One line predictions for the new year. Texts of comic predictions in verse

One line predictions for the new year. Texts of comic predictions in verse

New Year is celebrated in many countries on the night of December 31 to January 1. This magical holiday is eagerly awaited by millions of people around the world in the hope that last year all the troubles and problems will remain, and the new one will only bring good luck and fulfillment of cherished desires. Short wishes for the New Year in verse are very popular. It is they who are most often sent in the form of SMS, speak on the phone on New Year's Eve, and also enter into greeting cards. In order to say warm words, you do not need a lot of imagination, the main thing is to do it from a pure heart. You can come up with short wishes for the new year in verse yourself or copy it from our website.

On one of the most popular holidays in the world - New Year, it is customary to give useful, cute and necessary little things, as well as to congratulate all relatives, relatives, friends, work colleagues and even ordinary passers-by. As a rule, after the clock strikes twelve, everyone starts calling and sending SMS to those whom they wish to congratulate on the holiday. Funny or comic New Year's wishes will be very useful, because on this night you should not be serious, it is better to rejoice and have fun. If you don't have time to come up with short New Year's wishes for all your friends, then you should copy the rhymes from this section. You can send them in the form of SMS or enter them into greeting cards.

It will be a pleasure for everyone to receive SMS wishes for the coming New Year. Moreover, this is a sure way that a person will receive your congratulations. The fact is that it can be quite difficult to get through on New Year's Eve on a mobile or telephone connection. Overloaded communication lines should not leave people dear to you without congratulations. Therefore, prepare rhymes in SMS in advance in order to send them at the right time.

May all dreams come true on this festive night, even if it is a cottage, Mercedes and Jennifer Lopez. A house in the village, an old Zhiguli and a neighbor - also a good interpretation!
May New Year's wishes come true in the New Year, at least after one, and may the wardrobe, appearance, work, car and financial situation be updated.
Dear, I congratulate you
Happy new year ... And by the way,
Mom is with us, of course, mine,
He will be greeted for the sake of decency.
I hear the body falling knocking ...
What's the matter? Fell for joy, friend?
Happy New Year, let it come
Happiness that it is waiting for you!
Have a little wine with him
And eat a spoon of salad!
Magic on New Year's Eve,
One hundred pounds will happen!
Open your pocket wider -
I wish everyone around the apartment!
Mortgage for half a century
Unpaid loan
Will not break a man -
The crisis will not defeat us!

We will break through, definitely
A life without grief and worries.
So let's celebrate with relish
Christmas and New Year!
I wish you a New Year
Live without worries and hassles!
I wish you with longing not to know
Kiss me more often!
More money for you green and red,
Bright successes, wonderful moments!
And New Year's lights
And long-awaited friends!
They say that in the New Year
Everything always comes true
Even that for the whole year
It is impossible to sell!
Let the soul sing in the blizzard and slush:
We must not be discouraged from bad weather.
I wish you all new year to cry,
But cry only for joy and happiness!
Live without crying about the past time,
Drink the dew from the flowers of love and happiness.
May luck chase you
Like a boy after a girl in the woods!
I came from Africa
I drink Russian vodka with a woman.
Happy New Year! Go to hell!
With new happiness, your mother!
I wish you to become more beautiful
So that the bags are not empty
So that even your dog
All teeth were gold!

