Drawing in the sand. Sand show order

Drawing in the sand.  Sand show order
Drawing in the sand. Sand show order

A wedding is an exciting, touching and long-awaited holiday for lovers! I want this day to be perfect. Choosing impeccable outfits, a chic restaurant, thinking through an entertainment program to the smallest detail - there will be a lot of pleasant troubles!

However, do not forget that a wedding is a unique event in the life of a couple, there will be no second such, as there will be no opportunity to fix something, to finalize it. There must be something about your holiday that will make it different from others. It is unlikely that you will like it if, when asked how the wedding went, one of the guests says: “Nothing special. Everything is standard. " I would like to stun, add zest, excite the imagination in the end! There is a solution - this is a sand show for a wedding.

What it is? A sand show, or free-flowing animation, is an art form where the artist does not use brushes, paints and canvas to create a masterpiece, but only his own hands, sand and imagination.

This technique is great in many respects due to its dynamism: one picture replaces another, and it feels like you are watching a full-fledged movie on a big screen. And what could be more romantic than a beautiful love story that united two lonely hearts?

How a masterpiece is born

The modern world is such that it is extremely difficult to really surprise with something. But to be surprised means to live, to discover more and more new facets for oneself. Art in this respect is priceless: it makes us experience living emotions. But it is one thing when we see a masterpiece already created by someone, and quite another - when there is an opportunity to open the curtain of the magical world of creativity, as, for example, in a sand show.

How does this happen? Inimitable sand paintings are created right before your eyes, transforming one into another and broadcasting in real time thanks to a projector and a video camera on a large screen. Nice melodic music sets off the video very beautifully, creating the right mood. You can choose a theme yourself, or use the recommendations of sand artists.

Perhaps, this show enjoys such a stunning success also because the sand has long been associated with time, just as easily slipping through your fingers (you just have to remember the hourglass). The artist admires the fact that for the duration of the performance he is able to subdue this fragile substance, creating pictures of amazing beauty from it.

How long does the performance last

  • Typically, the duration of the show is 15 to 30 minutes or longer. This spectacular performance looks in one breath. It seems that the master does not make much effort: everything is so simple, smooth, graceful. But in reality you need to be a real virtuoso: the artist cannot make a single unnecessary movement, since all his manipulations are immediately projected onto the screen.
  • Guests can also be involved in a sand show for a wedding: they will be happy to touch the magic art and feel like sand magicians. It's so mesmerizing! How long the master class will last depends on the number of guests who want to show personal greetings from the sand for the bride and groom.

When is the best time to hold a show

It is better not to postpone this amazing sight until the end of the evening, when the guests are tired and their dream will be a piece of wedding cake. This performance is intended to warm up and set a certain bar, as if to say: "Next, no less impressive surprises await you." Therefore, it will be optimal if you spend it within the first hour after the start of the wedding feast.

It's nice to feel like a person at a celebration, whose appearance was expected with special excitement and joy, isn't it? Sand animation can be held at a meeting of guests: such an unusual reception will be remembered for a long time! In addition, a magical sand show will add effect and originality to any performance by artists on stage.

If you only vaguely imagine what this kind of art looks like, you should type in the search engine the query "sand show video": one click of the mouse - and you can appreciate all the beauty of this fascinating action. Usually, after watching such videos, there is no doubt: "It must be at our wedding too!" - the newlyweds exclaim. Surprise your guests and let everyone remember this holiday for a long time!

The style was invented by Canadian animation director Caroline Leaf. Leaf's first film is Sand, or Peter and the Gray Wolf, based on Sergei Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale Peter and the Wolf. It was a thesis that a young student, Caroline Leaf, was doing at the National Film Center of Canada. The film was made using a powder technique that was completely unfamiliar at the time. Black powder scattered on the glass, and Caroline Leaf, using her fingers, collected this powder into certain shapes, images. And so, moving this powder, she told the story about Petya and the wolf to the music of Prokofiev. Caroline Leaf's most famous work is the 1976 animated film Street. The film is made in the technique of painting with oil on glass under the camera of "revived painting" and is one of the ten best animated films in the history of animation. Later, many animators adopted Carolyn Leaf's experience.

