Scene congratulations on the new year for adults. Old Year VS New

Scene congratulations on the new year for adults. Old Year VS New

Playing out interesting scenarios and funny scenes is a guaranteed way to make any festive event fun, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens for the New Year are planning, instead of a banal feast, a fun themed party with games, contests and scenes. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company or for a corporate party can both be found on the network, and you can invent it yourself, changing and acting out a script from any popular fairy tale, film or book. And to make the guests have fun and interesting, each participant in the game can improvise, making their own changes to the game. By the way, the coolest and most beloved New Year's scenes for adults are funny scenes and well-known fairy tales with comic plot changes. And here we will share ideas and videos of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for a corporate party or a friendly party.

  • Funny and modern sketches for the New Year 2019 of the Pig
  • Scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party: Fairy tales with gags
  • Short sketches for the New Year for adults
  • Cool New Year's scenes for a corporate party
  • The coolest sketches for the New Year 2019 of the Pig for a fun company

Funny and modern sketches for the New Year 2019 for adults

It's actually very simple to come up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for an adult group of friends. As a basis for the script, you can take any topic from life, and it would also be a great idea to compose a scene based on your favorite comedy film or a Stand Up comedian performance. But still, the most relevant at the party will be scenes about the New Year, in which you can play up funny, cool or comical cases that happened or could have happened on this fabulous night.

An example scenario of a funny scene "How not to behave in the New Year"

A great idea for a funny modern scene will be the scene "How you should not behave in the New Year." To play this scene, you need 2 people who will conduct a dialogue with each other, forcing everyone present to fall with laughter. Below is an example scenario for such a scene, but if you wish, you can change and supplement it by coming up with your own cool examples of how you definitely cannot behave on New Year's Eve.

Scenario of the scene "How not to behave in the New Year"

Host 1: Dear guests, I am so glad to see all of you at this holiday. Now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the New Year 2019!

Host 2: Why are you going to tell us how to properly celebrate the New Year? I know better!

Host 1: You? How do you know how to spend the New Year's holidays? You run around every December 31 in shops and supermarkets until 11 pm, because Santa Claus apparently forbids you to buy sweets and gifts in advance!

Host 2: And this is told to me by a man who folds empty boxes tied with bows at home under a Christmas tree, photographs it and puts it in classmates with the caption “Look, how many gifts Santa Claus brought me”!

Host 1: At least I don’t give all my friends a box of Bird's Milk, bought at the nearest supermarket for a special offer, for the New Year.

Host 2: But you have a lot of fun celebrating the New Year - at 10 pm you turn on the TV and until 4 am you watch reruns of the show with Petrosyan!

Host 1: And you, of course, spend the old year and meet the New one much more fun! You go out into the street at half past eleven, approach all the companies you meet, congratulate them, and wait to be poured champagne!

Host 2: And you never buy fireworks and crackers! Why, you can also look at strangers.

Host 1: And you send the same congratulations found on the Internet to all your friends and relatives. For both women and men! It doesn't matter that it contains the words "so that your husband loves you and gives you flowers."

Host 2: And while the chimes are chiming, you write on a piece of paper the desire to "Win $ 1,000,000 in the lottery", burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink this drink. But something for 10 years, Santa Claus has never fulfilled your wish!

Host 1: And this is told to me by a person who has never heard the chimes striking, since at this time he is already sound asleep with his face in a plate of salad.

Host 2: I don't even know which is better - to sleep in a salad or call on New Year's Eve with all the former and drunken voices to tell them that they are bitches and immediately confess their love.

Host 1: And you don’t call anyone on New Year’s - you’re busy at this time, telling the hostess how best to cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat, how she was supposed to decorate the New Year tree and what dress she should wear.

Host 2: And you never celebrate the New Year at home - you always ask someone to visit someone and sit there until January 3 or even longer, until you eat everything from the fridge and drink from the bar.

Host 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 am and wake everyone up with the words: "Let's go outside to play snowballs, otherwise this year we have not been outdoors yet."

Host 2: And you always take a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house with the words “you don’t know how to open it correctly,” and as a result, you will hit someone in the eye with a cork or break the chandelier.

Presenter 1: And you decided to show drunk how to do somersaults correctly, and in the end you knocked down the tree!

Host 2: We're both good.

Host 1: In general, dear friends, if you want to have a great New Year ...

Host 2: Remember that you cannot do the way we do this!

Modern sketches about the New Year on video

The video shows a funny and daring modern scene for the New Year for adults "Talent Contest". To make all guests have fun, you can use the idea of ​​this scene, but give all participants the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe New Year 2019 scene for a corporate party: old fairy tales with gags in a modern way

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adults on New Year's Eve believe in miracles and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Therefore, a great idea for a scene for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party is fairy tales with gags in a new way. You can play a funny scene based on any well-known fairy tale, and to make the guests even more fun, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with which the participants can transform into fairy-tale characters.

New Year's scene "Grandma Ezhki"

The grandmothers of Ezhki in the New Year's scene are funny positive characters who will amuse all the guests with their dialogue. The scene involves 5 Babok Ezhek, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even funnier. An example scenario for this scene is below.

5 attendants of the Yozhki come out and conduct a dialogue:

The first grandmother turns to her companions: Something for a long time we haven’t got out anywhere, we haven’t hung out anywhere. It's time to shake the old days! Oh look! Why are they all gathered here (looks back at the guests)? Surely they are celebrating something.

Second: One hundred percent. If everyone is assembled, then we go to Kashchei's party. (takes a phone out of his pocket and dials a number). Hello, Kashchich! All is ready? Then we hurry to you. We fly at full steam (addresses the grandmas). Well, let's go ?!

Third: How do we know that they are celebrating here?

Fourth: Let's just ask (addresses the guests). Hello, tell me what's going on here? For what reason did you meet?

Guests: Celebrating the New Year!

