The modern left-hander is a smoking room. Modern "Levsha" Message about a modern left-handed master of his craft

The modern left-hander is a smoking room.  Modern
The modern left-hander is a smoking room. Modern "Levsha" Message about a modern left-handed master of his craft

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There are only two ways to live life.
The first is that miracles do not exist.
The second - as if there were only miracles all around.
Albert Einstein

Course of the lesson

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Look: you have different objects on your desks: a poppy seed, a grain of rice, a needle ... Do you think it is possible to fit a caravan of camels into the eye of a needle? And write two pages of printed text on a grain of rice? And on a poppy seed to place the familiar fairy-tale characters: Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and even Eeyore's donkey? Do you think this is impossible? Today I invite you to go to a mysterious land where real wizards live who can do it!

The song "Where Are Wizards Found?" (One verse.) Slide 2.

Recently we have read the tale of NS Leskov “Levsha”. We talked a lot about the talent of the Russian people who shod fleas. Moreover, the Tula masters shod a flea, as you remember, without using a microscope! Do you believe this is possible? I don’t know how then, but today it’s definitely possible. This art is called microminiature. True, there are only a few people who are engaged in such a difficult task in the whole world.

What is microminiature?

Microminiature is a rare form of art, which is the creation of small, amazing creations under a microscope. Slide 3.

Do you want to know more about this art? Then let's first go to St. Petersburg to the Russian Lefty Microminiature Museum. Slide 4.

So, we are in St. Petersburg. We enter the museum hall. An unusual museum, isn't it? Can you see anything? So General Platov saw nothing in N.S. Leskov's tale. Remember, he said to the emperor: "Nymphozoria," he says, "Your Majesty, everything is in the same space, and I brought her back, and the Tula masters could not have done anything more amazing." Slide 5.

Why don't we see anything? The museum's collection is unique in that all exhibits are less than a millimeter. It is possible to examine micro-objects only with the help of magnifying devices - microscopes, mounted in exhibition forms. Slide 6.

Let's take a closer look at those who can create such amazing things. (The story about the masters of microminiature is conducted by trained groups of students. When describing the works, materials from the author's sites were used. The addresses are indicated in the list of references).

Page 1. Vladimir Aniskin

Brief biographical note. Slides 7-8.

Aniskin Vladimir Mikhailovich was born in 1973 in Novosibirsk. Graduated with honors from Novosibirsk State Technical University. He began to study the art of microminiature in 1998. Since 1999 he has been working at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the SB RAS. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Vladimir Aniskin said: “I hold the instrument with my fingers while working. The beating of the heart interferes with the work, therefore, especially delicate work has to be done between the beats of the heart. ” That is why the art of microminiature can be called art between heartbeats.

In the collection of Vladimir Aniskin there are such classic works of the genre as a shod flea, a caravan of camels in the eye of a needle, inscriptions on a grain of rice and a human hair. All work is done by hand using a microscope and homemade machines that fit in the palm of your hand.

Let's take a look at these works. And the author himself will help to find out more about them.

Shod flea Kuzmovna. Slide 9.

A real flea is shod with two jumping legs. Horseshoes are made of dye, studs are made of steel. Horseshoe width 50 μm (0.05 mm)

Do you know why she is Kuzmovna? Because the “sponsor” of this flea was the cat Kuzya!

Camels in the eye of a needle. Slide 10.

Seven camels are located in the eye of a needle. The height of the camels is 80-100 microns (0.08-0.1 mm). Material - platinum

Camel caravan. Slide 11.

Eight tired camels wander dejectedly in the desert against the backdrop of the setting sun.
Camels are housed inside a hollow horsehair. Hair diameter 120 microns (0.12 mm), camel height 70-80 microns (0.07-0.08 mm). The material is platinum.

The author is often asked how he placed camels in the hair. Placing 8 objects inside the drilled hair so that all objects are in the same plane is a very, very difficult task. The hair was drilled lengthwise, then polished inside and out. After polishing, the hair resembles a small glass tube. Then camels were placed inside.

A grain of rice. Slide 12.

On the cut is a fragment from “The Tale of the Tula Lefty and the Steel Flea” by NS Leskov. On a grain of rice 2027 letters fit into 22 lines.

A grain of rice was cut and polished. The text is engraved. Those. at first letters were scratched with a very sharply sharpened needle, and then they were rubbed with black paint. If you look closely, you will notice a golden horseshoe located next to the first word.

Aerodrome. Slide 14.

There are 20 airplanes and a helicopter on the cut of a poppy seed. The planes are not flat - they are not the contour of the planes cut out of foil, but the planes are three-dimensional.

Rose in the hair. Slide 15.

Rosebud width 65 microns (0.065 mm). Stems and leaves are made from pieces of green dust.

“A figure should be good,” says Vladimir Aniskin and creates a collection dedicated to children's cartoons.

