A script for a New Year's fairy tale for the preparatory group. The script of the cartoon "Three heroes and the son of Koshchei

A script for a New Year's fairy tale for the preparatory group. The script of the cartoon "Three heroes and the son of Koshchei

Scenario of the New Year's party "Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen" for children of the preparatory group for school

The hall is festively decorated. There is a royal throne near the tree. Under the throne is a chest with the Star of Bethlehem. The leaders (educators) are the ladies of the court at the royal court. Kolyvan, Prince, Servants carrying a palanquin, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are parents. The rest are children.

Leading 1.

All attention, gentlemen!
You hurry to the hall, here.

There will be jokes, there will be laughter

We will amuse you all!

Leading 2.

We invite everyone to the hall today,
We give a presentation!

Never be discouraged

Yes, meet our guys!

Musical output of children in the form of a dance sketch with rebuilding. At the end of the music, everyone sits down.

The messenger trumpets.

All for the holiday - New Year!
Come, honest people.

We expect everyone who is cheerful

Let's start our fairy tale!

A Russian folk melody sounds. The Grand Duke enters.

Prince. Goes around the tree and dreamily ...
Today is New Year's holiday,
But not a simple one, but a carnival.
And near the Christmas tree today
We will arrange a merry ball.

A messenger runs in.
Prince. Hey messenger!
I, the grand duke,
At this festive hour,
I issue the following decree:
“All come to me,
To have fun! "
The messenger bows and leaves, walks around the tree, trumpets.


The Christmas tree sparkles in the hall
The prince invites you to visit.

Who will read poetry to him

And will sing about the New Year?

Leading 1.

Grand Duke and parents,

Would you like to hear the song?

(answer in the affirmative )

A New Year's song is performed at the choice of the musical director

Music changes to disturbing. Kolyvan sneaks up behind the curtains, walks around the tree, approaches the royal throne. The king is hiding behind the throne.


Hello honest people!

Have you been waiting for me? And so

I have come! Are you glad to see me?


Glad ... just until I drop!


Hey, Prince, you don’t want to give a favor?

Prince. How much debt do I have?
Kolyvan. 40 thousand!
Prince. Oh, what a grief!
Kolyvan. Well, can you win back? Let's swing at chess.

Prince: No!

Kolyvan: Yes, just once ...

The prince agrees, nods. Chess is set up - a game is imitated. (the presenters suggest: "go horse, horse")

Kolyvan: Oh, oh, look, birdie ...

Everyone turns away. Kolyvan rearranges the pieces.

Kolyvan: Everything! Checkmate!

Prince: Lost again! ( crying )

Kolyvan : Don't cry, just give me the star of Bethlehem, the Queen of Shamakhan promised me a chest of gold for it. And I will forgive you the debt.
Prince. I can't, Frost will know - it will be bad for me!
Kolyvan. Yes, no one will know, will not even notice.

Prince. Okay, be it your way, take it.

Kolyvan walks around the tree, carries away the star with the words:

“Well, be healthy, boyars. And you, prince, do not be ill! "

Prince. While Santa Claus we will wait

We must entertain honest people.

Come on, come on, entertain everyone!

Leaders (whispering and speaking in turn):

We have a game for you;
We'll start it now.
I will begin, you continue.
Answer in unison!

(The prince answers incorrectly, confuses the guys )

Whose drawings are on the window
How is the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter grandfather ... (
freezing )

Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground

Light fluffs.
White ... (
snowflakes )

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now on New Year's Eve

On the river we see ... (
ice )

I stand in the taiga on one leg,
On top of the cones, on the bottom of the bear,

Green in winter and summer

Dress in needles, but I am called ... (
Christmas tree )

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up.

Their name is ... (handles)

She whirls snow along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.

Winter-winter friend

Northern guest

He's made of snow alone
From carrots his nose.

A little warm, she will cry instantly.

And it will melt ... (snowman)

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.

He starts a round dance -

This is a holiday …(New Year)

Prince. Something I'm tired of playing, waiting for Santa Claus.

Lead 1:

What happened?

Maybe he met someone? ……

Lead 2:

True, where is Santa Claus?
I'm seriously alarmed!

Leading 1.

There is a long way to our principality,

Maybe they got lost somewhere!

Prince ... We need to check. Yes!

Where is the magic saucer? Submit here!

The presenters serve a saucer with an apple .

Leading 2.

Roll, roll a liquid apple, on a silver platter, show us where D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden are.

Prince: Oops, the wretched ones twist! If only they turned in the wrong kindergarten. Then our presents, Christmas and all the New Year's fun were crying.

