The composition of the sadko group of four people. From all the "Sadkovo" soul

The composition of the sadko group of four people. From all the "Sadkovo" soul

Well, what is an anniversary without a song? Our, Russian, groovy, from which
feet themselves to dance ask? On the day of the 90th anniversary of the city, such
the people's "request" was heard, and the group "Sadko" came to us.

The residents of Bogorodsk met this musical group as good friends - last year "Sadko" performed both in Bogorodsk and in Sartakov at the All-Russian folklore festival "Crystal Key". You have to see how these guys "light up" - words cannot convey that powerful energy and fullness of feelings that the guys put into the performance of each song. As soon as they took the microphones and started dancing with the first sounds of music, the free Russian joy overwhelmed the audience.
- It seemed to me that the concert was not an hour, but three seconds! - admitted then one of the spectators.
The performance of "Sadko" really flew by in one breath. They finished it with the folk song "Someone is Coming Down from the Hill", which they recently performed on Channel One in the "Field of Miracles" program. And as soon as Vladimir Makarov and two Alexandra - Bardin and Likhatsky - left the stage, they were surrounded by fans. The musicians readily took pictures with them as a souvenir and signed autographs. A. Likhatsky had to put one of the flourishes right on the white purse - how can you refuse a lady's request!
The musicians also agreed to my request for an interview for Bogorodskaya Gazeta. At that time, the popular group HI-FI, which had replaced Sadko, was roaring on the stage, and the guys asked to find a quieter place for the conversation. “During the concert, the voices were lost anyway,” they admitted. This was the beginning of our conversation in the quiet of the district administration.
- Do you sing live? On stage, you perform such steps that take your breath away! How do you sing and dance at the same time?
Vladimir Makarov: This is not the first time we have been asked this question. We really only sing live. The fact that we manage to sing and dance at the same time is the result of the fact that we received a good education at the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. There we were taught to sing.
Alexander Bardin: In fact, there are very few bands in Russia that can sing live and dance at the same time. True, sound engineers, when we come on tour and say that we will have live sound, twist their fingers to their temples: "Why do you need this?" But live voices at a concert give a completely different energy than singing to the "plywood".
Vladimir Makarov: The main thing is that we are honest with our conscience and with the audience, and at every concert we give our best.
- During your speech, you are perceived as one whole: complete merging of voices, synchronization of movements.
Alexander Bardin: But in life we ​​are different. I jump and run, Makarov is a lyricist, writes poetry, and Likhatsky is just Mr. Kindness. He balances everyone in our company: Sasha is a surprisingly kind and sympathetic person.
Vladimir Makarov: Sasha Bardin not only jumps and runs, but also the author of the music for most of our songs. Sasha Likhatsky writes both words and music.
Alexander Likhatsky: We have known each other for a long time. We met in Moscow, having entered the Gnesinka conductor-choral department. We have been friends since the first year, and as students we created a folklore ensemble "First Color". And in January 2010 we created the Sadko group.
Alexander Bardin: I wanted the name of the group to be short, so that it could be written in both Cyrillic and Latin letters without any problems, but at the same time, so that it was symbolic and ambiguous. This is how Sadko was born. This is not only the name of a rich guest, a guslar, but also a roll call with the Russian orchard, where there is a place for any fruit and vegetable, for any creativity.
- How would you define the style of the Sadko group yourself?
Vladimir Makarov (with a smile):
Alexander Bardin: There are folklore groups, there are pop groups - like two poles in relation to each other. And we are in between. We write melodic music, close to folk music. Folk music is something that we have absorbed since childhood, because all three of us are countrymen. We write and perform as we feel. Perhaps someone will see in this some kind of ignorance - they say, they do not know the styles. This is not so, Gnesinka gave good musical training. We have found our "trick" and do not want to be like others. And it's not so important what our style is called. Our main goal is to perform the song so that its energy reaches the viewer.
The guys came to Moscow from different places. Vladimir Makarov is from the Vladimir region. He is also a resident of Bogorodsk - he was born in the village of Bogorodskoye, Kolchuginsky district. Already at the time of his early childhood, the village was considered unpromising, and Volodya was the only child in all Bogorodskoye. When it was time to go to school, his parents, following other fellow villagers, moved to the village of Makarovo. So, as the singer jokes, he is Vladimir from Vladimir and Makarov from Makarov. Then in his life there was a music school, four years of study at a music school at the folk choir department and five years in Gnesinka, which Vladimir "took" on the second try.

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read on page 10.

