Rapper Soprano is an "melancholic anonymous" and his "Cosmopolitan". Great singers of the world (sopranos) Soprano clan protagonist

Rapper Soprano is an
Rapper Soprano is an "melancholic anonymous" and his "Cosmopolitan". Great singers of the world (sopranos) Soprano clan protagonist

American television has always been famous for its quality television series, filmed on a variety of topics. In particular, already in the 90s, their level was not much different from that of artistic cinematography. And the reason for this was solid funding from large TV channels, which were not afraid to invest large sums of money in the production of series. And one of the most iconic television projects of those years is undoubtedly "The Sopranos".

This cult series was filmed in the crime drama genre. It dealt with modern mafia groups. It is noteworthy that by that time period this genre was far from the best times. Of the really high-quality projects of this kind, it was possible to single out perhaps the "Bronx Story", "Carlito's Way" and the third part of the great franchise "The Godfather". So "The Sopranos" has become a kind of breath of fresh air for this genre, which has managed to pretty boring many viewers. And the main reason for the success of the series was the presence of such a colorful character as Tony. It was he who fell in love with millions of viewers around the world and became one of the most recognizable antiheroes in the history of television. Next, we will talk in detail about this fictional criminal. You will be able to learn a lot of new facts about his biography, and you will also be able to better understand the character of the main character of the series "The Sopranos" - Tony.

The plot of the series "The Sopranos"

But first of all, it makes sense to briefly recall the plot of the film about Tony Sopranos. Events unfold in North Jersey. It was there that a large and influential criminal group settled, the leader of which is currently a man named Tony Soprano. By nature, he is quite cruel and quick-tempered. It is for this reason that no one runs the risk of crossing his path. He firmly holds the family "business" in his hands, having subordinate to the most loyal bandits, ready to carry out any of his orders.

Also, Tony Soprano tries to do everything possible to give his family everything they need. In particular, he keeps children as far away from criminal showdowns as possible and pays for their education. He also has a beloved wife, from time to time with whom Tony has conflicts. But the situation soon worsened. And the reason for this was the unexpected attacks of panic, which began to prevail over the hardened gangster. And in order to understand everything that is happening, he begins to secretly visit a psychotherapist, sharing with him all his experiences. But can a simple doctor help Tony overcome the crisis and return to normal life? And what happens if someone from his criminal entourage finds out that the leader of the mafia is visiting the "shit"? Ahead of the main character, numerous criminal showdowns will await, as well as problems in his personal life, which will not be easy to solve.

Leading actor

Actor James Gandolfini played the role of Tony Soprano. For him, participation in the series "The Sopranos" was the pinnacle of his career. It was because of this role that until the end of his life he became a hostage to one single image, unable to fully reveal his creative potential. Like many other members of the caste, James was of Italian-American descent. This also became an advantage for him during the casting. The producers decided to invite the actor to audition after seeing his cameo role in the popular crime thriller True Love, based on a script by the notorious Quentin Tarantino. As a result, Gandolfini impressed the producers with his acting and immediately got the coveted role of Tony Soprano. To better match his character, James was forced to gain an extra 12 kilograms.

Prior to that, the actor played mostly small roles, which did not allow him to fully demonstrate all his talent. However, after The Sopranos, James still managed to take his place in Hollywood. In particular, in the same year with his participation the famous film "8 millimeters" was released, in which the incredibly popular Nicolas Cage also starred in those years. This was followed by the successful "Mexican", in which James Gandolfini had a chance to share the screen with Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. No less successful for him was the appearance in the neo-noir "The Man Who Was Not". However, after that, his career in feature films quickly declined. Among the more or less successful works, one can only single out the crime films "Dangerous Passengers of Train 123" and "Casino Robbery". The actor managed to try his hand at a new role only in 2014. It was then that he played the main role in the drama film "Enough of Words". She was well received by both critics and audiences. But James Gandolfini was not destined to live to see the premiere. On June 19, 2013, the actor died in the hospital from cardiac arrest.

Tony's biography

Next, we propose to talk in detail about the biography of the character of Tony Soprano, which turned out to be no less exciting and worthy of attention. From the series, we find out that in the 60s little Tony lived with his sisters Janice and Barbara in Newark. Their mother and father also lived with them. Even then, the head of the family was engaged in far from the most legal activities, occupying a prominent place in criminal circles. All this allowed the family to live in abundance. However, Tony has repeatedly witnessed a showdown. This is what played a key role in the formation of his personality.

