Feng Shui attracts love. How to use feng shui for love

Feng Shui attracts love.  How to use feng shui for love
Feng Shui attracts love. How to use feng shui for love

Chinese traditions consider human feelings to be the most important area of ​​life, which helps to achieve complete harmony and happiness.

That is why feng shui for attracting love is a real science, including certain behavioral tactics and specific talismans.

It is worth noting that love, according to Feng Shui, is associated both with the search for a soul mate and with the establishment of already existing relationships.

Feng Shui for love in the apartment

First of all, experts from ancient teachings recommend optimizing the space around you to increase love energy. The right environment in your home will not only help you attract love into your life. Feng Shui of an apartment also allows you to harmonize the relationship between the sexes.

Apartment design

If you are looking for a partner or future spouse, even if you are looking for a close friend, try to follow these rules.

  • Keep pictures and photos of attractive people of the opposite sex indoors. They will help attract a soul mate. Decorate the eastern part of the workplace with red objects: vases, talismans, paintings.
  • According to Feng Shui, love requires a lot of luck, so hang it in the living room, be it peacocks or phoenixes. Avoid images of lonely people in the house. Such portraits only attract negative energy.
  • Promptly get rid of old things that remind you of your previous relationship. Past gifts, photographs, as well as romantic correspondence from the past - all this should not be in the house.
  • Get rid of the abundance of feminine energy in the house. Your partner may be put off in advance by the presence of cosmetics, jewelry and lace in every room. If you need to attract a specific man, decorate the interior taking into account his interests.

How to decorate your bedroom according to Feng Shui to attract love

When you are puzzled by the question of how to find love according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the design of your bedroom, especially if it has an advantageous placement in the love and marriage sector or in the family area.

  • Hang pictures with lunar paths near your bed, as well as images of this Earth satellite. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Moon significantly increases the chances of attracting a partner. Paintings with beautiful landscapes and floral motifs are also allowed.
  • Do not install mirrors in the sleeping room, especially on the wall opposite the bed. These items very quickly take away love luck from a person’s life. It is not advisable to keep potted flowers and images of autumn scenes and sunsets in the bedroom.
  • According to Feng Shui, love never comes to the home of single people. Therefore, the bed should be a double bed, with free access to both sides. The bed should consist of 2 pillows. The space above the bed itself should not be covered with shelves or decorative elements, because Qi energy should circulate freely in the room.
  • Don't place your bed so that your head is near the window and your feet are near the door. Please also note that the bed should have a clear view of everyone entering or leaving the room. There shouldn't be many corners in the bedroom. In addition, this room cannot be a walk-through room.
  • The southwest part of the sleeping room is an ideal place to store a seashell that will help improve relationships. At the same time, children's toys should not be stored in the bedroom.

Regardless of the location of the bedroom, it is important to know where the love corner is according to Feng Shui. This is the far right area in each apartment. This is where candles, incense and aphrodisiacs would be appropriate. Work documents, TV and computer gadgets are not desirable in this sector.

The love corner should always be clean and well lit.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage: basic actions

The correct search for a future partner is an important aspect of attracting love luck. According to Chinese teaching, one should take an active position and independently draw up a specific scenario for the development of events.

  • Make a list with the merits of your future chosen one. In addition to all the qualities you need, work on the list of your partner’s disadvantages. Please note that both lists must be varied. How to attract love according to Feng Shui in this way? Just send this information to your loving spirits. To do this, copy the data onto red or pink paper, roll it into a tube and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Keep this scroll in the far right corner of the door.
  • At midnight, in the southwest of the bedroom, light several red candles, maybe even scented ones. Place them in a wide vessel with water: let them float freely and create a romantic atmosphere in the house. It is advisable that the container with water should be a crystal or glass vase, with stones and a precious ring on its bottom. It is also worth putting a few rose or peony petals on the water.
  • On first dates, try not to forget about the need for red shades in clothes and accessories. This will increase positive energy.

Flower of Romance

Few fans of Chinese traditions know that Feng Shui for love and marriage is also a thorough study of a person’s destiny based on Bazi astrology. Getting to know the 4 Pillars of Destiny allows you to discover and activate the so-called Flower of Romance or Peach Flower. He, in turn, is one of the main creatures of the Chinese horoscope: Horse, Rat, Rooster or Rabbit.

