Increasing the limit on a Sberbank credit card. How to increase the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Increasing the limit on a Sberbank credit card.  How to increase the limit on a Sberbank credit card
Increasing the limit on a Sberbank credit card. How to increase the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Sberbank always puts forward loyal lending conditions for its solvent clients. Increasing the limit is one of the main privileges of a financial institution. Subject to a certain number of conditions, each solvent client has every right to have Sberbank increase the maximum credit limit on its own.

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Comparison of the best conditions in 2019 on the issue of lending shows that Sberbank takes a leading position in providing loans to its customers. Their conditions are quite loyal and acceptable for all segments of the population.

When issuing a credit card, there is a credit limit on it, which may not be enough for a particular client. If the client uses credit funds on a regular basis, the specified amount may not be enough for him.

When a similar situation arises, many Sberbank clients ask the question - is it possible to somehow contribute to an increase in the limit level or not?

There are several options to try to change the credit limit to the maximum allowed.

This can only be in such cases as:

  • if there is a personal offer from Sberbank, make an online call to consultants at 8-800-555-55-50;
  • make a request on the issue of increasing the limit to the bank (in this case, you will need to fill out a short questionnaire);
  • if there is a special offer from Sberbank, use SMS informing.

Many people ask about how to increase the Sberbank credit card limit online? To do this, it is enough to use Internet banking and make a request. It is done quickly and takes no more than 2 minutes.

In Sberbank, it is very difficult to increase the limit, unlike other financial institutions, but despite this, the whole process is completely transparent


It is quite simple to issue a card with a grace period at Sberbank.

This requires compliance with certain conditions, namely:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • The client's age must be at least 21 years old... For the category of pensioners - the maximum age 70 years.
  • The presence of a permanent place of registration.
  • The presence of an official place of work (by the time of registration, the client must be officially employed for at least six months).

A banking institution often independently decides the issue - to increase the maximum allowable limit level, or to postpone this venture or leave everything at the same level. It happens at least 1-2 times a year.

In order for Sberbank to independently increase the limit, it is necessary to meet certain conditions, namely:

  • the client has been actively using the credit card for a long time;
  • the borrower is solvent and always repays the loan debt within the specified time frame or ahead of schedule.

When trying to increase the limit on your own, the best option would be to contact the nearest branch of Sberbank and confirm the fact that the monthly average income has increased. For this, a certified certificate of average salary is suitable. In this case, the bank can meet halfway and increase the card limit.

Types of initiatives

It is possible to increase the maximum amount of the credit limit in Sberbank only in two cases: the client's initiative or the bank's special offer:

Ways to improve

All customers who regularly use their credit card should remember:

  • Every 3-6 months Sberbank automatically revises the limit for each client. During this period of time, the borrower should carefully consider the use of credit funds and not make delays. In the absence of any claims on the card, Sberbank will independently send a proposal to increase the loan.
  • If you need to urgently increase the limit, you should contact the Sberbank branch (the branch where the card was issued).

Most financial experts, together with the employees of Sberbank themselves, recommend that clients repay the loan even during the grace period. Indeed, in this case, not only is there no interest accrual, but the likelihood of an increase in the limit increases.

It should be noted that Sberbank can increase the credit limit on a credit card only to its regular customers. Clients who have just started their cooperation with this financial institution will have to wait a few months and only then make attempts to increase the limit. Moreover, it is necessary to show Sberbank that the client is solvent and always repays the debt on the card within the specified time frame.

Credit cards on which a credit limit is set will not be able to allow spontaneous and deliberate purchases. This is an advantage for many, since there are cases when the goods become unnecessary, and the amount that was withdrawn from the credit account may be too high to be paid on time.

Sberbank always monitors how much the client withdraws and how long it takes to repay

Recommendations on how to increase the Sberbank credit card limit

To answer the question of how it is profitable to increase the Sberbank credit card limit, you should adhere to certain recommendations, namely:

  • It is imperative to work on your credit rating. Reliable clients who use credit funds and repay it in a short time, even with small loans, always enjoy a high level of confidence on the part of Sberbank. With a high level of trust, it will not be difficult to increase the credit limit.
  • It is necessary to collect as many supporting documents as possible about a high level of monthly income, the absence of debts in other banking institutions, including providing information that previously taken loans were repaid on time or ahead of schedule. This should be done for one reason - the bank always considers the possibility of increasing the limit on an individual basis, therefore it thoroughly checks all the documents provided to it.
  • Make sure to completely eliminate the likelihood of delays. If the client has delinquencies or outstanding debts, it will be impossible to increase the credit limit.

