Cool appearance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Scenario for a New Year's corporate party with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in verse

Cool appearance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.  Scenario for a New Year's corporate party with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in verse
Cool appearance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Scenario for a New Year's corporate party with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in verse

In the article you will find tips on holding a corporate party in the New Year 2020-2021.

A corporate party is a celebration among those people with whom you work every day. As a rule, on New Year's Day, any organization holds a corporate party to mark the end of the past working year and to unite the team. To hold a corporate event, you can invite professional actors, or you can do it on your own and assign certain roles to the most active members of the team (which is much more interesting and fun).

Santa Claus must be present at any New Year's holiday. This character is a constant symbol of the New Year, wishing happiness and inspiring people for the coming year. He comes not alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

An adult holiday is significantly different from a children's holiday, and at a New Year's corporate party there is no need to read poetry under the Christmas tree. Here you will need to actively participate in competitions, answer funny questions, accept funny gifts, laugh and have fun.

IMPORTANT: The appearance of Santa Claus (appearance at the holiday) can be sudden or expected. He must do this with funny words and a loud greeting so that everyone pays attention to him.

Greeting options:

Cool corporate party scenario for the New Year 2020-2021 for the host

The hosts of the corporate event do not have to be Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The right to host a holiday can go to any activist or trade union representative. It is the presenter who offers all participants different entertainment:

  • Dancing
  • Songs
  • Reading congratulations
  • Participation in competitions
  • Puzzles

The host in his holiday script must have a large number of congratulatory poems. They are the ones who set people up for celebration, a good mood, and positive feelings.

Congratulations and invitation from Santa Claus

Cool competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2020-2021

Of course, no corporate event would be complete without funny and humorous competitions. These tasks will lift the spirits of everyone present, strengthen team spirit and give memories.


Funny cool games for New Year's corporate party 2020-2021

In order for the corporate party to be especially successful and leave many pleasant memories for each guest, it is imperative to include comic active games.

What you can prepare:

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Ox

The host should prepare as many humorous poems and anecdotes as possible in advance in order to lift the spirits of even the most dull guests.

Jokes and poems:

Poems and congratulations for the New Year

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2020-2021

This is a must-have entertainment for an adult corporate party, which will cheer up the guests and allow them to relax emotionally, and also help them show off their theatrical abilities.

Tips and ideas for a cool New Year's celebration in a women's group


  • Quest. You can build an entire holiday in this style. It can be planned by a professional or presenter. In big cities there are special clubs that offer a lot of quests. Depending on your preferences, you can always choose the theme of the event.
  • Master Class. Creative ladies can always give preference to a calm and creative corporate event, as opposed to wild dancing and fun. A group of women can drink champagne with sweets and at the same time create jewelry and home decor.
  • Disco. You can also go to a fashion club with a group of women. There you can order a table and drinks, invite actors who will play the roles of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
  • Striptease. This is a way to celebrate the holiday for brave ladies. Strip clubs always exist in large cities, or a dancer can be invited to a regular nightclub, of course, in the role of Santa Claus.

Tips and ideas for a fun New Year celebration for a fun, drunken group of friends


  • Game "Crocodile". Let everyone present portray some person or film, silently show a scene that needs to be guessed.
  • Alcoholic Tic Tac Toe. Only “steadfast soldiers” are able to withstand such a “game.”
  • Spin the bottle game will add piquant sensations to the company and, perhaps, create couples.
  • Round dance around the Christmas tree. Why not? If there is a room and a Christmas tree, active dancing around it will only give pleasant emotions.

Video: “Cool scenario for a New Year’s corporate party”

This comic script for a New Year's corporate party with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in verse is ideal for a friendly team.

  • The event can be held either within the premises of the enterprise or in a restaurant, but the room must be spacious enough.
  • The presence of a New Year tree is a prerequisite for the holiday.
  • Number of people – no less than 12.
  • The roles of the presenter, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are played by the most artistic and talkative employees.

All guests sit at tables, have a drink and a snack. About 20 minutes after the start of the feast, the host comes into the center of the hall.

Well, guys, let's sit well!
The tables are already bursting with food.
And the Christmas tree is all in tinsel,
There are garlands, sparkles, decorations around.

It seems like we are going to celebrate the New Year,
And that means we need to call together.
Grandpa, who everyone calls Frost,
He's probably hiding somewhere here.

“Grandpa” let’s shout in unison at the top of our lungs!
And we will look forward to his arrival very much.

All the guests shout in unison “Grandpa!”

Well, you are shouting something quietly,
Don't you want to see Frost?

Everyone shouts “Grandpa!” again. even louder.

Apparently, the old man is weak of hearing,
Or maybe he just doesn't know
Why are people tired of waiting for him?
Let's try calling again.

All the guests shout “Grandpa!” again.

Perhaps some kind of emergency happened,
Or is our Frost just drunk?
And he dozed off in some corner.
I'll walk around a little, maybe I'll find him?

Don't get bored here yet,
Continue the feast little by little.

The presenter leaves. Feast.

After another 20 minutes, the presenter returns back with the Snow Maiden.

Alas, I didn’t find grandpa,
But he brought the Snow Maiden to you.
My granddaughter will have to take the rap for Frost
And try your best to make us laugh.

Snow Maiden:
Okay, so be it,
I'll try to cheer you up.
But I don’t want to be responsible for everyone alone:
Men, I need your help.

The Snow Maiden takes several men to the center of the hall and hands them toy musical instruments: tambourine, maracas, wooden spoons, drum, xylophone, etc.

Snow Maiden:
Now I will sing a song,
And you'll have to play along with me a little.

The backing track of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” is played. The men begin to play along on the instruments. The Snow Maiden sings into the microphone.

Snow Maiden:
Well, hello, comrades!
Today I came to you,
But holiday gifts
I didn't bring it at all.

My grandfather let me down,
Damn him!
Demand presents from him,
And I have nothing to do with it.

Perhaps we are without grandfather
We'll have a good time.
Let's chat a little
And we'll eat deliciously.

And let's have a drink
For the coming year.
What a lot of joy
He will bring it to all people.

Everyone returns to the table and drinks with the Snow Maiden for the coming year. She returns to the center of the hall again.

Snow Maiden:
I want a cheerful locomotive
He took me away from my worries.
And you guys don't be shy either
Everyone join me together.

Whom will I touch with my hand?
Let him stand behind me.

Rhythmic music turns on, the Snow Maiden walks around the hall and touches all the guests sitting at the table one by one. They stand behind her, creating a long train. He moves around the hall, spinning around the Christmas tree, then speeding up, then slowing down. You can also come up with some funny moves. When the music ends, all guests return to their seats.

The Snow Maiden sits down at the table with the guests. After about 30 minutes, the presenter comes out into the center of the hall again.

I see our Snow Maiden has grown soft
And I managed to drink well.
Now I have to amuse you
And hold a New Year's competition.

Competition for the New Year's corporate party “Dress up the Christmas tree”

  • 12 people are invited to participate in the competition. They are divided into two teams.
  • At the same distance from the start, 2 artificial Christmas trees (borrowed in advance from the employees) are installed, and two chairs are placed 10 meters from them.
  • On the chairs are: 9 Christmas tree decorations in a box, garlands, tinsel and tops.

