An example of a business plan for a transport company. Step-by-step instructions: how to start a freight transport company from scratch

An example of a business plan for a transport company.  Step-by-step instructions: how to start a freight transport company from scratch
An example of a business plan for a transport company. Step-by-step instructions: how to start a freight transport company from scratch

Transport company business plan - get 5 steps to successful entrepreneurship in the trucking market + 8 practical tips from the best marketers.

Capital investments in a transport company: 4,255,000 rubles.
Payback period of the transport company: 24 - 30 months.

Have you thought for a long time about what kind of production to invest in, but have not decided yet?

The choice is very difficult, the Russian market is overflowing with manufactured products.

But you did not take into account the main thing, an entrepreneur is a person who can benefit from everywhere.

If there are more goods on the market, accordingly, there is a need to increase the market for carrier services.

Transportation is an “eternal business”.

In such a huge country like Russia, the goods travel millions of kilometers before they reach the buyer's hands.

You can make money on this.

Opening your own transport company means being always in demand.

Become better than others, provide quality services on the market - and your business will expand.

In this article, you will receive detailed instructions on how to create transport company business plan.

It involves not just opening your own business in the field of transportation.

The goal of a business plan is to become a leader, to learn to be the best in your industry!

List of required documents in the business plan of the transport company

To open a transport company, you must register with the tax service of the Russian Federation as an LLC (limited liability organization).

You have probably heard many times how difficult it is to register a business in Russia.

But only those entrepreneurs who themselves could not cope with this process say so.

Below is a step by step guide.

It describes how to properly register a shipping company.

Step 1. Find founders and open a bank account

At the first stage, it is necessary to find the founders of the enterprise.

Starting a transportation business alone is a bad idea.

The aim of the transport company is to build strong links with other businesses to work together.

No matter how experienced an entrepreneur you are, it will be very difficult to properly organize work alone.

When the "main staff" of the transport company has gathered, it is necessary to distribute the shares of the start-up capital between the founders.

The next task is to draw up the charter.

The document should clearly state the share of each founder from the initial capital, as well as distribute responsibilities and areas of control in the company.

The charter has been drawn up, the next step is the choice of a reliable bank.

When opening an LLC bank account, you must be sure that the bank will not suffer economic collapse in a couple of months.

Look at work reviews, test the Internet banking system, find out the total number of clients.

Form a list of leading banks by these indicators, then together with the founders make your choice.

Step 2. Registration of a transport company

Registration of an LLC consists of two stages: preparation of documentation and filing an application with the tax office of your region.

List of required documents for:

  • the name of the organization certified by Rospatent;
  • certificate from the bank where the current account is opened;
  • information about the founders - passport data;
  • contacts and information about the executive body;
  • information about the chief accountant of the company;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • completed sample form P11001.

Within 5 days, if no mistakes were made when filling out the papers, the company will be officially entered into the relevant tax register.

After that, an employee of the Federal Tax Service will hand over a package of documents confirming the status of the company.

Do not forget to also arrange a cash register and order a seal.

The registration of the cash register is carried out at the Federal Tax Service, the maximum period for issuing a permit is 1 month.

After registering, you can “breathe out” a little and get ready for the equally exciting work of establishing a transport company.

Marketing analysis for a transport company business plan

Target audience of the business

The target audience of the transport company will be regional retail chains.

Another idea of ​​a business plan is to find regular customers.

The sales network is the ideal client, it corresponds to the general marketing plan of the transport business.

What is the challenge for a marketing campaign?

"A successful warrior is an ordinary person who can focus on a target like a shooter with a laser sight."
Bruce Lee

Successful marketing of a company is the key to business success.

The main goal of any marketing campaign is to attract a customer to a product.

In our case, the product is a transportation service.

As you can imagine, this is a multifaceted business.

The types of cargo transportation differ in volume, massiveness of transported material, localization of transportation, type of goods (wood, iron ore, foodstuffs or even radioactive cargo).

The best option for a young business in the field of transportation is the transportation of food products from retail chains, localized within the federal unit.

Having determined the focus of the transport company, you need to indicate in the business plan the selected categories of goods for transportation (the type of cargo determines the company's fleet).

The task of marketing is to provide optimal conditions for the business, at the same time to make it as competitive as possible.

Two similar problems can be solved using an original and non-standard approach.

Determination of competitive advantages

So, the strategy of the business plan is as follows - to choose a difficult segment of the food transportation market.

At first glance, the idea is a bit risky.

But if you take a closer look, you can see the competitive advantage.

List of potential benefits of the chosen business strategy:

    Little competition.