Pinocchio and the Turtle Tortilla. Slide 13.

On a cut of a grape seed are Pinocchio, the frog and the tortoise Tortilla, looking out of the “water”.

The composition is located on a cut of a grape seed. Unfortunately, viewers rarely notice the frog sitting next to Pinocchio. The turtle is holding out exactly the golden key. Moreover, note that the turtle looks out of the water, i.e. there is a continuation of the turtle in the water. It even has hind legs, but the author was unable to make the water transparent enough to be seen. A water lily is visible in the background.

Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore. Slide 16.

Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore donkey are located on a cut of a poppy seed. It was quite difficult to do this work: the figures are tiny, Piglet's neck is tiny, the ladybug is tiny. The idea of ​​creating a flower and a ladybug on it was born only after all three characters were made.

The fact is that when the fairy-tale characters were made and preliminarily placed on a cut of a poppy seed, it turned out that almost half of the seed was empty and free. It was then that the thought of a flower and a bug on it was born.

Krosh. Slide 17.

The hero of the cartoon "Smeshariki" is located at the end of the hair. Hair diameter 100 μm (0.1 mm)

Gena and Cheburashka. Slide 18.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are placed on a cut of a poppy seed. The height of Cheburashka is 0.6 mm, Genes is 1.4 mm.

This work was extremely difficult to accomplish. These figures are three-dimensional, and it is very, very difficult to process a three-dimensional small object. After all, a flat object can be glued and then processed, but a three-dimensional object is rather difficult to glue. Pay attention to Gena's buttons and a butterfly. Crocodile Gena even has teeth! They are made of platinum.

The most difficult thing was to give the characters' faces an expression. The complexity of creation is also manifested in the fact that the parts are made separately and assembled only at the last stage.

Lilies of the valley. Slide 19.

Two lilies of the valley, one of which is in a glass, are located on a cut of a poppy seed.

The glass was carved out of green plexiglass on a small lathe. But the glass wall is transparent due to its thickness. The seed is fixed on the middle bell of a large lily of the valley made of glass and located on a white stone.

Lily of the valley stalks are made of ordinary dust particles. It was difficult enough to firmly connect the dust particles.

The composition is dedicated to Russian women.

Page 2. Anatoly Konenko

Brief biographical note. Slides 20 - 21.

1981 - graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. M. Gorky (Faculty of Art and Graphics). He taught drawing, painting, applied art, prototyping at the construction college. He began to study microminiature.

1994 - published the first miniature book.

1996 - Published the smallest book in the world.

2002 - entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the publication of the book 0.9 x 0.9 mm.

2007 - June 15, a permanent exhibition of works by Anatoly Konenko was opened in the Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after M.A. Vrubel.

Anatoly Konenko since 1981 was the first in Siberia to study the art of microminiature. In a short period, he invented and mastered the technology of writing on rice, poppy seeds, and then on human hair. He spent many years searching for technologies and inventing microtools.

Anatoly Konenko also has classic works: the already familiar shod flea, a caravan of camels in the eye of a needle. But, of course, there are unique works in his collection. The author submits many of his works in a large-scale comparison with insects, grains or hairs, which allows him to advantageously show the uniqueness of the work performed. A violin in the paws of a grasshopper creates a well-known poetic image, horseshoes on the paws of a flea allow the imagination to revive the scene of Leskov's Lefty.

Flea. Slide 22.

A real flea is shod with gold horseshoes measuring 0.25 x 0.2 mm. (The area of ​​the horseshoe is 0.05 mm, which is 6,000,000 times smaller than the horseshoe of a horse). Three holes were drilled with a 0.03 mm drill. The development of technology and the manufacture of this miniature lasted for 7.5 years.

Camel caravan in the eye of a needle. Slide 23.

Figures of camels and drovers made of gold. Height 0.25mm

Eiffel Tower on the proboscis of a mosquito. Slide 24.

Metal. Height 3.2 mm. (Located in the Museum of World Miniatures in Montelimar, France).

Grasshopper with a violin. Slide 25.

The violin is 12 mm long. Made of walnut shell, fiberglass strings. The violin has all the details of a real instrument. Inside there is a tag with the author's name, date of manufacture, country and city name. The grasshopper is real.

The lock and key on the leg of the ant. Slide 26.

The details of the lock and key are made of the thinnest plate of gold.

Key length - 0.24 mm, ring diameter - 0.1 mm. The lock is 0.24 mm high, the shackle is 0.012 mm thick. The height of the keyhole is 0.04 mm, the width is 0.018 mm.

Indoor ant, red. Its length is 2 mm.

A small train on a human hair. Slide 27.

A 0.24 mm high locomotive made of gold is placed on the hair.

The thickness of the gold plate from which the locomotive parts are made is 0.0032 mm.

Shoes. Slide 28.

Miniature leather shoes 17 mm long. Scale 1: 12 (world standard).

