This war of mine city hospital. Questions on the passage

This war of mine city hospital.  Questions on the passage
This war of mine city hospital. Questions on the passage

This War of Mine is an adventure game. It was developed by 11 bit studios. It is interesting to note that you will have to play not as one soldier of elite troops, but as a whole group of civilians who are trying to survive in a besieged village. They lack food, medicines, and are in constant danger from marauders and snipers.

In the game, you will definitely feel the horror of war, having been in the shoes of a soldier who is not equipped from head to toe, but ordinary people. The gameplay depends on the change of time of day. During the day, snipers do not allow you to leave the shelter, so you have to do a number of other things - trade, build shelter, take care of the survivors.

If you choose one of the unique locations at night, you can go look for provisions that will help in the passage of the This War of Mine game. Decisions must be made based on their moral principles. Remember that during a war, the main task is to survive and help others survive, even making some sacrifices.

Introduction to the game

The game is very unusual. You control a crowd of people, preventing them from dying. The walkthrough of This War of Mine deals with the events of the war. Your task is to stay alive for more than 40 days. More precisely, to keep at least one person alive.

Every day you will have new puzzles, tasks and goals. You need to do them. At night, send at least one person in search of various useful things. The rest of the survivors will have to defend the fortress and repulse the bandits who want to destroy everyone and take control of new territories.

A certain deadline is given for the completion of each task. Otherwise, the hero either gets into trouble or dies. You will also interact with the rest of the survivors, adhere to the principles of morality. Therefore, during the passage of the game This War of Mine, if improperly managed, any of the wards may fall into a state of depression, or even lose their life due to conflict with other characters.


So, your characters live in a huge house, which is divided into several floors, an attic and a basement. During the day, you will be busy preparing food, strengthening doors and windows, and getting ready to go to the city. You will explore other locations in the city.

When night falls, you must defend and defend the fortress from bandits. They want not only to kill you, but to take possession of your supplies. Therefore, there is constant activity among those characters that are available to you.

Characters (edit)

Bruno- a cook, saves food while cooking. He needs to be encouraged with cigarettes.

Pavlo- knows how to move quickly.

Marco- a very experienced earner. In addition, he quickly finds items and can drag and drop up to 15 items.

Arica- makes little noise, picks locks quickly.

novel- one can protect the house from burglars without having a weapon. Good in close combat, has a lot of health.

Kate- the girl achieves good discounts when trading without any problems.

Boris- can carry 17 items at once, but does not run.

Mairin- craft professional. Thanks to him, you can create items, waste less resources.


When playing This War of Mine, you should not be afraid of the enemy during the day. But at night they will attempt to rob you. For this reason, at least one person must be kept on duty.

Weak grouping. The people in this gang are quite afraid of you. Therefore, you can easily scare them away and deal with them. They can be driven away even with a conventional shovel.

Confident bandits. To defeat such a detachment, it is necessary to leave at least two people on watch. The rest of the survivors must take up defensive positions with firearms.

Serious gang. All of your people should be on duty with firearms. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of enemies. If you lose the battle to them, then all supplies will be taken away from you. Some of your fighters can also be killed.

Weather Conditions and Events

The game has all two seasons. This is Winter and Not Winter. By the way, it is difficult to say what exactly the developers mean by "Not in Winter". Let's take a closer look at what is the difference between the seasons.

Passage of game This War of Mine. When it is winter, you will have to heat the house, otherwise the heroes will simply freeze and fall ill. In addition, there will be water problems at this time of the year as the snow will have to be melted. To maintain a high temperature in the house, you need to create a stove and heat it with firewood. But at a different time of the year, the opposite is true. That is, there is no need to heat the house, water is easy to get. As for diseases, there are practically none.

It is also worth considering the most key moments of the game that affect the life of the characters, as well as the development of the situation in the house.

Robberies. Throughout the week, the bandits are making active attempts to seize the house, as well as deal with civilians. When the robbery week kicks off, it's best to take care of strengthening your defenses. Give your people firearms.

Deficiency. When there is a shortage, food prices rise. Therefore, at certain times you have food problems. It is better to stock up on everything you need in advance.

Combat action. During the passage of the game, Zis War of Mine may be one or several locations blocked for a while. A battle between neutral bots will take place on them. You can wait out the end of the conflict, and then get various resources. But you can help some side.

Resources and their extraction

Water. It is necessary to melt the snow, or use a special device in different places where there will be a source of water.

Meat. We need to create a cage, put bait in it. Then kill the beast from which you can make meat.

Herbs. To get weed, you need to create a garden bed. Plant a variety of plants, then harvest.

Moonshine. It is necessary to combine sugar and water. Then get moonshine from the tube.

Fuel. Most of it can be obtained from logs, another tree.

Cartridges. You can craft them at the workbench. But for this, gunpowder and shells must be available.

Cigarettes. They can be created from makhorka, tobacco, grass.

Bandages. It is unrealistic to find them. Therefore, you will have to create dressings using herbs and alcohol.


Weapons play an important role in the passage of the game This War of Mine. So let's take a look at the types of weapons.

Gun. This is one of the weakest firearms. You need to have a lot of cartridges and accurate shots. Only then will the enemy be killed.

Gun. It is very effective in close combat. With it, you can kill enemies with two shots.

Machine. Now that's cool! But it requires a lot of cartridges. On the other hand, you can kill a lot of bad guys with it.

Axe. One good hit will help deal with the enemy.

Fomka. This is an analogue of an ax. Helps to destroy doors, pick locks.

Shovel. Helps in digging holes as well as burying trash. Also, a shovel allows you to deal with an enemy with one blow.

Knife. In everyday life, he is useless, but in close combat it is very effective. It is easier to kill shadows with it.


