The production of paving slabs from scratch as a profitable business. Paving slab production: easy to start earning

The production of paving slabs from scratch as a profitable business.  Paving slab production: easy to start earning
The production of paving slabs from scratch as a profitable business. Paving slab production: easy to start earning

In the organization of urban improvement, asphalt has been replaced by a new, more convenient and aesthetic option - paving stones. It is a popular building material for beautiful road surfaces. The scope of application is very wide - from the design of commercial and administrative buildings to playgrounds, cottages and private courtyards. Hundreds of thousands more yards and sidewalks require more durable and reliable coverage. And if the authorities cooperate with large contractors to design urban infrastructure, private individuals choose small enterprises. By organizing even a small production, you can quickly recoup costs and build a reliable stable business.

Concept development

Since paving stones are a popular and demanded material, there are many enterprises for its production. In some cities, this niche is practically filled. Before starting an organization, in order to build a strategy, it is important to assess the market capacity, to analyze the activities of competitors. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  • Evaluation of the work of competitive organizations - in what volumes do they produce paving stones, at what price do they sell products, are there any related services?
  • Identification of potential buyers - projects under construction, the private sector, repair teams.
  • Search for suppliers of raw materials.
  • Approximate calculations of profitability and payback periods.

If market monitoring shows high saturation, do not rush to invest large investments. A businessman with no experience in this area is better off not taking big risks and buying additional equipment and production capacity as new orders come in.

Financial part

Approximate start-up costs for setting up a business:

  • preparation of the premises - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase and installation of equipment - 500 thousand rubles;
  • business registration, obtaining certificates - 10 thousand rubles;

Total - 530 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs (per month):

  • lease payments - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payroll (3 employees) - 60 thousand rubles;
  • utilities and tax payments - 15 thousand rubles;
  • marketing - 5 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will amount to 100 thousand rubles.

Calculation of profitability

To produce 1 m² of paving stones you will need:

  1. cement - 90 rubles;
  2. sand-granite mixture - 40 rubles;
  3. concrete plasticizer, dyes - 30 rubles.

The prime cost will be 160 rubles / m².

If you work 8 hours a day with two days off per shift, you can produce 400 m² of products. The cost of paving stones varies within 700 rubles / m².

With a 100% sale, the amount of proceeds will be 280,000 rubles (700 rubles x 400 m²). Net profit: 280,000 rubles - (160 rubles x 400 m²) - 100,000 rubles. = RUB 116,000 The payback period of the project will be 5-6 months.

Manufacturing technology

There are two types of technology for the production of paving stones - vibratory casting and vibrocompression. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

For vibration casting, you need to purchase a vibrating table, which consists of an automatic line with a pneumatic conveyor. Manufacturing process:

  1. lubrication of forms;
  2. the prepared mixture is poured into molds that are placed on a vibrating table;
  3. the forms are kept on a vibrating table for some time;
  4. the forms are placed in a dry warm room for 12 hours;
  5. the resulting tile is carefully knocked out of the molds.

Production of paving stones by vibrocompression:

  1. preparation of concrete mix in a mixer;
  2. the pneumatic conveyor delivers the mixture to the vibropress;
  3. the supplied substance goes through the pressing stage and is formed into blocks;
  4. blocks are moved to pallets, where finished products are formed within 12 hours;
  5. packing of tiles.

Today, the more common method is vibrocompression. It makes it possible to obtain a more durable material, minimizing manual labor. The method is based on the use of an automated line, where workers simply fill up all the necessary components.

Raw material base

The service life of paving slabs is more than 25 years. Paving stones are manufactured in accordance with GOST "Concrete paving slabs". To obtain a high-quality frost-resistant material, you need to choose the correct ratio of components and follow the technology.

The composition of the paving stone (for 30 m²):

  • 800 kg of cement;
  • 2500 kg of sand-granite mixture;
  • 2.3 kg concrete plasticizers;
  • pigments, dyes.


It takes 3 workers to produce 30 m² of paving stones per shift. They only need attention, accuracy and ability to work, no special skills and knowledge. Their main functions are:

  • compliance with the ratio of ingredients;
  • kneading the mixture;
  • sending to the pressing table;
  • transfer to the drying room;
  • package;
  • warehousing.

With an increase in orders, you can hire additional workers.

Registration of documents

To obtain permits, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you are planning a large-scale project or you are a co-founder, it is better to choose a limited liability company as the organizational and legal form.

