Diet Kate Middleton: menu for weight loss. Kate Middleton: the secrets of harmony and beauty Kate middleton lost weight before the wedding

Diet Kate Middleton: menu for weight loss.  Kate Middleton: the secrets of harmony and beauty Kate middleton lost weight before the wedding
Diet Kate Middleton: menu for weight loss. Kate Middleton: the secrets of harmony and beauty Kate middleton lost weight before the wedding

Kate Middleton is the wife of the British Duke William of Cambridge. In her student years, she stood out for her rounded shapes. It cannot be said that she was plump, but the future duchess had a few extra pounds.

The diet has helped Kate Middleton become a benchmark for many women, even after having 2 children. The girl was able to lose weight up to 55 kg with a height of 175 cm.

Why you need to lose weight correctly

A diet is a dietary restriction aimed at weight loss or health improvement. Nowadays, this method of losing weight is very popular, which has led to the emergence of a huge number of methods, most of which can be not only ineffective, but sometimes life-threatening. Therefore, it is very important to choose a method of losing weight with a competent specialist who can choose a diet that is optimally suited to the characteristics of your body.

How the duchess lost weight before the wedding

The wife of the Duke of Cambridge before the wedding was always a plump girl, but on the day of the ceremony everyone saw an elegant and slender princess who was able to lose three sizes in a few months.

How did Kate Middleton lose weight in such a short time? She herself declares that the secret of her chiseled figure is in the popular one.

Pierre Dukan's technique

The Dukan diet is based on his belief that the human body has a certain supply of cells that are responsible for the accumulation of fat. The number of these cells is different for each person - someone has more of them, and someone has less.

People with an excessive amount of these cells, according to Pierre, are more likely to be overweight than others. In addition, if the fat cell does not have the capacity to store the fat it has accumulated, it begins to divide, which leads to even more weight gain.


The Dukan diet has 4 stages, each of which is responsible for certain body processes and contains its own list of products.

Interesting! The main principle of the diet on which Kate Middleton lost weight before the wedding is an increase in protein foods in the diet.


The first stage is the most difficult, but the most effective - it takes up to 5 kg in 5 days. At this stage, only protein products are consumed. It is advisable to cook food, stew, bake or steam. The main action of this stage of the diet is to kick-start metabolism: a carbohydrate deficiency forces the body to use fat as energy.


The second stage lasts from 2 to 6 months - it depends on the desired weight. The principle of this period is the alternation of protein and protein-vegetable days. The main action is the prevention of exhaustion and vitamin deficiency of the body.


The essence of the third stage is to consolidate the result and a smooth transition to normal nutrition. The duration of the stage is calculated from the number of kilograms dropped. For every kilogram lost, there are 10 days of the third period.

Nutrition at this stage is the gradual introduction of high-calorie foods into the diet. In the first half of the diet, you need to eat protein-vegetable food, to which you need to add whole grain bread, fruits (except grapes and bananas), potatoes, cereals. One day a week, you can eat whatever you want. Another free day is added to the second half of the diet, otherwise the food is identical to the first half of the stage.


The fourth stage is to return to the previous diet.

Some rules are added:

  • Every day you need to use 3 tbsp. oat bran.
  • Want to drink 1-2 liters of water per day.
  • Every Thursday you need in the form of a protein diet.
  • Use the elevator less and take the stairs more often.

Important! The last stage is not a temporary restriction in nutrition, but a lifestyle, that is, these tips must be followed for the rest of your life.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the technique:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.
  2. Lowering blood sugar, strengthening the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Removal of excess fluid from the body.
  4. Acceleration of metabolism.
  5. Muscle strengthening.
  6. Decrease in appetite due to long-term absorption of protein.

Cons of the technique:

  1. Fast in violation of the diet.
  2. There may be problems with the hormonal background, menstrual irregularities, kidney and gallbladder diseases, but these are very rare consequences of the diet.
  3. Constipation.

sample menu

There is an average menu option for this Kate Middleton diet. You can use it without changes or make adjustments by changing dishes to those of similar calorie content, since you get tired of constantly eating the same thing.