All your actions, more precisely each character, affect the world of the game. After each action, you will receive morale points. They can be both positive and negative. If during the passage of the game This War of Mine the level of morale becomes too low, then the character can simply commit suicide, or kill someone. Conclusion: you need to do as little bad deeds as possible. In order to raise morale points, you can create furniture, or eat a lot. Sometimes you need to help other characters.


Ruined house. Is a safe place. In it you can find useful supplies, weapons and much more. Don't just go into the house. You need to have a hacking skill, have a master key with you.

Church of St. Mary. Two events can happen in this building - a dead priest and you need to kill the bandits, or a living priest and you will have to buy supplies from him.

A dilapidated slum. In this location, you will not see enemies. But you will meet with a bum. Feed the bum and learn a thing or two about the hiding place.

Supermarket. In this location, events can develop according to two scenarios. In the first case, you will save the girl from bad guys, after which you will receive a bonus to morale. In the second case, you will see soldiers who will drive you away. When you come the second time, there will be no one at the location.

Quiet house. A couple of people live in this house. If, during the passage of the game This War of Mine, you want to rob them, then a minus will be added to the karma. But you will get a lot of useful things.

Ruined school. In it you will find the poor or the militias. These people are not dangerous.

Hotel. You will find a hostage in one room. Bad guys will fire without warning. Therefore, if you decide to go here, then be vigilant.

Army checkpoint. There is no danger here. The military will happily trade supplies and weapons for alcohol. (Just like in life, isn't it ?!)

Construction site. There are a lot of weapons in this location. Only it is guarded by snipers or a gang of soldiers.

Small monastery. Here you will meet a crowd of bandits or a crowd of merchants. You can buy valuable items from merchants at bargain prices.

Warehouse. A large pile of bandits. They guard critical resources. Deal with him, and then you will have access to very valuable things.

Brothel. In this place, you can buy various items from the seller.

House for two families. There are two events in this house. In the first of them there is no one, and you may meet a couple of people who need to be killed. In the second event, the house is awash with gunfire.

Hospital. In this location, you will always receive medical help (free of charge). During the passage of the game This War of Mine, the rest of the time the area is guarded by people with weapons. It is better not to come into conflict with them.

Ruined villa. Find a great variety of useful supplies here. However, to prey them, you will have to fight very seriously in hand-to-hand combat. You will be confronted by locals who are not happy with those who come to visit.

Council First- to get started, create a stove, beds and other household items.

Second advice- start looking for parts for things. No need to try to carry various rubbish home if you don't need it.

Council Third Don't forget about water extraction from the first minutes of playing This War of Mine. This also applies to moonshine. These resources are very important in the game.

Council Four- make sure that your characters do not overeat. Otherwise they become lazy.

Council Fifth- store the maximum amount of canned food. They are able to restore health and help to survive longer without food.

Sixth Council- try to kill only bad guys and bandits. Don't touch soldiers and civilians.

Council Seventh- no need to buy anything from a huckster that comes to you. He often tries to trick you.

Council Eight- try to have the maximum amount of all resources.

Council Nine- if you have a doctor or a patient, you should not send him on a mission. During this War of Mine game, they must rest and be at rest frequently.

Council Ten- try to keep no more than five people at home. Large groups require a lot of workload and great attention.

Council Eleventh- if there are no trees in other locations, then you can start chopping furniture.

Council Twelfth- the palm icon indicates that you can pick up and study the subject.

Council Thirteenth- it is not necessary to create many weak furnaces. It is best to use one modified one.

Good luck with this War of Mine!

Characters (edit)

What characters are better to start the game with

Characters are randomly generated at the beginning of the game.

It is better if you have a good cook (Bruno), an experienced breadwinner (Marco), plus a good merchant (Katya) or Katya, Meyrin, Arika. The worst option is when there will be two - Anton and Sveta (they are sick and suffer from wounds).

Character options at the start of the game

Roman, Katya.

Katya, Meyrin, Arika. (The easiest option, you can craft whatever you want and trade with the merchants).

Anton, Sveta.

Pavlo, Anton, Sveta, Zlata.

Bruno, Marco, Pavlo.

Character skills and what they are for


(10 slots in a backpack) - an experienced chef is needed to spend less firewood and water on cooking on a simple stove.
Smokes, is neutral about theft. Doesn't really like helping neighboring tenants. Dislikes when there is no food. May hang himself for depression.


Experienced miner Marko has more slots in his backpack (15 pieces), and at the same time he can jump over holes. Quickly inspects cabinets, etc. Indifferent to bad deeds, loves good deeds. If he himself commits bad deeds, then he worries for a long time. Negatively perceives injuries. Can leave if things are bad and grab some things.


Merchant Katya (12 slots) will be able to exchange for more favorable offers for you. He loves coffee, good deeds, has a negative attitude towards theft and murder, worries about roommates if something happens to them.


(10 slots) - Jack of all trades, can craft with fewer components. Coffee lover, loves good deeds, does not like hunger and bad deeds.


(10 slots) - moves quietly. The smoker, worries if she herself commits bad deeds, strangers perceive her negatively. Has a normal attitude towards theft. They can shoot her right away. Worried about conflicts and injuries. She can leave (and take food with him) if Roman hits her. Guards well.


(10 slots) - an experienced fighter, can kill with one blow with a knife or pickaxe attacking from behind (and not worry too much about this). If he kills a lot, he will be depressed, he can beat the roommates, and then even hang himself. At night, it is better to take him to the guard, and keep cigarettes in the house. Worries about injuries. Bad about good deeds. Neutral if someone else does bad deeds. Protects the home well. He has a better chance of surviving a gunfight or a fight, and returning home with his last breath.


(12 slots) - inspirer, brings you out of depression. Raises the morale of others. Bad about bad deeds, good about good. Worried if someone gets hurt. I noticed that her rat traps work faster.


