Work program of the first junior group. Work program of the first junior group Federal State Education Program 1st junior group

Work program of the first junior group.  Work program of the first junior group Federal State Education Program 1st junior group
Work program of the first junior group. Work program of the first junior group Federal State Education Program 1st junior group

Work program in the 1st junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2019-2020 academic year

1.1. Explanatory note 3
1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the educational program 3
1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of an educational program 4
1.1.3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the program 5
1.1.4. Age characteristics of the 1st junior group 6
1.2. Planned results of mastering the program by children from 2-3 years old 8
2.1. The content of educational activities in accordance with the areas of child development presented in 5 educational areas 12
2.1.1. Educational field "Social and communicative development" 12
2.1.2. Educational field "Cognitive development" 20
2.1.3. Educational field "Speech development" 23
2.1.4. Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" 28
2.1.5. Educational field "Physical development" 32
2.2. Variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the educational program 36
2.2.1. Social and communicative development 36
2.2.2. Cognitive development 37
2.2.3. Speech development 38
2.2.4. Artistic and aesthetic development 39
2.2.5. Physical development 40
2.3. Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives 41
2.4. Interaction with family 41
2.5. The part formed by the participants in educational relations 44
3.1. Organization of the regime of children's stay in an educational institution. Daily routine in 1st junior group 46
3.2. Organization of physical education and health activities in a preschool institution 49
3.2.1 Organization of a gentle regime in a preschool institution 49
3.2.2. Organization of motor mode 50
3.2.3. System of physical education and health activities 51
3.3. Organization of educational activities 55
3.4. Organization of traditional events, holidays, activities 60
3.5. Features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment 60
3.6. Description of the logistics of the educational program of a preschool institution 74

Below you can see fragments of the program:

Long-term plan for interaction with parents

months Event names
September 1. Questioning of parents “Let’s get to know each other.”

2.Consultation “Child’s adaptation to preschool”

3. Conversation with parents “Children’s clothing in different seasons.”

4. Instruction for parents on supporting the child’s adaptation process “The child goes to kindergarten”

5. Healthy child - Consultation “How to protect your child from colds.”

6. Introducing parents to the Federal State Educational Standard.

October 1. Parent diary “Games with your baby in the fall.”

3. Consultation “Age-related characteristics of the mental development of children 2-3 years old”

4. Consultations for parents:

- “Features of the development of the emotional sphere”;

- “Features of object-display play”;

- “A toy as part of a folk tradition.”

5. Healthy child - consultation “Regime is the key to the normal development of a preschool child.”

6. “Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2-3 years old”

7. “Showdown of two-year-olds”

8. “Features of speech of children 2-3 years old”

november 1. Consultation “Outdoor play as a means of physical, moral, spiritual health and harmony”

2.Individual conversations with parents.

3. Conversation with parents “Clothing of children in the group.”

4.Memo for parents. Topic: “How to help birds in winter.”

5.Consultation for parents “What are bird feeders for?”

6.Healthy child “Healthy eating”

7.Creative project for making a bird feeder.

8. Parent board “Children need your love”

December 1.Design of the traveling folder “Winter!”

2. Note to parents: “How to spend leisure time with your child.”

3. Movable folder: “Children love nursery rhymes”

4.Healthy child “Children’s nutrition rules”

5. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity between parents and children “Hello, guest Winter!” Design of the folder – movement “Winter!”

6.Memo for parents. Topic: “Read to children more often”

7. Parent board “New Year for children. How to organize a holiday for children"

8. How to teach children to be independent"

9. “Tantrums in children after a year.”

January 1. Consultation “What toys do children need”

2.Healthy child “Acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Angina"

3.Consultation for parents: “Raising a future man”

4.Parental diary “Teach children to recognize colors”

5.Consultation for parents “Six misconceptions of parents about frosty weather”

6. “Is it possible to achieve obedience in children?”

7. “The importance of verbal communication with children at home”

February 1.Photo exhibition “My dad, grandfather”

2.Parental diary “Raising a child: the role of the father”

3. Healthy child “What you need to know in case of ARVI”

4. “Too or not”

5. “When parents have different approaches to education”

6.Consultation “The morning begins with exercise”

March 1.Design of the moving folder “Spring!”

2. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity between parents and children “Spring is Red!”

3.Consultation “Game as a means of educating preschool children”

4.Memo “Difference between girls and boys” (education method)

5. “Fears in children 2-3 years old”

6. “Children’s clothes in spring”

7. “How to rid a child of an unwanted habit”

April 1.Parental diary “I AM MYSELF!”

2. Thematic exhibition of joint creativity with children “Happy Easter!”

3. Movable folder “Holiday - Happy Easter!”

4. “Rewarding and Punishing Children”

5.Consultation “The role of grandparents in family education of children”

6. “Let's play” (finger games)

7.Consultation “Children’s questions and how to answer them”

May 1. Movable folder for Victory Day

2. Healthy child “Don’t leave kids alone”

3. Creative project with children “Dandelions”


-“Let’s talk about education”

- “Teaching order”

-"Crisis of 3 years"

5. Dialogue meeting with parents based on the monitoring results.

Parent meetings

MKDOU d/s "Harmony" SP ds No. 1 Compiled by: Educator 1st quarter. K. Manasyan A.V. Nizhny Tagil 2015

Explanatory note

The work program of the 1st junior group was developed in accordance with the Basic educational program of the Municipal government preschool educational institution of a combined kindergarten "Harmony" structural unit of kindergarten No. 1 in Nizhny Tagil: the invariant part of the curriculum of educational work is compiled in accordance with the approximate basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva 2010-2011 and provides a mandatory amount of knowledge, skills and abilities for preschool children. Partial program “Basics of safety for preschool children” edited by Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B.

The work program is designed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the characteristics of the educational institution, the region and the educational needs and requests of students and their parents (legal representatives). Determines the goal, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The work program is developed in accordance with:

With international legal acts:

Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);

Declaration of the Rights of the Child (proclaimed by UN General Assembly resolution 1286 of November 20, 1959)

Laws of the Russian Federation and documents of the Government of the Russian Federation:

Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 7, 14, 17, 26, 38, 43, 68

the federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” from 07/24/1998 (with changes and additions);

"National Doctrine of Education" (approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2000);

Documents of the Federal Services:

“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations. SanPiN 2.4. 1. 3049-13" (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26);

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014

“On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education” ;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”

The purpose of the Program: to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, to form the foundations of basic personal culture, to comprehensively develop mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, to ensure the correction of deficiencies in physical and mental development, to ensure equal starting opportunities for children with disabilities. disabilities, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

Provide equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood.

Introduce children to the norms and traditions of the family, society, and state.

To form a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, to develop their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, to form the prerequisites for educational activities.

To combine training and education into a holistic educational process based on the spiritual, moral and values ​​of the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and society.

To create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, and the adult world.

To form the child’s cognitive interests and actions in various types of activities.

Provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

The Program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality and individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific concepts of preschool education on the recognition of the preschool period of childhood. The priority activity of preschool educational institutions in groups for young children is to ensure equal starting opportunities for the education of children in primary general education institutions (Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education).

The program is built on the principles of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at his comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and competencies. When developing the Program, the authors relied on the best traditions of domestic preschool education, its fundamental nature: a comprehensive solution to the problems of protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) development based on the organization of various types of children's creative activities. A special role is given to gaming activity as a leading one in preschool childhood (A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

Age characteristics of children of the first younger group (from 2 to 3 years)

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Subject activity and situational business communication between a child and an adult continue to develop; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual and effective thinking are improved.

The development of objective activity is associated with the condition of cultural ways of acting with various objects. Correlative and instrumental actions develop.

The ability to perform instrumental actions develops volition, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones based on the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object to follow, but also a model that regulates the child’s own activity.

In the course of joint substantive activity with adults, understanding of speech continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of surrounding objects and learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults within a visible visual situation.

The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is improved as a result of adults addressing the child, who begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the adults’ story.

Children's active speech develops intensively. By the age of three, they master basic grammatical structures, try to construct simple sentences, and use almost all parts of speech when talking with adults. The active vocabulary reaches approximately 1,000 – 1,500 words.

By the end of the third year of life, speech becomes the child’s means of communication with peers. At this age, children develop new types of activities: playing, drawing, designing.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality. In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

The emergence of visual activity itself is due to the fact that the child is already able to formulate the intention to depict any object. A typical image of a person is "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientation improves, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: select from 2-3 objects according to shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

Auditory perception is improved, especially phonemic hearing. By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

The main form of thinking becomes visual and effective. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that problematic situations that arise in a child’s life are resolved through real action with objects.

