Mix dark green. Farms of color: how to get green

Mix dark green. Farms of color: how to get green
Mix dark green. Farms of color: how to get green

Learning to draw: mix acrylic, oil, watercolor paints. All sorts of shades with three main colors.

Without creativity, human life is empty and not interesting. Painting, like music learn not only to realize in life, but also to find an inchoon in life, a hobby that will bring joy and peace. And where drawing and mixing the paints. This article is devoted to this. In it we will tell how to mix and receive new colors and shades of the most common in drawing paints.

How to mix acrylic, oil and watercolor paints to get the desired color: table, proportion

Mix acrylic paints

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the lesson of the famous artist and a designed teacher, the author of the book "Acrylic Painting with Lee Hammond". Lee Hammond warns, although since childhood, we supposedly know that, mixing the red and blue we will get purple, acrylic paints have other pigmentation and most likely you will find brown on the palette.

Important: read pigments on packages. Have seen on store shelves lie up to 15 species of one shade? Do you think this in order to fill the showcase? No, it is represented by the same color with various pigments. Therefore, we write out or photograph the color of the smartphone - the necessary pigment and already go to the store for the replenishment of paints.

Also note that pigments are transparent, translucent and dense consistency. Therefore, at the same manufacturer of colors you can buy completely different structures. This is not a marriage, but the properties of the pigment.

So, in order to get a practical full range of paints, only 7 colors are enough. For beginners, it is recommended to purchase precisely these colors, and in the future, at your own discretion, additional shades will continue.

Please note that we will not specifically translate the name of the main colors so that you can call them in the store and purchase the necessary pigments:

  • Main: Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • Main: Cadmium Red Medium
  • Primary: PRUSSIAN BLUE
  • Additional: Alizarin Crimson
  • Additional: BURNT UMBER
  • Neutral: Ivory Black
  • Neutral: Titanium White

Bought, prepared a canvas for the experiment and proceed to the magic.

The experiment is the first - every color mix with white and we get new, amazing pastel and tender shades. We give a table of smears with the signature of what we mixed.

Well, now from Lev to the right, from the first to the lower, we disassemble the shades that we managed to get: fawn; peach or as it is also called coral; light pink; beige; Heavenly blue; Gray or light asphalt.

And now we try to mix all colors with black, the result in the table below.

And we got such colors: khaki or dark green; chestnut; plum; rich brown; dark blue.

But this is all simple, now we turn to a more complex embodiment of acrylic paints, but interesting! Mix and get all the shades of green.

As we have already done, we mix two colors that under the smear and we get just such a shade.

Additionally, we got: olive green color; gray-green shade resembling asphalt after rain reflective green crowns of trees; bottle-green; mint.

The next step is PURPUR and purple tone and halftone. In order to receive such shades, it will be necessary in a set for work the Berlin Azure or Alizarine Pink or Red Cadmium. Two examples for mixing: PRUSSIAN Blue + Cadmium Red Medium or Prussian Blue + Alizarin Crimson.

We got colors: chestnut, saturated gray gray, plum and shade of lavender.

Now add a white pigment and stir up, add it dropwise to each option. Please note what a riot color played in your hands!

Solar shades. That is how they love to call the shades of orange artists, these are beautiful tone moods. They are obtained by mixing red with additional colors.

On this table we got: orange as it is, peach, brick, coral.

Earth shades can be obtained by adding Umbra Zhby (the international value of BURNT UMBER). If it is necessary to obtain pastel shades of these tones, then it is enough to add a drop of white pigment.

In this case, we got earthen shades: Umbra; brick; Dark turquoise; Sepia dark; dirty beige; pastel-lilac; blue steel; Gray warm shade.

We mix oil paints

In oil paints, the situation with the palette is a bit simpler and one pigment is used in one color, so we will not give the main colors, and leave the color name exclusively. Rules that we remember from childhood is just the rules of oil paints.

