Corn porridge benefits and harm recipes. Is corn porridge healthy?

Corn porridge benefits and harm recipes.  Is corn porridge healthy?
Corn porridge benefits and harm recipes. Is corn porridge healthy?

Corn is actually a universal product; many tasty and healthy foods are prepared from it. dishes. Its grains are added to soups, stews and salads, and a delicious porridge is prepared from cereals, that is, crushed grains.

Corn porridge has many beneficial properties and, like any product, has some contraindications. Corn porridge is often used in their diet by people who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to healthy eating, it also has a place in dietary nutrition.

So what benefit or harm does corn porridge bring?

First, let's discuss the benefits of the product. The most valuable thing about corn grits is that when cooked or any other heat treatment, the grits do not lose their value - useful substances, and there are quite a few of them in it.

Energy value of corn grits and chemical composition

Cereals contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water and ash. 100 grams of product contains 328 kcal.

In addition, it contains:

  • Vitamins A (RE), B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, N, RR (NE);
  • Macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur;
  • Microelements: aluminum, iron, copper, cobalt, boron, manganese, nickel, molybdenum, tin, chromium, zinc, titanium;
  • Saturated fatty acids and essential amino acids: alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in corn grits are in the ratio 1:0.1:8.6.

10 facts about the benefits of corn porridge

  1. Strengthens the immune system

    Corn porridge has many medicinal properties, great content vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as fatty acids strengthens the body’s immune forces. And a healthy immune system, as we know, is a reliable protection against many dangerous diseases. By including healthy corn porridge in our diet, we take care of our health.

  2. Strengthens bones

    Phosphorus contained in corn porridge, participates in the physiological process of energy metabolism, normalizes the acid-base balance and is found in the composition of nucleotides and phospholipids, which mineralize bones and teeth. A deficiency of phosphorus, calcium and vitamins in the human body can lead to depletion of bone tissue and serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, eating corn porridge has an extremely positive effect on bone tissue in the human body.

  3. Makes skin healthy

    Vitamins A, B, E and H help the body synthesize fats and glycogen, and also participate in the metabolism of amino acids found in corn. Insufficient amounts of vitamins can lead to painful skin conditions. What can we say about microelements and fatty acids, without them the skin will become flabby and pale. In addition, she will be susceptible to many dermatological diseases. By consuming porridge, we will improve the condition of the skin due to the body's production of elastin. The beneficial properties of corn are necessary not only for our skin, but also for our hair and nails.

  4. Normalizes intestinal function

    Corn porridge is a real “cleaner” of the body; it removes toxins, nitrates, pesticides and radionuclides that have accumulated over time. Fiber helps cleanse the stomach and intestines, eliminating putrefactive processes that can occur due to stagnant food. Porridge is very useful in such cases; it prevents both constipation and indigestion.

  5. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Utility corn porridge, among other things, is that its consumption helps normalize the well-being of cardiac patients. It removes cholesterol, thereby protecting blood vessels from the formation of plaques, making them more elastic and passable. Therefore, the use of this product is especially useful for people susceptible to surges in blood pressure and patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  6. Indicated during pregnancy

    Corn porridge is very useful as For adult body, and for children. It can be consumed even during pregnancy, as it is nutritious, easily digestible and does not cause any allergies. It is often used to prepare baby food. This is also an excellent food for older people; you can have it for lunch and breakfast. It saturates perfectly without causing any harm to the body.

  7. Promotes weight loss

    This is not to say that corn grits porridge is not high in calories, but it is still an excellent way to lose excess weight. Its ability to cleanse the body of toxins and the sufficient content of substances necessary for the body will provide the body with everything it needs and rid it of bad cholesterol and accumulated fats. Those who are on a diet can safely include it in their diet, but this must be done in limited quantities; a nutritionist will accurately establish the correct norm.

  8. Strengthens the nervous system

    IN composition Corn grits contain useful components that help a person fight nervousness, stressful situations and even nervous disorders. Phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B1 and B5 protect the body from many neurological diseases. In addition, corn porridge will relieve many symptoms that can arise due to constant nervous overexcitation.