This activity does not require a license or mandatory certification. But it is advisable to include the costs of obtaining a certificate in the business plan for the production of paving stones. Such an examination will not take much time, it will cost 6-18 thousand rubles. As a result, the buyer will be confident in the quality and reliability of the purchased products. List of documents required for the operation of the enterprise:

  • A document confirming the identity and place of residence of the entrepreneur;
  • Identification code;
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (or LLC);
  • Extract from EGRIP (USRLE for LLC);
  • Certificate of conformity of goods to GOST.

Requirements for the premises

You can place a paving slab workshop in any convenient place. Moving power out of town, you save on rent. Mandatory requirements:

  • area from 60 m²;
  • zoning of premises to a production workshop, a place for drying finished products and storing products.
  • voltage power - not less than 380 W;
  • permissible temperature in the production workshop - 30-45 ° С;
  • permissible temperature in the warehouse - not less than 15 ° С;
  • water supply system;
  • three-phase power supply line.

As a rule, individuals prefer to find a full service contractor. Therefore, if you hire additional workers to provide paving services, you can increase your profits and avoid downtime.


Paving stones are a popular building material. Potential buyers are:

  • individuals;
  • outlets of building materials;
  • any institutions that have an adjacent territory.

The most profitable option is cooperation with wholesale companies. To do this, offer them good terms and try to conclude a long-term contract. Advertising is required for cooperation with individuals:

  • distribution of leaflets in places with potential clients;
  • posting ads in cottage and summer cottages, private sectors;
  • posting information in periodical buildings and on the Internet.

The most effective and free method is word of mouth. If your buyer is satisfied with the quality and price, he will definitely recommend your company to his friends.


There are many different options on the market today. Inexpensive manual equipment for the production of paving stones involves manual labor and poor quality products.

On average, a full-fledged line will cost from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles.
Equipment set:

  1. concrete mixer;
  2. forms;
  3. hydraulic rocker;
  4. vibropressing machine;
  5. dispensers;
  6. pallets;
  7. packing machine.

The possibility of combining with another type of business

In order to expand production and increase the client base, you can diversify production and move on to manufacturing:

  • polymer tiles;
  • 3D tiles;
  • rubber tiles;
  • luminous tiles;
  • plastic tiles.

With your own hands

You can start producing paving stones at home. In this case, it is necessary to purchase casting molds and building materials. All automated procedures must be performed manually. Production volumes will be small. This method is beneficial to use for laying tiles on your site or implementing it with friends.

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→ 08.09.2016


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    The tile production process, for all its seeming simplicity, is not at all as simple as many describe it. As a workshop foreman with more than ten years of experience, I can say that most of the self-taught manufacturers make paving stones against all existing technological processes. So, 99% of hand-made vibration tables do not work as they should and do not have the effect that is required during production. As a result, the homemade paving slab market is often overwhelmed with defective products.
    However, this business brings quite serious profit, and for some, homemade tiles are a great way to save money on real products. Nevertheless, regardless of whether you are making paving stones for yourself or for sale, you should monitor the quality of the product.
    Defects that are found in defective tiles can be compiled into a huge list. Being not only a manufacturer, but also a laying contractor, I can assure you that non-compliance of a product with established standards inevitably leads to a decrease in its characteristics, significantly shortens the life of the tiles and leads to very serious difficulties in the process of laying it.
    The main defects that I personally have to deal with from time to time are:
    1. Cavities in the body of the product. Such formations are, in fact, air bubbles, the cause of which can be both improper preparation of concrete and poor-quality work with a product on a vibrating table. As for the first option, first of all, the appearance of cavities is associated with the inaccurate use of the plasticizer. Moreover, such defects can be either immediately noticeable or not, representing a multitude of microscopic shells.
    2. Surface roughness. This type of marriage becomes apparent mainly by touching the tiles, although it is quite distinguishable with the naked eye.
    3. Defects at the edges of the product. High-quality paving stones, which have a pattern made in the form of a clear chamfer, necessarily have a glossy finish along the edges. If there is none, the product immediately goes to the number of defective ones.
    4. Irregular surface or chips. Many home-made lovers prefer to add crushed stone to the solution in order to make the tile look like a stone. However, as a rule, crushed stone of an overly coarse fraction is fed into a concrete mixer. As a result, the surface of products is often dotted with bulges, which are created by pebbles protruding from it.
    5. Often, private manufacturers, trying to save on moldings, make cups for pouring from improvised means (usually wooden), which leads to obvious deviations from the correct geometric shape.
    6. Uneven shade, faded color. The reason for this defect is the incorrect dosage of the dye.
    In general, the reason for all the listed errors is non-compliance (which occurs due to banal ignorance) of the technical processes of manufacturing paving slabs. The most common mistakes are:
    the use of low-quality ingredients and an impermissible deviation from the required proportions in the ratio of the components in the manufacture of concrete;
    the use of unsuitable moldings and poor-quality lubricants;
    illiterate organization of the vibration process and lack of control over external indicators (temperature, humidity, etc.).
    All these shortcomings can be completely avoided, but this requires an approach to production with the utmost responsibility and attention.
    Every true professional knows that, when starting a new batch of products, you should make three trial batches, during which, experimenting with the amount of ingredients, you need to find their ideal proportions. In addition, you should pay attention to the moisture and fluidity of the concrete when it is poured into molds. The result should be a perfect plastic mixture that completely fills the bowls without pores or cavities.
    Having the opportunity to purchase high-quality consumables, you should not buy obviously bad ones in the expectation that the difference will increase the profit. In my entire working career, I have never met a manufacturer who really enriched themselves on poorly made products.
    So, the most successful choice for the manufacture of paving slabs by all specialists is cement 400 without any additives in its composition. In addition, other components (such as sand, crushed stone, etc.) should also be cleaned of all possible impurities, getting rid of acids first.
    In addition, the cause of most defects in poor-quality paving slabs is an overly rigid concrete mixture, which is expressed primarily in the wrong ratio of water and cement ratio. This becomes obvious already in a concrete mixer (especially in a gravity-type machine), when small hard lumps begin to come across the mixture. This problem is eliminated quite quickly - by increasing the amount of water in the solution.
    No matter how good the moldings look, after the number of cycles specified by the manufacturer, they should be replaced with new ones without any regret. Because the correct shape of the tiles can be achieved using only correct and strong molding bowls, inside of which there are no cracks, no burrs, or even minor scratches.
    In addition to all of the above, do not underestimate the importance of a competent workspace organization. The production equipment must be in perfect working order, the molds must be washed and dry, and the concrete mixer moistened.
    The surface on which it is planned to store finished products must also meet very specific characteristics: be located away from direct sunlight, and be as flat as possible, which is achieved using an ordinary building level.