A light-haired guy with an open smile - Alexander Likhatsky - went to conquer Moscow from Altai. O.A. blessed him for this step. Abramova, head of the folk choir department of the music school in Barnaul, where Sasha studied. Having lost his mother early, he remembers his teacher with great fondness.
- When my mother died, my father and I moved from the village of Burla, Altai Territory to Barnaul, - said Sasha. - I was 14 years old. We are three brothers. Dad, in order to keep us busy, took me and my brother to the Pesnohorki folklore center. It still exists, only it has a different name: the theater of folk songs. So that we would not quit classes, dad promised to pay each "scholarship". At first, this material incentive acted, and then the classes themselves carried away. There were many Cossack songs in the choir's repertoire, and my brother especially liked the performances with a bald saber. He did not become a musician - he fell seriously ill, is on a disability. Well, and I sing - they took me to Gnesinka the first time.
Alexander Bardin is from Krasnoslobodsky district of Mordovia. He often visits his homeland. "Sadko" includes in its repertoire folk songs in the Mordovian language, performing them a cappella.
Folklore is really close to the guys. These are their roots. Folklore expeditions during their student years gave them the opportunity to re-evaluate the rich possibilities of folk art. Folk music is also one of the components of their work today. After graduating from Gnesinka, all three work as teachers of music schools in the capital. Makarov, for example, is the head of the folklore department at the S.I. Mamontov.
- Are you full-fledged Muscovites now? - I clarify.
- We live in Moscow. But my registration, for example, is still in the Vladimir region, - says V. Makarov.
- Today, during and after the concert, you are convinced that you have won the heart of more than one Bogorodchanka with your creativity. So let me ask if our countrywomen have any chances, or have you been married for a long time?
Vladimir Makarov: - Only Bardin is married.
And he adds: - And I have a complete set of children: a boy and a girl.
On this note, we said goodbye to the cheerful group "Sadko", hoping that someday our city will once again be on their touring path.
Svetlana Kuzmicheva.
Our reference: Sadko's musicians have recently released two discs. The first is called "Do not be sad, everything will pass", the second - "A conversation about love." The group is a laureate of the All-Russian competition "Golden Lace", the All-Russian festival of folk art named after Mikhail Evdokimov "Countrymen", the International festival-competition of folk song and dance art of youth and students "Dance and Sing, Young Russia".

The group "SADko", which won the hearts of many spectators with its sincerity and warmth, both in RUSSIA and abroad, was created by the alumni of the famous GNESINKA.
Love for the richest folk culture and creative potential united three young and talented guys into a group. The repertoire of the group is so diverse that it includes songs of its own composition, songs of famous composers, as well as folk songs in modern pop arrangement with elements of ethnicity.

It all started in 2002! In the first year, they created a folk art circle in the hostel to talk about folk holidays, since they had little idea about traditions ... The circle included both classmates and girls from older courses - only seven people.

They gathered for gatherings in the room, took the most famous folk holidays of the month and began to tell who how this holiday is celebrated. For example, one girl was from Petrozavodsk, she talked about how it happened in the North, in Karelia, how holidays are celebrated in the central zone, and so on ... Who knew nothing about this, just sat and listened. And then we thought: since we are all singers, why not sing? And they created a folklore ensemble called "The First Color". The mother of one of the girls found out about this group and organized a concert for us in Petrozavodsk, it was in the spring of 2003. We sang a cappella, as well as to the accordion, to the balalaika and to the guitar. The concert was a success, plus a lot of emotions, new impressions, the first experience ... We sang folk songs that were brought from student expeditions.

Such expeditions were in the curriculum of educational institutions. Even now, when it's 2011, there are grannies who still remember something ... You can't imagine how nice it is to communicate with a person to whom a grandmother or mother sang some folk song about sixty years ago. And throughout her life, a woman carries this song and sings it!

With "First Color" we went to the competition in Smolensk and won first place ... from the end. Although they talked a lot about the ensemble. And they even invited me on the radio to discuss why they didn’t give anything. Nevertheless, the All-Russian Musical Society invited us, together with the laureates, to take a ride with concerts on the Golden Ring. They performed in Murom and Vladimir. And in January 2010, we organized our own team called "SADko".

SADko means a rich guest, a person who can delight the soul of the listener. And another definition of the name is due to the fact that "Gnesinka", in which we studied, is located inside the Garden Ring.

We have been singing together since we entered the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music.

We write the music ourselves. Vladimir writes poetry, Alexander Bardin writes music, Alexander Likhatsky is also the author of poetry and music of one of the songs. We do everything ourselves - we have our own studio in Moscow. In addition to original songs, our repertoire includes arrangements of folk songs in a more modern style with ethnic elements.