(8 slots) - loves children. Starving less. Worries about his comrades, spends fewer rounds of ammunition when protecting housing. Approves good deeds, negatively perceives bad deeds.


(17 slots) - Healthy, can also kill with one hit, cannot jump over large gaps, runs slowly. In general, he will not worry about bad deeds, does not like to help neighbors.


(8 slots) is a good mathematician. Starving less. Neutral, worried about his comrades. Dislikes alcohol. There is a legend that Anton can be eaten! But, so far this is only a legend)).


(10 slots) - runs fast. Approves good deeds, treats bad ones neutrally.


(10 slots) - good lawyer, good bargaining with courier. The coffee girl, worries about her comrades and herself. Neutral in character, sometimes approves of good deeds, sometimes condemns.

You need to make a locksmith workbench and improve it once. You will also need weapon components. With the help of an improved locksmith workbench, you can make a hacksaw for metal.

Why do you need an ax

They can make boards and wood from furniture. You can take an ax with you and chop furniture in locations.

Why do you need fertilizers (feces)

Poop can be used to make not only fertilizer, but also bait for rats and get food! Better to make two traps.

When winter begins

Winter can start any day at random. Even on the first day. It is better to throw 6 wood into a simple stove. It is better to improve the furnace (for this you will have to improve the workbench in order to make a thermometer from electronic components).

How long does the game last

You need to hold out for about 32 days or more, on average the game lasts 40 or more days.

How to melt snow

Snow can be poured outside the entrance door when winter. Then you need to make a water filter. And melt it on the stove, if there is firewood, of course. When winter is over, snow will not be available, even if you dig up it in reserve.


It is not at all necessary to feed the characters their fill. Feed should be done if the character is very hungry, sick or injured. It is better to feed first of all those who will guard the house at night. You can feed if the Persians are very hungry (every other day). Food is best done after five days. When a merchant has already come or someone will bring you vegetables, or someone from the characters will be called to work.

Murders and crimes

Killing civilians and stealing from civilians affect the ending (good / bad, for everyone who killed or stole). Try not to kill again.

Books, cigarettes, coffee, guitar

Books and an armchair improve the mood like cigarettes and coffee. Characters smoke, read and drink coffee themselves whenever they want. Katya, Arika, Zlata, Pavlo play the guitar well ... Radio also improves the mood.


You can find out when the winter starts and the war ends. Tells what products are currently in the price. If it is reported on the radio that a rampant crime has begun, then this means that potential enemies will negatively perceive you at night and can immediately kill you.


Dangerous condition ... The character can leave, fight and even commit suicide. To get a character out of depression, you need to talk to him with other characters, have in the house what he loves (coffee, cigarettes, books). Good deeds will also help. And also read the bio characters, it says what they are worried about (for example, no bandages, no food, co-co-co, cluck-tah-tah ...) and fix the situation. It is better to bandage the wounded, give medicine to the sick so that they do not worry about them.


It is better to go to business with a knife. Hide and attack from behind. You can not kill completely, leave the enemy a little HP, then the enemy can stop interfering with you (if you do not kill anyone, then the morale of the characters will not fall). Firearms and ammunition are best left at home for shelter defense. Beware of well-equipped military, it is more difficult for them to deal damage.

Humanitarian aid

One day, a suspicious neighbor may knock on your door and ask to go with him to find badly lying humanitarian aid. If you send someone with him, then your character will return with a small loot, and in a couple of days the militias will come to you and demand to hand over this neighbor. They can offer you food and medicine. Then decide for yourself whether to take it or not. If you do not pass it, then the morale of the characters will rise.

How many beds to make

Calculate the number of characters minus one. That is, if you have four characters, make three beds. Someone may be injured, someone will get sick ...

Defense at night

It is best to pump the workbenches as much as possible and repair three holes in the house and improve the door. It is better to keep a large number of cold and firearms and cartridges in the house. Sometimes, in the midst of crime, it is better if a couple of people are guarding. It is better to immediately cook all the food on the stove from what is, it will not be stolen. Food can also be left in traps, then it will not be stolen either. Do not rush to take all the medicine and food from the shelter cabinets.

When the merchant comes

It comes on average once every three days between five and six in the afternoon. Better to talk to him Katya. Put one expensive thing on the market and report cheap.

Help the woman to protect the house

One day a woman will come to you with a request to protect her house at night. Send your character there. In a few days, they will bring you a broken gun with cartridges.

What to do to avoid being killed

Hide and wait for the end of the night. Or go out and start the day again.

Last day

If on the last day you send a character to help neighbors or to another quest, then information about him will not appear in the final credits.



If this location is open, immediately go there with a knife. On the first floor, a soldier tries to rape a girl. Creep up from behind, open the door and bring down the military man, remove the Kalash and cartridges from him. Friends will only say thank you, and there will be something to protect the home. Or, if you don't have a weapon with you, then just hit the soldier once with your fist and run to the exit, the girl will also run away, and the soldier will be wounded. The next time there will be no military visits to the supermarket. There will be only a familiar woman of that girl, she is harmless. In another scenario, you can find looters in the supermarket, but they will not touch you and leave.

Quiet house

If you visit the old people and encircle them, then many characters will be very upset, it is better to leave the old people some food and medicine. If you do not take food and medicine, and take the rest, then none of your Persians will notice.


You can send a seriously wounded or wounded character to the hospital and ask the nurse to bandage him (they will not bandage a lightly wounded). It is better not to loot private property in the hospital if there are militias nearby.


Take a woman, give her a bandage and go to the garage to change. Calmly walk in the direction of the main entrance to the garage (not running), a man will come out and ask for bandages for an exchange.

Dilapidated slum

There is a bum sitting there. If you give him a can of stew, he will show you a cache of alcohol and jewelry.