To oriental music, the popes bring in a palanquin with the Shamakhan Queen, followed by Kolyvan.

Prince. (in disbelief) TaaaaaaK, l you are very experienced. I would even say original. Is the antenna broken?(knocks on the dish)

What kind of interference ?!

Kolyvan. Well, Queen, I brought the star.
Grand Duke, I brought to tears.

gives away
Queen. Ok, Santa Claus now
He will not find a way to them,
Frost will come, believe me
Only to my doorstep!
Only he will bring gifts to me,

And my only will be the New Year!

Prince. Oh what have I done! My eyes would never see you. Cast out the damned.

He gives the saucer, the characters leave, the prince cries.

Leading 1.

What should we guys do?

How can the queen be prevented?

She can do everything in the world

Disrupt the New Year now!

Prince. Hey, Messenger - well done!
Run around the whole palace.
Find my friends
Three dashing heroes!
The messenger runs around the tree
Leading 2.

Let's shout together more fun-

Let's call the heroes.

We'll slam twice

And we stamp our feet

One two Three

Bogatyrs are more likely to come to us.

2 Dance of the heroes.
Alyosha. Greetings to you, the great prince.

Dobrynya. I called the post. He didn’t give a rest. Ali happened what?

Ilya. Surely Tugarin the serpent attacked the Russian land.

Or has the Nightingale the robber started playing pranks again?


The Shamakhan queen loosened her girdle again. He wants to ruin the New Year for everyone.

Her apples have rejuvenated

Yes, they turned into a baby.

After all, she just grew up

I started to bully.

She tricked the Star of Bethlehem!

Alesha Popovich. Eh, this is not human.

Nikitich. This will not happen.
Ilya Muromets. Let us fight by force in a duel equal.

Get ready for a long journey
To return the star back
It takes time not to waste

To call our army.
We will call all friends

Let's saddle our horses in no time!
You need to jump to the east,

Save our Christmas.

Performed by boys dance of riders with chairs
Two boys dressed as roosters come out to the music.

Together: It's our turn

Cock New Year!

    I will bring light to the houses,

I will take you away from thunderstorms and troubles.

I will defend the weak

Do not offend anyone.

To live in kindness with everyone,

Will you be friends with me?

Bogatyrs: YES!

2. Who agrees, get up in the circle!

Meet the New Year together!

Near the Christmas tree immediately

Friendship circle will give you strength,

This year will be bright

Start a round dance!

Children perform the New Year's round dance

Alyosha. Enough time for us to waste
Christmas must be saved!

Dobrynya . Yes, it's time to go.

Ilya ... Come on, sing our, heroic:
Our heroic rule ...
1 Rooster. Stop, stop, stop! There is no mood anyway, but with such a song - even into the pool with your head!
Messenger. Why didn't you like the song?
2 Rooster. Is this a song? Here, keep the rhythm!
A funny song of the music director's choice is sung
We came to Kudykina mountain ... They see a stone.
Messenger. Well, now where are we going?
Here, Kudykina Mountain.
Alyosha (reads).

If you go to the left, you will find a wife. If you go to the right, you will be rich. If you go straight, you will find death.

Dobrynya. We have wives, we have enough money. Let's go straight!

Ilya. Do not doche, tea, left until the Shamakhan kingdom.

They leave for the Christmas tree.

A subgroup of girls performs a dance of oriental beauties.

1 beauty.

We are beauties of the East,We like to dress up.We have chains, brooches,Rings and earrings.2 beauty.

How are your Christmas trees

We are decorated with beads.And our beads are differentBoth yellow and red.

3 beauty.

Faithful servants to the queen

We are exemplary girls

But no matter how they did no good -

The queen is still sad!
They sit down. The heroes enter.

Shamakhan queen.

Hello, good fellows. Why did they come?

Dobrynya. And you don't have to be ill. Bring back the star of Bethlehem.

Alyosha. A otherwise you will taste the heroic strength!

Shamakhan queen.

How my eyes sparkle now

I will click white fingers

And on the east side

You will serve me!

Conjures to the appropriate music.

Dig, twist, twirl -

Well, everyone should sit!

The heroes are bewitched, they sit down .

Leading 1.

Oh guys, what to do now?

Have bewitched the heroes!

Leading 2.

We'll call the defender angels for help!

We will destroy witchcraft, we will save Christmas!

A sub-group of girls perform the dance of angels.

Queen. Oh, thank you friends! Made me good!

4 gorgeous .

That's how it happens, guys.

In life, good always wins.

5 gorgeous. .

Friendship will help anyone in trouble,

With a loyal friend, it's not scary anywhere.