Having originated in the West (Sand Art / Sand Animation / Sand Fantasy), sand animation came to Russia several years ago. There are not many high-class specialists in this area; before going out to the public for the first time, an artist - most often an artist who has worked with canvas or paper for a long time - can practice for years. It's all about the interactivity of the process: drawings from the sand appear and disappear before the eyes of the audience, and the artist has no right to make a mistake. The preparation of each sand show is a thorough, painstaking work. An artist needs not only talent, but also tremendous endurance: it takes inspiration to create paintings out of sand, and long hours of training to master the technique of performing a sand show.

In the USSR, the method of sand animation was taken up by the Kiev Animation Studio. The artists Elena and Vladimir Petkevichi worked especially actively with sand. They have a lot of serious, philosophical works, the best of which, perhaps, can be considered "The Tale of the Little Goat." In the workshop of Khitruk-Norstein, sand was also used in cartoons. The material itself was unusual, the principle of shooting was traditional: they drew a picture - they shot it, slightly changed it - they shot it, and so on, frame by frame. The advantage of sand over paints was that each frame did not need to be painted again - it was enough to slightly tweak the previous one. This ability to instantly change the picture was an inspiration for the Hungarian artist Ferenc Cako, born in Hungary in 1950. And he stepped to the next stage of sand animation. He tried to create a dynamic sand movie, i.e. without installation, in one go. Nominated for an Oscar, awarded in Cannes, at the San Francisco festival and others. He was the first to begin performing in front of the public with sand-light-music shows. Sand animation is often performed "live", when the artist changes sand paintings right in front of the audience.

Features of the technique of working with sand animation

The main thing that distinguishes sand animation and graphics from other directions using similar materials - for example, colored sand drawings - is a luminous surface that serves for drawing images. The choice of a specific free-flowing substance, working tools is not so fundamental. It is in the presence of backlight that the image acquires the necessary contrast and expressiveness, "comes to life". Both single-color and multi-color lighting options are used.

Materials for work

Sea sand is poorly suited for this activity, as the grains of such sand are too round and crumble without forming fixed shapes. Professional animation artists use volcanic sand - its special structure is ideal for sand animation. However, when working with this sand, you need to take care of your hands, as it dries out the skin. You can learn sand animation on your own using simple "home" bulk materials: ordinary river sand, salt, sugar, coffee, small cereals.

Image reproduction engine

Thin layers of sand (or similar bulk material) are applied to a surface that emits light directed from bottom to top. The camera, fixed above, captures the resulting image or the entire process of its creation. Thus, there is not much technical difference in making an animated film and a live show performance. In the latter case, there is an online broadcast to the public on a large screen. In sand animation, the artist does not just draw spectacular pictures - he creates a whole plot in which each new image seems to grow out of the previous one. And during the live show, the sand animation is accompanied by music, chosen so well and accurately that it seems that each note corresponds to the plot of the work ...

The sand show is, first of all, a self-sufficient and very effective type of ART, the progenitor of which is rightfully considered to be. Therefore, let's agree right away: speaking of the sand show, we will talk about the art of painting with sand.

The sand show is a live performance of an artist who paints with sand on a special light table. His hands give birth to various images, connected in a single sand film ideologically, plot and composition: before your eyes, each frame is transformed into the next one. You can see the whole process on the screen, where the image is broadcast using a camera and a projector.

The show is accompanied by a selection of music, the artist's live performance to live music looks especially impressive.

For what occasion it is appropriate:

  • to create presentations - short, dynamic, reflecting the very essence of the product / company, etc.
  • to create commercials
  • as a gift for a birthday / wedding / any other memorable occasion
  • corporate events (how without them ?!)
  • - our know-how, which we are immensely proud of

And much more.

In fact, the scope of the sand show is limitless - only the artist's own imagination can limit it. Any good idea can be successfully implemented using this art form. Examples of successful use of the sand show charm - see here.

For which audience:

For the wealthy and sophisticated in all respects.

