The largest volcano in the world where it is located. The tallest volcanoes in the world

The largest volcano in the world where it is located.  The tallest volcanoes in the world
The largest volcano in the world where it is located. The tallest volcanoes in the world

All tourists and travelers are interested in learning about the largest volcano in the world. A volcano is a formation on the surface of the Earth, from which magma comes out, forming lava, rocks and volcanic gases. There are a huge number of such formations on our planet. Some of them are considered active, as they were active during the historical period.

Many of the volcanoes are extinct and dormant. The latter include those whose eruption is already unlikely, while the former have the possibility of manifestation of activity. Some volcanoes reach incredible sizes and are distinguished by their extraordinary power and beauty.

Of course, active volcanoes are of great interest to all travelers. They are extraordinarily beautiful and fascinate with their danger of eruption at any moment. Having seen such a phenomenon once, a person gets a lot of incredible impressions that remain in his memory for a lifetime. The highest active volcano in the world is Llullaillaco. It is located in Argentina in the Peruvian Andes. The height of its summit is 6739 m. The last time it erupted was in 1877.

At the top of this volcano there is eternal glaciation. It is shaped like a cone. This natural formation has been considered an archaeological site since 1999, since human mummies were found on its summit. These were the children of the Incas. There is a possibility that they were sacrificed about 500 years ago.

Mauna Loa volcano

In terms of volume, Mauna Loa is considered the largest active volcano. The height of its summit is 4169 m, and the volume is estimated at 75,000 km. It is located on the island of Hawaii in the United States. The last time the eruption took place relatively recently - in 1984.

This volcano, more precisely, its summit and southeastern slope, is part of the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park. This park is included in the famous UNESCO World Heritage List. Mauna Loa is home to animals and plants that are called endemic. This means that they have a small habitat. Very often, such animals are considered a rarity, therefore they are included in the Red Book.

Dangerous volcano Merapi

The most dangerous volcano in the world is Merapi. It is located in Indonesia on the island of Java. There are large eruptions every 7 years. Small eruptions happen 2 times a year. Many settlements were destroyed by this mountain. Back in 1006, he wiped out the Javanese-Indian kingdom from the face of the earth, and in 1673 one of the most destructive eruptions occurred. It destroyed several cities and villages at once, which were located at the foot.

In 1930, the volcano also caused major destruction. This eruption killed 1,300 people. 44 years later, Merapi destroyed 2 villages, and a year later - another village, 5 bridges, killing 29 people. Moreover, the eruptions overtook many scientists and tourists. The last action of the Merapi volcano was recorded in 2010. This time, about 350 thousand people were initially evacuated. Some residents did return. Among them, 353 people died, who fell into a stream of volcanic gases, ash and stones.

Volcano with the worst eruption in history

It is an active volcano that erupted the most violently in the 19th century. The volcano is located in Indonesia. Now its height is 813 m. Before its famous eruption in 1883, it was much higher. Moreover, it was one big island. During the violent action of the volcano, the main part of the island was destroyed.

The rumble from the eruption was heard even 5000 km from the volcano itself. The volcanic edifice spreads over 500 km. The ash rose 30 km, and the gas-ash column - 70 km. Scientists estimated the force of the explosion at 6 points. This violent eruption resulted in 37,000 deaths and 300 villages destroyed.

There are many different volcanoes in the world, which differ either in their height, or in volume, or in actions. Some of them are the most dangerous or the oldest. Scientists have not yet compiled an accurate list of volcanoes by their size or degree of danger. Each of them is interesting and unique in its own way. There are volcanoes that are known to every traveler and tourist. The most popular of them are Vesuvius, Fujiyama, Etna. These are active volcanoes in the world.

Vesuvius has been attracting tourists for many years. Those who visit Naples usually do not miss the opportunity to admire and even climb this famous volcano. Previously, it was possible to climb the mountain using a funicular, and then - a conventional lift. However, the transport was destroyed by the next eruptions. They did not begin to restore it, so at the moment the mountain can only be climbed on foot along the footpath.

Fujiyama volcano located on the Japanese island of Honshu. It is a popular tourist destination. Residents consider it sacred. The mountain is also a place of religious pilgrimage for Buddhist and Shinto cults. A temple is built on top of it. In addition, there is a weather station and even a post office. Scientists believe that Fuji is a weakly active volcano, since the last eruptions took place at the beginning of the 18th century.