    A very small percentage of those willing to work in difficult conditions.

    An irreplaceable experience.

    In a few years, your company will be able to advise other start-up entrepreneurs, which is another source of income.

    High demand.

    This advantage comes from the first - little competition gives rise to monopoly.

    A clear competitive advantage in terms of marketing.

    The fact that a young transport company takes on challenging tasks is sure to grab the attention of customers.

It's time to move on to real advice on how to build such an entrepreneurship model.

If it is based on the implementation of the transport of food cargo, you must find one of the most difficult categories in this area.

For an experienced marketer or food worker, the answer is obvious - transport frozen food, as well as fresh meat and fish.

It is necessary to plan orders for the transport company in the following percentage terms:

Such a choice of products for cargo transportation will create the maximum chances for the successful development of the transport company at the initial stages.

In the future, it will be possible to expand the profile of work, to universalize the enterprise.

Transport company business plan: business promotion methods

Most of the work has already been done, the competitive advantages of the business have been identified.

It remains to correctly use the planned plan.

The main feature of the company is exclusivity.

It is justified by the fact that your company, a newcomer to the cargo transportation market, takes on complex orders and fulfills them with high quality.

4 methods to promote a transport company:

    It will allow you to simply knock on the "door" of major customers.

    Explosive actions.

    Set up shockingly low freight rates, but for one or two companies.

    Determine the lucky one at random.

    Insist on the exclusivity of your services.

    Collect seminars, invite representatives of client companies to them.

    Meeting face to face is the basis of close interaction.

Using the marketing plan specified in the article, the transport company will not only be able to create competition in the market, but also become a leader over time.

Selection of premises for a transport company

The premises for the transport company have a rather narrow purpose - in fact, it is a garage.

You should also invest in renting an office.

Meeting customers in the garage is, of course, a bad idea.

The table below shows the parameters and necessary conditions for the garage:

Room parameterRequired condition
Room area500 - 700 sq.m.
ElectricityA powerful network is needed: repairing a car dealership requires the use of energy-intensive tools.
Water supplyA stable water supply is an integral part of the normal operation of a plant.
Climate controlNot required.
HeatingIt is necessary to comply with the temperature regime within 8-15 degrees.
LocationOne-storey premises located outside the city or in a residential area. There must be an asphalt road.

Requirements for the office of the transport company

An office space is just as important as a garage space.

The explanation is very simple - negotiations with clients directly lead to business success.

To host representatives of large retail chains is, at the very least, indecent.

Such an approach will indelibly ruin the reputation of the enterprise.

Rental rates

  • rent of an area of ​​500 sq.m. will cost about 100,000 rubles;
  • lease of office space 35 sq.m. costs 20,000 rubles.

Equipment for a transport company

The backbone of the transport business is high-quality vehicles for the transport of goods.

The business plan involves working with freezing, fresh livestock products, i.e. the purchase of the appropriate transport is required.

For the initial stage of development of a commercial business, 5 cars will be enough.

Showroom list + cost of each car:

Name of the technical meansQuantity (pcs.)Cost, rub.)
Total:5 ~ 3,900,000 rubles
Isothermal van (carrying capacity 8,000 - 10,000 kg)
2 800 000 – 1 000 000
(lifting capacity 10,000 - 14,000 kg)
2 800 000 – 1 500 000
Light-duty insulated van (3,000 - 4,000 kg)
1 700 000 – 900 000

The choice of cars was made according to the principle of separation.

There are machines for transporting large loads (positions 1-2 in the table), as well as a lighter weight unit with a carrying capacity of 3-4 tons.

The refrigerator mechanism performs controlled cooling, therefore it is suitable for the transportation of any goods of the specified category.

Recruiting personnel for a transport company

Given the specifics of working with automotive technology, you will need a fairly large headquarters of employees.

But people are needed for more than just working in the garage.

There are also office workers who fulfill their important role.

When compiling the list of personnel, the requirements of the marketing department, the accounting sector, the management apparatus, and maintenance of the transport component were taken into account.

Company personnel list

PositionSector of activityNo. of employeesSalary (RUB / month)
Total: 11 peopleRUB 170,000
AccountantSettlement operations1 20 000
Marketing managerMarketing promotions1 20 000
SecretaryCustomer service1 15 000
Garage managerWork with the room1 10 000
Staff mechanicCar repair2 15 000
DriverCargo transportation5 15 000

The staff is not cheap.

However, the importance of high quality service can hardly be overestimated, so the costs are justified.

The transport business is a costly industry.

If you want to become a leader, you can't do without investment.