First, find out what animal you were born on. This is determined by the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Remember the following ratio:

  • For Monkeys, Rats and Dragons, the Rooster is the flower.
  • Pigs, Rabbits, Goats should focus on the Rat.
  • Horses, Dogs or Tigers consider the Rabbit as the Peach Blossom.
  • Bulls, Roosters and Snakes have the Flower in the form of the Horse.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage involves the use of Flowers of Romance in the form of corresponding animal figures. You should always keep such a figurine with you. Also keep in mind that each creature is assigned its own cardinal direction, so everyone has individual romantic sectors in their house.

  • The horse occupies the center of the southern part of the apartment.
  • The rat belongs to the middle of the northern zone.
  • The rooster is identified with the center of the western sector.
  • The rabbit is assigned the middle of the eastern area of ​​the house.

A beautiful vase with fresh flowers and clean water should be placed in the right place. True, if the romantic sector is in the bathroom, it is better not to engage in activation, but to subtract the Peach Blossom not by the day, but by the year of birth.

Please note that the Flower of Romance only applies to new connections and acquaintances. It will not help improve contact with your old partner or spouse. On the contrary, this symbol is capable of developing infidelity and conflict in a couple. Therefore, the vase of flowers is removed immediately after finding love.

How to find love using feng shui using flying stars

In this case, we are talking about how to attract love according to Feng Shui using special types of energy. These streams are presented in the form of flying stars moving around the apartment.

For romance, it is best to keep an eye on the Green Four and Purple Nine Stars. These elements, when handled correctly, bring true love into life.

To know where the Flying Star is located in a given year or month, you should use a special map. Then the favorable energy must be activated. This is done simply: the room in which the Star is currently located should become the most visited in the house or even a place to sleep.

Please note that according to Feng Shui, love, family and romance are attracted by the Stars only if there are no negative objects around the apartment: dying trees, power lines, garbage dumps.

Feng Shui signs of love

It is difficult to imagine Chinese practices without numerous symbols of love and family well-being. Some of the talismans will help single people meet their soulmate, while others will ensure stability and peace in an existing marriage.

  • Mandarin ducks are a feng shui sign of love, as well as a symbol of tenderness and strong family ties. A pair of these birds expresses a happy cancer, but they also promise good luck in relationships for single people. The talisman is used to activate the love sector in the southwest, as well as to improve the atmosphere in the bedroom.
  • Crystals are earth elements that are very active in the southwest sector of the bedroom. Illuminating the crystal will ensure that your partner’s passionate feelings are revealed.
  • A pair of swallows in China is the personification of home comfort and cleanliness, large offspring and prosperity. Such birds would be appropriate in any sector of the apartment.
  • A Feng Shui photo to attract love should contain images of peonies. It is these flowers that are perceived as the strongest talismans. Therefore, such a picture or photograph would be appropriate at the entrance to a bachelor’s bedroom. Married partners should place images of peonies in the living room.
  • Butterflies are an expression of joy and fulfilled desires. A couple of such creatures or a whole flock must definitely decorate the walls of the bedroom so that the sexual relations of the partners do not fade.
  • For those who thirst for spiritual unity in marriage, figurines of geese are suitable. The paired image of these birds is especially appropriate in the southwest. In addition, two kissing doves provide a guarantee of marital fidelity in the same sector.
  • Feng Shui hieroglyphs are also very important for attracting love. The stability of relationships is ensured by the “double luck” symbol, which will also help you find a new partner. Activation of romantic luck is possible by placing this sign, drawn on red paper with gold, in the southwestern part of the house. It is also allowed to put the symbol under the bed, hide it in your purse and decorate bed linen with it.
  • Classic Chinese lanterns in red shades are also very useful in the love sector. If you hang such talismans in a couple, they will return the lost sensual fervor to the relationship. A great place for lanterns is near your front door as they will be able to attract positive energy.
  • The dragon-snail is a mythical symbol of harmony in the relationship of lovers. Such a talisman is necessary to reduce the number of conflicts and find the right way out of quarrels. The creature should be placed in the east of the apartment or in the living room.
  • Among the guardians of the hearth, Feng Shui for love and marriage advises placing a Zaoshen figurine at home. This talisman helps get rid of problems in the family, brings overall happiness and even improves well-being. As a rule, the figurine is found in the netsuke style, so it should be placed on the eastern side of the house.