Children of this age are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period, arbitrariness of behavior begins to take shape. It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech.

Children develop feelings of pride and shame, and elements of self-awareness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. Early childhood ends with a crisis of three years. The child recognizes himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He develops an image of himself. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, disruption of communication with adults, etc. A crisis can last from several months to two years.

Features of development of young children:

Anna Fedonova
Work program in the first junior group


1. Introduction

Real work program developed based on an approximate basic general education programs preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, educational preschool educational programs, taking into account the regional component, in accordance with the Federal state requirements for the structure of basic general education programs preschool education for children junior preschool age.

The leading goals are to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood; formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual; comprehensive development of mental and physiological qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics; preparing a child for life in modern society. These goals are realized in the process of children’s mastery of educational areas "Health", "Physical Culture", "Safety", "Socialization", "Work", "Cognition", "Communication", , "Artistic creativity", "Music". The development of educational areas is focused on the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic. Objectives of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated manner, in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support through various types of children's activities.

To achieve your goals Programs are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

Creation in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creativity (creative organization) the process of education and training;

Variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

Ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

Coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings. Ensuring family participation groups kindergarten and preschool in general.

The solution indicated in program goals and objectives of education is possible only with the purposeful influence of the teacher on the child with first days of his stay in a preschool educational institution. The level of general development that the child will achieve and the degree of moral qualities acquired by him depend on the pedagogical skill of each educator, his culture, and love for children. Caring for the health and comprehensive education of children, teachers of preschool educational institutions, together with the family, should strive to make every child’s childhood happy.

IN working with younger children preschool age, predominantly game-based, story-based and integrated forms of educational activity are used. Learning occurs indirectly, through activities that are exciting for children.

1.1 Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Subject activity and situational business communication between a child and an adult continue to develop; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual and effective thinking are improved.

The development of objective activity is associated with the assimilation of cultural ways of acting with various objects. Correlative and instrumental actions develop.

The ability to perform instrumental actions develops voluntariness, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones based on the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object to follow, but also a model that regulates the child’s own activity.

In the course of joint substantive activity with adults, understanding of speech continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of surrounding objects and learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults within a visible visual situation.

The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is improved as a result of adults addressing the child, who begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the adult’s story.

Children's active speech develops intensively. By the age of three, they master basic grammatical structures, try to construct simple sentences, and use almost all parts of speech when talking with adults. The active vocabulary reaches approximately 1000-1500 words.

By the end of the third year of life, speech becomes the child’s means of communication with peers. At this age, children develop new types activities: game, drawing, design.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality.

In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

The emergence of visual activity itself is due to the fact that the child is already able to formulate the intention to depict any object. A typical image of a person is "cephalopod"- a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientation improves, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks. tasks: select from 2-3 items by shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

Auditory perception is improved, especially phonemic hearing. By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

The main form of thinking becomes visual and effective. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that problematic situations that arise in a child’s life are resolved through real action with objects.

Children of this age are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period, arbitrariness of behavior begins to take shape. It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech. Children develop feelings of pride and shame, and elements of self-awareness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. Early childhood ends with a crisis of three years. The child recognizes himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He develops an image of himself. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with adults, etc. The crisis can last from several months to two years.

1.2 Organization of the regime of children’s stay in an educational institution

In kindergarten flexible daily routine has been developed, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological capabilities of children, their interests and needs, ensuring the relationship of planned activities with the daily life of children in kindergarten. In addition, climatic conditions are taken into account (during the year the daily routine changes twice). In contrast to the winter, the summer health period increases the time children spend on walk. Walk organized twice a day day: V first half the day - before lunch and in the second half - after naps or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration walks are reduced. Walk is not carried out at air temperatures below -20°C and wind speeds above 15 m/s. During walks Games and physical exercises are carried out with children. Outdoor games are played at the end walks before returning children to the preschool premises. Daytime sleep is allotted 2.5 hours. Independent activities of children (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene, etc.) takes at least 3-4 hours during the day. The daily routine indicates the total duration of organized educational activities, including breaks between its various types. The teacher independently doses the volume of educational load, without exceeding the maximum load allowed by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. For an effective solution software daily reading is highly recommended. For children 2-3 years old, the duration of reading with discussion of what was read is recommended to be up to 5-10 minutes.

Approximate daily routine in first junior group

Reception of children, independent activities 7.30-8.10

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.10-8.30

Independent activity 8.30-9.00

(By subgroups) 9.00-9.10-9.20

Preparing for walk 9.20-9.40

Walk 9.40-11.20

Return with walks, independent activity, preparation for lunch 11.20-11.45

Lunch 11.45-12.30

Getting ready for bed, naps 12.30-15.00

Gradual rise, independent activity 15.00-15.15

Afternoon tea 15.15-15.30

Independent activity 15.30-15.45

Organized educational activities (By subgroups) 15.45-15.55-16.05

Preparing for walk 16.05-16.20

Walk, independent activities, children going home 16.20-17.30

The daily routine indicates the total duration of organized educational activities, including breaks between its various types. The teacher independently doses the volume of educational load, without exceeding the maximum load allowed by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

1.3 List of main types of organized educational activities

According to the current SanPiN for toddlers from 1.5 to 3 years old, no more than 10 lessons per week lasting no more than 8-10 minutes are planned (SapPiN

Educational areas Types of classes Number of classes per week Number of classes per year

Physical development

Physical culture and health physical education 3 87

Cognitive - speech development

Cognition Formation of a holistic picture of the world -

Development of elementary mathematical concepts -

Construction 1 29

Communication Speech development 1 29

Reading fiction Introducing fiction 1 29

Artistic and aesthetic development


creativity Drawing 1 29

Application -

Music Musical 2 58

TOTAL: 10 290


by educational field "Health"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health;

Education of culturally hygienic skills;

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children

factors: air, sun, water. Teach children to wear lightweight clothing indoors. Ensure the duration of their stay in the air in accordance with the daily routine.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands independently when dirty and before eating, wipe your face and hands dry with a personal towel.

Develop the ability to put yourself in order with the help of an adult. Develop skills in using individual objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

While eating, teach children to hold a spoon correctly.

; neatly fold removed clothes in a certain order; wear clothes and shoes correctly.

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

To form ideas about the importance of each organ for normal life person: eyes - look, ears - hear, nose - smell, tongue - try (define) to taste, hands - grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, jump, run, walk; head - think, remember; body - bend and turn in different directions.

Month Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health

Education of cultural and hygienic skills Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle


Morning exercises

Outdoor games.

Physical exercises.

Finger gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics

Breathing exercises

During the year, under the guidance of medical personnel, taking into account the health of children and local conditions, carry out a set of hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water.

Teach children to wear lightweight clothing indoors.

Ensure the duration of their stay in the air in accordance with the daily routine.

When carrying out hardening activities, implement a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status.

Special hardening procedures are carried out according to the decision of the administration and medical staff of the preschool institution, taking into account the wishes of the parents.

Repetition of what has been covered

Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands independently when dirty and before eating, wipe your face and hands dry with a personal towel. To form ideas about the importance of each organ for normal human life.

October While eating, teach children how to hold a spoon correctly.

Teach children how to dress and undress. With a little help from an adult, learn to take off clothes and shoes (unfasten front buttons, Velcro fasteners);

neatly fold removed clothes in a certain order

Reading fiction. literature

Looking at illustrations

Consultations for parents

Information stands

Conversation "Our eyes"

Game I See - I Don't See"

"Who Hid"

"Find the object"

"Colorful toys"

“Find the same object” tongue - try (define) taste, head-think, remember; body - bend and turn in different directions.

Memo for parents "Hardening"

Conversation "Ears to hear"

Games "How to take care of yourself"

November Memo for parents “How to prevent danger?”

December Conversation "What I have?"

Games "Hands that grab, legs that run"

Nursery rhymes and songs about a person, his health and body.

January Conversation “Nose – sniff”

Games "The Breeze Under Your Nose"

“We breathe through our nose”

February Conversation "People and Machines"

Conversation "Rules of conduct in transport"

Games "If I do this"

Memo for parents "Traffic Laws"

March Conversation "The Way I Move".Games "Hands and Legs", "Why do we eat"

Poetry "Vitamins"

L. Zilberg

April Conversation "Our Teeth"

Reading nursery rhymes about water, hygiene and people

by educational field "Socialization"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Development of children's play activities;

Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral);

Development of gaming activities

Role-playing games

To develop the ability to show interest in the gaming activities of peers. Help them play nearby without interfering with each other. Develop the ability to play with peers.