Kolyvan gives a star .

Well, have fun, friendly people!

Still, we have a holiday (together) - New Year!

6 gorgeous.

In a semicircle, you become

Hold hands tightly.

D.M is already coming

He brings gifts to everyone!

And, of course, very much waiting,

Who will sing "Christmas" to him.

A song about Christmas is being performed.

D. Moroz, Snegurochka appears.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year. Happy New Year!

So I got to you,
At least a little delayed.

How many people are in the hall,
I know that you have been waiting for me.

Snow Maiden.

We were in a hurry to see you for a reason ...

To congratulate you, friends!

To your holiday tree

We came from afar.

We walked together for a long time

Through the ice, through the snow.

All the days passed, not knowing laziness,

We did not go astray.

They sat on deer ...

Then - in a fixed-route taxi.

Were in villages, cities,

Were in schools, kindergartens.

We congratulated in a row

Happy New Year to all the guys.

Father Frost.

This is where our trek ends

And we are together

This glorious New Year

Let's meet honor by honor.


Santa Claus, you are for the children
Light the Christmas tree soon!
Father Frost: Oh yes, the Christmas tree is a beauty.
How fluffy, good!
So that the tree lights up
Colored lights
Let's say together: one, two, three-Christmas tree, burn!

Snow Maiden.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.
Let them ring under every vault
Songs, music and laughter!
Hey guys don't yawn

Get up in the Round Dance with us.

A round dance is performed with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Thank you guys, respected the old man.

Prince. Dear Santa Claus, did you bring gifts?

Father Frost ... Well, what about? I've got some presents for you.
I put everything in sacks, forgot no one.

Kolyvan tries to steal the sack.

Father Frost: Soooo.

Kolyvan: And what am I, I'm nothing ...

The characters are giving gifts to the music.

Father Frost:

Here is the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
To make you grow big
I wish you children
Snow Maiden.

I wish you to grow up and not get bored.

Parents do not really upset their own.

And always ask for forgiveness for any grief.


I wish everyone to temper and grow wiser

And never get sick for a whole year.

Leading 1.

In the New Year, I wish everyone success
More cheerful, sonorous laughter!
Leading 2.

And so that you are not afraid of frost,
We went skiing and sledging a lot.
Musical director.

Never be arrogant and get rid of laziness.


On this holiday we are now completing!

And we wish all of you guys every success.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

So that you do not know worries,

we will return to you in a year.

Two heroes are leaving on "horses". "Horses" are also characters. These are actors on all fours in horse costumes.

The first hero: Well, where is this alcoholic?

The third hero comes out. With an umbrella and a colorful horse.

The first hero: Well, don't you see any help?
The second hero: Nicht is not visible
The third hero: I see, I see ... The girls are swimming in the lake! (gets in the neck) Serpent Gorynych, come out - we will fight!
The first hero: This is not the Serpent Gorynych! These are Tatars.
Third hero: Oh, and I see why there are so many heads. Well, who is the most important for them there?
The first hero: There they are sitting in the very center, s-s ... the falcons!
The second hero: Right now, I'll chop off the heads of these falcons!
Third hero: Do ​​not get excited, Ilyusha, maybe we will agree, we will lead the girls.
Second hero: I will not go to my sister Alyonushka!
The first hero: Why?
Second hero: Her brother is a goat!
The first hero: Where then?
The third hero: To the girls on the lake!
The second hero: To the old women in the cemetery.
The first hero: Oh, look, Baba Yaga is flying.

(plywood "I am a crow" sounds)

The third hero: I flew to the Serpent Gorynych. She has an affair with him at the middle head.
Second hero: So I used to have it on the left.
Third hero: And she confuses left and right, so she chose the middle one. Only now, when she kisses, it seems to her that someone is spying on her.
The first hero: Confuses left and right. Do you yourself know where the left is?
Third hero: I ... Musik, show me where to the left. Well, show me ... Musik, well, do not disgrace me in front of the boys.
The first hero: Oh you, defender.
Third hero: Yes, me ?! I'm such a defender! I can't even slip a mouse between my legs.
Second hero: Of course, you have a horse between your legs.

The horse of the first hero: Count it up, they called him a woman!
The horse of the third hero: I am not a horse, I am a horse. Is it really not noticeable.
The horse of the second hero: Yes, they can't see it from above. Oh, look, the Serpent Gorynych is flying.

(Vysotsky's plywood "I am a YAK fighter ...")