Participants' task: Decorate the Christmas trees as quickly as possible, but at the same time carefully. The first participant runs up to his chair, takes 3 toys from the box and hangs them on the Christmas tree, returns to the start and passes the baton to the next one. The second and third players do the same. The fourth player hangs a garland, the fifth player hangs tinsel, and the sixth player places the top of the tree on top.

The winner is the team that not only quickly, but also decorated their tree as neatly as possible.


The second part of the corporate New Year

Another 20 minutes later, Santa Claus staggers into the hall to the “New Year” song of Disco Accident. His fur coat is open, he has a cigar in his mouth, a cap on his head, his beard has slid to one side, and he has an empty bottle of cognac in his hand.

Santa Claus (slurring his tongue):
I see the party is in full swing,
Why didn't they wait for me?
I was racing towards you at full speed
Pour at least a hundred grams for grandfather.


Don't judge harshly for being late.
My long journey was not easy.
Just recently I got off the plane
And along the way, of course, I stopped at duty free.

However, I underestimated my strength -
I only bought one bottle.

(shows an empty bottle of cognac)

And the prices there are simply fabulous.
Look, your eyes are happy!

Oh, I said a lot here,
Well, I didn’t inform you about the main thing.
That I just arrived from the Canary Islands,
Where I rested for a month from the severe frosts.

So now I want to take a break,
Maybe even take a little nap.
Get into position, friends,
So, my granddaughter is staying with me.

(points to Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden:
Well, no, grandfather, that won’t do.
Your trick won't work here.
So it's been a while since I
Here I take the rap for you.

Come on, grandfather, don’t worry too much.
Give gifts and go to bed.

Father Frost:
Gifts, you say, should be given.
Where can I find them?
I sowed the bag a long time ago.
I'll think of something right now, friends.

(scratching the back of his head).

He leaves the hall and returns with a suitcase.

Father Frost:
We don't need the bag at all,
This suitcase will do.
I'll have to make amends for my guilt,
Donate your belongings.

Everything I get from there
I will solemnly present it to you.
But first, my granddaughter
He will give you numbers, friends.

The Snow Maiden walks through the hall with a bag from which guests draw numbers with numbers.

Father Frost:
I have one condition,
But it is very important, comrades.
All that I will give,
You can't film for the whole evening.

Well, let's get started, friends, I guess.
First, let's have a glass.

Everyone drinks.

Gift drawing

The giveaway begins. Santa Claus calls the number, and the person to whom it belongs goes to the center of the hall to receive a gift and immediately puts it on himself. You can't take things off until the end of the evening.

Father Frost:

I present this tie to you,
I once wore it myself.

(a giant comic or regular tie is presented).

Rejoice, number two
Got the royal crown.

(hands over a toy crown).

Let's laugh together!
You need to carry this all evening.

(gives funny panties with a butt).

And these are so-so panties.
Looks more like short pants.

(hands over long family panties).

Keep your miracle cap!
He'll embellish you a little.

(gives a New Year's cap).

Here are the New Year's horns for you.
Put them on now.

(hands over the horns).

And you got felt boots,
That they are not filed, old ones.

(felt boots are presented).

Take this scarf,
There is nothing warmer than it in the world.

(gives a knitted scarf).

You got my spare beard,
That's lying around in my suitcase somewhere.

(gives Santa Claus his beard).

I have a talent for giving gifts.
Please accept this wonderful bow as a gift.

(hands over a funny bow on the headband).

Here, take your slippers
And you spend the whole evening wearing them.

(home slippers are presented).

There was also a butterfly on my neck.
Probably left over from an important reception.

(gives the butterfly).

Gives a very comical look
This wonderful wig is for you.

(gives a funny New Year's wig).

You're probably a naughty girl at heart,
Since you got this monkey.

(hands over a monkey mask).

Put on your angel wings,
Float around in them all evening in front of us.

(gives angel wings).

I hand over my dark glasses to you,
I literally tear them from my heart.

(gives him sunglasses).

Put on this zombie mask
And scare all your colleagues today

(hands over a zombie mask).

This bandage will help you
And it can protect against the flu.

(gives a gauze bandage).

You definitely won't be able to get dirty!
Put this bib on immediately.

(gives a bib).

A scarf for you, here you go!
Tie it on your head immediately.

(a scarf is presented).

Here's your tail and even your ears.
From now on you are a furry little animal.

(hands over bunny ears and tail).

I want to give you a clown nose -
You will amuse everyone today.

(gives a clown nose).

Father Frost:

How handsome they all are,
You can't take your eyes off it.
Let's go in new images
Let's all dance!


How would you like to, having worked properly for a whole year, finally, at the end of it, have a corporate rest so that this event will be remembered for a long time, if not forever!

It’s no secret that New Year’s corporate parties can charge you with a real storm of positive emotions and give new strength for work feats for the next year! We have developed exclusive jokes especially for you! We are sure that these funny, amusing jokes will bring any team together even more! We highly recommend capturing everything that happens on video! Happy New Year! And have a wonderful celebration!

Joke No. 1 “Question and answer!”

Participants: Grandfather Frost (D.M.) and everyone present.

D.M.: Well, what, my dears! What are they, priceless! Before we start celebrating our magical holiday, I have a number of questions for you, to which I expect honest and unambiguous answers. As you know, I am a magical Santa Claus and very strict. That’s why I don’t like the answer “no”. So you must answer only “yes” to all my questions, okay? And one more small condition: I will approach one of you and say “yes!” you need to speak in different voices and with different intonations, preferably without repeating yourself! Clear?

All in chorus:: Clear!

D.M.:: Ay, well done! Apparently, you really want to receive gifts from me for the New Year, right?

All in chorus: Yes!

D.M.: So, my fabulous exam begins!

Light music plays in the background.

Santa Claus approaches a new participant each time:

D.M.: Have you worked hard this year?

1st Participant: Yes!

D.M.: Have you achieved much this year?

2nd Uk: Yes!

D.M.:: Didn’t you offend each other?

D.M.: And if necessary, did they save you?

D.M.: Did you drink a lot on Fridays?

D.M.: Did you always get home?

D.M.: Did you remember everything the next morning?

D.M.: Did they call each other names later?

D.M.: Did you bring in all your salaries?

D.M.:: Were the nest eggs well “buried”?

Santa Claus: Did the spouses find them?

Santa Claus: Did they make you angry?

D.M.: Did you manage to take them away?

D.M.: Did you get punishment for this later?

D.M.:: Did you love your boss?

D.M.: Did you leave work later than everyone else?

D.M.: Did you steal paper from the copier?

D.M.: Did you look at the salaries of others?

18th Participant: Yes!

D.M.: Were you gossiping about each other at lunch?

D.M.: These words didn’t mean anything?

D.M.:: And now we all answer in unison!

Are you all friendly guys?

All in chorus: Yes!

D.M.: Maybe we should drink for this?

All in chorus: Yes!


D.M.:: Pour everything into a glass!

And quickly break up into pairs!
Let's laugh now!
But for this you will have to start
Very hard kiss!!!

Joke No. 2 “A fabulous gift!”

Several participants are called. Behind the back, Santa Claus or the presenter shows a picture, but so that the participant himself does not see anything. Before presenting the gift, Santa Claus asks the participant questions, and he must answer them.

After all the questions have been answered, and all the watching spectators have laughed heartily at the participant’s answers, Santa Claus pulls out their gifts from his bag (children's potty, enema, and set: handcuffs, whip, gag): and gives it to the participants as a souvenir.