Tony Soprano's school (the series also contains footage from the hero's childhood) went to school with Artie Bukko and David Scatino. In the future, they will remain his good friends, although they will not deal with the underworld. Together, the friends had to go through many not the most pleasant tests, which only strengthened their trust in each other. In high school, the main character also meets Carmella, who later became his wife. Shortly after graduating from high school, Tony tried to go to college and graduate. But the future criminal lasted only a few months there. After that, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and formed his own group, which included people like Silvio Dante and Ralph Cifaretto. In the future, the first will become for Tony one of the most loyal assistants and the right hand. Tony's mentor was his father. However, in 1986 he died of illness. So this post passed to Uncle Junior, who for many years was one of the key figures in the "family".

Initially, Tony was an ordinary six and tried to do everything possible to gain the trust of other members of the criminal gang. Years later, he still gains respect and takes the place of his uncle Junior, who pretty much passed due to age and illness. Tony Soprano's team included such colorful and charismatic personalities as Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bompanciero, Polly Galtieri and the aforementioned Silvio Dante. For many years, the "family" under Tony's leadership occupied a prominent place in Jersey and coexisted quite peacefully with other "families". But, as you know, sooner or later the division of power and the struggle for territory begins between the mafias. So the members of the Sopranos team repeatedly had to risk their lives and kill competitors in the most brutal ways.

Tony's family life

As mentioned above, Tony met his wife Carmella while still a schoolboy. They fell in love with each other almost immediately, as a result, she became his faithful wife. Years later, Tony Soprano bought himself a house (address: 633 Stag Trail Road, North Caldwell, New Jersey). He chose housing located away from noisy streets and prying eyes. By the beginning of the first season, they already had two children - Madow Soprano and Anthony Soprano Jr. He strongly supports his children in all their endeavors and allocates money for personal needs. But Tony also does not intend to pamper and be too indulgent. It doesn't cost him anything to break loose and shout at the household if the situation requires it. But most importantly, he is trying with all his might to protect them from his secret life.

However, with his wife, Tony Soprano is far from being as smooth as he would have liked. And the reason for this is his numerous betrayals. Initially, Tony Soprano's wife, Carmella, tried to turn a blind eye to them. But soon numerous quarrels began to occur between them, which put the marriage of Tony and Carmella in jeopardy. However, throughout the series, they never parted completely, finding a compromise.

Over the years, problems with children also began to appear. Anthony Jr. behaved very strangely and for a long time could not find a common language with his peers. Because of this, he began to have problems with his studies. And once he was almost expelled altogether. And only thanks to the influence of the father, the son was able to do not fly out. As he got older, he also could not get rid of his bad temper, every now and then bringing Tony a lot of inconvenience. There were also problems with my daughter. But here her personal life was already the reason. The main character turned out to be extremely demanding in relation to young gentlemen, because of which scandals again arose in the family.

As you know, many people have their own quirks and Tony Soprano is no exception to the rule. For example, for all his cruelty and cold-bloodedness towards people, Tony simply adores the animal world. An excellent example is the episode in which he meets ducks in his yard, which have settled in a pool. For several weeks, he closely watched and fed them. And when they suddenly flew away, he could not hold back his tears. You can also remember the situation in which Ralphie set fire to the stable, in which Tony's favorite horse was. He became so attached to her that in the end, after everything that happened, he killed Ralphie, saying the following: "She was an innocent, beautiful creature, and you killed her."

Also Tony Soprano is a big fan of classic heavy rock music. Throughout the series, he listens to tracks from "AC / DC", "Deep Purple" and "Pink Floyd". As for film preferences, he considers films with which have become classics in the United States for a long time to be an ideal actor and an example of courage.

In terms of personal qualities, one can highlight the attitude of Tony Soprano to his family, which he puts above all else. He also refers to his criminal team, which includes exclusively close and loyal people. For their sake, Tony Soprano, whose photo you have the opportunity to see in the article, is ready to give his life if necessary. He also never forgives betrayal and lies. And if Tony finds out that you have betrayed him, then be sure that he will soon deal with you without a little bit of regret. In one of the episodes, he kills his longtime friend named Pussy, who began to cooperate with the FBI and leak information. Around the middle of the series, Tony Soprano also did not feel sorry for his school friend, who lost a round amount of money in his underground casino. But this time, Tony did not have to resort to harsh methods, as the man killed himself.

