Weaknesses for a summary example. What disadvantages can you point out in your resume?

Weaknesses for a summary example.  What disadvantages can you point out in your resume?
Weaknesses for a summary example. What disadvantages can you point out in your resume?

I bet that sometimes a wave of self-flagellation and introspection "rolls over" you, when you zealously rummage in your soul and lay out your character "on the shelves" in order to find out what strengths you have, and which ones it would be nice to work on.

And now it turns out: you are lazy, but always ready to help. You are very touchy, but easily get along with people. Or you never bring the business you started to the end, but you just gush out your friends with ideas. What are the strengths and what are the weaknesses? What are the general criteria for determining these strongest and weakest aspects of a person?

There is only one criterion: public opinion.

Public opinion

This has been “hammered” into our heads since childhood: a person must be kind, sympathetic, intelligent, moral, and so on. From the point of view of public morality, only he can bear the proud title of "man" who fully meets all these requirements.

No one argues that all these character traits are positive. But how, tell me, then, to make a career in business for a kind, "understanding" person who enters into the position of all his employees, and forgives them absenteeism, drunkenness at work or rudeness with clients? And it is worth punishing such careless workers, as you automatically fall into the category of "snobs" and "bastards". So think now, is responsiveness a strong character trait, or is it still a weak one?

A ? It seems to be in all respects, it fits the definition of "weak character trait", but in this case the world would not know what a TV remote control or ordinary ear sticks, which were invented when a person got tired of getting up from the couch and switching channels and wind a cotton ball around a match.

Everything is very relative. Excessive talkativeness can be a weak character trait when you are a spy and carry out the task of the Motherland on the territory of a hostile state, but it also becomes a strong character trait for a conversational artist.

Human strengths

Strengths of character can be called those that make a person move forward. This could be:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Perseverance;
  • Strength of will;
  • Organization;
  • A responsibility;
  • Sociability, etc.

These qualities may be present in the character in part, or some of them dominate over the rest. But balance is important here: a well-organized person is a strong trait of his character, but an overly pedantic person will already irritate others, and no one will consider such organization a strong feature.

Human weaknesses

There are people who, from birth, have the ability to make decisions with lightning speed and not "dwell" on the past, but there are few of them. Everyone else has to develop such qualities on their own. "Sculpting yourself" is a titanic work, but if you have already disassembled your character into small nuts and screws, then now you just need to assemble it again. As a designer, patience will be required, but the figure as a result will turn out to be completely different.

Weaknesses of character are not those for which you are ashamed, but those that need to be developed. And not for society, but for myself. Many of these "weak" character traits are easily corrected on their own within a month. Some require the intervention of a psychoanalyst. And one more part is easier to adjust than to fix.

For example, you are always late. No matter how you set the clock an hour ahead, meetings are broken anyway. Here you need to adapt - make appointments during working hours right in the office or at lunchtime in the cafe where you always dine. You will definitely not be late there.

Or you are constantly inundated with things that get harder every day. Choose one of them the most important and make it. Then the other is the most important, and until you bring it to its logical conclusion, do not take on the other. In a week, you won't even notice how you got rid of the lion's share of the cases that hung over your neck like a "sword of Damocles".

Identify your weaknesses for yourself. Write them down in a notebook. This could be:

  • Inability to "keep your mouth shut";
  • Excessive emotionality;
  • Lack of willpower;
  • Slovenliness;
  • Shyness;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Inability to refuse, etc.

Choose the most "disgusting" trait for yourself and start correcting it. It's impossible to fix everything right away, start with one. If you are ready to tell everyone and everything about your problems or gossip about your neighbors, then at the first uttered word in this direction pinch your hand. Only strong to feel. In a few days, you will be afraid to open your mouth, if only you do not put another bruise.

Or you are embarrassed to be in public. Sign up for courses, start communicating with the children in the yard, after them you can already enter into conversations with their parents, then with neighbors, after and with strangers.


Since you have already grown up, then you have already received a certain upbringing. I do not like how your parents raised you - re-educate yourself. Anyone who sincerely wants to become a successful person can become a successful person.

It's easier to blame everything on your weaknesses: “I didn't write the report because I forgot. You know how forgetful I am! " or "Everyone insults me because I am weak and cowardly." And do something to stop being weak and weak cowardly? Maybe go to at least a couple of kickboxing classes, huh?