Possible difficulties

When considering the possibility of increasing the limit, the bank is looking closely at such criteria as:

  • Client's monthly income level (income statement required).
  • The client was promoted or demoted at work (it is enough to provide a work book).
  • The client changed his job to another. At the same time, the level of wages has become an order of magnitude higher (it is necessary to provide a work book and a certificate of income from a new place of work).
  • The client's credit rating is at the proper level (there are no delays or outstanding loans).

It is worth noting that when Sberbank increases the credit limit, the next time the issue will be considered no earlier than in one year. In the event that the borrower's credit rating remains unchanged over this period, the limit is extended for another 1 year.


Absolutely all Sberbank cards (regardless of whether debit or credit) have their own maximum credit limit, crossing the threshold of which no employee of a banking institution has the right.

The maximum amount of the limit directly depends on the selected type of card:

Card name Maximum Possible Credit Limit Annual maintenance price
200 000 750 rubles
Visa / MasterCard Momentum 150 000 0
Visa Gold / MasterCard Gold 600 600 000 3000 rubles
Visa Classic / MasterCard Standard 600 000 900 rubles
"Give life" Visa Classic 600 000 900 rubles
"Give life" Visa Gold 600 000 3000 rubles
Aeroflot Visa Classic 600 000 900 rubles
Aeroflot Visa 600 000 3500 rubles
MTS MasterCard Standard 600 000 900 rubles
MTS MasterCard Gold 600 000 3000 rubles
American's Express Platinum 3 million rubles 3500 rubles


Upon receipt of a PrivatBank plastic card, the client is offered to set a certain credit limit. This limit provides an upper limit on the amount of credit that you can use for a variety of purposes. In fact, the client borrows money from the bank and then returns it with interest. Sometimes the client is not satisfied with the maximum available loan size and wants to increase the credit limit in PrivatBank.

The credit card limit is set when it is issued at the bank's office. You can tell the bank employee what credit limit on the card you want for yourself. But even after the card is issued, its size can be changed.

There are several ways to increase it on a PrivatBank credit card. The bank can automatically increase the limit if you are a bona fide borrower and repay loans on time. In this case, you will receive a notification about this in the format of a message to your mobile number. You can also set an increased limit directly in PrivatBank, in one of the branches. Finally, the client can increase loans or introduce a restriction in the Privat24 online bank.

Increase / change in PrivatBank branch

You can set a higher credit limit in the correct way at the bank branch. You can in your name. In this case, you will need a passport. If you already have a credit card, just take it with you.

At the bank branch, contact a PrivatBank employee and explain your wishes to him. Establishing new credit frameworks usually takes no more than 20 minutes. All you need is a card and some information about yourself. Also, do not forget that usually PrivatBank's plastic credits are tied to a mobile phone number. That's why the presence of a phone with you is also required... In the process of changing the limit, confirmations and notifications via your mobile number are possible.

The bank employee may not help the client to set an increased limit. Refusal is possible if the client was not a bona fide borrower, overdue the loan repayment period one or more times.

Increase / change via Privat24

There is another way to change your credit card limit. How to increase the credit limit through Privat24 without leaving your home? Consider the instruction:

  1. We go to the Privat24 website at;
  2. Open the "My Accounts" tab. On this tab you will see information about your plastic cards;
  3. Select the required card and go to the "Card / account management" option;
  4. After that, information about the limits on your card will appear on the screen. Open the "Credit Limit" option;
  5. If your card is active and there is no debt on it, you can set a new limit. Now the Privat24 site will offer to indicate new limits for the limit. The upper threshold can be different depending on the type of card;
  6. Next, you need to fill in the fields with general information about yourself;

Please provide only true and correct information. At this stage, confirmation by documents is not required, but the bank has the right to request documents and certificates to reconcile the data.

  1. After entering all the data, click "Next";
  2. The bank has accepted your application, and the bank staff will consider it shortly. The client is notified of the results of the application within 24 hours.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to change the credit limit on your PrivatBank credit card. It is enough to allocate no more than half an hour of free time for this.

You will need

  • - application for increasing the credit limit;
  • - certificate of income 2-NDFL (certificate in the form of the bank);
  • - other documents.


The increase in the credit limit is possible in two ways - at the request of the borrower, or by the decision of the bank itself. In any case, a number of conditions must be met. When approving the maximum credit limit, the borrower's credit history and the amount of his income are taken into account. The category of the issued card is also important, each of which has its own restrictions on the maximum limit.

