Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Dna tests, tips, secrets, how to get on the air The Snow Queen from let them talk personal life

Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts.  Dna tests, tips, secrets, how to get on the air The Snow Queen from let them talk personal life
Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Dna tests, tips, secrets, how to get on the air The Snow Queen from let them talk personal life

Snezhana Babkina is a young actress and also the wife of the famous Ukrainian musician Sergei Babkin. He is known as a member of the "5'nizza" group. Thanks to what roles in cinema and theater did the girl become famous? How long have you met Sergei Snezhana Babkina? And how old is the girl? We will try to tell you about these and other interesting facts from the life of a young actress in our article.

Snezhana Babkina: biography

Vartanyan is the maiden name of Sergei's wife, she was born on July 8, 1985 in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine). At the moment, the age of Snezhana Babkina is 32 years old.

As a child, for 13 years, Snezhana was seriously engaged in ballroom dancing. However, in the 10th grade, a turning point occurred in her life, after which the girl decided instead of ballroom dancing to do modern, or rather the upper break. Snezhana Babkina's height is 165 cm.

In 2002, Snezhana left for Kiev with the aim of enrolling in a capital university. 5 years later, in 2007, the girl completed her studies in the Russian acting course at the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television. After that she performed roles in the Free Theater and in Novy on Pechersk (Kiev). After some time she returned

Meeting Snezhana and Sergey

In early August 2007, when Snezhana came to work at the Kharkov "Theater 19", she immediately met her future husband. The girl stood in the foyer of the theater. When the phone on duty rang, Babkin was called, he rushed to the receiver and almost knocked down the young actress standing in his way. This is how an acquaintance happened, which was followed by several months of joint rehearsal of various roles.

When November 7 approached - Sergei's birthday, the young man asked Snezhana not to leave after the performance in order to celebrate the holiday with colleagues in the shop. During the party, the future godfather of the Babkins turned on some kind of music. Sergey invited Snezhana to a slow dance. While moving to the rhythm of the music, the young people felt that a spark ran between them.

After that, for almost two weeks, Snezhana had the same dream, in which a man in a hood approached her. He held out his hands to her and called with him. In a dream, the girl agreed and rode with him. In one of the last dreams, the face of a man became visible - it turned out to be Sergei.

In early December, the young people began an affair. At that time, Snezhana already had a child, but Sergei immediately began to treat him like his own son.

Popular spouse

Sergey Babkin was born on November 7, 1978 in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine), in the family of a military man. His dad is a retired lieutenant colonel, and his mom is a kindergarten teacher. Sergei also has an older brother, whose activities are related to the armed forces.

From childhood, Babkin was fond of creative activity and music. In preschool age, he was engaged in ballroom dancing, a little later he attended a school of fine arts and was engaged in figure skating.

Sergei studied at the Kharkov Lyceum of Arts and at a music school in the flute class, in parallel being carried away by the theater. During his school years, Babkin took an active part in amateur performances, played in KVN and went to the drama club.

At the age of 22 he graduated from the State University of Arts with a degree in drama and film theater. When the young man was in his last year at the institute, he decided to try his luck in the Northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. However, he failed to enter local theaters, after which Sergei had to return to his homeland, to Kharkov.

Snezhana's creative activities

It is known that until 2013 the young actress was involved in three productions of Theater 19. Namely in the play "Schmuck", "Our Hamlet" and "(The) Easiest Way to Quit Smoking." Then Sergei Babkin stopped playing at Theater 19, and Snezhana left after him.

Young people went to see the performance of "The Rat" at the Theater "Beautiful Flowers", which was held in the House of the Actor. After watching the play, the Babkins expressed a desire to work in the theater troupe. After several months, the management of the theater considered the request of a young family - Snezhana and Sergei began to play in the theater's productions.

The newly formed Love Flowers Theater is renowned for its unique wordless funk futurism genre. Its actors use plasticity and flight of thought instead of words. In addition to the performances shown in their home country, modern theater actors have participated in theater festivals in Costa Rica, Poland, Germany and Azerbaijan. Sergei and Snezhana currently play in the productions of "Fat" and "Dracula".