Develop the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another; with the help of an adult, perform several game actions united by a plot outline. Promote children’s desire to independently select toys and attributes for play, and use substitute items.

Lead children to understand the role in the game. Form initial skills of role behavior; learn to connect plot actions with the role.

Outdoor games

To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with simple content together with the teacher. Get used to small games together groups. Support games that improve movement (walking, running, throwing, rolling).

Theatrical games

Arouse interest in theatrical play by first experience of communicating with the character (Katya doll shows a concert, expanding contacts with adults (grandmother invites you to the village yard).

Encourage children to respond to action games with sounds (living and non-living nature, imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sound of a word (in works of small folklore forms).

Promote the manifestation of independence and activity in playing with toy characters.

Create conditions for the systematic perception of theatrical performances of the pedagogical theater (adults).

Didactic games

To enrich children’s sensory experience in games with didactic material. Learn to assemble a pyramid (turret) from 5-8 rings of different sizes; navigate the relationships between plane figures "Geometric mosaic" (cool, triangle, square, rectangle); make a whole out of four parts (cut pictures, folding cubes); compare, relate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory characteristics (color, shape, size).

Conduct didactic games to develop attention and memory ( “What’s missing?” and so on.); auditory differentiation ( “What does it sound like?” and so on.); tactile sensations, temperature differences ( "Wonderful bag", "Warm - cold", "Light heavy" and so on.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Introduction to basic generally accepted norms

and rules of relationships with peers and adults

(including moral)

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers: draw children’s attention to a child who has shown concern for a friend and expressed sympathy for him. To form in every child the confidence that adults love him, like all other children.

Foster a negative attitude towards rudeness and greed; develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and enjoy successes, beautiful toys, etc. together.

Continue to develop the ability to say hello and goodbye (as prompted by an adult); express your own requests calmly, using words "Thank you" And "Please".

Cultivate an attentive attitude and love towards parents and loved ones.

Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community

Image of Self. Begin to form elementary ideas about the growth and development of the child, changes in his social status (growing up) in connection with the start of kindergarten. Strengthen the ability to say your name.

Family. Develop the ability to name the names of your family members.

Kindergarten. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of kindergarten, its commonality with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

Develop the ability to navigate indoors groups, Location on.

Home country. Remind children the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Development of gaming activities

Role-playing games

Outdoor games

Didactic games

Theatrical games Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral) Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community

September S/r "Family"

S/r "Guests have come to us"

S/r "Mothers and Daughters"

S/i. "Journey" Diagnostics

A game "Give a Gift"

S/r games "Family",


A game "Ball for the kids", "Who's good with us"

October S/r "Chauffeurs"

S/i "Bunny is sick"

S/r "Hospital"

S/r "Family" S/r games "Family",


Conversation with viewing

and the album "My family", "We're in kindergarten"

November S/r "Family"

S/r "Aibolit"

S/r "Hospital"

S/r "Car Ride"

Entertainment games "Friendly guys", "Children are friends"

Playing out "My favorite toys"

December S/r "Barbershop"

S/r "We welcome guests" Conversations. "Greed" "Let's talk about kindness"

Games on the topic "Joy" Games "Friendly guys", "They are friends in our group...»

January S/r "It's New Year's Eve for the dolls"

S/r "Family - Christmas tree holiday"

S/r "Salon"

"Naughty Games"

Games on the topic "Fear", "Joy" Round dance games, entertainment "Our merry round dance"

February S/r "Hospital"

S/r "A toy shop"

S/r "Family"

S/r "Bus"

A game "Evil Tongue"

A game "Let's live in peace" Conversation “Where our feet walked”, “What do we have on the site”

Looking at illustrations about the military

March S/r "Getting ready for the holiday"

S/r "Birdling"

S/r "Chauffeurs"

S/r "In Grandma's Yard"

Games. “Learning to understand other people’s feelings”

Games on the topic "Boys and Girls" Conversation about family, name, Game "Ball for the kids"

April S/r "Salon"

S/r "Family"

S/r "Trip to the Store"

S/r "Journey"

Game situations

"Learning to be kind"

Games on the topic "Let's live in peace"

Didactic game “The nesting dolls began to dance in a round dance”

May Repetition of familiar games Conversation: "Good and Evil Deeds"

Games on the topic: "Our Emotions" Conversation “My village is Alexandrovskoye”

by educational field "Work"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Development of labor activity;

Developing a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;

Formation primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person."

Development of work activity

Teach children how to dress and undress; develop the ability to fold removed clothes in a certain order. Accustom to neatness. Involve children in performing simple labor activities.

Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results

To teach how to maintain order in the playroom and, at the end of the games, to put the play material in its place.

(without bread) and napkins.

Formation primary

Cultivate interest in the work of adults. Expand the circle of children’s observations of the work of adults. Draw their attention to what an adult does and how, why he performs certain actions. Maintain a desire to help adults.

Indoors and on the site, attract children's attention to how an adult cares for plants (waters) and animals (feeds).

Learn to recognize and name some work actions (the teacher’s assistant washes the dishes, brings food, changes towels, etc.

Development of work activity Fostering a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results Formation primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person

September Teach children how to dress and undress Teach children to maintain order in the playroom

Observing the work of a janitor

October Teach children how to dress and undress Teach children to maintain order in the playroom

Observing the work of a janitor

November Teach children how to dress and undress

Develop the ability to fold removed clothes in a certain order.

Accustom to neatness.

Involve children in performing simple labor activities.

Learn to maintain order in the playroom

At the end of the games, arrange the game material in its place.

Develop the ability, together with an adult and under his control, to place bread bins before meals (without bread) and napkin holders.

Observing the work of a janitor

Introduction to the work of a livestock farmer

December Familiarization with the labor of construction workers

Familiarization with the work of doctors and nurses

Introduction to the work of a chef

Observing the work of a janitor

Introduction to the work of a vegetable grower

May Review of what has been covered Review of what has been covered

by educational field "Safety"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;

Introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

Transferring to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger;

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world”*.

Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life activities

Introduce the basic rules of behavior in children's garden: play with children without disturbing them or causing pain; leave kindergarten only with parents; do not talk or take objects or treats from strangers, etc.

Explain to children that they cannot put inedible objects in their mouths, that they must not put any objects in their ears or nose - this is dangerous!

Teach children the rules of safe movement in indoors: be careful when going up and down stairs; hold on to the railing.

With the help of artistic and folklore works, introduce the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the environment.

About road safety rules. Give children a basic understanding of road rules movement: cars drive on the road (roadway); the traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; You need to stand at a red traffic light, move when it is green; You can cross the street only with an adult, holding hands tightly.

Tell the children that there are various cars driving along the road. The driver drives the car. People travel on buses work, to the store, to kindergarten.

Explain the basic rules of behavior for children on the bus (children can only ride on the bus with adults; you need to talk calmly without disturbing others; listen to adults, etc.).

Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness

Form basic ideas about the correct ways to interact with plants and animals: examine plants without harming them; observe animals without disturbing or harming them; Feed animals only with adult permission.

Explain to children that they cannot pick or eat any plants.

Fundamentals of personal safety Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness

September Monitoring

“Turn the tap tightly, be careful with the water.”


Looking at a corner of nature group

October Traffic Rules Games "Cars and traffic lights" Looking at autumn flowers

November Conversation “Remember, kids, pills are not candy.” Looking at a cat

December Conversations: "Dangerous Items"

"Ambulance" Conversation "Our friends are animals"

January Conversation “I only go for walks with my mother”

Examining ficus, caring for the plant

February Reading nursery rhymes and poems about traffic rules Looking at a rabbit

Together with the teacher, making a vegetable garden in a corner of nature

March Conversation about rules of behavior among peers "Good and bad" Observation of a poplar branch. Monitoring the emergence of seedlings

April Games "We're going by bus", "Let's go visit grandma" Labor on site. We sow flowers in a flowerbed, dig a bed.

May Conversation with reading and looking at illustrations. "The cat and the dog are our neighbors" We water the seedlings. Taking care of the garden

by educational field "Cognition"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Contents of the educational field “Cognition” (direction “Cognitive and speech development”) is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests; intellectual development; development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities; formation of elementary mathematical concepts; formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children"

Sensory development

Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various types of activities. Help them examine objects, highlighting their color, size, shape.