What color must be obtained What colors need to mix
Pink We add a drop of red to white paints to get the required shade.
Chestnut In brown add red and if it is necessary to darken - a drop of black, brightening - white.
Purple Red In red drop add blue
Shades red Red with white for clarification, red with black for blackout, red with yellow for purpleness and orange shades.
Orange In yellow add dropped red.
Gold In the yellow droplet and red before getting the necessary shade.
Shades of yellow and orange Yellow with white, yellow with black, yellow with red and brown.
Pastel and green Yellow with a drop of blue, yellow with a drop of blue and black.
Grass color Yellow with a drop of blue and green.
Olive In the dark green drop add yellow.
Light green To add white green, for the color depth of a drop of yellow.
Turquoise-green Green with a drop of blue.
Bottle-green Blue breed with yellow.
Green needles In green add a drop of yellow and black.
Light turquoise In the blue drop add green and white for clarification.
Pastel-blue In blue gradually add white.
Maddlewood blue In blue add 5 drops of white and 1 drop of black to getting the desired shade.
Royal blue In the blue add black and a drop of green.
Dark blue In blue add black and at the end of a green drop.
Grey White wept black, adding the green asphalt tint.
Pearl-gray In black add white and dropwise blue.
Brown Mix yellow, red and blue in equal proportions, if necessary, dilute with white, black or green for the desired shade.
Brick Red with yellow and blue drop, as needed with white.
Brown-gold Red with yellow, blue and little white. Yellow most for expressiveness.
Mustard In the yellow and black and black yellow, for piquancy, a drop of green.
Beige In a brown, white, if you need a bright beige - a drop of yellow.
Dirty white White droplets brown and black.
Pinkish-gray White droplets red and black.
Gray-blue White add gray and blue.
Greenish-gray In the gray add green and the need is white.
Bright coal Black on a drop of white.
Citric White droplets yellow and green, yellow more.
Pastel brown We add a drop of green and weep brown and white.
Fern Green with white and black drops.
Coniferous Green mix with black.
Emerald Green add yellow and white drop.
Bright salad Green add yellow and white.
Bright turquoise White add green and dropped black for color depth.
Hue avocado In brown add yellow and dropped black.
Royal Purpur In blue add red and yellow.
Dark purpur In red add blue and dropwise black.
Tomato color Red breed yellow and add brown.
Mandarine In yellow and brown yellow
Chestnut with Ryzhigay Red breed brown and black for shading.
Bright orange White divorced with orange and brown in equal proportions.
Marsala Red with brown and droplet yellow and black.
Crimson In blue, add white, a bit brown and red.
Plum Blue mix with red and white, darkened black.
Light chestnis Red with yellow and dilute black and white.
Honey Brown dilute white and yellow.
Dark brown Red with yellow and black.
Sadno-gray In black gradually add red with white.
Team of eggshell Yellow with white and brown drops.

We mix watercolor paints

Watercolor paints are mixed with the same principle as oil, except that the watercolor is translucent and shades are muffled. We recommend to work first the table indicated above, but only then go to drawing on the canvas.

Basic colors for mixing paints

Main colors in mixing paints include three colors. This is red, blue and yellow. Additional are white and black. Thanks to these colors, you can get absolutely all shades of the rainbow.

This article does not give ready-made solutions, because paint is impossible to squeeze or make a certain amount of milligram, this article gives a direction in which you can go to work and develop. Try, experiment and you will definitely get amazing creation. And the painting works much better than any psychologist, relieves stress, distracts from problems and helps to see the beautiful in the usual!

Video: How to get brown, purple, blue, red, beige, orange, pink, gray, lilac, black, turquoise, mint, green, olive, blue, lilac, pistachio, khaki, yellow, fuchsia, cherry, marsala, white when mixing paints?

Brown is universal color, which has many possible applications, but it is not always possible to be found in the sets of accessories for drawing. Fortunately, various shades of brown can be obtained by mixing three main colors: red, blue and yellow. Just mix three of these basic colors, and you will get brown. You can also start with secondary, such as orange or green, and add the main color to it until brown turns out. To achieve the desired shade of brown, add more than one of the main colors, use some black or mix two or more different shades.


Mix basic colors in equal proportions

    Squeeze to the surface for mixing along a small drop of each color. Apply a red, blue and yellow paint palette on the palette or sheet next to each other. The exact amount depends on how many brown paint you need. It is important that each paint is equally equal.

    • Leave some place between colors. In this free place in the middle, you will mix different paints.
    • To get a brown of basic colors, you just need to mix them in equal amounts.

    Tip: In principle, such a combination can also be used for oil sticks, watercolors or color pencils, but the final color can be in an inhomogeneous, as they are harder to mix.

    Fully mix colors. Swipe the end of Mastichene on the inner edges of all three colors to tighten them to the center. Then all wider circular movements, mix the paints with a flat bottom surface of the tool. At the same time, you will notice that the mixture gradually acquires a saturated brown color.

    Add a bit white to give brown depth. After you mix the paint and get a brown, add a little white paint and continue to mix until it completely disappears. Be careful and do not use too much white paint - as a rule, it is required no more than ⅓ on the total paint.

