Poetry festival in kindergarten. Scenario

Poetry festival in kindergarten.  Scenario
Poetry festival in kindergarten. Scenario
  • Ilyukhina Neonilla Vladimirovna, teacher
  • Tokareva Olga Evgenievna, teacher
  • Uyutnova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher

Throughout preschool childhood, one of the
challenges facing teachers are
introducing children to artistic
literature and its various genres. Poetry as one
from genres of literature, is the source and
a means of enriching figurative speech, developing
poetic ear, ethical and moral
concepts. Love begins from early childhood
to the artistic word. Poetry expands
ideas about the environment, develops the ability
have a keen sense of artistic form,
melody and rhythm of the native language. Poetic
works evoke emotional feelings in children
response. Reading and memorizing poetry allows
children to grasp consonance, melody of speech,
and also solves problems of sound generation
speech culture: helps master the means
sound expressiveness (tone, timbre of voice,
tempo, voice strength, intonation), contributes
developing clear diction.

Preschoolers willingly memorize poems,
however, not always and not all children have
opportunity to read learned poems. How
usually the opportunity to perform at festivals,
other activities are provided to children with
good diction, independent and active.
Shy children with speech impairments
fewer opportunities to practice reading
poems. Unfortunately, not all children, while
at the threshold of school education, clearly and clearly
pronounce the sounds of their native language. Speech defects
can be corrected by working with a specialist, and
clear, correct diction, expressiveness can be
achieve. When reciting poetry, preschoolers
learn elements of performing arts,
master the ability to expressively, emotionally
send text. In addition, from work experience we
We know that often the meaning of memorization
poems by both children and parents
understood as automatic memorization and
text reproduction. Preschoolers remember
poems, but they don’t always know how to
convey emotionally, expressively. Every
a child is individual, unique and each
needs recognition. Therefore, we, as one of
forms of organizing leisure activities
preschoolers, we offer a reading competition, which
gives every child the opportunity to
self-realization. Preparation for the competition allows
teachers to solve problems in speech development and
familiarization with fiction.
In addition, when organizing a competition,
different types of arts - music,
painting, literature, that educates
aesthetic taste, creates a festive atmosphere.

Joyful experiences elevate life
tone, liberate children, promote
manifestation of artistic abilities.
Various impressions received by the child,
confirm him in what he knows, can, can
show your capabilities.

We define the following objectives of the organization
reading competition:

1. Draw the attention of teachers and parents to
the problem of memorizing poems.

2. Teach preschoolers to convey expressively
text, develop a poetic ear,
improve performing skills.

3. Induce a joyful, emotional mood,
stimulate the desire to learn

The organization of the competition must comply
the following requirements:

  • the script includes poetic
    works that are accessible and interesting to children,
    evoke an emotional response;
  • careful preliminary
    preparation, coordination of actions of teachers,
    children, parents, specialists;
  • carefully thinking through the scenario, optimal
    combination of listening to poetry and motor skills,
    music and game breaks; Active participation
    all children in the group.

The competition can be held with children of different
ages, within age group, between
children of parallel groups, as well as inside the garden,
between different groups. The need for accounting
children's age is obvious: younger children and
middle-aged cannot for a long time
listen to your peers. In this regard, in
we include a variety of moving scenarios,
musical, speech games; also expected
acting out dialogues, poems,
performing various etudes, performing
children's musical performances.

Poems are being selected for the recitation competition
teachers and parents, on recommendation
educators. Besides what poetry should be
interesting for children, age appropriate, be
highly artistic, one of the criteria
assessments are their novelty, unusualness.

Therefore, when summing up the results of the competition, children
can be assessed in different categories: “The most
funny poem”, “The kindest”,
“The amazing is nearby”, etc. When selecting
poems it is also important to consider
individual characteristics of the child. It is forbidden
offer for memorization long, with
difficult to pronounce words, poems for children with
speech disorder. With the shy, insecure
kids can learn humorous poems
content that people listen to willingly and with interest

Reading competitions can have a variety of
topics: poems about nature, funny poems, about games
and toys dedicated to the upcoming holiday;
they can be built based on the works of one
or different authors. As a rule, such a competition we
we spend before children's parties to give
opportunity for all children to read holiday
poems to peers, children of another group.
The winners get the opportunity to perform
with his poems in front of the guests at
holiday This contributes to the socialization of children,
expands the boundaries of communication and also delivers
the joy of participating in a common cause.