Stage Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
First step 200 g cottage cheese 1 egg 100 g boiled turkey handful of chickpeas Cod for a couple
Second stage (protein day) A glass of kefir bran Salad of lentils and canned peas 100 g boiled beef 50 g walnuts 100 g steamed salmon
Second stage (protein-vegetable day) Light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers 100 g cottage cheese Portion of vegetable stew Unsalted tomato juice 50 g cheese
Third stage A glass of kefir, an apple Chicken bouillon boiled potatoes Egg, rye bread Portion of boiled turkey
Fourth stage Oatmeal with banana slices and raisins, 3 tablespoons of bran one tomato Stewed cabbage Apple, glass of milk Cottage cheese casserole


This diet is not suitable for people with low metabolism, for those suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart, for patients with diabetes, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, for pregnant women and minors.

How did a girl lose weight after giving birth

After the birth of her daughter, Catherine Middleton gained a few extra pounds, but after a couple of months, everyone saw the former slender duchess.

As Kate Middleton herself says, after giving birth, a diet helped her lose weight, the essence of which is to eat only raw foods.

Features of a raw food diet

Adhere to the following rules:

  • More than half of the diet should be raw fruits and berries.
  • About 30% are raw vegetables.
  • 15% - beans, nuts.
  • 5% - dried fruits, dairy products.
  • About 1% - juices and vegetable oils.
  • A day is needed.
  • You can not eat food cooked as a result of fermentation.

Interesting! If you find it difficult to completely give up thermally processed foods, then you can include 20-30% of boiled, stewed or steamed foods.

It is advisable to start a complete raw food diet gradually. In the first week, you need to give up semi-finished products, in the second - from red meat, in the third - from white meat, in the fifth - from fish, in the sixth - from eggs, and in the seventh - from cereals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of nutrition on this diet Kate Middleton:

  1. Raw vegetables and fruits have more vitamins and minerals than thermally processed ones.
  2. The level of cholesterol decreases.
  3. The intestines are cleansed.

Cons of the technique:

  1. Possible exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Lack of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, zinc.
  4. Non-compliance with the balance of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

sample menu

For weight loss according to the Kate Middleton method, you can make a menu yourself, adhering to the basic principles of the diet. Its duration is determined individually depending on the desired result.

Sample menu for one day:

  • Breakfast - 3 apples.
  • Lunch is a glass of orange juice.
  • Lunch - salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with lime juice.
  • Snack - 2-3 carrots.
  • Dinner - a handful of walnuts.

The wife of the Duke of Cambridge William Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor (nee Middleton) has been a beauty standard for many years, an example to follow for many women not only in Britain, but all over the world. And this is not surprising - the young duchess has not only a happy character, an excellent upbringing, but also stunning external data and a chiseled figure.

Aristocratic harmony

It is worth noting that, before marriage, the girl, although she was slim and fit, still did not differ in particular thinness. But before the royal wedding, which was watched by the whole world in April 2011, Middleton lost a lot of weight and acquired a very graceful shape.

Such a change in the appearance of the newly-made duchess caused a resonance in society. Many wondered how Middleton managed to effectively lose weight.

Journalists found out that Kate Middleton was able to lose weight before the wedding thanks to the diet of the French doctor Pierre Ducane.

This system is not a diet in the usual sense for us, since it involves the use of a wide range of products, so adhering to it, you can eat varied and not experience a constant feeling of hunger.

By the way, it was this diet that helped Kate Middleton lose weight after giving birth (as you know, not so long ago the duchess became a mother for the second time). Now the woman looks no worse than before the birth of the babies, and her weight, with a height of 175 cm, does not exceed 60 kilograms.

In today's article, we will tell you what the essence of the technique with which Kate lost weight is.

Diet Kate Middleton: description

Unlike express diets, which are known to provide quick but short-term results, this system allows you to reduce body weight for a long time.

Its main principle is to reduce carbohydrate intake in favor of protein foods. The program consists of four stages, and its duration depends on the number of kilos that you want to lose.

The undoubted advantage of the Dukan diet is that you can cook a lot of delicious and varied dishes from the products allowed during its passage, and therefore the process of losing weight will be natural and easy. Exhausting yourself with excruciating hunger and constantly counting the absorbed calories is not necessary.

Throughout the entire period, it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of still water without additives per day and eat 1.5-3 tbsp. spoons of bran (preferably oatmeal).