Fifth grandma: Oh, is there a holiday planned here? Maybe then we'll stay, otherwise it's a long way to Kashchei, but my back hurts, I might not overcome this long path.

All the grandmas, except for the second, answer in chorus: Come on, come on!

The first grandmother addresses the second: And you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you and the wilderness! You would fly to Laura and check your ears!

Second: My electric broom is out of order, so I can't fly to the hospital!

First: Huh, I bought myself a Mercedes for a long time and I cut it everywhere. So what? Staying to celebrate the New Year?

Second: Of course! Will we show you how we can ignite?

The first one addresses the DJ: Well, play us something?

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is playing.

The grandmothers begin to make noise and indignation.

Third grandma: DJ, what did you turn on? Come on to our beloved.

A song about the grandmothers Ezhek sounds, and the characters demonstrate an incendiary dance, and then they bow and leave.

New Year's scene "Turnip in a new way" - idea on video

The video below shows another version of the table scene with the "Turnip" fairy tale with gags. This idea is perfect for a corporate party, which is attended by colleagues of mature and old age, as well as those who prefer quiet sedentary entertainment.

Funny short sketches for the New Year for adults

Short skits for the New Year for adults are a great way to make New Year's Eve fun and to add variety to the traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes from long, well-thought-out scenarios is the possibility of improvisation and attracting everyone present to the fun. And below we will share ideas on how to entertain guests with a funny short scene at a New Year's party in 1-5 minutes.

Scenario of a funny short scene "Rain for Happiness" for the New Year

This scene is called "Happy Rain". To carry it out, you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pots). One container should be filled with water, and the other with confetti, and the leader should put the container with water on the table next to him, and hide the jug of confetti so that it can be easily and quickly obtained at the right time.

When the time for the scene comes, the presenter rises from his seat, says a toast and says that in countries with a humid climate there is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve is fortunate and wealthy. During his story, he must now and then dip his hand into a jug of water so that the guests can see the water. When everyone present is convinced that there is water in the jug, it must be discreetly replaced with a container with confetti.

At the end of his story, the presenter expresses regret that there is no rain on the street, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends that he was overtaken by an insight and loudly say "But this should replace the rain", take a jug of confetti and throw out its contents on the guests. Since everyone thinks that there is water in the jug, they will scatter from the table, and when they understand that it is raining from confetti, they will laugh at the joke of the host.

The idea of ​​a very funny short New Year's scene "An Italian for the New Year"

The idea and an approximate scenario of a funny mini-scene "Italian for the New Year" is shown in the video. At a New Year's party, you can conduct such a scene according to a script with a video, or you can come up with your own small script based on it, for example, "A Chinese for the New Year."

Cool and funny New Year's scenes for a corporate party

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than celebrating the New Year with family and friends. Leaders of corporate events, as a rule, think over the theme and scenario of the party in advance and are looking for cool New Year's scenes for a corporate party, in which all guests can participate.

The employees of the company themselves also on the eve of the New Year can come up with and rehearse a scene with which they want to cheer colleagues at a corporate party. Such scenes will provide an opportunity not only to have great fun at the holiday, but also to get closer to colleagues and show oneself from another side.

Videos with cool scenes at corporate New Year's parties

On the video from the New Year's corporate events of Russian companies, you can glean interesting and cool ideas for scenes for the New Year. And we have published a video with the coolest and funniest New Year's scenes for a corporate party below.

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a friendly, fun company

To choose the coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If the majority of those present have acting talents and the ability to improvise, you can come up with and act out scenes based on fairy tales and films, and if the guests like to laugh, short joke scenes with making funny wishes are a great idea.

Since 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a scene based on the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" will be very relevant on New Year's Eve. An example scenario of the scene is as follows:

The king enters the scene.

The presenter says: there was a king in the world. He owned vast lands. He was powerful and strong, all the neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beautiful daughter.

A beautiful girl enters the stage and performs a graceful dance.

(At this time, the girl laughs loudly and loudly.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the princess. All the princes and princes bypassed her, and the royal daughter really wanted to get married.

The daughter turns to the king: I will go, father, to seek my happiness!

The king blesses his daughter, who goes to the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three little pigs come out to meet her. (Each of them needs to come up with a name in advance and an interesting story. For example, the presenter can tell about one that he is a lover of acorns. It is better to choose a well-fed man for the role of this pig. The second pig can be a womanizer and flirt with the queen. The third hero can be gay. . You can independently come up with other stories depending on the audience gathered).

The king's daughter takes turns dancing with each pig, but suddenly a gray wolf runs onto the stage. He scares the piglets.

The princess is hiding on the sidelines, because she was frightened by the wolf.

But the pigs were brave. The three of them attack the wolf and jokingly beat him.

The wolf begins to beg for mercy and asks to let him go, but the pigs continue their actions, while wailing about how much trouble the wolf will bring them.

And then the princess comes into play. She felt very sorry for the wolf, and she asks the pigs to stop. Before her pleas, they retreat.

The king's daughter comes up to him, starts stroking and helps him up. The princess falls in love with a wolf. They decide to get married. Of course, three piglets are also invited to this celebration.

In the video below, you can see another idea for a very cool New Year's scene for adults. This scene is perfect for a company of close friends.

Performing sketches for the New Year is a great way to cheer up guests

We bring to your attention a couple of scenarios for the New Year 2018, which are suitable for adult parties. It is quite possible to do without professional showmen and artists, to organize a New Year's corporate party on our own, the idea is traditional - an oriental horoscope.

This New Year's scenario meets all the requirements:

  • contains bright characters;
  • texts by roles in verses;
  • jokes for adults;
  • contests for adults;
  • games for adults;
  • humor 18+.

For the Year of the Dog, you can supplement this scenario with original thematic contests, for example: "Find Pedi Gris". The point of the competition is that which of the participants will find a bowl of dry dog ​​food faster, but with a blindfold.

