Making a corporate film. Corporate film

Making a corporate film.  Corporate film
Making a corporate film. Corporate film

Although the audience for a corporate film may be the same, it is also worth paying attention to where the video will be broadcast. If your company is going to participate in an exhibition, then using such a video is a great solution. But you need to take into account certain features!

  • As a rule, any exhibition event is a crush, nervousness, noise.
  • A standard film, as a rule, has a certain sound range,
  • carrying a semantic load, transmitting information.

Which will be almost completely lost if shown at an exhibition. Standard promotional videos cannot be used for such events. Therefore, use is a bad idea in the case of an exhibition? No, you just need to select the appropriate material feed. It is necessary to concentrate on the video sequence, to make it as vivid as possible, memorable, engraved in memory. And as a sound row, use some melody, which must necessarily correspond to the picture.

A film for a partner. Clients are different. Imagine that you are trying to tell a potential customer about your business. Which is better - a 50-page presentation or a five-to-ten-minute corporate promotional film telling about her achievements, completed projects, and with the words not of your employees, but of satisfied customers? Or another situation - you invite potential partners to an office huddled in a small building, and you have a dozen production sites across the country. Or taking partners to production means losing a few hours in traffic jams. With the help of such products, all these discrepancies will be eliminated.

Don't forget about employees. Using a promotional video is an excellent tool for getting to know the team for new employees, for encouraging them to achieve their goals through the example of colleagues and much more. Do you want to sum up the results of the year or highlight the results of a completed complex project? You can, of course, read out a half-hour report, or you can shoot a video with the participation of your employees, who will be proud of both their work and participation in a corporate collective film.

Our video company has extensive experience in the production of media content for any budget. Of course, Moscow can offer different levels of video services. Our company is trying to meet high professional standards, while being competitive and open for our partners, for whom the production of presentation videos is an important element in shaping the company's image in the eyes of employees and partners.

There are many video studios where you can order a corporate film (there are more than four hundred in Moscow alone), but it's good if at least a third of them have an idea of ​​what a good corporate film should be. And in the best case, studios 10-20 can organize the preparatory process at the proper level, and the filming itself, and the subsequent production (post-production processing of video material and film editing). Therefore, before ordering such a service, you should carefully study the portfolio and thematic showreel of the performers. You can order a corporate film from the "Video studio №1" company, as this studio is just included in the list of those who know and are able to correctly carry out such orders.

A good corporate film can combine different types and techniques of shooting and editing, but absolutely excludes templates and stamps. A good corporate film can be distinguished by a non-standard idea that attracts the attention of the target audience, an extraordinary approach in demonstrating the merits of the products produced by the company. But in no case should it "dazzle" with an abundance of unreasonable graphics, video effects and animated inserts. Usefulness, information content, quality - these are the three pillars on which business-class video products should be based.

Corporate video without templates and tediousness

We have a super ability. It lies in the fact that we know how to shoot videos about the company is not disgusting. That is, without "talking heads", stereotyped decisions, official phrases and faceless solemn music, which invariably cause rejection from the viewer. In general, we can make a product that will want to watch not only the chief and chief marketer, but everyone: company employees, customers, partners, investors, even casual viewers.
Are you sure you want the same video as your competitors?

A corporate film is almost a must for any self-respecting brand. This is a short presentation of the company, presented in the most accessible form - in the form of a video. You already know that no one reads the texts? Except for you ... and us ... But there are not many of us left.

An example of our corporate videos:

So. The corporate video trend has proven to be as pervasive as it is disastrous for many companies. Brand sites flooded with either formal or pretentious but equally dull presentations. Do you want to retell the plot of 90% of these videos on the fly? Get:

  • general plan of the enterprise;
  • conveyor or assembly line with products;
  • the director speaks. Achievement text with numbers that no one perceives;
  • several slides with diagrams, awards, everything you can brag about, an animated map is obligatory (countries are possible, but better than the world);
  • employees of the company strenuously pretend that they are working;
  • a client or a customer is speaking (well, if it's a real one);
  • a few words about social policy / charity;
  • "Company" Name "- innovation, stability, reliability, professionalism." Full screen, large, with fading.