The love story of the Babkins

About 10 years have passed since Sergei and Snezhana met. Back in 2007, while playing on the same stage, young people began a romantic relationship. It is known that a year later, in May 2008, a wedding ceremony took place between the theater, and a year later (in March 2009) they officially legalized their relationship.

In 2010, a star married couple gave birth to a girl who was named Veselina. The girl got the name by a lucky chance. As it turned out, after one of the performances, her fan approached Snezhana and started a conversation with her, after which the young actress found Sergei and said that she knew what name to choose for their future heiress.

It is also known that the soloist of the musical group "5'nizza" - Sergei - has a son Ilya from his first marriage, who is currently 12 years old (the boy lives with his mother in Canada), and Snezhana Babkina from a previous relationship has an 11-year-old son Arthur. Arthur and Veselina are brought up by Snezhana together with Sergei.

Snezhana and Sergey's wedding

The official wedding of the couple was radically different from the usual classic weddings. Snezhana and Sergei Babkins preferred denim to a white dress and a formal suit. In the hands of the bride was a modest bouquet of flowers, and on the head of the soloist of the musical group "5'nizza" was a dandy hat.

Preparation for the ceremony, according to Babkin, took only a few hours. When young people came to the registry office, they were recorded on the 27th. A little later, the bride and groom realized that March 27 is also International Theater Day. The newlyweds considered that this is a great sign for two, since both Snezhana and Sergei have a theatrical education and are actors in demand in their city.

Movie play

In addition to participating in performances, Snezhana Babkina also manifests herself as a film actress. So, in 2008, the girl starred in a short film called "The Joke", where she played herself, and 6 years later, in 2014, she starred with her husband in the film "Alexander Dovzhenko. Odessa dawn ". In the film, Babkin played the young protagonist, Snezhana played the role of his wife, Yulia Solntseva.

Participation in the project

In the fifth season of the show "Dancing with the Stars", which was broadcast this fall on the Ukrainian TV channel "1 + 1", Snezhana Babkina, together with her husband Sergei, made up a star dancing couple.

In the first episode, the Babkin family won, beating all the other couples. However, in the quarterfinals, the lead singer of the 5'nizza group and his wife had to leave the project. This happened due to the fact that, according to the jury and the voting of the viewers, there were 2 strong couples at risk - Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Evgeny Kot, as well as the Babkin family. The couples were given the opportunity to perform 2 dances each, after which the jury made their final verdict, alas, not in favor of Sergei and Snezhana. The jury members of the project voted unanimously for a couple of Nadia and Zhenya.

// Photo: Personal archive of Snezhana Koroleva

Snezhana Koroleva is an extraordinary girl in every sense. She calls herself a tank, because, having arrived from Kaluga to enter the Biological Faculty of the Veterinary Academy, she hoped only for herself (her parents divorced when the girl was still little). Combining work and study, Snezhana begged the staff of the Moscow BioPapa laboratory to take her part-time. “I’ll quickly learn everything,” she assured. And today, the DNA tests carried out by Snezhana are helping to resolve many difficult situations in my program “Let them talk”.

- I remember my first television experience very well. Friday, in the laboratory, except me, no one. The boss rang with a request to go to Ostankino, to take samples of biological material. Of course, although I tried to stay calm, I had a neurosis. Because I never took samples or announced the results in public in a brightly lit studio.

- Yes, that program called "Vacation not in Mexico 2" gathered an incredible number of viewers. The story of the 13-year-old excellent student from the Rostov region, Yulia Sidorenko, who became pregnant in the eighth grade, is still remembered.

- And I, Andrei, was entrusted to put one of the important points in the fate of this girl, who claimed that she was raped by her cousin's husband. The announcement of the results of the DNA test in this case is a verdict. It contains not only the further fate of Julia and her newborn baby, but also the biological father, who can be imprisoned. Not to mention his wife, with whom, by the way, they gave birth to two children. I heard that the test confirmed 99.99% of her husband's guilt, she grabbed her heart and began to choke in pain. I also remember your program, where we had to take 200 DNA tests from almost all the men in the village. But it turned out that the father of the heroine's child is her brother.