  9. Reduces sugar levels in the body

    Not every person knows that corn and cereals made from it are very useful for diabetics of all types. Many experts claim that corn cobs and silk help normalize blood sugar levels due to their low glycemic index. Patients with diabetes can safely include corn porridge in their diet, but again within normal limits, and the norm will be determined by the attending physician.

  10. Useful for physical activity

    Porridge for sports fans is simply a necessary product. They saturate the body with energy and all the necessary beneficial elements they contain. In addition, fiber fills the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness for almost the whole day. Corn porridge is also no exception, it is very healthy, saturates well and does not overload the body.

How to cook corn porridge correctly

There are many cooking recipes corn grits porridge. Cooking corn porridge is actually not at all difficult, the main thing is to know How right her cook.

First you need to choose high-quality and fresh cereals. It should be well crushed, beautiful yellow in color and free of foreign impurities. Fine grinding is especially suitable for milk corn porridge.

Corn porridge with milk

The cereal, pre-washed several times, should be poured into boiling milk in a ratio of 1:2, salt or sugar to taste. Cook the porridge in a thick-bottomed saucepan for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Before the end of cooking, you need to add butter or vegetable oil to the porridge, then close the lid tightly and let it brew for 15 minutes, as people say, “to simmer.” You can serve porridge as a main product or as a side dish.

Corn porridge on water

It is prepared in the same way as porridge with milk, only purified water is poured instead of milk. The proportions and cooking techniques are exactly the same and so is the serving. This porridge is lower in calories and is suitable even for people on a strict diet.

Different nationalities prepare porridge and season it differently. It is fried with lard and onions, seasoned with lamb or fat tail fat, topped with all kinds of gravies and sauces, and served with sausages and sausages, pork knuckle and beef Stroganoff. It makes excellent casseroles, hominy and its Italian equivalent, polenta. Porridge goes well with baked vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, especially raisins and prunes.

Contraindications to eating corn porridge

Despite the fact that corn, its grains and porridge cooked from it are very beneficial for the human body, some categories of people should still avoid it.

Corn porridge is contraindicated for people:

  • those suffering from stomach ulcers or those who have undergone gastric surgery;
  • with low body weight or with anorexia;
  • with high body weight and for obesity.

In other cases, the product is not prohibited, but even recommended.

Corn grits are one of the main elements of a healthy diet.

Corn porridge is prepared with water, milk, meat or vegetable broth.

With or without various additives.

Regardless of this, corn porridge does not lose nutrients during heat treatment and always tastes great.

Secrets of proper preparation of corn porridge

Corn grits for porridge are made by crushing the grains. The resulting grains differ in size.

Depending on this, corn grits are divided into 5 numbers. The higher the number, the larger the grains. For more viscous cereals, use the first numbers of cereals.

The finest grind is suitable for preparing porridge with a delicate consistency and a viscous structure. Coarse grinding is mainly used for making corn sticks and other sweets.

In some cases, porridge is prepared from such grains. Then it turns out crumbly and heterogeneous. To make the dish as flavorful as possible, use rich yellow grains.

Cooking porridge from corn has its own peculiarity - the mass constantly sticks to the walls of the dish and quickly burns. Therefore, you should use a non-stick container or cast iron cauldron for cooking.

Consider the recipe dietary version of corn porridge. For this we need water, cereal, salt and sugar.

Cooking steps:

1. Pour 350 g of water into a saucepan. Bring it to a boil. It is worth noting that the final density of the product will depend on the amount of water. For those who like thinner porridges, you can add 3 cups.

2. After boiling, reduce the heat to minimum power, then add 6 tbsp. l. cereals Pour in the cereal in a thin stream with constant stirring. This will prevent lumps from forming.

3. Add salt and just a little sugar to taste.

4. Cook the porridge over low heat for about 10 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the mass.

5. After the mass has swollen, turn off the heat and close the pan with a lid.

6. Leave the porridge to simmer in a sealed container for 10–15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the porridge can be considered ready.

Add a little to the finished porridge butter, dried fruits, berries, etc.. It is worth remembering that the components added to the porridge add calories. Of course, you can use not only water, but also milk as a base. It all depends on the preferences of who this dish is intended for.