Construction site

At the very top sits a sniper with a partner and shoots at people in the square. You need to go up to the level under the snipers and wait for them to leave, the next day they will not be there. Since the territory is vast, it is better to go to the night raid Pavlo (runs fast). On the first entry, the basement is flooded with water, after the snipers leave, the basement is accessible for visits (one hacksaw is needed). Also, you can knock the sniper and his partner, then you will get a sniper rifle!

House for two families

You will need a pair of hacksaws.

Comments, reviews, opinions

: ID: 1340 10/26/2015 17:49

I want to ask a question about the pass, which is located at the location of the old city, if I'm not mistaken.
who is the best to exchange it?

: ID: 1263 09/06/2015 15:25

Run while the sniper is reloading.

Anton: ID: 1476 07/02/2016 15:22

and I immediately smashed the military checkpoint (all). I just took a shotgun, climbed onto the tower right in front of my brow, put out the guard from the shotgun, stood in his place, received a burst of bullets (the statute was lightly wounded (but this despite the fact that I was in a helmet and a bulletproof vest )), and smacked from top to bottom at the guards (with full mixing). took a Kalash, then went to another building (on the second floor there is a place where you can hide in the shadows) and from there fired through the window to the left of everyone who ran to me. when I kill one I will hide, I will run the other, I will also put out and hide again. so in one go broke the whole checkpoint

: ID: 1213 14/04/2015 01:54

In the location there is a house for two families, if you get into the house through the basement, in the first room there will be a closet with things. Every night, things will be replenished there, even if you have surrounded the closet before.

Olmeca: ID: 1178 03/18/2015 12:46

Marco, too, in depression can leave and grab his things (((

: ID: 1738 12/06/2016 21:11

At a construction site, you need to knock a sniper - you will get a sniper ak with an increased range - useful for a checkpoint

Some beginners manage to make a mess at the beginning of the game This War of Mine, the passage of which requires the correct allocation of resources and an adequate response to various factors. For successful progress, all users can apply several strategies, but in any case, you will definitely have to adhere to the rules common to all. This article provides a description of a variety of techniques or tactics recommended by experienced players that anyone can use.

Competent start of the game

The smart way of organizing the shelter plays a very important role in the project. At the beginning of the passage, a random selection of characters occurs. You can start over every time in order to get the most useful heroes. Many come to the conclusion that the whole game is built on This circumstance forces the players to always make decisions and choose the most appropriate option for the further development of the plot.

Carrying capacity

This characteristic depends on the specific characteristics of the character. Strong and slow Boris will pull as many as 15 load cells. Marko has the same indicator. When sending miners on a sortie in This War of Mine, the backpack must be emptied and only the knife must be given to the character. This way you can collect more useful items. You will have to use stealth tactics and go unnoticed in order to sneak up to enemies and stab them in the back.

Refurbishment and safety of the shelter

As the game progresses, you will have to rummage through various heaps of garbage and extract everything that may be useful from there. First you need to create to craft scrap. You will need a tool to break open locked cabinets.

Everything, except the safe, can be cut with an ax. Remember that one container is needed to store useful inventory. The resulting materials can be used as fuel in winter. They are also used to make beds so that the characters in This War of Mine 2 do not have to sleep on the concrete floor. The remaining materials must be used to upgrade the workbench. You will also have to repair every hole in the room. To make the shelter more comfortable, you can place several chairs or armchairs there.


For the safe, you need to choose a cabinet and leave one item there. If there are no empty containers left, you will have to chop up unused furniture with an ax. Items can be stacked in the heap of the resulting debris. The ax can be crafted at the workbench. You need to look for boards and weapon parts if there are not enough components. The ax can be exchanged for medicine in the garage.


This War of Mine is full of surprises. Alarms, for example, will help you not to catch characters off guard if thieves come into the house at night when everyone is sleeping in beds. To successfully repel attacks at the initial stages, it is enough to supply our heroes with several knives. It is recommended to put Roman on guard. A tired hero should never stand at his post. The likelihood of injury during the defense of the home increases. In this case, some of the things can also be lost if they are not hidden in the safe.

Night outings in This War of Mine

Versions of this game require an action plan for each day. You need to make a choice of location, as well as select the necessary tools. This is due to the specific purpose of the upcoming sortie. You must first put all your inventory in the safe, except for the weapons that your comrades will use to protect you from marauders.

If there are no problems with food, you first need to look for something that will be useful for subsequent crafting. In large locations, it is recommended to put all the collected inventory in a container located as close to the entrance as possible. Next time you won't have to spend a lot of time searching in the same location.

Much use of knives

This is one of the most dangerous defenses in the game. Knives are good to use in stealth mode or in combination with firearms. To make the enemy come closer, you will have to make some noise, and then hide. It will start moving towards the player. The blow must be delivered at the most opportune moment. To work without noise, you can use picks. If this is not done, the enemy will surely hear the sound of a breaking door. In this case, you will not be able to sneak up unnoticed.


This is one of the most important characteristics of every character in This War of Mine. Characters behave in the game according to their morale indicators. Depressive heroes are prone to conflicts with roommates. For this reason, fights often occur.

To enhance their mood, the characters need a cozy hideaway where they can forget about the war. The house can accommodate various interior items and provide heating. You will need several beds, armchairs, chairs, a radio and several books.

The characters' morale rises when they help other people. Heroes may worry about those who have been denied support. The player in such situations often has to choose between the resource provision of all comrades or their mood.

As a token of gratitude for the support, passers-by, for example, can point out the location of various caches.

If one of the characters dies, the comrades may become depressed, inclined to develop into grief. In This War of Mine, codes can be used to increase the morale of heroes.


Protective equipment is best kept in a shelter. Sims spend a lot of expensive ammo. Better to spend them in order to defend the shelter. Experienced players are advised to use shotguns. Bullets fired from machine guns rarely hit the target at a distance and, accordingly, inflict much less damage.


