Why did the son of Lanovoy and Kupchenko die? Vasily Lanovoy about his sons - Sergei and Alexander Lanovoy

Why did the son of Lanovoy and Kupchenko die?  Vasily Lanovoy about his sons - Sergei and Alexander Lanovoy
Why did the son of Lanovoy and Kupchenko die? Vasily Lanovoy about his sons - Sergei and Alexander Lanovoy

37-year-old Sergei died in St. Petersburg, in the apartment of his friend Olga Korotina, a psychologist who treats drug addicts.

On October 9, the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko, Sergei, suddenly died. For the brilliant acting couple, this news was a terrible blow. And fans began to wonder what happened. Unlike his older brother Alexander, 37-year-old Seryozha used to end up in newspaper chronicles: either he got into an accident while drunk, or he quarreled with another lady of his heart, so much so that the matter came to trial by the police. But the scandals subsided, and Lanovoy Jr. moved to live in St. Petersburg. Why - said crisis psychologist Olga Korotina, Sergei’s last lover, in whose apartment he died. Sergei was 10 years younger than Olga. At 47 years old, she is already a grandmother three times over.

- WITH Sergei Lanov we met four years ago in Moscow,” she began her confession Korotina. “He came to me as a psychologist at the Center for Healthy Youth.” This is a public foundation that helps people who find themselves in difficult situations (on the organization’s website it is written that it is engaged in the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts. - G.U., Ya.G.).

Irina Petrovna Kupchenko, Seryozha’s mother, the empress, the standard of a woman, was on the board of trustees. She is a very sincere person and did a lot of charity work. Sergei had certain problems in the past, tragic situations, alcohol, and certain actions. But he tried to overcome them. I tried to help him through difficult internal experiences.

Our meeting with Seryozha was an accident. But after six months it developed into a deep relationship. We realized that we want to be together.

Before him, I lived with another beloved man named Dmitry, but Sergei did everything so that this Dima and I would no longer communicate. He just took me away and showed persistence.

We decided to live in my apartment in St. Petersburg. I have my main job there, children, grandchildren. However, she didn’t insist on anything - it was only Serezhin’s decision. I just understood that I was happy - I was swimming in love. I hope he does too.

Sergei is deep, subtle, but a little closed. He wrote amazing poems and beautiful stories. They were never published and remain with me.

I loved visiting the Gulf of Finland, where the boulders are, closer to Finland. He drove the car brilliantly and loved this job. One day he decided to take up horse riding, but immediately fell off his horse and seriously injured his face. Since then he has had a scar on his cheek. Thank God, everything turned out okay then, and I was no longer drawn to horses.

He knew English perfectly, helped me with my work, and translated large texts. He made a living from this himself (by education, the son of people’s artists is an economist. - G.U., Ya.G.).

I don’t consider myself such a strong woman, but I understood: Seryozha’s soul ached. Maybe some hopes weren’t justified, maybe he was keeping something quiet.

I saw how other women looked at him, how they were thrilled by his gaze. He made you fall in love with him in ten minutes. I observed similar situations with a smile: they say, that’s it, another girl got caught. I was never jealous of him. However, he - a handsome man with good manners - did not give a reason.

If he wanted, he could find any option for himself: a lady who would support him, and anything else. There are so many young girls around, daughters of rich parents! I think they would have loved to become related to Seryozha’s family, but he was with me.

We often went to Moscow. I went to performances Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko. I don’t know what Seryozha’s parents thought about our relationship, but Sergey himself really felt and understood life. He also communicated well with his older brother Sasha, a historian. Alexander once graduated from Moscow State University and now works in the capital by profession.

Sergei is left with a teenage daughter, whom his first girlfriend gave birth to. Seryozha rarely communicated with the child. (Only this year, Vasily Lanovoi casually mentioned in an interview that his only granddaughter Anya now lives in Arkhangelsk, but comes to Moscow for the holidays. - G.U., Ya.G.)

