The most dangerous and beautiful volcanoes in the world. By city and country

The most dangerous and beautiful volcanoes in the world.  By city and country
The most dangerous and beautiful volcanoes in the world. By city and country

In this post, I want to show you a selection of the most beautiful volcanoes in the world. A volcano is a beauty that can kill you, but which must be admired.

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The Anak Krakato volcano is located on the island of Krakatoa. In 1883, the volcanic eruption was so powerful that it was recognized as "the most powerful volcanic explosion in modern history."

The shape of the Chinese volcano Fujiyama is almost perfect. It is still considered active, despite the fact that the last eruption took place here in 1708. In addition to beautiful landscapes and snow-capped peaks, tourists can expect a bullet train from Tokyo to Yokohama.

The picture taken in April 2010 shows the eruption of an Icelandic volcano with a complex name - Eyjafjallajökull. The blowout that year created many problems for the airlines operating passengers. Due to the cancellation of more than a hundred flights, thousands of passengers were forced to sit at airports, waiting for the clouds of smoke and ash to settle.

Mauna Loa is located in a national park called Hawaiian Volcanoes. This is the largest volcano on our planet.

The highest of all active volcanoes is Etna, located in the eastern part of the island of Sicily. Tour guides take groups of tourists to the very crater of the volcano. Therefore, scientists always closely monitor the activity of Etna.

The eruptions of the Fogu volcano on the island of Cape Verde often force local residents to flee and seek shelter on the quieter neighboring island of Brava.

In the city of Antigua (Guatemala) is the Pacaya volcano. Despite systematic small eruptions, tourists often climb to the top. An unforgettably beautiful view opens up from here.

Vesuvius Volcano is as temperamental and hot as the Italians themselves. He has a rather colorful and "turbulent" past. Violent volcanic eruptions caused the death of two cities - Pompey and Herculaneum in 79, claimed the lives of 218 people in 1906 and led to serious destruction of several nearby cities.

Villarrica is one of the most active volcanoes in Chile. It is a popular hiking trail in summer and skiing in winter. From here you have excellent views of the surrounding area.

Only professional climbers can climb the snow-covered summit of Shishaldin volcano in Alaska. Amateurs and ordinary tourists are better off choosing a different route.

The Bromo volcano in Indonesia has long served as a site of human sacrifice. After a special ritual, living people were simply thrown into the mouth of the volcano. Today Indonesians do this to their dead.

The volcanic island of Stromboli is very large and extremely active. It is often called the “Lighthouse of the Mediterranean”.

The highest point on New Zealand's North Island is the Ruapehu Volcano. On its slopes, green forests and snow are perfectly combined. The last eruption of the volcano was in 2007.

The main volcano of Ecuador, Cotopaxi, is as close to conical in shape as possible. In addition to numerous climbers, small hummingbirds can be found on its slopes.

The largest island in the Galapagos Islands, Isabela, is home to six volcanoes. Four of them are still active. On the stone slopes, you can find many turtles, peacefully basking in the sun.

As beautiful, the Mayon volcano in the Philippines is just as dangerous. He systematically demonstrates his "character". This year, during the ascent to the top, seven people died here.

The summit of the stratovolcano of the Indonesian volcano Agung is especially beautiful at sunset and at night. Therefore, climbs at this time are especially popular among tourists. In 1963, a volcanic eruption killed 150 people and wiped out an entire village.

Poas in Costa Rica is recognized as the most beautiful volcano in the world. Since 1971, it has become part of the national park. The last eruption was observed in 2011.

The eruption of St. Helena in America in 1980 destroyed many roads, fertile fields, bridges and killed fifty people. From the crater of the volcano, clouds of smoke are still often beating out, reminiscent of the power hidden in its depths.

The Yasur volcano on Tana Island is not only beautiful but also very active. But still, there were daredevils who rose close to the crater of a volcano with boiling magma.

The Anak Krakato volcano is located on the island of Krakatoa. In 1883, the volcanic eruption was so powerful that it was recognized as "the most powerful volcanic explosion in modern history."

The shape of the Japanese volcano Fujiyama is almost perfect. It is still considered active, despite the fact that the last eruption took place here in 1708. In addition to beautiful landscapes and snow-capped peaks, tourists can expect a bullet train from Tokyo to Yokohama.