- What if you had the opportunity to address the clients of your laboratory or the heroes of some of the stories we tell in Let Them Talk?

- One very wealthy gentleman, the father of five children, doubted that the second and third children were from him. But, when we said that his first son was not his own, he asked to redo the test, they say, it cannot be. “Such a great guy, clever, I have already included him in the business, I bought an apartment. What should I do? - asks. "I'm completely confused." And before my eyes, this strong man burst into tears. Or, for example, your Lost Efforts program, when a lady did not recognize her grandson, because her 40-year-old son was diagnosed with infertility a long time ago. But even with such a diagnosis, a miracle can happen. And an adult man, instead of believing in this miracle, documented by several DNA tests, cannot realize that he has, perhaps, the only heir in his entire life. Of course, I'm 24 years old, why on earth would I go to a person twice my age with advice. He can say: first live your life, and only then speak out.

// Photo: Shot from the program "Let them talk"

- Is it possible for an error with DNAexpertise?

- You can't get away from the human factor, but the probability of an incorrect conclusion is very small. Usually, when analyzing, several specialists observe each other's work.

- I heard that sometimes even children doubt their parents.

- Not so long ago, a 30-year-old boy checked his mother and sister for kinship. By the way, the notorious call of blood does not always manifest itself. Orphans, for example, often just want to see their biological parents. To understand that their biological fathers and mothers are doing fine.

- Today DNA tests -very demanded service, people, in your opinion, do not want to take over fromresponsibility?

- We have become more free, we know more. Previously, the paternity test was only prescribed by the court. Moreover, cerebrospinal fluid was taken from the child, and this is very dangerous - he could remain disabled. And now an elementary saliva test, and the answer is received.

- Are you often recognized on the street?

- It happens. I walked here along Leninsky, I see there is a couple, and the woman pushes the companion in the side: “Look, this is a girl from Channel One, she is still taking out envelopes with DNA. “Snezhana Koroleva, or what? - he asks and, looking at me carefully, shakes his head: - No, she will not walk to the metro to get there.

- Your plans include poluchethe Nobel Prize like, say, at the French genetaca Frasuis Jacoba, one of thetransfer tori of genetic inputformations?

- While I'm going to defend the candidate. But I cannot afford postgraduate studies, I have to earn money. Therefore, I will be an applicant.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was discovered by Johann Friedrich Miescher in 1868. From the remains of the cells contained in the pus, he isolated a substance, which includes nitrogen and phosphorus. A little later, the scientist found out that the new substance has acidic properties. The biological function of DNA was deciphered in the twentieth century. It has been proven that it is DNA, and not proteins, as was previously thought, that is the carrier of genetic information.

Snezhana Kryukova is a dancer and choreographer, one of the brightest participants in the second season of the Dances project on TNT.

Snezhana Kryukova was born in the German city of Weimar 2 days before the new 1991. But soon after the birth of their daughter, the family returned to Russia and stayed in Krasnodar.

Snezhana gave a tip to her parents where to direct her explosive energy when she was 7 years old. The girl ran around the house to the rhythm of the dance, hung in the doorway, and if she walked, then always on tiptoes, as if she were wearing ballet pointe shoes. Mom listened to the prompt and took her daughter to a dance school.


After a couple of weeks, the parents realized that they were not mistaken: Snezhana even arranged the toys in the order in which the teacher placed the children in the choreographic lessons. The girl was so carried away by dancing that she not only devoted all her free time to them, but also decided to associate her whole future life with movement to music.

After graduating from school, Snezhana Kryukova entered the local university of culture and arts, choosing, of course, the department of choreography. If in childhood and adolescence Snezhana specialized in classical and folk dances, then at the university she mastered a new style - contemporary. After graduating from the university, Snezhana Kryukova received a diploma and a specialty "choreographer".