1st Participant – picture “children’s potty”:

Santa Claus addresses the first participant:: I have prepared a very interesting gift for you. But first you must answer a few of my questions.

So, questions:

  • How much do you think you need this gift?
  • How often do you think you will use it?
  • And if your best friend asks you for this gift, will you give it?
  • How long can you live without it?
  • Which of the people closest to you are you willing to give it to? Who needs it more than you?
  • Is there such a person here who has such a gift? And who is it?
  • Could someone around you steal it from you?
  • How will you return it?

The second participant is called. Behind his back, Santa Claus shows a picture of an enema.

  • Do you think this is a very precious gift for you?
  • Who loves you so much that they could give it to you?
  • Will you use it every day?
  • How will you feel? Please list!
  • Do you think that sooner or later you might get tired of this gift?
  • Who could you give it to? Who do you especially like among those present?
  • Will you watch how he uses your gift?
  • And can you give any advice on operation?

The third participant is called. Santa Claus holds behind his back, but so that everyone else can see a picture of handcuffs, a gag and a whip (a set for role-playing games).

  • Do you think you need it?
  • How many years have you missed this gift?
  • Will you like it?
  • Will you be able to share it with friends, or, for example, use it simultaneously while sitting in the same company?
  • What sensations will it give you? How do you feel when using this gift?
  • Will you suggest your colleagues to purchase this gift?
  • Would you buy it for your manager’s birthday?
  • This gift is very unusual and unique. Do you think it’s worth filming it when using it?
  • If you were asked to describe him in three words, what would you say about him? What is it for?

Santa Claus addresses the audience: Well, who else wants gifts from me?

Funny competition No. 3 “Sweet kiss!”

To conduct it, several participants are called in pairs.

The number of men and women must be equal. Each couple is given a balloon, on which the young man, looking at his couple, draws with a marker the eyes and lips of his partner in the competition.

To the music and at the command of the leader, the balls are placed between the faces in each pair. A woman can hold it with her forehead, nose, cheek or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, like the face of his beloved girl, and chews the ball with a kiss, or rather with his teeth.

From the outside it looks like a passionate kiss! Whoever bursts faster, and whoever does it more believably and artistically, wins “Sweet Kiss!” The winning couple is rewarded with a slow romantic dance.

Joke No. 4 “Musical” dramatization

Preliminary preparation:

Recording of the “backing track” of Mikhail Nozhkin’s song “I haven’t seen Mom for so long!”

6 men are participating. They should have a “crumpled” appearance. Ties are askew, shirts are improperly buttoned and tucked in incorrectly. Jackets are either inside out, or worn on one sleeve, the other dragging. The hair is shaggy and he looks very tired. They support each other.

All in chorus 1st verse:

We haven't rested for so long, we haven't rested for so long,
Neither drank beer nor ate salad,
Every day, we just plowed every day,
And everyone is happy to give their strength to work.

Verse 2:

1st Participant sings:
There is fire all around, there are problems, but we knew

2nd Participant:
What we need to do is definitely win.

3rd Participant:
Clutching the chair, gritting our teeth, we waited,

4th Participant:
When will we be able to pour a glass?

Verse 3:

5th Participant:
Not all of us, not all of us will reach the goal.

6th Participant:
Some were tired, some even got sick.

1st Participant:
But definitely we, but definitely everyone wanted it that way,

2nd Participant:
May the New Year be in time for everyone!

Verse 4:

3rd Participant:
Let someone out there, let someone out there, wander in the forest.

4th Participant:
And he is looking for an elegant Christmas tree in the forest.

5th Participant:
Let no one, let no one judge us.

All in chorus:
After all, the holiday of happiness, the holiday of fairy tales is just around the corner!

The men hug and, congratulating each other on the New Year, leave the stage!

For a festive feast, you can choose any of these.

Corporate party joke No. 3 “Continue the New Year’s poem”

It would be better if Father Frost and Snow Maiden read out. It is also possible to wedge the presenter's words into the script itself.

When New Year's knocks,
Open it to him quickly!
He came to us a whole year ago
Open wider...(doors!)

Let Santa Claus come in,
And with him his toys:
Cars, dolls, locomotive,
And different...(animals!)

We are still waiting and let him come,
A girl is coming to us - a girl!
Do you remember her name?
Of course...(Snow Maiden!)

And let the snowman come
But just don’t let it melt!
Otherwise he’ll have to stand all year long,
After all, everything is there... (sweeps up!)

Joke No. 4 “Draw Santa Claus”

An oval is drawn on two Whatman papers (this is the future face of Santa Claus). Whatman paper is mounted on a stand, with markers nearby. Two teams are formed: “girls” and “boys”.

At the “start” (chair), two teams line up. Everyone first is blindfolded.

Task: speed, blindly, reach the Whatman paper and draw only one element of Santa Claus. Then the bandage is removed and the participant runs to his team. The next participant is blindfolded, he runs to the Whatman paper and draws another element of the face with his eyes closed, and so on. Then both drawings are compared. Santa Claus comments and chooses the winning team! Santa Claus takes pictures with her! Takes a selfie.

Joke No. 5 Corporate skit “Reading minds”

Verka Serduchka’s song “And I’m just coming from the cold!”

Verka Serduchka (V.S.) appears with a suitcase in her hand.

V.S: Oh, hello everyone! Where did I end up? Isn't this a train station?

He approaches the nearest stoic, pours himself a glass, and drinks in one gulp.

V.S: And it’s not bad here! Good people, do you recognize me? Who am I?

All: Verka Serduchka!

V.S: And not only! Just so you understand, simple, ordinary people, I am not only a Star, but also a Great Psychic! Don't believe me? Well, look, yesterday the stupid neighbor was hanging out her laundry. I tell her in Russian that it will rain! And she twirls her bullshit and doesn’t believe it. And what do you think? As soon as I left... And it didn’t rain! Her damn linen was left to dry until evening! In the evening, this idiot didn’t even say thank you to me! How for what? Well, I studied the weather and rain with my psychic abilities and canceled it! Do you want me to show you now what phenomenal abilities I have? I can read all your thoughts! You want?

All Yes!

V.S:, rubbing his hands, approaches the man: Let's start with you, our clear falcon! So what are we thinking about now? (makes grooves with his hands above his head) An excerpt from V. Serduchka’s song “Ah, vodka!”

V.S: patting him on the shoulder: Well, wait, wait, it’s too early to get so drunk!

Approaches the next participant, a girl.

V.S: makes movements with his hands over it. The song by V. Serduchka “And I’m going all like this to Dolce Gobana!”

V.S: Oh, what a spender you are, my dear! One husband cannot bear such expenses... Look for an assistant for him!

Approaches the next plump woman. He moves his hands over her. The song “Pie” by V. Serduchka is played.

V.S: pats her on the shoulder: And I’m like that! I would eat everything and eat it! Especially when I’m losing weight... The diet is like this - eat more!

Approaches the next participant. Verka Serduchka's song "Gop, Gop, Gop!"

V.S: No, I don’t understand, have you already taken it on your chest? When managed? Look, everyone is still sober…. Yes, dance again, dance again!

Approaches another beautiful girl. He casts a spell over her and the song “I don’t understand!” sounds.

V.S: Well, honey, I understand everything! Do you know what I can still read through you the thoughts of your other halves. Don't believe me? Look, I don't feel sorry! Raise your hands, who's married?