Stage one - "attack"

During this period, it is necessary to completely exclude all products that contain carbohydrates.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • seafood, fish;
  • lean ham;
  • liver, kidneys;
  • low-fat milk, dairy products (including cottage cheese);
  • chicken, turkey.

But from fatty meats (turkey, duck, pork) for this period should be abandoned.

Salt, pepper, adding sugar and vinegar to food is not allowed. You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice as a seasoning.

The duration of this phase depends on the goal: if, for example, you need to lose less than 10 kilos of excess weight, devote 3 days to this period, if more - at least 5 days.

Stage two - "cruise"

These days, you should eat only vegetables that do not contain starch. These can be cucumbers, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, white and Brussels sprouts, asparagus, pumpkin, rhubarb, broccoli, dill, radishes, celery, sorrel and garlic. They are recommended to be stewed, boiled, baked, steamed or eaten raw.

Vegetable days must be alternated with protein days (the menu is the same as in the first period).

You can stick to this diet for 2 to 6 days, depending on how many kilos you need to lose.

Stage three - "fixing"

The duration of this phase depends on how many kilograms you managed to lose over the past days. Let's say if you lost 6 kilos, "fixing" should last 60 days, that is, each kilogram lost is equal to 10 days.

The menu of the third phase of Kate Middleton's diet is the same as in the previous one - vegetable days alternate with protein days.

Additionally, you can consume the following products per day:

  • 2 slices of bran bread;
  • 200 g fresh fruits or berries without sugar (except grapes, bananas and sweet cherries);
  • 40 g cheese.

Twice a week it is allowed to eat a plate of pasta made from durum wheat, peas or potatoes (preferably not fried), and once every three days - any high-calorie product of your choice.

The duration of "fixing" also depends on the number of kilos lost by this period: each kilogram equates to 10 days.

Stage four - "stabilization"

This phase is not very strict. Then, when you have already reached the desired weight, you can eat any food, but, of course, in reasonable quantities, without overeating. It is very important at the same time to listen to your body and control the size of carbohydrate portions of food.

Every day you should eat 3 tbsp. spoons of oat bran and do not forget about the drinking regimen.

Twice a week you need to spend unloading protein days, focusing on the menu of the first phase " attack".

What if there was a breakdown?

Neither the common man nor the royal person is immune from temptations. If you have a breakdown during your diet (well, for example, you were invited to a birthday party or simply succumbed to the temptation of delicious food), do not despair. It's not worth canceling the diet and starting it all over again.

It is enough to follow these simple but important rules:

  • drink as much water as possible;
  • no matter what stage of the diet you are before, in the next two days, follow an exclusively protein menu. After that, return to the previous regimen and extend the weight loss course for 2-3 days;
  • get enough sleep (at least 8-9 hours a day). Remember that the more you sleep, the less you will be "pulled" to food;
  • be outdoors as often as possible.

And of course, in no case do not lose a positive attitude, because the achievement of the intended goal depends primarily on it!

Kate manages to keep in great shape after giving birth not only with the help of a diet. The favorite sports of the young duchess are running and cycling. But she had to refuse classes that imitate rowing, because during such training there is too active burning of calories.

Who does not know Kate Middleton is the magnificent Duchess of Cambridge, who won hearts with her charm, kindness and sophisticated style. The way she manages to keep her figure in perfect condition worries every second today. And indeed, a busy schedule, two small children, how does she always manage to look perfect. Kate Middleton's diet did not stay a secret for long. Let's figure it out.

Before the wedding, Kate was quite full. Even a couple of months before the marriage, she remained the owner of chubby cheeks. But during the ceremony, everyone saw how the girl had grown slim and prettier. How did she manage to drop the pounds so quickly? According to Kate herself, she helped.

This is a very popular dietary technique that many Hollywood stars turn to. It is based on the use of protein and limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. The diet includes four consecutive stages:

  • Attack. This is the most difficult but rewarding step. It lasts five days, and exactly the same number of kilograms makes it possible to throw off. During this period, it is allowed to eat only protein products of any heat treatment, except for frying and grilling. During the attack, the metabolism starts, and the body begins to use body fat as fuel.
  • Alternation (cruise). This phase lasts from 2 months to six months, depending on how many kilograms you need to throw off. At this stage, there is an alternation of protein and protein-vegetable days. Thus, the body is filled with useful substances, vitamin deficiency is prevented.
  • Consolidation (consolidation). This stage involves a gradual return to the standard diet and fixing the results. Its duration is calculated individually, according to the number of kg already dropped. For every kilogram lost, there are 10 days of consolidation.
  • Stabilization. This stage lasts an unlimited amount of time and involves a smooth transition to a proper, healthy diet in accordance with all the rules.