So, let's begin…

The hall is dark. Mysterious, fabulous music sounds.
Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter the hall. Candle in hand, tiptoe into the center of the hall

Father Frost:

Don't creak your boots
Suddenly someone hears ...
I wish I could lubricate the joints
And in general, be more modest

Snow Maiden:

You yourself grumble more quietly
Close your mitten
Flu walks the planet
They say that he is pork
By the way, bummer style
One of the main symptoms.

Father Frost:

Quack fool, shut up
There is nothing to teach me!
I'm a young man
Albeit with a white beard
Well, I couldn't sell the snow!
I'm human too!

Snow Maiden:

You are a sales representative!
Our firm is a long-liver.
All hope is for you
And you don't steer a damn thing!

Father Frost:

Don't talk, get down to business
Untie the bag.
Get the money out soon
Money loves counting nowadays!

Snow Maiden:

A thousand, two, four, five
Oh, don't share again
I'm four and you
I'll give you a thousand ...
What do you round your eyes?
Don't you trust me?

Father Frost:

I might have trusted
Only the wrong one attacked.
She shoveled the pieces of paper
I hid it - anywhere!
Will you say you dreamed again?
The money seemed to dissolve!
Not the Snow Maiden! Shame and disgrace!
Even underpants have a pocket!

Snow Maiden:

What do you care?
Sew a pocket under the beard!
You can even under a robe ...
And in general, do not sit down!
By the way, you have
Hidden places - to fig!
This is me with my outfit
To be sophisticated as it is necessary.
If I had money, I’ll hide everything!
So that no one will find!

Father Frost:

Well, you've become greedy ...
So that you be ... bewitched!
What kind of noise? .. I don’t understand?
Who is there? (the candles are put out, the light is on)

In chorus:

My mommy!

Snow Maiden:

What are you standing with with your mouth open?
Smile, people are here!

Father Frost:

Here we are in trouble
Come on, start as soon as possible!
I forgot everything out of fright ...
Where the hell is my apochmelin?

Snow Maiden:

You are such a fool with us
At banquets or what?
The fool does not remember words like that
And I also decided to work!

Father Frost:

Here! Found!

Snow Maiden:

Walk straight!!!

Father Frost:

Hello honest people!

Snow Maiden:

(beautiful intonation)
Through storms and blizzards
We got to you barely - barely ...

Father Frost:

(grumbles) And neither ate nor drank
Only the bubble was persuaded

Snow Maiden:

We walked to you for a long time, in a hurry

Father Frost:

Didn't even get drunk ...

Snow Maiden:

Through the forest, eight blocks!

Father Frost:

I almost dropped my hooves ...

Snow Maiden:

Don't let it go limp
Carry out grandpa's plan
You and me, my dear
You can't go home without money
You don't have a lot in your bag
Earn cabbage !!!

Father Frost:

The tables are full of food.
It costs all the big thousand!

Snow Maiden:

Yes! The table is full of snacks

Father Frost:

Pass - ka brine

Snow Maiden:

And pass the plate
What are you looking at?

Father Frost:

Today we are "For" fun
"For" a slightly intoxicated potion,
"For" a happy new year,
May he bring happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Stop! Do not pour him!
There are five orders ahead!
By the way, how much will we be paid?
It is necessary to show the prices.

Father Frost:

Guests are lovely, dear
Jokes are dear now
Song is a piece, games are two
Prices are lower than in Moscow
Calling Santa Claus
Cost you eight thousand.
Well, with the Snow Maiden together -
Of course it's already ten

Snow Maiden:

Photo with Frost
Together with the tree - we ask for three hundred!
No Frost and no Christmas tree
Will cost five!

Father Frost:

Sale!!! Hurry up !!!
Get our main prize !!!
When ordering a round dance
Discounts for all people!

Snow Maiden:

White clean snow
Plunge into it my friend!
Sit with a friend in a snowdrift
It is possible for half a piece like.

Father Frost:

With the Snow Maiden the slow-moving
That friend ordered!
You can take home
But then friends are auctioning!

Snow Maiden:

We offer exclusive !!!
Erotic motive
Hold on to grandfather's staff
Costs exactly three dinners

Father Frost:

And hold on to the braid
It is possible for the sausage!

Snow Maiden:

And how much does the sausage cost?

Father Frost:

Two hundred forty-three rubles!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, my stockings are more expensive!
Manicure is more expensive too
And the wig? And the boots?
Look at the suit!

Cosmetologist, dermatologist
Ophthalmologist, venereologist - oh!
Yes, you have a beard
Very expensive too

Where did you get these prices?
We are in the Capital, not in the village!
If you count everything here
Draws twenty-five thousand!

We will not justify anything
We will only waste time!

Father Frost:

Wait, don't get hot
Calm down, take a look around
Look at the people, what -
Very expensive
Do you remember the scheme?

Snow Maiden:

Ha! And then!
Completed for a long time!

Father Frost:

Get out your wallets!
There is no place for longing here
For the sake of the holiday friends
We cannot spare money!

Snow Maiden:

Here is a magic chest!
Hold him buddy
Yes, hold it, don't grab it !!!
Hold it - give it to another!

Put a coin here
And you will get candy
DM. Where are you looking impudent!
No candy for you!

I look at you diamonds
Emeralds and agates ...
In order not to lose them, you need to insure them!
Throw in a ruble with a darling
I will give it to the insurer.

Father Frost:

Well, why are you sitting?
Happiness perhaps you do not want?
Happiness is not enough, not enough for everyone
For a five-minute ride

Snow Maiden:

Well, my dear friend to you
Seeing bored without friends?
Let go of the coin here
And you look, there is no lights out!

(Snow Maiden sits on his lap)

Father Frost:

Modest, quiet, but where are your hands?
Obviously not on your head!