The picture taken in April 2010 shows the eruption of an Icelandic volcano with a complex name - Eyjafjallajökull. The blowout that year created many problems for the airlines operating passengers. Due to the cancellation of more than a hundred flights, thousands of passengers were forced to sit at airports, waiting for the clouds of smoke and ash to settle.

Mauna Loa is located in a national park called Hawaiian Volcanoes. This is the largest volcano on our planet.

The highest of all active volcanoes is Etna, located in the eastern part of the island of Sicily. Tour guides take groups of tourists to the very crater of the volcano. Therefore, scientists always closely monitor the activity of Etna.

The eruptions of the Fogu volcano on the island of Cape Verde often force local residents to flee and seek shelter on the quieter neighboring island of Brava.

In the city of Antigua (Guatemala) is the Pacaya volcano. Despite systematic small eruptions, tourists often climb to the top. An unforgettably beautiful view opens up from here.

Vesuvius Volcano is as temperamental and hot as the Italians themselves. He has a rather colorful and "turbulent" past. Violent volcanic eruptions caused the death of two cities - Pompey and Herculaneum in 79, claimed the lives of 218 people in 1906 and led to serious destruction of several nearby cities.

Villarrica is one of the most active volcanoes in Chile. It is a popular hiking trail in summer and skiing in winter. From here you have excellent views of the surrounding area.

Only professional climbers can climb the snow-covered summit of Shishaldin volcano in Alaska. Amateurs and ordinary tourists are better off choosing a different route.

The Bromo volcano in Indonesia has long served as a site of human sacrifice. After a special ritual, living people were simply thrown into the mouth of the volcano. Today Indonesians do this to their dead.

The volcanic island of Stromboli is very large and extremely active. It is often called the “Lighthouse of the Mediterranean”.

The highest point on New Zealand's North Island is the Ruapehu Volcano. On its slopes, green forests and snow are perfectly combined. The last eruption of the volcano was in 2007.

The main volcano of Ecuador, Cotopaxi, is as close to conical in shape as possible. In addition to numerous climbers, small hummingbirds can be found on its slopes.

The largest island in the Galapagos Islands, Isabela, is home to six volcanoes. Four of them are still active. On the stone slopes, you can find many turtles, peacefully basking in the sun.

As beautiful, the Mayon volcano in the Philippines is just as dangerous. He systematically demonstrates his "character". This year, during the ascent to the top, seven people died here.

The summit of the stratovolcano of the Indonesian volcano Agung is especially beautiful at sunset and at night. Therefore, climbs at this time are especially popular among tourists. In 1963, a volcanic eruption killed 150 people and wiped out an entire village.

Poas in Costa Rica is recognized as the most beautiful volcano in the world. Since 1971, it has become part of the national park. The last eruption was observed in 2011.

The eruption of St. Helena in America in 1980 destroyed many roads, fertile fields, bridges and killed fifty people. From the crater of the volcano, clouds of smoke are still often beating out, reminiscent of the power hidden in its depths.

The Yasur volcano on Tana Island is not only beautiful but also very active. But still, there were daredevils who rose close to the crater of a volcano with boiling magma.

Seeing a volcano is one of the most spectacular and memorable experiences you can have on a trip. Even rafting can seem boring after you've done it dozens of times. If this sounds familiar to you, then you really need a new adventure already - you should feel the adrenaline rush in your veins again.

After consulting with experienced travelers, we came to a consensus: there is one adventure trip that will impress even the most jaded traveler - this is the path to the top of the volcano. We have listed the prominent volcanoes below. No, they are not necessarily the largest or most active of all, but we think that these volcanoes will impress you with their magnificence.

Irazu, Costa Rica

If a trip to Iraz, a volcano in Costa Rica, does not give you a strong impression and does not bring you out of a drowsy state, then when you return home, you should seriously start thinking about taking antidepressants. This beautiful volcano can't fail to impress! In general, Costa Rica is a great tourist destination. Where else can you soak up the beaches of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, visit a tropical reserve, all in one trip? And we have not yet told about a beautiful green lake in one of the Irazu craters!