A few words can be said about the jury. In his
the composition includes people who are well known to the children of this
groups with whom there is good emotional
contact. At the same time it must be
competent, independent experts. Jury members
can become teachers of the neighboring group,
specialists, psychologist. Special joy for children
is delivered by the fact that the jury consists of
parents. In this case it is necessary
discuss the conditions with parents in advance
competition, tentative nominations, criteria
assessments. It's good to have a report card for everyone
member of the jury will be printed, it will indicate
children's surnames, nominations, titles
poems. When summing up the assessment
there must be jury members
emotionally positive and at the same time

We also consider the issue of encouraging children important. He
is considered by teachers as one of the types
encouraging further participation of children in
competitions As a rule, all participants are encouraged.
Can be used as a “reward”
certificates, medals, souvenirs, badges, children's books.
The winner receives the same reward, but with
"Winner" inscription

With the accumulation of experience in conducting this type
activities, we can confidently say
that preschoolers' reading quality has improved
poems. An important indicator is that
that children have become more liberated and are not afraid
public speaking, are willingly invited
adults and peers for their competitions. WITH
respond with great gratitude to the competitions and
parents. They take part in the preparation and
event, willingly come to
kindergarten, support their children. Can
note what has come to many adults
understanding that it is important not only to memorize with
kid the text, but also read the poem
expressive and emotional. It will deliver
joy not only for the listeners, but also for the reader himself.

The child looks at the world wide open
eyes, comprehends it, learns to see, hear,
feel, understand. And we adults should be
helping kids with this. Bright, joyful
impressions are deposited in children for life,
largely determining further development.
Preschoolers are more willing to acquire knowledge and
gain experience when activities take place in
form of game. Various contests and competitions
stimulate children's interest. Besides,
carrying out such events involves
entry of an adult into a certain creative
contact, which is very important for establishing
communication relationships. Organized
teachers literary competitions, leisure activities
occupy an important place in raising children
morality and positive emotions,
aimed at creating stable
reader's interest. We would really like
so that after each such
events, the child wanted more and more
turn to a book, read a fairy tale or
poem, learn the one you like

We present to your attention competition script
readers in the middle group.

Goal: To train children in expressive
performing short poems. Bring up
positive attitude towards children's poetry
works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Gather up people

A lot of interesting things await you.

A sea of ​​poems, a lot of fun games.

This is just a saying, but there is a poetry competition ahead.

Get ready and watch.
Poems are different
Nice, simple.
Poems can be sad
There are also funny ones.

Ved: Tanya will perform first at our competition.

Child: A game(Russian folk joke).

Worth it for children
To everyone in the world
I can be.
by the wind,
And rain.
Scary tiger
And the cat
Steam locomotive
And by carriage,
And a goat
By plane
And a bush.
sperm whale
And a mole.
Only children
To everyone in the world
I can be
They might even

Ved: Only children can become everything in the world.
Our transformation begins.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “About the ostrich”

I am a young ostrich
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Calloused and hard.
When I'm scared, I run
I crane my neck.
I can't fly,
And I can't sing.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “Misha the circus performer”

Here's a bear, a bear, a bear!
Who wants to watch?
Come visit Misha.
Throw some sweet gingerbread to Misha.

Misha asks, Misha waits.
With his mouth wide open.
No more to the right! No to the left!
We missed, you bastards!

Now they're in the mouth!
What a gingerbread - pure honey!
For such a treat
We'll put on a show.

Come on, Mishka, take a bow!
Come on, Mishka, somersault!

Ved: We continue the show -

Meet the drummer!

Child: V.D. Berestov “Drummer Hare.”

For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
- I won’t drum!

No mood
There is no situation
No preparation
I don't see any carrots!

Ved: Now, guys, guess the riddle:
“Chick - tweet! Jump to the grain! Peck, don't be shy! Who

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “Where the sparrow dined!”

Why are you kids sitting here?
Al you don't want to play?
Have tea in the morning
It's time to go out and play.