    How to get brown from secondary colors

    1. Mix together red and yellow to get orange. Start with a sufficient amount of red paint and gradually add yellow paint into it to achieve a rating of 1: 1 as a result. At the same time, mix the paints until you get dark orange.

      • To bring brown enough dark enough, you can use a little more red paint.
    2. Mix orange with blue to get brown. Use slightly less blue than orange - the proportion of blue paint should not exceed 35-40%. How to mix the paints until you get a chocolate brown.

      Mix red and blue to get purple color. Use these two colors in an approximately equal proportion. The perfect combination of red and blue will give purple color, and if you deviate from the exact proportion, you will get a magenta or similar red shade.

      • The correct purple color is pretty difficult. If the final mixture will have a reddish or bluish shade, add a little opposite color to achieve a balance.
      • If you add too much blue paint, purple color will be harder to fix. It is easier to achieve the correct shade when an excess of red.
    3. We gradually add to purple yellow paint until you get brown. As the colors mix, you will notice how the dirty brown shade begins to appeal. Continue to add yellow paint with small portions until you get the color you need.

      Mix blue and yellow to get green. Sull a large drop of blue and gradually add yellow paint into it. As with orange color, you should start with the most saturated green and move to the middle of the spectrum.

      • For better results, green should be closer to dark blue than to light aquamarine.
    4. Add in green the right amount of red paint to get brown. First, mix quite a bit red and continue adding and mixing as needed to get a darker color. A mixture of green with red can give from an earthen olive-brown to a heat-burned orange shade.

      • To get as much as possible "real" brown color, the mixture should contain 33-40% of red paint. With an equal proportion, the red will be slightly prevalent.

      Tip: Brown, obtained with a mixture of red and green, is perfect for landscapes and images of nature.

      How to get different shades

      Add some more red or yellow paint to give brown a warmer shade brown. If you want to clarify or enhance the brown, just add a small amount of one of the warm main colors. Add paint with minor portions and move continuously until you get the desired shade.

Blue is one of the main colors. Along with red and yellow, it is included in the list of tones, the production of which is impossible at home. But the artists know perfectly well how to get a blue color in its diverse shades - for this you need to mix a classic kolker with other pigments, which gives stunning results.

Traditional color circle

Experts call blue, red, yellow colors "three whales" of coloring and painting. It is on them that the widestone palette of the second and third sections is held, they are combined with each other, while the creation is excluded.

All the most important colors are included in the so-called color circle. It is a conditional model divided into sectors. The latter are located in order close to the location in the visible light spectrum. Nearby shades are called chromatic, they can be mixed with each other with the receipt of a new chromatic (color) paint. If, when mixing the paints, it will take opposite tones, an acharomatic color (grayish) will be released. That is, the farther from each other, the most likely that their mixture will give an unbeatable, ugly tone.

Classic blue and its shades

Make the blue color of the house will not work, so to create different shades you need to purchase a ready-made gouache, watercolor, acrylic paint or other type of dyes (even plasticine). Next, you can use other colors from the set, because when they combine you can get incredible tones and halftone blue. Artists have special tables with the names of the shades and the necessary proportions for the paints, but in practice anyway it is necessary to experiment.

In the usual sets of Guoisha, blue is presented with a tint of ultramarine. He is very bright, moderately dark, has a little purple notes. There is an important rule that needs to be remembered: white color is added to the clarification of the tone, black, black, to change the paint chipboard - various colors.


Make shades of blue with green choppers simply. The effect of a dark green tone gives an introduction to a small amount of finished green paint into blue. If it is not, you can do otherwise. Since the connection of blue and yellow gives a green kel, you can add a little yellowness to blue. Further, the paint is blossomed by leaks, the result is the shade of the third order, less saturated.

Prussian blue

Azure color also contains green shades. Artists have a recipe for its preparation - it is necessary to connect 1 part of the blue and as much of a salad or bright green (herbal) shade. If necessary, the tone is diluted with legens.


Such a color is considered very rich, powerful for energy, it is prepared by connecting blue with red paint in the same proportions. But the finished purple must be forced to "Square", for which the blue color is added dropwise before getting the desired tone. Usually the final ratio does not exceed 2: 1.

Royal Xin

The Royal color is a dark, cold tone, close to classic. Traditional Royal Blue enters the HTML color gamut used in computer graphics. It is also the main tone of ink, paint for cartridges. To make such a color, in ultramarin is injected with a drop of black and even less green.


This tint resembles a cloudy sky, as well as about the color of water in an extra-sunny day. In the basic blue you need to add a little brown, in the end it will turn out a dark blue-gray tone. It is diluted with legens to the desired degree of clarification. There is another option to create a gray-blue shade - to connect blue with orange, as a result, it turns out a grayish mass with a slight blue fold.