Beautiful volcano Pichincha, Ecuador

If you are traveling to different parts of the world, covering several thousand kilometers, why not visit the stunning Ecuador? If you are physically able to do so, you can hike up the slopes to an altitude of 4680m along Rucu, one of the peaks of the Pichincha Quito volcano. Do not be discouraged if you understand that you cannot master such a difficult ascent - you can also climb here to the height of 4100M by cable car. The views from here are simply breathtaking.

Beautiful volcanoes of the world Vesuvius, Italy

If you do not travel much and understand that you can hardly visit more than one volcano in your life, then do it in Italy. Vesuvius, still an active volcano, has erupted at least 50 times throughout history. The Italian giant completely destroyed the city of Pompeii in 79 AD. The last time he was active was in 1944, so, according to experts, visiting him today seems to be definitely safe! Beautiful volcano Vesuvius an interesting attraction in itself, but you can also visit the ruins of Pompeii. Even stronger impressions will remain with you if you view the volcano from above without leaving the Boeing 747.

Eyjafjallajokull volcano, Iceland

Eyjafjallajökull volcano has recently been at the center of worldwide attention. It gained worldwide fame with ash clouds in the 2010s, due to which air traffic was disrupted throughout Europe. The road to the volcano will certainly give you a lot of impressions: geysers, lava deserts and stunning glaciers. If the experience gained from one volcano does not seem enough for you, do not worry, there are 29 other volcanoes in Iceland that you can also see.

Pinatubo, Philippines

If you've skimmed this entire list but got down to the bottom and got to this point, then you've just passed our test: you're now ready for a really big extreme adventure. After the second largest volcano erupted violently in 1991 (one of the most severe eruptions of the 20th century), Pinatubo has become a hot spot for extreme trekking and off-road driving. This journey promises to be full of adventure, so you can have all the exciting moments that you craved. Or you can choose a simpler air trip to inspect the Filipino monster.

World of travel


12.09.17 10:06

They are spectacular and terrifying at the same time. These are fiery monsters that have played with and tortured humanity throughout history. If you have ever watched a stunningly beautiful show called an "active volcano", then you will never forget it. Of course, we do not mean fatal eruptions - like the one that devastated ancient Pompeii or drove the inhabitants from half of the island of Montserrat. In our time, there are many volcanoes that "snap", but do no harm to people, flora and fauna. Here are the most beautiful active volcanoes worth seeing.

Awesome pyrotechnic show: beautiful volcanoes of the world

Piton de la Fournaise: a shield in the Indian Ocean

The beautiful volcano-shield in the southeastern corner of the Reunion Island (overseas region of France) in the Indian Ocean is called for a long time: Piton de la Fournaise. This powerful natural monster is one of the most accessible and most active volcanoes in the world. Its height is 2631 meters, the edge of the caldera is formed by high cliffs, in which there are several craters, the explosive "temperament" is the Dolomie crater. A zigzag hiking trail leads directly to the caldera, which can be covered in five hours. Sometimes the trail is closed (for safety reasons, because the last eruption occurred not so long ago - in the second half of May 2015).

Etna: the pride of Sicily

Sicilian Etna is still "coughing" ashes into the bright blue Italian sky, but this is an amazing sight! The most active and highest beautiful volcano in Europe is easily accessible. On the way, you will visit charming Baroque villages, and from the end of the Rufugio Sapienze trail, a cable car leads up the mountain, which lifts travelers to an altitude of 2500 meters. There, the participants of the tour are waiting for a bus that climbs to an even greater height, and then you will have a walk with a guide. Black ash will crunch under your feet, and the trail will take you from crater to crater. It is best to visit Etna in the morning or on a clear day. Not so long ago, it was reported about lava flows, accompanied by ash plumes - on such days excursions to Etna are prohibited.

Mount Yasur: a capricious woman from Vanuatu

Tanna Island (Vanuatu) has lush green forests that completely cover the lower slopes. But in a car with four-wheel drive, you can climb higher, drive through the scorched fields to the edge of the boat, which is strewn with ash and lava "bombs". An open wound in the flesh of the earth will open at your feet, and a terrible noise is heard from the bottom of it. This is one of the capricious beautiful volcanoes - Mount Yasur. Watching its activity is like a New Year's pyrotechnic performance. At the end of April 2015, the local observatory reported that the situation around the boat was heating up, and at this time the territory became forbidden.

