The eldest son is a characterization of the heroes. Life Lessons - Lessons in Kindness in the Play Elder Son

The eldest son is a characterization of the heroes.  Life Lessons - Lessons in Kindness in the Play Elder Son
The eldest son is a characterization of the heroes. Life Lessons - Lessons in Kindness in the Play Elder Son

Vladimir Busygin studied at the Irkutsk Medical Institute and lived in a hostel. After a little walk on his day off, Busygin met Semyon and two girls. The guys took the girls home (they lived in Novo-Mylnikovo) and were late for the train. A gloomy prospect of spending the night on the street opened before them (it was cold). And then the desperate boyfriends saw an elderly man (Sarafanov) heading to visit a young woman living nearby.

Busygin's mother was abandoned by her husband and Vladimir grew up without a father. Seeing Andrei Grigorievich Sarafonov, he got the idea to go to his apartment and pretend to be his son, who was born "on the side" (he wanted to take revenge on all unfaithful fathers). Busygin and Semyon went in and met Sarafanov's son Vassenka, and then with the head of the family.

The deception was a success, but Busygin, getting to know Sarafanov better, found out that he was a "holy" man (he went to a neighbor for the sake of his son). In addition, he really liked Sarafanov's daughter. It was hard for the conscientious Busygin to continue his deception and he wanted to run away from his "new family" in the morning. But, he was "caught" by Sarafanov. Busygin, seeing that it was very difficult for him to part with him, decided to stay with the Sarafanovs for another day.

The Sarafanov family was going through a crisis at that time and the arrival of the "eldest son" supported Andrei Grigorievich. In just a day, he fell in love with Busygin with all his heart and no longer understood how he lived without him before.

At this time, Busygin was tormented by internal doubts. He didn't know what to do. On the one hand, he understood that it was no longer possible to deceive the old man, but on the other, he was afraid that the truth would simply kill him. In addition, he fell in love with his "sister" Nina and did not want to be her "brother".

When the groom came to Nina, a family scandal began in the house. Busygin added fuel to the fire out of jealousy by making a complete fool out of Nina's fiancé (who he was).

In the end, everything ended well. When it turned out that Busygin was an impostor, Sarafanov forgave him and asked him to come to visit them and feel like his real son. Nina, disappointed in her fiancé, did not mind.

Busygin quotes

God forbid deceive someone who believes your every word.

Why would I be late?
- Right, why should he stay?

A fine organization always comes out sideways.

Dad, what are you sad about? People need music when they are having fun and longing. Where else can a musician be if not at dances and funerals? In my opinion, you are on the right track.

People have thick skin, and it is not so easy to pierce it. You have to lie properly, only then they will believe and sympathize with you. They need to be frightened or pityed.

It's always like this: tragedy with elements of comedy and comedy with elements of tragedy. The creator of "Duck Hunt" did not do anything special, he just tried to reproduce life in his works as it is. In it, there is not only black and white, human existence is filled with semitones. Our task is to tell about this in the article in which the analysis will be made. Vampilov, "Elder Son" - in the focus of attention.

It should be noted right away that a brief retelling (it will contain some analytical observations) of Vampil's masterpiece is also necessary. We proceed to it.

Failed party for four

It all starts with the fact that two young guys (Vladimir Busygin and Semyon Sevostyanov), a little over 20, saw off the girls and expected a pleasant evening, but the girls turned out to be “not like that”, which they informed the boyfriends about. Of course, for the sake of appearance, the guys argued a little, but there is nothing to do, on the side of the girls is always the key word in a romantic issue. They were left on the outskirts of the city, without a shelter, and it is cold outside, the last train left.

There are two zones in this area: the private sector (there are houses of the village type) and directly opposite - a small stone house (three floors high) with an arch.

Friends decide to split up: one goes to look out for a night in a stone shelter, and the other works out the private sector. Busygin knocks on the house of a 25-year-old local court worker Natalya Makarskaya. Some time ago she had a quarrel with the 10th-grader Vassenka, who, apparently, has long and hopelessly in love with her. She thought it was the boy again, but no. Makarskaya and Busygin argue for some time, but the young man, of course, does not get an overnight stay with the girl.

Sevostyanov Semyon (Silva) is refused by a resident of the house opposite. Young people find themselves where they were - on the street.