Key minor characters

Undoubtedly, the most prominent figure in the series is Tony Soprano. But in the background, you can also see many important figures that deserve special mention. Here are some of them.

Christopher Moltisanti

Another important character in The Sopranos is Christopher Moltisanti. Tony replaced his real father, and also brought him into the "family" in which Chris began to occupy a prominent place. Initially, Tony entrusted him with minor tasks, without getting involved in a serious showdown. However, seeing the aspiration of the young man, he nevertheless made him a full-fledged member of the team. But by nature, Christopher was an incredibly rude, envious and hot-tempered person, which repeatedly led to irreparable consequences not only for himself, but also for Tony Soprano.

Due to the rapid advancement in the "family", a craving for unintentional violence began to emerge in him. Repeatedly he did things without hesitation, leaving behind many corpses. For the time being, Tony and his subordinates tolerated Christopher's antics. However, soon their Further - worse. Christopher became seriously addicted to hard drugs, which finally exacerbated the situation. Throughout the series, he met with Adriana La Serva for a long time, and was also fond of acting, scriptwriting and cinema in general. For a period of time he abstained from the use of drugs and alcohol. This helped him to become a little more restrained and self-confident person again. Only after a serious verbal skirmish, he still breaks down. One of the main episodes in Christopher's life is the birth of an illegitimate child. Because of drugs, he almost lost his life himself, being with the child in the car. Seeing all this, Tony breaks down and kills Christopher.

Libya Soprano

Livia Soprano, who was Tony's mother, deserves special attention. From the very first episodes, it becomes clear that she has long been out of her mind and cannot adequately perceive reality. Tony Soprano's mother literally infuriates all household members, and then begins to pose a threat altogether. All this forces the main character to give his mother to a nursing home. The character has appeared on screens in the first and second seasons. It was also planned to further participate in the plot of the Libya Sopranos. However, in 2000, the actress Nancy Marchand, who played this role, died suddenly.

Janice Soprano

Another notable figure on the series is Tony Soprano's sister, Janice. She doesn't appear on the show very often. However, even during this period of time, she manages to deliver a lot of trouble to an experienced mafioso.

Tony Blundetto

This character appears around the middle of The Sopranos. The role of Tony Blundetto was played by the well-known Hollywood actor whom you could see in the films Reservoir Dogs, Air Prison, Fargo and The Big Lebowski. This is not the first time this actor has played criminals, in whose role he looks incredibly convincing. However, Blundetto, who is Tony Soprano's cousin, is not without a comic component. In particular, Blundetto, trying to return to the criminal world after a long prison sentence, now and then gets into trouble, from which for the time being he was pulled out by the main character. As a result, one of the murders he committed almost unleashed a large-scale war between two influential criminal groups. So the appearance of this character in the plot was an extremely successful idea. Buscemi, as always, brilliantly played his role and was remembered by the audience.

Selected Quotes by Tony Soprano

A character like Tony has become so iconic that some of his statements were taken apart into quotes. Let's consider only a few of them, the most famous.

Tony Soprano once said: "What and how will be - I decide! And if you don’t love me anymore, I’m sorry, but this is nonsense, because you may not love me, but you will respect me!"

Even the following words were put into Tony's mouth: "All friends sooner or later let you down. Family is the only support." Strongly said, isn't it?

It is also impossible to disagree with another statement by Tony: " The more you lie, the less chance you have to stop. ".

Already in September, Iveta Rogova will become a mother. The girl shared with OK! with good news and talked about how her colleagues took this news and whether the pregnancy affected the creative plans of the team.

Photo: DR Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin)

Iveta, tell us when and how did you find out about pregnancy?

That I was expecting a child, I did not immediately understand. I noticed that the bust has increased and I do not fit into my usual clothes! I made a test - the result is negative. I made the second - two strips. I went for an ultrasound scan, and it turned out that I was already in the fifth week! I immediately sent an SMS to my husband, he was shocked!

You, of course, already know who will be born.

We are waiting for a girl! We will bring up the second shift at SOPRANO. ( Laughs.)

Have you come up with a name for the baby?

I’m giving birth at the end of September, but they haven’t come up with a name yet. The husband wants the baby to be named with the letter "E", as his name is Edgar. We've probably gone over all the names for this letter, but we haven’t finally made up our minds. Emilia, Evelina, Era ... I want to have at least one letter on my behalf, even offered to name my daughter Eveta. The husband jokes: "It's almost your name!" In general, when we see her, we will immediately feel that it is more suitable for her.