New Year's wishes in verse

The Old Year is leaving! ..
Let him take with him
The burden of paying off debts
Emptiness from wallets
Greedy, slanderous customers,
Unloved competitors ...
The love that is unanswered
Snow that falls in summer
Woodpeckers of those who hammer us,
Let him take it with him!
Problems don't scare
And the crisis will not beat!
We are beautiful anyway
We celebrate the New Year!
Live new in the new year,
Leave old dreams
And everything that does not give happiness,
And only one will give birth to desires!
Still in this new year
Love jokes, games, joy
And old, sincere friends.
Twelve beats! Twelve beats!
And the old year has sunk into eternity
Under the burden of vain aspirations
And prosaic worries.
A moment of waiting ... and now,
Like a spirit, like a bright genius,
A new, young year is coming
With the hope of divine bounties
And comforting visions.
Let the entertainment wait
Dreams come true!
Let it be great
All year long mood!
May life be full of miracles
How is this winter holiday!
Let it be bright
Cheerful and beautiful!
Let the best be believed
And the soul loves and hopes
Friends' smiles surround
And the sincerity of words warms!
What will it be like the coming new year,
What will it bring with it this time?
No answer. Only under the running moon
Snow sparkles with a blue path.
We have received gifts of fate more than once -
For us, times are even better.
May sorrows remain this year
And the joys will pass into the next year!
Wonderful New Year's holiday
We were all, of course, visited -
I wish you joy today
Kindness, patience and strength!
Happy New Year! In life, let
Sadness will disappear forever
Happiness may come soon
And the soul will bloom again!
Darling, happy new year,
I wish you good and joy
May every moment portend good luck
And happiness in this life comes!

SMS wishes for the new year

To the beloved wife in the New Year
I wish you a lot of joy
And from problems, and from worries
Release - I promise!
Today is a holiday in the whole world, -
Adults and children know that.
So may this New Year
Only the best brings you.
May it always be in the New Year
Having brightened up everyday life,
There will be happiness without limit
So that the soul sings with delight!
Happy New Year, with a new life!
May your dreams come true!
And fate, becoming not harsh,
Gives a sea of ​​kindness!
Snow swirls outside the window
People are scurrying everywhere
To celebrate the New Year in this way,
That he will definitely not be forgotten!
Darling, Happy New Year!
Today we will drink
And even round dances
Drive under the tree.
On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish everyone happiness
Live a fun and cute life.
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, sweethearts.
And then everything will be ok!
I do not wish you Happy New Year
Any fools and rare ugly creatures!
You, friend, are not like that, fortunately
Happy New Year! Love and passion for you!
Let Santa Claus be a burgundy nose
Good luck, money will give you a cart,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
He gently drinks cognac.
Well, the boss, a faithful friend,
Will provide a thousand services!
What can I wish you in a new year?
So that there is nothing bad in it!
If you drown - then in the sea of ​​beer!
If sex - then with Miss Russia!
If you live, then do not grieve,
And to love - to be loved!
May it be a New Year for you
Happier than the old one a hundred times
And two hundred times richer!
Fun and good luck!
May love, luck, happiness
Come to the house on New Year's Eve!
Well, there will be a lot of money,
Like snowflakes outside the window!
Bright and happy events
Good plans and ideas!
Good luck, and beautiful victories,
And wonderful friends!
May there be a New Year
Beautiful, light, bright!
And it will bring to all of us
Welcome gifts!

So that the upcoming New Year's holiday will be remembered for the atmosphere of fun, excitement, expectation of changes for the better, on this joyful day people not only congratulate each other, exchange gifts and souvenirs, but also prepare a real surprise - comic advice and predictions for the new 2019 year.

Meeting the funniest holiday with cool predictions will delight everyone present: after all, every adult will want to feel like a child, believe in miracles and find out what lies ahead, even if in a playful, easy way.

Entertainment predictions are good because they carry optimism and goodness. They can warn in a cheerful form, give unobtrusive wise advice, to which it is not a sin to heed.

How to apply

Joking prophecies will revive the spirit of the company in the circle of relatives, friends, colleagues. The main thing here is relevance. On New Year's Eve, along with the general holiday, family or corporate dates may coincide: birthdays and anniversaries of relatives, starting a family, organizations, official dates of managers and employees.

Often, short comic predictions for the New Year become a successful poetic toast or part of a fun game.


There are a great many playful predictions:

  • with gags;
  • in poetry and prose;
  • by the signs of the zodiac.