Among the men he chooses the most modest one and approaches him. Moves her hands over his head. Verka Serduchka's song "You're drunk like a pig!"

Everyone laughs and V.S., looking at his watch, waves his hand to everyone.

V.S: Everyone, dear ones, I give you a general boost of energy for the whole next year!

Waves his arms over everyone. Verka Serduchka’s song “Everything will be fine!” plays, he picks up his suitcase and runs away to the music.

V.S: immediately returns shouting: “Aha!!! Did you really think that you got rid of me so easily? Who wants to take a selfie with me, the star and the psychic?”

Everyone takes turns taking pictures with her. She signs autographs.

These are the corporate jokes we have prepared for you for the New Year 2021. We hope you enjoy it and your holiday will be so fun that you will remember it throughout the whole year!

The calendar reports day after day every day, the time to prepare for the most long-awaited holiday, the New Year, is becoming less and less! Don't rack your brains! A script for congratulating Father Frost and Snow Maiden for almost every occasion is here!

We bring to your attention a whole collection of completely unpredictable, funny, cool, and most importantly, for every taste! For any company! For any age!
Your New Year with our scenarios will be the most unforgettable and unique!
Happy New Year!

Script for congratulating Father Frost and Snow Maiden for adults at home

Preliminary preparation:

  • pre-record the appropriate beat for the verses for “New Year’s rap”;
  • backing track of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!”;
  • light cheerful background music;
  • “Throne” for Santa Claus (chair covered with red cloth);
  • The text of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!” printed on a sheet of paper.


  1. Leading. Dressed festively. In a formal suit.
  2. Father Frost. A strong, well-built man. Dressed in a traditional Santa Claus costume.
  3. Snow Maiden. A man in disguise. He is wearing a Snow Maiden costume.

Scene #1

The beat for New Year's rap is turned on.

Snow Maiden:

We rushed to you without looking back,
Almost rubbed off my heels!

Father Frost:

New Year is just around the corner,

Snow Maiden:

Soon, soon the hour will strike!

Father Frost:

Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is!
Happy for everyone! Everyone is amazed!

Snow Maiden:

And the tables are set, Grandfather!
There's a festive lunch here!

Father Frost:

Have you “kids” been waiting long?
Have you had anything to drink?
We have come to you again!
Is everyone sober? Are you ready for the holiday?

Snow Maiden:

Many, many wishes!
Let the road be snowy
From winter to spring,
Let the bullfinches sing to you!

Father Frost:

Let the salary never end!

Snow Maiden:

Everything works out every day!

Father Frost:

They don't scold you at work,
On the bus they just give up space!

Snow Maiden:

Let the bags be filled with groceries themselves
Delicious, eaten by you and your friends!

Father Frost:

Let the beer flow in the evening!
The wife does not scold, but only laughs loudly!

Snow Maiden:

The husband gives gifts to his wife,
In the kitchen, the saucepan cooks lunch itself!
Let the refrigerator not close,
And again he’s stuffed with groceries!

Father Frost:

Every day is like New Year's
Let the people rush and rush to you!
With best wishes,
Let the walls crumble with laughter!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, what did you wish for?
You almost broke their house!

Father Frost:

Let's do it, friends,
May everything come true
But in moderation
There is no other way...

Snow Maiden:

May every day make you happy!

Father Frost:

Now you’re not too lazy to drink for what’s been said!

Snow Maiden:

Pour the champagne into glasses!
And don’t forget about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost:

There is such a bad omen,
When the sober Grandfather and the Snow Maiden are “dry”!

Snow Maiden:

So let the booze flow!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden in unison:

Let's drink to the New Year with interest and to the dregs!

The clink of glasses is heard. Champagne is being poured. The first three toasts are sounded. The Leader regulates the entire process. He also gives the floor to those congratulating.

Scene #2

Santa Claus: Tell me, what else does the New Year represent? Besides, of course, our appearance on the holiday.

There are different possible answers.

Father Frost: That's right, my dears! This is our beautiful Christmas tree! Before we light the Christmas tree, we need to check your IQ. Are you ready for the challenge, friends?

All in chorus: Yes!

Snow Maiden: That is great! Then try to guess our New Year's riddles with Grandfather.

Father Frost:

And on the long-awaited New Year,
The Snow Maiden will come to us,
And under the fragrant Christmas tree,
We drive with her... What?

All in chorus: ROUND DANCE!

Father Frost: Great! Let's continue!

Snow Maiden:

Do you hear? Grandfather is groaning there,
He's tired of carrying the package
Read him a poem
And gifts... What?

All in unison: GET IT!

Father Frost: Next riddle. Let's listen carefully.
The Snow Maiden sat down under the Christmas tree with a bunny,
And she quietly sang a nice song,
People went to dance in a circle,
Hello hello…

All in chorus: NEW YEAR!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, just look how smart they are! We passed the test with riddles easily! Let's take them all to the New Year?


Pandemonium at the gates
New Year is coming,
The sleigh is approaching
A holiday is coming!

Snow Maiden:

On a reindeer sled
In a blue fur coat, with a beard,
Santa Claus gives the go-ahead!
New Year is coming home!


He knocks with a chime,
Bells motif.
The snow is circling with its watch,
Against bad weather.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather boldly enters every home,
And gives out gifts
Round dances dance,
Sings songs loudly!

Father Frost: Yes! That's who I am! But you and I will all sing a song together. Or rather, one by one.

A sheet of text is passed from hand to hand. Everyone sings a line. Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!”

Scene #3

Father Frost: And now let’s move on to the most important and main thing in our event. Now I’ll sit comfortably and accept all your wishes! And then perform them for a whole year!

Santa Claus sits on the throne. With cheerful music (in the background), everyone sits down on their knees and says their wishes for the next New Year in their ears. Santa Claus listens carefully and nods.

Scenario for congratulating Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home for children for 10-15 minutes

Preliminary preparation:

Recording songs:

  1. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree";
  2. “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”;
  3. “Tease for Santa Claus “Rosy cheeks.”

Make pictures in advance with images: snowman, sugar, sun. Place the pictures together with a gift for the child in a large bag.


Father Frost. Dressed in a red long fur coat with white trim around the edges. Red hat with trim. The mittens are red. Required: white beard, hair, mustache, red drawn nose, kind look. In his hands is a magic staff and a bag with gifts and attributes (pictures).

Scene #1

A New Year's song is heard. Santa Claus enters with a huge bag. It contains pictures of the “guess” and a gift for the child.

Father Frost: Hello, hello, my dears! How long it took me to get to you!
I walked for a long time, from afar!
I came to see you and am glad to see you!
I'm telling you without a hint,
I'm looking forward to the holiday! Masquerade!

Holiday! The holiday is coming!
It lifts your spirits!
New Year is knocking on the door!
Open it, my friend, quickly!

I walked specially from afar to see you. I want to wish you a Happy New Year, baby! I see that you have properly prepared for our meeting, for our holiday! What a beautiful outfit you're wearing! Well done!

Is there celebration and fun here?
Do they read poems here?
Who needs gifts?
Special! For kids!

Come on, tell Grandfather Frost, do you want to receive a New Year's gift?

Child nods and says yes.

Father Frost(pats his head) and addresses the adults too:
You need to earn gifts!

We will shout three times:
We need gifts!