How did the girls from "SOPRANO"And Mikhail Turetsky himself?

"SOPRANO" is no longer just a team for a long time, it is my second family, in which everyone supports each other. Everyone was happy for me, and now they are actively participating in my life. Sometimes it seems to me that we are all expecting this child together. Here, of course, a lot depends on the producer. When I told Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky that I was expecting a child, he supported and congratulated me, said that he was happy for me. Unlike many others, our maestro is always on the woman's side and believes that everyone should experience the joy of motherhood, and then make a choice - to continue working or completely leave the profession.

And what choice will you make?

I am now nine months pregnant and I feel great. From the first day I had neither toxicosis, nor other health problems. I plan to work all the way and in a month and a half, I’ll return to my girls. We usually have 20 concerts a month, but so far I've only missed one.

Does the child's father mind your decision?

No! First, he knows about my passion for music and understands that for me to go on stage is as necessary as breathing. And secondly, we are not only a couple, but also colleagues in the shop. The question of whether to work or not to work is not discussed at all! Edgar is an artist, violinist, like me. We both have strong temperaments. I just can't sit at home! In addition to rehearsals for 5-6 hours a day, I also swim in the pool and walk 10 kilometers. In addition, SOPRANO and I have global creative plans for the next six months: premieres of songs, videos, a big tour of the Far East, where we are always greeted with a bang! And we are preparing a cool New Year's gift for Muscovites: for the first time we are giving a solo concert in the Kremlin. And for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin there will be seven Snow Maidens at once! (Laughs) I definitely cannot miss this! In general, I am pregnant and ... mad! (Laughs.)

Anna Korolik, FOLK-SOPRANO (enters into conversation): We confirm! To be honest, we are already worried that Iveta will give birth during the rehearsal. She doesn't miss a single one! And now we spend a lot of time in the studio: we are closely engaged in the creation of the author's album. One of our new songs, "Pilot Ivanov", is very light and funny, already in rotation, and on one radio station even in the hit parade. We will perform with her at the upcoming concert "Eh, walk around" in the SC "Olympiyskiy". This is not a new scene for us. Last year we performed with author's songs at the Turetsky Choir concert in front of a huge audience of our common fans of 19,000 people, then at the Song of the Year 2014 festival. We have ambitious plans. (Smiles.) At the end of autumn, another song of ours will appear on the radio - "Look, How Beautiful", and by the New Year - my author's song "Reflection". By the way, we recently finished shooting a video.

And soon it will be possible to see it?

Olga Brovkina, SOPRANO COLORATURA: We shot a wonderful atmospheric video of Astor Piazzolla's Oblivion. This music, probably, has been heard by everyone in one form or another, but in our performance it is a classic-cosmic aria with words about love overcoming circumstances, about the tears of a strong woman, about a man worthy of love, but with whom we had to part. And all this is in music, in the rhythm of dance, in emotions to the accompaniment of bandoneon, no less passionate and exquisitely sounding. So very soon it will be possible to enter the atmosphere of Argentine tango together with us. In the meantime, you can watch our summer video for the catchy song "Summer Summer".

// Photo: personal archive of the team

Before the New Year holidays, the singers, together with their leader Mikhail Turetsky, gave an interview to StarHit, in which they shared why there is no place for intrigues in their team, when they manage to give birth to children and who resolves conflicts within the group.

- Girls, tell us how friendly the atmosphere in the group is? And then the women's team is often compared to a serpentarium ...

Iveta Rogova:- I can't say that the women's team is a snake ball. In our case, definitely not, because we have no time for envy and intrigue. We don't even have a normal personal life, we are at work. And, like real men, we forget about everything else. We cannot hide behind a phonogram, like many of our artists, because we always sing live. We have such plowing - we work on our teeth.

- We have got used to each other over the years - after all, "SOPRANO Turetsky" has existed for eight years. Despite the fact that everyone here is creative and emotional, you gradually understand when it is better not to touch a person, and when it is worth supporting or, conversely, criticizing him so that he does not stop there and continues to develop.

- What causes conflicts? Who is the most emotional in the team? And who, on the contrary, smoothes sharp corners all the time?

