Reproductions of paintings by famous artists for preschoolers. Project "Russian Artists

Reproductions of paintings by famous artists for preschoolers.  Project
Reproductions of paintings by famous artists for preschoolers. Project "Russian Artists

Elena Katicheva
Project "Russian Artists"


Theme: « Russian artists» .

Type of the project: informational, practice-oriented, creative.

Participants the project: children of the older group are in contact with the family.

By time: long term (9 months).


Children have poorly developed creative abilities in creating plot compositions in the classroom of visual activity.

In preschool institutions, children are given insufficient knowledge about the profession artist, the significance of his activities for society, the individual manner of transferring the image;


Introduce children to the works Russian artists: Levitan I.I., Aivazovsky M.G., Vasnetsova V.M., Savrasova A.K.


Give children knowledge about the profession artist.

Introduce tools, features (paints, brushes of different sizes, palette, paper, canvas, pencils, sketches and sketches)

Acquaintance with the paintings Russian painters.

To form the ability to independently analyze and systematize the knowledge gained about artists.

Encourage children to independent creative activity, to create their own plot compositions

To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around, emotional responsiveness to works of art;

Involve parents in the implementation the project.

Stages the project:

Stage I: organizational - preparatory.

1. Chatting with children. "Who are they artists

2. Justification of the relevance of the topic, definition of goals and objectives the project.

3. Drawing up thematic planning.

II stage: basic.

Activities according to thematic planning.

Stage III: final.

Generalization of the results of the work.

Expected results:

The effectiveness of work to familiarize preschool children with creativity Russian artists will contribute:

Increasing interest in creativity Russian artists;

Formation of initial ideas about the means of expression;

Development of creative abilities in creating plot compositions;

Improving our professional level;

Broadening the horizons of children about various genres of painting.



Demo material: illustrations Russian artists

Videos "World Art Gallery with Aunt Owl", "About the paintings Plasticine Crow"

Reproductions of paintings artists

Cyclogram of implementation activities the project

September 1. Conversation "Who are they artists

2. Getting to know artist and... I. Levitan

3. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Golden autumn"

4. Excursions to the autumn park

5. GCD drawing and applique "It's raining" and "Autumn Park"

October 1. Excursions to the birch grove

2. Examination of reproductions artist And... Levitan Dandelions, "Lilac"(consolidation of the concept "still life")

3. View "Lessons from Aunt Owl" (O artist Levitan)

4. GCD drawing and applique "Mushrooms have grown in a forest glade"

November 1. Observation on a walk for trees, for natural phenomena, beyond the horizon.

2. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Autumn. Hunter"

3. Visiting the exhibition in art school

4. Learning drawing techniques "Splash"

December 1. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Forest in winter"

2. Learning drawing techniques "Blotography"

3. GCD drawing "First snow"

February 1. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "In the winter in the forest"

2. Observing the beauty of nature in winter

3. GCD drawing still life «» Fruit in a vase "

March 1. Examination of reproductions artist Aivazovsky M... G "The Ninth Wave" and I. Levitan "March"

2. Excursions to the School of Arts and Central House of Culture

April 1. Examination of reproductions artist Aivazovsky M... G "Wave", "Fishermen by the Sea"

2. Excursion to the spring park and observation of nesting birds

3. GCD examination of reproduction artist Savrasov A... TO. "The Rooks Have Arrived"

4. Free drawing technique "Blotgraphia" "Spring flowers"

May 1. Examination of reproduction artist Vasnetsov V... M. "Heroes"

2. Parents' meeting on the topic "" Artistically-aesthetic development of preschoolers, as a necessary condition for successful personal development "

3. Joint practical drawing activities "Seascape"

Older preschoolers are able to understand the paintings of all genres: portrait, landscape, still life, plot picture. When selecting works for children, we proceeded from the availability of their content. It is important that the illustrations that the kids are viewing are understandable and believable, and correspond to the age group. Introducing preschoolers to creativity artists must be accompanied by conversations, reasoning and games, which will provide a better understanding of the art. For the period the project children learned such concepts as still life, landscape, portrait, landscape painter, moraine painter, portrait painter. They learned how to correctly arrange compositions on a sheet of paper. And after the joint event, some of the parents already went to artistic school and signed up for classes for the next year.

