not flicker for a long time; but you need to serve a prayer service at the Miracle, and attend Vespers.

Vasiley [side.]

O damned saint! deceive people, you cannot deceive God.


I need your help in the following. I owe a lot; and especially to two merchants, whom I hope and you know by ear: Dokukin and Bezotvyazny. The first one is 10, and the other is 15 thousand. The promissory notes have already expired ... They are asking for me at the Magistrate; and I want to persuade them to be adored a little more.


What to persuade them. We will find a way to part with them: and I for my merciful, his lord Zloradova, I am ready to help you with all my knowledge. I think that you want to get rid of them altogether?


I would very much like to, but now there is nothing. And when I am in the state. - -


Leave these considerations; but listen to my advice. And I know many ways. First and easiest! If you were in non-specified ones, were lѣtakh when the bills were given, and if only two o'clock at the appointed time was not enough; then they [pick up the powder from the floor] they won't get it!


I don’t want to do it this way; and I am together and ashamed. - - -


Shared and ashamed! Why are you so picky? My mercy! Necessity changes the law: and between us it is said * shame is not smoke, eyes are not raised! At the same time, I know for sure that these idiots themselves shamelessly deceived you; and when, according to the laws, they are not punished for that, it also compels me, according to the Christian position, to intercede for you, and to deprive them of the stolen goods illegally.


Нѣт! And I will not agree to this. Can't you help me with something else?


There are still another hundred means; and I saved a lot of young people with them. For example: to unlock a bill of exchange, to say that it is not your hand, that having drunk you drunk, you were forced to sign it by deception, or that you lost your cards. And finally: if the creditors go to court with you, they will not only get nothing if I start cooking for you; but the thousands themselves will lose two by two, and they will pay you more dishonor. It is necessary to skillfully first neglect the judges, although I can appease them with idleness, but there it will already be possible to ride them; and they, having got their hands dirty, will become afraid of us and pull to our side; but they will take it from tѣkh idlnikov. - - - You are thinking! Of course you choose which method is better? It seems to me that the easiest thing to unlock. Here the whole swearing-in will end, and you will not be the first to swear falsely in need.


I am not capable of falsely swearing: it is terrible and dishonest.


Throw sir empty intelligibility. What the hell is a deceiver to cheat? With this, you will still receive the salvation of your soul. Yes, besides, now your brothers are young people, an oath; they revered as a joke, and through it they show their mind. Think that you are at that time of whatever beauties are nodding, whom you intend to deceive in a minute. To see this with you now in great ordinary, and I have heard about this from you, the lord dandy: and all deception is equal. And so


Nѣt I do not say anything - - -


There is also a pre-attack method, and such an office in the most hopeless case is sufficient to use; I'll tell you it slowly. Let us go back to the sides, so that your servant does not overhear: it must be done through him. And named [while they speak, Vasily approaching them listens.] Tell him to call to himself the common rogues with bills, and you will drink them well; and according to the volume of bills from them, they skillfully cheat out of their pockets; And when they ask for it, then it will not be you who are to blame, but your servant. They will whip him and send him to hard labor; through the fact that you will lose one serf, but you will save a thousand, and you yourself will remain with an honest name.

Vasiley [inwardly.]

I'll lay my head if it's not Zloradova artifice.


Nѣt, sir, I will not agree to all this.


For what?


Give me some thought. I will send my servant for you, if any suggestion seems to me: but now I ask you not to chase, that I will part with you.


Good sir; and it is high time for me to go too. It’s not easy to get out of the settlement into the city soon: but in the Chudov Vespers early, all the places are served. Excuse me, your high nobility; I'll pray for you too. [Leaves.]

Vasiley [he walks the door pretends.]

O wicked one! pray for yourself to get rid of Satan, to whom you are here, better than devils, to serve human destruction.



PRAVDOLYUBOV [enters when Vasiley wants to lock the door when he sees off Prolazin, and not seeing Dobroserdov, who sits pensively in the armchairs, to Vasily].

Perhaps report me to your boyar, and tell him that I did not come to bother him, but for an important need. [aside.] We must show that there are honest people in our brothers.

Vasiley [hearing the last of his words]

We know this, and we see it well in you!


No time for praise; but tell Nikolai Petrovich. - - -

Here it is!

DOBROSERDOV [Looking back, he sees Pravdolyubov and says to the side.]

How am I ashamed of this honest man! I cheated him a hundred times. - - Why start eating him, so what? - - - [Bowing to Pravdolyubov, he speaks in dismay.] My sir! I am so guilty before you that I am ashamed to look at you. Have mercy and do not confuse more with your correct reprimands, such an unhappy one, which is worthy of any reproach.


Perhaps do not worry so much. I do not reprimand you, and do not disturb the demand for money came here; but I want to prove my regret about your condition. It is true that anyone who earns money by labor is sorry to lose it; however, I want to lose them, or I want to oblige you that you would eventually pay me without a bill. Here's your bill and with a protest! look at your hands?


My sir! but why are you asking me about this?


To ensure that you do not think that I have not torn your bill of exchange [at this time he pulls up a bill and protest.] Now you are free to pay me, then, when you are able, and I surrender to your conscience. But at the same time I tell you that it was not for this that I tore your obligations, so that I did not hope to receive payment at all. Nѣt sir! Mnѣ as well as other lenders Magistrate having sold your villages, you must pay a part; But I made it up for this, in order to free you from compulsion, and so that you, who came to correction voluntarily, would part with me, and you would prove your life change.


