Dance of the priests like. How to learn to booty dance booty dance

Dance of the priests like. How to learn to booty dance booty dance

Today, in various shows, music videos, you can see dances of different directions and styles. The latter are rapidly emerging, capturing the attention of the public of all ages, especially young people. One of the most popular of them is the dance where the booty is shaken, and many girls are interested in what this style is, as it is called, how to learn to move in the same way.

Sometimes it is not as easy to do it as we would like, despite the seeming lightness of the dance elements. Before you can conquer the dance floor, you will have to devote more than one hour to training.

What is it and what is it called?

When performing a dance, it is necessary to perform movements of the hips, buttocks, and stomach. The dance is called “Booty dance” (originally “Booty dance”), which literally translates as “booty dance”.

His movements are sexy, they fascinate, so the girls who perform them cannot but attract the attention of men. "Bootie dance" has African roots, which explains its passion, temperament and unbridled energy. The name “Booty dance” can also be found as “Booty shake”, which literally means “booty shaking”, which absolutely corresponds to the concept of dance. The most suitable music for him is reggaeton, R&B, hip-hop, Brazilian funk.

"Booty dance" is also called "twerking", and in fact this direction is one of the varieties of this style. When performing "Twerking" movements are made exclusively with the booty, while when performing "Booty dance" you need to shake correctly not only the booty, but also the belly.

There are two main types of elements used in this style:

  • Bootyshake. These are the main body movements of this style. They are rhythmic, represent the rotation of the pelvis, compression of the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Hiprolling. The hips and abdomen move, and in general hiprolling is similar to belly dancing.

The virtues of dance

They lie not only in the fact that it looks very beautiful.

Butti dance has other advantages as well:

  • Rank "Party Star" that the male half present at it will give you, as well as their admiring glances riveted to you;
  • This dance is rhythmic, therefore it helps to get rid of extra calories and lose weight. In addition, thanks to them, the priest will become fit, get rid of cellulite, and in general, the figure will become slim, athletic;
  • Your posture and gait will noticeably change, you will look much more graceful and stately, and not only in dance;
  • When performing dance movements, blood flow in the pelvic organs improves, which is very beneficial for the health of female organs;
  • "Bootie dance" allows a woman to become more self-confident, gives energy, including sexual, vitality.

What to "arm" with for training?

Many people dream of mastering this technique. Someone enrolls in a dance class for this, while others prefer to conduct classes at home.

In any case, if you decide to master this dance direction, you will need:

  • Positive attitude and motivation. You can get them by watching the performances of the stars who have succeeded in this dance, highlighting the most interesting, in your opinion, elements. This should induce in you the desire to repeat these elements over time, no worse than Beyoncé or Shakira;
  • Pay attention to the clothes you will be wearing. It should not hinder movements, cause discomfort. The best option is shorts or leggings, a loose T-shirt or T-shirt, comfortable sneakers. If you want to correctly approach the issue of choosing clothes, stop at things made from natural fabrics;
  • Even if you train in the gym, it will be useful to use video lessons and additionally study them at home. If you master this technique on your own, without a coach, you definitely cannot do without them;
  • When practicing at home, try to make the room in which you train as much like a dance class as possible. The room should be bright and equipped with a large mirror in which you can see how your class is making progress.

You need to train at least three times a week, and it is important that each session lasts at least 40 minutes.

Each lesson should be in two parts. The muscles need to be warmed up so that they do not feel uncomfortable when you start the main part of your workout. To avoid this, do not neglect the warm-up.

Preparation for the lesson

This is a warm-up that involves doing several exercises.


They are necessary to prepare the gluteal muscles directly for the lesson.

  1. We straighten our back, put our legs shoulder-width apart, lower our arms at the sides.
  2. We perform deep squats, slightly pushing the buttocks back.
  3. You need to perform 2 sets of squats, each of which consists of 10 exercises.


Before you start performing the dance "Bootie dance" - the one when you shake the booty, you need to prepare the latter for the fact that she will have to move progressively.

  1. We sit on the floor, legs straightened in front of us.
  2. We move forward, alternately moving the right and left buttocks.
  3. You need to complete at least 30 such "steps", and then we move in the opposite direction to return to the point from which we started.


They also contribute to the fact that the priest will become more elastic, fit, and after such a warm-up it will be easier to dance, and this is especially true for novice performers.