In the game This War of Mine cheats make it possible to get an endless inventory, stop or reset time, carry out instant crafting of items, get an unlimited number of components. Thanks to the installation of some trainers, you can play in immortality mode, improve the condition of the game characters.

Useful items

In This War of Mine, characters can use several basic items.

With the help of the "crowbar" locks are broken. The blockages can be disassembled with a shovel. During night outings, the knife will be simply irreplaceable. The benefits of the ax can be felt right from the start of the game. It allows you to disassemble furniture for firewood.

It is desirable that each playable character has one pistol to be able to repel attacks on the shelter. With a hacksaw, you can cut through some kind of grate and get to valuable items. Every character needs a bulletproof vest. The water filter assists in the recovery of vital fluids. Bandages and pills must be saved and not used for minor illnesses or injuries.

Alcohol can be exchanged for medication. Books help to keep the morale of the characters at an acceptable level. Tobacco and coffee are used by addicted heroes and are also traded.

Characters (edit)

In This War of Mine, the passage and decision making depends on the peculiar characteristics of the characters. Some qualities can be useful, others neutral. Some may develop dependence on tobacco or caffeine, as well as alcohol intolerance.

Pavlo's character runs very fast and can be used in locations, from where, in the end, you will need to make legs. Roman is good to use in battle, but in a bad mood he can pounce on one of his own. Marco, an experienced miner, will be the main looser in the game. Chef Bruno spends less food on cooking. Anton gets along with mathematics, but there is nothing more to say about him.

In the Russian game This War of Mine, the lame Boris, a strong but slow loader, is able to carry maximum weight. Mechanic Martin uses items for crafting economically. Secretive Arika makes little noise on sorties. Sveta, a former teacher, is nothing at all. May get depressed when refusing a quest about children.

Emilia is able to find excuses for bad deeds. The journalist Katya trades well. Zlata raises the team spirit by playing the guitar.

Combat system

In This War of Mine, playing through combat is a breeze. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare the characters in advance. Here you can use edged weapons and firearms. The real goal of the game is not to kill as many opponents as possible, but to collect ammunition. Tactics need to be designed with a core need in mind.

To enter combat mode, you must activate the corresponding button next to the "add" inscription. Displaying the weapon on the intended target can make aiming easier. The maximum hit probability naturally arises at a relatively short distance from the enemy. Characters can hide in deep shadow and attack from cover. When sneaking up to a target point blank, the maximum possible damage increases, as well as the probability of a successful strike.

In This War of Mine, the walkthrough is made easier by following a few guidelines. Every character in the shelter must be armed. Neighbors, as well as merchants, begin to walk around the shelters from ten in the evening. There is no need to rush to end the day prematurely.

When surviving in the fall, it is necessary to quickly create and install rainwater tanks. Eating is best done only when the character is very hungry. A jack of all trades is able to improve machines without wasting extra resources. A regular rest on the bed will help heal minor injuries and illnesses.

Arrangement by passage

On the first day, every closet in the house must be opened and disassembled for scrap. There is only one stash container left. Attacks on the hideout begin from the 3rd day, so you can not arm anyone during the first time of the game. You need to start saving up electrical parts from the very beginning. These items are used to upgrade workbenches.

Send the wounded characters to the hospital raid, where you can ask for some medicine. The hospital comes under fire a few days after the first visit. If you go there, you can find many valuable items that need to be given to the doctor. This will work well for the morale of the characters. You cannot be treated in a hospital after a shelling.

The Russian version, like others, requires the creation of auxiliary products that have their own purpose during the game. First, you need to craft a bed and a stove, and before the start of the winter season, you need to make an ax and break all the boxes in the shelter except one. The resulting junk is used as fuel. Crafting materials that you could not take with you from the locations must be left in some one cache. It is advisable to make a list of places with folded values.


Wandering merchants visit the hideout in the evenings. You can purchase the necessary components for the missing products from them. Bargains with itinerant traders are rare. This procedure requires a character with a high corresponding skill. Good trade is possible at locations such as a roadblock, hotel, patch, brothel or garage.


An addicting game is always full of surprises. Everyone is given the opportunity to test their organizational skills, to ensure the normal existence of a group of characters in difficult conditions. So that you can learn the game from the other side, special trainer programs are being developed. In This War of Mine cheats make it possible to simply enjoy the process without worrying about progress being thwarted.

This War of Mine guide

This War of Mine is said to be based on true events. If so, then it is very sad. War is a terrible thing, and it concerns not only those who hold weapons in their hands. Here we have to be a participant not in military, but in peaceful actions. Survive in military conditions, when it is dangerous to go out during the day. To survive, to get food, we have to carry out sorties, risking our own lives. There is really nowhere to go, especially if your life depends on it. In mastering the path will help us "This War of Mine: Guide"

The main goal of the game is to hold out for several weeks until the moment when the war is finally over.

The main difficulties, because of which we have to spin - hunger, cold, nerves and robbers.

Unfortunately, we simply won't be able to survive by settling in the house, supplies here for three days are hardly enough, but what if you also have children in your house? Children here are perhaps the saddest thing, but war is war, so there is someone to continue to fight for.

Advice: For a smoother passage of the game, make the most of the best aspects of your characters (they and their skills will be discussed below in the guide). The balance of the game is thought out very carefully, so it's not easy to simplify the game with basic actions. For example, if you have Henrik on your team, try to maximize the mixing table. His cigarettes will ease these harsh everyday life.

Each game day in This War of Mine is divided into 2 stages: night and day. We will describe in detail how to try to make our stay as comfortable as possible.

It's dangerous to go outside during the day. Still, the war is going on, machine gun fires are heard everywhere, so an ordinary person has nothing to do here ... and you can get hit by a sniper's bullet. This time is best spent resting your people who worked at night.

Rest in This War Of Mine

In principle, one bed is enough for two people to sleep off for half a day.