Game “The sparrow flew, flew”

The children walk in a circle, and the sparrow flies.

The sparrow flew and flew.
He flew, he flew young.
Across the blue sea
I saw, I saw the sparrow
How the leaves rustle (show)
How bunnies jump
How bears walk.

Ved: Listen, guys, to the riddle:

He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds.

Ved: Our Lina once met with

Child: T. Sobakin “Hello, Goose

A huge goose is running towards me
I tell myself: “Don’t be a coward.”
Maybe this goose is tame
He runs to meet me.

But the goose looks fierce,
He hisses threateningly.
It will pinch
Well, let!

I smiled:
“Hello, goose!”
He nodded his head in response
And I thought I heard: “Hello!”

Ved: This is the meeting Lina had.
How brave and courageous she is. But there are brave men
different. And Diana will tell us about this.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “Brave men”.

Our tailors
What brave ones:
“We are not afraid of animals,
No wolves, no bears.”
How did you get out the gate?
Yes, we saw a snail
We got scared
We ran away!
Here they are:
Brave tailors!

Ved: There is an artist in the world who paints

Child: Usachev “The artist who paints

What to call the artist
If he likes to draw
He is animals and birds,
Mice, cats and dogs,
Squirrel and titmouse.

Well, okay, an artist -
A dog walker or a bird walker.
And he's also a cat person
Cow barn and horse barn,
And also an anthill
And even a paddling pool.

He's also a rhinoceros
Tiger, elephant and lion.
Well, in general, our artist
Great animalist.

Ved: Here, guys, look who I drew
our artist? What is missing?

Game “Attach the Tail”.

Ved: And you know, Anton knows
a poem called that

Child: A. Milne “Tails

A lion has a tail - a powerful, long one.
And a donkey has a donkey's tail.
The cat has a tail and the horse has a tail,
But you and I don’t.

When will I have a birthday
I'll buy a ponytail for fifty dollars.
The seller will measure my height
And he will pick up a great tail.

I will say to the lion, wolf, camel:
- I won’t envy you
Look - from today
I got a tail too!

Ved: Someone is missing a tail, but what is not?
the sheep has enough and why he was so offended, he will tell

Child: N. Tomilina. “Offended”.

The sheep cried:
- Well, is this a haircut?
All the rings were cut off,
Now I'm like a baby.

Game “Tease”

You girls have a sweet tooth,
You should gnaw only nuts
And sweets and toffees
Ask your mother to hold you in her arms.

You boys are bullies,
You can't live without a fight
You'd have to push around all day
Run with sticks, play.

Let's read poetry to you now
To make you laugh a little.

Child: Yu. Chernykh "Lived once”.

Grandfather and grandmother
With a little granddaughter.
Your red cat
They called it Bug.

And they are Corydalis
The foal's name was
And they also had
Chicken Burenka.

And they also had
Murka the dog.
And two more goats
Sivka da Burka.

Who sings so loudly
About that, that sun rises?

Child: V.D. Berestov “Cockerels”

The cockerels have fledged
But they didn’t dare to fight
If you're going to get cocky
You might lose your feathers
If you lose your feathers
There will be nothing to fuss about.

Ved: Guys. We were so pleased today, so
surprised us, and how expressively you read
poems! We are very happy for your success.

Awarded: for the funniest
poems, to the best animal connoisseur,
for the most polite poem, etc.

Literature: Baidalina E.V., Shadrina L.G. and etc.
Literary quizzes in kindergarten.. Togliatti,
Foundation for Development through Education, 2006.

Children from senior and preparatory groups participate. Enough time should be allocated to prepare for the competition so that the children know the text well and can recite it with intonation expressiveness. The presented video recordings of the poems were made by me at a different time (filmed on a mobile phone).
Target: Introducing children to the world of poetry.
Continue to help master the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, strength of voice, intonation).
Pay attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons). Instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
Continue to improve artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems and dramatization.
Cultivating the ability to experience compassion and empathy for the heroes of poetic works.