Marriage relationships according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the love of a husband and wife is a special matter that requires reverent attitude and attention. The organization of space here plays no less a role than in a bachelor’s house.

  • Choose dates for dates, wedding registrations and weddings carefully. The energy matrix also implies that each person has several days when meeting the opposite sex is dangerous and pointless. Ideally, building relationships is difficult to imagine without analyzing the Bazi map and the Tong Shu calendar. On some days, it is also dangerous to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, especially the bed.
  • Try to activate the sectors in the southwest and northwest. These zones are identified with the place of the mother-housewife and the male patriarch, respectively. Please note that these areas suffer greatly when toilets, kitchens, and storage rooms are placed there. The same negative effect will be provided by disorder, an abundance of trash and the presence of things with Sha energy.
  • A Feng Shui family bedroom is ideal for attracting the love of your husband. In the southwest of the room there should be a massive object from the element of Earth, but only if the marriage relationship is not too conservative. Shades of orange will help refresh your senses. Sofas and photographs of children are not allowed in the bedroom. The bed itself should be with the head of the bed facing the wall, and old things should not be stored under it.
  • Pay attention to the overall layout of the house. If there are partitions and walls in the center of the room, this is not a very good sign. It’s even worse when the center of the house is littered with cabinets, surrounded by solid doors, or dedicated to a bathroom.
  • Regularly carry out energetic cleansing of the entire house so that stagnation of Qi or Sha is not possible. Use aroma lamps, candles, incense and even charged water for this. Don't forget about the importance of regular wet cleaning and changing bed linen.

Feng Shui for attracting love is equally important for both single and married people. Organizing a harmonious space that attracts good luck and happiness in your personal life is not a one-time process. That is why it is worth changing the layout and furniture in your apartment gradually. Also, never forget about your own positive attitude.

Love is energy. The energy is very alive and strong. Therefore, let's agree that the southwestern sector of your apartment or room is not just part of your living space, but a real island of Love, speaking about love, expressing love and attracting love. Then he (the southwestern sector) will help you realize your dreams of love and happiness.

This works on many levels. First of all, you need to clear the southwest of dust and dirt, install the appropriate activators there, and then, every time you look at your love sector or simply remember it, you will emit vibrations of love.

Once you start emitting love vibrations, they will “link” with the love energy emitted by your Feng Shui amulets, and voila, you will have the desired love experience in your life. The practice of Feng Shui uses a whole arsenal of objects that carry positive, beneficial energy, allowing us to attract into our lives everything we want. In this case, we attract love, so all those objects that carry information of love for you will be just right in this sector.

Be open to change. Take life easier and more joyfully. Don't get hung up on any particular partner. Perhaps the type of people you like are not really suitable for you at all, and past negative experiences confirm this. Trust the creative powers of the Universe to provide you with something new. Try new things. Even if something is currently happening that does not fit in with your ideas about happiness, do not despair. Perhaps the path is now clearing for you. Big things can be seen from a distance. Be sure of the obligatory happy outcome, and then everything will work out great for you.

Here is a list of items that carry information to the Universe that you attract love and happiness into your life. Place them in the southwestern sector, using your taste, sense of proportion and confidence in a positive result.


The music of wind
Now even a first grader knows what wind chimes are. These cute jingling straws can be purchased at any gift shop. For our love purposes, special wind chimes are most suitable. Typically, the straws are made of pink metal and decorated with red hearts. This fits perfectly. If you are unable to find exactly one, you can use any other, but make sure that it does not have sharp corners or sharp design details. Not everyone who makes wind chimes knows Feng Shui, so check everything yourself.
Wind chimes are a wonderful energizer of positive chi energy. As soon as you hang wind chimes in the southwestern sector (previously cleared of debris and dirt), rest assured that the energy of love will already be activated for you.
Be prepared to meet new people. A very good method is to hang a wind chime next to a photo of the man of your dreams (it can be cut out of a magazine) that is with you. I know people who have had simply miracles happen. Love relationships arose completely unexpectedly and brought a lot of joy. Moreover, the names of the young people coincided with those depicted in the photograph! It sounds fantastic, but it's true. So, if you like a certain name, you can use this moment.