Useful properties of corn porridge

The benefits of corn porridge are determined by the chemical composition of the cereal. It includes elements such as iron, potassium, magnesium And other substances necessary for the body.

Cereals contain a large amount of vitamins. The peculiarity of corn porridge is that all substances do not disintegrate during the cooking process, and therefore this dish is considered most useful for people restoring their body after illnesses or surgical interventions.

Let's take a closer look its main beneficial properties:

Corn grits are a low-allergenic product, so porridge is recommended for feeding very young children;

Since corn provokes increased production of enzymes, porridge is recommended for people with intestinal enzymatic deficiency. That is why cereals are used to make special food of a biospecific type;

Eating corn grits porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: the color and structure of the skin improves, its elasticity increases;

The macroelements included in the composition actively break down the cholesterol accumulated in the vessels and prevent the deposition of new plaques. This reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack;

Corn has antitumor properties, so porridge is included in the diet of cancer patients;

A complex of useful substances helps restore normal heart function and strengthen it;

Eating porridge made from corn grits is recommended for diabetics, as it significantly reduces the absorption of sugar;

This dish is indispensable for intestinal pathologies. This is due to the fact that porridge prevents fermentation and easily breaks down rotting products;

B vitamins and phosphorus strengthen the nervous system and also help fight depression;

Porridge eaten for breakfast gives a lot of energy, which will last for the whole day. At the same time, there will be no discomfort in the stomach, as happens after a heavy meal;

Phospharites found in cereals activate the work of brain cells and ensure the accumulation of protein. This is important for an organism exhausted by disease.

When is it harmful to eat corn porridge?

Corn porridge can bring a person not only benefits, but also harm. This dish has little energy value. Therefore, it is not recommended to indulge in porridge people with underweight and severe appetite loss.

If a person has an exacerbation pathologies of the digestive tract or stomach, then this dish should be avoided. It is not advisable to consume corn porridge for those who have high blood clotting, since some elements found in the cereal contribute to an increase in this indicator. A negative effect of porridge on people suffering from epilepsy has been noticed.

For chronic kidney diseases Doctors also do not recommend introducing porridge into your diet. This is due to the presence of copper in the cereal composition. Taking corn porridge during menstruation also depends on this. You should not eat such food if your menstruation is problematic.

High content of vitamin B makes corn porridge unacceptable for people with increased nervous excitability and those suffering from digestive system disorders.

Frequent consumption of corn grits porridge leads to insufficient absorption of certain microelements, for example, zinc. It is strictly contraindicated to include such a dish in your diet if you have a stomach ulcer. All of the listed contraindications are general and only a doctor can give his recommendations based on the characteristics of your body.

How much benefit and harm does corn porridge bring to pregnant and nursing mothers?

Corn porridge should be present in the diet of both pregnant and lactating women. These are not just words, but a medically proven fact. Thanks to its composition, porridge brings undoubted benefits to both the child and the mother.

Since cereal is not an allergenic product, it can be consumed daily during breastfeeding. The elements that make up the cereal are involved in the synthesis of enzymatic compounds, thereby improving the digestion process and having a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Corn porridge is especially useful for pregnant women, as it promotes the development and growth of fetal tissue.

Eating this dish normalizes blood flow and increases the immune defense of the mother and child. It is very important to eat porridge if you have iron deficiency anemia. After all, it contains copper, which helps absorb hemoglobin iron.

In the same time, copper facilitates the work of the liver, removing unnecessary substances from it. Some women experience depression during the postpartum period. In this case, the same corn porridge will help prevent it, since it provokes the production "happy" hormone.

The absence of gluten allows this porridge to be used even for a weakened mother or child. Great content

significantly reduces the risk of premature birth and also prevents the risk of abnormal fetal development. It is recommended to include corn porridge in the menu for nursing mothers, as it can eliminate colic in the baby’s stomach and reduce the severity of fermentation processes in the mother.