You can show originality by placing notes with predictions and wishes in:

  • cookies or candy;
  • glass bottles or jars;
  • Balloons.

Other options apply. For example, predictions are written on large paper snowflakes and put in one hat. Each guest takes out a snowflake of their choice. Also, notes are attached to souvenirs and presented as a keepsake.

And if you want to add additional solemnity, then they fix the numbers on the glasses and after the chiming clock they read out the tips and jokes corresponding to the numbers.

A festive bag, made especially for beautiful fortune cards, will be a kind of center of fun, from which guests will get their coveted tickets.

Divination in jokes will harmoniously fit in as a prize after the performance of a dance, song, riddle, poem or other performance. In whatever form the forecasts are presented, it is very important that their number is in stock. Then the last person who wishes can also choose a mysterious prediction for the New Year.

It adds fun to read aloud each divination, which causes humorous comments, laughter, approval and even a continuation in the form of an anecdote to the topic or incident from life, told in short.


For various options for meeting the most beautiful winter holiday, funny forecasts of a variety of topics are suitable. The most relevant topics are: well-being, work, friends, love, health, change.

About well-being

Optimism will help you, it will offer you to keep your nose higher.

Go ahead more merrily, there luck awaits you.

Luck will not leave you! A new dacha will give!

The fruits of success will delight you all year round. Isn't it luck?

About work

As you flutter up the career ladder, remember to look down sometimes so you don't stumble.

If next year you always try to enter your boss's office with your left foot, you will get a promotion.

There will be a lot of money and a successful road!

Expect success in your work next week, but don't do it yourself!

You are supposed to continue to burn with inventions.

As always, you are in the thick of things; it is your destiny to boil at work.

Everything related to production, communication and professional development will bring you success.

The first month of the year will be the start of your creative upsurge.

Success in the service will require maximum patience, endurance and the ability to avoid sharp corners.

They talk about your successes and failures, but this is not the main thing: as a result, you will be made a rare business proposal.

Calculate your strength wisely: before the winter is over, you will need them.

About friends

Your sad circle will break, because your faithful friend will return to you!

Do not worry in vain, more friends will be added!

Expect the best news from family and friends!

When you take on an unfamiliar business, do not forget about reliable and truly loyal friends.

The year will be successful for meetings that will inspire you to new achievements!

A summer trip with close friends will be bright and memorable.

A long trip will be beneficial: you will be in a familiar aura and gain a strong friendship.

About love

Wait for the sunset, wait for the dawn, expect a sweet gentle greeting.

The lights went out during the week - someone is thinking about you.

Warms the sun again - you will meet a new love.

Love is waiting for you, beautiful, mutual and not in vain!

Love will fill your days and they will become bright.

Very rarely you are so lucky, great love awaits you!

You are on the verge of a whirlwind romance.

You will meet your happiness unexpectedly.

The second half of the year will give you love.

Great love will enter your life.

In the coming year, your charm is irresistible. You are waiting for new miracles and fabulous transformations.

New Year brings pleasant events, you will be happy and loved.

The second half of the year will be decorated with love adventures. Happiness is knocking at your home.

In the new year, perhaps you will learn a new lesson in your personal life.

We know for sure this year

Love will present you!

So that you are lucky in everything else -

Don't go ahead!

About health

Live energetically and the year will be great!

Your toast to health! And for your career growth!

Your health will become stronger, a second youth will come,

It will breathe peace and harmony into the family!

You are destined to be a hundred years old

To live without knowing the big troubles!

You will not burn your wings and take care of your health.

From now on, you will begin to look prettier and younger.

When celebrating your successes, stock up on tea.

About changes

Changes come to you at the beginning of January,

You will not scare them away, do not fuss in vain.

Fate can be met even when crossing the street to the “green light”. Therefore, it is not harmful to look around.

A pleasant surprise awaits you in the first half of January.

You will be able to experience many different adventures,

But oblivion, damage - not to be seen or heard.