Encourage to include hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know each other him: trace parts of an object with your hands, stroke them, etc.

Exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (identical blades; big red ball - small blue ball).

To develop the ability to name the properties of objects.

Development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities

Develop productive (constructive) activity.

While playing with tabletop and floor building materials, continue to familiarize children with the details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder, with options for arranging building forms on a plane.

To develop children’s ability to construct elementary buildings according to a model, to support the desire to build something on their own.

Promote understanding of spatial relationships.

Suggest the use of additional story toys commensurate with the scale of the buildings (small cars for small garages, etc.).

At the end of the game, teach the child to put the toys back in their place.

Introduce children to the simplest plastic construction sets.

Offer to design turrets, houses, cars together with an adult.

Support children's desire to build on their own. In summer, promote construction games using natural materials (sand, water, acorns, pebbles, etc.).

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Quantity. Involve children in the formation groups homogeneous objects. Develop the ability to distinguish quantities items: many - one (one - many).

Magnitude. Draw children's attention to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (big house - small house, big matryoshka - small matryoshka, big balls - small balls, etc.)

Form. To develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate experience in children’s practical exploration of the surrounding space (premises groups and kindergarten area).

Learn to find the bedroom, playroom, washroom and other rooms.

Expand your experience of orientation in parts of your own body (head, face, arms, legs, back). Learn to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons

Subject and social environment

Continue to introduce children to the names of nearby objects environment: toys,

dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture.

Form ideas about the simplest connections between objects in the immediate environment.

Teach children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects, different hats, mittens, shoes, etc., select objects by identity, find the same one, pick a pair, group them according to how they are used (drink from a cup, etc.).

Familiarize yourself with the vehicles in your immediate environment.

Getting to know nature

Introduce children to accessible natural phenomena.

Learn to recognize domestic animals in nature, in pictures, in toys (cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their babies and name them; recognize some wild animals in pictures (bear, hare, fox, etc.): name them.

Watch the birds and insects in the area (butterflies and ladybugs, fish in the aquarium. Teach children to feed the birds.

Learn to identify vegetables by appearance (tomato, cucumber, carrot) fruits (apple, pear, etc.).

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and animals. Teach the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather).

Seasonal observations

Autumn. Form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: it got colder, the leaves on the trees turned yellow and fell; that many vegetables and fruits ripen in the fall.

Winter. Form ideas about winter natural phenomena: it has become cold, it is snowing, ice, slippery, you can fall. Involve in winter fun (downhill and sledding, playing snowballs, building a snowman, etc.).

Spring. Form ideas about spring changes in nature: warmer, snow is melting; puddles, grass, insects appeared; the buds are swollen.

Summer. Watch nature with children changes: bright sun, hot, butterflies flying.

Sensory development

(FEMP) Formation of a holistic picture peace:

subject and social environment;

acquaintance with nature Development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities


1. D/i "Big small"

2. D/i “Big – 3. D/i “Let’s select objects of the same color”

4. D/u “Let’s wave hand to Mishka”

1. Travel around group room.

2. Travel around the site.

3.*Introduction to toys depicting domestic animals.

Introduction to building materials


5. D/u "One is many" (matryoshka dolls)

6. I/u “Laying multi-colored and single-color paths”*Di “Look at the toy and pick up the picture”

4.*Acquaintance with domestic animals and their babies.

*Di "Find Your Mom" "We build and play"

"Doll's House"

"Doll's House"




By design

October D/i “Let’s select objects of the same size”

D/u “Let’s build turrets of the same color”

Di "Collect a matryoshka doll"

D/u "Name your body parts"

Games with bushings

Games on walk using arrows - pointers 1.*Wild animals

*Di "Who lives in the forest?"

2.*Me and my friends.

* D/i "What is your name?"

3.*The world of things – home and household items.

*A game “What is there at home?”


* D/i "Hide the picture"

November D/i “Select objects of the same shape”

1 “.I D/i “Where the ball rolled D/i “Where did the doll go?”

Di “Matryoshka visiting the kids”

Games with an entertaining box. Games with an entertaining box.

*Di "Magic Basket"

* "Taste it"

2. Fruits.

*Di “Where do fruits grow?”

3.* "Magic chest".

*Di "Which?"

4. Me and my family.

*Conversation on the topic "How I Help My Mom". "Slide"


"Slide with gates"



"Wide and Narrow Paths"

"Furniture for dolls" (table and chair)


December D/i “Let’s select objects of the same shape”

D/u “Build turrets of different colors”

Di "Let's dress the doll for walk»

Di "Which?"

Finger games "Finger-boy", "Fingers are friends" Di "Whose voice"

1.*Looking at indoor plants (ficus, balsam).

2. Trees.

* Comparison of summer and winter trees


* D/i “Who has what?”


*Di "We call the dishes".

January D/i "Hide the mouse Games with inserts."

Di “Assembling a doll Games exercises with beads flags”

Di "Wonderful bag" (fruits vegetables)

Di "Assemble a pyramid" 1.*Furniture.

* D/i “Where are the toys?”

2.*Food products.

* A game "Edible - inedible".

3. Goldfish sightings

*A game "Poultry yard".


"Rails for a Steam Locomotive"

"Animal Fence"

"Build what you want"



"Furniture for dolls" (bed, sofa)

"Doll's Room"


"Car on the Road"



"A car is driving across the bridge"

By design

Repetition of what has been covered

February D/i "Which?"

Di "Wonderful box"

Di "Fold the flower"

Di "More less" 1*Birds.

*Looking at the painting "Birds of our village".

2. D/i “Where should I put what?”


* D/i “What do machines do?”

March D/y "Elephants and Dogs"

Di "Logical bucket"

Di "Collect a matryoshka doll"

Ball games (rolling into the goal)

Games with lacing and fastenings. 1.*Adult work

*Di “Who needs what?”


*Di “Who flaps its wings?”

3.*Surrounding objects.

*Di "Name and Tell".

4.*Media of communication.

* Reading K. Chukovsky "Telephone" (excerpt)

April D/i "Guess the taste"

Di "Noisy jars" M. Montessori

D/u “Where is it ringing? Di "Find and show"

Di "Choose by color" 1.*Seasons. Spring.

*Conversation on the topic: “What happens in the spring?”

2. Meeting a new doll.

3. Looking at dandelions

*Conversation about flowers.

May Repetition of covered material

"Fold the pattern" B. Nikitina

"Monkey" B. Nikitina

"Inserts" Montessori "Bricks"

B. Nikitin

Repetition of covered material.

Educational area "Communication"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils"*.

Development of free communication with adults and children

Promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Give children a variety of tasks that will give them the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults ( , , “Warn Mitya. What did you say to Mitya? And what did he answer you?).

Offer pictures, books, toys for independent viewing as visual material for children to communicate with each other and the teacher. Tell children about these subjects, as well as interesting events. . The pictures show the states of people and animals: happy, sad, etc.

To ensure that by the end of the third year of life speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication between children.

Formation of a dictionary

Based on expanding children's orientation in their immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary.

To develop children’s ability, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects by name, color, size ( “Bring Mashenka a bowl of jam”, "Take the red pencil", "Sing a song to little bear"); name their location ( “Mushroom on the top shelf, high up”, "Standing nearby"); imitate the actions of people and the movements of animals ( “Show me how to water from a watering can”, "Walk like a bear").

Enrich children's vocabulary:

Nouns denoting the names of toys, personal hygiene items (towel, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief), clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, bedding (blanket, pillow, sheet, pajamas, vehicles (car, bus, vegetables, fruits, domestic animals and their young;

Verbs denoting labor actions (wash, iron, treat, water, actions with opposite meanings (open - close, remove - put on, take - put, actions characterizing relationships between people (help, regret, give, hug, their emotional state (cry, laugh, rejoice, be offended);

Adjectives denoting the color, size, taste, temperature of objects (red, blue, sweet, sour, big, small,

Adverbs (close, far, high, fast, dark, quiet, cold, hot, slippery).

Promote the use of learned words in independent speech. By the end of the year, preschoolers should have a vocabulary of at least 1000-1200 words.

Sound culture of speech

Exercise children in clearly pronouncing isolated vowels and consonants (except for whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, in correctly reproducing onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases (from 2-4 words)

Promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, veche breathing, auditory attention.