Hawaiian Volcanoes Park: The Power of Kilauea

The Big Island of Hawaii has its own oozing treasure - the Kilauea volcano. Even its name, translated from Hawaiian, means "splashing out" or "violently erupting." It is considered one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. The eruptions of a beautiful and very obstinate shield volcano are concentrated on the Puu-oo crater, as well as in another "vent", Halemaumau. At night, the lava lake illuminates the smoke clouds hovering above it, and it looks fantastic! Kilauea is part of the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park, along which the scenic Kilauea Iki Trail can be traversed in a three-hour walk.

Stromboli: the grunting discontent of the Liparias

Another Italian volcano - 926-meter Stromboli - is located in the Liparias (Tyrrhenian Sea). It is constantly in a state of "nagging discontent" and has regularly exploded over the past two thousand years. Fortunately, these are mini-eruptions, which are very interesting to watch (a large one happened in 2009, but it did not harm anyone). A three-hour hike is available to travelers, which begins at the end of the day (in the dark, a beautiful volcano can show its true colors - tourists can clearly see the three glowing craters of Stromboli). Every few minutes there is a dull rumble, craters light up in flames, and a flaming spear shoots into the sky.

Bromo: tourist attraction in Indonesia

Located in the massive Tenggge caldera in eastern Java, Mount Bromo is the most famous volcano in Indonesia. It is better to consider the scorched landscape of Bromo and its crater at dawn, when the sun slowly and solemnly rises above the peaks and paints them in different shades of red. The view from the nearby village of Tsemoro Loang is beyond words - it's like a science fiction movie. Hikers can take part in the tours organized here, reach the edge of the crater and feel like heroes!

White Island: New Zealand Wonder Island Tour

50 kilometers from the east coast of the North Island (New Zealand) there is a beautiful volcano called White Island (White Island). This country's only "living" volcano rises straight from the geothermal "Book of Wonders" with roaring fumes, seething mud holes, smoking streams and a hot acid lake. The bottom of the crater is just above sea level, so climbing is not required for those who go to the volcano by boat. The boat tour includes a 2-hour exploration of the inner crater and is accompanied by expert commentary.

Pacaya in Guatemala: fun for extreme lovers

The 2,552-meter Pacaya (or Pacaya) cone of Guatemala has been in a moderately eruptive (flashing) state for the last 50 years with frequent “explosions”. You can get to this beautiful volcano from Antigua or Guatemala, and exploring Pacaya is a favorite pastime of climbers and extreme climbers. From the village of San Francisco de Sales, the trek to the crater takes two hours. But then an incredible panorama will open to you: a vast bowl of lava and a jet black cone. Of course, when a volcano gets angry and throws chunks of rock and ash clouds into the sky, blocking the daylight, a walk to Pacaya is impossible.

Sakurajima: the "storm-born" Japanese island

The volcanic island of Sakurajima rises from the sea just four kilometers from the city of Kagoshima (southern Japanese island of Kyushu). Grunting, tossing and turning, alive, Sakurajima sets off daily strombolic explosions, accompanied by large emissions of ash. Craters are inaccessible to travelers (it's dangerous), but the observatory halfway up the mountain offers a view of Sakurajima's powerful and spectacular pyrotechnics.

Avenue of the Volcanoes: the highest mountains in Ecuador

The range of the Andes Mountains, which extends south of the Ecuadorian capital Quito, contains some of the tallest and most beautiful volcanoes in the world, including the 5896-meter Cotopaxi, an ideal mountain for photography. Another, 5023-meter Tungurahua, "throat of fire", last flashed in April 2015. The highest peak of Ecuador is also a volcano, however, extinct, Chimborazo, soaring 6384 meters to the sky. There are several options for excursions: hiking, mountain biking, and the Tren Crucero train. There are just four luxury themed carriages that pass between the volcanoes. The luxury carriages, which would have been the envy of Hercule Poirot himself, who used the services of the chic Orient Express, can accommodate only 54 people at a time. This mountain route is commonly referred to as the Avenue of the Volcanoes.