Anthony Soprano crime life biography - all the criminal details of the DiMeo family

Anthony Soprano is the de facto boss of the DiMeo family from New Jersey, although formally he is only acting boss. This difficult title is explained by the fact that the official boss is Dominic "Ackley" DiMeo, who is serving a life sentence, and the official "acting boss" is Corrado "Junior" Soprano, who is in a mental hospital.


Anthony Soprano was born into a family closely associated with the mafia. His father, Giovanni "Johnny Boy" Soprano and uncle Corrado "Junior" Sopranos, were soldiers and then caporegime in the DiMeo crime family.

Tony admired his father and decided to follow in his footsteps. But his parents insisted that he graduate. Tony studied for three years and dropped out of college, but managed to gain some cultural background.
Together with childhood friends, many of whom were also relatives of the mafiosi, he began to commit petty crimes. Tony was distinguished by outstanding leadership qualities. The only person in his company who surpassed him in leadership was Jackie Aprile. His older brother, Richie Aprile, was a gang soldier and an important earner.

Tony and Jackie's youth gang also included Silvio Dante, Ralph Cifarreto and Tony Blundetto. Tony began to look after his future wife Carmella while still in school. In addition, people close to him are school friend Artie Bucco, a restaurateur, and Chris Moltisanti, a younger cousin whom Tony considers to be his nephew. Tony also kept fond memories of his uncle, Junior Soprano, who spent more time with him than his father and taught him to play baseball. The nickname is just the first letter of Tony's name.


Tony joined his father's team and began to master the "basics of skill" under the guidance of soldiers Paulie "Walnuts" Gvaltieri and Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpenciero. But he, along with Jackie Aprile and other childhood friends, dreamed of a quick career in the mafia. The young people conceived a daring plan that threatened with very serious trouble. In the late 1970s, they robbed the Big Game of Poker, a regular card competition sponsored by caporegime Michele "Fitch" La Mann. The Sicilian La Manna arrived in the States at a mature age and became one of the most influential capos in New Jersey. The impudent ones would be uncomfortable if it were not for their family ties.

Richie Aprile and "Johnny Boy" The Sopranos stood up for the youngsters, and they got out of the water, although, of course, they had to return the money. But most importantly, they became famous and deserved admiration for their audacity. Jackie Aprile and Tony Sopranos have become the "rising stars" of the New Jersey Mafia.

In 1982, Tony "made the bones" - committed the first murder. He did it on behalf of his father and under the supervision of Paulie Walnuts. Tony soon became a "made" soldier.


Tony has a slight mental disorder. Occasionally, he has seizures - panic attacks - as a result of which he loses consciousness or is close to fainting. Undoubtedly, this is very inconvenient for the boss of the "family", so he began to see a psychiatrist. But this is also a risk: if his colleagues find out about the visits to the psychiatrist, he will have problems. However, Tony's panic attacks also benefited. Due to a seizure, he missed a planned raid, which failed. As a result, he remained at large, and his cousin Tony Blundetto received 17 years. Because of this, Tony always felt guilty towards his cousin.

In addition, Tony has a very tense relationship with his oppressive, grumpy mother, who criticizes him all the time. The doctor believes that this is one of the reasons for his panic attacks.


In 1986, Johnny Boy Soprano suddenly dies of pulmonary emphysema. With the support of Paulie Walnuts and Big Pussy Bonpenciero, Tony inherits his father's team. Another team in the "family" is led by his uncle Junior.

In 1995, the boss of the "family" Ackley DiMeo received a life sentence. The "acting boss" he appoints Jackie Aprile, who also managed to become a capo. This very upset Junior, who at that time was the oldest and most respected member of the “family” (of those who were at large) and himself applied for this post.

Jackie was an extremely effective leader, but in 1999 he died suddenly of cancer. He, as well as captains Raymond Curto, "Larry Boy" Barese and Jimmy Altieri wanted to see Tony as boss. Tony himself is not averse, but such a decision pushes him head to head with Junior. Tony doesn't want civil war, and besides, he has sentimental feelings for his uncle. Therefore, he came up with a move in the style of Machiavelli: the uncle gets the title of boss, but all the important issues will be decided behind his back by Tony, together with the caporegime. Additional Benefit - Junior acts as a lightning rod, distracting the attention of the feds.

Since that time, Tony has been the de facto leader of the DiMeo "family". He has to go through many conflicts and crises, losing loved ones and risking his life.