And suddenly they observe how an elderly man - Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov - a clarinetist who serves in the orchestra, according to the official version, but in fact plays at the funeral and dances, knocks on Natasha and asks to give him a few minutes. Young people think that this is a date, and decide to break into Sarafanov's apartment under any pretext, they do not want to freeze on the street.

Our task is analysis: Vampilov ("The Elder Son", his play) is his object, therefore it should be noted that the characters Busygin and Silva at first seem to be completely superficial, frivolous people, but in the course of the development of the plot one of them changes before the eyes of the reader: depth of character and even some attractiveness. We will find out who later.

Remembering the goal, it must also be said that Busygin is a fatherless and a medical student, his mother lives in Chelyabinsk with his older brother. What Silva does is completely irrelevant in the context of our intention.

Unexpected addition to the family

Young people are not mistaken: indeed, the door to the Sarafanovs' apartment remains open, and Vassenka, upset by his recent love failure, is going to flee the house, as it turns out a little later, his goal is the taiga. Sarafanov's daughter (Nina) will leave for Sakhalin not today or tomorrow; one of these days she will marry a pilot. In other words, discord reigns at home, and its residents have no time for guests, even expected ones, but albeit not, so the aliens have chosen the moment well. This is also useful for us to analyze. Vampilov ("The Elder Son") wrote his play with great care, all the characters perform their parts flawlessly and realistically.

Busygin pretends to know Vassenka's father and says this phrase: "All of us, people, are brothers." Silva begins to spin this idea and brings it to the point that Vladimir is Vassenka's unexpectedly found half-brother. The young man is shocked, Busygin, too, from the agility of his comrade was slightly dazed, well, what to do, I don’t want to spend the night on the street. They are playing this show in front of the Sarafanovs. As the analysis shows, Vampilov ("The Elder Son") began the play with a drawing. At the heart of the drama he has a joke, and the whole play seems to be something like a comedy, but this is only at first glance.

Vasya is looking for something to drink. Young people, including the 10th grader, are using. Then Sarafanov appears, and the unlucky mourners hide in the kitchen. Vasya tells his father the whole story of his eldest son. The old man begins to recall aloud the details of the meeting with the possible mother of Vladimir and involuntarily gives the crooks all the necessary information, and they greedily catch every word: the woman's name, the city (Chernigov), the required age of the eldest son, if he were.

Then Vladimir appears, answers all of his father's questions correctly. The house is overwhelmed by general jubilation, and the drunkenness continues, but now Sarafanov senior has joined it.

Nina comes out to the noise and demands an explanation. At first, the girl does not believe her older brother, then she also gains confidence in him.

Busygin begins to believe in his own game. Character respawn point

Between Busygin and the elderly man, contact is instantly established, and the father opens his whole soul to the prodigal son. They talked all night. From nighttime communication, Vladimir learns the details of the life of the Sarafanovs, for example, the fact that Nina will soon marry a pilot, as well as the mental anguish of his father himself. How hard life was for the family. Impressed by the night conversation, after his father went to bed, Vladimir wakes up Semyon and begs him to leave quickly, but Andrei Grigorievich finds them at the door. He asks his eldest son to accept a family heirloom - a silver snuffbox. And then a spiritual revolution happens to Vladimir. Either he felt very sorry for the old man, or himself, because he did not know his father. Busygin imagined that he owed all these people a debt. He believed that he was related to them. This is a very important point in the research, and the analysis of Vampilov's play "The Elder Son" moves on.

Love as a unifying force

When the holiday was over, it was necessary to clear the table and generally put in order the kitchen. Two volunteered to do this - Busygin and Nina. During joint work, which, as you know, unites, love took out its own and pierced the heart of each of the young people. Further narration only follows from such a significant event. The analysis of Vampilov's play "The Elder Son" brings us to this conclusion.

By the end of the cleaning, Busygin, for example, allows himself very caustic and caustic remarks about Nina's husband without five minutes. She doesn't exactly reject them, but she doesn't resist too much of her brother's poison. This suggests that the "relatives" are already on a friendly footing with each other, and only strong mutual sympathy can be responsible for the rapid development of trusting relations in a short time.