    One of the most necessary devices in the manufacture of paving slabs is a vibrating table, which, in principle, is not surprising. If you wish, you can even do without a concrete mixer, using a suitable container and a shovel for this. However, without vibration, no tricks of paving slabs can be made.
    From my many colleagues involved in the production (concrete fences, paving stones, stairs, etc. products for construction), I have heard many stories about the manufacture of vibrating structures for ramming mortar. I made such products myself several times, if ordered. By and large, such an enterprise is economically justified, and for a person who knows the basics of electrical and mechanical engineering, it is quite realistic, because the vast majority of the materials required for this can be found in almost any garage and home workshop.
    All technologies for the construction of such a device are very similar in many ways, and the main thing that distinguishes any mechanized device from a bad one is its engine. I will say right away that if you are not a professional mechanic and you are not engaged in the manufacture of engines at least half of your conscious life, do not even think about making it yourself. It is best (and safer) to get it from a specialty store. Yes, it will not be cheap, but, in the end, you will have a normal, working device, which, in fact, is what your work is aimed at.
    I have heard more than once that many of the home craftsmen use engines from old washing machines or motorcycles for this purpose - not such a bad option. The main thing is to rely on the required characteristics. I proceed from the following calculations. The motor for a large vibration table (weight: 250–300 kg, length 1–1.5 m) must have a power of 1.1 kW. For small ones (up to 200 kg, up to 1 m long) - 0.23 kW.
    At the same time, I advise you to remember that engines with low power, by their design, are not adapted to high loads and are categorically not suitable for production at least on any serious scale. You can use a vibration table with such a motor exclusively for your personal one-time needs, since after 40 cycles you will have to change the bearings in it, and possibly correct the loose axle. Often, home manufacturers put two motors from a washing machine at once in order to increase the vibration of the structure. In principle, this option is quite possible, but only if the motors are absolutely identical, otherwise the difference in vibrations will lead to the destruction of the entire device.
    I use sheet metal to make the countertop. it is strong enough and it is quite easy to clean off the solution from it. However, an OSB plate is also quite suitable, which will greatly facilitate the entire structure and serves primarily to protect the engine and other vibrating mechanisms from mortar.
    When choosing a suitable metal, it is worth considering with all care not only the dimensions, but also its weight, since a powerful engine can damage the entire structure, simply because it will not be massive enough for it. On the contrary, a heavy structure with a weak motor simply will not vibrate properly due to insufficient power.
    Our factory tables have four sturdy legs, but I recommend using the H-shaped support. Its strength may well compete with the classical one. Moreover, this shape provides free access to the countertop from all sides, which is great when dragging finished products, moving mortar, etc. It is imperative to weld special metal platforms onto the legs, because otherwise they will shatter the floor as a result of vibration.
    The classic vibrating table for tiles is a half-meter square on each side. Also, rubber springs will be needed for its manufacture, and if it is supposed to be used only for personal household needs or for the manufacture of small batches, then it is better to put rubber rollers.
    Springs are readily available on the market. Any one will do, for example, from an old moped or a car. Their height should be no more than 13 and no less than 9 cm. Soft are best suited, because they make a little noise and can compress a lot. Before using them in a finished structure, you should check their quality. To do this, the table must be loaded with a weight that is twice the planned load. Ideal when the worktop is not in contact with the spring glass.
    Next, I will list with a list of materials that will be needed to construct a table (from legs to table top):
    at least 14 m of profile pipe (100 by 80 mm);
    25 sq. see sheet metal (at least 10 mm thick);
    rolled products (50 x 450 mm and 110 x 160 mm);
    four bolts 20x100 and self-tapping screws;
    the above engine (at 2800 rpm);
    automatic machine and cable.
    The plate to be placed on top should be a very sturdy, welded rectangular frame. At its edges, there should be sections of a profile pipe (2200 mm each), interconnected by pipes (440 mm each), the distance between which should be equal.
    A metal sheet (600 x 400 mm) with a thickness of 12 mm is attached directly to the frame by welding. A motor is attached to it. The spring slots should be located along the edges of the frame, the same should be on the bottom of the frame. The sockets should be located strictly opposite each other - so that the spring is strictly vertical, each pair in one line.
    It is worth remembering that a characteristic feature of such a device is that the rhythmic monotonous jolts should take place strictly in the horizontal plane, preventing the solution from boiling. The vibrating mechanism itself is a structure consisting of a so-called bearing cage and one cylinder with a cavity. Bearings are installed on both sides, while the cylinder itself is firmly welded to a plate located in the upper part of the vibration table.