I also have a daughter, only an adult. Very early, at the age of 17, she became a mother. Now she is already 30 and has three children of her own, so I am the grandmother of absolutely charming grandchildren. Sergei treated all my guys normally, they didn’t bother anyone.

Once Seryozha offered to formalize our relationship, but I replied that there was absolutely no point in printing: we were fine as is. The age difference didn’t bother me, I didn’t feel it at all, on the contrary, it seemed that not he, but I was younger - and significantly.

We also thought about having children together, but see what happened! Seryozha talked a lot about the fact that his twin brother died during childbirth. He thought about why this happened and admitted that he would really like to see what kind of person he would grow up to be. I thought about life and death - these are simple human things. I am very sad about his passing. You can’t imagine how hard it is for me now without Seryozha...

I was not at home, it so happened that my work involved traveling. And suddenly a sudden tragedy. He was alone, died of acute heart failure, his heart simply stopped. Now I’m trying to find answers to my questions: why is this?!

It’s difficult for me to be in this apartment; I probably won’t live there in the future.

I remember once Sergei said:

- Read Mayakovsky. Poem "Lighthouse". This is for you…

Now I read from morning to evening, and I also listen to the song of the group “Spleen” based on these verses, which end like this:

- Let me at least line your departing steps with the last tenderness...

Our reader's scary version

After the first publication about the death of Sergei LANOVOY (), the editor received an email from a person under the nickname Ortophosfor reco. He shared his thoughts about the tragedy and sent several photographs of the son of folk artists at the classes of the “Center for Healthy Youth” (it was there, as we already know, that he met KOROTINA). We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information provided, but every person has the right to their own opinion.

"The last three or four years Sergey Lanovoy was in communication with an organization representing the “official facade” of the neo-charismatic destructive sect “Kingdom of God,” believes Ortophosfor reco. — The name of the organization is “Center for Healthy Youth.” Mimics an organization of Orthodox orientation. But by a circular from Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, communication between clergy and laity with representatives of this organization is prohibited.

For the last three years, Sergei has been in St. Petersburg, and a year before that - in the Sochi branch.
The situation, as I saw it from the outside, was as follows. The leadership of the Center for Healthy Youth tried to turn Sergei’s stay to their advantage. While Lanovoy Jr. was in isolation, with his mother - Irina Kupchenko— active work was carried out on the basis that the organization was supposedly Orthodox and that Irina Petrovna should provide all possible support. Thus, she was included in the board of trustees.

Olga was a staff psychologist at the Center for Healthy Youth; she previously worked at an interdistrict dispensary in St. Petersburg. But she was forced to leave due to some scandal.

Sergei was very burdened by the guilt complex instilled in the organization for his past and the constantly instilled fear that, having left the organization, he would definitely relapse. However, this is normal sectarian practice. Apparently, in the end he could not bear the burden of his experiences. He died despite already leading a sober life.”


Recently, people's artists Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko lost their youngest son Sergei. Everywhere they began to write that he suffered from addictions and was even a member of a sect. It's all a lie! Seryozha is a close person to me, and I really don’t want a bad memory to remain about him, which is why I decided to write this story.

My memory of him is bright. Sergei, of course, was not a righteous man, but he was not a great sinner either.

An ordinary person, like all of us: lived, made mistakes, suffered, searched for himself. What was written about him after his death does not at all correspond to the image of Seryozha Lanovoy, whom I knew and with whom I was together for four years. For example, they remembered how five years ago his mistress blackmailed him - either extorted money, or demanded to marry him; the famous father was even forced to write a statement to the police to protect his son. Seryozha didn’t tell me anything about this; from the very beginning, an unspoken but wise rule was established between us: about the past only what you want to tell.

With me, he was always a gentleman, just like Vasily Semenovich, who gallantly treats all women: he will give a coat, offer his hand, give a compliment, and everyone in his presence feels like a queen.

It’s not surprising that they fell in love with Sergei - he’s handsome, and from a celebrity family. They hung themselves in clusters. And he, like a normal man, used what naturally floated into his hands, without particularly thinking about the consequences.