Introductory part

Leading: Hello dear children and dear parents! We are glad to see you in our hall at the festival of the poetic word!
The guys have been preparing for the reading competition for a long time and are ready to perform. Let's wish them success!
Our participants will be evaluated by a respected jury (jury members are listed).
Its time to begin!
Contestants, are you ready to show off your performing skills?
Are the jury ready to objectively evaluate the competition participants?
Spectators, are you ready to listen carefully and support the competition participants with loud applause?
Then the reading competition is declared open!

Main part

Leading: Guess the riddle:
A horse lives in Africa
The transition is copied from it,
Just across the road
Walk along those stripes! (Zebra)
We learn from the poem what it feels like for zebras

In black and white in this newspaper
It was written as if in the world
Where no rhinoceros has gone before,
Poor zebras lie on the roads.
People walk along zebra crossings in boots,
patent leather shoes and sandals,
In dirty boots, sneakers and sneakers,
They ride across zebra crossings on bicycles,
They ride on rollerblades and scooters,
Soldiers march along them in formation,
Cats and dogs roam among the zebras, -
Everyone obeys the terrible sign:
“Crossing the road for pedestrians -
Strictly on zebras, strictly on zebras!”

In Africa, zebras read a newspaper.
In Africa, zebras fainted.
Unfortunately, they just didn’t know
Traffic rules.
Leading: A whole day without dads and moms
Rebetnya spends there,
Where are the hours of separation
They will fly by without boredom. (Kindergarten)
The next poem is about this

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not cherries!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because it’s friendly in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!
Leading: Children, the question “Who did this?” each of you probably heard from your parents when you did something mischievous. The heroes of the poem “Nobody” answered:

We've got a mischief maker.
The whole family is grieving.
In the apartment from his mischief
There is literally no life!
No one really knows him,
But everyone knows
That everything is always to blame
He is the only one - NOBODY!
Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,
Found some candy there
And all the candy papers
Who threw it under the table?
Who drew on the wallpaper?
Who tore the coat?
Who poked their nose into daddy's desk?
NOBODY is a terrible tomboy!
The mother said sternly. –
We finally have to
Approximately punish!
NOBODY will go today
Neither to visit, nor to the cinema!
Are you laughing?
And my sister and I
Not funny at all!

Leading: What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass -
The ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

The little bunny smiled at his mother:
I love you like this! – and spread his hands.
And that's how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and showed too.

He crouched down and jumped high like a ball
I love you like this! – the bunny laughed.
And then in response, running wildly,
- That's how much I love you! – the bunny jumped.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
– This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
– I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And he somersaulted on the grassy grass.
- And that’s how I love you! - Mommy said,
She tumbled, hugged and kissed.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
– This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
– Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this! - you understand, mom.
And in my mother’s arms I can see the whole valley.
- That's how much I love you! - the mother told her son.
So a cheerful day passed, at the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?..
Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
Quietly before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- This is very, very much, it’s so nice,
When they love to the moon and then back!
Leading: Like a captain on an ice floe
He stands in a black tailcoat,
And, nodding my head,
Looks in all directions! (Penguin)
Leonov V.
Penguin is the hero of the next poem

“The Great Journey of the Little Penguin” Author Renata Mukha.

Haven't you heard of Little Penguin?
And he is in the Far North, on the Extreme Ice Floe,
Without boots, upset, standing in the snow up to his waist -
He went to dinner with Grandma and got the pole mixed up.
I got to the North Pole, but I wanted to go to the South Pole,
And here he stands, confused and, it seems, with a cold.
In the Farthest North, on the Farthest Ice Floe,
Where there were no traces of penguins before,
Where are millions of icebergs, maybe even thousands,
Where no Grandma Penguin can find,
The Penguin stands abandoned, alone in the Arctic wilderness
And practically nothing good awaits.
But then the Sun warmed up, and the Ice floe broke away,
And she brought Penguin to Grandma in Antarctica.

And the story ended not so bad at all,
Grandmother was delighted and groaned in joy:
“Well, there are always accidents! You're acting like a little kid!
You go on a trip and forget your felt boots!”
Then Penguin had dinner and finally understood:
“Of course, it’s great to walk on your own!
This adventure will be useful to me in my life:
I can now, please, wherever you want to get lost,
At least on his own, at least with Grandmother... Although, perhaps, it’s better for her
Walking in the Far North is only as a last resort."
Host: You can’t see it, but it’s nice!
You can see it in loving eyes.
With joy you make it to people, and they make it to you.
It is in your soul and you cannot touch it. (Good)
Poem “Kind Heart” Author Mikhail Sadovsky.