Portrait of A.S. Pushkin. Slide 29.

The portrait of A.S. Pushkin is made of separate pieces of human hair of different shades. Hair thickness 0.08 mm. The mosaic is glued to a natural mica plate. Stearin candle with wick. This candlestick is cut out of wood.

"Three heroes". Slide 30.

Microminiature from the painting by V. Vasnetsov. 10 x 7 mm, watercolor, mammoth bone.

Microbooks. Slides 31 - 34.

One of the areas where A. Konenko has shown himself most widely is the miniature book. Since 1994 A. Konenko has published about two hundred mini-books (no more than 30 - 99 copies each). 35 of them are mini- and 14 microbooks by A.S. Pushkin, for which in 1997 he was accepted as an Honorary Member of the World Pushkin Club in New York.

When publishing mini- and micro-books, A. Konenko is an artist, designer, engraver, bookbinder. All books are bound and decorated by hand. Thus, each book is a work of applied art.

The smallest book in the world. Slides 35 - 36.

In 1997, using his skills in the field of micro-art, A. Konenko managed to publish a circulation SUPER micro-book less than 1 mm in size, and, in all respects (size, number of pages, lines and letters per page, stitched binding, even color illustrations), it surpassed the Scottish (1 x 1.5 mm) published in 1986. This was officially announced at the XV World Contress in Bethlehem (USA), where A. Konenko presented his SUPER microbook A. Chekhov “Chameleon” Size 0.9 x 0, 9 mm. In 2002, she was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. This record put Russia in first place in the world in the field of microbook publishing. One copy of the book is in the library of the President of Russia.

Felt boots. Slides 37 - 39.

To understand how difficult it is to make microbalens using wet felting technologies, Anatoly and Stanislav Konenko studied these processes in theory and practice. As a result, they managed to felle felt felt boots, first 5 mm in size, then 4 mm, and at the end of their experiments 3 mm along the length of the foot. All processes were carried out under a microscope for greater accuracy. For the felting process, special tools and devices were made.

Then felt boots with a size of 1.5 mm were made.

Aquarium. Slide 40.

On February 12, 2011 Anatoly and Stanislav Konenko made the smallest aquarium with fish in the world. The bottom of the aquarium is laid with colored stones and algae. With the help of a small net, fry of aquarium fish zebrafish were launched into the mini-aquarium.

On September 22, 2011, the mini aquarium was entered into the World Records Academy's list of records as the smallest in the world.

Olympic torch. Slides 41 - 45.

But the original idea was not only to grind the layout, but also to make it work, that is, it could burn. Of course, Omsk Levsha could not do without a microscope. But in the end it worked out. The micro-torch is filled with either alcohol or kerosene.

“I would be interested to light this torch from the Olympic flame, it would be interesting,” says the master.

Page 3. Nikolay Aldunin

Brief biographical note. Slides 46 -47.

Microminiature master Nikolai Sergeevich Aldunin was born on September 1, 1956 in the village of Yuzhnaya Lamovatka, Voroshilovgrad region. (Voroshilovgrad - now the City of Lugansk). Of all natural and artificial materials, from childhood I fell in love with metals and metal products. Working as a locksmith, and then as a turner at industrial enterprises, he learned all the secrets of metalworking. Several years ago he got the idea to shoe a flea. I wanted to prove that it was not in vain that N. Leskov sang and glorified the Tula Masters all over the world. I spent two years preparing, and then sat down at the microscope. Three months later, when I finished my work, I realized that I had “found myself” in microminiature. He quit his job and decided to take seriously this very difficult and interesting craft. He believes that a person's achievement of goals in life depends on desire: the higher the goal, the greater the desire should be.

Among the works of Nikolai Aldunin there are also classic ones (a shod flea, a caravan of camels). But he also created micro-samples of weapons and military equipment.

A shod flea. Slides 48.

Shoed flea and horseshoes. Shiny dots - reflections of carnations. Material - 999.9 gold. The master calculated that 2,500 flea horseshoes can fit on one match head!

Camel caravan. Slide 49.

Camel caravan in the eye of a needle. The height of the camels is 0.20-0.28 mm. Material - 999.9 gold.

Tank T 34/85. Slides 50 - 51.

Tank T 34/85. Located on a longitudinal cut of an apple grain. Body length - 2 mm. Number of details - 257. Material - 999.9 standard gold.

AKM assault rifle - 47. Slide 52.

AKM assault rifle - 47. Length - 1.625 mm. Consists of 34 parts. Material - gold 585 and 999.9 samples. Manufacturing time - 6 months. Located across the match

Tula samovar. Slides 53 - 54.

Tula samovar. Height - 1.2 mm. Nearby there is a grain of sugar. Material - 999.9 gold. Made from 12 parts.

Bike. Slides 55 - 56.

Bike. Length - 2 mm. Located on the sewing needle.