SOPRANO- (Italian soprao, from sopra - over, over), the highest singing (mostly female or child) voice. Distinguish between dramatic soprano, lyric, coloratura, as well as lyric-dramatic and other varieties. The soprano range is from to the first octave to the third octave.

In the Russian musical tradition, the following classification of the varieties of the soprano voice is adopted

This classification method is applicable in all types of vocal art - in opera, in chamber music, in choral singing. However, in operatic art, a different, more detailed, classification is often used (from lower case - up)

Classification By range Timbre Feature of timbre, paint
dramatic soprano Thick lowercase.
lyric-dramatic soprano small octave si - up to III octave Thick lowercase. Ability to perform dramatic and lyrical parts.
lyric soprano up to I octave - up to III octave Lower case is somewhat matte, sounds better in upper case . Softness of timbre, expressiveness in cantilena.
lyric coloratura soprano to the I octave - the myth of the III octave . Timbre transparency, ability to perform lyric and lyric-coloratura parts.
Head sound notes
coloratura soprano up to I octave - phantom # III octave and above Freedom of sound in the upper register . Metallic tone color.
Head sound notes
... Coloratura soprano is more mobile than lyric coloratura.

Beverly Seals (real name Bella Silverman) is one of the greatest singers of the 20th century, "the first lady of American opera." A New Yorker magazine columnist wrote with extraordinary enthusiasm: "If I were to recommend New York City attractions to tourists, I would put Beverly Seals in Manon's party first, well above the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building." Sils' voice was distinguished by an extraordinary lightness, and at the same time, captivating the audience with charm, stage talent and charming appearance.

Charming Sils in Mozart's Merry Widow

Aria Casta Diva from Bellini's opera Norma is one of the most difficult sopranos in the repertoire. And let's compare different performers who dared to sing this aria.

Sings Beverly Seals

But this great aria sings Maria Kalas

And finally Montserrat Caballe

And here is how this aria sings Anna Netrebko

And this Galina Vishnevskaya

The voices of Italian soprano singers are distinguished by the brightness of the timbre, great saturation, and depth of sound. The famous Italian soprano singer was Amelita Galli-Curci. After she left the stage, the title of "the first soprano of the world" was challenged by Renata Tebaldi and Maria Callas.

That's how it sings Renata Tebaldi

Renata Tebaldi was born on November 2, 1922 in Pesaro, in the same city as Gioacchino Rossini.
Once, in an interview, Tebaldi was asked to name the largest singer of our time. She replied: "Of course, it's me!" to name at least one more soprano taller than me? " By such standards, Tebaldi outstripped most of her partners, some even by a whole head.

Joan Sutherland- the greatest Australian opera singer, lyric-dramatic soprano with a phenomenal vocal technique that amazed for many decades with a virtuoso mastery of both voice and interpretation of operatic parts ... She died on October 10, 2010 in Geneva at the age of 84 years.

Leontina Price(Price) (b. 1927) is an American opera singer.

When asked whether skin color can interfere with the career of an opera performer, Leontine Price replied: “As for the fans, he does not interfere with them. But to me, as a singer, of course.

RENE FLEMING is an American opera singer who is called the "gold standard soprano", "the face of America today in the field of classical vocals" and "one of the few true superstars of our time."

In the opera "Eugene Onegin", the final scene is a vocal, acting and staging masterpiece. Renee Fleming is Tatiana's best performer.


Maria Guleghina is one of the most famous sopranos in the world. After her debut at La Scala in 1987, the singer rarely visits Russia, her schedule is scheduled for years to come. She is a welcome guest in all opera houses of the world: during her career, Maria sang in the most striking productions of the Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, in Tokyo, Egypt, Vienna, Paris.

Maria Agasovna Guleghina(real name - Meitarjian) was born in 1959. She began her professional career at the State Opera House in Minsk, then moved to Europe in 1987, and a year later made her debut at La Scala as Amelia in Masquerade Ball with Luciano Pavarotti, directed by maestro Gavazeni. The strength, warmth and sincerity of her voice, and wonderful acting skills made her a welcome guest in various theaters around the world. During her career, Maria sang at the Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, in Tokyo, Egypt, Vienna, Paris and many world capitals ...