Dark blue

Blue paint begins to darken from adding a small amount of black spher. The ratio should be no more than 4: 1. Creating such a shade is required if you need to "calm" the color when initially it is too bright.


Blue color is easy. For this, the blue of any tone is bred by Bellyl 3: 1 or more. An increase in the volume of white paint leads to even greater clarification up to the sky blue or pastel-blue. To achieve the manufacture of the original tone, you can breed by brazy turquoise.

Other shades

The meshwood tone is obtained by connecting a portion of blue, as well as drops of white and black paint. For dark turquoise to blue add dropwise yellow green kel. Vasilka is created when mixing purple, blue, droplets of brown and the same number of black dye.

Blue in nature

In the real world, blue is perceived by the eye in the range of 440-485 nm. This is a digital value of the length of an electromagnetic wave, which has a blue tone in the overall spectrum of light. In nature, you can see up to 180 shades of the blue - its tones are viewed in the color of the seas and oceans, the sky, twilight, lunar light, many plants, insects.

To obtain the perfect spike, it is necessary to ensure that all ingredients are similar to the chemical composition. Otherwise, the mass can escape, the unsolved bodies will remain in it. It is also important to apply high-quality paints, because other times begin to darken, serving. Very susceptible to change oil dyes - it is better to first try working on a small area and after a couple of days to evaluate the effect. Artists note: the smaller the amount of paints were connected, the better the result will be less than the risk of burnout and peeling the finished decor.

Two color blending tables

The mixing table of colors allows you to find out how when mixing two or more colors and shades get the right one.

Such a table is applied in various fields of art - visual, modeling, and others. It can also be used in construction when mixing paints and plasters.

Colors Mixing Table 1

Required color Main Color + Mix Instructions
Pink White + add a little red
Chestnut Red + add black or brown
Royal Red Red + add blue
Red Red + white for lightening, yellow to get orange-red
Orange Yellow + add red
Gold Yellow + drop of red or brown
Yellow Yellow + white for clarification, red or brown to get a dark shade
Pale green Yellow + Add blue / black for depth
Herbian-green Yellow + Add Blue and Green
Olive Green + add yellow
Light green Green + Add white yellow
Turquoise-green Green + Add Blue
Bottle-green Yellow + add blue
Coniferous Green + Add Yellow and Black
Turquoise-blue Blue + add a little green
White-blue White + add blue
Maddlewood blue White + add blue and black
Royal blue
Dark blue Blue + add black and a drop of green
Grey White + add a bit black
Pearl-gray White + Add black, little blue
Middle brown Yellow + add red and blue, white for clarification, black for dark.
Red-brown Red & Yellow + Add blue and white for clarification
Golden brown Yellow + add red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast
Mustard Yellow + add red, black and a little green
Beige Take brown and gradually add white to receiving beige. Add yellow for brightness.
Not quite white White + add brown or black
Pink-gray White + drop of red or black
Gray-blue White + add light gray plus drop blue
Green-gray White + Add Light Gray Plus Green Rail
Gray coal White + add black
Lemon Yellow Yellow + Add White, Little Green
Light brown Yellow + Add White, Black, Brown
Color of green fern White + Add Green, Black and White
Forest greens Green + add black
Emerald green Yellow + add green and white
Salad Yellow + add white and green
Aquamarine White + add green and black
Avocado Yellow + add brown and black
Royal Purple Red + Add Blue and Yellow
Dark purple Red + add blue and black
Tomato-red Red + Add Yellow and Brown
Mandarin, Orange Yellow + add red and brown
Redhead-chestnut Red + add brown and black
Orange White + add orange and brown
Color of red burgundy Red + Add Brown, Black and Yellow
Crimson Blue + add white, red and brown
Plum Red + add white, blue and black
Money color White, Yellow and Dark Brown
Dark brown Yellow + red, black and white
Copper-gray Black + add white and red
Team of eggshell White + yellow, little brown
The black Black use black as coal

