Composition based on the painting "Flood" by Komarov. Composition on the picture: A

Composition based on the painting
Composition based on the painting "Flood" by Komarov. Composition on the picture: A

Sections: Russian language

Topic: R/r Description of the animal based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood".


  • Tutorial: to teach students the features of building a story based on a picture.
  • Developing: Development of creative abilities, memory and speech, enrichment of students' vocabulary.
  • Educational: Education of love for nature, for animals, patriotism.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood", presentation ( Application), cards.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

Listen to the riddle and guess:

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does it happen?

Of course, this happens in the spring. Today we will talk about this time of year. Let's try to find out how nature changes in spring?

So, let's begin. At home, you had to write a mini-essay "Spring signs". Let's listen to essays.

Reading essays, 2-3 essays.

Question to the class: What mood are the compositions about spring imbued with?

If you were given a brush and paints, what colors would you choose?

II. Painting work

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

This time of the year is very different: sunny and gloomy, bright and gray, cheerful and menacing. And artists depict it in different ways. Today we will get acquainted with the painting by the artist Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov. (Slide 1)

2. Story about the artist(1 student, prepared story)

Komarov Alexey Nikanorovich (1879–1977) was born in the Tula province. He spent his early childhood in the countryside and at the age of four or five he drew and sculpted domestic animals from bread. Graduated from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Illustrated children's magazines and books.

The artist traveled a lot, participated in the design of the atlas "Food Birds and Animals of the USSR", illustrated the great work "Birds of the Soviet Union" and many scientific and popular books.

A. N. Komarov is known as an animal painter. Studying animals, their behavior in nature, he shares with us his observations with the help of brush and canvas.


  • What interesting moments of the artist's life do you remember more?
  • What word did you hear for the first time?

3. Vocabulary work

Komarov is an animal painter. Who is an animator? The dictionary gives this explanation. (Slide 2)

ANIMAL PAINTER- a, m. An artist or sculptor who depicts mainly animals in his works. [From lat. animal- animal] ... (Small academic dictionary)

Exercise: Let's write out this word and its lexical meaning in a dictionary and remember it.

Aleksey Nikanorovich Komarov did not just depict animals, but sought to show that they, like people, also experience different feelings. For example, here are the artist's drawings. What do we see on them? (Slide 2)(The chanterelle, apparently, is trying to get food for itself by digging snow. (Slide 3) A flock of birds craned their necks in alarm, sensing some kind of danger. The picture is called "Alarm".)

Today we met the artist Komarov, we will write down the main thing about him. (Slide 4)

Exercise: Write down the sentences, put punctuation marks, explain their statement.

4. Conversation about the painting

We have to compose a story based on Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 5)

1. What season is shown in the picture? (Early spring)
2. Why is the picture so called?
3. What synonyms can be found for the word "flood"? (Slide 6)

FLOODING (cf. gender)- flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea, usually a natural disaster.

FLOOD- flood, flood, flood.

Group work(Tasks on cards)

Card 1

Think about these questions and answer orally.

  1. Why is the bunny on the tree?
  2. How did he get there?

Spring brings forest animals not only the joy of warm sunny days, but also troubles, and even real trouble.

The spring sun melted the snow, and the ice that bound the banks of the river also melted. The water rose high, flooding the bushes and roots of tall trees. Frightened animals leave their flooded burrows and try to escape from the flood on rare islands of hills surrounded by cold water. But not everyone has time to get there, not everyone has enough space on earth. Here the hare climbed onto a knotty branch of an old tree. He is very scared.

Card 2

Description of the animal. (Slide 7)

How did the artist depict the bunny? Describe him: what is his head, eyes, ears, fur? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down. How did the artist depict the bunny? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down.

1.The bunny's head is _______________, _____________. Around the eyes - ____________ spots. Eyes _____________ _____________, shine with fright. ______________ ears upright, ______________ spots are visible on their tips. A hare has ______ fur. On the neck it is ____________________, on the back - _______________. Back ______________. _______________ ponytail tucked in

(Head at the bunny small, brown. There are white spots around the eyes. Dark round eyes, glisten with fright. Long ears upright, on their tips are visible black spots. At the hare thick coat. On her neck yellowish brown, behind - grey-white. Back dark. little ponytail preloaded.)