A popular volcano located in Italy is... It has many craters, from time to time at least one of them erupts lava. Sometimes the actions of Etna are disastrous in relation to the nearest settlements, but, despite this, new inhabitants do not stop settling here. At the foot of the mountain there is very fertile soil that allows you to grow various vegetables and fruits.

Tourists have the opportunity to visit this extraordinary mountain. You should climb it on foot. The tourist base can be reached by bus. For lovers of souvenirs, there are shops on the mountain itself where you can buy some souvenir item or even the popular 70-degree liqueur.

All these and many other volcanoes are extraordinarily beautiful and interesting for residents, travelers and tourists. Each such mountain has its own history. Before climbing any volcano, you need to know the exact information about its activity and the possibility of an eruption, since such natural formations can begin their actions at any time. Therefore, deciding to admire the extraordinary beauty of volcanoes, protect yourself from accidents.

Volcanoes are geological formations that form above cracks in, through which lava, ash, loose rocks, boiling gases and water break out.

Active volcanoes include those that erupted in historical time or showed other signs of activity (release of gases and steam, etc.). Some scientists consider active those volcanoes about which it is reliably known that they have erupted over the past 10 thousand years.

The largest accumulation of active volcanoes in a limited area of ​​the planet is located in the zone of the Malay Archipelago - the largest on Earth, located between the continental parts and. On the territory of Russia, the largest number of active volcanoes is in the region of the Kuril Islands and in Kamchatka. About 60 volcanoes erupt annually, and about a third of them erupted in the previous year. There is information about 627 volcanoes that have erupted over the past 10 thousand years.

Volcano Location Height, m Eruptions
Llullaillaco Chilean-Argentine Andes 6 723 It erupted for the last time in 1877.
Cotopaxi Ecuador, South America 5 896 It erupted for the last time in 1976.
Misty Peru, Central Andes 5 821
Orisaba Mexican highlands 5 700
Popocatepetl Mexico 5 452 It erupted for the last time in February 2003.
Sangay Ecuador 5 410 Until 1728, the volcano was considered asleep. Then he woke up and for about 200 years haunted the surrounding inhabitants; however, the eruptions were not too dangerous.
Sanford Southeast Alaska 4 949
Klyuchevskaya Sopka Kamchatka Peninsula 4 750 It erupted for the last time in January 2004.
Rainier Cordillera, Cascade Mountains 4 392
Tahumulco Central America 4 217
Mauna loa Hawaiian Islands 4 170 In 1868, Hawaii was hit twice - April 2 and August 13 - by the tsunami. On April 2, the tsunami was triggered by the eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano.
Fako Cameroon 4 070
Fuego Guatemala 3 835 Eruptions of the volcano occur every few years, ejections of basaltic ash sometimes reach the stratosphere, and their volume in one of the eruptions was 0.1 km 3.
Kerinci O. Sumatra 3 805
Erebus O. Rossa, Antarctica 3 794
Fujiyama O. Honshu 3 776 The most devastating eruptions occurred in 800, 864 and 1707. During the last eruption, the city of Edo, located 120 km away, was covered with a layer of ash of 15 cm. In 1923, a volcanic eruption destroyed more than 700,000 houses in a few seconds, and 142,000 people went missing.
Teide Canary islands 3 718 Once the volcano was much higher, about 5,000 m. However, in 1706, as a result of a strong eruption, the top of the volcano collapsed.
Semeru O. Java 3 676 The highest active volcano is about. Me you. Very active, erupting more than once every three years.
Colima Mexico 3 658 The volcano is prone to short-term, but extremely strong explosive eruptions. The latter happened in February 2002.
Ichinskaya Sopka Kamchatka Peninsula 3 621
Kronotskaya Sopka Kamchatka Peninsula 3 528
Nyiragongo Virunga mountains (Africa) 3 470 The last eruption took place on January 17-19, 2002. B O Most of the city of Goma was destroyed by lava, at least 45 people died.
Koryakskaya Sopka Kamchatka Peninsula 3 546
Etna O. Sicily 3 340 Volcanic eruptions have been occurring for hundreds of thousands of years. One of the most active and largest volcanoes on Earth. Its base is over 50 km long.
Shiveluch Kamchatka Peninsula 3 283 The last eruption took place in January 2004.
Lassen Peak Cordillera, Cascade Mountains 3 187
Llama South Andes, Chile 3 124
Nyamuragira Virunga Mountains (Africa) 3 056 The last eruption was in July 2002.
Apo O. Mindanao, Philippines 2 954
Baitoushan (whale)
Paektusan (Korean)
Changbai Highlands on the border of the PRC and DPRK 2 744 The last eruption was in 1904.
Avachinskaya Sopka, Avacha Southeast Kamchatka, near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 2 741 There have been 16 eruptions since the 1730s; the last in 1926, 1938 (three), 1945, 2004.
Bromo Indonesia, eastern part of about. Java, in the north of the Tenger mountain range 2 614 Until 1967, 37 eruptions were recorded (the first dated - in 1804).
Asama O. Honshu, Japan 2 542 The last eruption (gases, ash and lava) in 1958. The last catastrophic eruption was in 1783.
Kizimen Kamchatka Peninsula 2 485
Alaid Kuril Islands, about. Atlasova 2 339 The highest active volcano of the Kuril ridge.
Shish Peninsula Kamchatka 2 346
Berenberg O. Jan Mayen, North Atlantic Ocean 2 277
Katmay Alaska 2 047
Api Indonesia 1 949
Bandai O. Honshu, Japan 1 819 During a catastrophic eruption in 1888, the top and one side of the cone were demolished.
Arenal Costa Rica 1 657 A volcano considered extinct; woke up in 1968. Then, during the eruption, two villages were destroyed, 87 people died. The last eruption took place in September 2003.
Asso O. Kyushu, Japan 1 592 In terms of the number of eruptions, it occupies one of the first places among the volcanoes in the world (more than 70 eruptions).
Hekla (Hekla) 1 491 The first dated eruption took place in 1104. In 1766, the eruption was especially destructive and was accompanied by human casualties. The last major eruption was in 1947-1948.
Soufriere Lesser Antilles 1 467 The last eruption took place in 2001.
Montagne Pele O. Martinique, West Indies 1 397 After a catastrophic eruption in 1902, a lava spire formed in the crater, which grew by 9 m per day and, as a result, reached a height of 250 m, and collapsed a year later.
Vesuvius , near Naples 1 281 Eruptions in 79, 1631, 1794, 1822, 1872, 1906 and 1944.
Kilauea Hawaiian Islands 1 247 The last eruptions occurred in 1967-1968
Stromboli Lipari Islands 926 It has been in a state of activity for over 400 years.