In urban landscaping, the ubiquitous asphalt pavement has been replaced by a beautiful and convenient material - concrete tiles. She spread sidewalks, playgrounds, adjoining territories, cottage and summer cottages. Thousands of kilometers of sidewalks and courtyards await new practical coverage. And, if city administrations mainly cooperate with large contractors, then individuals and entrepreneurs are happy to order paving stones from small enterprises. . The business of producing paving slabs, even with small volumes, quickly pays off and brings good profits. Moreover, it does not require large start-up investments.

Should you open a paving production facility?

To answer this question, study the supply and demand in the pavement market in your city:

  • Analyze in what volumes your future competitors are producing paving slabs and at what price, and what other services they provide.
  • Define your potential customers: open-air cafes, private hotels and shops, repair and construction teams.
  • Look for possible suppliers: if there are no granite and sand pits nearby, you will have to order raw materials from other regions, which will significantly increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability of production.

If a competitive market research reveals that its saturation is low, it may be worth considering setting up a production facility with high productivity.

It is better for an inexperienced entrepreneur not to take risks and buy additional equipment as large orders come in.

Business registration

The production of paving slabs as a business does not need any licenses or certificates. Enough and you can start organizing production. If you wish, you can go through the procedure of voluntary certification of products, which will confirm the high quality of your products that meet state standards.

What kind of tiles to produce?

The main types of paving slabs are clinker, vibropressed and vibrocast. Clinker tiles are the most expensive of all. Its production requires high quality clay and special equipment for firing. It is impractical to start the production of expensive tiles for a small enterprise due to the rather narrow market for such products.

You should focus on vibrocasting tile production. Such tiles are most in demand due to their durability and wear resistance, a variety of shapes and colors. This is the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio, both for customers and for the manufacturer. The vibration casting technology is easy to use and has a low cost price. Vibro-pressed tiles have similar characteristics, but it is believed that their production is more expensive than production by vibration casting.

Along with paving slabs, you can produce curbs, facing stone, park decor items. Do not leave the laying of your tiles to the wrong hands: usually work on the manufacture and installation of the coating is carried out in a complex. This is convenient for the buyer, and you can more accurately calculate the required number of tiles.

Shop organization

The technology for the production of tiles requires a special temperature regime, therefore, it is necessary to place the equipment in a heated room. Where the production workshop will be located does not matter. You can rent any suitable space from 60 sq. m. The building must be supplied with communications: central water supply and three-phase electricity with a voltage of 380 V.