We strive in time: we run, we flow, we soar,

You will soon feel unprecedented extreme.

Your life in frost and heat

Will turn out to be the best and most successful side.

Proud mountains and sun to boot are waiting for you.

Budget replenishment awaits you this summer!

An unexpected meeting will brighten up your Saturday night

Important meetings, gifts and good news are just around the corner.

Life will gain stability, you have been looking forward to it.

Others will have happy changes, but this is also very important for your life.

In the new year, problems will be replaced by the implementation of bold ideas, in the success of which colleagues and fate will help.

As never before, this year you will have a chance to demonstrate your natural gift, at the same time new plans, people, priorities will appear.

By going on vacation, you will see the world in a new way, and therefore many problems will disappear by themselves.

A good tradition of giving comic predictions to loved ones and friends in the New Year raises the mood, gives hope for all the best in life, and strengthens relationships between people.

We offer you the coolest and most interesting short predictions for the New Year 2018 in verse!

The New Year is approaching and people are engulfed in pleasant troubles. They try to complete all projects at work faster, close debts and think over the New Year's Menu. Many are going to invite guests, because the company is more fun. For a festive evening, it is worth making an entertainment program. Choose contests, group games. One of the most popular nowadays is "Pull out the prediction."

She has many names, the essence is the same. The presenter looks for short and funny predictions for the New Year 2018 in verse in advance and rewrites them neatly on pieces of paper. Then he twists them or folds them in squares. That's it, now you can bake predictions in cookies or collect them in a hat. The players will then take turns drawing and reading the notes.

By the way, for plausibility, we can say that all these predictions were once made by the great Xiao Mao Xin, this is a Chinese astrologer who lived 600 years ago (perhaps there was such a person then, who knows). And the predictions became comic through the fault of his student, a Russian poet, who undertook to translate ancient manuscripts in his own way.

If we talk about serious predictions, then astrologers made several general predictions concerning the entire planet:

  1. The dog is fair and friendly. It will gradually reduce all conflicts, including between countries, to a minimum. The situation at work, at home, in the yard, at a school or institute is stabilized. Human relations will become harmonious, and tolerance will increase.
  2. The dog is a generous mistress. Therefore, 2018 will be a good year for those wishing to start or expand their business. All hard workers who are ready to show responsibility and make various decisions will receive success and generous rewards.
  3. The dog is a collective, gregarious animal. He appreciates the family, so all singles who have not been able to arrange their personal life for a long time will have a magical chance. For marriages entered into in 2018, the Dog will give friendship and longevity.

Variants of cool predictions in verse

When choosing predictions, see who they fit. For a corporate party, you need special ones, because you can still laugh with your family, but with colleagues it is better to observe the framework of politeness.

To you next year

The dog will bring the groom!

It will be stately and good-looking,

With money, he is good for everyone!

Prepare a bag, but more,

The dog is carrying money!

Clinking coins to clinking glasses

Cheerful rustle of green bills,

Take a bag, you won't go wrong

Beware of various adventures!

Prediction for New Year 2018

You have a road ahead of you in the future,

Distant and unfamiliar.

Pack your things, sit at the doorstep,

The business trip will be unexpected!


There is a danger that your colleagues,

Heavy carts will start rolling on you!

To dashingly wait out

Better to run away quickly!

Forget about the holiday

Forget about the tree!

You have a career ahead of you

While colleagues "whip" panicles

Think over your path strategy!

Love will suddenly come to you,

You won't have time to look around and breathe.

Green-eyed, bright blonde

It will enchant, take a deep breath and take away,

The South Shore is a holiday paradise.

Say only "Motherland, goodbye!"

Today among your friends

You can shout: "Pour-pour!"

And so that tomorrow it would not be ashamed,

Be solid today!

Don't drink much better today

Otherwise, you will confess your love to everyone,

Remember that at work, at yours,

You can't copulate with colleagues!