The use of crystals in Feng Shui, and not only in Feng Shui, has a long tradition and works both to dispel negative energy and to activate positive energy. For those who learn to use the energy of a crystal, it can become an indispensable friend and helper.
The traditional method is to place a crystal that plays with all its faces, preferably a crystal one, in the southwestern sector. It is better to position the crystal so that natural sunlight or electric light falls on it. When tiny multi-colored rainbows or sunbeams scatter across your room from the refracted rays of light, good luck is already in your home. On a nice sunny day, you can play with your crystal by turning it and letting the shining rays illuminate the walls, ceiling and all the objects in the room. This is a very pleasant activity that also brings good chi energy into your home.
According to the five element theory, the southwest is dominated by the earth element, so crystals related to the earth element support the energy of this element. That is, they support and activate the energy of love in your home!

There are certain subtleties to hanging a crystal that I will share with you.

1. It is best to hang the crystal on a red ribbon or thread.

2. The length of this ribbon or thread must be a multiple of 9. That is, 9, 18 or 27 cm. This is due to the fact that the number 9 is a sacred number in Feng Shui and unites the power of heaven and earth.

3. When hanging a crystal on a red ribbon, you can “charge” it if you contact it and ask it to protect your apartment from troubles and bring peace, harmony and mutual understanding to it. Crystals are usually very flexible and serve you well. Just don’t forget to wash your crystals in salt water at least once a month, then their energy will always be pure.


How to charge a crystal.

In order to further enhance the beneficial effects of the crystal and make it your friend and assistant, you need to do some work with it.
The most important thing is that as soon as you bring the crystal from the store or give it to you, put it in water with salt for 7 days. Then all other people's energy will be washed away from the crystal, and it will serve only you. Never use any crystal or stone unpurified! You don’t know where he was before he came into your house, what people, what hands touched him.
Once cleansed, you can charge the crystal with your own energy. To do this, you can hold it in your hand or bring it to your heart chakra or to your third eye, located between your eyebrows. At the same time, you need to be in a good state of mind and think about your desire. You can even name the crystal by some name so that you can establish a strong connection with it. Thank the crystal in advance for fulfilling your wish and place it either in the southwest, or, if the wish is very urgent, next to your headboard. If the size allows, then place the crystal under the pillow.
It's also a good idea to take your favorite crystal with you when traveling. There are cases where crystals helped during operations: they went well and healing occurred faster.
You just need to set a specific task for him.

If you need a loved one, take a cleansed crystal in your hand, place it on your heart chakra or third eye and say, “I thank you, my friend, for helping me attract my ideal partner, who suits me in every way and with which makes me feel very good. Thank you". You can come up with the words yourself, the main thing is to remember that you should always thank in advance and use the present time for your desire, and not the future.

Even the most ordinary stones can strengthen your love sector. You can find them while walking or bring them from your travels. The main thing is that you personally like the stone and do not have a threatening shape. A pebble brought home must be cleaned in salt water for seven days, after which it is placed in the southwest. You can fumigate him with incense and give him the task of bringing you happiness in love. He will help. You will feel a change in the energies in the house. As a rule, stones bring a feeling of stability and security to the home. If you have children, you can trust them to choose the appropriate stone. Children have amazing intuition and can evaluate the quality of energy emanating from a stone. Plus, they will be delighted with the idea itself.
Create a nice composition of stones, you can add some gems there, just don’t get carried away so that your love sector doesn’t look too “heavy”. Everything is good in moderation.

Images of happy couples

You can proudly put a photo of yourself there, where you smile happily in the arms of the man of your dreams. With one important exception - if this man is currently outside of your life, and simply put, this is your ex-lover, then without regret we throw away this photo, since we are attracting new relationships, and do not want a repetition of the old ones.
If at the moment there is no such ideal man nearby, do not panic, as Feng Shui has a lot of advice in stock. You know what type of man you like? Great. Arm yourself with scissors and cut out a prince from a magazine that suits your age and appearance and boldly put it together with your photo. As soon as the real one appears, don’t forget to remove the “magazine version” and place the real one.