To open a successful transport company, we recommend watching the video:

The financial section of the business plan of the transport company

Let's move on to dry calculations and numbers.

To open your own transport company, you need to calculate the costs of the premises, vehicle fleet, personnel, investments in marketing campaigns.

Start-up capital of the project

Transport company monthly expense

After calculating the "losses", let's calculate the possible monthly income of the company.

A properly equipped car for the transportation of frozen and fresh products per month can count on income from 80,000 rubles.

The monthly income at an early stage of development of the enterprise will be from 100,000 rubles. per month.

In the future, you should achieve a fleet of vehicles: within 2 years you will be able to receive revenues of 250,000 - 300,000 rubles.

The payback of the enterprise, with the correct development strategy, will be 2 - 2.5 years.

Transport company business plan Is your guide to successful entrepreneurship.

A feature of the transport business is its long-term nature.

Every year, the organization's vehicle fleet will expand, and communication with customers will grow.

There will not be a quick result, the payback period of the project is 2.5 years.

If you are willing to put in a lot of energy and energy, the result will be a leading company in its industry.

Expecting more overnight is stupid - be patient and become a leader.

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The project of opening a private transport company for cargo transportation operates on a commercial basis. This project is characterized by significant costs. The goal of the project is to deliver goods inexpensively and as quickly as possible. This determines the size of the investment and is expressed in a long payback period of 17 months.

The total vehicle fleet of the company is 8 truck tractors and 8 standard semi-trailers. According to the total possible loading of semi-trailers, the minimum area of ​​the premises should be 400 m2, including an office space with a total area of ​​50 m2. A room of this size can be purchased or rented.

The cost of the company's services is 80 rubles. for 1 km. The average mileage of 1 truck per month is 10 thousand km. This market is characterized not only by high competition, but also by high demand from companies that want to outsource their transportation activities.

Initial investment amount - 13 460 000 rub.

Monthly costs - 4 204 278 rub.

Average monthly profit - 1 012 491 rub.

Payback period - 19 month

2. Description of the business, product or service

Due to the increase in imports and exports of goods, as well as the growth of the domestic transportation market, the demand in the field of cargo transportation is constantly increasing. It should also be borne in mind that in connection with the recent crisis, a significant part of small and unofficial transport companies left the market, while a significant market share opens up for new companies, which it is possible to occupy. The main factor that will influence the success is the ability to offer the client a fast and efficient freight service with competitive prices. The main types of cargo transportation are "general" and "groupage" cargo. Also, when opening a company, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of software for effective document flow with clients, as well as the exchange of any other information.

In addition, when the question of opening a transport company arises, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the activity. Particular attention should be paid to the legal framework for the activities of transport companies. The future management and owners should carefully familiarize themselves with the main documents regulating the activity of cargo transportation in Russia:

  • Federal Law "On the State Automated Information System ERA-GLONASS" dated 28.12.2013 No. 395-FZ
  • Federal Law No. 16 "On Transport Safety"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2011 No. 272 ​​"On approval of the Rules for the carriage of goods by road"
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 7 "On approval of the Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road and urban land electric transport"
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 15 "On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of working hours and rest hours for car drivers"
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 258 "On Approval of the Procedure for Issuing a Special Permit for Traffic on Motor Roads of a Vehicle Carrying out the Transportation of Heavy and (or) Bulky Cargo"

In the case of international cargo transportation, the list of legislative acts and orders will be supplemented with the following:

  • FZ No. 99-FZ "On licensing certain types of activities"
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 730 "On approval of the regulation on the admission of Russian carriers to the implementation of international road transport"
  • Federal Law No. 127-FZ "On state control over the implementation of international road transport and on liability for violation of the procedure for their implementation"
  • Customs Code of the Russian Federation

3. Description of the sales market

The need for transport companies for cargo transportation today is a consequence of the state policy on import substitution, the development of agriculture and other industries, which causes a great demand for domestic cargo transportation services. At the same time, many small companies that cannot provide the client with an effective service and a modern car fleet are leaving the market. The combination of these factors provides a steady demand for these services, for which this business plan is drawn up.

The main clients of transport companies are import-export companies, trading and manufacturing companies in the territory of the Russian Federation. When planning to open your own transport company, it is necessary not only to attract customers, but also to offer them favorable and flexible terms of cooperation. For example, if you do not have enough transport units to ensure the transportation of your clients' monthly volume of cargo, cooperation in most cases will not be possible.

Also, additional prerequisites for the formation of demand now lie in the fact that most of the manufacturing and trading companies are withdrawing logistics departments from their staff, their own vehicles due to high capital costs, and outsourcing the transportation of their products.