Oh my God! he forces me to die out of shame.


I would never have lost you in debt, if my sitter asked me: not so that he did not expect payment at all; but in order not to be in the same bristle with those idlers who rip apart young people and make money in an unlawful way. Yes, besides that, I knew briefly your deceased father, He was an honest gentleman, and I not only would not want to rape his son; but if he could, he would have tried to refrain from extravagance.


What honesty is that! [To Pravdolyubov.] You embarrass me with your generosity more than the demand for money. How can I prove my gratitude for that?


Not anything, except that you try to get better, and disdaining your previous actions, and the people who brought you there, and are bringing you, be careful ahead, and do not lie to everyone easily. I will not hide from you that it was given to me and all your creditors to secretly know that you want to hide from the city tomorrow; to which of course they won't allow you, if you don't leave today. Use my notice, and get rid of dishonesty. [Leaves.]




What have I heard? And who would be this bum? If I recognize him; then it will not escape my revenge.



DOKUKIN [he entered quietly and saw that Dobroserdov and Vasily did not accept him and stood in thought, he said to himself.]

What are they in such deep thoughts? Know to tomorrow's roads equip, and know Zloradov told me the real truth: but they will be completely mistaken; and I will send them off for a warm little place.

DOBROSERDOV [looking in that direction, where Dokukin saw him.]

A! we never heard that you entered. Why did you come so soon again? Is there a new need before me?


Yes, gracious benefactor! As soon as I left you, my creditors approached me and demanded without fail to take their money; so, perhaps, do not leave me alone.


But I already told you that you will probably get it in a week, and so losses until then, and do not be bored, perhaps.


I believe, your grace, that you are bored, and I am not too happy. Would I relentlessly bother you, if it were not for the evil of grief myself? If tomorrow I don't cry; then in two days my shops will seal up here and send them to St. Petersburg to do the same there.


I see your need, I regret you; but I cannot help. Be patient for God's sake.


You see, your highness knows quite well that I endured until the time when I myself came to the inevitable trouble. Have mercy on sirago and the lost man, and, moreover, on yourself. How much do I honor your honor; however I will have to - - -


Again, it is necessary to lie! [he doesn’t go away and says a lot to Vasily] How to get rid of it? [he talks quietly with Vasily.]

DOKUKIN [aside.]

They began to invent what to tell: me; however, I am already wary. Having taken them out a little more, I will go, and tomorrow I will beat them with a downy bed with my forehead in the Magistrate on the bunk.


I will listen to you and start talking. [Dokukin] And so you need money tomorrow, you need it, and you can't wait in any way?


The soul would go out of the dog's son, if I speak a lie. When tomorrow I am not undone; then tomorrow I will go to the Magistrate myself, where I will ask my comrades and noble debtors out of boredom.


He also swears at me! [Dokukin] Are you already starting to joke? I do not wish you partnership in the Magistrate to do; but I will try to save us both from this place. Be sure that tomorrow at twelve o'clock, if not all, you will certainly get five thousand.

DOKUKIN [aside.]

Promises, thinking to leave; but I myself am agile. [To Dobroserdov] I ask you for all the money; I will give them out from hand to hand.


I will use all my strength, and I think that Princess will not admit me, to the Magistrate; and will give me so much that I will cry with you. Goodbye! I have to go to her. Go home, and tomorrow come to the wrong ...

DOKUKIN [bowing and walking quietly.]

Take you to the same place where I planted a lot of your brothers.




I am glad that he survived, and I think that last day I told lies now. If God will reward me with happiness; not only I am I will not know about them myself, but I will order a friend and foe. Stay here until you, then, until my friend comes: and I will go to Cleopatraѣ [Tut enters Uncoupled] But here's another obstacle! Can't I leave them this day? Say what you want to eat, and I'll leave. [wants to go; but unconnected who came out then, when Dobroserdov utters the last three lines, low bows, and seeing that he wants to leave, suddenly rushes to him.]




Where will you please go your wellbeing? You are not doing very well with me. They only saw me; then, without saying a single word, say it. This is not noble! and this is not the noble thing itself!


Still have to deceive. [To the unconnected] Why are you angry with me; I swear that I did not accept your coming. Tell me, how are you doing now, and what ...

FREE [interrupt your growling with annoyance.]

First of all, I want to get my money; kotya for a period of time I am waiting for a month. And from others, the merchants took the goods for you into debt, for that I pay double growth; and I yielded almost everything to you for my price.


You will receive them tomorrow; and now I don't have enough time to talk to you / [ The unconnected is angry] Get angry as you like, you can't help it. [Vasily] Survive him from his place, and I will Cleopatra. [leaves.]



FREE [lives in following Dobroserdov; but he entered, slamming the door behind him.]

What it is! Do not let me in, and do not want to speak? We are transferred with you. Probably a fertikom; but not for long. I will tame your cheerfulness!

But do not shout Petr Vasilievich! This is not a market; and the house of a noble boyar. You will not get the right to profit from this.

FREE [thinking a little to the side.]

I tried to get rid of him about everything; although he was always intractable, but maybe the vigilance of the horn chilled him. [Vasily] Vasily Matvievich! I am guilty, and I see that I have become very excited. Completely everyone has their own sore goes to the heart. But why do you still wear one caftan to this day? If we had lived with our brother in agreement, so would have had a couple of ten.