Without working on your weaknesses and without increasing your strengths, you will forever remain in the swamp of life. Maybe, of course, you are one of the people who only need bread, butter, and beer, then in vain you read this. And if you want to get out of the quagmire, then get started. Right now. Take a pen, notebook, sit down at the table and write:

“I have a lot of strengths. This is ... .. "and, as a conclusion," I have a few shortcomings, this is ... .. ". Have you written? Now fix your laziness to exercise - go for a walk or start doing spring cleaning. Good luck, you will succeed!

Image: gcoldironjr2003 (flickr.com)

Any resume is created in order to tell the employer about the applicant for the position. Each person, with his help, wants to distinguish himself from other candidates. In order to show oneself not just as an employee, but also as a person, personal qualities inherent in everyone are indicated. In any resume there is a point in which you need to indicate the best qualities that you possess. Different qualities are suitable for each profession, moreover, it is not always necessary to indicate a standard set of phrases.

Below you can find out how to correctly show the strengths and weaknesses of your character, and also look at those examples of personal qualities in the resume that are worth mentioning.

What qualities are suitable for different professions?

Everyone knows that for each profession a person must have certain qualities and internal attitudes. So, for a leader it is important to be able to be responsible and be able to manage a large team, for a doctor - collected and persistent, for a manager - communicative. Therefore, it is not worth indicating all the qualities in a row.

a) Let's start with a person who is only in first once gets a job. Even if he possesses all the skills listed in the resume, the employer cannot know this. Such a candidate needs to indicate that he has:

  1. Desire to learn and improve;
  2. Ability to adapt;
  3. Desire to learn;
  4. Activity;
  5. Unusual and creative approach to work;
  6. Willingness to work in a team;

b) A person who already has work experience and is applying for a position the head, it is worth pointing out:

  1. Ability to lead and work in a team;
  2. Sociability;
  3. A responsibility;
  4. Stress tolerance;
  5. Ability to work and make decisions quickly;
  6. Perseverance;
  7. Observation;

c) For accountant:

  1. Perseverance;
  2. Ability to learn quickly and easily;
  3. Attention to detail and when working with documents;
  4. Decency;
  5. Loyalty;
  6. Punctuality;

d) For manager on sales:

  1. Communicativeness;
  2. Broad horizons;
  3. Ability to communicate with people;
  4. Initiative
  5. Hard work

e) For lawyer:

  1. Literacy;
  2. Sense of justice;
  3. Perseverance;
  4. Ability to contact;
  5. Ability to work with people;
  6. Stress tolerance;

Very often, employers, already at the interview, ask you to visually show all the qualities that you indicated in your resume. Therefore, it is worth writing in this paragraph only truthful information, like! In the modern world of technology, it is not difficult to verify whether information about a person is true.

What to write about yourself in your resume?

At this point, you should always indicate 4 main categories: a) work, b) thinking, c) relationships with people, d) character.

a) The first point includes such qualities as: dedication, responsibility, high efficiency, etc.

c) Relationships with people are sociability, teamwork, politeness, etc.

d) Your character traits: attentiveness, punctuality, activity, etc.

There is also a standard list of qualities that can be specified in addition to the inherent professional qualities:

  1. Activity;
  2. Friendliness;
  3. A responsibility;
  4. Accuracy;
  5. Discipline;
  6. Diligence;
  7. Not conflicting;
  8. Hard work;
  9. Decency;
  10. Resourcefulness;

At this point, you do not need to write too much, one, maximum two lines will be enough. And also clearly understand what exactly you write, because many will have approximately similar qualities. Statistics of those words that indicate most often:

Negative qualities

Often, in addition to your strengths, the employer asks you to indicate the weaknesses that you have. In no case should you ignore this requirement or an empty paragraph in your resume. There are some "shortcomings" that can be played up as, of some kind, advantages, here are those weaknesses of character in the resume, examples:

  1. Pedantry (Although, there are exceptions. In some professions, strict adherence to the rules is not always encouraged, for example, in professions related to creativity);
  2. Modesty;
  3. Strong sense of responsibility;
  4. Scrupulousness and perfectionism;
  5. Activity (Of course, for those professions where perseverance is not required: not for a lawyer, accountant, etc.)
  6. Lack of work experience or education in the profile. (Such a step is risky, but true, and then you should definitely indicate in the merits that you are ready to learn, etc.).

In contact with

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 4 minutes


How to please the future chef if his profile contains an insidious point - weaknesses of character? In a resume, unlike ordinary conversation, every word has weight, so it is better to prepare in advance for uncomfortable questions, and weak qualities in it must be presented as very useful for the case.