Slightly injured or slightly ill household members can improve their health without the use of medication, but they are prescribed forced bed rest. Day and night. As soon as one of the characters is injured or sick, the need for beds will increase by one.

Parents can sleep with their children in the same bed (at night), so you can calculate this when planning your vacation.

Apart from rest, daytime is ... well, the only time for production activities and everyday needs, such as updating traps, building, etc.

In order to save food, you can feed the characters every other day. Children need less to eat, so they can better fill their hunger.


Children need to be loved, fed and entertained, then at least a weak, but warmth will appear in your soul.

If the child is not entertained, he will be sad, so we will have to provide him with enough toys. You can play nice, but it will not be superfluous to make a box for toys, why not actually? Out of the box, the child is able to make toys for himself. Children's laughter fills the house with joy. Well, that's true, but not when you hear a repetitive soundtrack every time ... Well, okay, it's still not so bad.

Children can be taught to do some kind of work, such as cigarettes or even distilling moonshine. For training, you need to select this option and call the child.

Children in our world are also very creative. If you have nothing to keep your child busy, invite him to make his own toy. By choosing a child as the main character and clicking on the main workbench, you will see which toys you can create.

Economy in This War of Mine

In this guide, economics occupies an almost dominant role. If you want to have food on the table, then you will need to use your skills as intended. You can participate in shaping the local economy by creating items. The most common is the rolling of cigarettes. This activity is almost mandatory ... of course you can go and rob someone, or kill the bandits, but it will be easier with cigarettes.

Naturally, we cannot live on cigarettes alone, because, although they make a profit, they are cheap. One of the characters allows you to increase the production of cigarettes by 50%, just like a minifactory.

In the afternoon, a street vendor can sometimes come to our place. Its prices are not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. In relation to other sellers, he does not offer prayers to cigarettes or alcohol, but he does not spit at the sight of firewood, so you can come to an understanding. Keith is good at trading and with her help you can significantly increase your income.

Advice: Be careful when talking to a merchant. Since the "trade" and "say goodbye" buttons are next to each other, you can accidentally send it home. Saying goodbye ahead of time, you risk being left without important supplies for several days, which is very dangerous at the beginning of the game.


Over time, it will get colder and we will have to build a stove to keep warm. Unfortunately, it is still possible to die from an illness, but even a minor illness significantly reduces the chances of survival, since it will prevent a person from fulfilling his duties, which are already full. In my memory, if I'm not mistaken, 3 stoves, pumped to the second level ... and still barely enough. Nothing, we will try and achieve everything. It is advisable, if there is no other need, to improve at least one stove to the second level. When the cold weather comes, it will be more difficult to find electrical parts.

The minimum safe house temperature is 15 ° as indicated by the color of the thermometer in the upper left corner of the screen.

This War of Mine: Backpack

The backpack in the guide plays a huge role, since it is the only means of moving objects between locations. Later, it will be said about how you can save items from robbers in a lonely survival, so this question always matters.

Before talking about night outings, you need to know about what can be done to improve your efficiency on the go. As the name suggests, the main criterion in This War of Mine is the backpack. It affects entirely the ability to transfer items from a location to a shelter. Unfortunately, the game does not provide an option to increase the capacity of the backpack. It is driven by the capabilities of the characters, not the subject. We will understand this as the physical amount of the carried cargo.

Although we cannot manually change the capacity, we can delegate the work to those who are stronger. The strongest character is Boris. It turns out that in wartime, loaders can be seriously in demand. His profession is expressed in 17 slots available for filling. Despite his strength, he has a low speed, which makes him not the most useful in preliminary inspection of the location. The second finalist for backpack capacity is Marko. He has better speed than Boris. There is an opinion that he gets a small increase in the found materials ... or in the found fuel (lumber). Another opinion says that he finds materials better (faster). Either way, this character is the best fit for the first visit.

Night outings

Night outings are the first playable element of This War of Mine and will be exploited to the fullest in this guide. At night, you can safely leave the house and wander around in search of supplies. Different locations can be dangerous in different ways, for example, in a sniper's denouement, you will have to run in order not to get a bullet, and there may be bandits in the church. Do what your conscience tells you to do.

Wandering around various locations, we have to look for provisions, resources for construction and production.

First day

Later in the guide, we will tell you how to get the most out of your first few days. The skills acquired now will allow you to complete the game in the future, so this time can be called critical.

The first step is to try to immediately disassemble the whole house, of course, you may not be able to disassemble all the rubble, but it is worth trying. This action will show you what you can focus on, what to sell, and what needs to be bought.

Try to build a workbench and make a crowbar as soon as you dig out materials in the garbage. This War of Mine is full of locked lockers and chests that require either a lock pick or a crowbar's fortress. It will be very useful to you, both in the future, and to save lockpicks in your own home. It is more valuable to sell them.

The shovel can be used, but ... its value increases only in some areas littered with debris. Better to leave its production for later.

Build at least one bed. Over time, you will need to increase the number of beds necessary so that one or two sick people and everyone who is tired can rest.

First night

Naturally, you should take the opportunity to find supplies. Basic rules when examining the territory:

  1. Get out in time.
  2. If you don't make it in time (before sunrise), you risk making your way through the day. There is a chance to get injured, and you will not be able to rest in time and start production.

  3. Put all your belongings in one place. It has been noticed that items that you have put in available piles sometimes disappear after exiting the game. It is not clear why this is connected, however, if you follow the rule of "everything that is most valuable first", you will not be left at a disadvantage.
  4. So it is easier to sort them later, taking away all the most valuable, and the next time you visit, you will spend less time.

    The sequence of pulling a zone for material is as follows: values ​​(if they are really valuable), important resources, not important resources (wood and spare parts).

  5. Disassemble rubble as needed
  6. There is no need to waste time on all the rubble, the main thing is to dig a certain path through the entire location and get out in time.