  1. We get on all fours, arms should be straight.
  2. We perform swings with legs bent at the knees - each leg 8 times.
  3. You need to do the exercise in 3 sets.

The main part of the workout

If you're new to dance, here are a few moves that will provide a great basis for further learning about dance.

The simplest but most beautiful element

It will also take time to master it.

  1. We turn to face the mirror, bend our knees a little, rest our hands in the latter.
  2. We move the buttocks as if you have some object in your panties that bothers you, and you want to remove it. If you are a beginner, and just started learning the art of shaking your booty, in order to make it easier for you to imagine such a situation, you can actually put some small object in your panties.
  3. Legs and arms are not involved in the movement, make sure that your back is straight.

Rotating the hips

  1. We rest our hands on the sides, and spread our legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. We make circular movements with the pelvis, keeping our back straight, and gradually increasing the speed of the movements.
  3. We continue to perform the exercise, gradually bending our knees and going down.
  4. We rise up, without stopping the movement of the pelvis.


This movement will take practice, but it will be worth it.

Bootie dance is a trend of exotic dance that is quite popular today. In our country, it is not so widespread, but in many dance schools they began to study this direction, since there is a demand for it. In this dance, there are African elements of dance, and Jamaican, and striptease movements. The dance is intriguing, mesmerizing, it helps the girl to be liberated, but it looks quite seductive and inviting. No man can resist a beauty performing a booty dance. Incendiary movements of the booty delight men, so more and more girls dream of mastering them. Of course, in order to master this dance direction on a professional level, it is worth resorting to training at a dance school, but you can master some of the movements yourself at home, so that you can then show them off at a party in a club and defeat everyone on the spot. Dance is popular today in Latin America, but it is gradually conquering Europe. The dance is simple, yet it reveals something primal to all of us.

They also call booty dance a shaking booty. It consists precisely in the rhythmic movements of the booty. These movements include not only shaking the buttocks, but also the work of the abdominal muscles, rotation of the hips, as well as thigh strikes, certain movements of the knees. Such movements not only look beautiful, they are also beneficial for health, as they strengthen certain muscles, promote blood flow to the pelvic organs. It is worth noting that dance is not taught everywhere today in our country, but you can do it yourself. Nothing difficult, but you will need certain skills. You need to train at least three times a week for an hour. Before the movements themselves, you need to warm up. Stretching is important. Then you start learning the movements.

Do not try to learn everything at once, first repeat one or two movements, then hone them, then start learning new movements, while repeating the ones already learned. It is important to understand that physical effort is required with rhythmic hip movements. In a boutidance dance, your buttocks are tense, then relaxed, your hips rotate. The gluteal muscles, abdomen, hips should be well trained. For this, it is recommended to do certain exercises. It is necessary to swing the abs, squat to train the buttocks, lunges with legs forward, raise the legs back and forth, as well as to the sides. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees, arms along your body, lift your pelvis, hold it, but do not lower it to the floor, but lower it slightly and lift it up again. There are elements of belly dancing in boutidance, and the shaking of the booty itself is created by raising and lowering the pelvis and simultaneously tension and relaxation of the muscles of the buttocks. The more developed the muscles, the better the effect.

From this wonderful dance, your muscles will always be in good shape, you can show sexuality, avoid stagnation in the pelvic organs, save yourself from joint problems, and significantly improve blood circulation throughout the body. Shaking your booty is very sexy, master this dance by all means, you will always be in the center of male attention at any party. You will become self-confident, relaxed. Dancing will help you lose weight, as it burns calories beautifully.

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Looking at the clips where young girls are actively and sexually shaking their sirloins, I just want to ask: "How do you learn to shake your booty as effectively?" Some believe that for this you need to have a voluminous back, while others are of the opinion that it's all about technology. So where is the truth? There are several secrets, following which, you can surpass all the girls from clips and videos.

How to learn how to shake your booty

Regardless of the size of the buttocks, they can be very successfully moved to the music. But in order for it to be beautiful and effective, it is necessary first of all to bring them into shape. Only pumped-up, smooth and beautiful priests can shake successfully and elegantly. Knowing how to shake your butt takes practice and a mirror, as well as pre-training your glutes. It will not be superfluous to tone the skin on the sirloin if dancing in short shorts, skirts or a leotard is meant.

In the American style, these movements are called "Booty shake dance", that is, "dance of shaking buttocks." Learning this from video tutorials is difficult, but possible. The biggest snag in this is that too quickly the coaches execute the actions, it is difficult to repeat. But there is some instruction on how to learn how to shake your booty beautifully, even if it seems to be not there.