  1. You can simply not indicate your weak professional qualities in the resume. Concentrate on your skills, experience, education, and personal qualities can be talked about during the interview. However, it is impossible to refuse that item if you fill out the resume electronically. Read also:
  2. A dash instead of information is another mistake of future employees. If the chief decided to leave this column, it means that he is really interested in this information. And it's not even about her, but about checking the adequate perception of oneself, the ability to learn and understand the leader. Emptiness can speak of excessively high self-esteem or, on the contrary, of self-doubt. Read also:
  3. Of course, you should not list all the shortcomings in too much detail or engage in self-flagellation. It is enough to remember that any weaknesses in a resume have a downside for the employer. And what will be a problem for one may be an advantage for another. For example, if you are an accountant, your lack of communication will be useful in your work. And if you are a manager, then this is a serious omission.
  4. When filling out your strengths and weaknesses on your resume, try to build on the position you want to occupy. For example, select disadvantages that are not related to your business. Restlessness is the norm for a sales manager, but a minus for an accountant.
  5. "Turn disadvantages into advantages" Is the old approach. It works if you can think creatively. Otherwise, the efforts will be too primitive and they will bite you. So the ploy "with a heightened sense of responsibility, workaholism and perfectionism" can be unsuccessful.
  6. Remember that some bosses aren't looking for flaws at all. , but only assess the adequacy, truthfulness and self-criticism.
  7. It is better to describe such weaknesses in your resume that you can improve. This must also be reported in the text of the questionnaire. There are some chefs who want to train employees for themselves. In this case, your frankness and willingness to work on yourself will be appreciated.
  8. Indicate not only individual characteristics, but also your properties in teamwork .
  9. Don't use florid phrases like "my faults are extensions of my strengths." This will not surprise, but only show a reluctance to conduct a dialogue with the employer.
  10. The optimal number of disadvantages is 2 or 3 ... Don't get carried away!

Weaknesses in a resume - examples:

  • Selfishness, pride, scrupulousness, inflexibility in labor issues, the habit of telling the truth directly, inability to establish contact with strangers, increased exactingness.
  • A tendency to formalism, overweight, lack of punctuality, slowness, restlessness, fear of airplanes, impulsivity.
  • Reliability, high anxiety, hyperactivity, distrust, straightforwardness, the need for external motivation.
  • Hot temper, isolation, self-confidence, stubbornness.
  • Among the weaknesses, it is possible to indicate in the resume that you do not always express your thoughts perfectly or are prone to reflection ... And if you are asked why it interferes, answer that you would like to spend less time analyzing the problem.

Are you looking for a job and want to find a great job? Then you can't do without a properly composed resume. A competent approach is needed here. From the resume, the employer must find out all the information about the candidate that is useful for himself, and the applicant is simply obliged to stand out from the general mass of competitors applying for a similar position. The qualities indicated in the resume are one of the steps to success, they play a decisive important, one might say, decisive role. If you do not know what qualities to indicate, we will help with this, give useful tips and recommendations.

The article will discuss what qualities to indicate in the resume, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate for the position, what is worth mentioning and what to keep silent about.

So, we read carefully, remember and compose a unique resume, having studied which, the employer simply cannot refuse the candidate and will definitely take him to work.

What qualities to indicate in the resume to the applicant

Of course, you need to praise yourself, but it is advisable to write the truth about yourself, otherwise, in the process of work, misunderstandings may arise, and you will have to blush and make excuses.

So, what might the employer like and what he will first of all pay attention to:

  • Increased sense of responsibility.
  • Discipline.
  • Punctuality.
  • Perseverance.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Sociability.
  • Perseverance.
  • Diligence.

Remember, your task is to reveal as many positive qualities about yourself as possible that help you achieve your goals in your work. If you wish, you can try to somehow originally tell about yourself, but you shouldn't go too far (see). Otherwise, the employer may not believe that the specified information about himself is true.

In addition to the above qualities, include a number of non-standard but attractive character traits in your resume if necessary.

What character strengths to include in the list of qualities that are attractive to an employer:

  • Initiative;
  • Creative mindset;
  • Speed, mobility, activity;
  • Increased resistance to stressful situations;
  • Grammatically correct speech;
  • Good diction;
  • Confidence in your strength.

If you have at least a couple of these qualities, be sure to include them in your resume. With such a list, the candidate has a very real chance of getting a good job and attracting the attention of the management (see). A successful presentation of yourself never hurts, because the competition for prestigious positions is always high.

What are the weak points to indicate in the resume so that you will be hired

There are no ideal people, so an applicant for a vacancy must certainly have flaws in the resume. It is important for management that a person is able to look at himself critically and assess himself quite adequately.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for weak qualities that cannot spoil the candidate's reputation.