It doesn’t matter what kind of pairs they are. A couple of ducks will work just as well as a couple of dolphins. Mandarin ducks and a pair of cranes are widely used in traditional Feng Shui. This symbolizes a long, happy marriage.
Considering that in our conditions Chinese ducks are quite rare, I urge you not to organize a tour to China for their mass purchase, but to turn to our tradition and common sense. For example, during a trip to Yakutia, I bought a charming ivory medallion, which depicts a pair of flying cranes. Of course, this medallion found its place in the southwest of my apartment
Cranes and geese carry a very strong energy of a happy couple that cannot be separated. They symbolize unfading, immortal love and fidelity.

Pair of candlesticks and candles
This is just the perfect southwestern energizer, especially if those candle holders hold red or yellow candles. It is very useful to light these candles about once a week, and certainly on the full moon, and, whenever possible, meditate on them, dreaming of love and harmony. Avoid white and black candles as they represent elements inimical to the Earth element. I remind you once again that there should be exactly two candles (according to the number of desired participants in the union). By the way, this number fits perfectly with Bagua, where exactly the number 2 is located. So it is harmonious from all sides.

Attracting your desired partner with a candle.
In the case when you have very little time, but really want to spend it usefully, I give you a shortened version of the previous meditation, when you can get into the appropriate state with the help of a candle.

You will need a red or pink candle and 10-15 minutes of time that you can devote only to yourself.

Turn on pleasant, relaxing music, light a candle and try to look at it continuously. At this time, create an image of your loved one in your imagination. It doesn't matter whether he really exists or not. Look at the candle fire and try to see yourself there with your imaginary loved one. Then, using a familiar technique, imagine how a pink flower blooms in your heart. Exchange the energy of love with your lover and feel the joy of your mutual love and harmony. Remember this feeling of a dream come true and try to evoke it as needed, and especially when for some reason you are in a bad mood or lack self-confidence. This helps a lot.

Pair of ceramic, porcelain or crystal vases

As for vases, Feng Shui has a special relationship with them. First of all, vases made from the listed materials relate to the element of the Earth, which we energize with all our might. Beautiful vases are believed to bring happiness, joy and peace to the home. All vases are suitable for our purposes, just make sure they are red or yellow.
Another point to consider is the shape of the vases. It is best to purchase vases with a narrow neck and a wide base. Then they will easily cope with their noble task - to capture and accumulate positive qi energy, which will nourish your southwest. I often recommend


Lamps are universal activators of beneficial qi energy in the home. In my practice, there have been cases when just using a couple of lamps at a strategic point in the apartment brought the desired results literally the next day. A zone of assistants was activated with the intention of helping the businessman advance his career, and the very next day he was invited on television to talk about his projects. Light is a powerful helper for us, and we must use it wisely for our benefit.

In any situation where you need to attract positive energy into a certain aspect of your life, you can safely use lamps. In our case, beautiful crystal lamps are suitable, preferably with a red or yellow color. Run them for at least 3 hours every day to bring the desired results and just to liven up the atmosphere in your home. Just don’t forget about a sense of proportion. Fluorescent lamps with their cold, lifeless light are completely unsuitable!

Attracting the desired partner with the help of light.

Just as moths flock to the light, potential suitors do not like the darkness in our love sectors. The solution is to light a light in the southwestern sector, or in the sector of your personal love luck. The choice of lamp is at your discretion. The ideal option is a crystal lamp, or even better, a pink or red lamp. It is important that you show punctuality and perseverance and do not forget to turn on the light in the love sector for at least 3 hours during the 49 evenings. The number 49 has a special place in Chinese mythology and many rituals are associated with it. If you hold out for all 49 days, then your “order” will be completed flawlessly!

Mirrors are often called the aspirin of Feng Shui, as they sometimes help in the most difficult cases. For example, if there is no southwest zone in your house (the apartment has an irregular shape), then a mirror hung on the wall adjacent to this sector will visually recreate its presence. However, attention! Mirrors, despite their apparent harmlessness, are not always safe.
There are certain rules for using mirrors in Feng Shui that you need to know and follow so as not to cause harm.