Kate knowingly chose this method. The technique is really effective and has numerous advantages:

  • Gentle cleansing of the intestines from harmful metabolic products.
  • Normalization of sugar levels.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • The removal of water from the body.
  • Lack of hunger and decreased appetite.
  • The development of muscle tissue.


If you also decide to try to reduce weight on the Dukan diet, take into account some of its disadvantages:

  • Any breakdowns, violations of the sequence and rules of the program leads to a quick return of already lost kilograms.
  • There may be problems with the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Bloating, flatulence.

We offer an approximate diet according to the diet that Kate Middleton is on, you can use it without changes, or adjust it to your needs by adjusting the diet and including similar dishes in it.

After the birth of the little princess, Kate also quickly bounced back. But this time, a diet based on eating raw foods helped. By following a few simple recommendations, in just two weeks you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. The Duchess of Cambridge is a confirmation of the effectiveness of this dietary program.

This program is fundamentally different from other popular systems. Basic rules to follow:

  • The basis of the entire daily diet is raw fruits and berries.
  • 30% of the menu is a vegetable component.
  • Legumes and nuts - 15%.
  • Milk and dried fruits - 5%.
  • Raw oils and fresh juices - 1%.
  • Drinking regime - at least one liter of water.
  • A ban on products made by fermentation.

If it is difficult to constantly eat raw foods, you can add some boiled or steamed foods to the diet.


The advantages of this particular diet Kate is obvious:

  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels.
  • In the absence of heat treatment, more nutrients, vitamins and minerals are retained in the product.
  • All metabolic products are excreted from the intestines.
  • Reducing the load on the heart muscle and blood vessels.


Not without cons:

To lose weight on raw foods, as the Duchess of Cambridge does, it is necessary to draw up an individual menu that will correspond not only to the principles of the diet, but also to the personal taste preferences of the person who is losing weight. The duration of the program is determined in advance, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose.

An approximate menu for one day would look like this:

  • Breakfast - 3 apples.
  • Second breakfast - 200 milliliters of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing.
  • Snack - 2-3 small carrots.
  • Dinner - a few favorite nuts.

When there is such an example in front of your eyes, then the process of losing weight is much easier and more comfortable, because you can achieve the same results and even better. If these diets are close to you, have recently given birth, or just want to throw off unnecessary kilograms, then be sure to try to sit on them.

The most important condition is that it is necessary to consult in advance with a specialist who will help with the examination, identifying possible contraindications, and even competently compiling a diet,.


What girl doesn't want to be a princess? Live in a palace, do charity work and shine at social events. Dream, not life.

And even if there are not enough princes for everyone, yet every lady has a chance, if not to become a princess, then at least look no worse than she is.

In this regard, many are interested in the diet of Kate Middleton - this representative of the British royal family looks very good. And today we will learn the secrets of her weight loss.

Cinderella story

The story of Kate Middleton is the story of a modern Cinderella. A girl from a simple family married a prince. Yes, not just for the prince, but for the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, William, who has long been considered one of the most enviable suitors on the planet.

At the same time, she is still not quite a standard Cinderella - although her family cannot boast of titles, her parents managed to earn a fortune by organizing their own mail order business.

Thanks to this, in 2001 the girl was able to enter the prestigious St. Andrews University, where she met her future husband.

For some time, young people were just friends, but since 2003, a romantic relationship arose between them. The prince for a long time could not decide on marriage, in 2007 the couple even almost broke up.

The press treated William's girlfriend ironically - they called her "Waiting Katie", but in the end love won out - on November 16, 2010, the engagement was announced, and on April 29, 2011, a wedding took place, which was rightfully called the "Wedding of the Century".

The event caused an unprecedented stir around the world - there were ten million viewers of the ceremony alone, including more than 70 million on the royal family's YouTube channel.