We swing the buttocks

Of course, it is easier to simply and haphazardly tug at the fleshy buttocks. But it looks, to put it mildly, not entirely aesthetically pleasing and pleasant. Elasticity is another matter! There are several effective exercises that can be done regularly and regularly to tone your muscles. Before you learn how to shake your booty, do some exercises!

Exercise # 1: squats

Legs shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms lowered at the sides. Smoothly bend your knees, put your ass back. The squat is deep and as full as possible. Do 2 sets of 10 times. It is recommended to do this exercise twice a day: as soon as you get out of bed, and before going into it in the evening. become stronger and more prominent. In addition, it will become somewhat convex from this. Not to mention the elasticity.

Exercise number 2: "crocodile"

Lessons on how to learn to shake a booty begin with this lesson. It is simple, does not require high energy consumption, and most importantly, it is effective. Its purpose is to teach you to move your buttocks alternately. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. "Go" forward with the buttocks - 30 steps forward, the same amount back. You can repeat it at any time of the day or night, every day. The butt from this becomes mobile, which makes it easy and quick to control it.

Exercise # 3: swing the leg

Stand in a knee-elbow position. The arms are straight. Swing first with your right leg up (knee bent) - 8 times. Then the same left. There are only three approaches. It is recommended to do the exercise daily. The buttocks will be toned and firm.

Booty shake dance

After the priest is in the desired shape, you can start dancing. To manage your sirloin beautifully, you need to do the following:

• stand in front of the mirror (facing it);

Bend your knees (slightly);

• rest your hands on your knees;

· Imagine that there is something in the back (for example, a coin got into panties);

· Start moving your buttocks alternately, trying to eliminate an invisible object;

At the same time, the legs and arms should remain static, the body should be straight.

It may not work the first time, but this is not a reason for frustration. If the preliminary preparation was made (all exercises were performed systematically), then there will be no problems with the technique.

After you master this simple movement, you can proceed to the more difficult one - moving the booty and hip. For this you need:

· Sit down slightly in your knees;

· Put your hands on your sides;

· Perform in a circle with the whole pelvis.

This is also at the heart of learning how to shake your booty! Such an exercise cannot be neglected, since it allows you to learn how to control your movements.

Last lesson: shaking the buttocks up and down. The starting position here will be the same as in the first exercise. Only the buttocks move simultaneously up and down, at first slowly to feel your body, then faster.

And finally ...

And, of course, in order to know how to learn how to shake your booty, it will not be superfluous to attend several dance classes (not only booty dance, but also reggaeton, r'n'b). It is possible that what you have learned at home on the advice will be of great help in further studies.

Many have seen clips and videos of dancing, where girls are actively shaking their booty. This passionate and erotic dance is called booty dance, its essence lies in the rhythmic movements of the booty and hips. And more and more girls dream of learning to dance with their booty, for this there are special exercises.


Before you start shaking your buttocks, you need to put them in order. Pump up the ass, tone the muscles with the help of exercises that must be performed systematically and regularly.

  1. Squats. Purpose: to make the ass more prominent and elastic. The gluteal muscles will become stronger.
  2. Legs shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms lowered at the sides.
  3. Squat low, gently bending your knees, push your ass back slightly.
  4. Perform 10 times in 2 sets, best in the morning and evening.
  5. Crocodile. Goal: learn to move the buttocks alternately. The butt will become more mobile.
  6. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
  7. Walk moving your buttocks.
  8. 30 steps forward and the same amount back.
  9. Perform daily at any time.
  10. Swing your leg. Purpose: a toned and firm buttocks.
  11. Standing on all fours with straight arms.
  12. Swing your leg up, knees bent.
  13. Right 8 times,
  14. Left 8 times.
  15. Do 3 sets.
  16. Perform daily.

Booty dance movements

After the priest is in the desired shape, you can start dancing. It is advisable to perform movements in front of a mirror and to rhythmic music. First you need to master the simplest movement.

  1. Stand facing the mirror.
  2. The legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  3. Put your hands on your knees.
  4. Begin to move your buttocks, as if there is an unnecessary item in your panties, try to remove it with your hips. For realism, you can even put a coin in your underpants.
  5. The arms and legs do not move, the back is straight.