Italian Barbara Frittoli- an opera diva, famous all over the world. She is called the silk soprano of Italy. Born in Milan, Barbara Frittoli studied at the Conservatory of Giuseppe Verdi. Her international career began in 1989 with her debut at the Teatro Comunale in Florence with Bucca's opera Il giuoco del barone. Her track record is enormous. The most notable performances were with Riccardo Muti

Annik Massis deservedly considered the first soprano in France. She owns an extensive repertoire - from the works of Handel and Rameau to the virtuoso parts of the bel canto era, French lyric opera and works of the twentieth century.

Her voice - a light, sonorous soprano with radiant highs and an extraordinary briskness that allows you to run through three octaves - is a little cold, just like she is cold. But again, this gives her an enchanting resemblance to the Snow Queen.

Amazing beauty soprano - Anita Cercuetti(Anita Cerquetti) Her name is little known in Russia.

Azerbaijani star sang at Elena Obraztsova's jubilee evening Dinara Aliyeva.

Dinara Aliyeva's voice captivates with beauty, her singing delights with a deep velvety timbre, her vocals amaze with skill. Music lovers, critics and the press admire the artist's artistic talent and flamboyant stage skills, and assess her talent as a rising star on the world opera stage, with charisma and style in her diverse music and repertoire.

Cecilia Bartoli is one of the most sought-after and highly paid opera singers in the world.

For more than two decades, Cecilia Bartoli has undoubtedly been one of the most famous opera singers in the world. Each of her works - whether it be a concert program, a new role on the opera stage, the release of an album by the record company DECCA, with which the singer has an exclusive contract, - arouses great interest.

It is Cecilia Bartoli who owns incredible "records" - more than 8 million sold albums, more than 100 weeks of being in international pop charts. Her many prestigious awards Golden Disc, four prizes Grammy(USA), ten awards Echos and one - Bambi(Germany), two awards Classical Brit Awards(United Kingdom), Victoire de la musique(France) and many others reflect the huge success of such works as, for example, the disc Opera proibita("Forbidden Opera"), as well as solo albums dedicated to A. Vivaldi, K. Gluck, A. Salieri.

Cecilia Bartoli - Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic, acting Academician of the Rome Academy of Santa Cecilia, Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters (France), Commander of the Order of Merit (France), Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music of London and the Royal Academy of Music Sweden. Cecilia Bartoli was recently honored with the prestigious Italian Bellini d'Oro, the Honorary Gold Medal of Merit for the Arts, one of the highest awards of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. In addition, she was awarded the Gold Medal of the City of Paris.

In 2012, Cecilia Bartoli took over as Artistic Director of the Salzburg Festival. She also noticed.

2012 is gone. And music critics unanimously recognized Yulia Lezhneva as the discovery of the year, one of the most promising Russian sopranos. Its timbre is called mother-of-pearl, and interpretations of baroque music are already being compared with reference ones. She was born in 1989 in a family of geophysicists in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. At the age of 5, she began to learn to play the piano and singing. In 2004, she graduated with honors from the A. Grechaninov Music School, majoring in piano and vocal. From 14 to 18 years old she studied at the Academic College of Music at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory in the class of vocal and piano.

Listen to the concert of Y. Lezhneva, and if I find Casta Diva in her performance, I'll post it.

Julia looks like some kind of porcelain, without emotion. In this sense, she is far from Netrebko.

In conclusion, she sang Casta diva: all the delights, thoughts rushing like lightning in my head, trembling like needles running through the body - all this destroyed Oblomov: he was exhausted.

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

What is this aria of the Chaste Virgin about?

Chaste Virgo! You are silvery with a wondrous gaze
The age-old sebor is sacred.
Turn the face of the incorruptible to us,
Illuminate with a clear light.

Chaste Virgin, tame the burning passions,
And die daring ardor
Blissful rest on earth,
As in heaven, set up.

In original

Casta Diva, che inargenti
queste sacre antiche piante,
a noi volgi il bel sembiante
senza nube e senza vel ...

Tempra, o Diva,
tempra tu de 'cori ardenti
tempra ancora lo zelo audace,
spargi in terra quella pace
che regnar tu fai nel ciel ...

Fine al rito: e il sacro bosco
Sia disgombro dai profani.
Quando il Nume irato e fosco,
Chiegga il sangue dei Romani,
Dal Druidico delubro,
La mia voce tuonerà.

Cadrà; punirlo io posso.
(Ma, punirlo, il cor non sa.
Ah! bello a me ritorna
Del fido amor primiero;
E contro il mondo intiero ...
Difesa a te sarò.
Ah! bello a me ritorna
Del raggio tuo sereno;
E vita nel tuo seno,
E patria e cielo avrò.
Ah, riedi ancora qual eri allora,
Quando il cor ti diedi allora,
Ah, riedi a me.)