Today you will learn interesting facts about the largest volcano in search of which we will visit the island of Hawaii.

A huge volcano named Mauna Loa, which literally means "Long Mountain" in Hawaiian, occupies most of the island and is one of the most active on the planet. Mauna Loa has erupted 33 times since the very first documentary record in 1843.

The most recent eruption of the volcano took place in 1984, as a result of which 30,000 acres of land were covered with lava, as well as an increase in the island's area by 180 hectares, reclaiming space from the sea.

What is the size of the largest volcano on Earth? The height of the volcano above sea level is 4169 meters, but this is not its true height. If you measure the height of Mauna Loa from the bottom, then its height will be about 9,000 meters, which is higher than Mount Everest.

The famous Hawaiian volcano is not only the largest and most powerful, but also the most massive. If you measure its volume from the base to the top, then an impressive figure will come out - 75,000 cubic kilometers.

In one eruption, Mauna Loa spews out so much lava that its volume is equal to the volume of Vesuvius, the famous volcano in Italy.

There are many legends around this Hawaiian volcano. One of which sounds like this. The queen of volcanoes, the goddess Pele, was banished by her older sister, the goddess of water and the sea. Every time Pele tried to build a house for herself, her sister sent huge waves to destroy everything.

In the end, Pele settled on a large island and made herself a large Mauna Loa home, so large that not a single wave could reach her.

There is also a legend that Pele has a faithful white dog and she sends him to the slopes of the volcano to warn people about the danger. In 1959, while exploring this powerful volcano, a white dog was seen on the slopes. All attempts to tame or catch this white dog were in vain. In December of the same year, one of the craters erupted and the dogs disappeared. In 1966, a white dog was again seen on the mountain, in the same year Mauna Loa exploded with a violent eruption.

There are more than one hundred volcanoes on the Earth's surface. Among them there are the highest volcanoes, the most powerful volcanoes, the largest volcanoes. And they are united by one thing - each rises by tens and hundreds of meters and frightens with its power: it is possible that the volcano will start releasing steam and ash.

Where are the most active volcanoes

Volcanoes are geological formations that appear in the earth's crust above cracks. And it is through them that ash, lava, loose rocks, water vapor and gases break through to the surface.

A volcano is called active if it showed signs of activity (for example, emitting gas and steam) at a historical time for a person.