It may not work the first time, no need to get upset. If the training was carried out correctly, then over time you will achieve the desired result. After you have mastered a simple movement, you can move on to more complex ones.

Bootie Shake Movement

  1. Stand in a lateral position, legs apart, keep your hands on your hips or straight.
  2. Take your ass a little back.
  3. Tilt the pelvis down, bend your legs slightly at the knees,
  4. Gradually increase speed while moving.

Hip rotation

  1. Feet shoulder width apart, arms at the sides.
  2. Rotate the pelvis in a circle, the back is straight.
  3. Increase the rotation speed.
  4. Go down, bending your knees, continuing to move your pelvis.
  5. To go up.

Shaking the buttocks

  1. The starting position is as in the movement of a bootie shake.
  2. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. Make booty movements up and down.
  4. You can try to do the movements of each buttock in turn.

After you get the "buttocks shake", you can try another movement for this:

  1. Take the pose "kitty", for this kneel, legs in different directions, arms slightly forward.
  2. We contract the muscles of the buttocks up and down and alternately, as in the previous movement.

To find out in what other dances they shake the booty, read the article What is the name of the booty dance.

Attention, only TODAY!


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A bit of anatomy

As a matter of fact, not only on the hips, but also, pardon the anatomy, the special plasticity of this dance direction is held on the buttocks. "Priests dance" is a literal translation of the name "booty dance". You can also find another name for this type of dance - booty shake (booty shaking), no less conveying its meaning.

We owe this kind of shaking the fifth point to African traditional dances, which first took root on Latin American soil, and then gradually conquered the whole world. The secret of the attractiveness of booty dance is to emphasize the natural sexuality of a separate prominent part of the female body. But this is not strip plastic, although it is usually combined with elements of glute dances. Booty movements with a distinct ethnic flavor and more austere pattern. Booty dance is spectacular and insanely sexy; almost to any rhythmic music, any girl can move as brightly and seductively as, for example, Shakira. Or almost the same, provided you train without sparing your priests.

If we talk more about music for booty dance, then the most suitable styles are reggaeton, hip-hop and R&B. However, when performing any incendiary dance, it will be appropriate to beautifully twist your hips. The booty principle is based on the movements of the buttocks and the movements of the hips. The first, performed by the booty, are called rump shaking, usually they accompany the whole dance with a peculiar rhythm. The second category is hip rolling - movements for the hips and abdomen (various rotations, overflows), which seem to set accents. The dance pattern consists of combinations of rump shaking and hip rolling.

There are no ugly pops

Sometimes they are not physically prepared enough. And this will immediately manifest itself in the gluteal dances, the performance of which depends on the technique of possession of the fifth point. Therefore, good physical shape and preparation are encouraged for classes. But many modern training programs begin precisely with workouts aimed at stretching and strengthening the required muscle groups. The main load in booty dance falls on the legs, lower back and gluteal muscles. But, as in most dances, the muscles of the whole body will be developed, the vestibular apparatus will be strengthened. One of the indicators of mastery of the dance technique is the ability to work the gluteal muscles asymmetrically, that is, "turn on" and "turn off" them independently of each other. Yes, it's not easy. But it is extremely effective. For the sake of this effect, it is worth going to booty classes.

Where to learn

The direction of booty dance has begun to develop with us recently. Until now, in some places on posters and in announcements, it is called exotic. But dance schools are already incorporating the art of glute shaking into their schedules, and in metropolitan clubs, a handful of pros go for battles. Here are some options for where you can learn booty dance:

Tropical dance studio "Studio Tropical" (Moscow). Classes are held in the Turgenevskaya metro area. The cost of a one-time lesson is 400 rubles, but "wholesale" lessons are cheaper;

Dance School "Plastic Dance" (Moscow). Kashirskaya metro area. A subscription of 8 lessons will cost 2,100 rubles;

Dance Arts Laboratory "Model-357" (Moscow). The nearest metro station is Belorusskaya. For a one-time lesson, you will need to pay 400 rubles;

Dance school "Yarchi dance" (Moscow). Classes near the Tretyakovskaya metro station. The cost of subscriptions is from 2500 rubles, the range of prices for one-time visits is very large;

- "Erodance studio" (St. Petersburg). Metro station Narvskaya embankment. The subscription price is 2500 rubles for 8 lessons and 1500 rubles. for 4 lessons.

At the first stage, equipment is welcomed as for fitness: comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict movement.