Vasiley [aside.]

What kind of a rѣch turns on. I'll listen to some of his tricks. [To an unconnected one.] and very pleased with one.


However, your brothers make fun of you that you are not dressing up as delicately as they are. Hello mercy, tell me a word with four? And I will serve you with five imperials and gnaw on a couple of Pyryuensky.

Aren't you really honoring me as a bum? If I can say anything, you will hear from me even without gifts.


Nikako nѣt-ste! I know that you are too honest: but perhaps you should not be afraid of me: I will not carry anyone. Is it true that your boyar will marry Knyagin?


FREE [very soon, and looking intently at Vasily.]

And the fact that having played the wedding wants to get out of here.

Vasiley [aside.]

He confused me with this question. [To the unconnected] What rogue told you these lies?


Perhaps not getting angry, let me know. I will not deceive you. Here's the money with me; if you please - - -

Vasiley [aside.]

No urine to endure more: I will give him a good drink. [To the unconnected] How long have you started to honor me as the same rogue as yourself? I never seem to have hobnobbed with your brothers, and if my boyar really wanted to leave, then I wouldn't have told you gifts for any reason. Go get out! and bribe the same soulless ones as you and your comrades.


Listen, brother Vasily! to be afraid of you is not the right thing; not only for you, but also for your boyar. You are not yet such a great gentlemen that you would drive and hound lenders from the yard with dogs. You see, we have a right to your mischievous brothers. What is it? You cannot ask for your own pretentious man. I seem to have served you honestly, and without a profit for my inferior price.

O wretch! Did you concede for your price? Fear at least the hour of death, and do not lie so shamelessly. Vit, I know that you didn’t give the boyar even for five thousand, although you have a bill for fifteen thousand.


Not kako nѣt-ste! from me for a full number and all good goods were taken away.

It is true that the goods are good. For example: they took three golden watches in the first slot. They did not cost two hundred rubles; and you wrote four hundred and thirty for them.


Not kako nѣt-ste!

A snuffbox, in which an oriental crystal was inserted between the diamonds, for one thousand two rubles; and it was not worth three hundred.


Lies! not how - -

In a word, all goods are written in a trick for a triple price. And if you will allow this idleness here, God will allow; then already, on that light, you can not escape. - - -


Calm down, perhaps? I spit on your bullshit. You reproach me in vain! and it always happens to us. When someone is lured away from us, then we are honorable people; and when it is time for reckoning to come, then we are rogues, money-dealers and put a lot of money on the brush. I am already well done with twenty imѣl such quarrels.

And all of them were ripped apart, and led to a poverty-stricken state. I know almost all of your idleness. Listen, I’ll reread you, you robbed a rogue. Saldata Guard Frivolous, behind which there were five hundred souls, after a year you completely cleansed, and behind the stone courtyard, which cost five thousand, you sewed him only three pairs of dresses.



Vasiley [continues.]

Corporal Bryakunova brought to such a state that he squandered a thousand souls with your sneakiness, so quickly and secretly that his relatives could not, about that, and after being drunk he died in the Magistrate, where you put him.


There are their take and place.

Do not turn away, and do not lower your eyes, but listen. Artillery of the Lieutenant Verkhoglyadova, Army Captain Innocent, and many, which cannot be read even in the whole hour. Finally, you didn’t let the rogue go down to your family, and this good fellow, the son of the Kazan breeder, who was here to teach languages ​​and merchant trade, you took away your father’s inheritance for two years, and finally you wanted to catch him in the Magistrate’s office and you ... If only the truthful, the judges were far away about your inadequacies; then they would have sent you to hard labor long ago.


Have you deigned to blurt out. Well! so be aware that the judges know about me, and they know that I am an honest man. And you gentlemen, deceivers, they will not miss punishing. Goodbye! Good hour for you. You will know me better tomorrow, and in another place we will honor you.


Vasiley one.

I was bad for annoyed this rogue. I'm afraid that he would not play jokes with us this day. Here are the merchants we have! Do they look like shopping people? Нѣт! They are scammers! however, not all, there are also many good people who become beggars from honesty. For example, davishnoy Pravdolyubov. I often heard from him that he was expecting a debt of ten or more for many noble boyars; and especially, on which two brothers who, together, pay, he and many merchants are sent to each other, and finally compel them to give up their duty. If only big lords were taken into the Magistrate; then everyone's desire to take into debt would have diminished, without having the patches of hope. However, I lost my mind too much. I must, as long as Zloradov do not come, see you Panfilom, and find out how our souls are going. [walking, he locks the door to Dobroserdov's office.]

End of the third action.



ZLORADOV one [having entered the office; but when you see that it is locked, stops.]

A! He is always with his beauty, who spends most of the time fooling around. About silly girl! you are not worth the regret. If I teach you a good lesson, you will lead the same rascals as you are now, you will begin to escort. Isn't it good to live with reason in the light and not be infected with this foolishness, which is called virtue here? Good to do, of course, should be done, but for yourself, not for people. We will be born for ourselves; and because of that only about ourselves and we must try, [sits down in an armchair and says a little while smiling] Stupid Knyagin In one minute I puffed up my ears so that she talked for me, and wants to burst out of annoyance, which I would be glad if she was already behind me. - - - But I encouraged her to bring her home, so that she Dobroserdova to catch him with his mistress, and she is waiting for me for that - - - How could this be good? - - - [Thinks.] Oh there is a remedy! Having performed this premium, Cleopatra to the monastery, Dobroserdova sevodnizh to prison; and for that now I will notify his creditors again that he wants to leave at night; and the rogue Vasily, if he tore up the bill on the advice of the lawyer, justice will punish me without it: but here he is.