The largest number of active volcanoes is located in the Malay Archipelago. It is the largest on the planet, located between the continents of Australia and Asia. And in Russia, a large cluster of volcanoes is located in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. In this part, about 60 volcanoes erupt every year. But there is evidence of 627 volcanoes that have shown signs of life in the last 10 thousand years.

Largest volcano

One of the largest volcanoes in the world is called Mauna Loa. From Hawaiian it literally translates as "Long Mountain". The volcano occupies most of the island of Hawaii and is considered one of the most active in the world. Mauna Low has erupted exactly 33 times since it was first recorded in 1843. The last time the volcano "came to life" in 1984. Then about 30 thousand acres of land were covered with lava, and the area of ​​the island itself increased by 180 hectares. Mauna Low rises 4169 meters above sea level. But if you measure the height of the volcano from the bottom, then the figure will be twice as much - 9 thousand meters. It is even higher than the famous Mount Everest.

Hawaiian is not only the largest and most powerful volcano, it is also the most massive. Its volume from the base to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. By the way, there are many legends around Mauna Low. According to one of them, the lord of the volcanoes Pele was expelled from the house by her elder sister, who was the goddess of water and the sea. When Pele tried to build her own home, her sister sent waves to destroy it. As a result, Pele settled on the island and made herself a house called Mauna Low, it was so massive that the waves could not overwhelm it.

Tallest active volcano

Some call Llullaillaco the highest active volcano. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine Andes. Its height is equal to 6 thousand 723 meters. The eruption of the largest volcano was last recorded in 1877.

However, on the question of what is the highest active volcano in the world, the opinions of scientists differ. Some believe that Cotopaxi is the tallest. It is located in the South American Andes, in Ecuador. Its height is less than that of the previous one, only 5 thousand 897 meters. But the last major eruption was recorded in 1942. Cotopaxi can rightfully be called the most beautiful in Ecuador. This is thanks to the riot of greenery at the foot and the graceful crater. However, the picture is deceiving. Cotopaxi, like a number of others, are the most dangerous volcanoes. In Ecuador, since 1742, 10 fairly large eruptions have been recorded, which destroyed the city of Latacunga (it lies very close to Cotopaxi).

The most famous volcanoes

However, all of the above volcanoes are hardly known to the general public. The most famous in the world are the volcanoes Vesuvius, Fujiyama or, for example, Etna.

Vesuvius is located in the south of Italy near Naples and is active. True, the volcano is not very large, its height is only 1281 meters. Vesuvius is one of three active volcanoes in the country. And one of the most dangerous in the world. To date, mankind knows more than 80 eruptions, and the most famous happened 2 millennia ago - in 79. It was then that the cities of Pompeii, Stabia, Herculaneum were destroyed. The last eruption was recorded in 1944, lava destroyed the cities of Massa and San Sebastiano.

The highest volcano in Africa and generally the highest point on the continent is Kilimanjaro. The volcano is located in Tanzania, 300 kilometers south of the equator. One of the peaks of Kilimanjaro - Kibo - reaches 5895 meters. Uhuru Peak is the highest point of the volcano. Scientists estimate that Kilimanjaro is over a million years old. And what is most surprising, although the volcano is located almost at the equator, many glaciers have accumulated on its slopes.

The largest volcanoes can be seen in Asia. The famous Fujiyama is located on the Japanese island of Honshu, 150 kilometers from Tokyo. The volcano has almost perfect conical outlines and has been a cult object of local residents since ancient times. The height of the mountain is 3776 meters. Now the volcano is weakly active, the last time experts recorded an eruption in 1707.

The most powerful volcanic eruption

But the most powerful volcanic eruption in history occurred in 1883. On May 20, Krakatoa began to show activity. It was on this day that the inhabitants of the capital of Indonesia began to hear the first rumbles: people began to feel the shaking from the volcano, which is located 50 kilometers from the capital. Such phenomena lasted three months, the volcano either calmed down or activated. Floating pumice layers accumulated on the surface.

On August 27 of the same year, there was a strong volcanic eruption that has ever been seen by man. The rumble was heard even 5 thousand kilometers from the epicenter. The ash rose to a height of up to 30 kilometers. The volcanic structure scattered over a huge area, within a radius of 500 kilometers. The ash-and-gas column rose 70 kilometers, that is, it rose as far as the mesosphere. The ash covered over 4 million square kilometers and covered a total of 18 cubic kilometers. The force of the explosion was estimated at 6 points. According to experts, this is 200 thousand times the force of the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima. The largest volcano in the world, Ojos del Salado, is considered extinct

The volcano is called inactive. This is because not a single case of eruption has been recorded in the history of mankind. However, sometimes Ojos del Salado reminds of itself. For example, in 1993, the release of water vapor and sulfur was noticed.