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▫ There is something. There is no word. But his menacingly meek source has already plucked out love. you can already see how his future outline stands up for his brothers and sisters. How dark it is, how stupid. Who is the brother to whom and who is the sister to whom? Everyone to everyone. When the word comes, it knows no distant relationship. It kisses the breathlessness on the lips. Responsive exhalation - we hear and great. Only the word tramples on delirium and chaos and speaks to mortals about immortality. Bella Akhmadulina 1982 (excerpt, but I hope that all lovers of Poetry know it well - MUSIC!) 6176621-a151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thanks! It is logical and I like this answer to the question. And it arose because a caustic epigram was received from Anna Akhmatova, or rather from Alina Alexandrovna in her commentary. Still, I looked at the popularity rating of poems from Russian lyrics. For every 10-15 male Poets, 1 woman flashes. And Marina Tsvetaeva is higher than Akhmatova, Bella Akhmadulina is the third (confidently), then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronika Tushnova ... But I will finish with your opinion on this matter: `Every poet is inimitable! And the fates of all people are different. And everyone is respected by someone, And everyone writes `excellently`, In their own way, everyone is interesting .... (c) Each of us has the MOST_MOST !!! AND NOT ONE! AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE - NEW! Today it will be fair to celebrate here on the page the birthdays of our beloved Poets! Olga Fedorovna Berggolts was born on May 16 (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poet, prose writer. 6582469-a151550 Igor Severyanin was born on May 16 (the author preferred the spelling Igor-Severyanin for most of his literary activities; real name - Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev; May 4 (16) 1887, St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet of the Silver Age `. 6465544-a151550 Thank you for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `The Colonel says that he is, damn, a soldier, and not a ... ny comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, the above-mentioned does not repent of comrades in arms ...
▫ It's just that asexual education is being pushed through them, that's all. In this they are perhaps the best .... If their model is introduced in our schools, do not say later that you do not like it. I wanted it myself, after all. Do you want yours to write in pencil and do all your homework in 15 minutes? All their super-dupery only that they will not abandon the child `with ignorance of the topic` will explain to the last. And we have this tight, very tight, but this is a flaw in the directors. But the same Amonashvili and Lysenkovs, decades ago before Finland, developed methods that allow them to assimilate most of the material without shouting and coercion. But it was the Finns who surrendered to us.
▫ Yes.
▫ There are no modern scientists there, because while the fin announces the next stop .. she's already passedAlliiiiiii, so we joked at school. And suddenly ... something has changed? Nothing has changed. They don't have the best education in the world.

Agree that probably, if not all, then at least most of all parents on the planet want to raise creative, unique, highly cultured personalities from their children. From an early age we are trying to teach and instill love in our children for theaters, galleries, exhibitions and much more. But not every kid experiences the joy of visiting such establishments. Something may scare him, something may be incomprehensible to him, and therefore boring ... In any case, I think that probably the main task of our parents is not to obsessively drag the baby to all known institutions, but to instill a love of the arts, tell why all this is needed. Therefore, before driving a child, take the relevant literature, tell about the artists, show pictures, have a chat, and then take a very prepared child to the museum. Thus, when he seems there, then everything will seem familiar to him, he will recognize the paintings that he looked at with you, remember the artists you told him about at home and this world will no longer be alien to him, but will be a part of something familiar and home.

I believe that the art of a baby can be introduced from a very young age, when he is 3 months old. His brain is so inquisitive and inquisitive at this time that he will be happy to consider everything that you show him. So why not show him paintings by some of the most famous artists.

Here I would like to write a few words about very good books that you can use to tell your children about art.

Materials (edit)

In addition, here you can download paintings by famous artists for free:

click on the pictures below to download and print:

Collected here are paintings by some of the most renowned artists

How to play?