Develop the ability to use (by imitation) pitch and strength of voice ( “Pussy, scat!”, "Who's come?", "Who's knocking?").

Grammatical structure of speech

Improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Learn to coordinate nouns and pronouns with verbs, use verbs in the future and past tense, change them by person, use prepositions in speech (in, on, at, behind, under).

Practice using some question words (who, what, where) and simple phrases consisting of 2-4 words (“Kitsonka-murysenka,

where did you go?").

Connected speech

Help children answer simple questions ( "What?", "Who?", "what is he doing?") and more complex issues ( “What are you wearing?”, "What's your luck?", "to whom?", "Which?", "Where?", "When?", "Where?").

Encourage attempts by children over 2 years 6 months, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about what is shown in the picture, about a new toy (new thing, about an event from personal experience.

During dramatization games, teach children to repeat simple phrases. Help children over 2 years 6 months dramatize passages from well-known fairy tales.

Develop the ability to listen to short stories without visual accompaniment.

Development of free communication with adults and children

Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms


Promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Give children a variety of tasks that will give them the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults

("Look into the locker room and tell me who came",

“Find out from Aunt Olya and tell me.”, “Warn Mitya. What did you say to Mitya?

And what did he answer you?”).

Offer for yourself

th viewing pictures, books, toys as visual material

for children to communicate with each other and the teacher.

Tell children about these subjects,

as well as interesting events

(for example, about the habits and tricks of domestic animals).

The pictures show the states of people and animals: happy, sad, etc.

To achieve that

so that by the end of the third year of life, speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication between children and each other.

Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned

Looking at story pictures.

Di "Find the item you need"

Home and household items.

Di “What is there at home?”, "I walked and laid"

Distinguishing and naming the colors of objects.

D/u "Locomotive"

Thematic cycle "Toys"

Di "We'll give away toys".

October Introduction to vegetables.

*Di "Garden"

Reading by A. Barto "Toys".

*A game “The children stood in a circle”

*Di “Who came to us?”

Thematic cycle "Pets"

*Di "Animal Songs"

November *Looking at the painting "Jolly Travelers"

*D/n The dogs got scared"

*Looking at the painting "Jolly Travelers"

*D/n The dogs got scared"

Di "Guess and name"

December Reading a familiar Russian folk tale "Teremok"

*Looking at the painting "Teremok"

Thematic cycle "Winter"

*Di "Find the picture"

*Joint writing of a story by the teacher and children on the topic "Winter".

*Di “Where is the snowflake?”

Looking at the painting "Let's roll the balls"(author of the series

E. Baturina)

*Di "Roll the ball into the goal"

January *Winter fun

* D/i “What did Santa Claus make?”

*Reading a poem

E. Moszkowski "The Train is Rushing".

*Looking at the painting "Train".

February *D/i "Teddy Bear's Room".

*Staging game "The Goose and the Foal" ZKR

*Looking at the painting "Friends"

*Reading the work of S. Mikhalkov "Song of Friends"

March "Spring". Looking at the painting "Spring"

*Speech speech "Walk through the puddles"

*“What happens in the spring?”

*Di "Doll Masha goes for a walk".

Thematic cycle "Wild animals".

*Di “Who lives in the forest?”

April *D/i "Doll Masha goes for a walk".

Thematic cycle "Wild animals".

*Di “Who lives in the forest?”


by educational field "Reading fiction"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value


Development of literary speech;

Introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste"*.

Formation of interest and need for reading

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, teach them to ask questions: "Who (What) This?", "What is he doing?".

Continue to encourage children to look at pictures in books.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, and original works. Accompany reading by showing toys, pictures, tabletop theater characters and other visual aids, as well as develop the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment.

Accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful activities.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

Month Organized Activities

Cooperative activity


Repetition of a Russian folk tale "Turnip".

*Di “Who eats what?” 2. Reading stories about autumn p. 165 (37)

*Reading nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok”.

Russian folklore

September *Staging a nursery rhyme.

* Reading poems by A. Barto "Toys"

* Memorize poems "Bunny". Repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales,

read and told to children of the second year of life.

Songs, nursery rhymes, chants. “Our ducks in the morning.”; “The cat went to Torzhok.”; "Egorka the Hare.";

“Our Masha is small.”; “Chicky, chicky, chicky.”, “Oh doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree";

“Because of the forest, because of the mountains.”; “A fox was running through the forest with a little box.”;

“Cucumber, cucumber.”; “Sunny, bucket.”.

Fairy tales. "Kids and the Wolf",

arr. K. Ushinsky; "Teremok",

arr. M. Bulatova; "Masha and the Bear",

Folklore of the peoples of the world

"Three Merry Brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina;

"Boo-boo, I'm horny", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva;

"Kotausi and Mausi"; English, arr., K. Chukovsky;

“Oh, you little bastard.”; lane with mold. I. Tokmakova;

“You, little dog, don’t bark.”, trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova;

"Conversations", Chuvash., trans. L. Yakhnina;

"Snegirek", trans. with him. V. Viktorova; "Shoemaker", Polish, arr. B, Zakhodera.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. A. Barto. "Bear", "Truck", "Elephant", "Horse"(from the series "Toys")

"Who's screaming"; V. Berestov. "Sick Doll", "Kitty"; G. Lagzdyn, "Cockerel";

S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse";

E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbr.); N. Pikuleva. "Fox Tail", “The cat was inflating the balloon.”;

N. Sakonskaya. “Where is my finger?”;

A. Pushkin.

“The wind blows across the sea.”(from "Tales of Tsar Saltan"); M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby(from the poem "Cossack lullaby"); A. Barto, P. Barto. "Roarer Girl"; A. Vvedensky. "Mouse" "Cat"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka", "Confusion".

Prose. L. Tolstoy. “The cat was sleeping on the roof.”, “Petya and Misha had a horse.”; L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears"; V. Suteev. "Who said 'meow'"; V. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"; G. Ball. "Yellow"; N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

S. Kaputikyan. "Everybody sleeps", "Masha is having lunch" "New things" "Ga-ha-ha!" "In the toy store", "Friends".! from book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"

October *Storytelling Russian. adv. fairy tales "Kids and the Wolf"

*Demonstration of a table theater based on a fairy tale.

* Reading nursery rhymes "Goat", "Pussy", "Dog".

* D/i “Who is screaming?”

* Reading by S. Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

*Looking at the illustrations in the book.

*Telling a tale "Three Bears" V L processing. Tolstoy.

* The game is a dramatization of a fairy tale.

*Reading nursery rhymes "Egorka the Hare", Fox with a box"

* Learning nursery rhymes by heart. “I ran through the forest

November * Visiting a fairy tale" - entertainment for children.

* D/i "Guess the Fairy Tale". *Reading by K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion".

* D/i “What in the world doesn’t happen?”*Telling a Russian folk tale "Teremok" V processing K. D. Ushinsky (or M. Bulatova)

* A game "Bunny" Staging a nursery rhyme "Kisonka - Murysonka".

December *Reading of a poem by I. Belousov « First snowball»

*Looking at illustrations about winter. *Reading by Ya. Taitz "Train".

*Speech game "Train"

*Reading by G. Lagzdyn "Cockerel", "Bunny, bunny, dance".

*Y/n “Bunny, walk around...”

4. *Reading by V. Suteev “Who said: "Meow"

January *Reading the work of A. Barto and P. Barto "Girl is a roarer".

* Playing out the situation. *Reading a story by L. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”

*Speech game "Horse"

*Reading the story by V. Suteev "Good Duck".

*A game "Playing with the Birds" Memorizing poems by A. Barto "Toys"

February *Telling a Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut".

* Conversation based on a fairy tale. *Reading an English fairy tale "Kotausi and Mausi" V processing K. Chukovsky

*Speech game "Cat"

*Reading nursery rhyme “Our Masha is little...”

*Reading the work of K. D. Ushinsky "Geese"

*Speech game "Geese" A. Pushkin. “The wind blows across the sea.”(from "Tales of Tsar Saltan"); M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby(from the poem "Cossack lullaby"); A. Barto, P. Barto. "Roarer Girl"; A. Vvedensky. "Mouse"; A. Pleshcheev, in Rural Song"; G. Sapgir. "Cat"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka", "Confusion".