The horse of the third hero: And he has an affair with Baba Yaga with a middle head.
The horse of the first hero: So it used to be on the left.
The horse of the third hero: And he is ... not greedy

Third hero: Why is he on the roundabout?
The first hero: Yes, he caught on a pole.
Second hero: Right now, I'll unhook him!

Zmey Gorynych: (behind the scenes)- What are you, you fool, in the kidneys? !!

Third hero: Guys, what happened to me. So I scored the arrow yesterday with Avdotya from Ryazan in the hayloft in the evening. I come, and there ... And there ...
The first hero: Who, who is there?

The horse of the third hero: Who, who! I'm in a coat!

Third hero: Imagine, this mare put on my trophy coat and looks so impudent in the mirror!

The horse of the first hero: Stunned!
The horse of the second hero: Well, you give!
The horse of the third bogatyr: Why, over there at Ivan Tsarevich's Sivka walks in a burka, well, I decided to try it.

The first hero: Well, what are we going to do with the Tatars ?!
Second hero: Fight!
The first hero: Then for the Russian Land !!!
The second hero: For Mother Russia !!!
The third hero: For the Russian beer and for the girls !!

The horse of the first hero: Look what filly the Tatars have.
Horse of the second hero: Beautiful ...
The horse of the third hero: As you wish, I will not fight women.

The horses begin to gallop in the other direction, the song of Vysotsky sounds "Something I got picky horses ..."

MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school"

Primary School New Years Scenario


primary school teacher

Danilova Elena Anatolievna

Zolotukha 2013

2013 new year scenario

"Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen"

Buffoon1 All attention, gentlemen!
You hurry to the hall, here.
There will be a joke, there will be laughter
We will amuse you all!

Skom. 2 We invite everyone to the hall today,
We give a presentation!
Celebrate the holiday cheerfully
Never be discouraged!

Skom. 1 The Christmas tree sparkles in the hall
All of you are invited to visit.
She has bright toys
Everyone here: friends, girlfriends!

Skom. 2 All for the holiday - New Year!
Come, honest people.
We invite everyone who is cheerful
Let's start our fairy tale!
Exit of the Prince and the Maidens. Russian folk dance Prince: - Hello dear guests, hello beauties, hello good fellows! I am glad to welcome everyone to my great principality.
Maid 1: - Look, prince-father, how many honest people gathered here. All smart and beautiful.
Prince... So you know what holiday you are on? Children answer. (New year)
Poetry 1 We are on New Year's holiday Here at the Christmas tree gathered - Smile, be free. Sing, play and have fun!
2 Nothing is more interesting Than on such a wonderful day. Winter festive times Meet the kids.

3 Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Songs, music and laughter!

4 Congratulations to everyone, welcome to everyone,
Long live jokes, fun and laughter!
The country put on a New Year's outfit,
And the guys have a holiday today everywhere.

5 Everywhere, everywhere, wherever you look,
Colored lights are shining on the trees.
How many stars are there in the sky at night
In the bright sparkles of the house.
Hello white as a swan
Our Russian winter!

Prince... New Year! My favorite holiday! What year is coming now? The year of the cow has already been. There was a rat year, a rabbit, a horse (bends fingers)….
Dev 2 Oh, honest people, tell the great prince, the year of what animal is coming? (snakes)
Prince Thank you, my dear ones, princely bow to you. Year of the snake. How I forgot that. After all, this is the year of our snake - Gorynushka. We almost didn’t start a holiday without him. This is not good !! Let us call Gorynich more amicably, as long as he is not offended by us.
Their name is Gorynich. Come to us as soon as possible Dear friend - GORYNYCH SNAKE
Exit Z. Gorynych. (Music flight of bumblebee)
Serpent: Hello honest people! Have you been waiting for me? And now I have appeared! Are you glad to see me?
Prince We are just glad until I drop! (The prince and Gorynych hug, kiss.)
Serpent: It's my turn, Dear snake year! I will bring light to the houses, I will take away from thunderstorms and troubles. I will defend the weak, I will not offend anyone. To live in a permanent world, With kindness, be friends with intelligence! I will try for you, To smile more often Happily live in abundance Will you be friends with me?
Everything: We will!
Serpent: Who agrees, get up in the circle! Meet me all together ! (make a circle) Near the Christmas tree, immediately Friendship circle will give you strength, And health, and good luck. Let all problems be solved, There will be a bright New Year, Start a round dance!
Song " "
Prince- You, Gorynushka, have something amused, relaxed, but have forgotten about an important assignment of state importance? The dragon is at a loss.
Prince. Meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Tell me that everything is ready for the holiday. The guys got together. Ready for the New Year, waiting for gifts. Yes! And put in a word about me. I should have a new crown, but the throne is worn out completely. In general, let him come sooner, it’s not a royal thing to wait.
Serpent. Will be done!
Prince. Go yourself with God!
Gorynych flies off to the music.
Maid 1 While Santa Claus we will wait We must entertain honest people
Prince. Come on, come on, entertain us!
Maid 2 We have a game for you;
We'll start it now.
I will begin, you continue.
Answer in unison!
Dev 3 All the people are having fun -
It's a holiday ... (New Year)

Dev. 4

Whose drawings are on the window
How is the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather ...