For the smallest kids, you can simply print and show cards, while calling the names of paintings and artists. With older children, you can play with developmental games, fine motor skills, attentiveness, memory and much more. The easiest option is to print two types of identical pictures, one of which is cut into cards and offer the baby to lay out the cut cards with the main field with cards. This game is suitable for kids from 1.3-1.5 years old. Memory game - print two types of the same cards and turn them over until you find a pair of the same ones.

You can lay out 4 different pictures, then ask the baby to close his eyes and hide one of them. When he opens his eyes, offer to guess which of the paintings has disappeared.

Related books

In addition, I advise everyone to download or buy the book "How to talk with children about art?"

This is a book written about art especially for parents who themselves love everything beautiful and strive to instill it in their kids.

A very good book, which tells children about art, published by the publishing house Bely Gorod "The ABC of Russian Painting". It is an encyclopedia containing over 100 famous paintings by Russian artists. With her help, the kid will get acquainted with various directions and genres of Russian painting.

This is what this wonderful book looks like:

An example of a page from the inside of a book:

And, of course, I would like to write a few words about the wonderful series of books by the Phoenix publishing house for the smallest kids about artists. This series is called "Artists". This includes 4 books about the life history of famous artists Degas, Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. The purpose of these books is to introduce our kids to a series of paintings by the most famous artists. In the books, the paintings are described in easy-to-understand colors for children, there are also small fictional stories. The books are very colorful.

Earlier, in museums, children could hardly do anything - to run, make noise, touch exhibits, ask questions and express their own opinions. But one could endlessly be bored and longed to get out of this musty place. Of course, there have always been happy exceptions.

Recently, the situation has changed, and domestic museum workers, following their European colleagues, come up with special children's programs, seminars, lectures and classes that help children get acquainted with the complex art world and find pleasure in "communicating" with objects and objects of art.

Modern books, encyclopedias and aids for creativity will also help the child enter the world of art and understand its laws.

On the one hand, many children perceive art intuitively. Both the child and the artist look at the world in the same way - as if opening it for the first time. They do not need to explain why the sky in the picture is turquoise, although it is actually blue, and who is hidden in this jumble of squares and triangles. These are children-dreamers, unmistakably recognizing what their fellow artist wanted to say.

But there are other children - "why", inclined to the logical analysis of the whole world around. Such people can endlessly harass adults with questions: "Mom, what kind of aunt is this?", "Why are they flying across the sky?" etc. It is more difficult for them to perceive art (especially non-classical).

Both are addressed to contemporary art books for children. And these are not just textbooks written in a slightly simpler and more fun language. Sometimes these are amazing and unusual publications that approach the subject in a revolutionary way.

For example, the smallest will be interested in the book by Dick Brune "Miffy in the Museum". Miffy, a little rabbit, finds herself in a museum and examines various art objects.

The "KART" set consists of 20 cards with the main works of contemporary Russian artists. On the back there is information about the author and technique, as well as a creative task to be performed in the artist's style.

Well, and one of the best books for parents who want to learn to adequately and interestingly tell their children about art is Françoise Barb-Gall's textbook "How to Talk with Children about Art". It is not designed for children's perception, but it will allow parents of doubting "why" not only to answer all their questions, but also to learn a lot about art themselves.

Comment on the article "Books for children about paintings and artists: a museum at home"

I drew attention to the pictures depicting children. I did not rape him with names and authors, I tried to explain the images he understood in the pictures. When they entered the hall, I watched which picture he would choose himself, and went to that one.

I am interested in the child's age, what pictures you saw, how you explained what he (the child) especially liked. Also, if you can, indicate the cost of the tickets.

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I think it still depends on the vocabulary. one and the same situation can be explained in three words, or in three volumes. well, try to take a picture or object at home and talk about it with your child. think about how to describe the item - not just shape, size and color ...