Snow Maiden:

Naughty little hands
Know the girls will stick!

Father Frost:

So come on get it
Rubles from pockets
We'll tell you for many years!

Snow Maiden:

May all your troubles turn to ash,
And fix your budget!

Father Frost:

Don't be a semaphore generous
And it will pay off with interest

Snow Maiden:

I gave up a little, so well -
Reap what you sow!

Father Frost:

Where is the boss?

Snow Maiden:

Ah, here it is
There is nothing nicer.
For the firm to flourish
That would not know the crisis

Father Frost:

So that the season is successful
Debit with credit reduced

Snow Maiden:

So that the tax office
Walked around the office amicably

Father Frost:

So that always and so that everywhere
You were on top!

Snow Maiden:

Count and write.
Put in your right felt boot!

Father Frost:

Stop! The banquet was paid for!
How we forgot!
Well I wrote it down in a notebook
How would not a scandal come out ...
We need to return the money.

Snow Maiden:

What, to give to the director?

Father Frost:

Here's your first installment on a yacht!

Snow Maiden:

Don't forget to ride!
How much strength and everything is not for me ...
I'll call you in February!

Father Frost:

Enough! I have the money.
Work it out, relatives!
We start to drive the script
Not the same as it was in the beginning!

Entertainment and feasts for the New Year 2018 like money, there is never a lot. A holiday with family, get-togethers with friends, outings and, of course, New Year's corporate party 2018. It is advisable to pick up a cool script, with comic numbers, sweepstakes, funny contests and funny prizes, so that the team would meet the New Year in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Cool script "Corporate casting"

Leading: “Good evening, dear colleagues! Make yourself comfortable, we start ... "
At this time, an elegant man comes through the door, in a brown suit, in a yellow shirt, with a well-worn bow tie or in a brown scarf. And with a quick step he goes to the leader.

The guest: “Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, it was a little delayed, traffic jams. "

Presenter (looks at him in disbelief): "And who are you, actually?"

Guest (in a loud whisper): “You ordered the eastern symbol for the New Year, would you like to congratulate the team? Receive and sign. " He takes a consignment note out of his pocket and hands the document to the girl.

Presenter (looking at the stranger from head to toe): "Yes, but we thought that ..."

The guest: “A real dog will come running, with a wagging tail, yellow hair, a devoted gaze, and will read out a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, and groan. Dogs, you know, aren't all sorts of parrots, they can't talk. Well, just like children, honestly! " Addressing the audience: “Allow me to introduce myself, Earth Dog of the highest category, Chongqing, if in Chinese. Please love and respect".

Guest (host): “Let's continue the New Year's corporate party 2018, the script is cool my performance, when does it? Let me work it out right now, congratulate the audience! "

Leading: “Well, we just got together, we never raised our glasses, we didn't have time to taste the salads. We have a long New Year's corporate party, the program is extensive. Wait, I'll see when your exit. "

Guest (hugging partner by the shoulders) : “Beauty, dear, good, I have no time to drink, have no time to eat, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - a continuous New Year's corporate party, where can I sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Leading: "About what, if not a secret?"

The guest: “To find an assistant for yourself a nimble or pretty quick assistant. Together we would be in time everywhere, not missing a single New Year's corporate party from the list. Idea! Let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Do not hesitate, it will be interesting. "

Leading: “A tempting offer. How will the audition be held? "

The guest: “In the form of simple contests. And so, the first test. The dog is known to bark loudly. Vocal abilities are not particularly important for her, the main thing is the strength of the voice, volume. We get up, straighten our shoulders, pick up stomachs, stretch our necks. I say the opening lines of the chant, and you chorus - the last phrase. Each participant tries to drown out opponents. Go!

Nice holiday New Year,
The people are coming off.
We see off the cock
We meet the year of the dog (together)

Who is there behind the door?
According to Chinese belief,
The signs of the zodiac are circling.
A dog came to visit us!

Our team, wherever,
We are always for each other!
And together with the authorities
Let's meet the earthen dog!

Shouted from the heart
Look at your neighbor.
Smile - straight, half-face!
Let's meet the yellow dog!

I will award the victory to him,
Who will shout "woof" to the whole country
And the sweet prize is for him too.
Glory to the Earth Dog!

Leading: “It's time to wet the necks! Refill your glasses! Gentlemen, take care of the ladies. (Turning to the guest) The dog is so gallant. "

Guest (showing off): “The next competition is announced, for men. Within 3 minutes, they must collect as many kisses as possible. Counting - by lipstick prints on a napkin. Is everyone ready? Reade set Go! (Verka Serduchka's theme song sounds).

Leading: “I decided that encouraging prizes (chocolate dogs or something like that) deserve all the participants, without exception. And the main award, a souvenir symbol of the year, will go to the most charming and attractive. Accounting, announce the results! "

The guest: “And in the New Year's corporate program, I included one more competition, very indicative, for quick wits. I need a savvy partner. As they say, one head is good, but two are still better. Let's see which of you will guess the tricky riddles.

Itself is ringing, the waist is thin,
It is wide in the chest,
And from below - thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows, people?
Snow woman, where will she come from? (Zimbabwe).

It employs nearly 40 million people at night. ("Sitting" on the Internet).

Big, red, with a mustache and hares. What is it? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body
The cunning - on the mind?
Observed in hockey
And on the chessboard. (Combination)

Guest (with admiration): “I was surprised, guys, that you have a ward. I confess, for the first time I got to a New Year's corporate party, where, in spite of what they had drunk, people think so soberly. Okay, the brains are stretched, now you can show yourself. Test No. 1, for balance. "
Participants are encouraged to stand on one leg. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the others.

The guest: “Well done! We coped with the task perfectly, I present the winner with a gift personally (lollipop in the shape of a dog or lollipop). Test number 2, for agility. "
Glassware will not fit into plastic cups, it can crack, champagne or other drink is poured. You need to drink it without using your hands, they are hidden behind your back.