Literal translation

Oh chaste Goddess that silver
these sacred ancient plants
Turn your beautiful face to us,
No clouds and no cover

Die, Goddess,
Kill your ardent souls
Curb also the courageous zeal
Scatter the world on earth
And make him king in heaven

Complete the ritual: and the sacred grove
Will be cleansed from filth
When the Divine, angry and gloomy,
Will require the blood of the Romans
From the temple of the druids
My voice will rumble.

Will fall! I could punish him
But whether to punish, the heart does not know

From the first faithful love
And against the whole world ...
I will protect you.
Oh! The beautiful comes back to me
I calm down from this ray
And, living in your bosom,
I will find both my homeland and paradise.
Ah, come back to what it was then
When I gave you my heart
Return to me.)

This opera is rarely performed not only here. So listen to Bellini's Norma recorded from the Venetian Theater La Fenici.

Like the rest of the world, Bellini himself considered Norma a masterpiece. If there were a shipwreck, the only one of his operas that would have to be saved, he said, is Norma.


NORMA, Priestess of the Druidic Temple (soprano)
OROVEZ, Norma's father, high priest (bass)
CLOTILDE, Norma's friend (soprano)
POLLION, Roman proconsul in Gaul (tenor)
ADALJIZA, the maiden in the temple of the druids (soprano or mezzo-soprano)
FLAVIUS, centurion (tenor)

Time of action: about 50 BC Scene: Gaul.

A summary of the opera:

The druids are preparing an uprising against the enslavers and await the signal that High Priestess Norma must give them. In her heart, a sense of duty fights with love for the Roman military commander Pollio, the father of her children. But Pollio fell out of love with Norma and was carried away by the young priestess Adaldzhiza. Norma gives a signal to rebellion. Pollio is captured, he faces death. At the last minute, Norma saves him by revealing her guilt (breaking her vow of virginity) and goes to the stake. Shocked by her deed, Pollio follows her to death.

A few words about Vincenzo Bellini.

During his lifetime (1801-1835) he was called the creator of musical melodies. He lived only 33 years, having written 11 operas, the most significant of which is "Norma".

On November 3, 1801, in Catania (Sicily), the son of Vincenzo was born into the family of the musician Rosario Bellini. He was six years old when he composed his number one opus. The boy studied music under the guidance of his grandfather - Vincenzo Tobia, since the Bellini family did not have the means for serious training. However, Vincenzo was lucky - he found a patroness - the Duchess Eleanor Sammartino.

The Duchess made an urgent request to her husband, and he recommended that Vincenzo apply to him, the governor of the province of Catania, for a scholarship to help the Bellini family with the expenses necessary for their son's education at the Conservatory of Naples. What had not been achieved for many years was resolved in a few days. In June 1819 Bellini was admitted to the Conservatory.

A year later, an exam took place, which everyone was waiting for with fear: it had to decide the fate of each of the students - who of them would be left in college and who would be expelled. Vincenzo passed the test brilliantly and, as a reward for his successes, received the right to continue his studies for free. This was Bellini's first victory.

Solemn opening theater Carlo Felice in Genoa took place on April 7, 1828. At that time, Vincenzo Bellini's opera "Bianca and Fernando" was staged on its stage, ...

At the opening of the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, at a reception, Bellini met a young, beautiful, friendly lady with charming manners. Signora treated the musician "with such kindness" that he felt subdued. Giuditta Cantu from Turin entered Bellini's life.

Secular life in salons and growing fame more than once pushed Bellini to love adventures, which he considered "superficial and short-lived." But this whirlwind romance, which began in April 1828, lasted right until April 1833. Five whole years of worries, mistakes, evasions, scenes of jealousy, mental anguish (not to mention the final scandal in her husband's house) “adorned” this connection, which deprived the musician of peace - later he would call it all “hell” without hesitation.

The performances of Bellini's operas were often accompanied by patriotic demonstrations: with the growth of the national liberation movement in Italy, viewers found actual political content in his operas.

Bellini is the greatest master of the Italian bel canto style. The basis of his music is a bright vocal melody, flexible, plastic, characterized by continuous development. Outstanding Italian singers improved their art on the works of Bellini.

Always yours V.Zvonov