"Dances" on TNT

The decision to participate in the second season of the popular show "Dancing" on "TNT" Snezhana Kryukova made not herself, but together with the guy. At the casting, a dancer from Krasnodar presented the number to the judges along with Batyr Merzhoev. Batyr is also a dancer and dreamed of getting on the project with his beloved.

But the judges decided otherwise and chose only Snezhana. The girl was torn for a long time between the desire to participate in the show and the fear of how the guy would react to this. But the desire to try his hand at a popular TV show won out.

On the project, Snezhana Kryukova managed to open up. Each of her next numbers was undoubtedly better than the previous one. The skill grew before our eyes.

Snezhana's solo dances were no less memorable. For example, in one solo, the dancer showed a touching story about a little girl hiding from bombing and suffering from the horrors of war.

Despite the fact that the Krasnodar dancer did not make it to the final, losing to her stronger rivals, and Adam Trokhin, Snezhana Kryukova's biography was enriched with new bright pages. But most importantly, Snezhana grew up as a choreographer.

In 2016, the dancer got into the continuation of the show - "Battle of the Seasons". Here Snezhana also did not reach the final.

Personal life

Snezhana's doubts about whether to take part in the show after the commission “weeded out” her boyfriend Batyr Merzhoev were not in vain. Probably, Batyr made the decision of his beloved girl to continue the journey without him easily. The test of fame and the test of parting of the couple could not stand it.

But the personal life of Snezhana Kryukova made a new turn. On the project, the girl met the most charming contestant - a dancer and project participant Slava Petrenko. All fans of the show watched their passionate romance with pleasure. In one of the interviews, Snezhana was even outraged that the audience paid more attention to her personal life and relations with Slava than to the performances themselves and achievements on the project.

It is noteworthy that both Snezhana and Slava, when they came to the project, had their "halves". At first, the guys were just friends, learned new dances and talked. Love at first sight did not happen to them, since the thoughts of both dancers were occupied by their beloved. But then the old relationship collapsed, and the young people looked at each other with interest. The feeling flared up when they practiced a common dance called "Fire".

Since then, the dancers have been together. The couple looks at many things the same way, so lovers manage to quickly and painlessly solve most problems, despite their mutual irascibility. Harmonious relations between two media personalities haunt ill-wishers. The latter have repeatedly argued that the relationship that began on the show is a PR and a way to gain votes, and after the completion of the project, the couple will break up. News regularly appears in the media that young people have broken up - these rumors are not confirmed.

Snezhana Kryukova has a moon and sun tattoo on her arm. The girl claims that this drawing reflects her contradictory essence. It is not easy for a girl to find balance in many issues. The inscription around the picture is made in Hindi and stands for "There can be no happiness if there is no one to share it with."

Snezhana Kryukova has a popular Instagram account, where the girl has 270 thousand subscribers. There are no verification marks on the page, but there are contacts for communication with Snezhana. This is also the case in “

Let them talk - dna test- a fashionable topic started actively since 2015, dedicated to DNA paternity tests. Fathers who have not seen their children for a long time grow wiser over time, and through the DNA test they try to return their children. Transfer Let them talk through their stories makes a new release and pays for these dna tests. To get a free DNA test in the laboratory of Snezhana Koroleva, contact Malakhov with your stories.
New presenter Let them talk Dmitry Borisov introduced a new Extended DNA test.

The most interesting issues Let Andrei Malakhov say where they did the DNA test and found out the biological parents of the child:

January - February 2018 - Daria Ganicheva proves her relationship with actor Boris Khimichev
She tried to establish kinship through her brother Khimichev (who turned out to be related only by his mother).
An extended test showed: Daria Ganicheva is the birth daughter of Boris Ganichev by 98.65%.

autumn 2017 - February 2018 - Illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin
Throughout the autumn, from October to December, the PG editorial staff, headed by the newly-made Plastelin Borisov, was procrastinating on the topic of whether Spartak Mishulin was cheating on his wife or not, masking this action with illegitimate children. Will the editors be able to kill the lawful wife of Spartak Mishulin with their programs and take away youth from Mishulin's daughter Karina? Watch a multi-part opera on Channel One.