Leading: "Probably, the time has come to decide who suits you as a partner."

The guest: “What a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2018 turned out, the script is cool, the menu is excellent, the people are open and sincere. It is difficult to single out someone. And there are those in the hall today who were born in the Year of the Dog. Here they are, ours won! They are favored by the stars. The horoscope also did not deprive other signs of attention, but they cannot be compared with smart, beautiful Dogs. "

Leading: “Applause to the lucky ones, prizes to the studio! Hooray! The party continues, toasts, wishes, dancing until you drop, songs until morning. "


The Snow Maiden enters after the presenter introduces:

We opened the doors to our beautiful hall
And everyone saw the forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slim,
It shines with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the tree?

There are many wonderful holidays
Each comes in his turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along a snowy road
Swirling snowflakes in a round dance.
Mysterious and austere beauty.
Fills the heart of the New Year!

With the wind, blizzard and snow, gray-haired Santa Claus rushes.
Now he is silent, then he calls, and now he is coming to us!

Santa Claus comes out to music.

Ay, ay - y! I'm coming!
Good evening ladies, gentlemen.
Did you get here well?
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health!
Here is the New Year, once again,
Comes to us from the starry distance.
And as always, he beckons us,
Hope, bright dreams,
Hope, believe and love
All three cherished words
Take with you and go into the distance,
And be happy again.

TOAST 1: (Suggests raising glasses and makes a toast)

The old year is leaving, its last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away, and the worst cannot be repeated!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 1: "Songs about the New Year"
Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turn. Let everyone try to remember by a verse or at least the name of the songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost.
(Who sang last - the winner. The winner is awarded # 1)

GAME #: "Piggy bank"
We also have a piggy bank for the evening. Anyone who thinks that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (both monetary and other promises) on New Year's Eve can throw into the piggy bank as much as he can.

TOAST 2: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On your doorstep all gray beard
Old Year - old, old at all,
He leaves us, he waves to us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But then someone came, someone was calling quietly,
Three white horses at the door
The clock is exactly midnight - then the New Year has come.
Pour champagne into the glasses!
I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,
Dear ones, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love for ages
Despite the years and weather!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 2: "Riddles"
I have a lot of riddles prepared for you:

It's snowing in the yard
Coming soon ... (New Year)

The needles glow softly
The coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas tree)

And toys swing
Flags, stars, ... (crackers)

Clubfoot and big
Who sleeps in a den in winter? (Bear)

How many times can you celebrate the New Year in Russia?
Lay, lay,
Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)

Doesn't burn in the fire,
Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

In the yard as a mountain
And in the hut with water. (snow)

When needed, they throw it away
When not needed, they raise it.
What it is? (anchor)

The more you take out of it, the more it becomes. (pit)

GAME #: "Piggy bank"
In addition, I want to announce to everyone that who does not want to participate in any contests, or will prompt other participants in the contests the correct answers, or behave too badly during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine, which will immediately go to the general piggy bank. Let's set together the amount of the fine ... what are the proposals ...

TOAST 3: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)
Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the new year to throw out of the window old and unnecessary, boring things for a year. We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory, like unnecessary rubbish, offenses, quarrels, bad deeds ... If we do all this, it turns out that we have remained in our memory only warm and pleasant memories of the old year. Let us remember it this way, and then the coming new year will be no worse than the last one!
(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 3: I propose to play the "New Year's Quiz"
In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time a New Year's card appeared in London. But in what year, you need to guess. A little hint - between 1800 and 1850. (1843) We reward the guesser
As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but it is celebrated not just one day, as we do, but much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (December 6) We reward the guesser
No one will argue that the New Year clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the coming of the New Year. But there is one country where there are much more strikes - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese walkers beat, you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. (108 hits) The guesser is rewarded
And tell me, please, in what year Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on the winter days? (B1700) We reward the guesser
(winners 4 people. Become participants in the game and go to the hall or the middle).

So, we know 4 participants in the next competition, they are now trying to win a prize.

GAME 4: "The Enchanted Glass"
We pour full glasses to all the participants of the competition, and says:
- These glasses, I will now enchant. I can hold one or even two glasses at the same time in my hands, and as much as I like, and any of you cannot cope with this task, and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not leave the place.
Then he "speaks glasses" and gives them to the participants of the competition. Then the countdown begins:
-One two…. And I'll tell you three tomorrow. "
Naturally, no one will wait until tomorrow, and the glasses will be put on. The host continues:
-Well, since you couldn't hold it, I hope you can have a drink?
If there is a winner. Then he is rewarded.

TOAST 4: (Suggests raising glasses and makes a toast)

What does the glass consist of? From the support and the drink bowl. What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let us drink so that in the new year our glasses are more often filled with wonderful wine, and our souls - with wonderful feelings!
(We drink, we have a snack.)

TOAST 5: (Suggests raising glasses and makes a toast)

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will announce to us that another year has passed and a new one has begun. We do not know anything about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are associated with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.
(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 5: "Dance with an inflatable Santa Claus"
The inflatable D.M is launched through the hall to the music. Who the music ended on is the loser. He is given the floor to congratulate.


The old year is leaving. Leaves without a return
A thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.
And what we desired will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, views, songs.
Gone are the days where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year, goodbye, not goodbye!
New Year is coming to us and makes a promise!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Twelve beats and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love is all my deeds fuse.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes
For all that I spent moments with you
For the joy of meeting that awaits us -
For a thirst that does not know quenching!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

SN: (while the guests are drinking and eating)

Straightening the wrinkles in the forehead, we will make a fortune for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather, maybe it's really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness comes to us at the end of December!

It all began in 2600 BC, when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiacal calendar.