The silicon content allows you to keep the teeth and bones of a pregnant woman in a healthy condition, preventing the leaching of useful substances from them. The combination of elements that make up corn grits ensures the normal functioning of the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal and urinary systems. Due to the fact that all the useful substances are preserved in the porridge, the body of the mother and child will receive a sufficient amount of elements necessary for the body.

Small benefits of corn porridge for weight loss

The high calorie content of corn porridge misleads everyone who wants to lose weight. Because of this, many refuse to introduce it into their diet. But they do this in vain, since with a high calorie content, porridge tends to take a long time to digest.

After eating a small portion of porridge, a person will quickly feel full due to the high content of polysaccharides. At the same time, the feeling of fullness will last for a long time.

Macroelements contained in corn effectively break down fats present in the body and prevent the accumulation of new ones.

A large group of useful elements gives a boost of energy for the whole working day and fills the body with necessary substances. In addition, corn porridge is rich in fiber, which intensively cleanses the digestive tract.

At the same time, do not forget that this type of porridge requires drinking a lot of water. Corn porridge does not give quick and noticeable results in losing weight, but it effectively keeps the body in good shape.

If you carefully consider all contraindications and consume porridge correctly, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the body.

According to Eastern practices, the variety of brands of “tasty and healthy food” has become a natural desire to preserve and, if possible, strengthen their . The fundamental point is. Natural ones are especially important, including corn.

Did you know?100 g of corn grits (and therefore porridge) contains 1⁄4 of the daily requirement of vitamins A and E.

A high level of complex carbohydrates has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, fills the whole body, and stabilizes the level in the blood. Thanks to its unique composition, corn grits help maintain normal levels. Although the calorie content of this product is quite high and amounts to 320 kcal per 100 g. This small drawback is compensated by the exceptional qualities of corn.

Once you find out the benefits of corn porridge, you should definitely include it in your daily diet.

Did you know? That the Indian word "maize" (corn) means "sacred mother" or "giver of life."

For adults

A large amount of carotenoids significantly reduces the risk of malignant tumors. This wonderful product actively cleanses the body of toxins, waste, radionuclides, stops inflammatory processes in the intestines, and supports the balanced functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Due to their high nutritional value, corn products are recommended for nursing mothers, the elderly and people who do not like an active rhythm of life.

Instead of expensive pills, you can enjoy corn porridge with pleasure and benefit. This will also strengthen the immune system and help you recover faster after. And if you regularly eat this sunny-colored cereal, you can “stop time” - slow down the process. Since it removes “bad” cholesterol, it means that the blood vessels will get rid of plaques, their walls will be elastic, blood pressure will normalize and the cardiovascular system will work in a calm mode.

Corn porridge can become a favorite dish for a baby from the first spoonful of complementary foods. After all, it does not cause pain, is easily digestible, very nutritious, and tasty. The absence of gluten (gluten) in it does not cause fermentation in children, and this is very important for babies prone to increased gas formation. Folic acid plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells, and cob porridge has large reserves of it.

Not only food, or the use of corn porridge

As invaluable as this product is in its content, it is just as versatile in its form of application.

In some countries, a dish of golden cobs has become an attribute of national pride. In Northern Italy it is called polenta, in Western Ukraine, Moldova and Romania it is a porridge made from corn flour with cracklings and onions - hominy. In Mexico, corn flour (more precisely from maize) is used in all national dishes. Cereals, flour are produced from this cereal as food products, and grains are also consumed.

Flour is used for dough in all kinds of products. The grains of this cereal are baked, boiled, canned, and made into popcorn. Corn starch is used as a thickener in the preparation of creams and jelly. Cereals from the cobs are used to prepare first courses and porridge.

Important! A fresh ear of corn loses about 40% of its sugar after 6 hours of storage at room temperature.

In cosmetology

For acne and age-related skin pigmentation, masks made from corn flour are often used. It has a cleansing and calming effect. Such procedures are especially useful for dry skin: they moisturize it, saturate it with micronutrients, heal it, and refresh it.

In dietetics

The constant presence of corn porridge on the menu is strongly recommended. If it is cooked in water, without adding large amounts of oil, salt or sugar, then its calorie content is minimal compared to its nutritional level. For those on a diet, this “golden” porridge will allow you not to feel hungry and be in a cheerful and energetic mood all day long.