Where is your master?

Vasiley [sternly.]

There, where no one can deceive him.

ZLORADOV [with annoyance.]

Answer, where is he? And if you know, then tell me that I missed you.

Vasiley [aside.]

I wish I had notified him of your death! You just won't be able to talk to him without me.



This bastard still grieved me so much that, no matter what, I will teach him a good lesson. It can be seen that the solicitors did not obey, but there are still plenty of ways. How soon will I marry Knyagin, also buy from Dobroserdovykh the villages where this rogue is attributed; and having bought it with a whip, declaring in the order that I will eat it for disrespect, and by that I will send him to hard labor forever. Only with Princess It will be very boring for me to live. - - - Nѣt nothing! I will deceive her. It has already been carried out by many, but they didn’t know how to ruin it to the end, and I will completely clean it up, and prove that it had a perfect master. Although I know that many simpletons will revile me; but I will not look at them and I will laugh at them, They, with all their honesty, with need, can ride on one-wheelers, and I will ride in carriages in a train. They will eat cabbage soup and porridge, and I give the table open every day, just like the judge Bribe-taking. Everyone knows that he gained his great wealth by robbery, and that he ravaged twenty houses in a brazen way. All are shouting about that; however, it is visible between the screamers. They wear old cloth caftans, and they wear new-fashioned velvet caftans. They are dragging themselves through the mud; and he galloped into the carriages, splashing their mud. They - - - Yes, and Dobroserdov.




You were not at Cleolatra. I wish you had the same success with her as I did with Princess.


Of course, you bring the money.


Didn't you really think that I would not bring it? Here they are exactly 30 imperialov. How soon I gave the old woman a letter from you; then she read it, took the money from her nevstka, and asked me to take them, to hurry you, and bring you with me.


I can’t go to her.


You shouldn't. She was a little angry with you for telling her that you were going to go for brother’s goals, instead of trying to play cards; however, I completely corrected you, and told her that you were due to the Count Gordeyanov hand over a letter to your uncle, which is what you said; but when she found guests at his place, I was forced to play a little: but she lost my words.


I owe you indescribably.


I have to do everything for you. Finally she asked me that if you don’t go; then at least I, having taken the money, was back. I’m her prognosis seemed to the point, in order for you to give time to talk with Cleopatra. Did you see her? And does she agree?


Not quite; but I hope that I will soon bow. And so bless you my mercy, go and hold Princess there another two or three hours.


Perhaps until midnight at least. It costs nothing. Vit you know how easy it is to lead her by the nose.


Stop talking about her; go and keep her on a visit, and I will agree with Cleopatra, because there everyone oversees her, and here she promised to be Princess bedroom hidden dreams. I hope that she will go with me, and for that very hour I will send for the horses.


Leave it all to me, I have a blanket for the mail carts, and they will be ready for you in an hour in my yard. Just check here.


Oh, how do you owe me!


But I am repaying. But let us leave the empty space of courtesy; call here Cleopatra. Skoriae, and I will go to Knyagin. Goodbye! [aside] He again gave me a chance to bring Princess, so that she will probably find them in his chambers.




Well Vasily! Do you see how it helps me? I got the money, let me have a road trip and I want to prepare the horses. I have lent them so much that I will not be able to repay.

And he led me into surprise. It seems that davic I heard right. However, I do not lie to him, and whatever he does, I shield everything by deceit.


You are terribly suspicious, and a great hunter for suspicion.

It's true sir! As frivolous as you are, I am so careful.


Leave the empty discourse, and go to Cleopatraѣ; ask her here and tell her that Zloradov already gone, and that I alone expect her.

I hear, sir.



Now only the consent of my beloved is lacking; otherwise I would be completely happy; but I can hope for her love. She will never leave me in sorrow; and although now I still resisted a little, but I accepted that I forced myself by force, and trying to strengthen myself showed regret about me - - - Sorry! But is it enough for me, is there passionate love that will not be combined with him? They also regret the criminal, who is being led to a shameful execution for nefarious deeds. The spectators of its deplorable end condole with him. But the jester does human love. He is miserable for humanity, but contemptuous for his own purposes. Equally, it may be Cleopatra seeing me close to perdition, regrets me; but to get in, for those who have passed my fury, I will not dare, and maybe overcoming my passion, firmly decides to leave me. - - - - Nѣt! Her necessary heart will not treat me harshly. She saw my tears, confusion and despair, you will surely go with me. I will fall at her feet, and first I will not leave them, until I receive her consent, or I end my life with them. - - - But here she is.



DOBROSERDOV [He lives to meet Cleopatra, and takes her hand and kisses her.]

Utha of my ill-fated life! have you already finished my yearning?


Why do I still see you in the current confusion? It seems that I do a lot for your pleasing, and violating decency, I secretly come to such a place, where and for that, if I would have obviously entered, every human should condemn me. Well, if auntie comes here?


She can't go so soon. My friend will keep her as a guest as much as I like. Do not be afraid of her presence, and seeing my fierce martyrdom, agree to leave this house; Agree and entrust yourself to your faithful lover, who will not get out of here without you; and if you stay here, then your dwelling will be his coffin. But you turn me away from my eyes! O deceiving hope!