FAVORITE ARTISTS Program for parents with children 5-7 years old-1 year of study 2012-2013 Classes are held once a month in the Tretyakov Gallery. Cost - 400 rubles. per family (1 parent + 1 child). Entrance tickets are purchased separately. The cost of entrance tickets to the State Tretyakov Gallery for adults is 250 rubles. children-100r preschoolers free of charge October - October 14 at 12:30. The group is open in the wholesale. Teremok with fairy tales. Heroes of favorite fairy tales and epics in the works of V.M. Vasnetsov. November - November 24 at 10.30 am Fairy forest ...

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Excursion "To the magical world of a fairy tale" with tea and refreshments for children from 5 to 11 years old. Excursion to the V.M. Vasnetsov Vote! "Teremok, it is not low, not high" - these lines are recalled to anyone who looks at the house-museum of V.M. Vasnetsov. This is not surprising, because it was built according to the drawings and sketches of the owner himself, a talented Russian artist and illustrator of fairy tales Viktor Vasnetsov. House with a workshop, in which V.M. Vasnetsov lived with his family in 1894-1926, built in ...

I suspect that many children at the age of 9 have no idea what an essay from a painting is at all. I did not see the composition itself, my daughter said that the main remark was that it was necessary to start the composition with the words "The picture depicts autumn ...".

Children also like Roerich's paintings - "Guests from Overseas", for example; Bilibin and Kustodiev. But this is already from the experience of the teacher. 12/22/2008 13:19:23, Valeria *.

Everybody says that there are children who love to read and not love to read. And that nothing special can be done with the latter, everyone does not like it. But all kinds of pictures - he doesn't want that, that's all. He doesn’t want to be with me, and he doesn’t want to be with the class, and in general in no way. And if you bring it to the museum, then ...

And the book "How to make a child physically perfect" is simply indisputable :)) But just making cards "according to Doman" is beyond the power of many of our mothers. And the need for paintings that depict objects reliably is very great.

And in the 1st grade, his painting hung at the exhibition of one painting at school. True, the child drew "on the subject", but it turned out well. 08/03/2003 23:52:18, Natasha and Igorek.

Last week, having gathered the child for a walk, I found that the girl began to "fall asleep", throwing her head back to her grandmother (sitting in her arms). it lasted 40 minutes. the picture of our examination (EEG) is completely blurry, right?

I want to tell you how we went to the Tretyakov Gallery. I recently read messages here that a 4-year-old child can be fully introduced to the beautiful))) All week I told Yegor that on Saturday we were going to the museum, that there were paintings hanging there, she told how to behave (he is a child ...

Even for many of us, an art exhibition sometimes causes a yawn and is associated with something boring and uninteresting: well, a picture, well, drawn - so what? And it seems that the child will understand nothing more. But if you choose a suitable plot, discuss what you saw and share your impressions together - it will be fun for both the children and you. Therefore, so that there are no indifferent adults, it is better to learn to understand art and respect the work of the master from an early age.

Natalya Ignatova, a lecturer of the Level One educational project and a certified art historian, shared her secrets on how to instill in children a love of beauty.

Natalia Ignatova

Lecturer in the Level One Education Project and Certified Art Historian

Getting children interested in an art exhibition is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. And all parents can do it. To make a trip to the museum a good family tradition, consider the age of the young viewer and study art in a playful way. Knowing your child, you will be able to tell him the story of the painting in an unobtrusive and accessible way, which means that you do not overload with unnecessary information.


Children from 4 to 6 years old are not very interested in who wrote this or that painting and why. To begin with, they just need to explain what a museum and paintings in general are. Most children at this age are already familiar with photographs. They've probably already tried taking pictures of Mom and Dad or their toys. Therefore, we can say that paintings are something like photographs. It's just that before there were no smartphones or cameras, and people could only draw - and not only reality, but also fairy tales.

At preschool age, first of all, you need to teach the child to look carefully at the pictures. At the same time, keep in mind that in the galleries there are canvases depicting both nudity and scenes of violence. Therefore, think over the route in advance. In the Tretyakov Gallery, it is best to go straight to the room with paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov (room 26). The ideal work for the perception of kids is "Bogatyrs".