Most Russian presentation videos generally fall under this pattern, which automatically makes them products for private viewing. Only those people who starred in them can watch them with interest. But a corporate film is filmed for other purposes. It doesn't matter who it is designed for: employees or customers with partners - the product should delight, surprise, make you smile or raise an eyebrow with interest - in general, evoke genuine emotions from the viewer. Creative production Big-boom will help you come up with and shoot just such a video clip.

How is the shooting going

We are not Kubriks, but we can do something

You can order the creation of a presentation or advertising corporate film on a turnkey basis. Production starts with an idea: with our creative team, in a reasonably short time frame, we will come up with a story that really hooks the viewer. Naturally, all these marketing tricks will be taken into account: target audience, insights, barriers, consumption motives, etc.

When the idea is born, we write the script and start implementing it. It is not a problem to embed 3D animation, VFX special effects, 360 or even VR filming into the video. Drones, clones, whatever you want ... If appropriate, of course.

Production, post-production (sound, graphics, editing, painting) - and your corporate film is already languishing in anticipation of the audience.

And in the end, dry, harsh facts. We shoot:

  • Corporate films for internal demonstration: for training, career guidance, regular reports, building communications, congratulating employees.
  • Videos for external use: consumers, potential and existing customers, investors.
  • For the B2B sphere: videos for exhibitions, professional conferences, meetings with partners.

- one of the activities of Compass production. In recent years, this is one of the most demanded areas in the media market and now it is more of a business necessity than fashion.

Along with advertising in the media, corporate films are one of the most modern and highly effective means of communication. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the production of an advertising film for the image of a modern solid company. This format allows you to tell more fully about the company, its goals and the specifics of its activities.

The corporate video for the well-known company UNIT-Orgtekhnika perfectly shows all the business qualities and forms the image of a well-known service provider in Russia. We offer you to watch the video and evaluate the quality of its performance:

Corporate video Unit-Office equipment:

Corporate video "Red October":

For more than one year, the Compass studio has been making corporate films that are successfully shown to employees and partners. You can get acquainted with them in our.

The effectiveness of a corporate film is much higher than that of any other advertisement, because it is shown exclusively in front of the target audience. Visibility and informational content are its main trump cards. The creation of a corporate film is performed for its display at conferences, meetings, meetings, exhibitions, television and many other places.

Corporate films are intended for audiences inside and outside the company. Often, the activities of the company's management (director or manager) are poorly known to all of its employees. Filming a corporate film is very important for the corporate spirit of the employees and clarification of the company's mission. The internal audience in this case is employees, personnel and shareholders of the company. External audience - clients, real and potential; investors and business partners of the company; government agencies and officials.

Types and objectives of corporate films

Corporate video is also called business or industrial video. You can call it whatever you like, the important thing is the result it helps to achieve. First of all, it is a powerful media tool used to accomplish a number of tasks such as:

  • Sales volumes and their increase.
  • New brand presentation.
  • Targeted advertising.
  • Merchandising.
  • Creation of the company's image.
  • Informing clients or investors about the company's activities.
  • Training of company employees.

It is customary to divide video production of this type into the following categories:

  • Presentation films
  • Instructional films
  • Technology films
  • Video catalog
  • PR films
  • Poster films

This division is partly arbitrary, because one and the same corporate film of a company can perform several functions at once or contain elements aimed at different audiences. The scope of application of these films is very wide and therefore the shooting of corporate films occupies an important place among the orders of our production.

You can view the samples at.

To place an order for the production of a corporate video, you send us a brief. After analyzing the information provided, we provide you with an estimate of the future video or film. A sample brief can be obtained by contacting us in any way convenient for you.

- this is what every company needs, which is going to position itself in a certain way in the market and in society. If you decide to shoot a corporate film, then you need to clearly understand the goals and objectives that the video will perform. The production of a corporate film pursues different goals: advertising the company, its products, forming an image, training employees and customers, introducing a new brand on the market, informing the public about the company's activities.

A corporate video, shot to increase sales, differs from a traditional commercial primarily in terms of timing. Corporate video Is a small film, the hero of which is the product being sold.

Production of corporate films- this is what can distinguish a company from the rest, make it more attractive and modern. Such a film makes it possible to inform clients about the company's activities in a convenient and attractive way for them.