Dev 5

Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Light fluffs.
White ...

Virgo 6

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now on New Year's Eve
On the river we see ...

Dev 1

I stand in the taiga on one leg,
On top of the cones, on the bottom of the bear,
Green in winter and summer
The dress is in needles, but I am called ...

Dev 2

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up.
Their name is ... (handles)

Dev 3

Her house on a white cloud
But she is afraid of the sun's ray.
A silvery fluff
Hexagonal …(Snowflake)

Dev 4

He is kind, he is strict,
Overgrown with a beard up to the eyes.
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our beloved …(Father Frost)

Dev 5

She whirls snow along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Winter-winter friend
Northern guest …(snowstorm)

Virgo 6

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
He starts a round dance -
This is a holiday …(New Year)

Dev 1

He's made of snow alone
From carrots his nose.
A little warm, she will cry instantly.
And it will melt ... (snowman)

Prince. If you play, Gorynych and D. Moroz take a long time to get there. What didn't happen? Or… did he meet who? …… But where is Santa Claus?
I'm seriously alarmed!

Dev 2. Do not worry, you dear sir, they will soon be. It's a long way to school, maybe you got lost wherever you are!

Prince... We need to check. Where is the magic saucer? Serve it here! Roll, roll a liquid apple, on a silver platter, show us where D. Moroz with the Snow Maiden, and the Serpent Gorynych.
VIDEO. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden got lost.
Prince: Oops, the wretched ones twist! If only they turned up in the wrong school. Then our presents and all the New Year's fun were crying. And Gorynych, where, cursed, got lost ?? They sent them with a task of state importance - to meet D. Moroz and Snegurochka.
The Shamakhan queen appears on the screen.
Shamakhan C( Laughs) Hello prince. Didn't expect to see me so soon.
Prince. (in disbelief) Curious. I would even say original. Is the antenna broken? What a disturbance! How are you doing? I'm looking for my Snake Gorynushka. My eyes would never see you. Begins damned.
Shamakhanskaya Ts. Take your time to drive me away. Your serpent Gorynych is chained in my dungeon. I myself need the symbol of the new year, even if it only brings me happiness this year. And you will not see the holiday as your ears.
Dev 3. What should we guys do? How can the queen be prevented? She can disrupt the New Year for all the guys now!
Dev 4. And I know what to do! One hope is only for our heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.
Dev 5. Let's shout together more fun- Let's call the heroes. We slap twice And stamp our feet One, two, three Bogatyrs are coming to us.
The exit of the heroes (to music)
Ilya. Greetings to you, the great prince.
Alyosha. I called the post. He didn’t give a rest.
Dobrynya. Ali happened what?
Ilya. Surely Tugarin the serpent attacked the Russian land.
Alyosha... Or has the Nightingale the robber started playing pranks again?
Prince. The Shamakhan queen loosened her girdle again. He wants to ruin the New Year. To deprive us of the holiday. Our snake Gorynych kidnapped and chained in prison.
Dobrynya. Gorynushku ?? Friend of our faithful !!
Alyosha... It’s not a good idea to spoil a holiday for people, It’s not like a human being!
Ilya. Equip the Russian heroes on a dangerous road. We will defeat the insidious adversaries. Let's show the heroic strength. Let's help out our friend, the snake Gorynych.
Prince. Thank you, my dear ones. A princely bow to you. Go with God. And we will go to meet Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.
The heroes leave to the music.
The song of the robbers Whistle. Scare children.
Nightingale. Well hello kids! The Nightingale has come to you. Cook the little gold Fu, I don't like children! By the new year, however, it is necessary to profit. I see there is a lot of good here.
Robbers 1.Gold earrings,
Rogue 2... Fur hats,
Rogue 3... Silk clothes, smart decorations.
Nightingale R... Enough time for us to waste, it's time to fill the bags. (take out a bag, want to get good)
Nightingale... Don't want to give away ?? Then you will play.
Games 1. There are 2 chairs, one has a bell, 2 participants play. Participants stand with their backs to each other, upon a signal, they run in different directions in a circle. The one who comes running first rings the bell and is considered the winner. 2. Guys, you need four people, your task is to quickly and accurately inflate the balloons and paint them with as many snowflakes as possible.