Santa Claus promises you

fame and fortune,

however, in response, he instructs,

remain yourself!

Predictions for New Year 2018 should be short and cool! Then it won't matter if they are in poetry or in prose!

You will soon enter the cream of high society,

Perhaps you will find a rich sponsor there.

Will ride you in a limousine,

To promise mountains of gold.

Do not hesitate, immediately present,

Sponsor's wishlist,

As it will be done, declare about the wedding,

Gifts will be as dowry!

You don't expect much from the year

Love is enough for you!

Even when the house is not a full bowl,

But a friendly family is yours.

Take care of your loved ones, parents,

Become a benefactor for your family.

Soon love will brighten all your days

They will become colorful and bright!

The eyes will shine, the soul will sing,

And no problem is terrible anymore!

You will find a soul mate,

And you will live gloriously together.

There is a lot of work in the year to come,

Waiting for you ahead!

But happy outcome

You will achieve, just wait.

You will get a raise

Then you will rest in hot countries,

You will meet a beauty there,

And you will find luck!

You start to get up early

It's just that you won't be late yourself,

You will work harder and harden,

Then the desires will begin to come true.

Health will improve, career will go,

And the Rooster will take away all the hardships!

Secret prediction

Demands silence!

Remember, only for you

The salary will be raised soon.

Shut up, don't tell anyone

That the salary rate was raised

Tell who - everything is lost,

And the increase was gone!

Your promotion is coming soon,

This means that he did not work in vain.

Do you remember how for the boss all day,

Dragged around like a second shadow.

Now it's up to you

Do you cope with the dream.

Dog symbol home,

Loves warmth, care and family.

So, you are a girl of marriageable age,

It's time to forget yesterday's free day,

The dog promises: "I will bring the groom!"

Of course, most of the predictions for the New Year 2018 are funny and short congratulations in verse, playful wishes. However, they can motivate a person. Especially when it comes to a career, bonuses or long-awaited acquisitions (an apartment, a car or a lovely fur coat).

On New Years your wish will come true

Buy a mink coat for a lovely sight!

What will help? You will find a treasure

The spouse's stash, which he collected for a year on the unit.

Joy to my husband - no need to think over a gift,

And he will not swear - New Year!

You are very sharp, in drive, recklessly and to your heart's content

Throw yourself into business, where the money and power will be.

The stars advise you to call you such friends,

Who can bridle the mad horses in you.

Although you yourself are not a horse, but a complete ram,

That's why you, my friend, all this booth?

For the rest, the stars will bless - go for it,

Do not lose only conscience, head and heart in business!

You God and so in fact rewarded in full.

That is why a bright head and good luck are given to you.

Two pillars - stability and prosperity at your porch,

They are always covered in sweat and soap - from heels to face.

Set the bar, do not regret yourself,

You always work, even when you are sick.

Dear, Santa Claus will give you the ability

Assess your performance.

To not only plow, not knowing the weekend,

But also wait out, resting at home.

Otherwise, it may become your haven,

The most ordinary hospital bed!

Variants of predictions in prose

Usually, such predictions for the New Year 2018 are cool and short, in poetry or prose. Like little quatrains. If in prose, then 2-3 sentences.

As you move up your career ladder, try to keep your eyes on the ground. Otherwise, you can slip by stepping on the spit of envious people.

Expect a promotion - your office will soon be moved to the floor above.

The Year of the Dog promises a lot - a lot ... work. You will feel like 4 years younger and a real Horse.

The coming year promises you an addition to the family! Finally, neighboring cockroaches will move to live with you.

They say that if you catch a Golden Fish, then you can safely make three wishes to her. You are lucky, by the New Year you will get such a fish. Just ... baked with herbs.

There's no need to chase innovation. New is useful if it helps!

Try now to go to the boss not with your right, but with your left foot. Remember to breathe three times and spit over your shoulder. Who knows, you might be able to guess the right moment and start talking about a promotion!