The production of a corporate film to represent a new brand requires careful script writing. New brands appear regularly, and corporate films are shot for each of them. It is difficult to stand out here, but it is necessary.

Making a corporate film- This is the direct process of video production, which includes the preparatory stage, writing the script for the film, the filming process, and the post-production stage.

Filming a corporate film- this is the stage at which material is obtained for further processing. Filming of corporate films takes place both on the territory of the company and in pavilions with sets and green studios. Thus, the production of corporate films is an area in which the use of special effects, computer graphics, and various production technologies is not only justified, but recommended. Especially often, special effects are used to create corporate videos to form the desired image of the company. The film looks more convincing with them.

A corporate film is a video that helps to improve the company's image. It is created and shown to a specific target audience: it can be the company's customers, employees, or another wider audience (for example, visitors to a specialized exhibition). Also, a corporate film is sometimes understood as image or presentation videos. In general, all these concepts and names are closely related, so much so that over time the difference between them has practically disappeared and all the difference lies in positioning.

So, a corporate video can tell about the history of the company, or about one of the directions of its activity. It can be a kind of video report about the accomplishments, timed to coincide with an anniversary or other important event. Or, for example, which is happening more and more often, it can be a movie-mood, metaphors, visual and audio images that convey the values ​​and aspirations of the company to people.

Today, such films have organically merged into the corporate culture of many companies. Creation of videos of this type (as, indeed, any others) with the definition of goals and the general concept of the video. At this stage, it is important to accurately determine the priorities, the target group, and the length of the corporate film. The latter is very important from the point of view of communicating the main thesis of the video to the viewer. Sometimes this can be achieved with a three-minute video, and in some cases a corporate video begins to gravitate towards a serious documentary film, and the duration grows up to several hours. If you need such a film, and you want to get it by a certain date, then you need to start preparing for filming at least a few months in advance. There are times when a company needs to make a corporate film, for example, about the production of an icebreaker or a submarine. In these situations, all work on the production of a video can take several years.

What can be a corporate film?

A corporate film can consist of a video interview with company employees; from filming of production or work processes; from graphic visualization of statistical data or from video footage fragments from memorable dates. If we talk about the modern trend with metaphorical videos, then the video sequence of such films, as a rule, consists of memorable frames, both sometimes completely unrelated to the company, and demonstrating the processes in the company from the best poetic side.

  • Variants of interview filming range from the now classic filming of a person at the workplace to an interview where the narrator acts as a guide through the department / workshop / room. In the first version, the narrator can look directly into the camera, as if talking to the viewer tete-a-tete, or look away at the interviewer - in this case, a slightly different effect is created - this is the feeling of being at a press conference, but as if from the outside. When filming a video in motion, when the narrator moves in space, you get the impression of being on an excursion specially for you. At the same time, the veil of formality completely flies off the video sequence - it becomes light and unobtrusive. This works especially well if the narrator has remarkable charisma and a pleasant voice.
  • When creating production videos, it is very useful to depict all the important production processes. If they are automated, it makes sense to focus on the demonstration of all, even small movements of mechanisms - even the simplest parts of the production line can cause indescribable delight in the viewer - the most important thing is to remove them correctly.
  • If you need to add graphic animation or video infographics to a corporate video, you can choose from several basic options - these can be separately created graphic frames or graphics placed on top of the video footage. The latter can be tied to specific elements of the scene and look like it is an integral part of the footage. Perhaps your choice will be a video completely rendered using graphics.
  • For a corporate film, you can use 3D or 2D animation. The possibilities for creating videos with graphics are limited by only two things - the imagination of the designers and the budget. With the help of modern tools, you can recreate truly incredible images - and if this will work for the benefit of the company's image, then why not.
  • When producing a corporate film, the task of which is not to disclose information, but to show the viewer the right mood, to evoke positive emotions associated with the company, it is always very important to pay special attention to the audio sequence. Whatever your video sequence, no matter how great it looks and no matter how hard the operator tries, the video will not work without music. With all this, the opposite is true - you can take great music, buy several videos on video hosting, add thoughtful text and the video will be ready. And if the music is good, no one will notice the forgery. If the goal of your corporate film is to tell at least some more or less connected story, then the video sequence, of course, should be taken with due attention. Three components: voice, music and video should work towards one goal, amplifying the effect from each other. If this is the case, then instead of a beautiful touching clip, you will be able to get a real corporate FILM, and not a corporate video sequence.
  • If after all that you have read, you decide to order a video, then you are welcome to our production studio imagine. We will make your film in such a way that after watching you will not be able to restrain your delight - we guarantee!