"SADko" group Composition: Alexander Bardin - music, vocals. Born June 30, 1983 in the village of Chukaly, Krasnoslobodsky district of Mordovia. There was no music school in the village, and at the age of 12, Sasha went to Saransk to enroll in a music school. A year before that, he almost independently mastered the button accordion. In the school he improvised a lot (he did not like to play the given program), played in KVN and was invited to the well-known Mordovian group "Stolitsa". After college, Bardin went to Moscow to enroll in Gnesinka, and not for the button accordion, but for the choir department. The examination committee heard in his performance the "folk Mordovian song", which Sasha himself invented just before the exam, and accepted it. Alexander Likhatsky - vocals. Born on December 18, 1982 in the village of Burla, Altai Territory. In 1996, the family moved to Barnaul, and Sasha and his younger brother started going to the children's studio at the Pesnohorki Folk Music Theater. Having mastered the basics of choreography and folk song culture in the studio, Likhatsky entered the music school to become the conductor of the folk choir, and then to Gnesinka. Vladimir Makarov - lyrics, vocals. Born on February 17, 1980 in the village of Bogorodskoye, Kolchuginsky district, Vladimir region. From childhood he loved to portray singing into a microphone, and then entered the folk choir department of the Kolchugin music school. True, he quickly got tired of taking the bus to the regional center, but Volodya was still persuaded to finish his studies. Later he graduated from the Vladimir School of Music and went to enter the Gnesinka. Unlike Aleksandrov, Makarov entered the second time, which he does not regret. Larisa Kashina - director. Creativity The idea to create their own folklore project came to three young people while studying at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. They became friends at the entrance exams, and already in their first year, in 2002, Alexander Bardin, Alexander Likhatsky and Vladimir Makarov organized a folk art circle that united seven people. They studied folk holidays, went on folklore expeditions together, collecting examples of folk art. At the same time, the musicians did not strive to achieve an authentic reproduction of ethno-canons - on the contrary, “falling to the roots” inspired them to create their own works in the folk genre. The music is written mainly by Alexander Bardin, the lyrics by Vladimir Makarov. Their first team was founded in 2003 and was called "First Color". The group practiced both a cappella singing and performances with button accordion, balalaika and guitar. They did not have their own songs then - they sang folk songs. It was reminiscent of amateur performances, although the "First Color" also had "real" concerts: one of them was organized in Petrozavodsk by the mother of one of her classmates. Then the group went to the competition in Smolensk and took the last place. However, the All-Russian Musical Society appreciated the potential of the musicians and organized a tour of the Golden Ring for them (the laureates of that very competition in Smolensk also performed with them). In 2005, the Ministry of Culture invited the First Color to participate in the festival of Russian culture in Italy. In 2010, the trinity created a new folk group - SADko. By this time, the artists graduated from Gnesinka and themselves began teaching folk singing. The name of the group has two meanings: firstly, this is the same Sadko, a rich guest and a guslar musician, and secondly, a hint at the location of Gnesinka inside the Moscow Garden Ring. In addition to works of authorship, modern arrangements of folk songs appeared in the repertoire of the collective (the musicians make arrangements on their own in their own studio). SADko began with active participation in ethnic festivals, where it gathered an impressive harvest of prizes. In September 2010, the group received the Grand Prix of the Russian Songs of the Moscow Region festival for the song Guitar. Soon the group's compositions were heard on Radio Chanson and regional radio stations. In April 2012, the musicians of "SADko" presented their first album - "Do not be sad, everything will pass". The second disc is already ready - "A Conversation of Love", which is still available only on the Internet. The group is going to attend several festivals and will go on tour in the fall of 2013. Achievements and awards 2010 - Grand Prix of the festival "Russian Songs of the Moscow Region"; - laureates of the all-Russian competition "Golden Lace"; 2011 - laureates of the All-Russian Festival of Folk Art and Sports named after V.I. Mikhail Evdokimov "Countrymen" (Altai Territory); - laureates of the IV festival of the competition of folk song and dance art of youth and students "Dance and Sing, Young Russia"; 2012 - laureates of the II International Festival of Ethnic Music and Culture "Fortress Rus" (Penza); - laureates of the VIII All-Russian Folklore Festival-Competition "Crystal Key" (Sartakovo); - laureates of the festival of folk art "We are all - Russia" (Saransk); - laureates of the international festival "Cossack village Moscow". Did you know that ... - The artists combine touring with teaching: everyone works in music schools, where they teach children to sing; - Of the three members of the collective, only Alexander Bardin is married. The rest are still free; - All three were born in villages in different regions of Russia. In their music, they try to synthesize and combine the folklore traditions of their native places. Hits "My most beloved" "Someone has come down from the hill" "For you" "The roses are wet" "A bouquet of lilacs" "The bird cherry is swaying under the window" "Snow-white cherry"

Moscow Group "SADko"- this is youth, amazing energy, goodness given from the stage, wonderful vocals.

Vladimir Makarov

Born in the Vladimir region. “I am Vladimir from Vladimir, Makarov from Makarov,” he says about himself. Owner of a magical transparent tenor. The poet of the group. The "horse" of his poetry is lyrical texts, the music to which he writes

Alexander Bardin

This is a special conversation. A man of unique abilities: a composer, moreover an arranger who plays many instruments, the soul of the band and a favorite of the female half of the audience. “A purebred Mordvin from Saransk,” he often introduces himself.

Alexander Likhatsky

The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music is the unifying link that united the guys. They all entered there in 2002, graduated in 2007. In 2010, the group "SADko" was created, which partly owes its name to the same Gnesinka, as it is located inside the SADovoe Ring.

The repertoire of "SADko" includes songs of its own composition and folk songs in its own arrangement. The main thing is that they are all very kind and positive, like the artists themselves.
By the way, you can hear the band's songs on the A minor channel, where they are often repeated at the request of viewers, on Chanson radio

We are waiting for you at our solo concerts !!!