After the wedding, Kate became the Duchess of Cambridge and received the title of Her Royal Highness. A little over two years later, in July 2013, she gave birth to a son, Prince George, and on May 2, 2015 gave her husband a daughter, Charlotte.

All these years, the wife of the second in line of heirs to the British throne, the prince, has always remained in the spotlight. The press follows literally on her heels. Like her husband's mother, Princess Diana, Kate Middleton won the hearts of the British with her kind heart, charm and impeccable style.

Everyone admires Kate and envy her flawless figure. And everyone invariably asks the question - how does she manage to look so beautiful, having already become a mother twice? Another topic that worries everyone is what diet did she sit on before the wedding?

After all, it was not hidden from the eyes of the public that Kate, who was previously plump on her cheeks, dramatically lost weight just a few months before the wedding.

I tried to figure out the secrets of the beautiful figure of the Duchess, and this is what I got.

Secrets of the Royal Diet

Among the representatives of the royal family, it is not customary to talk much about their diets. Few of the monarchs are frank on these topics, so Katie is in no hurry to share recipes for her weight loss.

On Russian-language sites on the Internet, I found a lot of "diet from Kate Middleton" with a detailed list of exotic dishes. But, having opened English-language sites, I did not find anything like that. I have not met a single interview with the wife of the prince, where she would talk about her diet. But maybe you read her revelations somewhere?

So what to do? Really, you ask, we will never know how the beauty Katherine keeps her figure? Find out, my dear readers! After all, there are still "sources close to the family." And that's what they say.

wedding weight loss

The tabloids write that, in order to acquire such a chiseled figure, so as not to lose face in front of the whole world, she was on the Dukan diet.

Although people close to the family, at one time, claimed that the girl did not have any diet. And the fact that outwardly she was significantly built, if you compare the photo before and after her engagement and all the fuss about the wedding, it's all just nerves, which is quite natural for a bride.

Speaking of the Dukan diet, it's the high-protein, low-carb French diet that many Hollywood celebrities, such as Jennifer Lopez, are reportedly fond of.

Ducan's diet includes four stages: Attack, Alternate, Pin and Stabilize.

Each stage has its own diet.

  • So, "Attack" suggests that you should eat only protein foods, even without fruits and vegetables. That is, in menu you have lean ham, lean veal, chicken breast, any fish, beef liver, low fat dairy products.
  • With "Alternation" you have one day vegetable, the other - protein-vegetable.
  • The Consolidation phase involves gradually introducing into your diet foods that you previously refused, for example, starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta), cheese, wholemeal bread, and from time to time allow yourself holiday meals.
  • At the Consolidation stage, you can eat almost anything, but do not abuse sweet and starchy foods and do not forget to eat 3 tbsp. l. oat bran, arrange a protein day for yourself and devote time to physical activity.

With sports for life

It is also reported that in recent weeks before wedding Miss Middleton, who, even in her student years, was not indifferent to sports, went in for rowing and rode a bicycle. In addition, the girl had (and probably still has) her own gym.

First pregnancy

While expecting her first child, the prince's wife suffered from bouts of morning sickness and aversion to food. They write that in order to establish nutrition , she worked hard on her diet, in particular, included oatmeal with avocados and berries. This helped her maintain her desired weight despite the nausea.

After childbirth the duchess sat on a diet that was not quite familiar to her. She reportedly became addicted to a raw food diet - at least once a week she gave herself such a fasting day.

The idea of ​​such a diet is not only to be slim, but also to make the skin look healthy. After all, raw food contains higher levels of vitamins and nutrients than cooked food.

The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, gained a little extra weight during pregnancy, but quickly got rid of it, adhering to a special diet.

Before the wedding with the Duke of Cambridge William Kate Middleton decided that she was overweight and needed to lose weight. To do this, she took advantage of the world-famous Dukan diet, built on four stages.

Despite the fact that the duchess has never been too curvaceous, in order to feel more confident, after the birth of her daughter, she also decided to use this diet, because. knew that it was she who allows you to lose weight without harm to health.

Kate Middleton: height 175 cm, weight 60 kg

The very secret diet of Kate Middleton, which people have been wondering about for a long time, was developed by Pierre Dukan, a nutritionist from France. Its main difference is that it helps not only to lose weight, but also to maintain normal weight, but it does not have a negative effect on the body.