What is a Dog in the Chinese Zodiac?
In general, the Dog is a symbol of a compassionate individuality. You can always expect kind words, support, advice from the Dog. The dog is a listener, always available to lend his sensitive ear or faithful shoulder to a friend at the right time. Sometimes the Dog can be annoying, it can strive to take control of the situation, but this is only from excessive impressionability and a desire to serve. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez were born under the sign of the Dog. Nice company, really, what cute and active dogs!
Fire Dogs (1946, 2006) - Natural Leaders are popular, charismatic people, always surrounded by a group of fans. These Dogs also have a high sex appeal. They are adventurous and lively, honest and sincere.
Thus, from the year of the Fire Dog, we do not have to expect anything unpleasant. This year will be a year of mercy, compassion and support. Strong countries will help the weak, authoritative politicians will forcibly impose on citizens their projects aimed at their own good.
In the lives of ordinary people, the Fire Dog will add love and more love. To some, this love may even seem excessive.


The MOUSE will be concerned about change and tend to maintain a “perimeter defense”. If she manages to maintain her position and not quarrel with partners, then she will be able to meet the next New Year with full bins.

VOL will find himself in a situation of choice that he will not like at the beginning, but will open up a world of new possibilities and will be appreciated at the end of the year. It is better for him not to give up the opportunity to take control in a difficult situation - others will tend to pin high hopes on him.

The TIGER, against the background of awakened ambitions, will be able to turn his life around and achieve renewal, self-affirmation and recognition. The most unexpected turns in events, proposals and participation in interesting projects await him.

The RABBIT more than once will find itself in circumstances where you will have to puzzle over how to get out of them. Situations will be ambivalent, where benefits or hidden meaning are not immediately apparent. He needs to more often pay tribute to his intuition and not refuse help if it is offered sincerely.

The DRAGON must keep financial matters under control and stay in touch with reality in its quest for impressive success. He will be visited more than once by the inspiration and excitement of capturing new positions. In the summer, this can turn into problems, but in the fall, everything is possible ...

The SNAKE should enlist the support of benevolent partners and transfer to them a share of its responsibility. This year is more inclined towards spiritual search, travel, education and personal issues.

The HORSE is on the verge of significant change. Some of them can be taken by surprise - so many things at once. But she will quickly be able to choose the most promising and will do to her advantage. The most important thing is not to look back and overcome obstacles in one jerk.

Goat will win if it takes a neutral position in all the twists and turns and situations of confrontation in which they find themselves, more belligerent and impatient signs are involved. This year, success can come to her without much effort - always the one who knows how to wait wins.

An eventful year awaits the MONKEY. She will have to use all her dexterity and ingenuity in order not only to avoid losses, but also to come to the finish line with noticeable achievements. In the professional sphere, unlimited opportunities open up for her, but in personal relationships it is better to adhere to the tactics of compromise.

The COCK may be disappointed by the need to work hard without signs of recognition for his merits, increased attention and noisy events where he could dissolve the feathers. But he knows that the pearl grain can be found by working well with his paws and beak - surprises can be expected in the fall.

The DOG understands all the responsibility of the moment and is ready for a good fight. This year will bring success only to those who can stand up for themselves, know well what they want, and do not retreat in front of a serious opponent. A sense of reality, together with a well-developed intuition, guarantee her decent dividends, all the more so. That she realizes all her benefits this year.

The KABAN will be successful in the area of ​​life where it has good control over the situation and has the hidden support of stakeholders. His well-being this year may increase significantly.

- Attention, says Armenian Radio: "The program for the deaf is over!" I remind you of our piggy bank, into which we throw all the "debts" of the past year.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy!
All who are single - get married, all who are in a quarrel - measure up,
Forget about grievances, everyone who is sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, rejuvenate. Anyone who is skinny is getting fatter
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart to get simpler
Not far away, grow wiser. All gray-haired to darken,
So that the bald hair on the top of the head thickens like Siberian forests!
So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let the trouble pass us!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 6: "Fants"
- And now, dear friends, let's warm up a little. I suggest, without leaving the table, to play one old game, "Fanta". Everyone will draw out a piece of paper on which it will be written what the participant needs to do.
(Sn. Brings a tray with phantas across the hall, and D.M monitors the fulfillment of each fantasy.)

Kiss the neighbor (neighbor)
Apologize to your neighbor (neighbor) and get his (her) forgiveness
Sing a very belligerent song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Declare your love for gesture inspection
Explain to the "blind" neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry by gestures
Portray with a neighbor (neighbor) Othello
Depict Chapaevts (Petka or Anka)
Have a brotherhood drink with a neighbor (neighbor)
Depict the flight of an eagle
Cull three times
Give (if you can) to your neighbors for a penny (cent)
Depict a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Compliment those present
Say solemnly the phrase "I sit for the fourth day at the table and drink"
Depict the sunrise in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Depict the voice of King Kong or the little pig
Picture how you eat last year's biscuit
Depict the president of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Explain with your eyes or facial expressions in love to your neighbor (neighbor)

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

At this table, all women are as beautiful as Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women were warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!
(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 7: "Three Phrases"
Calls those willing to participate.
-If you can repeat after me three phrases, any, word for word, you will get a prize! Ready? We started.
1) "What a wonderful evening today!" The player must repeat it word for word.
2) "You are just wonderful!" At the same time, D.M. does not behave confidently, and after the participant repeats the phrase, he happily throws up his hands and says:
3) "So you have lost!" Usually players make mistakes and ask "Why?"
Whoever repeated it wins and is rewarded.

If there are winners, they are awarded.


On a snowy winter road
The old year is taken away.
Let everything be fulfilled.
On a New Year's moonlit night.