In previous articles, we have already described what benefits an enterprise can bring, and how to show this video to potential consumers. Why are we coming back to this topic again? Let's give some facts.

According to forecasts of experts from Google and Cisco Systems, next year about 90% of Internet traffic will come from video. YouTube's audience is growing. Today, more and more people search for content using the YouTube search engine rather than standard search engines. Recipes, reviews, tests, tips, instructions - this is not a complete list of video content that is gaining popularity.

Video producers are also moving forward: content is getting more, it is becoming more spectacular, its quality is increasing, and the timing is shrinking. The video responds to audience requests. As the most effective communication channel, video provides extremely high conversion to purchase, especially at the stage when the customer has already realized the need to purchase. The video effectively tilts the balance in favor of the product during the comparison phase. Companies that show up with previews of their videos get an average of 50% more clicks from leads.

But enough statistics. Let's move on to specific examples. As a result of the search, we have selected 4 companies, each of which is successfully working in its own field. When choosing a video, we focused on the quality of the work of the creators of the video, and on the effect created by the video clip, including a good impression of the quality of the products, the professionalism of the employees and the culture of the company.

Veterinary clinic BEST (Novosibirsk)

In a comprehensive description of veterinary practice, every frame emphasizes the idea that competent staff here treat all four-legged patients and their owners with love and attention. A good technique is the presence of a cross-cutting plot - a visit to the clinic by the owner of the dog. We get to know the staff of the clinic, learn about their experience and achievements. The film details the many small details that make up everyday medical practice. The only remark about the video product is that the length of the video should be somewhat reduced. It is unlikely that many people will watch the video to the end. But the creators managed to ensure the high quality of the video material and its presentation. Each frame of the video draws the viewer's attention to the high professional standards of the BEST clinic. The creators of the video set the task to show that the number of negative experiences in animals (and, accordingly, in their owners) is minimized. Excellent shooting of a corporate film. As a result: 6,300 views on YouTube. We estimate the conversion to a call at 50%.

Rosé Restaurant (Budapest, Hungary)

By genre standards, the speaker in these films is either the owner or the chef. However, the restaurant focuses on serving foreigners, so the creators decided to get rid of the problems with subtitles and dubbing, completely abandoning the use of talking heads in the frame. This five and a half minute film features well-chosen music and excellent work of the director of photography who does their job. Live unrefined camera work, typical characters, street movie elements - all this works to create an atmosphere. After watching, there remains a desire to taste food that will be prepared especially for us, and which cannot turn out to be tasteless - after all, we have seen what wonderful products they will cook it from.

The video is on the first page of Google search results. The vast majority of TripAdvisor reviews are from foreigners. The average rating of the institution is between "excellent" and "very good". The number of views on YouTube has already approached 50 thousand. With an estimated movie budget of $ 5,000, a 10-cent contact cost is an excellent indicator.

Well, I'm ready to place an order. Carry everything!

Ludwig Reiter Shoe Factory (Vienna, Austria)

In conclusion, let's move to neighboring Austria. This corporate video shows the process of making shoes, as they say, inside and out. To achieve the result - making the viewer want to buy a classic pair of shoes made by hand by a skilled craftsman - the whole video sequence and classical piano music work. Traditions are emphasized in every plan: large and macro plans on old tools, calloused hands. The film is intended for true connoisseurs of classic footwear who disdain to buy footwear from the mass market. Will everything in this video be clear to those who do not know German? We guarantee - everything is clear without words.

We've shown examples of how corporate video on a very tight budget can sell your services and products. All the films in our selection did not require serious Hollywood production, there is no deep thought in them - there is a finished script, good work of the operator, and simple editing. Shooting a corporate film solves one specific problem - it conveys your message to an audience that is used to trusting the video format. And if you don't have it yet, it's time to start making it. Call us +7 495 1333 905 and schedule a meeting.