Separately, it is necessary to equip a drying room with a warm floor, where the air temperature will be maintained at 35 - 40 degrees. Allocate a storage room for finished products.

In winter, if your production increases in preparation for the peak spring / summer season, you may need an additional warehouse.

For the production of paving slabs, equipment is required:

  • concrete mixer (1 - 2 pcs.);
  • shaping vibrating table;
  • stripping table;
  • plastic molds.

This is the minimum set of equipment that is sufficient for the production of shaped and square paving stones, facade tiles, decorative fences and slabs with gutters.


To reach a productivity of 30 sq. m of tiles per day, it is necessary that 3 people work in one shift. There are no special requirements for the qualifications of employees. They are required to comply with the recipe for mixing concrete, fill out forms and send products to pressing tables and to the drying room.

During the high tiling season, hire a few people to work on a temporary basis.

Purchase of raw materials

A quality tile covering can last up to 25 years. Paving slabs are manufactured in accordance with GOST "Concrete paving slabs" No. 17608-91. Products must meet the requirements of frost resistance, strength, water absorption and abrasion resistance. For this, the tiles are made from quality raw materials in strict compliance with the technology.

For the production of 30 sq. m of tiles you will need:

  • cement - 0.8 t;
  • sand-granite mixture - 2.5 tons;
  • concrete plasticizer - 2.3 kg;
  • pigments.

It is better to negotiate with the quarry management directly or through an intermediary company about uninterrupted supplies of sand and crushed granite or screenings.

Try to buy cement constantly of the same brand, especially when fulfilling a large order, otherwise you will face such a problem as color mismatch of tiles from different batches. The same goes for pigments.

Sales of products

In order to offer your tiles to potential customers, you need to make several demo samples. Pour samples of products of different colors and shapes so that the customer, with his own eyes, and not in the catalog, can see how his tile covering will look like.

Additional options can be presented in a colorful brochure, accompanying them with information about the benefits of concrete tiles, their correct use and your company's service offerings.

It is better to communicate with repair and construction teams individually, for other clients - place ads in cottage and summer cottages, in free newspapers and Internet sites, in specialized magazines.

Business plan for the production of paving slabs

One-off costs for launching a production line of 30 sq. m of paving slabs per day are from 200 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of renting a workshop.

Cost of production 1 sq. m of tiles averages 210 rubles. (including the cost of raw materials; wages at the rate of 45 rubles per 1 sq. m; electricity consumed in a standard working day).

Average selling price of 1 sq. m of tiles - 350-370 rubles.

Subject to the quick sale of all products, the production of paving slabs can pay off in 2-3 months.

Making paving slabs as a business at home is an excellent solution for doing business. The demand for building material, in combination with a competently organized production process, will allow the head of the business not only to receive a stable income, but also to flourish. The purchase of high-quality raw materials and adherence to technological standards are a guarantee of success, which will allow you to quickly change the status of a small business to a large one. Additional income can be obtained by expanding the scope of activities in the field of providing services for the installation of tiles. This solution will attract customers who want to receive a comprehensive service.

Organization of a paving slab production business

About the product

With the growth of people's well-being, the question of practical and aesthetic changes in the environment in the place of residence, recreation and business becomes relevant. Happy owners of private houses are given the opportunity to express themselves through the arrangement of the courtyard, paths and separate areas adjacent to buildings. Finishing is done with paving slabs. Today, this building material is considered one of the most in demand, since with its help you can not only create a beautiful view in the courtyard, on the streets, near the entrance to the company's office, in parks, but also provide traffic in these places.

You can level any road with paving slabs, providing the possibility of a comfortable approach to the desired place, as well as minimizing the effect of dirt on a person's shoes in rainy weather.

Business advantages and disadvantages

The production of paving slabs as a business has a number of advantages and disadvantages, expressed in the nuances of the production, sale and installation of products. The positive aspects of entrepreneurial activity in this area are the growing demand for the product and related services. The main clients are representatives of middle class citizens and successful businesses. Such consumers of services are interested in the quality of the building material and the services provided for its installation. Cost criteria are usually not relevant for them. This makes it possible to earn good money by setting high prices, which should not be increased more than competitors engaged in similar activities.

Varieties of forms used for the manufacture of paving slabs

Business registration is limited to the registration of a business entity. To maintain it, no permits are required. Also, you do not need special skills in the construction field. The nuances of the production technology can be mastered in practice by trial and error, which will be excluded from the technology after the first batch of products. Production can be organized in any room in which the inhabitants of neighboring objects will not be disturbed by noise and vibration. These factors are practically excluded when using high-quality imported equipment.