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 8: "Fortune-telling under a glass"
- I invite everyone to make a cherished wish for this year and choose a glass, under which there will be an answer. One condition to read, you need to drink a glass, under the cat. there is a leaflet with a prophecy.
1- Act today boldly, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It may come true, but it will have to fight.
2- Desire to be fulfilled. Will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3- Definitely NO. This is also advice to refuse decisive action, not to try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4- The time has not yet passed for our design or aspiration. It is necessary to wait, a change of circumstances is possible.
5- There is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the conceived.
6- Definitely NO without any reservations. The path to the fulfillment of desire is completely closed. What you want will not come true.
7- Luck smiles at you. But don't interpret this as an exact YES to your question. He suggests that a wide range of opportunities will be provided for the fulfillment of a desire, extremely favorable. You will take full advantage of them if you show will and moderate your self-importance.
8- What you are thinking may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. To achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will be given by the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to the conceived.
9- This is YES, and the enigma will be fulfilled without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no obstacles to your plan.
10- Luck is your middle name. Intuition will lead you on the right path to achieving your desire. Don't hesitate, don't use logic, just trust yourself and enjoy life.
11- All roads lead to Rome. And there are many ways to your desire, but which one you choose will affect the range of events related to your personal life. In order not to be mistaken and choose the right path, look back, and did you go to them before?
12- Wish to come true, but do not forget that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. You have to pay for everything. But what "coin" you pay is up to you. But just remember that everything has its own price.
13- Desire to be fulfilled only if it is your true desire. Well, then, do not be discouraged if you do not come true, but rather look into the innermost corners of your soul to understand: what you really want.
14- Be fulfilled, but only if your desire is very important and significant for you. You will have to make a little effort to achieve what you want, but the result will exceed all your expectations.
15- YES, YES, and YES again! Hasn't it come true yet?
16- A wish can come true, but with the help of your loved ones and loved ones, who will offer you it sincerely. Do not reject help, because this is the way to fulfill your desire.
17- Make your wish come true, do not worry you so. Calm down and prepare to wait patiently. You will need composure and endurance now. Remember. That the one who knows how to wait wins.

GAME ***: "Sirtaki"
Hear, the music sounded again:
This, friends, is the beginning of dancing!
Everywhere fun and joy sparkle
In a waltz, let each of you spin!

The floor is given to our "Disc jockey".
(dancing SIRTAKI).

Hurry to the round dance, let everyone sing,
A wonderful tree awaits everyone.
The more people, the more guests,
That will be even more fun.

Now let's play and dance to a Russian gypsy girl.

GAME ***: "Gypsy"
5-6 players are summoned and the same number of chairs are placed. Music is put on, the participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops - the participants take off one thing at a time. This is done several times. After that, different music sounds, and the participants begin to dress in the same way. Where the participant is staying, he dresses there.
Prize for the most extravagant (selected by invitees).

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year.
So that there is no alarm, no misfortune.
They did not guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly
Everything that the heart expects came true
And just to make it gratifying
Your whole life, like this year!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 9: Poets

I say two lines, and you are trying to finish the last word.
(Read in turn from CH)

1) To do modern makeup,
Acquired a beauty ... (trellis)

2) Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown ... (swimming trunks)

3) I fell in love with all the girls once
Rybnikov in a comedy ... ("Girls")

4) One can and many jars
The thrush is lucky to ... (market)

5) Burst a bag with milk
Filled in trousers and ... (jacket)

6) Even the kids knew
Under the mask of Fantomas - Jean ... (Heat)

7) Tell me, dear, frankly,
Was it from your side ... (treason)

8) One blond wrote it like that, for fun -
Country of birth ... (Angola)

9) Russians have a wide range of names.
Voroshilov, for example, was ... (Clement)

10) In Lukomorye, the cat decided
That he is local ... (racketeer, rowdy, old-timer)

11) Grand stage and screen-
Italian ... (Celentano)

12) The state spends billions
On shoulder straps, badges and ... (cockades)

13) More terrible and more dangerous than a mine
For oranges mountain ... (peak)

14) For the Puritan, erotic
And sin, and temptation, and ... (exotic)

15) Is figure skating familiar
To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)

16) Editions are kept by the library.
And dominoes and cards ... (game library)

17) Maybe the convict would have thrown himself on the run,
Yes, not passable around ... (taiga)

18) I, as a karateka, will not calm down,
If they don’t give me a black one ... (belt)

19) Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

20) Sumo Champion for Cargo
It's good to have a big ... (belly)

21) The sports elite are happy
The next one is coming again ... (Olympiad)

22) The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:
“Like me, they are also fed ... (feet)

GAME #: "Piggy bank"
-And now our piggy bank will be played. The contents of the piggy bank will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it.
The winner will be the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
SN: (Parting words)
Have fun, don't be bored
And don't forget about us!
Let it stay in hearts
Ringing laughter, sparkling lights!
Goodbye, goodbye!

D.M: (Parting words)
Goodbye gentlemen!
It's time with the Snow Maiden
We start our journey again.
Don't be sad honest people
Wait exactly one year.

New Year 2019 is on the doorstep! I would like to meet him in some unusual and fun way in the company of my best friends. Gather at a cozy dacha at a party or at home, but at the same time organizing a real party that will be remembered for everyone. Ringing laughter and jokes, good-natured communication and humor should become the main accompanying companions of the upcoming New Year's Eve. But a collective get-together is not an easy task, because you need to be able to properly adjust the atmosphere of a holiday and an unforgettable celebration in the circle of your friends, taking into account their characters and moods. If you are endowed with impeccable toastmaster skills, then the cards are in your hands, but in the case when your disposition is no different from ordinary people, creative ideas are not your strong point, then you have to work hard so that the event does not turn into a boring bunch of drinks. To do this, we have prepared for you a very useful and, at the same time, interesting article, after reading which you will learn what options you can prepare for exciting and funny scenarios for the New Year 2019 for adults gathered in a friendly noisy company. Our tips and excellent video ideas will make your holiday entertaining. Tempting games that will fill your party will not become intrusive and tedious for you and your guests, on the contrary, they will significantly cheer each person up and liberate them. With a little effort, you will certainly achieve success in the New Year's celebration, and the happy eyes of your friends and warm smiles will tell you about it.