The music is heroic. Ilya... What's that noise!! What is Gum ??
Dobrynya. The nightingale the robber has come to us !!
Ilya... Wow, the Basurman tribe!
Alyosha. Where did you come from here? And what are gathered here?
Nightingale. We are preparing presents for ourselves for the new year.
Ilya. Well, quickly march from here, Or else it will be bad for you!
Nightingale. Oh, like a nightingale whistle. Yes, as I shout with a shout to the beast, Dark woods all bow to the ground And what are people, all will lie dead
Ilya. Well, hold on to the black yoke !!
Dobrynya. You will now taste the heroic strength.
Fight to the music.The robbers flee.
Ilya. We have not gotten to the Shamakhan kingdom.
Alyosha. Only in which direction should we go.
Dobrynya... Lost our way, brothers.
Magical music. A stone appears.
Ilya... Stone pointer. Read on, brothers.
Alyosha... If you go to the right, you will come to Kapai-gorod.
Dobrynya. If you go to the left, you will come to the airport.
Ilya. If you go straight, you will fall asleep in a dead sleep.
Alyosha. Why do we need Kapai, we have already been there. Everybody saw it.
Dobrynya... And there is no need to go to the planes. Our horses are fast.
Ilya. Then it's decided, let's go straight.
Music. Eastern. Ilya. It looks like we are already close to the Shamakhan kingdom.
DANCE of oriental beauties.
Shamakhan queen. Hello, good fellows, heroes. Why did they come?
Ilya. And you don't have to be ill.
Alyosha (bolder) It’s not human, to steal strangers friends. Give us our dear friend, Gorynushka, for good health! Otherwise, you will taste the strength of the heroes!
Shamakhanskaya Ts. Give it back! Look what you want! The serpent Gorynich this year will only bring me happiness, and you want me to voluntarily give up my happiness? This will not happen!
Ilya... Where has it been seen that a man be happy alone?
Dobrynya. A person is happy only when he has many friends!
Alyosha... Look how happy our guys are, because they are friendly and cheerful.
Shamakhan C... Speak together! Prove how funny and friendly you are. Then, perhaps, I will return Gorynych to you.
Song " " Shamakhanskaya Ts. Have fun with you. Friendship, friendship, and I will not return Gorynych to you! And you don’t have the strength to compete with me, with the Shamakhan queen! Get out all away! This will be just my holiday!
Ilya. Oh, there you are! Guys, let's we can all deal with this villain together.(To the audience) Guys, can you march? (One half of the audience) Show me. And buzz like airplanes? Try it. (Second half of the audience) Can parents whistle? (show) Now wait for my signal.(Loud) Attention attention! Shamakhan queen! You are surrounded! On the left is our army.(Children are marching) My planes are flying in the air.(Children are fishing) .???????????
The Shamakhan queen runs away.
Ilya In a few minutes the New Year clock will strike! Let's say together: "Evil rush away, (heroes) You, Gorynych, come back to us!"
Serpent. Oh, thank you friends! You set me free!
Ilya That's how it happens, guys. In life, good always wins.
Dobrynya. Friendship will help anyone in trouble,
Serpent. With a loyal friend, it's not scary anywhere.
Alyosha... Well, have fun, friendly people! Still, we have a holiday (together) - New Year!
Serpent... Thank you dear friends, you set me free! Listen, and after all, D.M. and a non-maiden are already quite close. Stand in a circle, guys, Hold hands tightly. D.M is already on the way. He brings gifts to everyone!
D. Moroz, Snow Maiden, Prince, girls appear. Father Frost. Happy New Year. Happy New Year!
So I got to you,
At least a little delayed.
How many people are in the hall,
I know that you have been waiting for me.
Snow Maiden. We were in a hurry to visit you for a reason ... To congratulate you, friends! To your holiday tree We have come from afar.
D.M. We walked together for a long time Through the ice, through the snow. All the days passed, not knowing laziness, We did not go astray. Either they got on the reindeer .... Or they went to the fixed-route taxi.
Snow Maiden Were in villages, cities, Were in schools, kindergartens. We congratulated all the guys in a row Happy New Year.
D.M. Here our campaign is over, And we are together This glorious New Year We will meet honor by honor.
Snow Maiden. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
The holiday is joyful for everyone.
Let them ring under every vault
Songs, music and laughter!