They say the Dog is generous. Yes, the New Year promises a lot ... of work. Mountains of gold ... papers and contracts. Thick wallet ... small bills. And at home, happy ... faces of relatives, that you brought a salary!

Congratulations, you have a long-awaited addition to your family - the children will be able to beg for a puppy!

Expect a strong explosion in the Year of the Dog - your competitors and envious people will burst with envy!

Always smile - let the faces of your enemies twist with anger. Always be silent - then no one will consider you a fool.

You are lucky! In the Year of the Dog, you will find a real treasure. It will be ... a spouse's stash, which he has been collecting for the past year.

As you can see, most of the predictions for the New Year 2018 are short and cool. They can be composed in verse or in prose by yourself. Consider your surroundings when writing. Usually in a family, in a team, in a school there are words, jokes and funny expressions that are understandable to “friends”.

All this is written on separate sheets of paper and mixed. Then each spectator pulls out a ticket and reads it into the microphone.

They can also be put into balloons. During the holiday, invite everyone to pick a balloon, burst and read aloud.

You will take off on the career ladder without dizzying consequences!

Your creative successes at this evening will be noticed by everyone present!
Take seriously ... your shot. Don't blow it past your mouth!

Your pragmatic interest will grow into a romantic infatuation.

Love is waiting for you. Soon very soon.
The second half is favorable for very close communication with partners of the opposite sex!

Huge success awaits you tonight!

This day favors plans for the future, and their discussion with partners of the opposite sex!

Today, emotional understanding and physical contact are more important for you than spending time with words!

Today, acquaintances and hobbies are likely for you, especially in the second half of the evening!

Tonight with words and persuasion, you can achieve anything!

Today, the best thing for you is the hope for your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!

Avoid the cold from the opposite sex partner and always be on the alert!

Fruitful work with a spoon and a fork at today's table will bear some fruit in the evening!

Talking to your friends tonight will bring you a lot of joy!

Today is a particularly important evening in your life, pay special attention to the neighbors at your table!

Your place next to the director is where you look better.

The car is not for you, but the helicopter is yes.

January 1, little boo-boo, money bye-bye. Go on a visit - you will improve your health, you will save money.

Sing songs more often - there will be a cheerful life.

Live long, long, as long as you want and with whom you want.

Drink a can of beer every day, you will live happily all year.

So that every tooth shines in the sun - eat a whole tube of pasta.

Many incidents and interesting travels await you.

You have to continue to burn with creative work.

You will enter the cream of society, perhaps you will find a sponsor.

And you have a lot of household chores, household chores.

A lot of adventures and a lot of thrills await you.

Love will brighten your days, and they will become bright.

Fate will gild your pen, send you a solid paycheck.

Your health will become stronger, your second youth will come.

You are a darling of fate, which means that success and good luck await you.

You are used to living in the thick of things, work is your main destiny.

You have friends, acquaintances of the sea, and everyone will come to visit soon.

For the heart, delight awaits you - a big increase in salary.

You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will be great.

You are destined to live up to a hundred years without any storms and troubles.

Fate will throw up a wallet, and this is all in the near future.

Your whole life will be magically illuminated in winter and summer.

You will not burn your wings, take care of your health.

From now on, you will continue to look prettier and younger.

While celebrating your luck, stock up on tea.

In your family and personal life, everything will turn out fine for you.

The coming year prepares you for a meeting with an ardent admirer (fan), but it looks like this hobby will be short-lived. Don't worry: now is not the best time for gentlemen.
Do not rush to drastically change your destiny in the coming year, now is not the time and place for sharp turns.
Be content with what you have - you are already in a better position than many.
Light flirting awaiting you in the middle of the year will blossom your life with new colors.
It is better to postpone the solution of financial problems until the end of autumn, and you should completely abandon expensive purchases until summer.