2. What state is the bunny experiencing? (Slide 8)

From these adjectives, select those that describe the state of the animal. Write them down in short form, matching the word bunny.

sad, funny, anxious, carefree, joyful, frightened, indifferent, timid.

3. How does the bunny behave? Pick up and write down the verbs that describe the actions of the bunny.

(Poor little bunny sits on a thick branch of a tree, pressed little paws underneath. He snuggled up back to the trunk and carefully looks to the incoming water. So sorry for the animal in trouble.) (Slide 7)

Physical education minute

Card 3

Think and answer verbally.

  1. What will happen to the rabbit next?
  2. How can he be saved?


Write the sentence, fill in the missing letters. (Slide 8)

To a rtina A. N. Komarova "Flood" pr about niknuta love b yu to w and this world and all and kind .

Exercise: Oral story from a painting

Now let's remember everything we talked about. Here are the questions that we discussed with you, considering Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 9) These questions will form the outline of the essay.

Essay plan

  1. Who is A.N. Mosquitoes?
  2. What season is shown in the picture?
  3. Why is the picture called that?
  4. How did the bunny get on the tree?
  5. How did the artist depict the bunny?
  6. What state is the animal in?
  7. How does he behave?
  8. How can he be saved?
  9. What feelings does this picture evoke?

And now we will compose the whole story according to the picture.


We have to not just describe the picture, but tell our younger brother, for example, a first grader, about it. We have already talked about the painting in a letter to a friend.

Consider where to start. Should I use invocation?

Cool! 6

Composition based on the painting by Komarov "Flood"

In his works, Aleksey Komarov painted nature, and was strict about every little thing. He is one of the most talented people. The artist clearly described the beauty and singularity of any animal. Their behavior, experiences and environment where they live. He painted different landscapes, but my favorite is "flood".

The picture shows the arrival of spring. It brought not only warmth and joy, but also grief. The sun, breaking through the gray clouds, melted the ice on the river. The snow melted quickly, bushes, tree roots, almost the entire neighborhood was completely under water. Our little brothers are in trouble. The minks of animals are flooded and now they have nowhere to hide from predators that will lie in wait for them.

I think the same thing happened with the hare, who had to leave his dwelling because of the tide. Fleeing, he climbed onto a dry branch of an old tree. Wherever you look, water. The hare rested against the trunk of an oak tree, tucking its small paws, and trying to climb as high as possible. He is afraid to fall from a dry branch, because he cannot swim. He survived thanks to the old snag, now it will serve as his temporary home. On top, the hair of the hare is brown, he has partially changed his clothes, only the remnants of the winter outfit are visible on the tummy. He stared down, trying to figure out what to do next. If you look into his black, wide-open eyes, you will immediately see fear, anxiety. He tensely raised his ears and listened to the slightest sound, a quiet rustle. There are bare treetops everywhere. Gray hopes he can find a way out of the trap. In the meantime, all he can do is watch the reflected trees in the mirror water. Very sorry for the defenseless animal. He is confused, scared and waiting for help.

I believe the bunny is relying on the fact that the flood will soon come down and open the way to a safe place. There he will join his loved ones and be able to find food. It's amazing how cruel tests nature sends to forest dwellers. How helpless they are in the fight against the elements.

In the distance, an oak grove opens, above which a bright sky is visible. The kid so wants to get into the forest. Run on dry land between dark trees, look at the sun's rays that illuminate gloomy birch trees. The author demonstrated the ingenuity of the animal and does not lose faith that he will find a way out of the trap and get to the long-awaited place.

The picture evokes mixed feelings. Good, because Komarov accurately conveyed the beginning of the warm season, thanks to light colors. On the canvas, he uses bright colors so as not to cause sadness and sadness. Bad, because you can not be sure whether everything will be fine with the hare further.

I imagine a good ending to this picture. The element will quickly calm down and release the flooded land, or people on a boat will sail nearby and take the eared to a safe place.

In the end, I want to say that the canvas will impress anyone. The author depicted a "flood" so that people would think about things that had not bothered them before. Despite everything, the creator was able to evoke positive emotions in the observer.

Who does not love good, kind cartoons in which the characters are cute animals. They have to show their resourcefulness and non-standard approach to business. By watching them, you learn. Painting by A.N. Komarov's "Flood" is just about a little hare who got into a very difficult situation. How did he get out of this situation? What useful viewer can see for themselves?