Congratulations, you survived the first night ... but the first night is impossible to die.

Second day and subsequent

If you haven't taken out all the trash in the house, take it apart.

Prepare to trade, remember that by selling valuable, but unnecessary resources to the merchant, you will receive many more resources than you could bear in your hands.

A tree, for example, you can only take out a couple of logs, but you can buy a bunch of wood from a merchant for values.

What can be called values? In This War of Mine ... and perhaps in life, jewelry and good medicines: antibiotics and bandages, are worth their weight in gold. Alcohol is quite valuable, although it is inferior to the previous ones. Food has a slightly lower value than medicine ... in general, it will not dive into prices, it will only distract us. Weapons and bullets are of great value. Of course, we forgot, but we remembered about canned food, this is the most expensive type of food that can be useful to us at home.

In general, the merchant is interested in all the resources that we can use if we have enough money.

Tobacco and spare parts can be used for cigarettes, which we will exchange next time for even more tobacco and spare parts.

We will have a lot of things to build, so it makes sense to make a list of the necessary things.

It is very useful to create traps for rats ... yes, it sounds disgusting, but there is no more food, it is better than hunger, and besides, one piece of meat or rotten vegetable lying around will turn into 2 pieces of meat a little later, which are very valuable.

In total, you can place 2 or 3 traps, unfortunately I don't remember exactly, but with the rest of the production this is quite enough.

You can eat the meat raw (ugh what nasty), or you can cook it. The dish restores more hunger, but requires additional ingredients such as water and matches.

Living in abundance, we can hardly imagine what hunger and weakness are, but if we do not eat breakfast, ordinary affairs become a burden. This War of Mine allows us to think about what could be done if we had only a can of mayonnaise at our disposal, because we need to not only eat. We need strength to fight. We need calories, of which mayonnaise is full ... but how to manage to eat it ... It's a pity that we won't find such an example in the game, but here there is another way to save resources.

One of the ways to save resources, which, as often as possible, recommends us to use the This War of Mine guide - cooking two dishes. Separately, they would give us less benefit, but in such a combination they can significantly increase the effective nutritional value. It's funny, but we get even more savings not from food, but from water and matches, the value of which can be estimated, if not in a portion, then in half of it.

Water can be obtained using a collector, or by melting snow in cold weather.

See what you can cook on the workbench, there are many interesting things and there is no point in talking about everything. You can make a conclusion for yourself in what you are more interested in.

One of the most readily available resources is sugar, which can often be found in various places and from a merchant. With enough water, you can make moonshine, which is very popular with bandits and soldiers. Also, later you can distill it into alcohol and use it to create bandages. Some of the available characters (the cook) can cook food and alcohol at a lower cost.

The rest of the nights

Search homes and look for valuable items. Sometimes you will have to break open closed lockers, and sometimes you will have to saw the grates. Memorize and next time come with the right tools. Perhaps a knife will serve as a necessary tool.

The battle

In the combat part of the This War of Mine guide, we will tell you about how dangerous shootouts can be and how to act if you decide to take action.

Some characters do not have combat skills, which translates into an inability to deliver a fatal knife blow (which almost always results in wounds). The novel is less upset by the murders. Different weapons do different damage, but the helmet and body armor reduce the incoming damage. To equip protection, items must be in inventory. The rarest weapon is the sniper rifle, which rarely drops from the sniper.

You may want to kill the bandits ... or even the soldiers. The most useful thing in combat is stealth and caution. In This War of Mine, any wound is dangerous. The treatment will have to spend valuable medications or go to the hospital (if it is in working order), spending the night. To make an attack as safe as possible, you have to be very careful.

The most dangerous for a lone opponent is stabs in the back. If you are spotted, you will have to run and hide, but this does not always work and you may be found even in the shadows. In despair, you will have to take up a defensive position in cover. The most convenient places, provided that you are not visible, are flights of stairs and stairs. Having approached the range of a shot, the enemy will not be able to immediately open fire, and you will just keep this area on the front sight. By not giving the enemy the opportunity to shoot, you will protect yourself.

Sadly, a firefight allows you to collect expensive weapons from the enemy, but remember that the military path is not the only one.


The night attacks in This War of Mine are the most stressful moment. It is especially disgusting if a child has suffered during it ... Let's try not to give an opportunity to harm the most valuable.

The more people you leave on watch overnight, the easier it will be to fight off a night attack. When defending, all of your people should be armed. There is no need to pick up weapons, people themselves will grab what is more powerful. Melee weapons are: crowbar, shovel, knife, hacksaw ... okay, okay, just kidding about the last one.

Barricading openings in the house helps well from attacks. They will open by improving the main workbench to the second level. If you have few people or they are not fighters, it is advisable to field two and give them firearms. You may have to stay at home, but then you risk running out of supplies. The burst of seizureness lasts a serious time, about 10-15 days, it is easy to be left without food here. To prepare, you will need to carefully inspect the nearest locations, take out all the valuables from there and close all openings in the house, otherwise you cannot do without injuries.

Advice: The success of the defense does not depend on the number of shots. If you leave 1-2 bullets at home, then at the next defense you will lose them, however, if you store them in some location, you can bring a couple more from there next time. Thus, bullets will be spent more economically.

Nerves and stress

Good deeds have a calming effect on your heroes, while bad deeds can severely undermine morale. Some of the characters may even try to steal from you, so you should be careful. Very annoyed characters will have to be brought out of depression.

The lack of cigarettes or coffee negatively affects the psychological state of people who are addicted to them.

The presence of chairs, books and a guitar is helpful. You can see the detailed information by climbing into your own inventory in the shelter.

Lonely game

A separate chapter is devoted to lonely survival in the This War of Mine guide, because no matter how little resources the character spends, they also need to be saved.