It is impossible to count on an increase in the credit limit for a borrower who was delinquent and / or missed the minimum monthly credit card payments. The second condition is that the client must actively use the credit card. The more often you make purchases and then make payments on time, the more likely it is that the bank will meet you halfway and increase the credit limit. The user must have sufficient income. If your salary has increased since the moment the credit card was issued, you can always apply for an increase in your credit limit. The main thing is that the size of monthly payments on loans does not exceed 30% of total income.

The ways to increase the available limit are prescribed in the loan agreement. Banks often go to increase the credit limit on their own. The borrower does not need to take any additional steps. He receives a text message about the possibility of increasing the limit, if the client refuses this, the amount of available funds remains the same. If the borrower's credit limit was raised and he made all payments on time, then after a while (3-6 months) the maximum credit limit will be increased again.

But you can always contact the bank branch with an application for increasing the credit limit. In this case, it is often required to provide a certificate of income and an additional document to choose from (TIN, license, insurance certificate, medical policy).

The bank will consider the application within two to three days. And it can refuse if there are delays or if your income has not changed recently. In most cases, banks approve within 30%, but sometimes they can make more serious concessions. In some situations, the bank can not only increase the credit limit, but also reduce it. For example, if the borrower's solvency has decreased.

If the borrower is just going to get a credit card, then he should clarify what documents must be provided to increase the credit limit. These can be documents confirming income and work experience, a passport, PTS, a certificate of ownership of real estate, etc.

By data NBU as of April 2017, the number of active bank cards issued by PrivatBank is more than 17 million units (50.9% of the market). Hence, tens, and even hundreds of thousands of new clients of one of the largest financial institutions in Ukraine are interested in the question of how to increase the amount of credit on the card "Universal"?

It's one thing if you work officially, then getting a certificate of income and proving your solvency will not be difficult. It will be enough to turn to a bank employee for help, who will enter the statement, fixed by the necessary documents, into the database. Processing of a request for credit limits, as a rule, does not exceed 24 hours.

But what about those citizens who do not have a certificate of income, for example, due to informal employment? This also includes a huge army of domestic freelancers.

Most of them will not be able to confirm their solvency with a document due to the specifics of remote work. Therefore, today we will share recommendations on how to increase the credit limit on the PrivatBank card to absolutely all clients.

How can I increase my credit limit with an income statement?

As already mentioned, in order to increase the credit limit on a Privat card using an income statement, you have to go to nearest branch bank with a corresponding statement. Also, do not forget to take your Universal credit card, identification code and passport with you. The fact is that the employees of the financial institution may request to update the client's registration data, referring to the NBU decree No. 417 of 06/26/2015.

How to increase the credit limit on a PrivatBank card without a certificate of income?

If you are an active user of PrivatBank bank cards, then you can try to increase the credit limit without a certificate of income using the desktop version Privat24:

Step # 1. Log in to your online bank account by entering your registration phone number and password. Then confirm the entry through the app, SMS or voice call. The system determines the confirmation method automatically.

Step # 2. Go to the "My Accounts" section. Select a card from the list and click on "Change credit limit".

Step # 3. Indicate your desired credit limit by sipping the slider. The maximum value for cards of the "Gold" category is UAH 75,000. Finally, submit your application by clicking on the "Continue" button.

Recommendations for increasing the credit limit

To get a positive decision regarding the increase in the credit limit on your card without a certificate of income, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. be sure to pay off your loan debt before applying;
  2. you must be an active user of PrivatBank credit / debit cards;
  3. the amount of the requested credit limit should not exceed the real money turnover on your cards.

Opening a deposit in PrivatBank

In the event that you are not a hard-core defaulter, but your credit limit is not increased without a certificate of income, then almost the only way to confirm your solvency will be to open deposit.

On a note! Pay attention to the "Zruchny" deposit. According to its terms, the client will be able to independently choose the date of return of the deposit in the period from 60 to 360 days. It is very convenient to save money on the eve of round dates or holidays: birthdays, anniversaries, New Years and so on.

Remember that the open deposit must be comparable to the desired credit limit. Those. if you make a deposit of 1,000 hryvnia, then the maximum amount that the bank can offer you is 5,000 hryvnia, taking into account all the accompanying factors: credit history, the presence of guarantors, even an unofficial field of activity, and much more.

Active participation in Privat loan programs

Active participation in credit programs PrivatBank "Payment by installments" and "Instant installments" with the aim of further increasing the minimum limits will suit those customers who:

  • no money to open a deposit;
  • no credit history;
  • there are violations of previously taken credit obligations.

Who can be refused to increase the credit limit, even with an income statement?