Perhaps the long-awaited spring has come. This can only be judged by the fur of a hare, which is depicted on the canvas by A.N. Komarov. The fur coat of the little animal has not yet become completely gray, there are glimpses of white warm fluff in it, which warmed the oblique all winter. And here comes the heat. For every inhabitant of the forest, this means that soon they will all get out to bask in the sun. But, along with the long-awaited times, come their own difficulties. For example, the snow that hid the forest paths with a thick blanket, wrapped the earth, created the opportunity to make holes in it to hide from bad weather, now began to melt. Generous streams rushed through the clearings in search of a river. And so, the stream became so powerful that everything was under water everywhere. The birds were not at a loss, they fluttered up into the trees higher, the squirrels also preferred to hide in hollows. But what about small animals? How can they be?

"Flood" A.N. Komarova is the story of a small, but very brave and resourceful bunny. The pink-eared scythe took refuge on a thick branch of a tree. A local flood forced a cute hare to do something that is not typical for him: he learned to “climb” trees. But how many of his brothers and other small forest dwellers suffered from unexpectedly surging water. Only those who, like our familiar scythe, could survive, did what was not characteristic of their nature. What can be learned from this case?

Perhaps we will have to face different situations, but is it worth giving in to difficulties? The example of a bunny shows that even if this little animal was able to take an action that was a feat for him, then our capabilities are much greater than we think about it. The potential that is in every person is incredibly huge. The noise of the water, the freshness and the approach of the evening, frighten the oblique. But he is ready to go to the end, ready to save himself and be an example to us.

The famous animal painter Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov was born on October 14, 1879 in the village. Skorodnoye, Efremovsky district, Tula province. He was the illegitimate son of the landowner P.F. Rosetti and his housekeepers, peasant women D.K. Inshakova. He was brought up by his father's sisters, his aunts Ekaterina Feliksovna, Daria Feliksovna and Margarita Feliksovna.

Komarov's childhood was spent first on an estate in the countryside, and when he grew up and it was time to study, his aunts moved with him to Tula, where they rented an apartment, first on Pavshinskaya and then on Rubtsovskaya Street. He studied in Tula at the private school of A.N. Konopatsky and the real school, then in Moscow at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

A.N. Komarov worked hard, participated in exhibitions, illustrated magazines and books, and completed various orders. He traveled a lot. Visited Sweden. He was in the north in the Arkhangelsk province, in the Urals, in the Astrakhan steppes, in Central Asia, in Altai. Paintings by A.N. Komarov is decorated with expositions and stored in the funds of the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev, the State Darwin Museum, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, the Museum of Horse Breeding, the Literary Museum and other museums of the country.

Aleksey Nikanorovich illustrated with his drawings children's books and magazines, in particular "Murzilka", scientific publications, for example, the book of Professor V.N. Shnitnikov "3 faiths and birds of our country", "Atlas of game animals and birds" and others. And the textbooks he illustrated taught millions of children. Postcards, envelopes and stamps came out with his drawings, reproductions of his paintings were published in newspapers and magazines.

In his works, A.N. Komarov achieved high skill, creating works of art of enduring value. He was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR". A.N. Komarov died on March 31, 1977, and was buried in the village of Peski, Kolomna District, Moscow Region.

A hare on a tree A hare lived on an island in the middle of a wide river. It was still a young, not very smart hare. He didn't pay any attention to the fact that the river around his island was shedding ice with a crash. On that day, the hare slept peacefully under his bush. The water in the river began to rise quickly. The next morning, only a tiny piece of the island stuck out of the water. A thick, gnarled tree grew on it. The hare began to jump on a tree, but each time it broke off and flopped into the water. Finally, he managed to jump onto a thick, lower bough. The hare perched on it and began to patiently wait for the end of the flood.

I once for firewood In a boat I went a lot of them from the river To us in the spring flood catches up, I go, I catch them. The water is coming. I see one island of a small Hares gathered on it in a crowd. With every minute the water crept up To the poor animals; already under them there was less than an arshin of earth in width, less than a sazhen in length. Then I drove up: they babble with their ears, Themselves from their seats; I took one, I commanded the rest: jump yourself! My hares jumped, nothing! As soon as the oblique team sat down, The whole island disappeared with iodine water: “That's it! I said: do not argue with me! Listen, bunnies, grandfather Mazai! That way Gutorya, sailing in silence. A column is not a column, a bunny on a stump, Crossing its paws, it stands, unfortunate, Took it and its burden is not great!