One day I brought home a puppy,
Homeless tramp
To feed him a little,
Poor hungry guy. –
Well, what did mom say, -
Let him live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of soup.
I found it in the yard later
The kitten is barely alive,
I brought it home
Mom said again: -
Well, well, she said,
Let him live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a spoon of porridge.
I found a chick under the nest,
Crows hovered above him,
I hid it in a tomboy's hat,
We came home with him. –
Well, well,” said my mother, “
Let him live a little
there is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a crumb of bread.
I brought home a hedgehog
Snake and turtle
And the Hare ran into our door,
Probably out of fear.
Mom said: -
Let them live, the apartment is so wonderful,
and if we make room here, there will be a place for us!
Leading: There is a house in the yard,
The owner is on the chain. (Dog)

There is a sign hanging on the fence:
"Attention! Very big and angry
The dog guards the garden here day and night.
Don't interfere, otherwise she'll tear you to pieces."
And everyone who reads this sign,
It won’t do any more, because he understands:
A big dog can attack
He barks, tears his pants, bites...
In the garden behind the gate, and in truth, there is a chain
There was a big, big dog lying there,
Shaggy, very scary... However,
There was a very kind big dog.
The dog dreamed of being played with,
To pat her affectionately behind the ear,
So that they take off the collar and let them run,
So that she would be invited into the house in bad weather.
So that children can boldly climb on her back,
We rode the dog around the garden.
And they invited me to go swimming in the river,
To comb her fur with a brush.
When they approached, the dog stood up.
She didn't bark at all. She just wagged her tail.
But people looked, they read the sign...
And they immediately ran away from her.
After all, people thought that this was big
Shaggy dog: evil, despicable...
The poor thing suffered, not knowing what was wrong...
The big dog couldn't read.
Leading: Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know, he loves me... (mom.)

It happens -
The dog barks
The rosehip will prick,
The nettle will sting.
And at night I’ll dream
A huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you will shout:
- Mother!
And mom will appear
Next to me
And everything that scared
It will pass by.
She will smile -
The splinters will disappear
Scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears...
“What luck! –
I'll think -
What is the best mother?
Leading: Another poem about mother and spring

Your hands are no longer cold,
I'm going to kindergarten with my mother,
I'm not bored today
I came up with a game.
The snow has almost completely melted,
The color of the sky is blue,
I'll count today
Everything related to spring.
Once - the smiles became wider,
Two is a ray of sunshine on the face,
Puddles - three, grass - four,
Five - icicles on the porch.
And I hope that, nevertheless,
Although the task is not simple,
If mom helps me,
I'll count to a hundred!
Leading: Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing by the skating rink with a broom.
And he got used to the frost
Our friend...(snowman.)

"The Girl and the Snowman."

The snowman stood and cried
It was running down his cheeks.
He waited for night and frost,
After all, in the spring mornings
The sun, if there are no clouds
Or, say, clouds,
Every day it got hotter.
It was so hot, bless you!
And then one girl
I brought an umbrella from home.
With a high, ringing voice
He says: “Here you go!
Don't be afraid of the sun anymore -
Open the umbrella over your head.
Dry your tears, calm down,
Take it, it's yours now."
And believe that the girl
(I saw it myself) at that very moment,
Like a caring sister
The snowman smiled.
Leading: Little forest animal
He carries a leaf on his back.
The nose is funny, it's covered in needles.
Is he related to the Christmas tree? (Hedgehog)

The hedgehog climbed into the house from the forest!
In the morning we found him -
He sat in the corner behind the stove
And he sneezed in the thick dust.
We approached - he curled up.
Look like it's covered in needles.
Five minutes later I woke up
He stuck out his paws and his nose.
Why did you come to us, -
We won't ask, you understand:
Did you fight with your own people?
Did you want to live with people...
Live... We are doing well.
Just an earlier agreement:
Will you be a Thistle?
Be called from now on!
You shouldn't fight a cat
And climb into our bed,
Because you are prickly
You can peel off your skin...
You will receive per day
Three saucers of milk,
And on holidays - cheesecake
And four worms.
During the day you should play with us,
At night - catch mice,
If you get sick, tell your mom,
Lubricate with iodine up to the ears.
That's all. Now think about it.
The whole day is ahead...
If you want, stay
If you don't want to, leave!
Leading: This animal lives only at home.
I combed my hair without a comb
And I washed my face without water,
Climbed into a soft chair
And he sang in every possible way. (Cat) The poem is called