To prepare a delicious dish, you should be scrupulous in choosing the necessary products. The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying cereal from the cob is its color. It should be rich and uniform bright yellow, without foreign inclusions. We also check the expiration date of the product, which should be indicated on the packaging. It is stored in tightly closed glass containers, in places protected from light and humidity, at temperatures from -5 to +5 degrees.

It is difficult to maintain such conditions at home, so you should not make stocks of this cereal so that it does not lose its taste.
Coarsely ground corn grits are effective for cleansing the intestines, but take longer to cook. The medium grind is convenient for everyday cooking within 30 minutes. Finely ground cereals are used in instant cereals and baby food. When choosing a product, you also need to pay attention to this.

How to cook porridge

To make the dish tasty, you need to know how to cook corn porridge correctly. Properly selected fresh raw materials for preparing porridge should be rinsed well, then slowly poured in a thin stream, stirring so that there are no lumps, into boiling water or water if you are preparing dietary food. Before this, you need to add a little sugar and a pinch to the milk. Bring the dish to a boil, cook over low heat until tender for 15 minutes, stirring all the time. Then add butter to taste, cover with a lid and simmer for the same amount of time. Porridge is very tasty when combined with pumpkin. In order not to abuse sugar, you can use honey, dried fruits, berries and seasonal fruits.

There are exceptions to any rule. Unfortunately, there are also restrictions for eating corn products. People suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcers, especially during exacerbations, should exclude corn porridge from their menu. Those with low calories and those with individual intolerance should not eat this low-calorie product. It is precisely because of its unique composition that this porridge should not be eaten if you have blood clotting diseases or thrombophlebitis.
Corn porridge has a rich spectrum of nutritional elements. It proves its benefits for human health and beauty, despite its fairly high calorie content. In the absence of diseases that preclude its use, this cereal will not cause any significant harm.

Legends can be made about the benefits of corn. This plant is recognized by both official and alternative medicine. Corn silk is mainly used to make medicines. But today we won't talk about that. Corn porridge has become the object of adoration for many gourmets. The benefits and harms of such a dish are the topic of our article.

Corn porridge is a guarantee of health

Since childhood, mothers and grandmothers have echoed to us that we must eat porridge, otherwise you will not be strong, brave and healthy. Indeed, cereal crops contain enormous natural power and rich component composition.

Today, corn porridge is increasingly found on our tables. There are many recipes for its preparation. Some people like porridge with milk or water, others make side dishes or flatbreads from corn grits. Some people liked sweets made from corn.

There are several varieties of corn grits on sale, they differ by numbers. The lower the number, the finer the corn is ground.

On a note! If you want to prepare a viscous and homogeneous porridge, then it is better to choose grain No. 1. The coarsest grind in grain is No. 5.

Composition of corn grits:

  • B vitamins;
  • tocopherol;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • retinol;
  • silicon;
  • vitamin P;
  • cellulose;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates.

Have you ever thought about how much nutrition is contained in corn grits? The average person will say that porridge gives strength and energy, a boost of vigor for the whole day. Now let's take a closer look at corn porridge.

Even during heat treatment, these components do not disappear, but are preserved in almost original quantities. Thus, B vitamins are allies of our nervous system. They help normalize her work, sleep and activate brain activity.

Without carotene, retinol and vitamin E, the beauty and radiance of the skin is impossible. Your curls and nails will also thank you for such a nutritious diet. Silicon normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and vitamin P helps strengthen the immune system.

On a note! Many people mistakenly think that porridge is a high-calorie product and, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, can cause excess weight gain. This is not so, since corn porridge can safely be classified as a dietary product. Of course, it's worth considering how you prepare it. Meat, seafood, flour, dried fruits, sweet syrups and other additives must be summed up to calculate the calorie content of porridge.

100 g of corn porridge cooked in water contains approximately 328 kilocalories. They are quickly absorbed, but do not accumulate as you expend energy. While on a diet, you can eat this dish, but only in moderation.