The spontaneously arising love between Vladimir and Nina builds the whole further plot and is the force that once again unites the Sarafanov family into a single whole.

Discrepancy in different spheres of Busygin and Sevostyanov

Thus, mindful of the recently arisen love, the reader understands that Vladimir is no longer illusory, but really becomes his own in the Sarafanov family. An unexpected guest becomes the nail that does not allow relatives to lose ties with each other, he connects them, becomes the center. Silva, on the contrary, turns out to be more and more alien to Busygin and to the house where they were accidentally brought, so Semyon tries to get at least something out of the current situation and tries to start an affair with Natasha Makarskaya. A wonderful play was written by Vampilov - "The Elder Son" (analysis and summary are ongoing).

The appearance of the groom

On the day of cleaning the kitchen, a significant event should take place: Nina plans to introduce her father to her fiancé, a flight school cadet Mikhail Kudimov.

Between morning and evening, a whole chain of events takes place, which is worth mentioning at least briefly: Makarskaya changes her attitude towards Vassenka from anger to mercy and invites him to the cinema. He rushes to buy tickets, not suspecting that Silva is already weaving his web of seduction. In it, he expects to catch Natasha. She readily, of course, yields to a lover of women, because Semyon is more suitable for her in age. Silva and Natasha should meet at exactly 22:00. At the same time, the enthusiastic boy takes tickets to the movie show. Natasha refuses to go with him and reveals the secret that Andrei Grigorievich came to her at night to woo Vasyatka.

The fiery youth in despair, he again runs to collect his backpack in order to leave the house in the arms of the taiga. Somehow the characters in extreme nervous tension wait for the evening and the arrival of the groom.

The representation of the sides somehow goes at once at once. The newly-made older brother and Silva make fun of the cadet, he does not take offense, as he "loves funny guys." Kudimov himself is always afraid to be late for the military hostel, and in general, the bride is a burden to him.

Here comes the father of the family. Having met Sarafanov, the groom begins to suffer from the fact that he cannot remember where he saw the face of the future father-in-law. The elderly man, in turn, says that he is an artist, therefore, probably, the pilot saw his face either in the Philharmonic or in the theater, but he sweeps it all aside. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, the cadet says: "I remembered, I saw you at the funeral!" Sarafanov is forced to admit that yes, indeed, he has not worked in the orchestra for 6 months.

After the disclosure of the secret, which was no longer a secret to anyone, since the children had been aware of it for a long time, another scandal is played out: with screams and groans, Vasya leaves the house, full of determination to get to the taiga. The groom also, having seen enough, hurries to return to the military hostel before it closes. Silva goes to the movies. The father of the family gets hysterical: he also wants to go somewhere. Busygin and Nina calm him down, the musician gives in. All this is very important, as it has a lot to do with the climax. Everything was done masterfully by Vampilov. "Elder Son" (we provide an analysis of the work) continues.


Then Vladimir confesses to Nina that he is not her brother and, even worse, he loves her. At the moment, probably, according to the author's intention, catharsis should happen to the reader, but this is not quite the denouement. On top of that, Vasya runs into the apartment and admits that he set fire to Makarskaya's apartment just when she was there with Silva. The latter's trousers were worn out because of the boy's hooligan trick. To complete the picture, an unhappy father came out of his room with a suitcase, ready to go to Chernigov to Vladimir's mother.

Fed up with the performance on the wave of disappointment from spoiled clothes, Semyon pawns Busygin and says that Vladimir is the same son to Sarafanov as he is his niece, and leaves.

Sarafanov does not want to believe and claims the opposite. Moreover, he even offers Volodya to move from the student hostel to them. In the intricacies of all these events, Busygin discovers that he was again late for the train. Everyone laughs. Everyone is happy. Thus ends the play written by Alexander Vampilov. “Elder Son” (analysis also shows this) is an extremely difficult and controversial work to evaluate. It remains for us to summarize some results.

Family stumped

Now that we know the whole story, we can reflect on who the "eldest son" was in this whole story.

It is obvious that the family was falling apart: the father lost his job and began to drink. The walls of loneliness began to converge, he was in despair. The daughter was tired of pulling the whole family (she had to work, therefore she looked older than her 19 years), it seemed to her that leaving for Sakhalin as the wife of a military pilot was a wonderful way out. Better than life like that. Vassenka, too, was looking for a way out and could not find, so he decided to go into the taiga, since he could not get along with a more experienced woman (Natasha Makarskaya).