Cities and even entire states were destroyed. Today the volcanoes of the Earth have not become calmer. Nevertheless, both in the distant past and today they attract thousands of researchers and scientists from all over the world. The desire to find out and understand what happens to the fire-breathing mountain during the eruption, how this process takes place, what precedes it, forces scientists to climb dangerous slopes, approaching craters where the elements are raging.

Today volcanologists have united into an international organization (IAVCEI). She carefully monitors possible eruptions that could pose a threat to human life. Today there is a list where there is the name of the volcanoes, their location and the likelihood of an upcoming eruption. This helps prevent loss of life, evacuate people from the danger zone if necessary, and take emergency measures.

Etna (Italy)

We decided to start our review from this mountain not by chance. The Etna volcano, the photo of which you see below in the article, is active, active, one of the largest and most dangerous on Earth. It is located in the east of Sicily, near Catania and Messina.

Its activity is explained by its location at the junction of the Eurasian and African.On this break there are other active mountains of the country - Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano. Scientists claim that in ancient times (15-35 thousand years ago) Mount Etna, a photo of which is often printed in special editions, was distinguished by explosive eruptions that left vast layers of lava. In the 21st century, Etna eruptions occurred more than 10 times, fortunately, without human casualties.

It is difficult to pinpoint the height of this mountain, since its top point changes due to frequent eruptions. They usually happen after a few months. Etna covers a huge area (1250 sq. Km). After lateral eruptions at Etna, 400 craters appeared. On average, every three to four months the volcano ejects lava. It is potentially dangerous in the event of a powerful eruption. Thanks to the latest scientific developments, scientists hope to detect the increased activity of the mountain in time.

Sakurajima (Japan)

Experts consider the Earth's volcanoes active if they have been active in the last 3000 years. This Japanese volcano has been active all the time since 1955. It belongs to the first category. In other words, the eruption can start at any time. A not very strong lava outburst was noted in February 2009. The residents of the city of Kagoshima are almost constantly accompanied by anxiety. Teachings, equipped shelters have become firmly established in their everyday life.

Researchers have installed webcams over the crater, so Sakurajima is under constant surveillance. I must say that volcanoes on the islands can change the topography of the area. This happened in Japan, when in 1924 there was a violent eruption of Sakurajima. Powerful tremors warned the city of danger, most of the residents managed to leave their homes and evacuate.

After that, the volcano bearing the name Sakurajima (which means "Sakura Island") can no longer be called an island. A huge amount of lava formed an isthmus that connected the mountain with the island of Kyushu. And another year after the eruption, lava slowly flowed out of the crater. The bottom of the bay rose in the center of the Aira caldera, located eight kilometers from Sakurajima.

Aso (Japan)

This popular tourist destination for extreme lovers is actually a dangerous volcano, which in 2011 threw out a large amount of lava and ash, which covered an area of ​​100 kilometers. Since that moment, more than 2500 powerful tremors have been registered. This suggests that at any moment he can destroy the nearby village.

Vesuvius (Italy)

Wherever there are volcanoes - on continents or on islands, they are equally dangerous. Vesuvius is very powerful and therefore very dangerous. He is one of the three active. Scientists have information about 80 large eruptions of this mountain. The worst thing happened in 79. Then the cities of Pompey, Stabia, Herculaneum were completely destroyed.

One of the last powerful eruptions was noted in 1944. The height of this mountain is 1281 m, the diameter of the crater is 750 m.

Colima (Mexico)

Many of us remember the names of volcanoes (at least some of them) from the school curriculum, we learn about others from the newspapers, and only specialists are aware of the third ones. Colima is perhaps the most dangerous and powerful in the world. It last erupted in June 2005. Then the column of ash ejected from the crater rose to a great height (more than 5 km). Local authorities had to evacuate residents of nearby villages.

This fire-breathing mountain consists of 2 conical peaks. Nevado de Colima is the highest of them all. Its height is 4,625 m. It is considered extinct, and the other peak is an active volcano. It is called Volcan de Fuego de Colima - "Fiery volcano". Its height is 3 846 m. ​​The locals called it the Mexican Vesuvius.