Now let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties of corn porridge. You should know what's in your plate! In addition to the richest component composition, experts recognized another amazing property of corn grits - its hypoallergenicity. This allows you to introduce porridge into complementary foods for the youngest children without fear of an allergic reaction in the body.

It is recommended to eat porridge if you have problems with intestinal function. This dish is especially useful if enzyme production is impaired. When developing dietary nutrition for people with diseases of the digestive tract, nutritionists usually include such a product in the menu.

If you regularly eat corn porridge, the condition of your skin will improve. They will become elastic and tone up.

Let's turn again to the component composition. The variety of micro- and macroelements in it is pleasantly surprising. Thanks to this, corn porridge helps lower high cholesterol levels. You can immediately see the cause-and-effect relationship - such a dish will become a prophylactic against the formation of blood clots and atherosclerosis.

The benefits of corn porridge for the body do not end there. Even our heart needs such a product.

Healing properties of corn porridge:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • decreased absorption of sugar into the blood;
  • improvement of well-being in diabetes mellitus;
  • breakdown of rotting products in the intestinal cavity;
  • combating depression;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • ensuring protein accumulation in tissues.

You can independently increase the usefulness of corn porridge. For example, add some dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs to the finished dish. If you are on a diet or counting calories, then it is better to avoid adding granulated sugar. Ideal sweeteners would be honey or maple syrup.

On a note! Porridge cooked on a milk basis with the addition of butter turns out to be a high-calorie dish. Such a dish is unlikely to fit into a dietary diet. Corn porridge can also be cooked in water, and the result will be no less tasty and healthy.

A child's body needs a balanced diet for full growth and development. Corn porridge will take pride of place in your baby’s menu. The child needs vitamins, micro- and macroelements. In addition, the porridge is supplemented with fresh berries and fruits.

Corn porridge has a beneficial effect on the entire body and the digestive tract in particular. During the digestion process, corn absorbs all the debris, waste, heavy metal compounds, salts and toxins, and then removes them from our body without a trace.

On a note! Corn porridge is enriched with biotin, a valuable element. Biotin helps strengthen curls and nail plates.

Eating corn porridge also has a beneficial effect on blood composition. The blood is purified and the vascular walls are strengthened. Traditional healers claim that corn porridge helps normalize blood pressure.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the condition of the baby. Both the expectant mother and the baby need vitamins and minerals. Many useful components are contained in corn porridge. This product contains a high concentration of iron. As is known, deficiency of this element can cause anemia.

As already mentioned, corn porridge is an indispensable product for the intestines. During pregnancy, almost all women face the same delicate problem - constipation. If you eat corn porridge at least once a day, you can get rid of problems with stool.

Important! In order not to gain excess weight and even lose weight, it is recommended to cook corn porridge on a water basis without adding butter. It is advisable to enjoy this dish in the first half of the day in order to have time to use up the calories received. An excellent addition would be a handful of your favorite berries and a cup of herbal tea.

When can porridge cause harm?

Unfortunately, there are no perfect foods in our diet. Any treat can be both beneficial and harmful if consumed in excessive quantities. Corn porridge is no exception.

Corn grits contain copper, so doctors believe that this product should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from kidney pathologies. It is also better to limit your consumption during menstrual bleeding.

As has already been mentioned several times, corn grits contain a high concentration of B vitamins. So, this product, on the one hand, is useful for the nervous system, and on the other hand, it is dangerous. People suffering from excessive excitability, irritability or insomnia should not eat corn porridge.

On a note! During research, experts found that corn porridge has a negative effect on the well-being of people with epilepsy.

The variety of dishes that can be prepared from the beloved corn makes it simply a universal product. From soups to exotic salads, yellow round grains will perfectly complement any dish. And how delicious is the favorite children's delicacy: corn sticks or flakes. And simply appetizing heads of cabbage boiled in salted water will satisfy the needs of the most demanding gourmet.

Another “corn masterpiece” that I would like to talk about is porridge. It is made not from whole grains, but from cereals.