Father Frost: Oh, I can’t hear something well! He's probably gotten quite old. Let's say it louder! Well done guys! We made grandpa happy. Now let's make Santa Claus happy? Do you want to play with me, baby?

The child agrees.

Game #1

The song-dance “Tease for Santa Claus “Rosy cheeks!” The child repeats all the movements after Santa Claus. Adults can also participate in the teasing game, repeating the movements that are sung in the song.

Game No. 2

Santa Claus becomes wary and freezes. And then he slowly reaches into the bag with his hand, and from there, as he solves the riddles, he will pull out pictures.

Father Frost:
Wait, what is this?
What's so icy here?
Carrot nose
Eyebrows with a house.
Does he look a little like a gnome?
Answer me. I'm used to the answers.
Who is this?

Adults help the child guess: SNOWMAN! (shows the child a picture of a Snowman)

Father Frost:

Well you tried
Just so they don't get arrogant,
I'll make another wish for you.

What's hot?
Not in winter, more often in summer,
Illuminates with bright light,
It barely knocks on the window,
Affectionate... What?

The child guesses.

Santa Claus shows the child a picture of the Sun:
Of course, THE SUN!
Of course, I’m not friends with him!
But I still love it in absentia!

My next riddle:
It makes him sweet!
Put two spoons
And dissolve it in a drink.
They add it to the tea,
They call it sweet-sweet!

The child guesses, Santa Claus shows the child a picture of sugar.

Father Frost: What a great guy you are! You solved all my riddles! For this I give you this wonderful gift! (takes a gift out of the bag and hands it to the child)
Dear kids!
Girls and boys!
What kind of sad outfit do I see?
Why don't the garlands light up on the Christmas tree?
Come on, together, come on, together,
You need to shout three times!
“Listen, Christmas tree, one, two, three!
Light up and burn!

Both the adults and the child, together with Santa Claus, shout a chant three times and the Christmas tree lights up.

Father Frost:
Christmas tree, beauty!
We all really like it!
Her lights are burning!
They're talking about the New Year!

Ay, what great guys you are!
All beauties and daredevils!
Get into a round dance.
And welcome the New Year!

Everyone stands in a circle and dances in a circle to the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter!”

Father Frost: Baby, I would be very grateful to you if you read some New Year’s poem for Grandfather! Do you have this? Did you learn it for me?

The child recites the prepared verse with pleasure.

Father Frost: Well, well, I'm so glad that we met you this year! And I really hope that next New Year you and I will definitely play and sing! And let's solve riddles! I look forward to our next meeting! And you promise that you will behave well all year, obey your mom and dad, and at the same time your grandparents. Do you promise? That's good!
Let's hug goodbye, baby!
Bye bye! I look forward to your new wishes!

Saying goodbye, Santa Claus leaves.

Cool scenario for congratulating Father Frost and Snow Maiden at a corporate party

Preliminary preparation:

  • recordings of light instrumental music;
  • a bag of forfeits;
  • box for notes;
  • leaves, pens according to the number of people present.


  1. Father Frost. Dressed in a modern way. Only classic attributes: a wig, beard, mustache, Santa Claus hair and a hat. Magic staff in hands.
  2. Snow Maiden. Dressed in a modern way. Only on the head is a wig of two braids and a Snow Maiden hat. She might even be wearing ripped jeans.

Scene #1

Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello, hello, our dears! Here we are, finally, after a whole year, meeting you all!

Snow Maiden: We decided to celebrate the upcoming New Year with you, dear friends!

Father Frost: Dear friends, dear colleagues! Today we will celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Nowadays it’s fashionable to organize various battles. Why are we worse? Here, my grandfather and I see, the most talented and also the most resourceful people have gathered! Really, grandpa?

Father Frost: Yes, sure! Almost the color of the nation! So, we invite you, to raise corporate spirit in anticipation of the holiday itself, with us to perform an impromptu rap dedicated to the most important holiday of the year.

Snow Maiden: Come on, remind me what it’s called?

All in chorus: New Year!

Father Frost: Of course, it's New Year! So, I'm starting a New Year's rap! Get your palms ready!

Snow Maiden: Are you ready, friends? Go! (the rhythm is set by clapping, rap beat)

Father Frost:

In the forest on the edge of the forest there lived an ordinary grandfather,

Snow Maiden:

He was not old, but still single.

Father Frost:

That grandfather loved to give gifts,

Snow Maiden:

And dance around the Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

Let us remember that his grandfather was not married,
But there was a granddaughter, and it’s not his fault.

Snow Maiden:

Where did that girl come from?
If there is no wife, then how could she be born?

Father Frost:

They go home in a cheerful crowd,
They find company and a Christmas tree everywhere!

Snow Maiden:

They are welcome around everyone without exception!
Everyone loves their New Year's adventures!

Father Frost:

Even their animals say everything!

Snow Maiden:

And they dance! And they sing songs! What are they doing!

Father Frost:

There, an ordinary Christmas tree blooms like that,
That lights flash in different colors!

Snow Maiden:

And the New Year's table is a gift from heaven!
There are so many goodies on it, it’s overwhelming!

Father Frost:

The fun there is just over the top!

Snow Maiden(addresses Santa Claus):
Grandfather, what are you worth?!
Let's pour out the champagne!
Yo! Kamon!

All this time, the employees beat out the rhythm. Then they simply applauded.

Father Frost: Well, well, friends! You can't remove the words from the song. It was said - pour it! So you need to pour it! Let's raise these glasses to the passing year.

Snow Maiden: Let's give thanks for all the good things that happened in it!

Light instrumental music plays. The microphone goes around in a circle.

In a circle, everyone says thank you to the passing year for something.

For example: “I am grateful to the passing year for the fact that my child was born in it,” “Paid off the mortgage,” “I met my love,” “I climbed the career ladder, got a position,” “Sold my old car, bought a new one,” etc. d.

We think everyone will find something to remember and thank for this year.

First light snack.

Scene #2

Father Frost: Let's play forfeits?

Snow Maiden: Forfeits! Fanta! Hooray! Let's.

Father Frost: Everyone needs to prepare one of their personal subjects. So... Well done! And you, granddaughter, collect all these forfeits into my magic bag.

The Snow Maiden goes around everyone, collecting personal forfeits.

Snow Maiden: Everything, grandfather, ready!

Game No. 1 “New Year’s forfeits”

Father Frost: That is great! So, let me remind everyone of the rules of the game: I take out an object, also known as a forfeit, and say the task. The one to whom it belongs must complete this task. It's clear? And look at me! Don't anger grandfather! Otherwise you won't see good weather in winter. Just slush and rain.

Snow Maiden: That's it, grandfather, don't scare people. Start playing, get forfeits and give out assignments!

Father Frost: Well, okay (takes out a forfeit). This phantom needs to pretend to be a firecracker!

The owner of the item depicts.

Snow Maiden(2nd phantom): This phantom needs to confess his love to his leader without saying a word!

The owner of the object depicts without words.

Father Frost(3rd phantom): This phantom needs to quickly, while I count to five, gather a choir of colleagues and sing any New Year's song to the applause of the others.

The owner of the object quickly finds and sings.

Snow Maiden(4th phantom): This phantom needs to depict the Russian coat of arms. You can resort to the help of colleagues.

The owner of the item invites a colleague, and they pretend.