I revoke! so as not to show you my weakness, which recently, no matter how hard you tried to hide, you have suppressed in me. Look at my tears, look and know that love makes them shed, and that the same love would lead me everywhere, if the virtue would not resist. But she - - -


Nѣt beloved Cleopatra? The virtue does not resist the desires of the immaculate. Have succeeded in that house, where they cook for you misery, where you endure persecution, and where they use your dependency, and they keep you in captivity. If you succeed, or you will be unhappy for ever, and you will repent without listening to my advice. Your aunt is not worthy of respect from you. She is your persecutor, enemy and - - -


Do not vilify her in front of me. I'd rather endure everything from her than come to the point that they would condemn me for that, that I despised honor and. position, left with a lover from the house of such a relative, whom I was entrusted with, a parent. Нѣт! I will incur reproach for myself.


Was I hoping to hear from you? Here's a reward for my care, and a reward for my constancy! That's how you love me! If you would have nourished mutual love in true; I would have forgotten everything for her lover, for that lover to whom the honor of your life is dearer to him, and who will breathe the last breath at your feet. - - - But you are wondering about his sincerity. - - - Oh my God! You know my thoughts. - - - Cruel! When I already couldn’t take you away; when I seem suspicious to you: to you, to whom the secrets of my heart are known; that heart, which gripped you, only loved you, admired you, and put all its utah in you; - - - but you want to torment him, and yes unapproachable fervor - - -


Stop giving wrong reprimands; they hurt my honor. Turn your stern gaze on me! Am I faking tears? And is it not disingenuous with a wall and sighing? Look at my sad look; in it you will certainly not see indifference.


Feeling about me so ...

CLEOPATRA [interrupt continues.]

Will you still accuse me of coldness, and torment my dear heart? I am a maple, that I love you the same, how I am loved by you; you also make up all the noah's delight; after death you will possess my soul, and except for you no one of my happiness will be able to do it.


When you feel all this; why do you suffer arbitrarily? Leave this house, in which the eternal wards of you are already ready. - - - Do not turn my dear eyes away from me! [falling on his knees.] Take a look at your lover. - - Despair and outrage on his face are clearly depicted! Pity about it and leave, - - - or be ready at the same hour. - - - [The Princess enters here and finds him on his knees.]




I am lost now!


Hear me ma'am ...

PRINCESS [To Dobroserdov, interrupting him.]

Listen to me izmѣnnik! I am very glad that I found out your insidious intentions. You will not swear at my innocence, and you will not get this shameless woman. - - - [Cleopatraѣ] And you, feigned meekness! You have prepared me a reward for my good efforts for you. [aside] I don't know what to punish these villains? - - -

STEPANIDA [rushing to Knyaginѣ.]

Ah! madam, don't worry so much! God himself advised you to go home. If you slowed down for half an hour; then they would not find any of them, Cleopatra sovsѣm agreed to ѣkhat; and no matter how much I resisted, they just didn't look at me.

Vasiley [to Dobroserdov.]

What do I hear?


Now I wanted to send to you; but you yourself arrived. Here, madam! Didn't they tell you the truth about his mercy? He has long been preparing to change you.

Oh cheat! And she is against us. Mo - - -

DOBROSERDOV [kъ Knyaginѣ.]

Don't lie to her; she - - -

PRINCESS [to Dobroserdov.]

Shut up the deceiver! [Stepanidѣ] I am very glad that although you are lying to me ... It is my fault that I have not listened to good people for a long time. But what can I do with them? They deprived me of my judgment.

STEPANIDA [Knyagin quietly.]

I have already thought of something. They agreed upon having gone to marry, and ask for you; and so you need to prevent that, and plant her [pointing to Cleopatra] into a safe place.

DOBROSERDOV [at this time she glances pitifully at Cleopatra, breaks to go to her; and quietly talks to Vasiliem.]

Where to?


Now send her to the monastery where your aunt is the abbess, and do not shy away for God's sake; but entrust me to take her away and order my brothers to come with me.

A! You have advised me very much, and I entrust everything to you. Go and not a minute, go with her. [къ Cleolatrѣ] And you, what are youѣ Stepanida or say, listen to her in everything. [Cleopatra goes, Dobroserdov wants to follow her; but the Princess stops him.]



PRINCESS [To Dobroserdov]

Where do you dare to go? Wait shameless! Why can you justify yourself before me?


No chѣm! And you can justify the innocent Cleopatra, who, remembering the virtue, and in spite of the howl of seduction, did not at all agree to my prospect. I believe that Stepanida she slandered her out of anger. Do not be harsh on her; but please. - - -

Be quiet, shameless! How? Are you not ashamed to justify my rival, with whom you agreed to dishonor me? Go eat my eyes! I already know all your designs; go! and never seem to me.


Of course I will never show myself, but I am not trying to snatch my unfortunate mistress from your hands, in what, my faithful friend will help; and you will receive a worthy reward for your actions with her - - - [He wants to go, but Zloradov enters].



DOBROSERDOV [rushing wants to hug Zloralov; but that does not allow him to be.]