It’s a little strange that you preferred me: after all, we are from different circles. It seemed to me that next to you there should be a woman from the same stellar family, maybe a model,” I once remarked to Seryozha at the very beginning of our relationship.

You can’t even imagine how many of these models I had,” he chuckled. - Pacifiers! All my life I have been looking for a woman next to whom I can be myself.

Seryozha managed to get married twice. The first marriage was with a classmate at the institute. He remembered her with warmth: his first love. Although they lasted just over a year, student unions tend to be short-lived.

About his second marriage, he somehow casually remarked that he himself did not understand why he got married.

Photo: M. Gnisyuk

I know that he has an illegitimate daughter of about thirteen years old. There is a complex story there, they didn’t tell me the details, I only know that Seryozha communicated with the girl very rarely, and did not meet her mother at all, apparently, there were reasons for this.

He said about temporary girlfriends that they all saw him as a major boy from a famous family. They demanded fur coats and diamonds: “And if there is no money, then take it from dad.” Some friends behaved in a similar way - “You’re Lanovoi, why should you help?” And he helped. Then I realized that he was simply being used. He became withdrawn - hence this look, distant and cold, which in the first minutes of communication can be mistaken for arrogance, Moscow snobbery.

37-year-old Sergei died in the apartment of a psychologist treating drug addicts

37-year-old Sergei died in the apartment of a psychologist treating drug addicts

On October 9, the youngest son of Vasily LANOVOY and Irina KUPCHENKO, Sergei, suddenly died. For the brilliant acting couple, this news was a terrible blow. And fans began to wonder what happened. Unlike his older brother Alexander, 37-year-old Seryozha used to end up in newspaper chronicles: either he got into an accident while drunk, or he quarreled with another lady of his heart, so much so that the matter came to trial by the police. But the scandals subsided, and Lanovoy Jr. moved to live in St. Petersburg. Why - said crisis psychologist Olga KOROTINA, Sergei’s last lover, in whose apartment he died. Sergei was 10 years younger than Olga. At 47 years old, she is already a grandmother three times over.

WITH Sergei Lanov we met four years ago in Moscow,” she began her confession Korotina. - He came to me as a psychologist at the Center for Healthy Youth. This is a public foundation that helps people who find themselves in difficult situations (the organization’s website says that it is engaged in the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts. - G.U., Ya.G.).

Irina Petrovna Kupchenko, Seryozha’s mother, the empress, the standard of a woman, was on the board of trustees. She is a very sincere person and did a lot of charity work. Sergei had certain problems in the past, tragic situations, alcohol, and certain actions. But he tried to overcome them. I tried to help him in difficult internal experiences. Our meeting with Seryozha was an accident. But after six months it developed into a deep relationship. We realized that we want to be together.

Before him, I lived with another beloved man named Dmitry, but Sergei did everything so that this Dima and I would no longer communicate. He just took me away and showed persistence.

We decided to live in my apartment in St. Petersburg. I have my main job there, children, grandchildren. However, she did not insist on anything - it was only Serezha’s decision. I just understood that I was happy - I was swimming in love. I hope he does too. Sergey is deep, subtle, but a little closed. He wrote amazing poems and beautiful stories. They were never published, they stayed with me. I loved visiting the Gulf of Finland, where the boulders are, closer to Finland. He drove the car brilliantly and loved this job. One day he decided to take up horse riding, but immediately fell off his horse and seriously injured his face. Since then he has had a scar on his cheek. Thank God, then everything worked out, and I was no longer drawn to horses. He knew English perfectly, helped me with my work, translated large texts. He made a living from this himself (by education, the son of folk artists is an economist. - G.U., Ya.G.).I don’t consider myself such a strong woman, but I understood: Seryozha’s soul ached. Maybe some hopes weren’t justified, maybe he was keeping something quiet. I saw how other women looked at him, how they were thrilled by his gaze. He made you fall in love with him in ten minutes. I observed similar situations with a smile: they say, that’s it, another girl got caught. I was never jealous of him. However, he - a handsome man with good manners - did not give a reason.