Prose. L. Tolstoy. “The cat was sleeping on the roof.”, “Petya and Misha had a horse.”; L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears"; V. Suteev. "Who said 'meow'"; V. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"; G. Ball. "Yellow"; N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

S. Kaputikyan. "Everybody sleeps", "Masha is having lunch" lane from Armenian T. Spendiarova. P. Voronko. "New things", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak. D. Bisset. "Ga-ha-ha!", trans. from English N. Shereshevskaya; Ch. Yancharsky. "In the toy store", "Friends".! from book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko.

March *Telling a Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

*Conversation based on a fairy tale.

*Reading an excerpt from "Tales of Tsar Saltan..." A. S. Pushkina "The wind blows across the sea".

*Speech game "Rain"

*Reading the work of V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse"

*Looking at illustrations for the work

*Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Rural Song" (the grass turns green)

*Speech game "Birds".

April "Magic chest of fairy tales" (game activity)

Repetition of covered material

May Repetition of covered material

Thematic exhibitions (favorite works)

by educational field "Artistic creativity"

V first junior group"Star"

Developed by a teacher:

Fedonova A. D.

With. Alexandroskoye

Explanatory note

Development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work);

Development of children's creativity;

Introduction to fine arts"*.

Development of productive activities


Develop children's perception, enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, tracing them along the contour alternately with one hand or the other.

Lead children to depict familiar objects, giving them freedom of choice.

Draw children's attention to the fact that the pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) leaves a mark on paper if you run over it with the sharpened end of a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush bristles). Encourage the desire to follow the movement of the pencil on the paper.

Develop aesthetic perception of surrounding objects. Teach children to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, and name them correctly; draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique, intersect them, likening subjects: ribbons, scarves, paths, streams, icicles, fences, etc. Lead children to drawing round-shaped objects.

Form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not bend low over the sheet of paper, your free hand holds the sheet of paper on which the baby is drawing).

To develop the ability to treat materials with care and correctly use: after finishing painting, put them in place, having first rinsed the brush well in water.

Learn to hold a pencil and brush free: pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, brush - just above the iron tip; pick up paint on the brush, dipping it with all the bristles into the jar, remove excess paint by touching the bristles to the edge of the jar.

Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce plastic materials: clay, plasticine, plastic mass (giving preference to clay). Learn to use materials carefully.

Develop the ability to break off lumps of clay from a large piece; sculpt sticks and sausages, rolling the lump between your palms with straight movements; connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly together (ring, lamb, wheel, etc.).

Develop the ability to roll out a lump of clay using circular movements of the palms to depict round objects (ball, apple, berry, etc., flatten the lump between the palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbread); make a depression in the middle of the flattened lump with your fingers (bowl, saucer). Learn to combine two sculpted forms into one item: stick and ball (rattle or mushroom, two balls (tumbler) and so on.

Teach children to place clay and sculpted objects on a board or special pre-prepared oilcloth.

Development of children's creativity

Arouse children's interest in activities with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, paints, and clay. To form the idea that they draw with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints, and sculpt from clay.

Draw children's attention to the various lines and configurations depicted on paper. Encourage them to think about what they have drawn, lead them to the simplest associations: what does it look like.

Create a feeling of joy from the strokes and lines that children have drawn themselves.

Encourage to complement the image with characteristic details; consciously repeat earlier

the resulting strokes, lines, spots, shapes.

Introduction to fine arts

Examine illustrations to works of children's literature with children. Develop the ability to answer questions based on the content of pictures.

Introduce people toys: Dymkovskaya, Bogorodskaya, matryoshka, Vanka-vstanka and others appropriate to the age of the children.

Draw children's attention to the nature of toys (cheerful, funny, etc., their shape, color.

Aesthetic development environment. Develop children's interest in surrounding: draw their attention to how clean, bright the room they play and study in, how many bright, beautiful toys there are in it, how neatly made the beds on which they sleep.

On walk draw children's attention to beautiful plants and site equipment that is convenient for games and relaxation.


September 1. Introduction to pencil and paper.

"Miracle - Sticks" (pencils)

3. Introduction to paints and brushes (gouache).

"Magic brush".

4. Draw with felt-tip pens. 1. Introduction to plasticine.

2. Introduction to clay.

3."Magic Wands" (clay)

4."Multi-colored lumps" (plasticine)

October 1. "Rain : drip - drip" (felt pens)

2."Leaf Fall" (paints)

3."Colorful Balls" (pencils)

4.“Feet walked along the path” (paints) 1 "Candy for dolls" (clay)

2."Treat for a bear" (plasticine)

3."Vegetables" (clay)

4."Kolobok from a fairy tale" (clay)

November 1. "Colorful pictures" (paints)

2."Balloons" (felt pens)

3 "Straight Tracks" (pencils)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Lipka" in the village of Ilyino, Lipetsk municipal district


at the meeting Head of MBDOU

Pedagogical Council of MBDOU _________ T.N. Korotaeva

Protocol No. _________ (signature)

from "___" __________20 ____g. from "___"__________ 20____





Korolkova N.D.

Styuflyaeva E.V.

Structure of the educational program:

I.Target section of the educational program.

1. Explanatory note. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….4 pp.

1.1.Goals of the Program………………………………………………………….…….5 p.

1.2.Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program……………………………………………………………….6 p.

1.3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program…………………………………………………………..…8 p.

1.3.2.Features of children’s development (age-related characteristics of children)………………………………………………………………………………………..…8 p.

2. Planned results as guidelines for students’ mastery

Programs…………………………………….……………………… 9 pages.

2.1. Planned results of mastering the Program (mandatory part)……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 pages.

2.2. Planned results of mastering the Program (the part formed

participants in educational relations). …………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 pages

II. Content section.

1. Educational activities in accordance with the direction of child development………………………………………………………………………………………………13 p.

1.1.Educational field “Socio-communicative development”………………………………………………………………………………..…………..16 p.

1.2.Educational area “Cognitive development”……………………………………………………………… ………….19 p.

1.3.Educational area “Speech development”………………………………………………………………………………………...22 p.

1.4.Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”………………………………………………………………………………………...25 pp.

1.5.Educational area “Physical development”………………………………………………………………………………………31 pages.

2. Description of cognitive forms, methods, methods and means of implementation

Programs……………………………………………………………....36 pages.

2.1.Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices…………………………………………………………………………………..43 p.

2.2.Methods and directions of supporting children’s initiative…………………………………………………………………49 p.

2.3.Features of interaction between the teaching staff and families

pupils………………………………………………………51 p.

3. Pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of children’s individual development)………………………………………………………………………………………………55 pp.

4. The part formed by the participants in educational relations……………………………………………………………….……..58 p.

III. Organizational section

5.Organization of the regime of stay of children in preschool educational institutions…………………………………………………………………...61 p.

6. The mode of direct educational activities of pupils……………………………………………………..………62 p.


1. Explanatory note

The main general educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Lipka" in the village of Ilyino, Lipetsk municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the Program), was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155), taking into account the project of an exemplary educational program for preschool education “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others. (for the transition period until the approval of the Approximate basic educational program for preschool education) and ensures the development of the personality of preschool children from 2 to 7 years old in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics.

When developing the Program, the following regulatory documents were taken into account:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in the main educational programs - educational programs of preschool education”

4. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool organizations. SanPiN" (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 30, 2013);

The program ensures the development of the personality, motivation and ability of children in various types of activities and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas):

1. Social and communicative development

2. Cognitive development.

3. Speech development.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

5. Physical development.

Playing activities (including role-playing games, as the leading activity of preschool children, as well as games with rules and other types of games);

Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers);

Cognitive - research (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them; perception of fiction and folklore);

Labor (indoors and outdoors);

Constructive (construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials);

Fine (drawing, modeling, applique);

Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments);

Motor (mastery of basic movements) activity of the child.

1.1.Goals and objectives of the Program

The goal of the Program is to create for each child in kindergarten the opportunity to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in various types of activities, and creative self-realization. The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world.

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, social status, psychophysiological and other abilities (including disabilities);

Ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education;

Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

Ensuring variability and diversity of the content of the Program and organizational forms of preschool education, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

Formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protecting and promoting the health of children.

1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

The program is formed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education for the structure of the educational program of preschool education and its volume and determines the content and organization of educational activities at the level of preschool education.

The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).

The content of the Program is structured in accordance with the current interests of modern preschoolers and is aimed at their interaction with various spheres of culture: fine arts and music, children's literature, the native language, the natural world, the subject and social world, play, hygiene, everyday and physical culture. Such broad cultural and educational content becomes the basis for the development of cognitive and creative abilities, to satisfy the individual inclinations and interests of children at different stages of preschool childhood.