One of the ways to increase the sales market for your services is to rent your own vehicles for permanent use by clients.

The main factors that currently determine the success of a transport company are fast and efficient service, as well as the availability of the required number of vehicles.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

General plan for opening a transport company for cargo transportation in stages:

  • Search for premises for an office and a warehouse (for 8 tractors)
  • Registration of a legal entity - individual entrepreneur
  • Conclusion of a lease and lease agreement for premises
  • Repair of premises and warehouse
  • Selection and training of personnel
  • Attracting clients and getting started.

Opening an individual entrepreneur (OKVED code 49.41 - Activities of road freight transport). Tax registration with the tax service. The optimal taxation system is the STS (income and expenses). It is also possible to register a legal entity in the form of LLC (Limited Liability Company). This may be required due to the fact that most of the clients will use the General Taxation System (GTS).

To open, it is also necessary to rent an office with an area of ​​50 m2 and a temporary storage warehouse (TSW) with a total area of ​​350 m2. Leasing agreements must be concluded for 8 tractors and semitrailers.

Office hours: from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. It is planned to reach full utilization within 8 months after opening.

6. Organizational structure

For the organization of a transport company for cargo transportation, personnel who are able to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of goods is especially important. The team will expand as the business needs and grows organically. Within the framework of this project, designed for 8 cars and semi-trailers, a team of 27 people is needed, including:

  • Director General
  • Head of sales department
  • Sales managers (3 people)
  • Logistics specialist (2 people)
  • Head of warehouse
  • Movers (3 people)
  • Drivers (16 people)

Accounting must be used for outsourcing and many companies, as well as banks, within the framework of settlement and cash services, provide such services.

The role of a manager can be performed either by a business owner, who will ensure control of all operational processes and marketing policy, or by a competent hired employee.

The key function is performed by drivers, whose immediate responsibility is the transportation of goods. Therefore, careful consideration must be exercised in the selection of drivers.

The warehouse manager and loaders perform a service function, distributing and carrying out loading and unloading of cargo.

Amount of workers

Apparel part

Salary amount


Sales Manager

Sales managers

Logistics specialist

Head of warehouse




The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

Trucking has always been one of the most lucrative niches in the private sector. A business plan usually bodes well for entrepreneurs, but many are wary of this endeavor. As in any other direction, there are many pitfalls awaiting entrepreneurs in cargo transportation. Therefore, the business plan should be as close to reality as possible. This article will help newbies start their business the right way and show you how to draw up a detailed trucking business plan.

Who is this business for?

Most often, cargo transportation is carried out by people who in the past had nothing to do with this area. Even without understanding the nuances of this business at all, you can build a successful business.

People choose trucking as a way of investing for several reasons. The main ones include the high potential and good profitability of this business. However, it will be quite difficult for a simple hard worker to survive in this path without a good business plan.

A business plan for cargo transportation allows you to outline a clear path for the implementation and development of your business. In addition, if an entrepreneur does not have enough of his own funds in order to bring his idea to life, he will have to look for lenders or investors. Neither one nor the other will give out money without reviewing the business plan.

The conclusion suggests itself that having a good business plan, everyone can open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation: a person with or without experience, an entrepreneur with or without initial capital.


The concept of "cargo transportation" is very broad. Therefore, before starting to draw up a business plan, it is worth deciding what exactly the company will do. Today there are several samples of a business plan for cargo transportation, depending on the goals of the company. Common for cargo transportation include:

  • escort of moving of individuals and legal entities;
  • provision of personnel for loading and unloading operations;
  • movement of international cargo;
  • transportation of large cargo within the country;
  • cargo transportation of commercial products;
  • storage of goods.

Without a clear idea of ​​what the firm plans to do, it is impossible to draw up a business plan. Cargo transportation in all these directions differs in the staff, cost and dimensions of equipment, initial investments and others.

In addition, it is not necessary to stop at one of the presented types of cargo transportation. All directions can be combined with each other. Moreover, the more services a cargo transportation company can offer, the more customers it will be able to acquire.

Marketing is an important part of a business plan

Since trucking is a very profitable enterprise, the level of competition there is simply off scale. The marketing strategy will allow you to properly and quickly promote the company and, accordingly, achieve the company's profitability as soon as possible.

A good business plan for cargo transportation pays special attention to the section "Marketing". This is especially true for companies that are engaged in private transportation of goods. Without high-quality and extensive advertising, clients simply will not be able to find the company they need. It will simply get lost among competitors.