During a night conversation, when the father devoted his son to the details of his life and the details of his family's life, he described the situation very accurately, it could be fit into one phrase: "Everyone is running, anticipating a huge tragedy hanging over them." Only Andrei Grigorievich has nowhere to run.

Busygin as a savior

The elder brother came just when everyone needed him. Vladimir restored the balance and harmony of the family. Their love with Nina filled the empty reservoirs of family grace, and no one wanted to run anywhere.

The father felt that he had a son, an eldest son, on whom he could rely. Nina realized that it was not necessary to go to the island, and her brother was able to defeat his painful attachment to a girl much older than himself. Naturally, under Vasya's love for Natasha, there was a global longing for his mother, a sense of security and comfort.

The only character in the play who was left completely at a loss is Silva, since all the other main characters formed some kind of inner circle. Only Semyon was excluded from it.

Of course, Vladimir Busygin also won in the end: he had a father, whom he had dreamed of since childhood. In other words, the play ends with a scene of general family harmony. This is where I would like to end my brief analysis. The Elder Son by Vampilov is brilliantly written, and it is not only a wonderful, but also a profound work that poses serious questions to the reader.

Class: 10

Targets and goals:

  • comprehension of the ideological and artistic originality of the play,
  • further formation of students' ideas about the originality of the dramatic poetics of A. Vampilov,
  • further formation of the skill of penetrating into the subtext of the play, interpreting the image,
  • the problem of morality in the play.

Lesson methodology: teacher's word, working with text, analytical conversation, textual analysis of individual scenes, expressive reading of students.

During the classes

Stage 1: the teacher reveals the goals and objectives of the lesson, the formulation of the topic.

Stage 2: work with the title of the play based on previously studied material

"Morality with a Guitar", "Suburb", "Elder Son" (1970) Questions for an analytical conversation with a short commentary:

1. What is the relationship between the titles of the plays?

2. What is the fundamental difference in the titles of the pieces?

3. What is the semantic symbolism in the title of the play "Elder Son"?

The title of the play "Elder Son" is the most apt, since the main character - Busygin - fully justified the role of the eldest son taken on. Volodya Busygin helped Sarafanov's children understand how much their father means to them and brings trust, respect, compassion and warmth to their difficult life.

Stage 3. Analysis of the play with quotation and expressive reading.

The main and secondary characters of the play. The plot of the play.

The collision of the play.

Sarafanov and his children.

The images of Busygin and Silva in the disclosure of the idea of ​​the play.

The role of minor characters in the disclosure of the idea of ​​the play.

Problems and idea of ​​the play.

The plot of the play is quite simple: Busygin, a medical student, and Silva, a trade agent, escort the girls to the outskirts of the city. Having missed the last train, we were forced to look for a lodging for the night.

Busygin. Humans have thick skin and it is not so easy to pierce it. You have to lie properly, only then they will believe and sympathize with you. They need to be frightened or pityed.

So they end up in the Sarafanovs' house. The open and benevolent Andrei Grigorievich believes in lies and takes Busygin for the eldest son.

In the first act in the second picture, the general mood in the family is cold, without family warmth. Son Vassenka is in love with Makarskaya unrequitedly, daughter Nina wants to leave home with her fiancé to Sakhalin as soon as possible. Sarafanov is alone in his family, in life. Busygin, who grew up in an orphanage, feels in Andrei Alexandrovich a kind, sincere person. The ending of the play is optimistic, the characters become warmer and wiser. Volodya honestly admits that he is not Sarafanov's son, and he also likes Nina. Vassenka no longer wants to run away from home, and Busygin is drawn to the family of Andrei Alexandrovich (students cite quotes from the play).

The moral quest of the play unfolds between two theses-slogans - "all people are brothers" and "people have thick skin." It is paradoxical that Busygin had the thinnest skin. Once in the naive world of the Sarafanov family, Busygin, playing his role, unwittingly manifests the best human qualities.

How do children relate to their father? Compare them.