V. M. Vasnetsov "Heroes" (1898)

Tell the plot of this picture, which the artist loved very much, in the form of a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there were three heroes. Their names were Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. And they guarded their lands from the invasion of enemies. And one day they went out into the field and ... ". Here you can ask the child how he thinks: do they see enemies or not? Pay the kid's attention to how the sword is extended, the arrow is prepared, how the heroes of the picture are looking - in general, push him to the conclusion that the enemy is somewhere nearby. Imagine together, and what will happen next. Invite your child to think about how the epic heroes are similar and how they differ, what their characters are.

By the way, it was this painting that became the last in the collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, which he bought himself and hung with Vasnetsov in the place where the canvas still hangs.

In addition to fairy tales, children will be happy to study paintings depicting animals, everyday scenes and still lifes.

I. F. Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits" (1839)

Go to Ivan Khrutsky's still life (room 14) and explain to your child that artists often paint everything they see. Ask him what fruits and vegetables are in the picture, where the insect is hiding, what paints the artist used, who likes what color more. At the same time, it will be more interesting if the parents also share their impressions.

With younger students it is no longer necessary to run to specific halls, fearing that they will see scenes of war or the gentle embrace of lovers. You can start with portraits and explain what the genre is.

After choosing images of different people, ask the child if they are different from us and how, and also play the game "Guess who is this?" A soldier, a merchant, or, say, a tsar, with the attributes of power - a power and a scepter. Tell also that the portraits differ by genre - there are full-length ceremonial portraits, and there are chamber portraits - up to the waist, and ask to determine where which one.

Also, draw the child's attention to the emotions of the characters. To do this, consider, for example, the faces of the men in the painting by Orest Kiprensky "Newspaper Readers in Naples" (room 8).

O. A. Kiprensky "Readers of Newspapers in Naples" (1831)

One of them is reading a newspaper. One may ask: what are others doing? They listen - this is evident from the turn of the head of one and the thoughtful look of the other. Then it is worth asking the question: why does one read to everyone? And the parents themselves will help to answer it, having prepared a little. All these people in the picture are foreigners, and only one of them knows the language in which the newspaper is written. And he translates. Reading is least interesting to a dog, which looks at the viewer and does not understand at all what is at stake. Try to show your child that you are also listening to someone attentively, and invite him to compare how much your face resembles the facial expressions of the characters in the picture.

I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" (1895)

Also at this age, you can admire the landscapes, so clear and vivid. Consider Isaac Levitan's “Golden Autumn” with your child (hall 37). Ask him: why is it autumn, what period does the landscape belong to, what colors the artist used, what mood the painting evokes.

Try to guess what time of the year in the painting "Wet Meadow" by Fyodor Vasiliev (room 18). There are painted green trees, flowers grow and the sun breaks through the clouds.

Also introduce your child to the landscapes of Konstantin Korovin (hall number 43). In his painting "In Winter" you will see a courtyard covered with snow and a horse harnessed to a sleigh.

Get to the familiar to everyone from childhood painting by Alexei Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" (hall number 18). The artist depicted the middle of spring, when it gets warm, so birds return from the south, but the leaves have not yet blossomed and the snow has not melted.

I. I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest" (1889)

How can a little sweet tooth walk past such a familiar picture (hall 25). Be sure to share a secret with your little reason: furry animals on a broken pine tree were painted by another artist - Konstantin Savitsky. At one time, he told his family that the author sold the painting for 4 thousand rubles, and therefore became "a participant in the 4th share." Savitsky first put his signature under the work, but then removed it.

Draw the child's attention to the fact that many trees have the tops cut off and do not even fit on the canvas - by this the artist wanted to convey their power and majesty. And we, like the bears, find ourselves inside a dense thicket.

Children 9 years and older

Children aged 9-11 can already be told about the personality of the artist and his life. True, for this, adults will have to prepare or take an audio guide.