One of the scripts made by the developers starts with just one character - Marco. It is possible that you yourself will choose only one character for yourself to try to survive alone. Unfortunately, in such a situation it is extremely difficult to survive, you cannot do without cunning.

Since we still have to get out for the night, we will have to get used to the tactics of hiding things in other locations. There is a dangerous tendency for things to go missing, but this is not always the case. At first, the best way is to collect enough items to make a workbench and scrap. Do not disassemble the rest of your belongings (in your own house), so they cannot be stolen.

The second target is the bed. You can make it from those items that you find in the house, or focus on this amount when you return. While you are alone, you will have to memorize the number of items required to create various tools. If you take too many things home, then, even though the capacity of Marco's backpack, some of the items will have to be left behind. This is almost always fraught with loss of resources due to theft.

Of course, you can store all your things in stows, but this is not the only and not the most convenient way. In life, we do not have this ability, but in the game you can cheat. The fact is that the objects that you create, at the time of the process ... do not exist.

There are a number of processes that use your resources to keep them safe from theft. It is more convenient to hide food by producing it on the stove. Thus, all resources spent on cooking will be safe. Thieves don't take the food that's on the table, do they? Zap. the parts are conveniently stored on the main workbench while making water filters. It is convenient to store firewood during the preparation of "matches", however, due to the fact that the main stove will be occupied, you will have to cook the second one. Alternatively, you can also store cigarettes on a cigarette rolling bench. Of course, house renovation, creating a heater and many other tools also use resources that disappear, but remember that resources can be returned, but the building is no longer there.

This War of Mine: Characters

In This War of Mine, each character has its own positive and negative traits. Someone can carry more weight, a football player runs fast, a journalist knows how to bargain. Some people do not know how to do anything, well, they are people too. How it turns out ... or you can choose the team with which you want to survive in the editor ... hmm ... there is a character - a bully, so you have to go through with him.

Now we will tell you about people whose skills will help you survive ... or will be useless.

  1. Anton. No pluses, it's time for a person to retire.
  2. Arica. This thief moves quieter than others and is able to defeat the enemy with one blow, sneaking up behind.
  3. Boris. We talked about him a little earlier. Slow, but has the most spacious backpack. Able to kill with one blow.
  4. Bruno. The skills of the cook allow him to save some of the resources when cooking, distilling moonshine and creating medicines.
  5. Zlata. She is able to support the spirit of the group in difficult times with her words.
  6. Kate. One of the most useful characters in the game due to his ability to trade.
  7. Christo. Protects the house better and gets enough sleep. He needs to keep an eye on the child, so he has to turn around.
  8. Marco. The second largest backpack. Able to quickly inspect locations. Not a fighter.
  9. Mayin. Reduces the amount of materials used in the manufacture of devices.
  10. Pavlo. The fastest character in the game. Well suited for preliminary inspection of territories. Not a fighter.
  11. Novel. This trained fighter knows how to stand up for himself. Better shoots and fights ... however, has a bad character, which translates into quarrels at home ... with injuries.
  12. Grozdan and Kalina. The young man will come and ask to look after his sister until he checks their uncle's house, however he will not return until the end of the war.
  13. Sveta. It plays better with children, but there are no other useful features.
  14. Henrik. Knows how to save materials when rolling cigarettes, which increases the yield by 50%.
  15. Emilia. Who needs lawyers now. Perhaps it can reduce the drop in morale in the event of dishonest acts.

Play it right!

V This War Of Mine at night you can explore different places. Each location has 5 construction and description options.

When choosing a location, you can see the approximate amount of resources that are located there. If you have already been to the location, you can see how many% of the items are left in it.

An elderly couple with their son lived in this old house, but they fled even before the blockade began. Rumor has it that now suspicious, armed people live in the house. If we go there, we need to be extremely careful.

She survived several shelling, fire and bandit raids. Despite this, it still works. In one wing of the hospital, doctors are still seeing patients, saving their lives. Mainly thanks to Dr. Efimov, a famous surgeon who does not lose his temper and does not allow others to relax.

Mary's Church is still a gathering place for local people. Priest Olek is known for his charitable work and caring for the homeless. Perhaps we can trade with him or get help from him. The sacristy behind the church is empty and abandoned. We can find useful materials in it.

Half of the house is destroyed, people live in the other half. They seem to be unfriendly. Shots can be heard from there at night. We could loot the abandoned part of the house if we can slip through the inhabited part. Has two generation options. With hostile people or with a trader /

A small but luxurious hotel, formerly owned by the Pogoren Travel agency. Now armed bandits have settled in it. Sometimes screams come from the house. Better to stay out of there.

This store served the entire area before the area became a war zone. Since the area is now controlled by the military, it can be dangerous to shop here. However, the risk may be justified as large provisions must remain here.

A residential area that has remained virtually untouched. It is a quiet area with small houses, porches and gardens. Most of the houses are still occupied by people trying to lead a normal life. We have nothing to do here if we are not ready to steal.

This is an old villa located in a wealthy area. Saying that several soldiers who deserted from the army settled here. They are suspicious of strangers, but most likely they have a solid supply of food, including rations and canned meat.

Those who shoot during the day trade with each other at night. These soldiers have a lot of goods to exchange, especially alcohol, but care must be taken. You can expect anything from them.

The city center used to be very beautiful parks, squares and monuments surrounded by ancient buildings. The war destroyed the area, but did not touch the market where people come to trade. We can get the necessary things there, provided that we have valuable goods to exchange.

This abandoned construction site in a luxurious residential area that was supposed to be the jewel of Pogoren, now serves as the perfect vantage point for snipers. It's dangerous here. Here you can find useful things left by workers and rebels who held this position for some time.

If you want sex for a can of stew, you are here. Mommies are ready to do anything to finish off food for their children. This is a small building, guarded by local bandits. They have a lot of products and are ready to change.