The technological process is provided by several workers, and the area of ​​the premises required for production should slightly exceed the size of the equipment. A business in the field of paving slabs production is characterized by profitability and quick payback, provided it is properly organized. Along with the many advantages of doing business, there are also negative aspects of it. They are expressed in tough competition, since many want quick and easy money that is easy to earn in this area.

The activity is categorized as seasonal. Shopping is typical only for a warm time period. This leads to the lack of activity or its conduct in small volumes in the winter. Low wages due to underemployment during this period can provoke the desire of employees to find a new job. In this case, the head of the company will have to look for a replacement. It is worth noting that tile production is boring and monotonous work, therefore, even with high salaries, a business organizer will have to come to terms with staff turnover.

Pouring the prepared mixture into molds

Types of materials used in production

The technology for the production of paving slabs involves the release of several types of products: vibrolite, vibro-pressed and hydro-pressed. Vibrating tiles suitable for paths that are not planned to be affected by the gravity of objects moved along it. Vibro-pressed and hydro-pressed tiles fit in places where an intense load is planned. Paving slabs can be made of concrete, clay or expensive natural stones, which give the product strength.

Read also: Equipment for the production of fiberglass reinforcement


When drawing up a business plan for the production of paving slabs from scratch, a section on the characteristics of the premises used for production should be included in the document.

Its parameters must correspond to the selected method of production, the type of equipment used and the number of workers employed in the production of products. You should not consider the option of buying or renting premises, the area of ​​which is less than 70 square meters, since these dimensions are comfortable for small equipment and a minimum number of employees involved in production. With an increase in productivity, you have to worry about expanding production areas. When choosing the location of the premises for the implementation of a business idea with the production of paving slabs, you should pay attention to industrial zones with convenient access and a place for storing raw materials and finished products. By choosing an object located near the place of purchase of raw materials, you can save on its delivery.

Dyed tiles

The main criterion when choosing a room is its technical characteristics. It must be provided with a supply of electricity, with a minimum voltage of 360 V. It is recommended to have a sewerage system, as well as a supply of tap water, hot and cold. The best option would be the presence of insulated floors, as well as the possibility of heating the production area and warehouse, since the drying of finished products after processing in a drying chamber is carried out in a dry and warm room.


Vibrocompression is an obligatory element of the technological operation. To ensure this process, special complex equipment is needed for the production of paving slabs, which includes:

  • vibropress;
  • concrete mixer;
  • punch.

The cost of such a line exceeds $ 30,000. When buying each component of the equipment separately, its complex can be much cheaper. This is due to the choice of machine tools from manufacturers offering their products at a lower price. You can save money by making equipment to order or by yourself.

Vibrating tiles

For example, a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs with your own hands can be made even without experience in working with metal. To do this, you must have a welding machine, a grinder and a drill. The main expense in the manufacture of equipment will be the purchase of metal sheets. A well-designed machine diagram, as well as following the instructions for its manufacture, will save the business organizer money, since the price of the finished table is calculated in thousands of dollars.

Raw materials used

Filling the form with a pre-prepared mixture

For the manufacture of paving slabs, a concrete mixture is used, consisting of cement, crushed stone and building sand. To improve the characteristics of the products, special plasticizing additives are used. The use of pigments is used to give a variety of shades to tiles used to create unique architectural forms. When choosing raw materials, one should take into account the requirements for its parameters. Crushed stone fractions should not exceed 10 millimeters, and the grain size of sand should not be more than 5 millimeters.

Paving slabs are a product that is in ever-growing demand and does not lose its relevance. It is used to cover squares, sidewalks, steps, roads, driveways for cars.

In the market of paving slabs, the share of large manufacturers is 95%, small ones - 5%. Consumers are municipalities, businesses, individuals.

Paving slabs are gradually being replaced by asphalt pavement. According to experts, the business for its production is highly profitable (100%) and is profitable.

  • clarify the volume of production and selling prices from future competitors;
  • identify potential customers (shops, open cafes, hotels, construction companies);
  • find potential suppliers of raw materials.

After the analysis carried out with insufficient market saturation, it is possible to calculate the profitability of production with a higher productivity. An entrepreneur with no experience in running such a business should not immediately purchase an expensive set of equipment. You can buy it additionally after receiving large orders.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: where to start?

When starting a business, consider:

  1. tile manufacturing technology;
  2. select equipment and calculate the costs of its purchase, delivery, installation;
  3. calculate the amount of raw materials and their costs;
  4. solve the issue of packaging of finished products;
  5. foresee advertising costs;
  6. think over ways to implement tiles.