The cat woke up before everyone else,
Raised his red tail like a pillar,
His back stuck out with a hump
And in the whole cat's mouth
What a yawn!
"Moore! It wouldn't be a sin to wash your face..."
Instead of soap - a tongue,
The cat curled up on its side
And let's lick your fur!
Just laughter!
And after washing, he snuck into the kitchen;
Says "hello" to the broom
And he rummages around on the table:
Where is yesterday's fat whitefish?
I would eat it in an instant!
I've seen enough in the yard -
Hissed at the turkey
Flew along the attic
And, the gap in the trash heap, -
On the fence!...
The house stood up.
Cat to the window:
"Moore! There are six crows on a branch!"
The tail is beating, the claws are out,
Our cat looks up into the sky -
On a pine tree.
He ran away with his mouth open...
Only to go home in the evening,
All scratched up, angry, lame.
The cat sharpens his claws for a long time
Oh chest of drawers...
The cat will touch the door with its paw,
Sneaks into the corridor
And he sits in the corner like a thief.
Hush, mice!
Here now
Terrible beast!
No mice... the cat sat on the chair
And he yawns: “Where can I lie down?”
He quietly jumped onto the stove,
He tightened his purrs and sighed
And fell asleep.
Leading: Born with horns, and then loses them. (Month) The following poem is about him

We saw goats -
In the sky above the mountain
The thin one walks and wanders
The month is young.
“Meh,” said the goats, “
You are our brother.
Like us, you are white,
Like us, horned!
Just very sad
Sad and thin, -
Daisies don't grow
In the sky above the mountain,
No green grass...
Jump here with us!
Oh, how delicious
We have food here!
Apparently he listened to them
The month is young
Got better in a month
Sad thin month
And it became big, round,
Merry moon.

Scenario for a reading competition in kindergarten

Program content:

Goal: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness in reading poetry.


To develop the ability to tell and listen to poems that other children read; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach how to recite poetry emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Progress of the event:


Let's sit quietly next to you

Lyrics enter our home,

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted,

And suddenly the walls open up

The whole earth is visible around,

The waves splash like a foamy river

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing,

Steppe paths run along

Melting into a blue haze

This lyric is in a hurry,

And he leads us along.

Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hall. Today is an unusual day. Today we are holding a reading competition. We have gathered to please each other with our ability to recite poetry beautifully, loudly, clearly, and perhaps among us there will be those who do this especially well.

No competition is complete without a jury, so allow me to introduce our jury:


Our reading competition today opens with the first five participants...


And now, I propose to warm up a little, play the game “Game with Ribbon”.

"Ribbon Game"

The following readers will continue our competition program...


Recently, our group made a video for participation in the Republican competition of staged fairy tales “What can be said in a fairy tale, cannot be described with a pen...”. Let's see together what happened with our artists.

Watch a video .


We continue the competition program and I invite you to listen to the following poems.


We listened to wonderful poems, and I invite you to guess the riddle.

The cramped house split

In two halves.

And they fell from there

Shot beads.


The game “Pea” is waiting for you and me.



We continue…


Well, now, our favorite game “Cat and Mouse”.

"Cats and mice"


Our competition is nearing its end. Will continue...


Thank you guys for the poems. While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite you to play a fun game called “Is it true or not?”

1) Leaf fall, leaf fall - snow flakes are flying...

2) Birds have arrived from the south, which means there will be a blizzard soon...

3) Sanki pulled out Sveta - it’s probably summer outside?

4) If a bear sleeps in a den, it means summer is on the doorstep...

5) We ask mom for a fur coat - it means autumn has returned to us...

We will walk in fur coats and collect mushrooms...

6) The snowman was afraid of the cold

And ran under a warm shower.