Even if you have already seen the sand show and it seems that it will not be able to surprise you, it makes sense to try it. The fact is that most of the companies offering the sand show managed to compromise it a lot, selling en masse essentially the same films, sometimes of very dubious quality and even with elements of outright plagiarism. Therefore, when choosing a sand show, first of all, you must beware of fakes! What you should pay attention to:

  1. Dynamism.
    The drawing speed and frame rate must be high, otherwise the audience will quickly lose interest and disperse.
  2. Effectiveness of images.
    Images should be expressive, effective and unexpected. It is precisely in the event that the viewer sees unexpected images that he is completely captured and impressed by it. Primitive, predictable, formulaic images are quickly disappointing and do not make any impression on the viewer. This once again confirms the fact that the sand show is first and foremost an art, the art of drawing with sand. And, as in any art, there are masters and apprentices here - choose carefully!
  3. Originality of transitions from one frame to another.
    Images should "grow" from each other, as if "flow". One of the indicators of the poor quality of a sand show is when an artist misbehaves by brushing each previous frame off the table and drawing a new one from scratch. This is a bad sign - the pictures should replace each other smoothly, the new frame should be "born" by the previous one. And, of course, the transitions themselves must be original, unexpected in order to "hold" the viewer.
  4. The plot and the ideological component of the video.
    We name each completed sand video, that is, it is not just a set of sand pictures, but a full-fledged animated film, reflecting the artist's idea and built according to the rules of cinematography, where there is intrigue, climax and denouement. In general, all this can be called drama. Without it, sand films remain commercials - without an idea and without any meaning whatsoever. Skillfully created, he is able to express any, even the most complex idea, is able to convey to the public any idea of ​​the customer. At the same time, the field of activity of the customer company is generally unimportant: the sand drawing is universal, the main thing is the right decision, the correct presentation of the material, the absence of direct text and vulgarity.

SandProject performance cost:

We are not chasing the "golden calf", however, being the organizers and creators of the corresponding sand drawing training program (currently the only one in the world!), The price of our performances found us by itself and varies depending on the topic and duration of the ordered performance and our relationship with the customer. There are special prices for VIP clients.

Spectators will get unforgettable impressions from the sand show - performances where drawings from sand are born on glass, living pictures from the past, future and present!

The modern viewer is always in search of something new, sophisticated and exotic. The same goes for the fine arts. Sand animation that appeared recently in Moscow has become a new direction in the entertainment industry and has already managed to conquer the souls of many cultural researchers and ordinary people. After all, what could be more beautiful and more original than drawing "living" images right in front of an enthusiastic audience!

In the understanding of modern art critics, drawing with sand on glass is a special technique of applying an image, depicting a certain story by scattering fine-grained sand on a glass surface and further drawing objects, people and animals with the help of hands. Viewers see "live" pictures on the big screen, accompanied by mesmerizing melodies - so they look especially beautiful and always unique. A professionally organized sand show in Moscow reveals a relevant topic to the audience, intrigues and ends with a culminating action that evokes a surge of emotions in those present.

Features of organizing a sand show at various events

The popularity of the technique of painting with sand on glass is growing rapidly due to its originality, fun and emotional result. These criteria also determine the ability to present a sand show at a wedding, birthday, corporate events. The organization of such a show requires high professionalism and impeccable execution of the program from the artists in view of the specifics of the working material. For this, sand drawings on glass are thought out to the smallest detail, and every hand movement is carefully rehearsed until it is perfect.

The organization of sand animation involves the implementation of the following activities:

  • preparation of a thematic program in accordance with the wishes of the client;
  • selection of melodies, musical accompaniment;
  • well-coordinated work of the artist and the administrator of the institution where the show is organized;
  • installation of professional equipment: lamps, glass, spotlights and a large screen;
  • active cooperation with the audience.

The cost of the sand show or how the price of the performance is determined

To date, ordering a sand show for a wedding means making an event enchanting, since the artist brings to life the dreams of young people, their common views on the future, and the wildest fantasies. In addition, the price of a sand show justifies itself in several directions: cultural aesthetics, originality of performance, technical complexity of performance and inexhaustibility of creative ideas. However, in terms of using expensive projection equipment, sand animation for a wedding does not require large expenses. Also, the cost of the presentation is influenced by the type of the selected program: ready-made or created according to an individual scenario. In any case, the performance of extraordinary artists will fascinate the culprits and guests of the wedding celebration for a long time.