A parable about how God gave away life. A parable about how God gave away ideals A parable about how many years of life God gave to man

A parable about how God gave away life.  A parable about how God gave away ideals A parable about how many years of life God gave to man
A parable about how God gave away life. A parable about how God gave away ideals A parable about how many years of life God gave to man

At the very beginning of the creation of the world, after God created the earth, sky, trees, plants, animals, birds and humans, he decided to limit the life span of each of them.
A man was the first to approach him; he wanted to live happily ever after, as he should have, but God gave him only twenty years of life. The man got upset and started asking for more,

And then God said that he should stand nearby while he divides, and if anyone refuses his years of life, he will give them to the person.
There was nothing to do and the man agreed.

The horse came first, God gave it forty years old. She thought and said: “Forty years of plowing, not sleeping, carrying everything on myself. I don’t want to, he says, even twenty is enough for me.”
The man was delighted, another twenty years had been added, but he was asking for even more.

The second one came was a cow, God also gave her forty years. She thought and also began to refuse: “For forty years they will constantly milk and milk, you can go crazy, twenty is enough for me.”
The man was even more delighted, sixty years had already been measured, and he kept asking.

The dog and cat came in next. God gave them twenty years of life. But they also thought and began to refuse: “We don’t need so much, they will constantly kick us, drive us from corner to corner, we don’t want to be parasites, ten years will be enough for us.”
The man became quite cheerful; God had already given him eighty years to live.
No one else refused, but the man was happy about it, because he extended his life four times.

This is how every person lives to this day.
The first twenty years are like a person. They provide him with everything, feed him, give him something to drink, put him to bed, and have fun as best he can. The second twenty years are like a horse. He works tirelessly to build a house and support his family. The third twenty years are like a cow. Then the children have grown up and are constantly asking for vacations, for fashionable clothes, for a wedding.
Then the grandchildren - “Grandfather, GIVE.”
Well, the last twenty, like a cat and a dog, everyone kicks him, he is superfluous to everyone, he bothers everyone.

On a bright day, under the playful rays of the blinding Sun, God sat on the peak of the highest of the mountains, opened the azure Arabot and began to extract ideals from it.
Arabov was full and God was generous.
And he called people and decided to bestow this divine blessing on them.
People appeared to God and one by one appeared before him, expressing their desires.
The Poet of the Dark Word spoke first:
- I drank a syllable to the dregs. I have exhausted all the waters of Hypocrene. But I could not pour out the languor of my spirit on paper! Help me in my passion! GIVE ME AN INEXHAUSTABLE SPRING OF INSPIRATION!

And God answered:
- Is your desire true? Has every passionate person known the end mark of his life? Having exhausted your spirit, will you not exhaust both life and love for it? Is your path correct and isn’t your languor leading you into the thicket of despondency?

And so the Poet answered:
“I have not known human love, but paper is resigned and patient, and I am friends with it.” My spirit is tired in the fight against the wall of human hypocrisy and cruelty, and I cannot speak to this world except with the written word. This is how I see the path of my destiny and that’s where I’m going.

Then God said to the weary man:
- Man is not created for Fate, but Fate submits to man. She bows before every patient and strong spirit, and the tablets of a worthy writer become her guide. Fate dances for those who have the ear to play its tune and those who have the strength to learn to play like Bacchus himself and even better than Bacchus himself!
And I decide for you this way: receive the Power of the Spirit - it will give strength to your will; Patience, which will allow you not to move away from the obstacle that once blocked your path; Reason - because you lost it in the years of loneliness and seclusion. Take the gifts and go home.

The Poet accepted the gifts and his facial features changed. And the previously languid face gained determination, the previously dull gaze flared up and became firm and bold. And the Poet said:
- I was a sour poet with sour verses. Now I will begin to compose lines of joy and sing of life in all the sweetness of its fruits! E-hey-hey!

Having said his piece, the poet left, singing the newly composed lines and dancing.

The Philosopher stepped out next to God.
- I studied this world and found its insides inky black. In my mind I examined all the facets of the universe and boredom came over me. I learned all the paths of life and their surroundings. I dissected the will and contemplated its secrets, but I found the world in my imagination and in my imagination I observed the world of stupid and unhappy people. Then I found self-forgetfulness in my anger over the absurd little world, close and infinitely distant; over the fools who preach nonsense and call it philosophy, who are not afraid to stick out their donkey ears and be recognized in their donkey mind.
I'm tired of my hatred. Now I'm looking for nirvana.