The coming year brings new interesting acquaintances and meetings with old friends.
Now the key to your success is cooperation.
Be extremely attentive to those who help you.
You are on the verge of a whirlwind romance.
Do not forget that it is winter outside, take care of your throat and respiratory tract, because a cold is not the most successful companion of love.

The New Year will delight you not only with financial stability, but also with new pleasant acquaintances.
Be careful, do not hesitate to refuse risky offers and questionable intrigues - they will bring nothing but trouble.
When starting a new business, do not forget about reliable, time-tested friends.
In the coming year, many surprises and gifts, useful and important meetings await you.
Everything related to production activities, information and training will bring you success.
Family and friends will delight you.
Thanks to your charm and natural flair, you will be able to avoid many problems and successfully get out of an unpleasant situation.
The second half of the year is good for heartfelt affairs, travel and entertainment. You will not be lacking in them.

The coming year will not let you forget about the domestic problems associated with loved ones, but it will also be full of tempting offers to relax and unwind.
You will find your happiness where you do not expect.
The second half of the year will bring love.
You will not face financial difficulties, but you will have to take on more serious matters related to partners from afar.
January is the beginning of your creative flowering.

Next year you will improve your financial situation and acquire a different status in society.
In relations with those who are far from you, changes for the better are outlined.
Be more tolerant of those around you. You are waiting for gratitude, but you will not always hear warm words addressed to you.
Success at work requires patience and compromise.
In the spring you will meet a person who can do a lot in your life.

Your authority will invariably grow, desires will be fulfilled as if by magic.
The door opens before you, leading to a fuller and more enjoyable existence, in which there is more room for privacy.
Your life will gain that stability and stability, which you have been lacking lately.
You will find that your energy reserves are not unlimited, and you need to spend it prudently - namely, where it will bring the most benefit.
In the coming year, you are entering a streak of luck. Fortune will become your companion.
The credibility you have earned in the past will work for you.
Your merits and miscalculations are discussed, but the result is a fantastic business proposal.
Important changes in the personal lives of others will affect you.
In the near future, you may become the cause of a major scandal, but it will benefit you.
Try to rest and do not let yourself become limp for any reason!

Say goodbye to the past. It will no longer have an impact on you in the coming new year.
The changes taking place in the near future will be so noticeable that you will believe in the success and improvement of your status.
A sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to direct efforts in the right direction is the key to success. And most importantly, you will continue to be loved.
Everything that has developed throughout this year can be implemented in the coming year.
Together with a partner, you can make good money.
You will be interested in renewing relations with an old acquaintance, because you have decided that this is the person you need more than others.
Love will firmly enter your life.
Next year, your attractiveness is irresistible. You are loved, although you hide it, and wait for new miracles and transformations.
Take care of yourself in the New Year and try to have a good rest.

In the coming year, the problems will recede. You can safely implement new plans, relying on like-minded people and ... the Lord God.
What is happening will suit you in almost everything. Only those who are dear to your heart can cause nagging pain, but you know that all this is temporary.

Please note: now is not the best time to change jobs. Better to go on vacation and relax.
Use the opportunity for entertainment and love joys - there will be many of them. But at the beginning of the year, be guided by the motto "silence is golden".

In the coming year, success and new opportunities to express yourself await you. Everything changes around, new people, affections, plans will enter your life.
A successful year for acquaintances, and a new social circle will inspire you to new ideas!

The coming year brings pleasant events, you will feel happy, you will not get tired of declaring your love.
You will reap the rewards of success. Do you often have such moments?
The New Year will become a turning point - real and very successful changes in business and love await you.
This year will be full of events, you will remember it for a long time!

Success at work is possible, but it takes a lot of effort to achieve it. Save your strength - you will need it at the end of winter.

At the beginning of the year, you will need to be careful in everything.
Be economical, do not get into arguments and do not sort things out with anyone - you can lose a lot.
Conduct an inventory of your wardrobe, rearrange, tidy up what you had no time to do.