Conclusions of the teacher and students: children are callous in relation to their father, sometimes selfish (expressive reading of dialogues, analysis of the episode with a fire). Nina is serious, intelligent, but wanting to change her life, tired of hopelessness, she is ready to leave her father and brother. But, having fallen in love, he thaws, changes his life views. (Expressive reading of dialogues)

Compare the image of Busygin and Silva. (Work with text)

Conclusions of the teacher and students: Silva tells Busygin: "For, he says, you have the last twenty rubles, go to the tavern. Get drunk, make a brawl so that I won't see you for a year or two." It is no coincidence that Vampilov initially dramatizes the fate of his heroes. Finding themselves in a difficult situation, the characters manifest themselves in different ways: throughout the play, Busygin reveals his positive character traits, which makes him noble, strong, decent. Unlike the orphan Volodya, the “orphan” Silva is resourceful but cynical. His true face is revealed when he declares that Busygin is not a son, not a brother, but a repeat offender. It was important for the playwright to tell the readers: each person makes his choice under any circumstances.

What type of people is Kudimov? (Episode analysis)

The conclusions of the students and the teacher: "He smiles. He smiles a lot. He is good-natured," Vampilov says about him. He represents “the type of right people” who create an atmosphere around them that suffocates all living things in a person. ”Although only Kudimov always speaks the truth, and all the heroes lie due to circumstances, it is surprising in the Vampilov comedy that lies turn into cordiality and warmth. This dramatic technique allows them to reveal such depths of personality, spirituality and kindness that they themselves did not know about.

The role of Makarska and the neighbor in the play. (Reading individual quotes)

Conclusions: the playwright is considering the theme of loneliness, which can drive a person to despair. Natasha Makarskaya is shown as a decent person and unhappy like a woman. The neighbor appears to the readers as a cautious person "the neighbor leaves silently and fearfully", "looks with apprehension and suspicion"

The genre of the play.

Reasoning of teachers and students: the word comedy can be understood in Balzac's sense of the word: "human comedy". Comedy is a panorama of life. Vampilov defines the genre of the play as a comedy. But along with the comic, dramatic events develop (Silva, Makarskaya, Sarafanov). A. Demidov called the comedy "The Elder Son" "a kind of philosophical parable." "Unlike family-adventure drama, focused on the recognition of life situations," The Elder Son "is focused, so to speak, on the recognition of eternal, universal, general dramatic, everyday situations and problems. "(E. Gushchanskaya).

How does Vampilov feel about Silva, Busygin, Sarafanov? (student response)

Problems and idea of ​​the play.

It was not by chance that the playwright changed the title of the play "Suburb" to "Elder Son". The main thing is not where the events take place, but who participates in them. To be able to listen and hear, understand each other, show mercy is the main idea of ​​the work of Alexander Vampilov. Critics say that Vampilov created his own original artistic world, a special dramatic poetics. The element of the play of kindness; the element that gives birth to happy transformations and gains, and not breaks and losses. This is a drama capable of instilling faith in a person. A certain convention, chance gives the play an artistic depth, authenticity, but the playwright never once gave in to doubt the vitality of what was happening, did not violate the logic of events, each subsequent step naturally flowed from the previous situation.

A. Rumyantsev in his book "Alexander Vampilov" recalls: "I reproached him for something, and he objected:

You're wrong, old man. You have no reason to say so.

Because I love you.

It sounded funny, sentimental. Soon after Sanya's death, while rereading his book, I saw that life in the minutes of that conversation continued his play. Yes, Elder Son, the last scene. "

Sarafanov, having learned that Busygin is not his son, says: “What happened does not change anything, Volodya, come here: (Busygin, Nina, Vassenka, Sarafanov - everything is nearby.) Whatever it is, but I consider you my son. (To all three.) You are my children because I love you. Good or bad, but I love you, and this is the most important thing. "

These words contain the Vampilov covenant left to all of us. "I love people with whom anything can happen," Sanya wrote in a notebook, that is, secretly, for himself. He could not envy someone because he was more fortunate; more miserable. He saw us as we are, and wanted us to be better. He loved us. And he himself deserves the same. "

Valentin Rasputin's words belong to: “It seems that the main question that Vampilov constantly asks: will you, man, remain a man? and betrayal, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsity, blessing and enslavement: "These questions are answered by A. Vampilov's play" the eldest son ".