Room selection

There are no requirements and restrictions for the premises for the production of paving slabs.

The area should be sufficient to accommodate the equipment; a room of 70 m2 or more is suitable.

According to the technology, a certain temperature regime must be observed in the production of tiles, therefore, in winter, the premises must be heated.

Additionally, a drying chamber is required (with a constant temperature of about 45 degrees), the floor in it must be warm, and there must be no ventilation. A warehouse is needed for finished products. Requires a water connection, 360 V power supply.

The technology for the production of tiles using the vibrocasting method requires a constant supply of water in large quantities, therefore communications must be reliable.

Documents for registration of activities

To start a business, you need

Paving slabs are not subject to mandatory certification in the GOST system, however, you can voluntarily obtain an EZ (expert opinion).

After checking the tiles (for strength, frost resistance, water absorption, abrasion and other properties), the certification center issues a document confirming the quality. This increases the competitiveness of the product. A consumer who is serious about choosing a tile will certainly pay attention to all the characteristics.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

For the production of paving slabs, you need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shaping table;
  • stripping table;
  • plastic forms.

What equipment is required for the industrial production of furniture and how to open your own business in this area - read

Production personnel

3 people will be able to cope with the technological process (preparation of concrete, pouring it into molds, pressing and sending it to the drying chamber), provided that the daily production of paving slabs is 50 m2.

They do not need special education. If demand increases during the high season, it is possible to employ several additional people.

An approximate business plan for the production of paving slabs

Initial investment in production:

  • melting and heating unit 540 thousand rubles;
  • press D2430 470 thousand rubles;
  • press mold PP TR 210 thousand rubles;
  • concrete mixer SBR-500 69 thousand rubles;
  • commissioning works 110 thousand rubles;
  • bath for washing forms 5 thousand rubles;
  • scales MK-15.2 4.2 thousand rubles.

Total: 1408.2 thousand rubles.

Necessary materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • plasticizer;
  • pigment.

Necessary costs:

  1. The cost of raw materials is 3.794 rubles / ton (136.58 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).
  2. 60 thousand rubles (subject to work in 1 shift). Wages and salaries will amount to 28.58 rubles. for 1 m2 of tiles.
  3. Tax deductions 8.7 rubles. for 1 m2 of tiles.
  4. Rent of premises 10 thousand rubles. (2.38 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).
  5. Electricity consumption per shift is 135 kW (7.8 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).

You can learn how to make handmade soap at home and see an approximate business plan for the production of soap, you can

The cost price of 1 m2 of paving slabs:

The price of paving slabs is 480 - 500 rubles / m2. With a monthly production of 50 x 22 = 1100 m2 of tiles, the amount from its sale will be 528 thousand rubles.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: profitability and payback

The calculation was made taking into account the daily production of 50 m2 of tiles and its selling price of 400 rubles / m2. When organizing 2-shift work, income will double, and the payback period will be reduced.

Making paving slabs as a vibrocasting business requires more manual labor, and therefore increases the cost of wages for workers. The type of raw material also affects the cost price: for the production of high-quality tiles, washed sand is needed, the cost of which is several times higher than the usual one.

, technology, business plan and other issues were discussed in detail in our article at the link.

It is not recommended to save on raw materials: due to its low quality, the tiles will become unusable in 3 years, this ruin the reputation of an entrepreneur... To reduce the cost, the production process should be optimized.

Video on the manufacture of paving slabs

Paving slab production as a business - in this video you can watch the tile production technology:

Paving slabs appeared in our country quite recently - in the 90s - and was a clear opposite of the materials that were used at that time, therefore it very quickly conquered the construction market and became very popular, as a result of which the paving slab business and today it is very relevant. The main advantages that explain the popularity of paving slabs are the ease of installation, sophisticated appearance and durability.

Here you will consider everything related to its production: equipment (vibrating table, machine, vibrating press), forms, manufacturing technology.

Business plan

Here we will not consider the points of the summary, market analysis and the organizational plan for the production of paving slabs, because in all business plans they are almost identical, but we will consider only the most basic information with prices that will help you in drawing up your business plan, because it is different for each company.

If you do not know how to draw up one, you can download a business plan template, which is the source for any example.

Necessary equipment

In this case, you will need the following minimum equipment for the production of paving slabs:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Pouring vibrating table;
  • Deforming vibrating table with a set of frames for splitting;

The cost of such a minimum set of machines will be 100-500 thousand rubles. If you like convenience and speed, then it would be better to purchase a stationary vibropress for the production of paving slabs - an automated and semi-automatic line for the production of tiles and similar concrete products, but it costs from 1.5 million rubles.