The coming year is full of changes. Boldly stepping towards them, you can solve a bunch of problems.
Your charm will not save you, try to prove yourself as a serious business partner.
Friends will support your endeavors. Don't expect help from women.
Your outlook on life will change in many ways thanks to a long trip - there you will have incredible success, new patrons will appear, and everything will seem familiar.

In the coming year, you are more popular and attractive than ever, and you will have influential friends.
A special success awaits you far from home - go on a journey without hesitation.
Your past merits will return you to the unrealized plans of the past, there will be an opportunity to take revenge.
You can dramatically change your life, start a new job. Just show your maximum patience.
In the coming year, you will have to fulfill your duty both in your personal life and in the service.
You will have to fully devote yourself to family, colleagues and business partners.
The coming year is full of changes. You will be lucky, but be careful and prudent in matters, especially personal ones.
The coming year will bring you good news from afar, tempting business and personal offers.

This year will give you a chance to get out of problems without loss, but in order to succeed, you will have to work hard.

The second half of the year promises love adventures. It looks like happiness is just around the corner.

In the coming year, you may receive a new lesson in your personal life.
If financial problems push you into questionable earnings and contacts, it is better not to take risks.

Now you will not achieve success alone, your success depends on your family and business partners.

Summer travel and communication with close friends will bring you a lot of pleasure.

The changes that began this year will bring joy to the next. But at the beginning of the year, we will have to work under the strict control of our superiors.

New projects will appear, wait for interesting offers. It is possible that your plans will begin to be implemented in the second half of winter.

Please note: your boss will play a decisive role in the coming changes. The second half of the year promises the support of loyal friends and patrons, but be careful not to miss important events.

Your attractiveness knows no bounds, especially in the first half of the coming year. This is the time for surprises and gifts of fate.

Winter is full of meetings, entertainment and new acquaintances. They are interested in you.

Time passes quickly, and the New Year holidays are just around the corner. To entertain your guests on a festive New Year's Eve, and not let them get bored after a hearty dinner, organize a game with comic predictions for the New Year 2019. There are several varieties of these games, you can choose the one that best suits your company. "Fateful" predictions can also be in different forms, for example, astrological or comic predictions in verse.

It is no secret that each of us expects something amazing from something, new acquaintances, new impressions, meetings with friends and relatives. We are all waiting for some miracle on New Year's Eve. And it doesn't matter how old a person is, because somewhere deep in our souls we all remain children.

Every year, following an old tradition, we raise our glasses and make wishes to the chimes. Good wishes for the coming year are everywhere. Think, how else can you surprise your friends and relatives? How to congratulate them, wish them all the best, and even entertain them, approaching the matter in an original way and with humor? On New Year's Eve, use comic predictions for 2019.

Comic predictions for 2019 in poetic form

Place the prophecy notes in the balloons, and then inflate the balloons. Each guest will choose a ball, pop it, and read out loud his comic prediction on. You can choose any style of cheerful prophecy, but the main thing is that each prediction sounded optimistic, and that no one was offended. Comic predictions in verse will sound quite good and even original.

Here are some examples of the text of such funny, comic predictions in verse:

Many incidents await you

And interesting travels -

On courses, on vacation, abroad -

Where fate will dispose!

Friends, you will continue

Burn with creative work.

But you won't burn your wings

Take care of your health!

You will enter the cream of society

Perhaps you will find a sponsor.

Your hairstyle, appearance

We will all be pleasantly surprised.

From then on you will continue

Everything is prettier and younger!

Love will brighten your days

And they will become bright.

Your whole life in winter and summer

It will shine with magic light.
In fact, "prophecies" can be anything you like, but there is one requirement, the observance of which is mandatory: "prophecies" and wishes must be exclusively positive. People do not need to wish sickness and loss of money, even in jest!

Here are some more humorous predictions in verse for the upcoming 2015 in the original couplets:

Everything will be fine in life
Especially on the personal front!

Good budget replenishment,
Expect you during the summer!