If he wanted, he could find any option for himself: a lady who would support him, and anything else. There are so many young girls around, daughters of rich parents! I think they would have loved to become related to Seryozha’s family, but he was with me.

We often went to Moscow. I went to performances Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko. I don’t know what Seryozha’s parents thought about our relationship, but Sergey himself really felt and understood life. He also communicated well with his older brother Sasha, a historian. Alexander once graduated from Moscow State University and now works in the capital by profession.

Sergei is left with a teenage daughter, whom his first girlfriend gave birth to. Seryozha rarely communicated with the child. (Only this year, Vasily Lanovoi casually mentioned in an interview that his only granddaughter Anya now lives in Arkhangelsk, but comes to Moscow for the holidays. - G.U., Ya.G.)

I also have a daughter, only an adult. Very early, at the age of 17, she became a mother. Now she is already 30 and has three children of her own, so I am the grandmother of absolutely charming grandchildren. Sergei treated all my guys normally, they did not bother anyone. Once Seryozha suggested formalizing our relationship, but I replied that there was absolutely no point in publishing it: we were already fine. The age difference didn’t interfere, I didn’t feel it at all, on the contrary, it seemed that not he, but I was younger - and significantly. We also thought about having children together, but you see what happened! Seryozha talked a lot about the fact that he died during childbirth his twin brother. I thought about why this happened and admitted that I would really like to see what kind of person he would have grown up to be. I thought about life and death - these are simple human things. I am very worried about his departure. You can’t imagine how hard it is for me now without Seryozha... I wasn’t at home, it just so happened that my work involves traveling. And suddenly a sudden tragedy. He was alone, died of acute heart failure, his heart simply stopped. Now I’m trying to find answers to my questions: why is this?! It’s difficult for me to be in this apartment, in the future I probably won’t live there. I remember one day Sergei said: - Read Mayakovsky. Poem "Lighthouse". This is for you... Now I read from morning to evening, and I also listen to the song of the group "Spleen" with these verses, which end like this: - Let me at least line your departing step with the last tenderness...

Our reader's scary version

After the first publication about the death of Sergei LANOVOY (), the editor received an email from a person under the nickname Ortophosfor reco. He shared his thoughts about the tragedy and sent several photographs of the son of folk artists at the classes of the “Center for Healthy Youth” (it was there, as we already know, that he met KOROTINA).

We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information provided, but every person has the right to their own opinion.

"The last three or four years Sergey Lanovoy was in communication with an organization representing the “official facade” of the neo-charismatic destructive sect “Kingdom of God,” he believes Ortophosfor reco. - The name of the organization is “Center for Healthy Youth.” Mimics an organization of Orthodox orientation. But by a circular from Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, communication between clergy and laity with representatives of this organization is prohibited.

For the last three years, Sergei was in St. Petersburg, and a year before that - in the Sochi department. The situation, as I saw it from the outside, developed as follows. The leadership of the Center for Healthy Youth tried to turn Sergei’s stay to their advantage. While Lanovoy Jr. was in isolation, with his mother - Irina Kupchenko- active work was carried out on the basis that the organization was supposedly Orthodox and that Irina Petrovna should provide all possible support. Thus, she was included in the board of trustees. Olga was a staff psychologist at the Center for Healthy Youth, and previously worked at an interdistrict dispensary in St. Petersburg. But she was forced to leave due to some scandal. Sergei was very burdened by the guilt complex instilled in the organization for his past and the constantly instilled fear that, having left the organization, he would definitely relapse. However, this is normal sectarian practice. Apparently, in the end he could not bear the burden of his experiences. He died despite already leading a sober life.”