Advertising should focus on the accuracy and speed of movement of goods. Those who have moved at least once know that damage to property during the transportation of things from point A to point B is not uncommon. Therefore, the majority of potential customers will give their preference to companies that guarantee the safety of the cargo.

Advantages over competitors

It is very difficult to develop your business, especially when a young company is essentially no different from many others. Before drawing up a business plan for a trucking company, you should think about what it can offer customers so that they choose it. The clear advantages that a young firm will be able to attract customers include:

  • large vehicle fleet;
  • the ability to service both individuals and legal entities;
  • payment by bank transfer;
  • availability of bonuses and discounts;
  • the ability to track cargo through special services;
  • round-the-clock operation;
  • additional services except for cargo transportation.

If at the initial stage not everyone can boast of an extensive vehicle fleet, then you should focus on more affordable ways to attract customers. For example, in a business plan for trucking, you can include several additional staff units that will be engaged in loading and unloading operations. This attitude towards customers will make the company a good reputation and bring additional income.

How to advertise a trucking company?

To correctly compose the "Marketing" section, you need to present the real cost of advertising. The advertising budget depends on the way the advertisements are placed and their effectiveness. The more tempting the offer looks, the faster the company will acquire its first customers.

In order to correctly compose an advertising campaign, you need to clearly represent your target audience. For example, for premium transportation, local newspaper ads are a waste of money. For an advertising campaign to pay off and give good results, you need to work in a complex manner in several areas.

  • distribution of business cards;
  • development of the company's official website;
  • contextual advertising on Yandex, Google platforms;
  • targeted advertising on social networks;
  • groups and communities in social networks;
  • distribution of leaflets, flyers in crowded places.

Word of mouth should also not be excluded from the advertising of a trucking company. Of course, you cannot add such an item to a business plan. But from the moment a company entered the service market, one should value its reputation. Bad fame spreads faster than good fame.

Company Opening Plan

If an entrepreneur wants to get a business plan for cargo transportation for free, then he will have to draw up it himself. To do this, you need to understand what this document is.

The business plan contains two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the analysis of the initial data is carried out. Theory should lead smoothly to practical calculations. The practical part contains all the necessary calculations, which, as a result, should answer two main questions: how profitable the investment is and what is the payback period for the investment.

A person who first opened a business plan should not have any questions or doubts after reading it. The fact is that investors and lenders analyze the upcoming expenses very carefully. Therefore, the business plan must reassure them that they will not lose their investment.

Business registration

For novice entrepreneurs, it is most appropriate to carry out cargo transportation services as individual entrepreneurs. Firstly, to register an individual entrepreneur, a minimum package of documents is required, and secondly, the simplest taxation mechanism operates for an individual entrepreneur.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the tax office at the place of residence, write an application and provide a passport. Moreover, if an entrepreneur cannot register his business on his own, he can do it through trusted intermediaries.

Before registering a company, one should select the taxation option in advance. There are three options available for individual entrepreneurs today:

  • simplified system;
  • single tax;
  • general system.

If a future entrepreneur cannot make a choice, you can get advice from a tax consultant before registering an individual entrepreneur.

Office space

If you are serious about organizing your business, then, of course, you cannot do without a company office. Of course, you can accept applications without leaving your home, but this can put the director of the company in an awkward situation when the client needs to come in person to sign the necessary documents.

A good example of a trucking business plan will never include the cost of purchasing a space. The office of the company can be rented, and the money that would be needed to purchase square meters can be used in a more correct direction.

Equipment costs

Equipment costs are the most expensive part of a business plan. It is worth investing most of the available funds here, and savings are inappropriate here. The minimum list of required equipment includes:

  • automobile;
  • stationary computer or laptop;
  • office equipment (printer, scanner, etc.);
  • landline and mobile phone.

The car will cost the entrepreneur the most. It is not necessary to take huge loans and buy a foreign car. It is possible to draw up a business plan for cargo transportation on the Gazelle, and over time, supplement and improve the vehicle fleet.

Financial plan

A financial plan is the practical part of a business plan. All the necessary calculations can be found there. To make it easier to understand how to draw up a business plan on your own, here is a list of all the necessary calculations.

The financial plan contains:

  • calculation of capital investments;
  • analysis of sources of income;
  • calculations of estimated revenue;
  • calculations of current costs;
  • calculation of profit and profitability.

Without an economic education, it will be quite difficult to draw up a business plan on your own. For the calculations to be correct, you need to correctly compare all the estimated expenses and income. Expenses are collected in a table It includes: salary and deductions, fuel, depreciation, car maintenance, advertising, and more.