Ostankino Tower. Slide 57.

Ostankino Tower. Height - 6.3 mm. Material - 999.9 gold. Located on an apple seed.

Portraits of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol and Leo Tolstoy. Slides 58-59.

Located on rice grains.

Closing remarks from the teacher.

As I browsed the Internet on this topic, I saw a lot of rave reviews. But among them were not even indifferent reviews, but negative ones. They boiled down, as a rule, to the words: "Is there really nothing more for a person to do?" Yes, there are probably more important things in everyday life: you can grow bread, build airplanes, heal people ... But it is rightly said that people are not fed up with bread alone, and it is not only doctors who cure. Art, including the amazing art of microminiature, is also capable of healing. First of all, our souls. Therefore, I would like to end our lesson with a poem by the modern poetess Natalia Mavrodi "As long as there are eccentrics."

  • Microminiature master Nikolay Sergeevich Aldunin was born in 1956. in the Voroshilovgrad region (USSR).
    Of all natural and artificial materials, from childhood I fell in love with metals and metal products. Working as a locksmith and turner at industrial enterprises, he learned all the secrets of metalworking.
    And as a metalworker, he proved that it was not in vain that the writer N. Leskov sang and glorified the Tula Masters all over the world.
    I spent two years preparing, and then sat down at the microscope.
    And three months later, when I finished my first work, I realized that I had “found myself” in microminiature. Seriously engaged in this very difficult and interesting craft,
    BUT he “shod a flea” with golden horseshoes (this was his first job!),
    and also created a whole gallery of wonderful works of microminiature.
    His microminiatures can be viewed here:
    Microminiature is an exquisitely executed work of microscopic dimensions.
    Moreover, all his works are made by hand, without the use of any machines and mechanisms, but only with a tool of his own manufacture.
    And, for example, the miniature "a caravan of camels in the eye of a needle" is simply the height of skill.
    Unfortunately, in September 2009. Nikolai Aldunin died suddenly (he was only 53 years old), BUT his unique miniature works remained and, of course, should be exhibited at various exhibitions, incl. and abroad.
    This is also a good example to the young that there are and will certainly be followers of such world-class Masters in Russia!

    P.S. I suggest the moderators create a special section (blog) on ​​this site, for example, under the title - “There are real masters in Russia”,
    where information about similar unique works of individual craftsmen (“new faberge” - jewelers, watchmakers, creators of some unique tools, devices, gift weapons for hunting, already created “metal” new inventions, etc.) could be placed.
    And also examples of how the restoration of old and military equipment by Russian masters,
    creation of exact copies of old cars, restoration and restoration of various architectural monuments in Russian cities (for example, recently, both new and in its original form - the "Bolshoi Theater" in Moscow), restoration by craftsmen and launch of various industries using old technologies (for curious tourists), etc. ...
    There were already examples here that would be worth transferring ... and collecting them in such a special section on the site - "Made by us!"
    After all, it is worth knowing not only politicians, athletes, scientists ... and all kinds of "show business" figures, BUT also real world-class masters of their craft in their country!

    Microminiature master Nikolai Sergeevich Aldunin was born on September 1, 1956 in the village of Yuzhnaya Lamovatka, Voroshilovgrad region. Of all natural and artificial materials, from childhood I fell in love with metals and metal products. Working as a locksmith, and then as a turner at industrial enterprises, he learned all the secrets of metalworking. With some kind of inner instinct, he immediately accurately selected the cutting mode for metals, this made it possible to increase the number of products, increasing their quality. Nikolay considers the existing "metal technology" imperfect. Several years ago he got the idea to shoe a flea. I wanted to prove that it was not in vain that N. Leskov sang and glorified the Tula Masters all over the world. I spent two years preparing, and then sat down at the microscope. Three months later, when I finished my work, I realized that I had “found myself” in microminiature. He quit his job and decided to take seriously this very difficult and interesting craft.

    AKM-47 assault rifle. Length - 1.625 mm. Consists of 34 parts. Material - gold 585 and 999.9 samples. Manufacturing time - 6 months. Located across the match.

    Ostankino Tower. Height - 6.3 mm. Material - 999.9 gold. Perched on an apple seed

    Tula samovar. Height - 1.2 mm, next to a grain of sugar. Material - 999.9 gold. Made from 12 pieces

    Tank T34 / 85. Located on a longitudinal cut of an apple grain. Body length - 2 mm. The number of details - 257. Material - 999.9 standard gold

    Tank T34 / 85. Body length - 2 mm. The number of details - 257. Material - 999.9 standard gold

    Bike. Length - 2 mm. Located on the sewing needle

    May you live happily ever after. The height of the letters is 0.14 mm. Material - 999.9 gold. Rice grain

    Portrait of A.S. Pushkin (enlarged). Portrait height - 1 mm

    N.V. Gogol. Rice grain portrait

    A shod flea. Shiny dots - reflections of carnations. Material - gold 999.9 assay value

    Nikolai Sergeevich believes that a person's achievement of goals in life depends on desire: the higher the goal, the greater the desire should be.