  1. Reliability.
  2. Inability to sit in one place for a long time.
  3. Straightness.
  4. Fear of air travel.
  5. Excessive craving for formalism.
  6. Inability to deceive.
  7. Increased activity.
  8. Distrustfulness.
  9. Unwillingness to compromise on controversial issues.
  10. Integrity.
  11. Modesty.
  12. Demanding to yourself and others.

These examples can be taken as a basis, and at the interview, the main thing is to show that you are ready to work and do everything possible for the good of the company.

Men and women, what is the difference between their qualities in the resume

As it has already become clear, a resume is in some way a business card of a candidate for a job, so it must be written concisely, in essence, but at the same time succinctly and informatively.

Basically, the resume of men and women does not differ in anything special, but still there are nuances. Let's talk about the strengths and some of the weaknesses of the opposite sex applicants that it is desirable to include in the resume.

Male Strengths:

  • Activity.
  • Strength of will.
  • Ability to find a common language with people.
  • Bringing the started to its logical end.
  • Perseverance.
  • Conscientiousness.
  • Developed intelligence.

What are the weaknesses to indicate in the resume of the strength of male applicants:

  • Arrogance.
  • Selfishness.
  • Hotness.
  • Optional.
  • Disorderly, carelessness.

Personal strengths of a woman:

  • Patience.
  • Determination.
  • Loyalty.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Desire to find a compromise.

Weaknesses in women's resume:

  • Nervousness.
  • Sharpness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Depression tendency.
  • Restlessness.
  • Emotionality.

We found out what qualities, indicated in the resume, are sure to attract the attention of the employer. Now let's talk about little tricks, or rather about how and what not to do when drawing up a characteristic about yourself.

Small nuances when writing a resume

  1. Information should be clear, not blurry. That is, the applicant talks about everything and nothing. Try to keep the information concise. And most importantly, indicate why you should be hired, how you compare favorably with the rest.
  2. Speak the truth. If the lie is revealed immediately, it will deprive the candidate of the opportunity to get a job. If the deception is revealed after the person has been hired, it will be a great excuse to fire him.
  3. Literacy. If a candidate has listed among his strengths attention to detail and the ability to write without mistakes, but at the same time made them in the resume, this will definitely cause bewilderment. Mistakes indicate negligence, carelessness and disinterest in the workplace.

Now you know how to write a resume, and what qualities to indicate in it, in order to become the first applicant for a tidbit, that is, for an attractive position.

After all, it is after reading it that the first stage of screening out candidates for the position follows. This means that the job seeker must first of all be interested in the HR specialist in order to qualify for the first interview.

The resume should be short enough, no more than 1-2 pages. It is necessary to try to place in this format not only information about professional skills and education received, but also to briefly identify the applicant. When specifying personal information, weigh each phrase, because this is how your weaknesses in the resume are revealed. For example, if you are worried that you might be rejected because of your age category, include your work experience first, and your date of birth at the end. and the presence of children in each specific case also affects the assessment of the resume. If the work involves business trips, be sure to indicate that a family member or a nanny is with the children, that you can easily leave them during business trips. This applies to women to a greater extent, especially if the children are small. It is better to indicate information about babies at the very end of the resume so that it is not perceived negatively. Having a woman of preschool age for almost any employer is your weakness in the resume. Try to devote as much time as possible to sa

my strongest sides - education, professional experience, and acquired skills. It may happen that you are asked to fill out a resume form developed by an employer. Surely it will contain a lot of questions about your personality traits. There is no need to pretend to be who you are not, because during the work it all will be revealed.

Yours in resume

If you're required to describe your strengths and weaknesses on your resume, don't be overly outspoken. There is no need to describe the weaknesses of the character. In your resume, be concise and weigh the characteristics. Indeed, depending on the position for which you are applying, the same quality can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. For example, for the analyst's work, communication skills are not required, here other qualities are more appropriate - scrupulousness, concentration, etc. Working with visitors requires an employee with a calm, sometimes even phlegmatic character. Leadership tendencies are not needed here at all.

When describing your weaknesses on your resume, such as not knowing a foreign language, emphasize your desire for development and desire to learn. If you are required to talk about your shortcomings, indicate no more than 2-3 qualities. It is better to avoid vague wording and do not indicate qualities that run counter to the requirements for a vacant position. Describe in the simplest words, without complicated phrases, your weaknesses in your resume. Example: impulsiveness, straightforwardness, isolation, etc. Do not write formulations that are frightening to a potential employer, such as restlessness, irascibility, slowness, etc. Don't share your concerns, it has nothing to do with your plans to get a job.