Look closely at the reproduction. Who is the main character of the picture? At what point did the artist capture the hare? Describe the animal: what kind of eyes, head, ears, hair does it have. Where is he sitting? What does he feel, worry about? Think, the moment that is depicted in the picture will be used at the beginning or at the end of the essay?

The brown hare has brown eyes, long, large ears, stiff whiskers. The coat of the hare is thick, brown-yellow on top, with dark speckles. On the neck it is yellowish-brown, behind it is gray-white. The coat color changes in winter and summer. Coloring helps rodents hide from enemies. Define the style of this description.

Define the style of the description data. What is the best description? The head of the bunny is oblong, the muzzle is white, in the middle there is a dark brown stripe. The eyes are round, shiny, dilated with fright. The ears are long, sensitive, erect. The fur on the back is fluffy, dark gray in color, on the chest it is yellowish, with a pink tint. With bated breath, the hare sits on a thick branch of an old oak and waits for what will happen next. He cringed all over in fear. The wool on it stood upright. The rabbit's chest is yellow. The head of the animal is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert. The hare looks with fear at the water, which comes to the tree itself.

The warming sun of early spring began to melt the snow, which remained a "gift" from the winter that had ended. Pieces of ice that fettered the banks of the rivers began to melt. The water level rose, flooding the bushes and tree roots located near the shore.

Frightened animals leave the flooded houses in fear. They are looking for their temporary home on the rare islands of hills, which are surrounded by cold water. But not everyone manages to get to these little pieces of paradise and not everyone manages to take refuge on that land.

The hare, hoping to escape from the water, climbed onto a branch hanging from an old tree. He's incredibly scared. His dark round eyes sparkle with fear. He presses his yellowish-brown fur against the trunk of a tree, hoping to escape from the evil fate that may overtake him. The hare looks with fear at the water, which stays and stays, but he is unable to do anything. Looking at this picture, any person will freeze in pity for this harmless and sweet animal and will hope that the flood will subside quickly, giving him the opportunity to return to his family and to his cozy mink.

The artist very clearly showed us that nature and its laws are not as friendly as it might seem at first glance, and also that even such a harmless thing as a flood can be dangerous.

Option 2

Spring is the time of the year that not only people, but also animals are looking forward to. With the first warm rays, the earth begins to shed its snowy fetters. Plants, throwing off their white veil, begin to wake up. Grayness is gradually replaced by brighter colors. Even the animals shed their winter clothes.

But spring also brings great misfortune. Melting snow, which plants enjoy so much, gradually fills rivers and lakes with cold water. They enter from the banks and flood everything around. The Russian animal painter A. N. Komarov, apparently, witnessed such a phenomenon more than once.

In his painting "Flood" he depicted a small and defenseless animal, taken by surprise by water. The hare has not changed its winter color yet. From this, he, and so inconspicuous, completely merges with the surrounding dullness.
The poor animal climbed onto a branch of a young tree - his last hope for salvation. The sun's rays, having managed to melt the snow and ice, still do not provide enough heat. The hare is cold, the rays that give a pinkish tint to its coat cannot warm when there is ice water around.

He is scared, and he has nowhere to wait for rescue. But still, the hare does not lose hope. Even he knows that sooner or later the flood will begin to subside, and then by jumping over bumps, he will be able to reach the forest that can be seen in the background.
The hare has already encountered the severity of nature, which frightened him with the teeth of ferocious predators and the howls of a blizzard. He knows that even a small animal can survive. After all, he, like all severe phenomena, is also a child of nature.

Komarov's painting opens up to our eyes a terrible sight, which, nevertheless, is exactly as frightening as it is instructive. This simple watercolor drawing shows that even the smallest creature can withstand the elements.

Composition description of the painting Flood

Judging by the picture, the artist depicted a spring day. The trees are still leafless and have a reddish hue. A wonderful time of the year brought misfortune instead of warmth and joy. Animal artist Komarov, in his painting "Flood", painted a land area covered with water.

A large thick oak is located in the foreground and attracts attention in the first place. The confused hare climbed onto a branch to escape from the big water and looks down in fright. Fear is visible in his eyes, because he was able to climb a tree, but now he does not know what to do next. A little further there is a lonely birch and a small forest quite far away. A. Komarov perfectly managed to convey the severity of nature and at such moments the animals need the help of mankind.