Basic principles formation of the Program are:

the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

the principle of scientific validity and practical applicability (corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy);

the principle of completeness of necessity and sufficiency (set goals and objectives are solved only on necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable minimum);

the principle of unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, abilities and skills are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

When developing the program, the following basic principles were taken into account (Federal State Educational Standards DO clause 1.2.):

Supporting childhood diversity; preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person, the intrinsic value of childhood - understanding (considering) childhood as a period of life that is significant in itself without any conditions; significant because of what is happening to the child now, and not because this period is a period of preparation for the next period;

Personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), teaching and other employees of preschool educational institutions) and children;

Respect for the child's personality;

Implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

Basic principles of preschool education (FSES DO clause 1.4.):

Full-fledged living of a child at all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

Construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of preschool education;

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

Supporting children's initiative in various activities;

Cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family;

Introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

Age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

Taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

Basic ideas of the Program:

The idea of ​​the development of the child as a subject of children's activity;

The idea of ​​the phenomenology of modern preschool childhood;

The idea of ​​the integrity of a child’s development in an emotionally rich, interesting, educational, educational process that gives the opportunity to actively act and create;

The idea of ​​pedagogical support for a child as a set of conditions, situations of choice that stimulate the development of children's subjectivity and its manifestations - initiatives, creativity, interests, independent activity.

The Program is implemented in Russian, the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program

1.3.2 Peculiarities of children’s development (age-related characteristics of children)

Preschool age is the most important in human development, as it is filled with significant physiological, psychological and social changes. This period of life, which is considered in pedagogy and psychology as an intrinsic phenomenon with its own laws, is subjectively experienced in most cases as a happy, carefree life, full of adventures and discoveries. Preschool childhood plays a decisive role in the formation of personality and determines the course of its development at subsequent stages of a person’s life path.

Characteristics of the age-related characteristics of the development of preschool children are necessary for the proper organization of the educational process, both in a family environment and in a preschool educational institution (group).

2. Planned results as guidelines for students’ mastery of the Program.

2.1 Planned results of mastering the Program (mandatory part)

The planned results of the implementation of the Program specify the requirements of the Standard for target guidelines in the mandatory part and the part formed by participants in educational relations, taking into account the age capabilities and individual differences (individual development trajectories) of children, as well as the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities, including disabled children (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities).

The results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education, which represent social and normative age characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, the high range of options for its development, its spontaneity and involuntary nature), as well as the systemic features of preschool education (the optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the absence of the possibility of holding the child any responsibility for the result) make it unlawful The requirements for specific educational achievements from a preschool child determine the need to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets.

Target guidelines for preschool education are determined regardless of the forms of implementation of the Program, as well as its nature, the characteristics of children’s development and the Organization implementing the Program.

Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of children. Mastering the Program is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

These requirements provide guidelines for:

a) building educational policy at the appropriate levels, taking into account the goals of preschool education that are common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation;

b) solving problems: forming a program; analysis of professional activities; interactions with families;

c) studying the characteristics of the education of children aged 2 months to 7 years) informing parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation.

The target guidelines for preschool education include the following social and normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements:

Early childhood education targets:

the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;

uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses basic self-service skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior;

has active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understands adult speech; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys; strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them;

shows interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, strives to move to the music; responds emotionally to various works of culture and art; The child has developed gross motor skills, he strives to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation and participants in joint activities;

the child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;

the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play; the child knows different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

the child has developed gross and fine motor skills; he is mobile, resilient, masters basic movements, can control and manage his movements;

the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions; inclined to observe and experiment. Has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; is familiar with works of children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

The Program's targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completing their preschool education.

2.2. Planned results of mastering the Program

(part formed by participants in educational relations)

a) - the child shows a positive emotional attitude towards the natural world, which is expressed in love for his native nature, the ability to see its beauty and originality, interest in its knowledge, orientation in the living and inanimate nature of the region, local environmental problems, humane attitude towards its objects, desire to take care of them;

The child should know about the importance of gymnastics and physical education; about the benefits of hardening; about the value of your health; about the basic functions of the body; about the main vitamins in food; about some external signs of health and illness, about the routes of transmission of infections;

Know how to choose healthy foods rich in vitamins; carry out hardening procedures (senior preschool age); use personal belongings correctly; wash your hands on time and correctly;

use the telephone when calling an ambulance, police, fire truck (senior preschool age),

Developed interest in various sports; - conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. b) - practical mastery of speech norms, formation of a vocabulary; - correct use of the word in strict accordance with the meaning; - intonationally expressive speech, grammatically correct structure of speech, coherent speech; - knows how to maintain a conversation; - correct dialogical form of speech; -developed monologue form of speech. - knows how to coherently, consistently and expressively retell short tales and stories.

Regional component

The child has primary ideas about his family, his hometown of Lipetsk (the nearest society), the nature of the Lipetsk region, the history of his native land, and the people who glorified the Lipetsk land. He can talk about his native village (village), name it, knows the state symbols of the Lipetsk district, Lipetsk region. Has an idea of ​​the map of his native land.

Shows interest in folk art, recognizes and names folk craft products of the Lipetsk region.

Knows representatives of the flora and fauna of the Lipetsk region and the nature reserves located on the territory.

Has a primary understanding of the rules of behavior at home, on the street, in transport, knows the rules for handling dangerous objects, basic rules of behavior on the road, in the forest, in the park.


1. Educational activities in accordance with the areas of child development.

The content of the Program is structured in accordance with the current interests of modern preschoolers and is aimed at their interaction with various spheres of culture: fine arts and music, children's literature and native language, the natural world, the subject and social world, play, hygiene, everyday and physical culture. The content of the Program ensures the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and covers the following structural units, representing certain areas of development and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas):

- social and communicative development

- cognitive development

- speech development

- artistic and aesthetic development

- physical development

The specific content of educational areas can be implemented in various types of activities - as end-to-end mechanisms for child development (Federal State Educational Standards for Pre-Section, clause 2.7.)

1.1.Educational area

"Social and communicative development."

Socio-communicative development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

The main directions of implementation of the educational field:\

1. Development of gaming activities.

2. Labor education.

3. Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

4. Patriotic education of children.

When constructing the pedagogical process, teachers implement the main educational content of the Program in everyday life, in joint activities with children, through the integration of natural activities for preschoolers, the main of which is play. Play becomes the content and form of organization of children's lives. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children's activities and communication between the teacher and preschoolers.


Development of gaming activities

1st junior group (2-3 years)

Plot-display and plot-role-playing games. Director's games. Didactic games.

Tasks of working with children.

Create conditions and help organize play activities based on purposeful play activities with toys and the teacher.

Lead children to understand the role in the game.

Form initial skills of role behavior; learn to connect plot actions with the role.

To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with simple content together with the teacher.

To stimulate interest in theatrical play through the first experience of communicating with a character (doll).

To promote the manifestation of independence and activity in playing with characters and toys.

To enrich children’s sensory experience in games with didactic material.

Conduct didactic games to develop mental processes in a child.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers in play and in communication.

Tasks for the development of gaming activity.

Develop all components of children's play (enrich the themes and types of games, play actions, plots, the ability to establish role-playing relationships, create a play environment using real objects and their substitutes, act in real and imaginary play situations).

To develop the ability to follow game rules in didactic, active, educational games.

Cultivate friendly relationships between children, enrich the ways of their play interaction

Labor education.

Patriotic education of children.

1st junior group (2-3 years)

1. To promote the favorable adaptation of children in kindergarten, to maintain the emotionally positive state of children.

2. To develop the gaming experience of each child, helping children to reflect ideas about the surrounding reality in the game.

3. Maintain friendly relationships between children, develop emotional responsiveness, attract

to refer to specific actions of help, care, participation (to have pity, to help, to address affectionately).

4.Form basic ideas about people (adults, children), about their appearance, actions, clothing, about some pronounced emotional states (joy, fun, tears), about family and kindergarten.

5. Contribute to the formation of the child’s primary ideas about himself, about his

age, gender, parents and family members. Develop independence, confidence,

orientation toward adult-approved behavior

People (adults and children).

Finding out the names of boys and girls in a group. Children's determination of the appearance features of boys and girls, their clothes, hairstyles, preferred toys. The difference between adults and children in life and in pictures. Showing and naming the main parts of a person’s body and face, his actions. Distinguishing and Naming

actions of adults.