"The eldest son" Vampilova A.The.

The play "The Elder Son" was announced by A.V. Vampilov by genre as a comedy. However, only the first picture looks comedic in it, in which two young men who missed the train decide to find a way to spend the night with one of the residents and come to the Sara-fanovs' apartment.

Suddenly, the matter takes a serious turn. The head of the family innocently recognizes Busygin as the eldest son, since twenty years ago he really had an affair with one woman. Sarafanov's son Vassenka even sees the outward resemblance of the hero to his father. So, Busygin and a friend are part of the circle of the Sarafanovs' family problems. It turns out that his wife left the musician long ago. And the children, having barely matured, dream of flying out of the nest: daughter Nina gets married and leaves for Sakhalin, and Vassenka, not having time to finish school, says that she is going to the taiga to a construction site. One has a happy love, the other has an unhappy one. This is not the point. The main idea is that caring for an elderly father, a sensitive and trusting person, does not fit into the plans of grown-up children.

Busygina Sarafanov Sr. recognizes as a son, practically without requiring substantial evidence and documents. He gives him a silver snuff-box - a family heirloom that passed from generation to generation into the hands of his eldest son.

Gradually, the liars get used to their roles as a son and his friend and begin to behave at home: Busygin, as a brother, intervenes in the discussion of Vassenka's personal life, and Silva begins to court Nina.

The reason for the excessive gullibility of the younger Sarafanovs lies not only in their natural spiritual openness: they are convinced that an adult does not need parents. This idea in the play is voiced by Vassenka, who then nevertheless makes a reservation and, in order not to offend his father, corrects the phrase: “Other parents”.

Seeing how easily the children raised by him are in a hurry to leave their home, Sarafanov is not very surprised to find Busygin and Silva, who are going to leave in the morning, secretly. He continues to believe in the story of the eldest son.

Looking at the situation from the outside, Busygin begins to feel sorry for Sarafanov and tries to persuade Nina not to leave her father. In the conversation, it turns out that the girl's fiancé is a reliable guy who never lies. Busygin becomes interested to look at him. Soon he learns that Sarah Fanov Sr. has not been working in the Philharmonic for six months, but plays in the club of railway workers at dances. “He's not a bad musician, but he never knew how to stand up for himself. Besides, he sips, and so, in the fall there was a reduction in the orchestra ... "

- says Nina. Sparing the father's pride, the children hide from him that they know about the dismissal. It turns out that Sarafanov himself composes music (cantata or oratorio "All people are brothers"), but he does it very slowly (stuck on the first page). However, Busygin treats this with understanding and says that maybe this is the way to compose serious music. Calling himself the eldest son, Busygin takes on the burden of other people's worries and problems. His friend Silva, who made the porridge, introducing Busygin as the son of Sarafanov, is only having fun by participating in this whole complicated story.

In the evening, when Nina Kudimov's fiancé comes to the house, Sarafanov raises a toast to his children and utters a wise phrase that reveals his philosophy of life: “... Life is fair and merciful. She makes the heroes doubt, and those who have done little, and even those who have not done anything, but lived with a pure heart, she will always console. "

The truth-loving Kudimov finds out that he saw Sarafanov in the funeral band. Nina and Busygin, trying to smooth out the situation, claim that he mistook himself. He does not calm down, continuing to argue. In the end, Sarafanov confesses that he has not played in the theater for a long time. “I didn't make a serious musician,” he says sadly. Thus, an important moral issue is raised in the play. Which is better: a bitter truth or a saving lie?

The author shows Sarafanov in a deep impasse in life: his wife left, his career did not take place, the children do not need him either. The author of the oratorio "All people are brothers" in real life feels like a completely lonely person. “Yes, I brought up cruel egoists. Callous, calculating, ungrateful, ”he exclaims, comparing himself to an old sofa that they have long dreamed of throwing away. Sarafanov is already going to go to Chernigov to see Busygin's mother. But suddenly the deception is revealed: having quarreled with a friend, Silva betrays him to imaginary relatives. However, the good-natured Sarafanov refuses to believe him this time. “Whatever it is, I consider you my son,” he says to Busygin. Even after learning the truth, Sarafanov invites him to stay in his house. Nina also changes her mind about leaving for Sakhalin, realizing that Busygin, who lied, is a good, kind person at heart, and Kudimov, who is ready to die for the truth, is cruel and stubborn. At first, Nina even liked his honesty and punctuality, the ability to keep his word. But in reality, these qualities do not justify themselves. Kudimov's straightforwardness becomes not so necessary in life, as it forces the girl's father to experience his creative failures hard, exposes his spiritual wound. The pilot's desire to prove his innocence turns into a useless problem. After all, the children have long known that Sarafanov does not work at the Philharmonic.