Colors Mix 2 Table

Mixing paints
the black\u003d brown + blue + red in equal proportions
the black \u003d brown + blue.
gray and black\u003d Blue, green, red and yellow mixed in equal proportion, and then one or another is added to the eye. It turns out more blue and red
black \u003d.it turns out if you mix red, blue and brown
the black\u003d Red, green and blue. You can additionally add brown.
bodily \u003d red and yellow paint .... The smallest. After mixing, if yellowing, then add a little red, if it pose a little yellow paint. If the color is strongly saturated, it turned out to put a piece of white mastic and wash again
dark cherry \u003dred + brown + a bit blue (blue)
strawberry\u003d 3 parts of pink + 1h. red
turkiz \u003d 6 hnebezno-blue + 1h.zhet
silver gray \u003d 1Ch.Chigan + 1h.Sine
dark red \u003d.1h. red + little black
rust color\u003d 8h.Onzhevy + 2h. red + 1 hp
greenish\u003d 9h.newable blue + a little yellow
dark green\u003d green + little black
lavender\u003d 5h.-transition + 1C. SEREEN
bodily\u003d little color copper
nautical\u003d 5h. Blue + 1C. Green
peach\u003d 2h. Orange + 1h. Dark yellow
dark pink\u003d 2h. Red + 1Ch.Cyrian
dark blue\u003d 1h. Blue + 1h. Serenevian
avocado\u003d 4h. yellow + 1h. agriculture + slight black
coral\u003d 3h. torque + 2h.zhet
gold\u003d 10h.zhet + 3h.Onzhevy + 1h. red
plum \u003d.1h.Fiolet + a little red
light green \u003d. 2h.piolet + 3h.zhet

red + yellow \u003d orange
Red + ocher + Belil \u003d apricot
Red + green \u003d brown
Red + blue \u003d purple
Red + blue + green \u003d the black
Yellow + Belil + Green \u003d citric
Yellow + blue or blue \u003d green
Yellow + brown \u003d ocher
Yellow + green + bleel + red \u003d tobacco
blue + green \u003d sea \u200b\u200bwave
Orange + brown \u003d terracotta
Red + Belil \u003d coffee with milk
Brown + Belil + yellow \u003d beige
salad\u003d green + yellow, more yellow, + white \u003d light salad

lilac\u003d blue + red + white, more red and white, + white \u003d light Siren
lilac\u003d red with blue, and red prevails
Pistachio paint It turns out when mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue

Everyone knows that connecting 3 main colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was launched in ancient times Leonardo da Vinci. The conclusion from the theory can be made such that it is impossible to get basic colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To solve the issue, come to him from the practical side and consider how the red in the printing house is made, what kind of artists get it and what you need to do for this.

Red in printing houses make by mixing other major paints. Here is the color model CMYK. All the differences in the colors of the model used are made by mixing the required basic colors:

  • Blue - Cyan.
  • Purple (Purple) - Magenta
  • Yellow - Yellow
  • Black - Black

As in other color models, it is necessary to take at least 2 colors and in our case the red on printed products make a combination of 2 triad paints: purple (majer) and yellow. Such a method is used in order to make color engravings. If you get up with these colors, you can make not only red, but also to achieve its shades by regulating the ratio of yellow and purple (purple). The range of red paints will be from pale purple to saturated orange-red.

Mix yellow and purple get red

Information: In addition to typography, the CMYK model underlies the work of most printers. It is also used in the professional painting of machines, decor interiors and facades of structures, in fabric production.

Natural red

In addition to artificially, it can be easily made from natural materials. So the flowers of the podmarnik allow you to paint the items into bright red. For the preparation of such paint, the flowers are dried and boil with the alum within the hour. Saflow and Hypericum flowers are also suitable for making red paint, by digesting water to a dense. Close-old cherry paint make an orange lichen. It is necessary to finely cut a lichen and mix with food soda (it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and can be used.

In nature, red can be found quite often. Therefore, its different shades are sometimes called focusing on their natural owners: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them can be found such names as: crimson, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All similar colors form a red gamut.

Red shades in painting are made on the basis of pigments of warm and cold shades. To cold, it is necessary to attribute chinacridon ruby \u200b\u200bor purple, to warm - cadmium light, orange Siena (natural and burned).

RGB and CMYK Color Models

Interaction with other colors

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make red from different colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple pink and mix with yellow, then you can not see the red color, there will be only its likeness.

Burgundy from red is obtained by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can reach 2: 1 (you need 2 parts of red and 1 black). Changing concentration you can make various shades of burgundy.

Another question, what will happen if you mix red and yellow? Answer: We get orange.

The most popular question sounds like this: "What do you get when mixing red and blue paints?". To clarify we look at the RGB color model (red, green, blue), where it is clearly seen that, using blue in combination with red, we get purple color.


Basic colors for red - yellow and purple (purple). To make the desired color when mixing, it is necessary necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural. Red is the basic in the RGB model and you need to mix with green and blue to make other colors.

We offer to watch an interesting video