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    Presentation on the topic:

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    Research on left-handedness. Research on left-handedness in Russia began in the 1920s. One of the first articles on this topic - "Children's left-handedness and the problem of educating the left hand." Dr. Kapustin A.A. In it, he published the results of a neurological examination of children. Among those surveyed, 0.7% were left-handed, and most of them had developmental disorders. Doctor Kapustin pronounced the verdict: "Lefty children for the most part are degenerates, weighed down by the coarse stigma of degeneration and poorly gifted." This forecast did not come true ...

    Slide No. 5

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    Einstein's paradox. Albert Einstein, according to Viach. Ivanova, was a person of a pronounced right hemispheric type. Judging by his biography, in our time he would be considered a child with a diagnosis of DPD and would study in a correctional class. Belonging to the culture, which is usually called "left hemisphere", we put forward the criterion of speech development as the main criterion for assessing development. This is where Einstein had a weak point. He learned to speak late and had a poorly developed speech. While studying at school, little Albert continued to use the words of the "children's" language such as "baba" instead of "grandmother" and "kitty" instead of "cat". And of course, he did not own the turnover "based on the above" or "we will draw the appropriate conclusion." Much later, already being a world-renowned physicist, he expressed his opinion that the delay in mastering the vocabulary of adults helped the beginning of his scientific reflections. By the age when he belatedly began to use the German words "time" and "space", he already understood: none of the adults properly knows what these words mean. Words, writes Viach. Ivanov, always played an auxiliary role for Einstein, if they did not interfere with him. His thinking proceeded in non-verbal right-brain images. No wonder he was an excellent musician. Cit. based on the book of Viach. Ivanova “Odd and Even. Asymmetry of the brain and dynamics of sign systems ”.

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    Don't compare! Living cannot be compared ... O. Mandelstam. It is believed that in our country about 7%, and in the USA - 13% are left-handed people. Among them there are many outstanding people, such as P. Picasso, J. Caesar, Michelangelo, Beethoven, C. Chaplin, E. Rubik, A. Macedonsky, Napoleon, V.I. Dahl, Jeanne D'Arc, P. Macartney, P.I. Tchaikovsky: Left-handed people make up 20% of all talented people with a high IQ.

    Slide No. 7

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    Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955) Born in Germany, introduced the concept of a photon. In 1916 he formulated the general theory of relativity, which brought him great popularity. He proposed a theory of optical phenomena in moving bodies. Winner of the Nobel Prize (1921) for the discovery of the laws of the Photoelectric effect.

    Slide No. 8

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    DAL Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-72), Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1838). Essays (30-40s) in the spirit of the natural school under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky. Collection "Proverbs of the Russian people" (1861-62). He created the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” (vols. 1-4, 1863-66), for which he was awarded the title of Honorary Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1863).

    Slide No. 9

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    (Jeanne d "Arc), the Maid of Orleans (c. 1412-31), people's heroine of France. From a peasant family. During the Hundred Years War of 1337-1453 she led the struggle of the French people against the English invaders, in 1429 she liberated Orleans from the siege. In 1430 she got captured by the Burgundians, who sold her to the British, who declared Joan of Arc a sorceress and brought her to the church court. Accused of heresy, she was burned at the stake in Rouen. Canonized by the Catholic Church in 1920.

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    PICASSO Pablo (complete Pablo Ruiz-y-Picasso; Ruiz-y-Picasso) (October 25, 1881, Malaga - April 8, 1973, Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes), French painter, Spanish by birth. In the 1900s ("blue" and "pink" periods) he created highly expressive works dedicated to disadvantaged people ("Girl on a Ball", 1905). Since 1907, the founder of Cubism, since the mid-1910s, he created works in the spirit of neoclassicism, in a number of works he was close to surrealism. Picasso's works are sometimes full of pain and protest, have great social significance ("Guernica", 1937), deep humanistic content (drawing "Dove of Peace", 1947). He worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist. International Lenin Prize (1962). International Peace Prize (1950).

    Slide No. 11

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    CAESAR (Caesar) Guy Julius (100-44 BC), Roman dictator 49, 48-46, 45, from 44 BC. NS. - for life. General. He began political activity as a supporter of the republican group, holding the position of a military tribune in 73 BC. B.C., aedile in 65 B.C. e., praetor in 62 BC. NS. Seeking a consulate, in 60 BC. NS. entered into an alliance with G. Pompey and Crassus (1st triumvirate). Consul in 59 BC e., then the governor of Gaul; in 58-51 BC NS. subjugated to Rome the entire trans-Alpine Gaul. In 49 BC. e., relying on the army, began the struggle for autocracy. After defeating Pompey and his supporters in 49-45 BC. NS. (Crassus died in 53 BC), found himself at the head of state. Having concentrated in his hands a number of the most important republican posts (dictator, consul, etc.), he became in fact a monarch. Killed by a Republican conspiracy. Author of "Notes on the Gallic War" and "Notes on Civil Wars"; carried out a reform of the calendar (Julian calendar).