Putting a special meaning into the concept of "brother", A.V. Pi-lov emphasizes to you that people should be more careful with each other, and most importantly - not try to play with other people's feelings.

The play's happy ending reconciles its central characters. It is symbolic that both the main deceiver and adventurer Silva, and the truth-loving Kudimov to the core, leave Sarafanov's house. This suggests that such extremes are not needed in life. A.V. Vampilov shows that, sooner or later, a lie will be supplanted by the truth, but sometimes it is necessary to give a person the opportunity to realize this himself, and not bring him to clean water.

However, there is another side to this problem. Nourishing himself with false illusions, a person always complicates his life. Fearing to be frank with children, Sarafanov almost lost his emotional connection with them. Nina, wanting to quickly arrange her life, almost left for Sakhalin with a man whom she does not love. Vassenka spent so much energy trying to win Natasha's favor, not wanting to listen to his sister's sensible reasoning that Makarskaya was not a match for him.

Many consider Sarafanov Sr. blessed, but his endless faith in people makes them think and care about him, becomes a powerful uniting force that helps him keep his children. It is not for nothing that in the course of the development of the plot, Nina emphasizes that she is dad's daughter. And Vassenka has the same “fine mental organization” as his father.

As at the beginning of the play, Busygin is again late for the last train in the finale. But a day spent in the house of the Sarafanovs teaches the hero a good moral lesson. However, joining the fight for the fate of Sarafanov Sr., Busygin receives an award. He finds the family he dreamed of. In a short time, until recently, people who were completely alien to him became close and dear. He breaks with the empty and worthless Silva, who is no longer interesting to him, and finds new real friends.

The play "The Eldest Son" is announced by A.B. Vampilov by genre as a comedy. However, only the first picture looks comedic in it, in which two young men who missed the train decide to find a way to spend the night with one of the residents and come to the Sarafanovs' apartment.

Suddenly, the matter takes a serious turn. The head of the family innocently recognizes Busygin as the eldest son, since twenty years ago he really had an affair with one woman. Sarafanov's son Vassenka even sees the outward resemblance of the hero to his father. So, Busygin and a friend are part of the circle of the Sarafanovs' family problems. It turns out that his wife left the musician long ago. And the children, having barely matured, dream of flying out of the nest: daughter Nina gets married and leaves for Sakhalin, and Vassenka, not having time to finish school, says that she is going to the taiga to a construction site. One has a happy love, the other has an unhappy one. This is not the point. The main idea is that caring for an elderly father, a sensitive and trusting person, does not fit into the plans of grown-up children.

Busygina Sarafanov Sr. recognizes as a son, practically without requiring substantial evidence and documents. He gives him a silver snuff-box - a family heirloom that passed from generation to generation into the hands of his eldest son.

Gradually, the liars get used to their roles as a son and his friend and begin to behave at home: Busygin, as a brother, intervenes in the discussion of Vassenka's personal life, and Silva begins to court Nina.

The reason for the excessive gullibility of the younger Sarafanovs lies not only in their natural spiritual openness: they are convinced that an adult does not need parents. This idea in the play is voiced by Vassenka, who then nevertheless makes a reservation and, in order not to offend his father, corrects the phrase: “Other parents”.

Seeing how easily the children raised by him are in a hurry to leave their home, Sarafanov is not very surprised to find Busygin and Silva, who are going to leave in the morning, secretly. He continues to believe in the story of the eldest son.