Father Frost(5th fan): This fan must tell his favorite movie without mentioning the title or names, using only “He, She, They, etc.” The rest are guessing.

The owner of the item tells. Colleagues are trying to guess. Three attempts are given.

Snow Maiden(6th forfeit): This forfeit must quickly kiss all representatives of the opposite sex on the cheek. And to make things fair, here's some lipstick for you. So that the mark on the cheek is clearly visible. I'll count later. Speed ​​matters! Everything about everything - exactly one minute and she went! I'm timing!

The owner of the object runs to kiss the opposite sex.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, count how many people were kissed at this table?

The Snow Maiden counts the traces of kisses on her cheeks.

Game No. 2 “Booze, partying, morning hangover!”

Father Frost: Oh, how quick you all are at kissing, I see! And now - dance break! It's not simple! And the waste!

The task is like this: you are dancing, but as soon as I hit the ground with my staff and say loudly “OPA”! The day after the New Year comes immediately for you! It's clear? Come on, everyone come out and dance! I just warn you, you need to dance and depict your state on the morning of January 1st. I'll look at you. In case someone needs an ambulance, I’ll write a list to the doctors in advance with addresses!

Fun dance music is playing. The employees are dancing. As soon as Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff, everyone immediately gets drunk.

Scene #3

Father Frost: Oh, I’m really scared for you, even if you don’t leave. Let's have a proper snack! But first, let's drink to the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Pour it up!

Light instrumental music plays. Snack.

Scene #4

The Snow Maiden hands out empty small pieces of paper and pens to everyone.

Father Frost: The time is coming, my friends, to make wishes.

Snow Maiden:
Quickly, quickly hurry up,
Write down your wishes,
So that they all come true,
Never forgotten!

They write everything down and put it in a box. Santa Claus takes the box.

Father Frost(takes out the first note):
You sent me wishes
Right now we'll do a fortune telling.
Guess whose and where,
They wrote it down on a piece of paper.
Just guess too loudly,
So that you say your last name loudly!
Here alone I wished for myself,
So that gasoline prices don't go up.
Yes, and transport tax,
To shrink as much as I could.
Whose wish would you say?
Who loves driving so much?
Your dimensionless skating?

Everyone begins to guess with laughter, referring to each other.

Snow Maiden(takes out the second note): Grandfather, can I get it?

Okay, we'll move on
And we take a piece of paper.
Here the desire is funny,
He asks for an expensive dress,
Attitude towards him
Our Santa Claus has.
That's who he's walking with,
Let him have it!
Dresses, fur coats, necklaces...
All! End of the poem!

Father Frost: So who is it? A?

Everyone starts guessing, calling on each other.

Santa Claus (takes out the third note):
I take out the next piece of paper.
Unintelligible... How could I
A man wrote there,
To be allowed at work
Drink a lot of cognac!
Apparently the guy forgot
Ask for daily barbecue too!
We add on our own behalf,
And we chalk up his absence to excitement...

Snow Maiden: So, who is this? Let's guess! Let's guess!

Everyone starts calling names.

Father Frost(takes out the fourth note): Oh, how interesting! Guess whose wish this is? A man with humor! I respect you.
There is still a wish
Don't go to jail for mistakes!
For exceeding authority,
We do not disclose in absentia!
Don't talk about it loudly
And feel free to row and row!
And accounting, friends,
Helping you, not just me!
Don't meet with the tax office
Don't argue with the prosecutor's office
And do everything as always!
What's best for the company, gentlemen!

Snow Maiden: And another wish was lost in the box!

Father Frost: Come on... Exactly!
Now there is only one wish left
It's a little lost at the bottom.
I read it out loud, here it is:
Let the celebration begin!
Happy New Year!
And we wish you dreams come true!

Light music is playing. Snack with congratulations.

Father Frost: Happy new year friends!

Snow Maiden: Happy new happiness, colleagues! Hooray!

Script for New Year's greetings in the office

Preliminary preparation:

Recording songs and music:

  • recording of erotic Tango;
  • recording ditties (music);
  • hopak record;
  • light cheerful music (background for the fashion show);
  • song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Prepare a false belly for the Snow Maiden.

Prepare a huge box with the most ridiculous clothes: not only sweaters, skirts, trousers, but also hats, helmets, glasses, ties, collars, belts, scarves, mittens, bags, construction and musical instruments.


  1. Father Frost. A woman dressed in a Santa Claus costume.
  2. Snow Maiden. A man dressed in a Snow Maiden costume.

Scene #1

Father Frost:

How long it turns out
Let's get to the Christmas tree!
Everything is close here, she said,
Well, what have you done?
Look, my feet are frozen,
And not just them alone.
I'm such big potholes
I haven't seen you since the dashing years!
Where is this DRSU?
There’s something I don’t understand at all!
I'll probably send them an email!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, don’t swear too much,
Get ready quickly.
Rested a little - hit the road!
Don't forget your bag!
People are waiting for us there.
In the office! Not anywhere!

Father Frost:

You know, my dear,
Look at you!
Urging grandfather
And myself, until lunch
I was getting ready, putting on my makeup,
So that someone likes it.

Snow Maiden:

What did you want, big nose?
So that this is how I live my life
Passed unmarried?
I won't die unmarried!
I should have gotten married a long time ago!
And you still have no leisure.
During the New Year's parades,
You keep poking me, my friend.
I'd like to take it at least once, grandpa,
Yes, without the Snow Maiden! And I could!
No, you would need everything
So that I drag myself straining
I'll follow you!
Where is the holiday dinner?

Father Frost:

Hush, granddaughter, we have arrived,
Here they sit, my dears!

Hello! I'm so glad to see you!
Snow Maiden (rushed to the table, reached for the fruit):
Oh, I wish I could eat the grapes!
I followed him for so many miles!
Grandfather is to blame for everything!

Father Frost:

My dear friends!
Happy New Year! Here I am!
I am my Snow Maiden
Brought to the party...

(looks around in search of her granddaughter and finds her near the table, where she is already drinking a glass of vodka).
… Fuck!
Don't pour it for her, don't!
She gets drunk and starts falling!
I won't drag her!
Don't drink, I said! Fuck!

Father Frost:

Granddaughter, granddaughter, don’t yawn.
Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

Okay, so be it...
But first, pour it! (reaches for the bottle again)

Father Frost:

My dear friends!
I will congratulate you!
Let your dreams come true!
There will be no emptiness in your pocket!

Snow Maiden(sticks to the nearest man):

Love is always around
And he doesn’t forget anyone!
There are quite a few kind words for you,
It just became kind of sad...
My glass is empty.
And not only …
Pour it up! We all shout “bitterly”! (tries to kiss another man)

Father Frost:

Oh, Snow Maiden got drunk!
And I completely fell apart.
There is no need to shout “bitterly” here,
Let the fairy tale begin!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, sorry... Something is wrong with me,
I blabbed for no reason.
New Year's ditties
I sing too!

A recording of ditties (music) is played, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost sing.

Snow Maiden:

Dear, dear Santa Claus,
Pink sock!
You bought gifts for everyone!
My wallet has lost weight!

Father Frost:

You, Snow Maiden, forgot
I didn’t wash the sleigh this morning.
And now the deer is in harness,
Left with the number on the thigh.

Snow Maiden:

I dropped into the pharmacy
I bought a breathalyzer there.
I'm ready for the corporate party!
Pour it up! Be healthy!