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    LEONARDO DA VINCI Scientists have spent many years on deciphering the diaries of Leonardo da Vinci: they were written in mirror-right to left-hand left hand. They are striking in their original form of judgments about space and time. (Leonardo da Vinci) (April 15, 1452, Vinci near Florence - May 2, 1519, Clou Castle, near Amboise, Touraine, France), Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, engineer. Combining the development of new means of artistic language with theoretical generalizations, Leonardo da Vinci created the image of a person that meets the humanistic ideals of the High Renaissance. In the painting "The Last Supper" (1495-1497, in the refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan), high ethical content is expressed in strict rules of composition, a clear system of gestures and facial expressions of the characters. The humanistic ideal of female beauty is embodied in the portrait of Mona Lisa (La Gioconda, circa 1503). Numerous discoveries, projects, experimental research in the field of mathematics, natural sciences, mechanics. He defended the decisive importance of experience in the knowledge of nature (notebooks and manuscripts, about 7 thousand sheets).

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    McCartney Paul (James Paul) (b. June 18, 1942, Liverpool), English rock singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, one of the leading members of the Beatles. In 1957 he met John Lennon. Acquaintance resulted in a long-term and super successful creative collaboration, which became the basis for the success of the Beatles. By 1963, the group had become phenomenally popular. Much credit for this belongs to McCartney, who was the author of her most famous hits. Many songs were co-written with Lennon.

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    NAPOLEON I Bonaparte (Napoleon I Bonaparte, Buonaparte) (August 15, 1769, Ajaccio - May 5, 1821, St. Helena), French statesman, commander, emperor in 1804-1814 and in March - June 1815. Began service in the army in 1785 with the rank of junior lieutenant of artillery; advanced during the Great French Revolution. In November 1799, he made a coup d'état (18 Brumaire), as a result of which he became the first consul, who in fact concentrated in his hands over time all the power; in 1804 he was proclaimed emperor. He carried out a number of reforms (adoption of the Civil Code, 1804; foundation of the French Bank, 1800). Thanks to victorious wars, he significantly expanded the territory of the empire, made most of the states of Western and Central Europe dependent on France. The defeat of Napoleonic troops in the war of 1812 against Russia marked the beginning of the collapse of the empire of Napoleon I.

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    CHAPLIN Charles Spencer (1889-1977), American actor, film director, screenwriter, composer. Born in London, from 1913 in the USA. In 1952 he left the United States for political reasons. Chaplin's humanistic, anti-capitalist and anti-fascist comedies gained international fame: The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), New Times (1936), The Great Dictator (1940), Monsieur Verdou (1947) ), "Ramp Lights" (1952), "The King in New York" (1957), "The Countess from Hong Kong" (1967). Having created the tragicomic character of the "little man", he turned his clown mask into a human image of a huge generalizing force. International Peace Prize (1954)

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    CARROLL Lewis [present. name Charles Lutwidge (Lutwidge) Dodgson, Dodgson] (1832-98), English writer, mathematician and logician. Author of the popular stories for children "Alice in Wonderland" (1865) and "Through the Looking Glass" (1871). Carroll's scientific work anticipated some of the ideas of mathematical logic.

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    TCHAIKOVSKY Pyotr Ilyich, Russian composer. Brother of M.I.Tchaikovsky. A subtle psychologist, master symphonist, musical playwright, Tchaikovsky revealed in music the inner world of man (from lyrical sincerity to the deepest tragedy), created the highest examples of operas, ballets, symphonies, chamber works. Operas: Eugene Onegin (1878, lyrical scenes - a new type of opera), Mazepa (1883), Cherevichki (1885), The Enchantress (1887), The Queen of Spades (1890), Iolanta ( 1891). Ballet innovator (music is the leading component of ballet drama); Swan Lake (1876), The Sleeping Beauty (1889), The Nutcracker (1892). World masterpieces include 6 symphonies (1866-1893), the Manfred symphony (1885), the fantasy overture Romeo and Juliet (1866-1893), the fantasy Francesca da Rimini (1876), the Italian capriccio (1880 ), 3 concertos for piano and orchestra (1875-1893); concert for violin and orchestra, "Variations on a Rococo Theme" for cello and orchestra (1876), piano trio "In Memory of the Great Artist" (1882), romances.