Vibrating press for the production of paving slabs and other concrete products / Line price 1.5 million rubles

It should be noted right away that these machines and lines are not specialized, i.e. they can be used to make not only paving slabs, but also other similar products: various blocks, bricks, curbs. The only thing that is needed for this is the molds for making. All this is a huge advantage of this business.

In addition, you will also need a transformer, a hydraulic trolley, a loader (in case you decide to shift the finished mixture not with your hands), shovels, trowels, wheelbarrows and similar little things.

It is not enough to have only equipment, because one of the key components is the forms for the production of paving slabs. They are the main consumables. They look like this:

They are inexpensive - from 20 to 100 rubles apiece. The price depends on the complexity of their execution and the material spent on them. They are made of plastic.

Manufacturing technology

The process itself is quite simple and does not require any special skills. The whole technology for the production of paving slabs and the whole process looks like this (see video):

Concrete mix recipe

  1. Textured layer... It provides the basic quality indicators of the tiles. Composition of one cbm. ready-mix concrete: cement - 500 kg, crushed stone with sand (2: 1), plasticizing additives - consumption depending on the additive used, dye - 7.5-12 kg.
  2. Base layer... It gives the paving slabs the desired thickness and is the main carrier of strength. Composition of one cbm. ready-mixed concrete: cement - 250 kg, crushed stone with sand (1: 1), plasticizing additives - consumption, depending on the additive used, there is no dye.

Manufacturing process

Consider a technology using conventional equipment:

  1. It is necessary to prepare concrete with pigment in a smaller concrete mixer (see the paragraph "Preparation of pigment"), and in a larger concrete mixer without pigment.
  2. We lay out the forms of paving slabs tightly to each other on a vibrating table.
  3. With a layer of 1-2 cm, it is necessary to spread colored concrete (covering the bottom of the mold as much as possible). No dye is required in the manufacture of ordinary gray paving slabs.
  4. Next, you need to turn on the vibrator for 5-10 seconds. During this time, the concrete will cover the bottom with an even layer. Vibrations of the vibrating table top should be moderate.
  5. Add the concrete without pigment to the molds up to their edges. Turn on the vibrator for another 5-10 seconds. Excess concrete must be cut off with a metal corner, leveling it along the edge.
  6. After filling the paving slabs with concrete and the end of vibration, carefully smooth the mortar in the molds (wipe). If the amount of concrete is not enough, then you need to add it to the mortar and rub it without vibration. Arrange the smoothed tile shapes on pallets in layers, laying each layer with plastic sheets. The total number of layers should be no more than 10.
  7. Cover trays with filled forms with plastic wrap. This is to keep it from drying out. It is allowed to move them no earlier than 48 hours after the tile pouring procedure.
  8. Before knocking out pavement tiles, it is necessary to heat up to 60-70 degrees Celsius in a water bath, keeping each in it for no more than 2 minutes. The heated mold is placed on a vibrating table for knocking out paving slabs. It should be noted that stripping without preheating will shorten the mold life by about 30% and can lead to product rejects, especially for thin tiles.
  9. Drying of finished products in natural conditions occurs within 2 days. Pallets with products can be moved no earlier than 48 hours after pouring.
  10. After stripping the paving slabs are placed on Euro pallets "face to face", tying them with packing tape. To ensure the further hardening of concrete and preserve the presentation of the products, they must be covered with a polyethylene heat-shrinkable or stretch film.
  11. In summer, paving slabs are released when they reach 70% of the design strength, which approximately corresponds to 7 days of concrete hardening, counting from the moment of its manufacture. In winter, vacation must be done when 100% of the design strength is reached (28 days from the moment of concrete preparation).

Pigment preparation

Inorganic powder pigments must be mixed with water before their use until a uniform sour cream-like consistency is formed. Then this mixture is infused in this form for at least 1 hour. This is necessary to increase the dispersion of pigments, the value of which characterizes the coloring power of the sidewalk tiles.

Remember that this is a rather expensive component of concrete, in addition to the fact that an increase in its content deteriorates the quality of concrete, as a result of which a decrease in its share in concrete with sufficient saturation is desirable. This prepared dye can be stored for a long time, because has a stable formula, but the color may become even brighter during storage, which makes it a little economical to add to paving slabs, because the dispersion of the pigment will increase. Before adding concrete to the mixture, it must be mixed.

PS: Plastic molds for the production of paving slabs are usually washed in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (5-7%). You can use a higher concentration, but it will already be dangerous for you. After washing in acid, rinse them with additional water.