God said in response to the Philosopher:
-Have you been looking for the truth and collecting it? Perhaps, in many ways, your mosaic of truth is foldable and harmonious. The fact that the dark parts of the mosaic predominate in your pattern does not make me happy. You lost the brightest and corner lobes while you carried them into your home! But your philosophy was not so true if you did not find happiness! And your philosophical mind was not powerful enough if the guiding thread there was not clear to you!
For you, my decision is this: take Fun - for you are fed up with frantic gloom and malice; take Lightness and Playfulness of Thought - you have been looking for oblivion for a long time, so in them you will find the best possible oblivion.

The previously gloomy Philosopher rejoiced and, smiling at life and rejoicing at new thoughts, light and titillating, disappeared into his country.

After that, many people approached God and found what they were looking for, until the crowd of passion-lovers thinned out and there were two left on the highest of the mountains, next to God: a silent monk and a merry carnival dancer. And both did not approach him.
Then the Almighty turned to the dancer, who was dancing his intricate dance without rest and humming an intricate playful tune:
- Why did you come to the highest of the mountains, while there is no need for you to ask? What prompted you to make the difficult journey to my monastery?

The dancer answered God without stopping in his unrestrained dancing:
- In my country there is such a custom, tram-pump-pam!: where a crowd gathers, there is always fun! Always a holiday, always the ringing of tambourines and tambourines! Always cheerful laughter and the noise of cups filled with wine! E-hey-hey! So I went to an unknown land in order to experience the delight of foreign fun, amusements and music! But I saw only a gathering of sad and meek people, but transforming as if in a mirror! Then I decided to wait and look at the skilled magician! He-wa, he-wa, salt!
What! I thank you, magician of divine transformations, but the hour of great triumph for my country is approaching and I am leaving! Wow! I can already hear the alluring sounds of the lute and the screams of my triumphant fellow villagers - only the village knows the true madness of feasts! I have the honor to bow to you, sorcerer, and leave. You have given happiness to those who ask, but much more awaits me in my home!
Tru-la-la! Tru-la-la!
The holiday is looking for a king!
The drunken king is coming!
He-wa, he-wa, he-wa, salt!

Singing songs, dancing and jumping, the carnival dancer rushed off to the sounds of his country.
The monk, without uttering a single word, remained motionless and prostrate for the seventh hour. And two remained on the mountain: a living idol and an idolater.
For another seven hours God sat in causeless silence. For the same seven hours the obedient monk remained like a stone.
Finally, the Almighty turned to the monk with the words:
- Why are you silent? Why have you become like a rock, even more than a rock, for every rock moves with the earth on which it stands - you are like a standing corpse! Not everyone would recognize the life in your body! Do you have any requests? Open your mouth!

Colourless, like air and evenly, like stone, the monk spoke to God:
“From the very initiation I live on small things, but my food is lean, rare and tasteless, for patience and endless limitation gives me spirituality. I live in the dark cells of a remote, lonely monastery; I read prayers and scriptures day and night, and by doing this I bring myself closer to the best of all worlds. I moved away from the vanity of the world, for everything worldly is unnecessary vanity and languor of the spirit. From you, greatest one, I don’t need anything, for I have now found the most valuable of all imaginable blessings - I found myself next to you and close to you.

And God said in response to the hermit’s emaciated despondency:
- I see that you are a saint! The holiest of saints! I didn’t know an easier solution until you said it. - God looked into Arabot, removed the remains of the contents and continued speaking, - There was little left in my casket - no one wanted to receive these fruits - but the most necessary! Receive modesty, for it is the companion of every servant. I will multiply the humility that you have achieved with my gift of humility, for it is inherent in everything that is resigned and lifeless. Mercy, for otherwise than through giving kindness, devoid of recompense, you will not find shelter among people.
Now remain, holy one, in the most sacred of places - for people like you I created this place. I'm leaving here. I go to where the music is playing and the wine is flowing. I go where life is celebrated. I can already hear the thunderous drums and the gentle sounds of the pipe, and now I want to dance.

Having uttered these words, God rose from his place and walked away.
- But where are you going? - exclaimed the monk, - why are you exchanging human vice for heavenly benefactor?

God laughed when he heard the monk’s words and answered:
- Don't you think that the cold heavens are my eternal abode? What strange tales have you been taught by those who have never known or seen me! You have dedicated your life to obedience to the blind and deaf - reap what you sow. Following the blind and stunned, you fell into the deepest of pits - the pit of lack of will and insanity! You were looking for paradise and eternal bliss - take them in the cold mountains piercing the heavens. For people like you, I created this “Kingdom of Heaven.” Wander in it and seek relief from the suffering that you caused yourself in solitude. Truly, only here will you find your friends! You do not know joy and the virtue-giving passion of joy, so what will you give me in your presence? You whiled away your days in religious zeal for otherworldly oblivion, so you prolonged the worthlessness of the existence of body and spirit. Truly, your life is a deep vanity and great languor for those to whom your appearance and your sad words appear.
So am I worthy of your strikingly blinding holiness? I, God the Creator Tempter? I, Corruption-of-Your-Spirit? What could I give you? I’ll leave quickly so as not to take something from you!