Rule 1. The front door should never, under any circumstances, be reflected in the mirror. It is believed that all beneficial qi immediately disappears as soon as it enters the house. This brings misfortune, theft, illness and adultery. I think it's worth trying and following this up.

Rule 2. A sleeping person, and especially a sleeping couple, should never be reflected in a mirror. This causes irreparable harm to marital relationships, which is almost impossible to correct later. The same goes for the mirror on the ceiling. No matter how fashionable and stylish it may seem.

Rule 3. The mirror should never reflect anything unsightly, such as a garbage can, mops, piles of dirty dishes and laundry. The same applies to toilets. I have seen toilet rooms completely decorated with mirrors. Feng Shui believes that all vital energy is carried down the drain with energy multiplied by the number of mirrors. Also, you should not see your reflection in the mirror when using the toilet. The result is the same - all the money leaves with double energy.

Rule 4. Never use a mirror if it is broken, cracked, or if you have to bend over to see your whole self. We are dealing with energies. And when a person bends over, his energy level immediately decreases. Day after day, day after day. Headaches, problems at work, insufficient profits in business, etc. may appear. Also, if the mirror has become clouded over time, it must be replaced with a new one. Reflect in the new and shiny!

Rule 5. Try to install mirrors in the room in such a way that they reflect beautiful, attractive objects. Also a classic feng shui tip is to have a mirror above the dining table to double the number of diners as well as the food on the table.

Red or pink hearts

If you think that such simple trinkets as hearts were left somewhere at a tender age, when you exchanged notes with classmates and wrote diaries, then you are mistaken. They can still serve you well now, as an adult. Even such seemingly simple symbols of love, however, can play a very important role in your life if you identify them somewhere in the southwest, and red in color, and in pairs.

This Valentine's Day, you can stock up on these cute little things to suit every taste, size and style. Hearts made from all kinds of materials can be used - cardboard, paper, glass, chocolate - any. Of course, the best ones are rose quartz hearts. Here you will simply hit the mark, since both the color is “correct” and the material is the most suitable for our sector of the Earth. Make a paradise of hearts, a montage of hearts with your own photo in the center, surround yourself with the energy of love, and I assure you that such a signal will not go unnoticed in the Universe!

Red color

There is one win-win method that can be called the heavy artillery of Feng Shui. If you have tried all the above methods and still have not heard the Mendelssohn march played in your honor, then it is time to act decisively.

✓ Buy red underwear and place it in the southwest sector. By the way, even saleswomen from lingerie stores who are not very knowledgeable in Feng Shui always whisper in their advice to wear only red lingerie to attract fans. How do they know this? I think it's about the universality of information!

✓ Paint at least one wall in your southwest sector bright red! It could be wallpaper or paint - that's not the point. But the fact is that you literally explode yang energy in the love sector, thus the Universe receives not just an “order”, but a very decisive demand to urgently provide you with a partner suitable for marriage. Again, if conflict situations arise with existing relatives, do not go for confrontation, but gently and persistently paint something inside, so that it is not visible.

The good thing about Feng Shui is that everything works in it, even if it is not visible from the outside. Let's say you have a closet in the southwestern sector - excellent! You have complete freedom to cover its doors either on the outside, if you are allowed, or on the inside with red paper or wallpaper.
After such a clear statement of your adamant desire to get married, you may receive a marriage proposal from even the most avid bachelor! Just don’t forget later, when the goal has already been achieved, to repaint the red walls in some neutral color, otherwise you don’t know how many fans will be after you!

Throughout life we ​​encounter different aspects of relationships. Finding the right partner does not mean that the relationship will be the same as it was in the beginning. Often married couples, having lived together for some time, experience a cooling of feelings, the need for sex life decreases, and interest in each other is lost.
I am happy to tell you that in this case too, Feng Shui has ways to influence the situation. You can bring more sensuality, fire into your life and revive your former passion if you use objects that directly or indirectly express your desire.
There is another way to increase your or your partner's sexual appetite. Place a red scarf or a piece of red cloth under the mattress of the person whose sexual tone is currently low. Red color is an energy activator. You will see results very quickly. It happens that you have to remove the red tissue because the results even exceed your expectations!

based on the book by Natalia Pravdina


Creating an “Altar of Love” is a proven means of attracting love and your “other half,” as well as strengthening existing relationships. The beneficial influence of Feng Shui will help you in love affairs faster than you expect:

Some practical tips:

For Feng Shui for love to work, you need to stimulate the southwestern zone, it is this zone that is responsible for relationships and love. (Use the Bagua grid to determine)
Once you have identified the southwest zone in your room, room, bedroom, begin creating an “Altar of Love”

Be sure to clear this sector of unused and other unnecessary things. Positive Qi energy should not encounter any obstacles on its way. .