For those who are interested in how Kate Middleton lost weight after giving birth, you should familiarize yourself with her main secrets:

Kate Middleton with her husband and children: photo

  • She drank from 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water daily and ate oat bran;
  • Kate Middleton also lost a lot of weight thanks to regular fitness classes, but during pregnancy she preferred only yoga;
  • Despite following the diet, the duchess did not allow herself to starve, and this is the main advantage of her methodology, because it is allowed to eat permitted food, depending on the stage, in any quantity.

Before losing weight, Keft Middleton's height and weight were 175 cm and 70-73 kg, but thanks to her diet, she manages to keep the last parameter at 60 kg. Not the last role here is played by sports, which she did not stop doing and, despite the fact that she has to do housework and raise a child, she always finds time to go to the gym.

Thus, Kate Middleton lost 10-15 kg of weight with the help of a diet, but the exact figure cannot be given, because. she does not disclose it. It is only known that now she wears a 44-46 clothing size, which she had when she was still in college.

To understand the difference, it is enough to compare the photos of Keft Middleton before and after the diet: they show that the Duchess has really noticeably lost weight.

Kate Middleton lost weight: before and after photos

As mentioned earlier, the Keft Middleton diet before the wedding is divided into 4 stages:

  • Stage one: the amount of carbohydrate food is reduced in favor of protein. At this time, it is allowed to eat lean ham, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, eggs, offal, cucumbers and lemons. Salt and vinegar are subject to restriction, and sugar must be discarded. Kate Middleton's breakfast at this time consists of oatmeal and kefir, and the rest of the time you can eat any allowed dish;

  • Stage two: here the alternation of protein foods and vegetables is supposed. You need to eat 1 in 1 or 2 in 2 days with the above products, and the rest of the time you should use adjika, non-starchy vegetables, milk, gelatin, gherkins and low-fat cream;
  • Stage three: in this case, all of the above products are allowed, and you can also enter fruits, 2 slices of bread and 40 g of hard cheese per day on the menu;
  • Stage four: to maintain the result, you can eat any food, as well as 3 tbsp. l. bran per day. Once a week it is necessary to switch only to protein foods.

  • Finely cut dried apricots, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water and add a little soda. Cool down;
  • Cook in a saucepan 200 g brown sugar, 8 tbsp. l. low-fat cream and 100 g of melted butter. We do not allow boiling. When ready, pour into special molds;
  • Beat 100 g butter with egg, vanilla extract and sugar until smooth;
  • Pour flour, salt and baking powder into the mixture, then beat with dried apricots and pour into molds;
  • We place the forms in a water bath, leave for half an hour;
  • Bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

  • Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the peel;
  • Bake bell peppers in the oven, peel;
  • We clean the cucumbers and cut into cubes, mix everything;
  • Add herbs, garlic, salt, lemon juice and a little mineral water, beat everything with a blender;
  • Leave the soup to infuse for 2-3 hours.
  • Mix 50 g of couscous with 60 ml of boiling water, salt and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Leave the sauce
  • Add greens, chopped tomatoes, 1 tsp to 180 g of canned chopped tuna. lemon peel, grated garlic;
  • We mix all the ingredients.

How Kate Middleton is losing weight: the opinion of nutritionists and reviews about her diet ^

The diet developed by Dukan and successfully used in many countries has only positive feedback from nutritionists, because every person can withstand it, and besides, it is absolutely harmless to health.

Its only drawback is that due to the high protein content in the first stage, it may not be suitable for people with kidney disease, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before using this technique.

What does Kate Middleton look like now: photo

Ekaterina, 28 years old:

“I liked this diet, because thanks to it I got rid of 11 kg in six months, while other methods did not help at all”

Bronislava, 30 years old:

“I can say with confidence that Kate’s diet is really effective: firstly, the duchess herself noticeably lost weight on it, and secondly, such nutrition allowed me to easily remove 4.5 kg in a month”

Anastasia, 38 years old:

“It was very difficult for me to last the first week on protein products, because I usually eat mostly vegetables. Nevertheless, the diet turned out to be effective and it was still worth enduring, because with its help, after 3 months I began to weigh 11 kg less. ”