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    Newton Isaac (1643-1727), English mathematician, mechanic, astronomer and physicist, creator of classical mechanics, member (1672) and president (from 1703) of the Royal Society of London. Fundamental works "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" (1687) and "Optics" (1704). Developed (independently of G. Leibniz) differential and integral calculus. He discovered dispersion of light, chromatic aberration, investigated interference and diffraction, developed the corpuscular theory of light, and put forward a hypothesis that combined corpuscular and wave representations. Built a mirror telescope. Formulated the basic laws of classical mechanics. He discovered the law of universal gravitation, gave a theory of the motion of celestial bodies, creating the foundations of celestial mechanics. He considered space and time to be absolute. Newton's works were far ahead of the general scientific level of his time and were incomprehensible to his contemporaries. He was the director of the Mint, established a mint in England. A renowned alchemist, Newton worked on the chronology of the ancient kingdoms. He devoted theological works to the interpretation of biblical prophecy (mostly unpublished).

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    CONCLUSION: Psychiatrists T. Dobrokhotova and N. Bragin, investigating the amazing mental manifestations of left-handers, saw in them a lot in common with the fairy-tale world described by the left-handed L. Carrel. It is possible that along with the free possession of the left hand, they are born with an unexpected view of the world.

    An inquisitive mind never stops and is constantly in search of new information. Modern inventions are a prime example of this. What inventions are you familiar with? Do you know how they influenced the course of history and all of humanity? Today we will try to open the curtain of the secrets of the world of new and relatively recently invented technologies.

    Definition of "invention"

    Real success in life or business can only be achieved by using advanced technology. It is insignificant in what area - it can be discoveries in human psychology or robotics. Anyone who owns the know-how has every chance of becoming number one in his business.

    An invention is a new solution that can be expressed in a new technology or material product.

    The concept of "invention": points of view

    1. Social. It all depends on the usefulness of the product. Harmful are cigarettes or alcohol. Those that don't make sense are shoes with a built-in navigator. Useful - the invention of anesthesia.

    2. Legal. Innovation must be patented and regulated by law.

    3. Economic. The expediency of the invention is evaluated from the point of view of the possibility of further sale or use.

    4. Scientific and technical. The know-how must be fully described: manufacturing technology and parameters.

    Modern scientific inventions must necessarily include all of the above points. If, for example, a product is not economically viable, then it makes no sense to manufacture it.

    Significant inventions of the 20th century

    The twentieth century was rich in important modern inventions. More discoveries have been made than in the previous decades. Scientists and inventors really did a great job and the greatest achievements were revealed to the world.

    If you describe each of them, then you get a whole book. And, perhaps, more than one volume. Therefore, we will only talk about a few of them.

    1. Sound cinema. Yes, the fact that we can now enjoy films with sound, we owe the Frenchman Leon Gaumont. It was he who introduced this wonderful product at the beginning of the century.

    2. Airplane. The famous Wright brothers made the first flight in human history with this invention. The most interesting thing is that it was not they who invented the plane. The brothers combined the developments of several inventors in their brainchild. But it was with Wright that this design took off.

    3. Modern inventions in the field of technology are amazing. And we can definitely say that the washing machine, created by Alva Fischer, made life easier for more than one generation of women.

    4. Assembly conveyor. Many have heard about Henry Ford and his cars, but not everyone knows that it was this man who created the technology, which was later adopted by many factories.

    5. Another ingenious invention was the adhesive plaster. It was invented in the USA.

    6. What would modern medicine be without antibiotics? Penicillin invented and made significant contributions to medicine, thereby saving many lives.

    7. There is one more item that is used by a fairly large number of people. This is a mobile phone. In those years, it was quite cumbersome, but thanks to the efforts of many, it acquired its current form.

    8. The Internet appeared in the world in the 70s. And now it is an irreplaceable invention of the 20th century.

    Notable innovators

    Great scientists and inventors have always existed. Sometimes they are called geniuses, but this is probably the most accurate definition for such people. They created amazing things that humanity still uses today.

    Modern inventions differ from those of antiquity. This is all due to the level of technology development, new raw materials. New solutions are sometimes more elegant. But let's talk about people who bring their seemingly crazy ideas to life.

    1. Thomas Edison. On his account, he has a huge number of inventions. More than a thousand patents confirm this. An important factor is that he had many workers on his staff, who embodied all his ideas. Therefore, it is logical to assume that it is indirectly related to some inventions, but this is no longer so important. Thanks to him, we have a picture tube and an electric light bulb.

    2. Nikolay Tesla. This is a truly outstanding person. He possessed unique knowledge. He was little known during his lifetime, but now everyone knows his name. We owe it to him for the emergence of electricity on a commercial basis. His modern inventions have expanded the knowledge of scientists about many things. Tesla held 111 patents.

    3. George Westinghouse. Created a brake system for trains. Later, this mechanism was improved and now we can safely ride in large cars and buses. He experimented a lot with the creation of a perpetual motion machine.