By the way, as the editors of the site managed to find out, some geographers have already retrained the volcano into an active one. Thus, having displaced from the first place the list of the highest active volcanoes Llullaillaco. However, the controversy about this has not yet subsided.

It is also interesting that the highest mountain in Russia, Elbrus, is also a volcano.
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Volcano. This word fascinates and frightens at the same time. People have always been drawn to something beautiful and dangerous, because beauty, accompanied by risk, becomes even more attractive, but at the same time, the history of the city of Pompeii is immediately remembered. Volcanoes have not brought such terrible destruction for a long time, which are still stored in the pages of our history, because thanks to scientists who can tell which mountain is a volcano and which is not, people have stopped settling at the foot of dangerous mountains. But, nevertheless, volcanoes continue to exist and either go into hibernation or wake up from sleep to start active life. Let's take a look at which volcanoes are the largest in the world.

10 largest volcanoes in the world

  1. Volcano Yellowstone. This volcano is located in the Yellowstone National Park in the United States. It is Yellowstone that can rightfully be called the largest volcano in the world, as well as the most dangerous volcano in the world. The height of the volcano is 3142 meters above sea level, and the area of ​​the volcano is 4000 square kilometers. The area of ​​this volcano is twenty times the size of Washington, the capital of the United States of America. This volcano is still dormant, although from the beginning of the twenty-first century it began to show signs of activity. According to scientists, this volcano erupts approximately every 600 thousand years, and about 640 thousand years have passed since the last eruption.

  2. Volcano Vesuvius. It is the highest active volcano in Eurasia at this moment. It is also the highest volcano in Europe. It is located fifteen kilometers from the Italian city. Its height is 1281 meters. Currently, Vesuvius is the only active volcano in Europe, and besides, it is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes. Science knows about more than eighty of its eruptions, one of which was destroyed by the famous.

  3. Volcano Popocatepetl. This volcano is also active. It is located in the southern part of Mexico. Popocateptl's height is 5452 meters. Over the past half century, its activity has been quite insignificant, and in general history knows about thirty-six major eruptions of this volcano. Popocatepetl can be called the largest active volcano at the moment.

  4. Sakurajima volcano. An active volcano located in Japan. Once it was on the island, but during one of the eruptions, a huge amount of lava connected it to the mainland. The height of the volcano is 1118 meters above sea level. At the moment, Sakurajima is visited by many tourists every year, despite the fact that the volcano is almost constantly in activity - smoke escapes from its vents, and sometimes small eruptions occur.

  5. Volcano Galeras. This volcano is located in Colombia. The height of Galeras is 4267 meters above sea level. The activity of this volcano was noticed in 2006, at the same time people were evacuated from the nearest settlements. In 2010, even more people were evacuated, as the volcano continues to be active. Although over the past several thousand years, if Galeras erupted, it was extremely insignificant.

  6. Volcano Merapi. An active Indonesian volcano located in Java. Height above sea level - 2914 meters. This volcano is active almost constantly. Small eruptions occur several times a year, and large ones approximately once every ten years. Merapi claimed many lives, and in one of its largest eruptions, even changed the surrounding landscape.

  7. Volcano Nyiragongo. This volcano is located in Africa, in the Virunga Mountains. At the moment, it is more in sleep mode, although little activity is sometimes observed. The worst eruption of this volcano was recorded in 1977. In general, this volcano is interesting in that its lava is very liquid due to its composition, therefore, during an eruption, its speed can even reach one hundred kilometers per hour.

  8. Volcano Ulavun. The volcano is located on the island of New Guinea and is currently an active volcano. Its height is 2334 meters above sea level. This volcano erupts quite often. Once this volcano was located under water, and it came to the surface only in 1878.

  9. Taal volcano. This active volcano is located in the Philippines, on the island of Luzon. Taal is notable for the fact that it is the smallest of all the currently not dormant volcanoes in the world, and there is a lake in the Taal crater. Taal is visited by many tourists from all over the world every year.

  10. Volcano Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa is an active volcano in Hawaii, USA. The height of this volcano is 4169 above sea level. This volcano can be considered the tallest volcano on earth if we take into account its underwater part, the height of which reaches 4500 meters. The last time this volcano erupted seriously was in 1950.