Help my dear friend - - -


Not uncommon, but ungrateful! Do not dishonor me by calling me a friend. I have never been you; but only because of humanity, seeing your vile behavior, tried to exhort you, and turned you away from destruction. You are embarrassed! but you are the fault of all evil. Remind me how many times I advised you to turn to the virtues, and give Knyagin due thanks; but you, in spite of that, reviled her all. I tolerated you for a long time; but the last day your deed forced. me to expose your absences. I opened it myself Knyagin that you wanted to tell her simple-hearted niece and dishonor! Calm down, perhaps! or I am I will act differently with you. Do you know whom you blame so impudently? He will be my husband tomorrow at your punishment, and I give him my hand in front of you. [gives a 3lorado hand.] And I will not hesitate to cut your mad mistress. Do you see that it is not so easy to deceive me, and that I can handle you. So that you would not be in my house. [Zloradov] Let's go sir! I have already sent for my friends, and now we will hit on the hands. [To Dobroserdov.] Forgive me, lord deceiver!

ZLORADOV [To Dobroserdov].

Sorry! I'm sorry about you. And if you turn to the true path: then all I greet you with your help. Listen to the last day's advice, and seeing the failure of your wickedness, leave it, and be like us. [They leave.]




O izmѣnnik! You will not pass my revenge. [rushing to embrace Vasily.] A diligent servant, and a faithful friend! I am much to blame for you!

Stop worrying, sir, and don’t shame me: I didn’t shame anything anymore that every servant should be.

DOBROSERDOV [to the side].

Oh ungrateful! - - - And you, in whom I see an extraordinary honor of your family, do not spare me. Rebuke, accuse, shame and multiply my grief! And everything is worthy! If I would listen to your words; then I would be saved from the betrayer - - - which my hand will punish this very hour!

Leave him, sir, and try to ward off your misfortune. You have already been punished enough for your lightheadedness: but you cannot completely protect yourself from it. Did I think that this villain, who seemed like a beautiful girl, would secretly change us - - - Now, the most important thing is to find out whether Princess, he wants to cut your mistress.


You and in my wards still give me useful advice. Come on, dear friend! Come on! be aware of that, and order to get ready for the road, and leave me here for a few minutes.

I would do everything that you order, but I'm afraid; leave you. You can. - - -


Do not be afraid of anything. If I am in despair that I am happy, then I will take revenge on my villain.

Do not be so vindictive, but leave it to fate. I will go, and I hope that I will see you as healthy as possible.



Go! I know what to reward your confidence! O vile fate! Have you already punished me enough for my crimes? And have you experienced all the harshness over me? Now I am deceived, whom I regarded as a friend; deprived for ever of a mistress, abandoned by everyone except a zealous servant, and now my distress is complete. - - - Alas! what will I do? - - - If Cleopatra tonsure; then in just a minute I’ll finish my wake. I will not go to my uncle and brother, whom I inflicted permanent dishonor on with my depraved behavior. Nuts! - Pervago so much I have perverted that you will not even hope to get forgiveness! - - - A? maybe I am already to blame for his death. - - - Yes, and I do not wish my dear brother any more burdens! He gave me and so many friendly favors. Where to come? - - - Best of all, forgetting the insult and revenge to greet the end of my frantic life.

Take it, and let me know what you can find for the best.


My servant is almost on the road; wait here for me, madam, I'll be back in a minute.



How much this man serves me, only I do not feel a little inclination towards him, I am almost from one Dobroserdov revenge I intended to get out for him. My heart I do not know what that bad foreshadows me. Well, if anyone is for Cleopatra will intercede? - - - God forbid! Here I will inevitably remain in shame; I am guilty against her anyway, and getting excited more hello than I thought. I only wanted to punish my apostate because he was deceiving me; and niece - - -




Coming out into my dreams, I heard, madam, that Dosbroserdov in front of the ministers, he severely scolds you, and in order to do this, without going downstairs, he returned to you. It seems to me that it is necessary to drive him out of the yard this very minute.

Of course! How? He offended me, but he also reviles? I will repay him for that this very minute; but as for my niece, I do not intend to act so harshly on her. But here he is. I see him completely unbearable.




Without disgust, I can't say a word with them ...


My sir! I think that it was very clear to you that you should quickly get out of the house, and did not give us trouble. As already all over the city Princess for being condemned for hiding such a mota in her house, which lenders are looking for everywhere.


Oh shameless! Deceive her; only when there is no evidence of your craftiness.

Don't you read me a fool ?. Nѣt my sovereign! I know how to recognize deceivers, and I will not allow myself to swear at myself. Now from the yard, or I will order people - - -


Sir, I can’t handle either one or the other. And when already at that time I did not lag behind you, when I endured every need, and saw your displeasure for me; Should I abandon your leg when you have become virtuous and have more than your need for my services? I do not remind the past in order to sadden you more, but to reassure you in my zeal. I will never part with you.


O rare man, such is the state of the virtue! You surprise me with your honesty. And I have already been punished enough for the fact that you were thinking about it.

You are not the only one wondering about me: and I have already learned how difficult it is to make the name of a kind man. If I were a bum; then it would be together Zloradov robbed you and - - -


Do not remind the volume. You have already proved enough to me your kind heart.

But I must admit that your late parent taught me these honest deeds. He always observed the truth, and tried to deduce vices from his servants. But for whom? Everything for his children, in order to establish them as virtues.


And I still dare to ask you, so that you, even though not for your servant, but for your own benefit, and for the sake of salvation worthy pity Cleolatra h - - -


Saying her name you can force me to do everything. At the same time, gratitude tells me not only to listen to your advice, but to obey them. Poѣden k'unyadѣ. We will save the dear couple, and by that I will prove my gratitude to you. [want to go; that time the widow enters with her daughter.]