Essay 4

I see a hare on a branch in this picture. That's a strange situation! Why would a hare sit there, he's not a bird ... But the name gives a hint - water flooded the forest. The poor hare, in order not to drown, was forced to jump onto a large branch.

It looks like an illustration for "Grandfather Mazay" ... After all, a hare will not be able to sit on a tree for a long time. There is no food, it is cold (there is still snow around). Freeze paws - fall into the water. And this is a picture for flying, it is clear that the hare is a little “cartoonish”, as in Soviet cartoons. Everything must end well.

Of course, in this picture there is just the meaning that even a hare could jump onto a branch, that he dutifully awaits his fate. He has such calm eyes. Paws picked up - sits. No panic, he's not looking for anyone. What if the water rises? Can he jump higher...

In general, I really count on Mazai. The hare has done so much - too much for a simple hare. And it's definitely not magical. He does not know how to talk, he does not have a book in his paws, he does not have a hat or tie. These details would show us that such a hare can act like a man. No, it's just an animal. Surely, not only he was in such an unpleasant situation. Okay, the hare at least knows how to jump, but the fox, for example? Could she climb the branch? And the wolf? Not every branch will withstand it. Poor animals.

This is how this picture teaches us empathy. It does not repel something terrible, but attracts, on the contrary, attention. We live here in the cities - we don’t even think about what is happening there in the forests. Do the animals suffer... And now, without any moralizing, without long and boring texts, we immediately see, even feel how hard it is for them. And what patience the hare has! He dutifully waits ... I really hope that everything will be fine with him. You immediately sympathize.

If I could help. They need to write next to the picture how you can help this hare, as well as other animals in trouble. The artist painted a good, kind, attention-grabbing picture.

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Komarov - Flood Grade 5
The picture shows early spring. The snow has already melted and the ice on the river too. Winter is giving up its rights, and spring is only trying to warm and awaken all living things to life. There is no greenery yet, so it is safe to say that it is not yet warm enough. The earth is not able to absorb all the moisture and therefore the flood began. The artist painted the water with gray, soft turquoise and white colors, this is necessary in order to feel how cold the water is. The day is not very sunny. The sky, although spring, is somehow completely unkind, and gray catching melancholy and cold. The animals are taken by surprise. Everyone is saved as best they can.

The plot of the painting "Flood" develops in early spring. Snow melted in the forest, ice on the river, so the water in the river rose very much. All animals move from their flooded burrows to the hillocks. But not everyone has enough space on land, not everyone has time to escape. We see a hare, which, fleeing the flood, found a place for itself on a thick bough of a tree.

The hare is gray with a dark back, fluffy. Green eyes wide open. He looks at the rapidly rising water. I think he is very scared. How could he pressed himself against the trunk of a tree, his hind legs rest against the bough. The front ones are tucked in, the hare firmly grabbed the bark of the tree with its claws. The back is arched, the wool sticks out on it. The bunny is waiting to be rescued! If the water does not recede soon, the hare's business will be bad.

For his painting, the artist chose two types of paints. Dark (black, brown, gray), which indicate a threat to the life of a hare. Light colors (blue, pinkish, pale yellow), as a hope for salvation.

The picture causes alarm for the life of a bunny. I want to run to help him! If there are adults nearby, let them save the hare!

Before us is a picture of the remarkable Russian artist A. N. Komarov "Flood". It was written in 1952. Let's consider it in more detail.
In the picture, the artist depicted a spring flood. With the onset of heat, the snow melted and flooded the area where the hare lived. The water was rising quickly, and he had no choice but to climb onto a tree branch to save himself. The artist depicted a large, thick tree. The branch of the tree is strong. Since spring has just begun, there are no leaves on the tree yet.
The hare sits on a branch frightened. He does not know what will happen to him next. Its coat is half white after winter, and the back is already gray. The hare's eyes are large, round, and fear is visible in them. There is a bright black line under the eyes. The ears are still gray and erect. The hare listens to the surrounding sounds. His tail and paws are tucked up. He is firmly attached to the branch.
The water around is clear, it reflects the blue sky. She quickly arrives, and almost already reaches the branch on which the hare is sitting.
A small forest is visible in the background. Perhaps the bunny lived there until it was flooded with water.
I liked Komarov's painting. I'm sorry for the hare that got into trouble. I would like to believe that he still survived.