We are with you Santa Claus,
We walked quite a few miles.
We were in a hurry to get to the office here,
Let us make people laugh!

Father Frost:

It's true, it's true!
Let's all dance together!
Eh! Eh! Eh!

They dance themselves and encourage guests to dance.

Scene #2

Snow Maiden: Listen, Grandfather Frost. Look how many handsome men there are here. Let's find a husband for me? Oh please! I really want to get married! Urgently.

Father Frost: Well, I don’t know... Which one do you need? Describe it.

Snow Maiden: Alluring!

Father Frost: All? Are these all your wishes?

Snow Maiden: Yeah!

Father Frost: Fine. Let's find you a groom. We need the most alluring one! Well, will you admit it yourself or will she now start using her charms?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, do you see a whole forest of hands?

Father Frost: No.

Snow Maiden: And I don't see. Let's check them by force.

Father Frost: OK. You asked for it! Come out the bravest and most...immortal!

Competition No. 1 “Erot-ii”

Three men are participating.

Assignment: you need to take any technical instruction (from a printer, phone, even an iron) and read a couple of paragraphs in a very erotic voice. You can play along with facial expressions and gestures.

The Snow Maiden chooses the most attractive of the participants and takes it for herself. The others sit down to applause.

Father Frost: Well, granddaughter, is your darling calm now?

Snow Maiden: Of course, Grandfather! Only now the soul asks to dance.

Tango sounds. The Snow Maiden picks up her chosen one and dances with him, and she herself leads the man’s part. At the end of the dance, he bends the chosen one down.

While everyone is laughing and the chosen one is running away to his place, the Snow Maiden runs to another room, where she puts on a fake belly and becomes “pregnant”. All this needs to be done very quickly. He returns to general laughter.

Father Frost:
What's wrong with you? What's the matter?
Are you probably sick?
What got you so upset?
What was it that got you going?

Snow Maiden(points finger at the chosen one):

It's all his fault!
Here's a ready-made son-in-law for you!

The Snow Maiden rushes to hug him.

Father Frost: That's it, you got it, my friend. The only thing that will save you is if your female colleagues “tell you off.”

Man asks: How?

Father Frost:

What will they say about you being married?
Yes, by the way, you are all under attack!
My Snow Maiden still has that fuse!
If one falls off, don't worry!
She can easily replace it! She doesn't care!
So, friends, I say in advance
Only the universal will save you
Crazy dressing up!

Competition No. 2 “Crazy fashion show!”

Anyone can participate, both men and women. Light, cheerful music plays (background for the fashion show).

Exercise: from the most ridiculous attributes, funny hats, skirts, glasses, helmets, etc., create the funniest image and walk around in it. Santa Claus comments.

Scene #3

Snow Maiden: Okay, Santa Claus, I obviously can’t find a groom here. Let's go to another organization!

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays in the background.

Father Frost: Well, we congratulate you!

Snow Maiden: We wish you happiness and joy!

Father Frost: Let dreams come true!

Snow Maiden: And I come across suitors!

Father Frost: We will return to you in exactly one year, dear friends! And may this year be as fun for you as our meeting today!

Snow Maiden: And remember. I'll be back!

She takes a bottle of alcohol from the table and leaves, blowing kisses to one or the other man.

A short congratulation to children from Santa Claus in verse

What kind of miracle? What a miracle?
How beautiful everything is here!
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
And I brought gifts!

I wish you a New Year,
To live without hassle,
To happiness and wealth
Everything was at the gate!

May there be a whole load of health!
That's what Santa Claus wishes,
Don't rush to argue with him!
Write your wishes.

I will complete everything exactly on time!
I promise you this.
Only you can help me
You will compose them yourself.

The rest, friends,
I want to wish you:
Laughter, joy, fun,
And a little idleness.

Let the work go well
Happiness will come to your home!
Let your dreams come true!
Let there be no emptiness!

Neither in the soul nor in fate!
Good luck to you! Warmth in the hut!
May the whole year surround you
That tangerine smell!

If suddenly it fades away,
Then hurry to the store!
Don't let the prices bite you
All goals come true!

Happy New Year to you, friends!
I am glad to congratulate you on it!

Scenario for congratulating Santa Claus at home for children (without Snow Maiden)

Preliminary preparation:

Recording songs:

  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree";
  • round dance song (game) - “Santa Claus is our good friend.”


Father Frost. Dressed in a traditional Santa Claus costume. In her hands is a bag of gifts and a magic staff.

Scene #1

The music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays. Santa Claus enters the room.

Father Frost:

Hello, friends!
So all of me has arrived to you!
Who it? Say it together!
Don't you need any advice?
I have a red nose!
Who am I?
Exactly! ...
Parents and child say in unison: ...Santa Claus!

Father Frost:

I walked through the forest, walked through the fields.
For this meeting! Meetings with you!
Who was waiting for me like that, tell me!
And accept my gift!

Gives everyone present an unbreakable Christmas tree toy.

Father Frost(addresses the child):
Hello hello! How are you?
How did your life go?
A whole year has passed and now
It's New Year!

She takes the child by the hand and leads him to the Christmas tree. Draws the child's attention to the Christmas tree.

How beautiful the Christmas tree is!
What a miracle! Beauty!
She has amazing toys on her!
At the top is a beautiful star!
It's true?

The child agrees.

Father Frost:

The decorated Christmas tree came to visit us,
And brought a good mood to your home!
We will all shout “Fire Christmas tree” in unison!
Light our way with your lights!

Parents slowly turn on the garland.

Father Frost:

Light up the Christmas tree with lights,
Hurry up and dance with us!
Children dance in circles

All in chorus: New Year!

All three times, helping the child, shout the phrase “Light up the Christmas tree!”

Game #1

A round dance song (game) is played - “Santa Claus is our good friend.”

Exercise: You need to dance in a circle with your child and repeat all the movements of Santa Claus (touch the nose, hand, leg, etc. according to the text, dance as Santa Claus shows).

Father Frost: What a great fellow you are! So you and I danced! I liked it very much! What about you, baby?
The child answers.

Father Frost: Now let's play the New Year's quiz! Try to answer my, Grandfather Morozovsky, questions correctly.

  • Does it rain in winter?

Answer: only in the form of New Year's decoration - “rain”.

  • What is a snowman made of?

Answer: three balls of different sizes, a carrot nose, coals for the eyes, and sticks instead of hands. Bucket on the head.

  • How is a Christmas tree different from a regular one?

Answer: decorations (star, lights, garlands).

  • What symbol, what animal was there in the past year?

Answer: Pig.

  • Which animal will represent the coming year 2020?

Answer: Rat.

Father Frost: Right!

He takes out a toy Rat from the bag. Gives to a child.

Father Frost: Receive next year's symbol from me. This toy is not simple, but magical! As soon as you whisper your wish in her ear, she will try to fulfill it. Do not believe? Well, try quietly in her ear, so that no one hears, ask for something. And she will tell me everything later.
The child whispers in the ear of a toy.

Father Frost takes the toy and puts it to his ear: What are you doing? Is it true? Well, of course, I will do everything! Only I want to make my most important riddle. (Addresses the child) But guess another one of my most important riddles!

Under the tree you can early,
After the holiday, find... A GIFT!

Father Frost(takes out a gift for the child from the bag): I fulfill your main wish. I'm giving you a gift!

The adults applaud.