Determination of pronounced emotional states that the teacher

calls in words and emphatically demonstrates with facial expressions, gestures, and voice intonation.

Repeating after the teacher words denoting an emotional state, recognizing

pictures. Family. Looking at pictures depicting a family - children and parents.

Recognizing family members, naming them, understanding how parents care for their children


Getting to know your group and teachers. Orientation in the group room. Understanding the “do’s” and “don’ts” rules. When shown and reminded by an adult, they greet, say goodbye, say “thank you”, “please”. Show attention to the words and instructions of the teacher, act according to his example and while

zu. Participation together with the teacher and children in general movement, musical, plot and round dances


An idea of ​​simple items of clothing (names), their purpose, methods of putting them on (tights, T-shirts, T-shirts, panties).

Observing the work processes of adults in serving children, which expands them

horizon. Naming certain actions that the adult helps the child build in a certain sequence.

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

Objectives of educational activities.

1. To form children’s ideas about the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and methods of safe behavior; on road safety rules as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger.

2. To develop the skills of independent safe behavior in everyday life based on the rules of safe behavior.

Enriching ideas about the variety of sources and causes of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature, about typical mistakes in situations dangerous to life and health (fire, frost, thunderstorm, hot sun, swimming in an unfamiliar body of water, crossing on ice, contacts with the homeless animals, etc.). Ideas about the consequences of careless actions (bruise, frostbite, burn, bite, etc.). Mastering the rules of behavior on the street when crossing the road. Knowledge of traffic lights and crossing signs

streets, transport stops. Rules of conduct with strangers: enter into

communication only in the presence and permission of parents, not accepting treats, gifts from strangers without parental consent, not opening the door to strangers, etc.

"Social and communicative development."


"I'm in kindergarten."

"Cheerful bunnies."

"Teddy Bear."

"Mishka meets the guys."

“I feel good with my friends.”

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"Our fun train."

"The bear brings gifts."

"Boys and Girls."

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"We are friends".

"What's happened".

"We are helpers."

"We do everything together."

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"Images of animals and birds."

"State of Nature".

"We are walking with toys."

“What am I?”

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

“What are we?”

“Who will find themselves faster?”

"We do everything together."

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"My kindergarten."

“We show care and attention.”

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"My family".

"Children and adults".

"Emotional states."

"We are learning to understand each other."

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"My family".

"Boys and Girls."

“I feel good with friends.”

"Children and adults".

T.I.Babaeva, T.A.Berezina, L.S.Rimashevskaya. "Socialization".

"We are here to help."

“The doll Masha came to visit.”


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Shalamova E.I. Implementation of the educational field “Labor” in the process of familiarization

children of senior preschool age with professions.-SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2013

1.2. Educational area


Sensory development;

Development of cognitive research activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland,

ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of the people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

Formation of primary ideas about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples



"Visiting the Children"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Guys' Holiday"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Okay, okay"

N.A. Karpukhina

"The doll is walking"

N.A. Karpukhina


"The path to the bunny's hut"

N.A. Karpukhina

"The birds are thirsty"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Cockerel - cockerel"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Wonderful bag"

N.A. Karpukhina


"Who Lives in the House"

N.A. Karpukhina

"My street"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Room for Katya"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Big and Little"

N.A. Karpukhina


"My mom"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Snow-white lumps"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Toys in Places"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Toys for Mishutka"

N.A. Karpukhina


"Where we live"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Snowflakes are flying"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Little Christmas Tree"

N.A. Karpukhina


"Who is treating us"

N.A. Karpukhina

"The doll is cold"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Where the Animals Live"

N.A. Karpukhina

“What will you go on?”

N.A. Krpukhina


"Mom's holiday"

N.A. Karpukhina

"Why does the snow melt"

N.A. Karpukhina

“What spring brought us”

N.A. Karpukhina

"Where's my mom"

N.A. Karpukhina


"Our favorite kindergarten"

N.A. Karpukhina

“The sun is looking through the window”

N.A. Karpukhina

"Yellow fluffy"

N.A. Karpukhina


We conduct classes to consolidate children's knowledge.

Methodological support for the educational field.

Lesson plans for developing mathematical concepts in children

preschool age / L.N. Korotovskikh.-SPb, Detstvo-Press, 2013

Logic and mathematics for preschoolers / E.A. Nosova, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya – St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press, 2002

Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology” Long-term work plan for

formation of ecological culture in preschool children. SPb.: CHILDHOOD

PRESS, 2012

Mikhailova Z.A., Polyakova M.N. Educational field "Cognition" St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-

PRESS. 2013

Mathematics from three to seven / Z.A. Mikhailova, E.N Ioffe. – St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press, 2000.

Mikhailova Z.A. Mathematics from three to seven. St. Petersburg, “Childhood-Press”, 2001

Mikhailova Z.A., Cheplashkina I.N. Mathematics is interesting. St. Petersburg, “Childhood-Press”, 2011

Dybina O.B. What objects are made of - M., Sfera shopping center, 2010.

Dybina O.B. What happened before... Games-traveling into the past of objects. -M., 2010.

Dybina O.B. the unknown is nearby. -M., 2010.

Petrova I.M. “Theater on the table” (manual labor) S.P. "ChildhoodPress" 2003

Mikhailova Z.L. Game tasks for preschoolers – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000.

Junior preschooler in kindergarten. How to work according to the “Childhood” program / T.I.

Babaeva, M.V. Krulekht, Z.A. Mikhailova. –SPb.: Childhood-

Press, 2008.

Kutsakova L.V. Construction and manual labor in kindergarten: Program and notes

classes. M.,200

E.N. Lebedenko “Formation of ideas about time in preschoolers” St. Petersburg, “Childhood”, 2003.

A.A. Smolentseva “Mathematics in problem situations for young children” S-

Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2004

Pedagogy of modern times. Lesson notes in the first junior group of N.A. Karpukhin’s kindergarten. Vornezh 2007

1.3. Educational field "SPEECH DEVELOPMENT"

achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means

interaction with people around you through solving the following tasks:

Development of free communication with adults and children;

Development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech

Dialogue and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

Main areas of work on children's speech development

Dictionary development

Education of sound culture of speech.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

Development of coherent speech

Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

Fostering love and interest in the artistic word.

1st junior group (2-3 years)

Objectives of educational activities.

1. Cultivate in children an interest in communicating with adults and peers.

2. Teach children to come into contact with others, express their thoughts, feelings, impressions, using speech and basic etiquette communication formulas.

3. To develop children’s desire to actively engage in speech interaction, aimed at developing the ability to understand spoken speech with and without support from visual aids.

4. Enrich and activate children’s vocabulary through words-names of objects, objects,

their actions or actions with them, some pronounced parts, properties of the object (color, shape, size, nature of the surface).

Connected speech.

Understanding of spoken speech, first with the support of visual aids, and gradually without it. Responding to an appeal using available speech means, answering the teacher’s questions using phrasal speech or the form of a simple sentence. Attributing to oneself the speech of an adult addressed to a group of children, understanding its content. Initiative, coherent conversational speech as a means of communication and knowledge of the world around us. The child’s transition from single-word, phrasal speech to use in speech

sentences of different types, reflecting the connections and dependencies of objects.

The dictionary includes:

Names of objects and actions with objects, some features of objects;

Names of some labor actions and own actions;

Names of loved ones, names of children of the group;

Designations of personal qualities, features of appearance of adults and peers surrounding the child.

Grammatical correctness of speech.

Mastery of most basic grammatical categories: word endings; diminutive

Affectionate suffixes; the phenomenon of word creation. Demonstrate the ability to express thoughts in three to four word sentences. Independent speech of children.

Sound culture of speech.

The development of speech sound culture includes three main sections:

In sound pronunciation, children are characterized by a general softness of speech.

At the age of two, such imperfect pronunciation does not yet require special correction.

To successfully overcome it and prevent possible disturbances in sound pronunciation, active preventive work is required to strengthen the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: lips, tongue, cheeks.

In word pronunciation, the child tries to pronounce all the words that are necessary for

expressions of his thoughts. In the use of words of different complexity, a stable reproduction of the rhythm of the word is observed. Overcoming the phenomenon of skipping syllables in words according to the adult model.

Expressiveness of speech through accompanying gestures, facial expressions, pantomime (movements). Expressing your attitude to the subject of conversation using a variety of verbal means.

Manifestation of emotional involuntary expressiveness of a child’s speech.