Looking at the situation from the outside, Busygin begins to feel sorry for Sarafanov and tries to persuade Nina not to leave her father. In the conversation, it turns out that the girl's fiancé is a reliable guy who never lies. Busygin becomes interested to look at him. Soon he learns that Sarafanov Sr. has not worked in the Philharmonic for six months, but plays in the club of railway workers at dances. “He's not a bad musician, but he never knew how to stand up for himself. Besides, he sips, and so, in the autumn there was a reduction in the orchestra ... ”- says Nina. Sparing the father's pride, the children hide from him that they know about the dismissal. It turns out that Sarafanov himself composes music (a cantata or oratorio "All people are brothers"), but he does it very slowly (stuck on the first page). However, Busygin treats this with understanding and says that maybe this is the way to compose serious music. Calling himself the eldest son, Busygin takes on the burden of other people's worries and problems. His friend Silva, who made the porridge, introducing Busygin as the son of Sarafanov, is only having fun by participating in this whole complicated story.

In the evening, when Nina Kudimov's fiancé comes to the house, Sarafanov raises a toast to his children and utters a wise phrase that reveals his philosophy of life: “... Life is fair and merciful. She makes the heroes doubt, and those who have done little, and even those who have not done anything, but lived with a pure heart, she will always console. "

The truth-loving Kudimov finds out that he saw Sarafanov in the funeral band. Nina and Busygin, trying to smooth out the situation, claim that he mistook himself. He does not calm down, continuing to argue. In the end, Sarafanov confesses that he has not played in the theater for a long time. “I didn't make a serious musician,” he says sadly. Thus, an important moral issue is raised in the play. Which is better: a bitter truth or a saving lie?

The author shows Sarafanov in a deep impasse in life: his wife left, his career did not take place, the children also don’t need him. The author of the oratorio "All people are brothers" in real life feels like a completely lonely person. “Yes, I brought up cruel egoists. Callous, calculating, ungrateful, ”he exclaims, comparing himself to an old sofa that they have long dreamed of throwing away. Sarafanov is already going to go to Chernigov to see Busygin's mother. But suddenly the deception is revealed: having quarreled with a friend, Silva betrays him to imaginary relatives. However, the good-natured Sarafanov refuses to believe him this time. “Whatever it is, I consider you my son,” he says to Busygin. Even after learning the truth, Sarafanov invites him to stay in his house. Nina also changes her mind about leaving for Sakhalin, realizing that Busygin, who lied, is a good, kind person at heart, and Kudimov, who is ready to die for the truth, is cruel and stubborn. At first, Nina even liked his honesty and punctuality, the ability to keep his word. But in reality, these qualities do not justify themselves. Kudimov's straightforwardness becomes not so necessary in life, as it forces the girl's father to experience his creative failures hard, exposes his spiritual wound. The pilot's desire to prove his innocence turns into a useless problem. After all, the children have long known that Sarafanov does not work at the Philharmonic.

Putting special meaning into the concept of "brother", A.B. Vampilov emphasizes that people should be more careful with each other, and most importantly, not try to play with other people's feelings.

The play's happy ending reconciles its central characters. It is symbolic that both the main deceiver and adventurer Silva and the truth-loving Kudimov to the bone leave Sarafanov's house. This suggests that such extremes are not needed in life. A.B. Vampilov shows that, sooner or later, a lie will be supplanted by the truth, but sometimes it is necessary to give a person the opportunity to realize this himself, and not bring him to clean water.

However, there is another side to this problem. Nourishing himself with false illusions, a person always complicates his life. Fearing to be frank with children, Sarafanov almost lost his emotional connection with them. Nina, wanting to quickly arrange her life, almost left for Sakhalin with a man whom she does not love. Vassenka spent so much energy trying to win Natasha's favor, not wanting to listen to his sister's sensible reasoning that Makarskaya was not a match for him.

Many consider Sarafanov Sr. blessed, but his endless faith in people makes them think and care about him, becomes a powerful uniting force that helps him keep his children. It is not for nothing that in the course of the development of the plot, Nina emphasizes that she is dad's daughter. And Vassenka has the same “fine mental organization” as his father.

As at the beginning of the play, Busygin is again late for the last train in the finale. But a day spent in the Sarafanovs' house teaches the hero a good moral lesson. However, joining the struggle for the fate of Sarafanov Sr., Busygin receives an award. He finds the family he dreamed of. In a short time, until recently, people who were completely alien to him became close and dear. He breaks with the empty and worthless Silva, who is no longer interesting to him, and finds new real friends.