You can use a small coffee table, bedside table, shelf or stool as an altar.

Cover the “Altar of Love” with pink or red silk material and place two pink or red candles on it. The ideal option is flowers that constantly stand on the altar to attract love - live peonies. If you do not have such an opportunity, then place a picture of a bouquet of peonies above it.

You can put any symbols on the altar - objects that evoke associations with mutual and genuine love. .

Similar symbols are:

— Paired pictures that attract love (postcards, photographs, posters). Moreover, not only living creatures (people, swans, doves, dolphins, kittens, etc.) can be doubles. Two trees, two flowers, two stars, the confluence of two rivers, two suns. If your love has not yet been found, then you can hang a picture of a loving couple on the wall. But if you have already met the man you love, then no strangers! Exclusively photographs of you and your lover - in an embrace, with happy faces.

— A living branch of a blossoming plum tree or its image. It symbolizes happiness and luck in love.

In the summer, even complete cynics, inveterate careerists and pragmatic people who are not inclined to sentimentality want love. Therefore, I decided to find out how to quickly and with guaranteed results attract love into my life. And I found as many as 11 ways to do this.

Method 1: DuckTales

First of all, I entered the query “how to attract love” into one of the Internet search engines. Oddly enough, several dozen links that appeared on the first page were devoted to the topic of “mandarin ducks.” At first I decided that this was some kind of technical glitch - of course, love also happens, judging by the number of ducklings in Moscow reservoirs, but I was looking for a man, not a drake.

But it turned out that the mandarin duck is one of the main feng shui talismans, which helps to attract and retain love. Mandarin ducks in nature always stay together, fly in pairs and show tender care for each other, which in itself is symbolic. According to the Chinese, everyone can envy the devotion and mutual love of these birds. If a pair of mandarin ducks (ceramic, of course) has settled in your home, you will soon meet true love.

Method 2: vocabulary

Many famous psychologists are confident in the power of positive thinking. Therefore, if you are trying to lure love into your life, you need to constantly repeat a few affirmations such as “I radiate love all the time”, “By giving love, I receive more love”, “People are just waiting to love me and I I allow them to do this." It’s better to repeat to yourself so that your friends and colleagues don’t think you’re crazy.

Method 3: more gentle than the bottom one

“To attract love, treat yourself to shopping. Buy yourself some stunning red underwear, Feng Shui experts advised me. - Shopping brings a positive attitude into our lives. Buying underwear symbolizes inner readiness for sexual relationships. And red attracts love.”

Method 4: Everyone dances!

Music has a strong influence on our psychological and physical state. If you want to meet true love, listen to passionate Latin American songs. Better yet, go to Latin American discos and learn to dance salsa, cumbia and merengue. A girl who knows how to move beautifully will not be left alone for long!

Method 5: Homework

Do some general cleaning at home. Get rid of old things, clean out the closets, wipe the dust. Garbage is negative energy that prevents love from coming into your home. And remember: while cleaning you should be in a good mood, only in this case the energy of love will be on your side.

Method 6: cacti -No

Feng Shui experts are sure that all objects with sharp corners negatively affect our personal life. Therefore, to attract love into your home, soften the corners of the room with round and oval objects. And most importantly, get rid of all the cacti! This plant is the main enemy in your personal life, give it to your rival.

Method 7: As per order

Take a notebook and pen and write a clear description of “your” man. Imagine what it will look like, what to do, what books to read, etc. Psychologists assure that the more detailed you describe the man of your dreams, the greater your chances of meeting a person with whom you will be happy.