D. FROST. And since you were waiting for us, then, probably, the songs were prepared. Children's answer Symbol of the year, don't sit!
Go to a friendly round dance!
Song "
D. Moroz. Thank you guys, respected the old man.
Ilya. Santa Claus, you are for the children
Light the Christmas tree soon!

Father Frost: Oh yes, the Christmas tree is a beauty.
How fluffy, good!
So that the tree lights up
Colored lights
Let's say together: one, two, three-Christmas tree, burn!
Maid 1. In a circle, guys, become
Maid 2... Hold hands tightly.
Maid 3. We will sing songs
Everything: Glorify our tree!
SONG about the Christmas tree. Prince. Dear Santa Claus, did you bring gifts? Father Frost... Well, what about? I've got some presents for you.
I put everything in sacks, forgot no one. Handing out gifts Father Frost: Here is the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
To make you grow big
I wish you children

Snow Maiden. I wish you to grow up and not get bored. Parents do not really upset their own. And always ask for forgiveness for any grief.
Serpent I wish everyone to temper and grow wiser And never get sick for a whole year.
Ilya In the New Year, I wish everyone success
More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

Dobrynya And so that you are not afraid of frost,
We went skiing and sledging a lot.

Alyosha Never be arrogant and get rid of laziness. Always eager to learn! Always willing to work!
Prince. This concludes the holiday! And we wish all of you guys every success.
D.M. So that you do not know worries, And I will return to you in a year.


For kindergarten.

The painting by V. Vasnetsov "Heroes" is exhibited. On the tablet is an unfinished application of the hero. Kolya is doing push-ups.

Educator. Five, six, seven times ... (To the audience.) Hello guys!
Kolya. Seven times! Hi guys! Irina Vasilievna, now check it out!
Educator (trying Kolya's biceps)... Not bad!

Misha enters, holding his sword with difficulty.

Misha. That's it, you don't have to worry! I will protect you! I am now a hero.
Kolya. Wow! Where did you get the sword?
Misha. Where, where ... Another hero gave it to me, an ancient one. “Here,” he says, “Misha! Now it's your turn to defend the Russian land! " And I gave him my dumbbells to hold for that.
Kolya. You don’t even have enough strength to lift him! It is necessary, as I did, to do exercises, then you will become a hero.
Misha. I use this sword without any charge ...
Educator. Misha, please put down your weapon. It seems to me that it is still too early for you to take it in your hands.
Kolya. First, you need to make your hands strong!
Educator. And not just hands.
Misha. Got it, Ringlet? You need to have strength in your legs too! Then you will become a real hero! Like this picture. (Points to Vasnetsov's painting.)
Educator. First, Russian heroes are not only powerful, but also smart. The hero Dobrynya Nikitich, for example, knew how to play chess. He had no equal in playing the harp. He knew foreign languages, conducted negotiations, tried to solve all the cases first by peace.
Kolya. Which one is Dobrynya?
Educator (shows)... Here it is. But artist Viktor Vasnetsov painted his gusli for Alyosha Popovich. (Shows.) This is Alyosha Popovich. This is Ilya Muromets. The heroes were also strong in spirit.
Misha. What is it like?
Educator. If they decide something, they will always do it. They do not abandon what they have begun. It will be more difficult than swinging a sword! Remember how many things you started today, but you didn't have enough energy to finish?
Kolya (examines the application)... Yes, exactly ... Now I will gather the willpower into a fist and finish it!
Educator. Even the heroes never cheated. To tell the truth - this is what courage is needed!
Misha. E-eh, I shouldn't be a hero ...
Kolya (doing application)... Well, what do you immediately? Maybe it will still work out.
Misha. After all, this sword was not given to me, but only given to hold. And I brought it here without permission ...
Educator. Misha! Who did you get it from?
Misha. It's scary to admit that it will suddenly hit ...
Kolya. And you gather all the courage and confess.

The teacher unnoticed with Velcro attaches dumbbells to Dobrynya's picture, which block the sword.

Educator. If you took him from a real hero, then how is he now without a sword? And if there is any danger?
Misha. I didn't think. I took it ... from Dobrynya.

Everyone pays attention to Dobrynya from the painting "Heroes".

Educator. Oh, really! And I look and cannot understand what is wrong in the picture! You, Misha, while you think about how you should be. It is very useful for future heroes to think, and we will not interfere. For now, the guys and I will also practice being heroes. (He conducts any sports game, after which he discreetly removes the image of dumbbells from the picture, and replaces the sword on the table with dumbbells.)
Misha. Hooray! Happened! I returned the sword to the hero.
Educator. Well, fine.
Kolya. It is much more convenient for Dobryna Nikitich to defend the ground with a sword than with dumbbells.
Educator. You are already almost heroes: you are brave, and you know how to finish things to the end.
Misha. Yes, I am like this. You can now call me Misha Muromsky, or Dobrynya Mishensky, or ...