On the website of the “Center for Healthy Youth” (czm.su/pismo) there is a special section in which the organization’s leadership renounces religious attachment to the “Kingdom of God” church and announces a transition to Orthodox and even secular methods of rehabilitation for patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

When the police opened the apartment Sergei Lanovoy, a terrible picture appeared before their eyes. The man was half-sitting in a chair, his head was turned to the side, and his face was covered in blood.

“Dead,” the police stated.

The one-room apartment was in disarray. In the kitchen there was a pile of bottles of wine and vodka, and beer cans were lying around.

The examination revealed the mystery of the death of the youngest son Vasily Lanovoy And Irina Kupchenko. The reason is banal and tragic!

Before Lanov The younger ones, who received an excellent economic education at Moscow State University, had a great future ahead of them. But the young man launched the green serpent into his life! And he died early - at 37 years old.

Lanovoy was able to go on stage, but his wife was not

“Due to alcohol, the blood pressure increased significantly and nosebleeds began,” pathologists suggest. — The man lost consciousness and hit the floor or wall. Then he came to his senses and was able to get to the chair where he died of a heart attack.

In recent years, Lanovoy Jr. lived in St. Petersburg, where he went “out of sight” of his famous mom and dad. That evening, the actors' son was drinking with a neighbor. A quarrel broke out. The girl freaked out and went home. But cats scratched her soul. Calls to Sergei went unanswered, and he did not open the door for her either. Then in the morning the neighbor called the police...

Terrible news hit the 79-year-old Lanovoy and 65 year old Kupchenko in Krasnodar. Irina Petrovna I couldn’t go on stage. A Vasily Semenovich appeared before the audience. And what it cost him, one can only guess...

Three days later, the actors took their son from the morgue, transported him to Moscow and buried him.

How will poor parents withstand this terrible blow of fate? Only God knows. Throwing oneself into work is the only thing that can somehow distract them from trouble.

Based on materials from: taini-zvezd.ru

For more than four decades of marriage, the famous acting couple Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko became parents twice, giving birth to two sons - Alexander and Sergei. By the way, both are named after the great poets Pushkin and Yesenin. However, if the eldest heir of the acting couple prefers not to show off his life, then the younger son Sergei Lanovoy often attracted the attention of the press while drunk. And therefore, his death did not go unnoticed by representatives of the media, who immediately began voicing all sorts of versions of the tragedy in the celebrity family.

In the photo - the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy Sergei

According to male acquaintances, since childhood, which occurred in the difficult 90s, Sergei Lanovoy was distinguished by a complex character. However, the influence of intelligent parents left an imprint forever - the hero of our publication was fond of classical music, loved poetry, and even wrote poems and stories himself, which, however, were never published. Dreaming of following in his parents’ footsteps, he nevertheless gave in to their insistence and received a diploma in economics from Moscow State University. Sergei Lanovoy was married twice, but none of his wives managed to give him children. It was during this period of his life that the name of Vasily Lanovoy’s son often graced the front pages of newspapers, either because of an accident of which he was the culprit, or because of an allegedly obsessive lover who prevented not only himself, but also famous relatives from living a normal life.

In the photo - Sergei Lanovoy and his last love Olga Korotina

Thanks to all the publications, the public has a strong opinion that Sergei Lanovoy is a spoiled person spoiled by his parents’ welfare and a degenerate person. However, this is completely untrue. The son of Vasily Lanovoy still managed to pull himself together and improve his own life, in which there was a place for poetry, and a passion for sports and technology. He also managed to communicate with his only illegitimate daughter, Anya, whose existence he did not know at all for many years. He also met personal happiness in the person of psychologist Olga Korotina. According to her, the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy had an inexplicable charm that no woman could resist. Unfortunately, at the beginning of October 2013, Sergei Lanovoy passed away due to heart failure, probably never allowing him to reveal all the talents and hobbies that his parents and life had endowed him with. And his daughter today remains the only granddaughter and consolation for Vasily Lanovoy and his wife, since the eldest son Alexander, apparently, has completely devoted himself to history and is in no hurry to start his own family.