DOBROSERDOV, VASILY and WIDOV with their daughter.


Oh my God! You also sent this wretched one to my future martyrdom, but she will not be deceived.

Do not be discouraged, sir, that I have come to disturb you. The most extreme forced me to do this. You know that my late husband was waiting for you his duty for a year, and I am waiting for a year and a half. Have mercy on the poor widow and the orphans! Here is the eldest of them; and four more remained at home.


I know, madam, that I am guilty before you, but I cannot pay you all the money, I swear that I don’t have more than three hundred rubles. Take them! and you will certainly get a hundred and fifty in three days, or less. Although you will hear that I will not be in the city; however, do not worry. This man will hand them over to you; turn me on and leave the penalty in peace.

I'm happy too. [leaves.]




Now I will go out of the city, and you stay here, I no longer order, but I ask; listen to me! Sell ​​all my things, and please this poor widow. I hope that you can get so much for my dress and lingerie.

I am not from you - - -


Do not disobey my prose; and when I already agree to yours, so you will fulfill mine. I will go straight to your uncle, and you will correct the set and you will find me with him. Sorry! [seeing the Princess and Zloradov]. Obih you justice will punish. Come on! the prison is already open for you. UNMATCHED,

Leave your noble mouths; and if you please go quickly: Well, sir Chancellor, execute by force indicate your position.

STATIONERY [To Dobroserdov.]

Are you sir Captain Dobroserdov?



So here I have a detective for your nobility, and I know you, by the way of the gentlemen of the merchants, on the face of those who turn to here, and in the minutes of the names explained, by virtue of the bill of exchange and the documents, to take to the Magistrate. If you please look, the detective is not fake; and enlisted by Ratman Maloznaev, and the Secretary Proschletsov. Go with us without excuses.


In addition to the disgrace, I must go through the city with these idlers [to the clerk] But I'll come myself! [wantsgo, and Dokukin and Bezotvyaznoy follow him into the next, hold him by the floors. But at that time M: Doefoserdov enters.] B: DOBROSERDOV. M: DOBROSERDOV. DOKUKIN. I will always reproach myself. PRINCESS, B: DOBROSERDOV, M: DOBROSERDOV, VASILEY and ZLORADOV, PRINCESS

How can I see her! I'll die of shame. [Zloradov] Get away from me, bewildered.


Don't go, but stay here. I will tell you how unapologetic happiness I managed to bring your mistress. Driving up to the Pereslavskaya Yamskaya, I met with the carriage, and heard that the people sitting in it asked me to stop. Come out I saw Cleolatru and Stepanid, and this honest servant warned me about all your ill-luck, and said that she was carrying Cleolatru without telling her, straight to the village of our deceased uncle, and off the road I wanted to notify you. On the contrary, I announced and I will appreciate your happiness, and we will eat Stepanida forcibly persuaded your mistress to come back here.


A! Dear brother, you give my life!


Is it bearable? The stupid girl turned all my cunning into nothing!



I do not dare to look at her, and my feet cannot hold me. [Leans on the armchairs and closes with a handkerchief.]

B: DOBROSERDOV [rushing to Cleopatra kisses her hands.]

Dearest Cleolatra! Let me kiss your hands, and first of all listen to my projection. Forget the past! Forgive your aunt! She is not guilty of anything; [looking at Zloradov] and he is the reason for everything. Tell! that not only you will not collect anything from her; but you will give her a good village to live on. I am now so rich that I have no need for your dowry. I ask this of you, as a sign of your love for me. Hello! - - -


I love you even more. [leaving him to live for the Knyaginѣ, wants to fall at her feet; but she does not allow it; however, she takes her hand and kisses it.] I don’t have to forgive you, madam; and you let go of my guilt, that I dared to return against your will. Die hard here no annoyance I am I didn’t see myself, and had to obey you in everything at the order of my parent. Forgive me! And his words [pointing to Dobroserdov] I confirm, and I ask with tears - - -

KNGINYA [crying.]

Stop bringing me to shame! Stop it, dear niece! You multiply my repentance by your obedience - - - And so it is your fault that such magnanimity is unworthy, [pointing to Zloradov) This evil-minded man knocked me down to everything! But I will try to make amends for my future life. - - - From this minute I leave my previous actions and after death I will be inseparable in you - - - [hug]

ZDORADOV [in the time of Knyaginina's rѣcha, he twice attempted to leave; suddenly, having gathered his strength, he returned, and approaching Dobroserdov with humiliation, he said to him.]

When you are all here so generous, so I should have been forgiven.


As for me ...


Nѣt brother! Should not forgive him. We will do a lot of harm to honest people. Let him receive a worthy retribution for his evil, and if he recovers, then I will not renounce helping him first.

ZLORADOV [m: Dobroserdov].

When you now despise me so much, then I will first of all try to greet you with evil. Time is ahead; I will use it for this, so that all of you may build destruction. [He leaves, and as soon as he opens the door, so soon Dokukin and his comrades, waiting for him, take it.]

Vasiley [vb slѣd Zloradov.]

Now you are not afraid of us and they are waiting for you at the gate. [how soon the merchants will pick him up, says] Yes, here you are already caught in the hole that you prepared for your friend.




She is in your power, set her free!

STEPANIDA [kisses the Princess's hand.]

Your graces, madam, I will not forget the grave.