Since 1576, it has erupted over 40 times. And today it is extremely dangerous not only for residents of nearby cities, but for the whole of Mexico.

Galeras (Colombia)

Often, the name of volcanoes is directly related to the terrain on which the mountain is located. But the name Galeras has nothing to do with the nearby town of Pasto.

It is a huge and powerful volcano. Its height reaches 4276 meters. The diameter of the base is over 20 kilometers, and the diameter of the crater is 320 meters. It is located in Colombia (South America).

At the foot of this giant mountain is the small town of Pasto. In August 2010, its residents had to be urgently evacuated due to a violent eruption. The region has declared an emergency of the highest degree. The authorities sent more than 400 police officers to the area to provide assistance to the townspeople.

Scientists say that over the past 7 thousand years, the volcano has woken up at least 6 times. Moreover, all the eruptions were very powerful. During research work in 1993, six geologists died in the crater. At this time, another eruption began. In 2006, residents of the surrounding villages were evacuated due to the threat of a strong lava outburst.

Volcano Elbrus

On the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria is the highest point of Europe and, of course, Russia - Elbrus. It is connected with the northern part of the Greater Caucasus by the Lateral Range. Volcano Elbrus consists of two peaks, which have approximately the same height. Its eastern part reaches 5621 m, and its western part - 5642 m.

It is a cone-shaped stratovolcano. Its layers are formed by flows of tuff, lava, ash. The last eruptions of Elbrus were recorded 2500 years ago. Over time, it took on its current form. Few volcanoes on Earth can boast of such a beautiful, "classic" cone-shaped shape. Typically, craters are rapidly eroded by erosion. The beauty of Elbrus is protected by its mantle of ice and snow. It does not go down even in summer, for which the volcano was nicknamed Minor Antarctica.

Despite the fact that he reminded of himself for a long time, experts observing his current state and degree of activity do not consider him extinct. They call the mountain "sleeping". The volcano is active (fortunately, not yet destructive). Hot masses are still stored in its depths. They "warm up" well-known sources. Their temperature reaches + 52 ° С and + 60 ° С. They seep through the cracks to the surface

Today Elbrus is a unique natural area, a valuable scientific base. In Soviet times, scientific research was carried out here, and now there is a geophysical laboratory, the highest in Europe.

Popocatepetl (Mexico)

This is the very country, located 50 kilometers from the capital - Mexico City. The city of twenty million is always prepared for an emergency evacuation. In addition, there are also two other large cities - Tlaxcala de Jikotencatl and Puebla. This restless volcano also makes their inhabitants nervous. Sulfur, gas, stones and dust are emitted almost every month. In the last decade alone, the volcano has erupted three times.

Mauna Loa volcano (USA, Hawaii)

It is the largest "fiery mountain" on the Earth in terms of volume. Together with the underwater part, it is 80,000 cubic meters. km! The southeastern slope and summit are part of the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park.

There is a volcanological station on Mauna Loa. Research and ongoing observations have been carried out since 1912. The solar and atmospheric observatories are also located here.

The last eruption was recorded in 1984. The height of the mountain above sea level is 4,169 meters.

Nyiragongo (Congo)

As already noted, the name of volcanoes may not always be known to ordinary citizens living on another continent. This does not make the mountain less dangerous. Its activities are monitored by specialists and promptly report an increase in activity.

Next on our list is the active volcano Nyiragongo, which is 3469 meters high. It is located in the central part of the African continent, in the Virunga Mountains. The volcano is considered the most dangerous in Africa. In part, it connects with the more ancient mountains Shaheru and Baratu. It is surrounded by hundreds of smoldering small volcanic cones. 40% of all observed eruptions on the continent occur here.

Mount Rainier (USA)

Rounding out our list is a stratovolcano located in Pierce County, Washington, 87 km south of Seattle.

Rainier is part of the Volcanic Arc. Its height is 4 392 meters. Its summit is made up of two volcanic craters.

We have introduced you the most famous volcanoes. Their list is, of course, incomplete, because, according to scientists, there are more than 600 active mountains alone. Moreover, every year 1-2 new volcanoes appear on Earth.