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays.

Father Frost: Unfortunately, I have to go. I still have a lot to do. But I will definitely come to you again next year! I look forward to our next meeting! Now help me sing our favorite song about the Christmas tree!

All the choir and the child sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Grandfather Frost says goodbye and leaves.

Last year, my colleagues really liked our corporate party, and this year again they blamed it on me to host it.

I’ll write a script here, and I’ll use relay races and competitions at our New Year’s celebration in the forest.

Hello, comrades and gentlemen!
Today I will be your Toastmaster
I searched the entire Internet.
I chose the best.
But our holiday will be merry or not.
Depends on you, gentlemen and ladies.

There are no recipes for the perfect New Year's holiday, everyone has their own, and today we will try to all together create a festive, New Year's mood for each of you. And let's start right now.
Let's calculate the First - Second.

First, you will create noise and festive effects. When you hear numbers in the text, clap the same number of times.
And the Second - when they hear mentions of the New Year and Santa Claus, they shout HURRAY!
All clear? Let's rehearse: New Year (shout “Hurray”), three (clap 3 times). Great!

The presenter reads the text, the participants clap and shout.

What a wonderful New Year holiday!
It’s a pity it only happens once a year!
But how impatiently we look forward to it, because Santa Claus will come to visit us with a whole bag of gifts.
We are already starting to prepare for it 2 weeks before the New Year. We go around the shops looking for gifts, but not 1, not 2 or 3 times.
We buy a NEW YEAR tree and place a toy Santa Claus next to it.
And now the 12th month of the old year is coming to an end. We can already hear how the New Year is coming towards us with a light tread, and, of course, Grandfather Frost is leading it.
And that’s why you and I gathered in this hall on December 29 to celebrate the New Year 2018 together with Father Frost and Snow Maiden!!!

The old year is passing away
Leaves without return
The thread of worries goes away,
Which we don't need
And it will sink into oblivion,
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly,
Names go away
Moments, looks, songs
Time is passing.
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year,
Goodbye, no goodbye
New Year is coming to us
And makes promises!

Yes! New Year is an extraordinary holiday in all respects, but you cannot go into the future without remembering the past; it is impossible to forget those warm and joyful moments that the outgoing year gave us, because for many of you it has become significant both in work and in your personal life. Therefore, I propose to say about the most important thing in the outgoing 2017 to the respected Director (the music “I know the password, I see a landmark” for the Director from the joke folder is turned on)...

Today at our director's evening there will be music. If it starts playing (music for the Director from the joke folder is turned on), Tatyana Vitalievna stands up and waves her hand at everyone in greeting.

Remember, we paid for the first - second? The first numbers - you are accompanied by such a melody (the music “Let's drink to love” from the joke folder is turned on). As soon as you hear it, you immediately pour it to your neighbor and raise their glasses.
The second numbers also have their own melody for you (the music “I'm dancing unrealistically” from the funny folder is turned on). As soon as you hear, you get up and start dancing.
Let's practice. The music is turned on several times.

Oh! We forgot about our trade union leader. He also has his own music. (the music “Natural Blonde” from the funny folder is turned on).
And now the word to the trade union. (music from the funny folder is turned on).

Now let's play chant. I start reading poetry, and you all end with the words: Let's celebrate the New Year!
-Good holiday New Year
Celebrated by our people.
A nice reason to shout...

- The year has already ended
He said goodbye to us quietly.
We will call New Year...

All: - Let's celebrate the New Year!

- Our global team -
We support each other!
Everyone is ready to dance!

All: - Let's celebrate the New Year!

- Toasts, competitions and songs!
We’ll drink “a hundred,” or maybe “two hundred.”
You can have fun walking!

All: - Let's celebrate the New Year!

- Santa Claus for all of us
I've been storing up the gifts for a long time.
They are ready to receive...

All: - Let's celebrate the New Year!

Let's call Santa Claus.
Santa Claus gives gifts.

Why are we all sitting at the table? Isn't it time to go to a holiday concert?
Dancing to music from the “Travel” folder.

Scene (Businessmen).
Music from the funny folder.

Let's raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!

Have you had a drink? Have you had a snack? Well, now let's sing!
Song. (Teachers).
Folder Funny.

Shall we play?
Call 5-6 people, they must illustrate the words of the presenter.

Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.

Can you show me with one hand how he combs his hair?

He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.

He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show her how she twists the meat.

He gave his daughter a doll.
Show me how she bats her eyelashes and says “mom”

And he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy.
Show him shaking his head.
All movements are first performed one at a time, and then simultaneously.

Folder Funny.
Chastushki (Educators).
Sketch (Psychologist)

Folder Funny.
Musical fairy tale (Junior educators)
Folder Funny.

Friends, let's raise a glass
Sparkling wine
For life to be full of love.
And full of joy!
For having a full pocket
Not small banknotes
And may all your dreams come true
Coming New Year!

A game "Snowballs". Blindfolded, paper snowballs are collected in a basket. Whoever collected the most wins.

Dance break.

Contest "New Year's Snipers".
Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each team is placed in front of a bucket into which they need to hit a “snowball” from a landscape sheet. The difficulty is that you need to do this while standing on one leg. The team that throws the most snowballs into the bucket will win and receive prizes.”
Props: snowballs, 2 small hoops.

Contest “I’ll sing now”.
New Year's songs come to mind.
The one who names the song goes into the circle.
Since the symbol of the coming year is the Dog, the song must be barked. Whoever copes with the task better will win.

Contest "In one harness".
Two teams play, each with an even number of people. Everyone splits into pairs. Each couple is given two round elastic bands (for example, for hair), into which, standing shoulder to shoulder, the couple must thread their adjacent ankles and hands together and be “in the same harness.” The relay race begins to the music - pairs from both teams cover the distance to the finish line, where the mandarin duck awaits them; you need to clean the tangerine, go back and pass the rubber bands to the next pair, the next pair divides the tangerine into slices and returns, the third pair eats the tangerine, etc. The faster team wins.

Music from the Funny folder.
And I want to check how familiar you are with New Year's films!
I will make riddles about films whose characters celebrate the New Year, and you answer. Only in rhyme!

We wouldn’t mind watching it for the tenth time,
The film is called... (“Carnival Night.”)

And fairy tales contain scientific ideas.
There is a wonderful film about this... (“Sorcerers.”)

And, as usual, we would look
This night we... (“The irony of fate.”)

When the chick flared up brighter,
The film ended pitifully... (“The Snow Maiden.”)

They celebrated the New Year at the dacha...
Do you remember the movie... (“Gentlemen of Fortune.”)

You will meet a horned creature.
Watch the movie... (“The Night Before Christmas.”)

Probably it will go again this time,
The film is interesting... (“Old New Year.”)

There comes the finale on New Year's Day,
And this film is called... (“Carnival.”)

He was a freak, a dwarf, but lucky.
And the cartoon is called... (“The Nutcracker.”)

She was lucky to meet everyone at once.
A film about these brothers... (“12 months.”)

Although he is actually the namesake of Santa Claus,
But in the film it is affectionately called... (“Morozko.”)

Contest "New Year card".
Two teams draw a collective New Year's card on sheets of whatman paper. But they draw one at a time and blindfolded.

Tongue Twisters.

Don't expect a miracle! Marvel for yourself! Have fun with us!

With coming! I wish everyone happiness and goodness in the new year and always!