The teacher shakes his head reproachfully.

I was kidding! I know heroes don't brag!
Educator. And bogatyrs sleep like a heroic dream at night.
Kolya. Oh, but I do not know how to be heroic, I like a ball.
Educator. Heroic means strong, strong. To properly recuperate.
Misha. Yes, I'm tired today. And he was strong, and courageous, and truthful ...
Educator and Kolya. Misha!
Misha. Everything, everything, I no longer brag. The guys and I have long been the best non-braggart, right? Raise your hands, who is the best at not bragging?

The guys stretch their hands.

Educator. Yes ... You can't become a hero at once.
Kolya. And then let's train every day to become heroes! Who agree, raise your hands!
Educator. This is a really good idea. And in heroic deeds the song will help us!
Strong in body
Dexterous, kind and skillful -
It's me! It's you!
These are our dreams!
But they will come true
If we do it.
Don't be lazy, don't be lazy
Get started charging!

We offer you an interesting script for a cartoon about Russian heroes. This scenario can be used as a production for a performance on various holidays at school or in kindergarten.


Alesha Popovich
Ilya Muromets
Nastasya Filippovna

No one dared to go to Russia - mother, while I live three heroes. Once the Prince sent them to conquer the city of Vereya. And the enemies, having learned about this, decided to attack as soon as possible. But in Verey it was not safe either. Three sons of Koshchei lived and ruled there. One was strong, the second was fast, and the third was cunning. They lived and collected taxes from all over the people. Meanwhile, the heroes went to Vereya. Alyosha on Moses, Ilya on Burushka, and Dobrynya on Vasya. And they sing a merry song.

Alyosha: Brothers, let's get ours, heroic.

In chorus.
I remember how my mother told me strictly as a child
"You will beat, crush", - my mother punished
"But there will be no point in this," - said mom
And my aunt was right

Everyone wants on the planet
Me and you (hey), he and she (hey)
Be the Strongest in the World
And to be proud (hey), the whole country (hey)
And when the country is named Rus
Opa weasel
Op-op-op-opa, ermine

And so they reached the city. First they walked through the bazaars. We went to a grandmother who was selling vegetables.

Alyosha. Oh, what have you got here.
Granny. These are olives.
Alyoshka. Ilya, look they have some strange toffee here.
Ilya. Yes, not toffee, but olives.
Alyosha. Ugh - ugh. Disgusting.

Suddenly a gentleman with a top hat on his head walks by. And Alyosha laughs.

Alyosha. Look, brothers, They wear buckets on their heads.

A turkey passes majestically.

Ilya. Oh, look, brothers, their roosters are sick with something.
Dobrynya. Yes, well, and the place is incomprehensible.

Meanwhile, the enemies just attacked Russia, but not immediately. At first they offered to surrender.

Prince. Julia to me.
Julius. Yes, here I am, Sergeitch. We must urgently call the heroes to the service.
Prince. On my order, they went to Verey. You go after them, and I will detain them here.
Julius. And why did I just me. My horseshoes are old and rusty. And lately he has become completely blind.
Prince. What are you trying to contradict me? Go to whom you told.

And Julius set off. He walked for a long time. Meanwhile, the heroes came to the three brothers. The first was overpowered immediately. I had to sweat with the second. And the third did not want to rule alone and ran out of fear. Only the heels sparkled.
They are going back to please the Prince.

Here the heroes see. Lies on the road near the Kiev bridge Julius.

Dobrynya. Julius, what's the matter with you?
Julius.(Barely breathing) We were attacked.
Ilya. Who dared to rebel against us?
Julius. The robbers are different. A whole army.
Alyosha. We have completely lost our fear.

Lyubava. Alyosha.
Alyonushka. Ilyusha.
Nastasya Filippovna. Dobrynya.
Alyosha. Lyubava.
Ilyusha. Alyona.
Dobrynya. Nastasya.
Tikhon. Well, what's the plan?
Ilyusha. The main thing is to get into the palace, and then we'll see.
Dobrynya. Tikhon, but you can get through a secret passage.
Tikhon. Right.
Alyosha. Then who are we waiting for?

They made their way into the palace. They ran into the throne room and began to beat everyone. Nastasya was all rolling pins. And Lyubava and Alena beat everyone like that. Only in the sky were the robbers visible.

Prince. I want to present the award to the heroes, their wives and Tikhon again.