PrivatBank may refuse to increase the credit limit on the Universal card even with a statement of income under such circumstances as:

  • the amount of funds requested on the credit balance significantly exceeds the client's solvency;
  • the presence of an active outstanding loan;
  • systematic violation of credit obligations, including late payment of credit payments;
  • if in the process of registering a new client, an individual provided inaccurate data.

In all other cases, the bank is likely to meet you halfway.

In order to increase the credit card limit, the client must contact the Sberbank branch, or use the Sberbank Online service. However, he must understand that an increase in this indicator is possible only after a six-month period of using the credit card.

A customer wishing to increase their credit card limit must meet certain requirements. However, sometimes it is better to get another card, but with a higher credit limit.

Maximum limit

It is worth distinguishing between two concepts: the limit and the maximum limit of the Sberbank card. It is possible to change the card limit only if the allowed limit has not been reached. A specific card product has a corresponding maximum limit:

  • the gold card has a limit of 600 thousand rubles;
  • Aeroflot Signature card has a maximum limit of 3 million rubles;
  • instant issue banking product has a maximum limit of 120 thousand rubles;
  • the Molodezhnaya card has a maximum limit of 200 thousand rubles.

If the client wants to increase the limit above the maximum limit of the personal card, then it would be more expedient to replace the card account with another plastic with an increased limit.

Ways to increase the limit

Before increasing the limit on his own, the client must know which limit is available on the card at the moment. The client can receive such information:

  • through an ATM;
  • using the Internet;
  • at a bank branch;
  • through the contact center.

All changes related to the card account limit are permissible only after six months of successful use. After this period of time, the following options for increasing the limit are possible:

  • in automatic mode, carried out by the bank;
  • at the personal request of the client.

In order to apply to a bank branch with a request to increase the limit, the client must prepare the necessary documents and a passport. The bank has the right to consider the application for several days and only after a thorough check can a positive decision be made. The following factors influence the successful outcome of events:

  • wages increase, a new source of income appears, the client's solvency increases;
  • there is a career advancement, in this regard, the client's position changes and income increases;
  • there are no debts on other credit products;
  • there is a timely replenishment of the card account.

If the client fails to fulfill his obligations in relation to the bank, there is no need to expect a positive response to the application for increasing the card limit. Meanwhile, the lack of action on the card account will affect the adoption of a negative decision, since the card will be considered unclaimed.

Limit increase initiated by the bank

The client's card limit is automatically increased after six months of using it. Moreover, such an increase reaches a level of 25% of the previous limit. However, the lender puts forward the following conditions that the borrower is obliged to fulfill:

  • actively use the received card in payment processes;
  • timely and systematically repay the arisen debt;
  • do not use the entire balance by the limit;
  • not have debts on other credit products;
  • have a good credit history;
  • meet the age requirements.

In the process of automatically increasing the limit, the client receives a corresponding SMS message. The activation of the increase in the limit is possible within a year after receiving the notification. SMS notification is received only by those clients who have a connection to the "Mobile Bank" service.

Limit increase through Sberbank Online

When a client draws up a card account, he is given the data necessary to enter Sberbank Online. In the personal account of the service, you should check the availability of the option to increase the credit account limit. If there is such availability, the client has the right to send an application for an increase in the limit on the corresponding credit card. After its consideration, the bank makes an appropriate decision and notifies the client.

Increasing the limit in the department

The number of customer requests to increase the card limit is not limited by the bank. Moreover, filing an application is possible at any branch of Sberbank of Russia. However, the process will go faster if the borrower submits an appropriate application at the very branch of the bank in which the credit account was issued.

A client who expresses a desire to increase the established credit card limit must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • visit a branch of Sberbank;
  • write a corresponding application according to the sample established by the bank;
  • show the bank employee your passport and the corresponding credit card.

To confirm solvency, the client provides the bank with a certificate of income and wages received (2-NDFL), which is drawn up in the accounting department of an enterprise or organization.

A positive answer can be achieved by submitting a certificate of the presence of deposits and accounts in other banking and financial organizations. In case of timely repayment of previously taken loans, appropriate evidence should be provided.

At the time of applying for a limit increase, the customer must not have any debts on the respective credit card. If false information is indicated, the bank may make a decision not in favor of the client.

How often does Sberbank increase the limit?

As mentioned above, the first automatic increase in the limit occurs after six months of successful use of the credit card. There are options that help to increase not the total, but the daily limit of credit plasticity. Sberbank often conducts promotions and related programs for its clients. All the necessary information on these proposals appears on the official website of Sberbank of Russia in a timely manner, and is also sent to the mobile phone number via SMS notifications.

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