Potential revenue is considered as income, based on the production capacity of the firm. The calculation is based on the number of cars and the number of trips they can make. The business plan does not include possible force majeure circumstances. However, at the end of the business plan, it is imperative to carry out a risk analysis, which can give a clear idea of ​​the likely success of the company.

Today, there is an active development of all branches of the national economy. Most commercial organizations need freight transport services, as they do not have the opportunity to form their own vehicle fleet. Seeing the demand and great prospects for this business area, many entrepreneurs decide to open firms for the provision of transport services. For this, a cargo transportation business plan is developed, which allows you to get an idea of ​​the required costs and approximate income.

Each business entity that decides to develop a business in the field of freight transportation must necessarily develop its own marketing strategy. He will have to conduct global research of the local market to get an idea of ​​the relevance of the chosen direction. All information collected will be included in the business plan of the freight dispatch service.

Currently, there is a great demand for cargo transportation. They are ordered by:

  • corporate networks;
  • ordinary citizens;
  • commercial companies;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • government structures.

Customers have a number of requirements regarding the transportation of goods:

    • The service must be completed within the agreed time frame.
    • The cargo must be delivered to the destination safe and sound.
    • The carrier must issue a complete package of documentation, on the basis of which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will include the cost of transport services in the expenses of the reporting period.

In view of the great competition in this field of activity, start-up entrepreneurs need to make themselves known in order to stand out among the large number of successful carriers. To do this, they can use the following ideas:

  • offer specialized services, both to individuals and to business entities;
  • to create a large car park, thanks to which it will be possible to satisfy the requirements of absolutely all customers;
  • provide a wide range of related services;
  • introduce a system of bonuses and discounts that will allow customers to save a little;
  • provide services for the transportation of non-standard cargo;
  • work around the clock;
  • provide cargo storage services;
  • provide personnel and specialized equipment for loading and unloading operations;
  • install modern equipment that will allow you to track the movement of goods at all stages, etc.

Organization stages

Before drawing up a business plan for trucking, each entrepreneur should conduct market research of the local market. It is extremely important to find out how many competitors are in the area where the office is planned to open. It will be useful to collect information about all their shortcomings, analyzing which you can offer potential customers better services.

All collected information should be entered into the business plan of cargo transportation. An entrepreneur, in the process of developing a strategy, must decide what range of services he will provide, since the size of the planned revenue, the number of full-time employees and the number of vehicles in the fleet directly depend on this.

A business plan for transportation should contain the following information:

Client search

In order to form their own client base, aspiring entrepreneurs need to conduct a large-scale advertising campaign. To do this, you will have to incur decent costs, but you cannot do without informing the potential consumer audience. All costs incurred should be included in the freight dispatch business plan, in the appropriate section.

Necessary equipment

The business plan of the dispatching service of cargo transportation should include a section in which the equipment necessary for operation will be described:

A cargo transportation business plan also includes a section that contains information on the number of full-time employees, their salaries, etc. A novice entrepreneur in the early stages can hire:

  • dispatcher;
  • two drivers who will work in shifts;
  • loader;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Costs and payback period

A cargo transportation business plan should include a financial part, which reflects all possible costs that an entrepreneur will have to incur when starting:

The monthly income from one truck can be 120,000 rubles. Net monthly income will be approximately 50,000 rubles. As a result of the mathematical calculation, it can be assumed that, subject to constant workload, the business entity will be able to recoup the start-up investment 2 years after opening.

Possible income level

To determine the possible level of income, the entrepreneur must calculate the primary cost of the service. To do this, he will have to use the following data:

  • transport service costs;
  • employee salaries;
  • depreciation costs;
  • taxes and fees;
  • operating expenses of the company.

To determine the cost of 1 km of mileage, you should divide the total income for the month by the total mileage of all trucks. The received amount will be used to form a price for the service. To do this, you can use online calculators that are located on specialized web resources.

If an entrepreneur follows his business plan, he will be able to receive up to 50,000 rubles of net profit from 1 car every month. He will be able to increase the level of income due to:

  • increasing the vehicle fleet;
  • attracting new clientele;
  • expanding the list of services.

Business profitability

According to statistics that are in open sources, in the territory of the Russian Federation in this area of ​​business, the average level of profitability ranges from 16% to 17%. If a business entity purchases transport for cargo transportation, then he will be able to recoup all initial investments no earlier than in 2 years. In the event that for the provision of services he will use rented cars, but the costs incurred at opening will be paid off in 4-5 months.