I really liked to steam -

He often went to the bathhouse...


The jury gives the floor...

Summing up, presenting diplomas.

Reading competition script

Program content: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness in reading poetry.

Tasks: develop the ability to tell and listen to poems read by other children; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach how to recite poetry emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Progress of the event:


A wonderful page of poetry

The door opens for us today.

And let any miracle happen!

Most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!

Love and beauty of nature,

The road of fairy tales, any world, -

Everything is subject to POETRY - Try it!

And open the door to her Country!

The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,

Rainbow in the sky, nightingale trills, -

Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass...

The world around is beautiful! And everyone in it is an actor.

(E. Nekrasova)

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults!

We are glad to see you in our cozy room! Today is an extraordinary day! Today we are holding a recitation competition, which is called “Poems are different.” Holding this competition is becoming a good tradition in our kindergarten. All age groups of our kindergarten are represented in the competition. I would like to wish you a great mood and pleasant impressions.

Let me introduce our competitors:

Pykhtya Sophia 2nd junior group

Patlina Lisa 2 junior group

Andreeva Margarita 2nd junior group

Krivolapov Matvey 2nd junior group

Popov Yesai 2nd junior group

Fedyanin Denis 2nd junior group

Konnova Sasha middle group

Koshkina Polina middle group

Zvyagin Zhenya middle group

Chiglakova Sasha middle group

Sharikova Anya middle group

Tatarintseva Polina middle group

Pyatochkina Vasilisa middle group

Gudkova Sofia senior group

Fomin Zakhar senior group

Prytkov Igor preparatory group

Popov Stepan preparatory group

Klimov Misha preparatory group

Karpova Natasha preparatory group

Kirshman Sasha preparatory group

Alekseeva Alla preparatory group

Leading: What is a competition without a competent jury? Today they have a very important task to do - to choose the best. You need to read loudly, expressively, emotionally. Therefore, our participants will be assessed by wise and fair adults.

Teacher - speech therapist Sharapova Olga Aleksandrovna.

Representative of the parent committee Efremova Elena Vladimirovna.

Representative of the parent committee Klimova Marina Igorevna

Teacher Grankina Marina Vasilievna.

Leading: So, the competition participants are ready to show their skills. The jury is ready to evaluate the competition participants. The audience is ready to listen and cheer for their friends. Then the reading competition is declared open!

Leading: Today there will be poems about winter, about animals, March 31 marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of the beloved Russian writer, poet and literary critic K.I. Chukovsky. And a separate page will be dedicated to his poems.

And we will open our first page with poems about winter.

It’s winter outside, and this sorceress tried very hard: She bound the rivers and lakes with frost, covered the ground with a snow coat. For three months nature rests from its troubles, dozes, and accumulates strength. Patlin Lisa-S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch” will tell us about this mysterious and magical time of year.

Our competition program will be continued by Denis Fedyanin, Vladimir Laktionov “Snowball”, Sasha Konnova will read us a poem by Vladimir Natanovich Orlov “Frost”.

Winter is a time of fun holidays, fun, entertainment and games. Popov Stepan will tell us about this, Ivan Zakharovich Surikov’s poem “Childhood”, Gudkova Sofia A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”.

Winter is in full swing. What is winter without snow? Everything around was covered with snow: the ground, the trees in the forest, and the roofs of houses... And we continue the competition program and I invite you to listen to Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s poem “Snowball” performed by Polina Koshkina

Presenter: Let's finish We celebrate our winter page with the song “Crystal Winter”

And we will find out who the next poem will be about by guessing the riddle:

What kind of animal is playing with me?

Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark,

Attacks balls

Does he hide his claws in his paws? (Children's answers)

You and I found ourselves on the second page of our competition.

It's called... "Our Favorite Pets."

The first on this page is Kirshman Sasha’s poem “Kitten” by Marina Boroditskaya

The poem “Little Wolf” was written by Valery Vladimirovich Shulzhik, and Popov Yesai will read it to us.

And I know one forest animal that has long ears and a short tail. He is afraid of everyone and trembles with fear. Do you know him? Who is this? Let's listen to E. Malenkin's poem "Bunny", which Margarita Andreeva prepared for us

A poem about kittens, Sasha Chiglakova learned and will tell us, it’s called “Kittens,” written by Sergei Mikhalkov.