We celebrate the New Year in a fun and easy way

So, you have decided on the number of guests and the venue for the holiday dedicated to the New Year 2019. You also took care of a delicious menu and bought everything you need for this. Now you should start drawing up an entertainment program for an event for adults. Moreover. this should be done based not only on personal motives, but also based on the contingent of invited guests. It can be a masquerade party, a traditional feast, or a retro-style celebration. There are many possible options for interesting scenarios of the celebration, choose what is right for your company. Yes, and in the case of a fancy dress evening, warn people in advance to prepare a special outfit.

Features of the New Year's scenario for an adult company

You are lucky if among your friends there is a person who is able to come up with his own entertainment program for the New Year 2019. However, this is not always the case. Just for such cases, there are already ready-made scenarios that you can freely use without bothering to draw up personal plans. Of course, if some of the nuances do not suit you very much in the proposed list of games, you have the right to remake something for yourself - remove some points, add some, and leave something. Remember the basic rules to keep in mind during any New Year 2019 program for adults:

  • the opening of the holiday should be the opening speech of the owner of the house or the person who, in fact, organized the event (no more than 5-10 minutes);
  • after that, it is necessary to give people the opportunity to calmly drink and have a snack, usually it takes about 30-40 minutes;
  • contests and dances should not go in a row, take pauses (at least at intervals of 15 minutes);
  • consider the availability of small souvenirs for all guests, without exception;
  • you should not force a person to take part in the competition if he gave a firm negative answer.

Here, in general, are all the requirements that must be observed when preparing and holding a festive celebration for the New Year 2019. And now we bring to your attention a very funny video that will become for you a clear example of which contests should be included in your list entertainment.

Video: funny New Year's scene

Competitions for adults

You must determine the number of contests held for the New Year 2019 yourself. As the adult program progresses, the number may vary depending on the setting. If in your festive scenario the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is planned, then think over the most suitable moment for this, so that it is, so to speak, not too late and not too early. Here is one of the brightest examples of how you can professionally include all the main New Year's characters beloved by everyone in the current atmosphere of celebration and fun.

Video: New Year's entertainment competition with Santa Claus and Snegurochka

In this funny way, you can cheer up all the guests at your party. They will certainly be delighted to participate in such New Year's games, in which everyone should get their little nice souvenir. In order for your festive night to turn into a magical and unforgettable one, we recommend that you look through our prepared versions of rather interesting contests. Whatever you like best, be sure to include in your list of New Year's surprises.

  1. "The most courageous"... For this game you need to choose a girl who will play the role of the Snow Maiden. She needs to be seated on a chair and 5 men should be seated directly opposite, each of whom has one trouser leg rolled up to the knee. Now the participants must try to melt the Snow Maiden's heart by giving her compliments in turn. The whole humor is that the winner will not be the most eloquent man, but the owner of the hairiest leg.
  2. "Bride of Santa Claus"... This game involves lovely ladies and Santa Claus. The task of women is to please grandfather, depending on what task she gets: sing a song, perform a dance, make laugh, etc. Such a funny game will cheer everyone up for the New Year 2019. For adults, this will become a real relaxation and removal from their annoying problems. Such a competition should certainly be included in the list of your script.

  3. "Guess who?"... For this part of the event, all participants need to split into two teams and stand opposite each other. Now the leader blindfolded one of the first team members. Immediately after that, people from the second team dress up in the New Year's attributes given to them: funny caps, ears, noses, etc. Then the presenter announces the start of the competition, and the blindfolded participant must guess by touch who is in front of him. The human task is to recognize as many people as possible. Then the teams change roles. At the end of the game, the winning team is revealed.

  4. "Pop the ball"... If you do not know which contests are better to include in your list of scenarios for the New Year 2019 for adults, so that it is funny and fun for the whole environment, then you can immediately use the option we have proposed. For this game you will need four regular balloons. Inflate them in advance. Four people are invited to participate: two men and two women, who are divided in pairs. Then the presenter distributes a ball to the couples (man - woman) and announces the beginning of the competition. The task of the couple is to burst the balloon by means of the pressure of both bodies. The participants who manage to do this first will win.

  5. "Bananas burst the bomb"... For this competition, you need to prepare two well-washed bananas and two strings. The presenter invites two men, each of whom ties his hands behind his back and brings them to a table with bananas. The task of men is to be able to peel and eat their banana without using their hands. The one who does it first will win. This kind of entertainment will make a positive impact on the holiday.

  6. "Drunken Checkers"... For this game, a real chessboard is used, and instead of checkers, you need to take piles. On one side of the player, the container is filled with, say, red wine, and on the opposite side, with white. Well, that's if women take part in this competition. For a strong floor, it is recommended to use cognac and vodka. The technique of this entertainment is fully consistent with the game of checkers. Mowed the enemy - drink the contents. The person who, so to speak, gets more involved will win. But we warn you right away that physically you need to be very strong and self-possessed, otherwise you will have to sleep through the whole holiday later. Include this entertainment on your list for New Year 2019 for adults, and you will see that everyone will be happy.

These and many other contests will perfectly diversify the upcoming New Year's Eve. The main thing is not to forget that the whole atmosphere simply has to be relaxed and unobtrusive. Your friends should feel relaxed and joyful, only in this case your party will go off with a bang! And we suggest you look through another version of an interesting competition, which can perfectly complement the game list you have drawn up.

Video: New Year's entertainment contests


These are the holiday scenarios for the New Year 2019 for adults that you can use at your event. As you can see, preparation for the New Year's celebration should be done responsibly. However, this does not exclude healthy humor, funny contests and reckless dances. Approach this matter lightly and without being too serious. After all, in the end, this is the kindest and most magical holiday that we have been expecting throughout the whole year! Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!