Method 8: birch plot

“If you want to find love, hug a birch tree,” my grandmother said. It turns out that since ancient times the birch tree has been considered the personification of purity, virtue and love. It gives women vitality and adds charm. So during your lunch break, go outside and hug a birch tree - love will not take long to arrive. (By the way, men should hug the oak tree.)

Method 9: floral motifs

After the birch story, my grandmother remembered another folk recipe. In order to attract love, you need to grow pansies at home. There is no explanation for this, but beautiful flowers have never ruined a single house. Of course, they need to be watered more often than cacti! But love requires sacrifice and free time.

Method 10: the stove bakes

There is another method, proven by time and more than one generation. True, for his sake you will have to forget about diets for a while. On Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, get up early in the morning and bake a pie. While preparing it, think that you are ready to meet your love. It doesn’t matter what recipe you bake with or what filling the pie will have. But you must eat it completely within one calendar day. The bigger the pie, the sooner you will meet your love.

Method 11: Venus hair

In Crimea, jewelry with the “stone of love” is very popular, which has many names - Hair of Venus, Arrows of Cupid, Hairy Quartz. According to legend, the goddess of love Venus lost a lock of her golden hair while swimming in a mountain lake. Winter came, and the water in that lake turned into ice, and then into a beautiful crystal, a stone that retained the hair of Venus... Now this stone is the best talisman for those who dream of meeting their love. Perhaps these are just beautiful tales of Crimean jewelers, but my friend met her second husband immediately after she acquired this stone.

To find and attract love, Feng Shui is often used for help by single people who dream of finding their “soul mate.” Many of them are often looking for an answer to this question. “How can feng shui attract love?”

According to Feng Shui, the house has its own special areas - zones of love and romance. But every year the energies change, change their location, as if they fly. So love, even in this regard, is a rather fickle thing!

So, how can you capture these beneficial energies and apply them? feng shui knowledge for love?

Before as use feng shui for love First, be sure that you are ready for a serious relationship, want to start a family and settle down. In Feng Shui, there is no such thing as a one-night stand. Otherwise, instead of romantic feelings, you will get sexual problems!

So, if you are mentally ready to activate love, then first take a few simple but important actions. First of all, remove everything that will interfere with your romantic affair. Get rid of old things that you associate with old attachments. Perhaps you keep letters from your former lovers, photographs together, some memorable souvenirs, jewelry. Hide them deep, or even throw them away! Storing items that bear the imprint of an old relationship will, of course, not help in any way, but will only prevent new love from coming to you.

Good bedroom feng shui to attract love is also very important. If you sleep on a single bed, then by doing this you make it clear that you do not accept anyone into your personal life.

Change it and put in a wide double bed!

It is good if the bed is not placed against the wall, but so that access to it is possible from both sides. There will then be more ways for Qi energy to fill you with its beneficial power, which means using means Feng Shui attract Love it will be much easier.

After you determine the desired sector, place there a vase filled to the brim with water and beautiful fresh flowers, but not artificial ones! Be sure to change the water and flowers every few days to keep them alive and undying.

Unfortunately, if your romantic zone is in the bathroom, or in a place where unfavorable Flying Stars have arrived, you should not activate it. But you have a backup option - use the Peach Flower according to your year of birth. Find it using the same formula, but take as a basis the animal of the year of birth rather than the day of birth. As you can see, Feng Shui gives people more options to find love!

And as soon as you find love, consider that your Romance Flower has worked successfully and remove the vase immediately!

Important! This method should only be used to make new acquaintances. It should not be used if you already have a legal spouse and want to give a new impetus and improve your relationship. Otherwise, the Flower of Romance will misunderstand you and, instead of strengthening love, will bring infidelity and love scandals associated with it!

Let's use Flying Star feng shui to attract love

The next way to use Feng Shui for love is even more effective - to use the Flying Stars Feng Shui method. According to him, in every house there are special energies that fly from one part of the apartment to another every year. That’s why they are called “Flying Stars”.

The most suitable stars for romantic purposes are: Green Four - romance star And Purple Nine - star of joyful events. They will help you attract love into your life if you use them correctly.

Flying Stars are constantly moving (that's why they are called "flying"). To know where they are in the current year and month, use the map of flying stars (the link to the map of flying stars is in the right column on the website in the “Useful for calculations” section).