    4. Jerome Hal Lemelson. Not as famous as Tesla, but despite this, made a significant contribution to the technology of the 20th century. The invention of video cameras and tape recorders is proof of this. Robots in industry, warehouses with automation - it's all Jerry's handiwork. Believe it or not, it was this person who helped detect cancer at various stages. Has contributed to. Has more than six hundred patents.

    Modern inventions in technology

    Scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries did a great job and made it possible for amazing things to be born. Many modern discoveries and inventions help both in everyday life of a person and in studies, production, science and medicine. New developments are ongoing. In the 20th century, a qualitative breakthrough in human thought was made, and this is confirmed by many decisions in all areas of human existence.

    The Large Hadron Collider. It was through this invention that the existence of such an element as the t-quark was confirmed. This made a splash in the world of natural sciences. Many discoveries have been made thanks to the LHC.

    A ship that allows space travel. Tourism in space is already the near future and is not a fantasy at all. In the distant future, it will be relatively inexpensive, but now travelers will have to spend a fair amount of money for such an opportunity.

    Discoveries in medicine

    Modern inventions in medicine deserve special attention. This part of human life is truly multifaceted. It is even difficult to imagine so many directions in which research and discoveries are carried out.

    Medicine does not stand still and every year new medicines, devices, technologies appear.

    One of these is an artificial heart. This is a unique option for people who are afraid to transplant someone else's. It completely simulates the work of a real heart, thanks to special sensors.

    The second important invention is considered to be nanorobots, which will remove cancer cells. So far, the experiments have been carried out only on animals, but this year they plan to conduct studies on people who have the last stage of cancer and a life expectancy of several months. If with the help of these small robots it is possible to cure this disease, it will be a huge breakthrough in the world of medicine.

    Printed organs. Everyone knows that almost anything can be done with 3-D printers. Recently, such a technique has been developed for printing fabrics. So far, experiments are being carried out on mice. After it becomes clear that there is no rejection of new organs, it is possible that the production of organs will begin to save lives.

    Innovation for everyday life

    Such inventions do not claim to be recognized worldwide and are sometimes funny or useless. But some of them are worth considering.

    1. Hot knife. Very comfortably. Allows you to save time and not wait for the oil to melt a little.

    2. Mirror in the ironing board. Especially true for women. You just iron the thing, turn the board over and watch it sit on you. Ideal for small apartments.

    3. Umbrella with a cup holder. Convenient for busy people. The handle has a hole for coffee or tea. You can have a drink on the way to work.

    4. Tie-flask. On a hot day, you are constantly thirsty. Pour water into your tie and you won't be thirsty.

    5. Shoes with a navigator.

    Life-changing inventions

    Anesthesia. In the form in which we see it now, it appeared in the middle of the 19th century. This made it possible to carry out more operations without fear of pain in the patient.

    Radio. The transmission of information "over the air" previously seemed inconceivable. Now this is a common thing.

    Telephone. The means of communication made it possible to expand the boundaries of human communication.

    Plastic. A huge number of things are made from it in our daily life.

    Russian innovators

    There were and still are many outstanding personalities in the USSR and modern Russia. Modern left-handers or Russian masters and their inventions have brought many wonderful discoveries to their country and the world.

    Korolev made a huge contribution to the development of the space industry. He invented the first Earth satellite and ballistic missile. Created a spaceship. Sergei Pavlovich was a key person in the development of astronautics. The launch of the first man into space was carried out under his control.

    Demikhov is the first person in the world to perform an organ transplant. In this case, it was the lungs and the heart. In the years when Vladimir Petrovich was doing such experiments were considered immoral, but he did not give up and performed thousands of organ transplants in dogs. He always pursued only one, the highest goal - to help sick people and prolong their life. Organ transplants are not new today, and all thanks to the efforts of one person.

    Kurchatov created the world's first nuclear power plant. And Tsiolkovsky made a huge contribution to astronautics, more details of his work can be found in books or in the museum of the same name.

    What's the best invention in the 21st century?

    In fact, it is difficult to single out something specific. Many modern inventions make an invaluable contribution to the development of mankind.

    However, it is worth mentioning one thing that may have brought this article to you. These are social networks. We remember that the Internet itself was invented in the twentieth century, but the means of communication have already appeared in the present. Finding a friend is now very easy. Many complexes can be disguised during virtual communication. Information is now spreading at great speed. At the moment, for the development of human relations, this is one of the most significant technologies.

    New items 2016-2017

    Rescue corps in the structure of the aircraft. When the plane crashes, the part with the passengers is detached and lands on the surface without harm to human health.

    People with disabilities often cannot quickly adapt to the world around them, but the technologies of the present can make their world a little better. A tablet for the blind can serve as proof.

    Water cleaner. Everyone knows how catastrophically polluted rivers, seas and oceans are. To solve the problems, scientists have come up with such a simple mechanism that removes garbage.

    The most modern inventions allow plowing seas and oceans, conquering space, creating new materials and saving lives. It is truly magnificent and the world we live in is amazing.