By the way, there are several types of cereals. It depends on different parameters. First of all, it depends on the type of corn itself. They take into account both the size of the grains and the color. All this affects the taste of porridge and its consistency.

The usefulness of the product, of course, depends, first of all, on its chemical composition. It depends on what substances it is rich in. The properties of corn porridge are directly related to the composition of the cereal itself from which it is prepared.

Composition of corn grits

More and more fans are appearing for the fashion for a lifestyle that is called healthy. One of its most important elements is proper nutrition. For many people, it is important what components the foods that make up their diet are filled with.

So, from which they prepare delicious porridge, a real storehouse of useful substances. The product is also suitable for dietary nutrition.

The vitamin range that porridge is rich in is impressive. It contains almost all representatives of group B. These include folic and pantothenic acid, thiamine and riboflavin. There is also vitamin B6 - pyridoxine.

The list of vitamins found in corn porridge continues with vitamins A and E, no less useful than the previous ones. If we consider their quantitative component - in 100 g of corn grits, and, accordingly, porridge, there is a quarter of the required daily requirement for an adult. This product is rich in beta carotene, as well as biotin. And vitamin PP is 1.1 mg in porridge, meaning per 100 g.

Delicious corn porridge can be preferred because of the micro and macroelements that fill it. The list of them is significant. In total, more than 20 minerals are ready to serve the body if corn porridge appears in our diet.

The porridge contains titanium, boron, and aluminum. Not least in quantity are components such as sulfur, potassium and sodium. But this product is especially rich in iron, copper, and calcium. The list, and at the same time the usefulness of the porridge, will be supplemented by representatives of a number of minerals such as tin, cobalt, nickel and molybdenum. Each component makes the product even more useful and valuable.

Corn porridge is rich in fiber. There are almost 5 g of dietary fiber per 100 g. There are also so-called mono and disaccharides, ash substances, saturated fatty acids. There is a very large percentage of corn starch in the porridge.

Useful properties of porridge

In addition to its deliciousness and very noticeable nutritional value, corn porridge has a number of properties that allow it to be included in the staff of natural assistants in the fight against various ailments.

  1. For example, it copes well with the mission of “cleaning” the body, removing toxins, radionuclides, and pesticides. Thanks to the fiber, corn porridge also cleanses the intestines and stomach well. It helps prevent putrefactive processes and fermentation that occur in these organs.
  2. By introducing corn porridge into your diet and enjoying it just a couple of times a week, you can increase, and significantly, your . In addition, it perfectly plays the role of an assistant to the cardiovascular system, removing bad cholesterol. Accordingly, plaques do not form in the vessels, they become quite elastic and their patency increases. In this regard, delicious corn porridge is also recommended for “hypertensive patients.”
  3. This product is also recommended for baby food. It turns out that corn porridge does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is very nutritious and easily digestible. Thanks to these same properties, this porridge is also recommended for older people.
  4. If you care about your appearance, then corn porridge is just right. By savoring it and receiving taste pleasures, you can also improve the condition of your skin, as well as your nails and hair.
  5. Corn porridge is considered an excellent way to make your figure slim. Its low calorie content and ability to cleanse the body will do the trick. In addition, the risk of not getting additional nutrients when you decide to go on such a diet to lose weight is eliminated. After all, this product is able to provide you with an impressive amount of components necessary for the body.
  • If you want to get both benefits and taste pleasures from corn porridge, then the freshness of the cereal from which you will prepare this porridge plays a role. Choose fresh product and store dry.
  • Even if you really like corn porridge, you still shouldn’t abuse it. This can lead to heaviness in the stomach. It can also cause redness on the cheeks. Extra grams of porridge can also contribute to extra centimeters on the waist.
  • You also need to know how to cook healthy porridge. The cereal, previously washed, is poured into boiling water or milk. Moreover, they need to be salted and sweetened beforehand if you want to enjoy something sweet. After the porridge boils, it needs to be boiled for another ten minutes. To make the porridge tasty, it is steamed for some time.
  • Add butter and milk to the finished corn porridge. Fresh fruits or berries will also work. You can add raisins, dried apricots, and other dried fruits. The sweetener for this dish is not only sugar, but also honey.

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