Registration and registration of business

To work in this business area, it is necessary to go through state registration, after which a person acquires the status of a business entity. A novice businessman must choose a legal form, for example:

  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Limited Liability Company.

If a businessman plans to open a small company that will provide services to the local population and small businesses, then he just needs to register an individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you should act in a certain sequence:

    • Collect a package of documents, which will include: a civil passport, an application of the established form, TIN, a receipt for payment of the state duty.
    • Contact the tax authority located in the place of residence of the entrepreneur.
    • The application and the package of documents will be considered within 5 working days, after which an extract from the USRIP will be issued, which contains all the information about the newly created individual entrepreneur.
    • Register with the local FTS and obtain taxpayer status. To minimize the cost of paying taxes, an entrepreneur is advised to immediately switch to the simplified tax system. If he plans to cooperate with large organizations, he should choose a general taxation system.

To open an LLC, a novice businessman is advised to follow the plan:

  • Conduct a meeting of founders, at which all decisions regarding the opening of an LLC will be made.
  • The minutes of the meeting are drawn up, an agreement is drawn up between the founders, the head of the company and the chief accountant are appointed.
  • The Charter of the organization is being developed, which will contain all the nuances related to the process of doing business.
  • Premises are purchased. If it is rented, then an appropriate contract is drawn up. If it is purchased, then title documents are drawn up.
  • The application form is filled in.
  • The state fee is paid, and the receipt is included in the package of registration documents.
  • All collected certificates and documents are transferred to the state registrar, whose functions are performed by the Federal Tax Service.
  • After receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company must register with the tax service and non-budgetary funds.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business

Before starting a trucking business, every aspiring entrepreneur should learn about all its advantages and disadvantages. Some positive aspects should be highlighted.

Cargo transportation is one of the most promising types of activity. Almost all categories of the population of large metropolitan areas, small towns, remote villages and other villages use the services provided by various transport companies, as well as individuals, to transport goods or things in different directions. That is why a novice entrepreneur should consider in detail an approximate cargo transportation business plan in order to independently assess all its advantages.

Today, cargo transportation is in high demand on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the number of organizations that offer their services in this area is constantly increasing. If a businessman decides to take his place, he will need to organize his work so that he has the opportunity to offer his clients conditions more favorable than those of competitors. Otherwise, the profitability of the business will be low.

A man-entrepreneur can safely start creating his own business in the field of cargo transportation, if he has a driver's license with an open category "C" and "B".

How to start a trucking business?

It is immediately worthwhile to understand that this is a very costly, time-consuming and troublesome business. The first thing a businessman will need to do is get his own transport. When the budget is limited, it is best to buy a vehicle such as a Gazelle or something similar. This option is perfect for the first time.

Before drawing up a business plan for a trucking company, you should understand the very essence of the work. The service provider enters into a special written contract with the customer. Further, all provided things and goods that need to be transported must be packed. It is also worth noting that customers of transport companies pay special attention to delivery times, which must always be on time. If an entrepreneur even once disrupts the estimated transportation time, the company's reputation will be seriously undermined. Restoring a good name for an organization is not easy.

Upon a separate agreement with the client, unpacking and installation of all dispatched goods can also be performed on site.

The idea of ​​opening a cargo transportation company can hardly be called innovative, since most of the start-up entrepreneurs who do not know what to do with themselves and have enough money do this. Traditionally, everything happens like this. A small office is equipped, where the dispatcher accepts orders that are not completed on time, and also cost significantly more than indicated in the contract. Clients remain dissatisfied, therefore they do not return to such companies when the need to send goods or things occurs again. Because of such unscrupulous carriers in this area, newcomers have room to grow and develop. To differ from the gray mass of performers, it is necessary not only to correctly draw up a business plan for cargo transportation, but also to build your own, necessarily honest policy of cooperation with the client. Undoubtedly, this will attract the maximum flow of customers who will regularly use the services of a transport company.

Market analysis

Before starting to organize a business, it is important to carefully analyze the market for the service. Without this stage, the matter will not go further than conversations. You don't need to be a professional analyst to conduct an analysis correctly; you just need to use the local media. If there are few or no advertisements on a given topic, competition in this region is weak. The next stage of the analysis is the collection of information about existing nearby companies. The entrepreneur should try to find out how many cars are at his disposal, what type of transportation is in great demand, how much the provided services cost.

The business of cargo transportation will be profitable and profitable only if the entrepreneur adequately evaluates his strengths and can offer his clients conditions more favorable than those of competitors.