B: DOBROSERDOV [taking Vasily and Stepanida.]

Now you are free people. Here's a vacation, which you didn’t want to take; and I give you two thousand rubles for the wedding, and I want you not to deny it with a single word.

Vasiley [accepting bows.]

Now I accept your mercies, and although you are letting me go, I will forever serve you as a token of my gratitude. And when you have already become safe; then we still only have to wish that all the girls of your mistresses become like; and the outdated coquettes, which go down to the coffin with covetousness, following her foe, received disgust from that. Whatever mots, according to your example, turn to the true path: and servants and maids, like me and Stepanida, apparently they served the masters. Finally, so that the ungrateful and cunning, fearing their vile vices, lagged behind them, and would remember that the god of evil does not leave without punishment.

IN AND. Lukin Mot, love corrected Comedy in five acts (excerpts) Zapadov V.A.<...>FROM FOREWORD TO THE COMEDY "ILO, LOVE FIXED "... Large part comic and satirical writers are now taken for a pen on united out of three the following reasons. <...>On the second, in order to get a profit, regardless of whether it is useful to society writing him, and forgetting that the writer should acquire self-interest, which is characteristic of all people, if not useful, it is already all harmless means for their fellow citizens.<...>According to the third, in order to satisfy envy, anger and revenge, with which they are contaminated against some people, or to harm an innocent virtue and words and scripture.<...>But as such reasons produced by essays are so disgusting to me that for the very sin I ordain someday to give them a place in my heart, then I took up the pen, following a single only to the heart prompting, which makes me seek pleasure in mockery of vices and my own in virtue, and benefit to my fellow citizens, giving them an innocent and amusing time ...<...>I named my comedy "Motom, love corrected "so that, by showing young people as a precaution the dangers and shame that happen from extravagance, have ways to please all spectators, according to difference their inclinations. <...>One and very small part parterre they love characteristic, pitiful and noble thoughts filled with, and the other, and the main one, funny comedies.<...>The taste of the first from that time was established, as they saw Detushevs and the Highways (Philip Neriko Detush<...>My hero Dobroserdov It seems to me that he truly has a good heart and gullibility combined with it, which was his death ...<...>I showed in it a great part young people and I wish that a large part if not the best, so, but at least, at least the same by means corrected, that is, by instruction<...>

Mot, _love_corrected.pdf

V. I. Lukin Mot, corrected by love. Comedy in five acts (Fragments) West V. A. Russian literature of the 18th century, 1770-1775. Reader M., "Enlightenment", 1979. OCR Bychkov MN FROM THE FOREWORD TO THE COMEDY "ILO, LOVE CORRECTED" ... Most of the comic and satirical writers are now accepted as pen for one of the following three reasons. According to the first, in order to glorify his name out of pride, showing both to the fellow-citizens and to the one-time, work, worthy of their attention for a while, and through it to attract readers to show respect to themselves ... whether his composition is useful to society, and having forgotten that the writer should acquire self-interest, characteristic of all people, if not useful, then already an absolutely harmless means for his fellow citizens. According to the third, in order to satisfy envy, anger and revenge, with which they are contaminated against some people, or in order to harm innocent virtue both with words and writing due to the hatred inherent in all neighbors, which does not tolerate alien well-being. But as all the writings produced by such reasons are so disgusting to me that I, for the very sin of it, set out someday to give them a place in my heart, then I took up the pen, following only one heartfelt impulse, which makes me look for vices and my own in mockery. the virtues of pleasure, and the benefit of my fellow citizens, giving them an innocent and amusing time ... I called my comedy "Mot, Corrected by Love" so that, showing young people as a precaution, the dangers and shame that happen from extravagance, have ways to please everyone viewers, according to the difference in their inclinations. One and very small part of the parterre loves characteristic, pitiful and noble thoughts filled with, and the other, and the main one, funny comedies. The taste of the first from that time was established, as they saw the Detushevs and Shosseevs (Philip Nerico Detouche (1680-1754) and Pierre Claude Nivelles de La Chausse (1692-1754) - French playwrights, authors of "serious" comedies.) The best comedies ... For this, I had to try to introduce pitiful phenomena, which, not calling my comedy "Mot, Corrected Love," was not so capable of doing ... My hero Dobroserdov, it seems to me, truly has a kind heart and gullibility combined with it, that and his death was ... I showed in him most of the young people and I wish that most of them, if not the best, so, but at least, at least by the same means, would be corrected, that is, by the instruction of virtuous mistresses. ... My servant was made very virtuous, and some condemners who armed themselves against me told me that we have never had such servants. '' to produce like him, and he must serve as a model. I used to feel ashamed, my dear ones, '' I continued, `` and to look at that in all the translated comedies the servant is great idlers and that at the denouement, almost all of them remain without punishment for tricks, and others also receive rewards. '' this, with an abusive smile, one of them said to me: but why then suddenly such a chosen and fertile morality for this vile race? To this I responded: in order to cleanse this from meanness and teach diligence to his masters and deeds, to every honest person decent ... ... Detushev's servant Mota is free, and Vasily is a serf. He, being free, gives money to his master in the very extreme; I confess that the virtue of a roofing man is great, but Vasiliev is greater. He is released and receives an award, but he does not accept either. Let us assume that money is a trifle for him; but freedom, this precious thing, about which they seem most of all, and for which the good of them, their young years, diligently serve you, so that in old age from