God completed his last word and, dancing and singing, went off to the blazing feast, where the carnival dancer and others gifted by God were dancing.
The monk, blown by the cold mountain winds, cautiously peered at the back of the Departing One, stood like a mountain and did not doubt anything.

At the very beginning of the creation of the world, after God created the earth, sky, trees, plants, animals, birds and humans, he decided to limit the life span of each of them.
A man was the first to approach him; he wanted to live happily ever after, as he should have, but God gave him only twenty years of life. The man got upset and started asking for more,

And then God said that he should stand nearby while he divides, and if anyone refuses his years of life, he will give them to the person.
There was nothing to do and the man agreed.

The horse came first, God gave it forty years old. She thought and said: “Forty years of plowing, not sleeping, carrying everything on myself. I don’t want to, he says, even twenty is enough for me.”
The man was delighted, another twenty years had been added, but he was asking for even more.

The second one came was a cow, God also gave her forty years. She thought and also began to refuse: “For forty years they will constantly milk and milk, you can go crazy, twenty is enough for me.”
The man was even more delighted, sixty years had already been measured, and he kept asking.

The dog and cat came in next. God gave them twenty years of life. But they also thought and began to refuse: “We don’t need so much, they will constantly kick us, drive us from corner to corner, we don’t want to be parasites, ten years will be enough for us.”
The man became quite cheerful; God had already given him eighty years to live.
No one else refused, but the man was happy about it, because he extended his life four times.

This is how every person lives to this day.
The first twenty years are like a person. They provide him with everything, feed him, give him something to drink, put him to bed, and have fun as best he can. The second twenty years are like a horse. He works tirelessly to build a house and support his family. The third twenty years are like a cow. Then the children have grown up and are constantly asking for vacations, for fashionable clothes, for a wedding.
Then the grandchildren - “Grandfather, GIVE.”
Well, the last twenty, like a cat and a dog, everyone kicks him, he is superfluous to everyone, he bothers everyone.

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I want to share with you a parable my father told me when I was a child, and I thought about it and turned it into poetry. If you like it, write a review; if you don’t like it, write it.

A parable about how God distributed life

One day God dined abundantly and had a good rest. He decided to restore order in his affairs. To his guard angels, He ordered all those whom he created to be brought to him immediately. And man was delivered first. Man still has a higher intellect. “I have assigned you a short life. I give twenty-five years of your worthless idle life.” Fell before God on knees of a man.: “Oh, God have mercy! After all, this is not enough, almost nothing.” The Lord frowned, “Enough.” But the man had a high intelligence for no reason. He hid and forced himself to wait. What will happen next? And then they led to To the Almighty a bull. You are a strong animal - said the Lord the Worker of you, an excellent one. I give you fifty years. I don’t know a stronger animal in the universe. The bull prayed. “Why, oh my Lord, did He give me such a long life? After all, I have to plow and sow all my life. And the man, he’s right there. He’s already crawling to God on his knees.” Great, just God, Give me half of those years Which the bull doesn’t want to take.” “So be it,” said the Lord, and he let go with a wave of his hand. The dog was next. “You are a faithful dog, a great guard, and for this reason I give you fifty years of your dog’s life.” The dog cried bitter tears, “Why, God! Are you punishing me like this?” strictly All these years I have to bark, I pray you take away at least half! "And the man is here, he is not far away. He is already praying to God, an insatiable little man." unnoticed, quietly And ducked around the corner. Then they brought a monkey to God. “With all your antics, you are smart, almost like a man. Therefore, I will extend your life. And you will get fifty years, dear.” “Why are you the Almighty! Yes, it’s better to hang yourself than for me to jump. fifty years old."Again a man crawls out of the shadows."Give them to me if she doesn't want them" - "Yes, your greed has no bounds!" - Said the Lord, - but agreed. And what is the result - - God thought - What have for us guys it turned out that our man lives for twenty-five years, like a man. Then he gets married, starts a family. And he plows like an ordinary bull. And the children grow up and we need to teach them. And you bark at them all day long like a rootless dog. And you’re getting old and your head is gray. And the yard is full of grandchildren, you cutesy and jump around like a monkey. entertaining your grandchildren. That’s how you can be cunning, But you can’t outwit God. You only live like a human for twenty-five, and the rest, my friend, you live other people’s lives.