February 6-7, 2017 - Children were confused in the maternity hospital of Buryatia
The woman first met her biological daughter, who was confused in the hospital more than 30 years ago, and also met her own sister, who was confused in the same hospital 60 years ago. What is this - gags of fate or a joke of God?

January 26, 2017 - Murder of a newborn in Nizhny Novgorod
Can the cops provide the court with another person's genetic material and set up a suspect with a DNA test? Can a fat girl hide the fact of pregnancy throughout the entire period of pregnancy and can her husband not notice?

May 31, 2016 - Irina vs. Karina Bondareva
The girl Karina decided to write her child on the boyfriend, tk. so wanted to receive alimony. The court recorded the child without DNA examination. On the air, it turned out that the child was not from this guy, although he slept with her, but already during pregnancy.

April 20, 2016 - Prokhor Chaliapin donated DNA
Another show with Prokhor Chaliapin. In the new series, the results of a DNA test showed that Anna Kalashnikova walked up the child and decided to impose it on Chaliapin. Look at how it all ends.

March 30, 2016 - DNA for ex-wife
The husband's new wife does not want him to pay alimony for his son to his ex-wife and convinced him that the son is not his own. The ex-wife claims that she did not work up her son and probably the ex-husband still has some feelings for her. But his mom and wife are in complete control of him. What will DNA analysis show?

January 11, 2016 - DNA will judge
The child may not look like the father of a "black" Muslim from the Caucasus, but the mother is Russian. A child in such a marriage can be like the mother and completely different from the father.
Just as not to pay alimony, if you wrote down the child in your name in the passport, and the DNA showed that the child is not yours. A lawyer gives advice.

October 21, 2015 - DNA to help
Even if DNA reveals that you are not the biological father, you may still be required to pay child support after a divorce.

March 11, 2015 - a man cheated on his wife with his mistress
The mistress gave birth to two girls from a married man, and the legal wife turns her husband against the children and his mistress.

February 4, 2015 - Tanya Chuvatova from the village of Serp and Hammer does not remember from whom she conceived
A slender woman of age drank and does not remember from whom she conceived. She doubted her young husband, who, as it turned out, is the real father, although she alarmed the whole village, accusing many of the men in the village.

December 25, 2014 - Nikolay Baskov donates DNA and the alleged biological mother
One blond child was taken from a woman 38 years ago in a maternity hospital in Baikonur, although she had twins, 25 minutes apart.

October 8, 2014 - Alimony to the Next World
The girl gave birth at 15 years old. The doctors said the child had died. The girl's mother, on the contrary, says that she did not sign the waiver. The 35-year-old father also doesn't know anything. But after 17 years they were forced to pay child support. So where is the child.

September 10, 2014 - DNA Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
Former family from Arzamas Igor and Elena Kozlov. Igor believes that his wife walked up. Elena and her friend beat the children with a belt.

May 14, 2014 - fully pregnant
the mother and son think that the daughter-in-law took her son up 5 years after his birth.

May 12, 2014 - Hope for DNA
A 47-year-old man slept with a 14-year-old girl and they had a child.

12 03 2014 - Doubts of the daughter
(daughter at 33 found out that she was confused in the hospital and she found real biological parents)

05 03 2013 - Inheritance price
(the girl is accused of burning her husband so that the child inherits all his property, they find out from whom the child is)

18 12 2013 - DNA test for the rapist
(in the village, at the age of 14, a girl slept with a boyfriend, gave birth, and after 8 years she decided to declare that he had raped her)

2 12 2013 - 20 DNA tests
In an ordinary Russian village, a brother seduced his 13-year-old sister, who later gave birth to a child from him. Until the last moment, they did not want to admit it, and their relatives, too, until a repeated DNA test showed results.

11 12 2013 The father had three sons
(the husband is very jealous of his wife and thought that she walked up his sons)