To stand out from the competition, you need to set the right priorities for yourself, including:

  • correct organization of transportation of goods using different types of vehicles;
  • delivery of commercial goods;
  • implementation of industrial, suburban, apartment and office moving;
  • transportation of large loads;
  • provision of forced storage;
  • provision of specially trained personnel who can perform unloading or loading operations of any complexity.

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of transport services in the modern world, since they are becoming more and more in demand every year. Quite recently, a client had to wait for weeks or even months for a shipment, but today the situation has completely changed. Now time is highly valued, so customers most often need to deliver baggage as quickly as possible.

It turns out that if the sphere of cargo transportation ceases to function for any reason, all life, especially inside large metropolitan areas, will freeze. Medicines will disappear from the shop windows of pharmacies, food products will not be delivered, as well as essential goods, and so on. Therefore, high-quality cargo transportation services are always necessary and in demand.

We register trucking as a business

A detailed business plan for cargo transportation prescribes the need to open a company office, where the dispatch service will be located. The premises do not have to be purchased, they can be rented. It should be noted right away that it is not worth saving at this stage, since working from home will not bring positive results. If the budget for starting a business was not designed for opening an office, you can consider renting premises in a call center, which will require minimal costs.

To open a control room, it is enough to rent an office with an area of ​​about twenty square meters, and then equip it. The dispatcher must be provided with a computer or laptop, a printer, a scanner, a landline telephone with two telephone lines, a mobile office phone, and a walkie-talkie that will be used to communicate between the dispatcher and the driver.

At least two dispatchers should work in the office. During the interview, special attention should be paid to the diction of candidates, who must also have a good memory, logical thinking, communication skills with a large number of people, and stress resistance. It is also advisable to hire a manager who will control and organize the work of the company. In addition, the organization needs the services of a competent accountant who will work with the documentation.

Purchase of transport for cargo transportation

This business starts from the moment when the entrepreneur decides to buy cars for the company. Before deciding on a specific type of vehicle, it is necessary to finally decide for what purposes it is being purchased, as well as how much a businessman can afford to spend for these purposes.

Practice shows that it is better to buy used foreign cars, since they are more convenient to operate and more reliable than domestic cars, which are much cheaper to repair, but also break down more often.

If an entrepreneur plans to engage in cargo transportation within the framework of one city, it is enough to purchase Gazelles, which, due to their mobility, maneuverability and compactness, do an excellent job with the task on tight city roads. This type of transport is inexpensive to maintain and also fuel efficient. For transporting food, tilt cars are suitable, for bulky goods - transport with an additional trailer.

If an entrepreneur is going to work with quickly perishable products, he will have to purchase special isothermal vans or refrigerators. It is possible to transport furniture or to move on a Russian-made transport called "Zil-Bychok". A comfortable car will pass where the dimensions of a large truck cannot.

Marketing plan

In addition, a cargo transportation business plan should contain a section that details the marketing component of the business. The marketing plan includes:

      • development and implementation of an active advertising campaign that fully reveals the essence and benefits of the services of a particular transport company. The entrepreneur must create attractive, informative business cards, as well as attract local media;
      • measures to attract a large flow of customers. The businessman will be helped by bonus discounts, promotional programs, and lucrative offers;
      • company development strategy, business improvement.

A correctly drawn up marketing plan, as well as its competent implementation, will lead the company to success. This is the only way to stand out from the competition and increase profitability.

Income and expenses

An entrepreneur must understand that it is impossible to draw up a business plan for a trucking company without specific data. To get accurate figures, you need correct data on the state of the planned transport organization. However, one can roughly outline the picture:

      1. A truck will bring about one hundred thousand rubles of net profit per month;
      2. A vehicle with a carrying capacity of five tons - up to twenty five thousand;
      3. Zil-Bychok - up to twenty thousand;
      4. Gazelle - up to ten thousand.

The figures presented adequately describe the picture, taking into account the deduction of taxes and salaries of employees. When it is planned to open a business with two cars, the entrepreneur expects the following expenses:

      • purchase of transport - about one million rubles;
      • repair of transport - about forty thousand;
      • office space rent - about ten thousand;
      • rent of boxes - about ten thousand;
      • staff salaries - about forty thousand rubles;
      • marketing expenses - about fifteen thousand rubles;
      • other unforeseen expenses - about thirty thousand rubles.

It turns out that a businessman will need about 1,200,000 rubles of start-up capital, provided that one dispatcher, one loader and one driver will work for him. If two cars are purchased, the entrepreneur can also get behind the wheel. The accounting department will be handled by a remote specialist. If we use the average data, we can say that the payback period will be about two years.

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