The next poem about a devoted and faithful friend will be read to us by Igor Prytkov “Puppy”

Our competition continues with Anya Sharikova, her poem is called “Ezhinka” by Valentina Oseeva

Agnia Barto’s poem “Beetle” will be read by Polina Tatarintseva

Fomin Zakhar - poem by Alexey Ivanovich Shlygin “Kittens”

The poetic page about animals does not end; we will continue it with a cheerful song.

(The phone rings.)

Leading: My phone rang.

Who's speaking?


Can you guess which poem this excerpt is from? Who is its author? (Children's answers). Of course, this is our favorite writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. From an early age, K. I. Chukovsky’s poems bring joy to everyone, not only you, but also your mothers, fathers and even grandparents, cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s grief”, “Flies” Tsokotukhi”... Today we will hear a lot of poems, excerpts from fairy tales that the guys prepared for this competition.

Zvyagin Zhenya will open our page with the work “Telephone”

(The presenter sees money on the floor, picks it up and asks)

What it is?

Children: Money.

Leading: Indeed, money... Someone must have lost it...

Leading: In which work by Chukovsky does the mistress of the money live? (Children's answers).

Presenter: Excerpt from the work “Tsokotukha Fly”. Meet Pykhtya Sophia

A short poem called “Chicken” was learned and told to us by Matvey Krivolapov

Pyatochkina Vasilisa “Aibolit”

The next contestant prepared for us a comic poem by K.I. Chukovsky “Fly in the Bathhouse”, meet Alekseeva Alla

Misha Klimov will read us an excerpt from “Cockroach”

Karpova Natasha and her poem “Turtle”

So we remembered the wonderful fairy tales and poems of the wonderful children's writer K.I. Chukovsky, which our mothers and grandmothers read to us.

Leading. Dear children, guests! Our the competition is coming to an end. While the jury sums up the results, we will dance “Dance with Umbrellas”

Host: And also We'll play a little with you. (Glorious Games)

In a word". Ask your child what to call one in a word:

Plates, cups, pans, pots? (Dishes)

Sofa, bed, table, chair, wardrobe? (Furniture)

Milk, bread, flour, cheese, sausage? (Products)

Felt boots, boots, boots, sandals, Czech shoes? (Shoes)

Plane, train, car, tractor, ship? (Transport)

"Guess it". The child must guess the object by its name parts:

cabin, body, steering wheel, wheels, headlights - car;

head, horns, body, tail, udder - cow.

"Say it the other way around". Tell your child a word, for example "cold". The child’s task is to find an antonym word - the opposite of meaning: "hot; "summer Winter"; low-high"; bad-good."

"Find the error". Read the sentence to the child, ask what fairy tale it is from and what is wrong with this sentence.

Once upon a time there lived a goat. And she had seven little kittens.

Mom baked pies and asked her daughter Blue Riding Hood to take the pies to her grandfather.

Nif - Nif built himself a glass house, Nuf-Nuf - a crystal house, Naf-Naf - a brick one.

- The stove says: “Eat my cakes and I’ll tell you where the geese and swans flew to”.

The wolf dipped his tail into the hole and sat there sentences: "Freeze, freeze wolf's tail".

"One-many". The adult names a word denoting one object, the child names the plural of the word.

Child-people, bear-cubs, human-people

You're tired, you've been sitting too long

Did you want to warm up?

Conducts the game "How do you live"

How are you?

Like this! (thumbs forward)

How are you swimming?

Like this! (imitation swimming)

How are you running?

Like this! (index and middle fingers “run”)

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! ("binoculars")

Are you looking forward to lunch?

Like this! (Put your cheek on your fist)

Are you waving after me?

Like this! (wave hand)

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (both hands under the cheek)

Are you naughty?

Like this! (slap puffy cheeks)

In a family, the main inseparable friends are adults and children. Stand up, adults and children, in a circle.

Get up, kids!

It's time for us to play.

You've been sitting for a long time,

Don't you want to play?

game "Do as I do!"

So, dear jury, announce the star list of winners of the reading competition! (awarding, presenting gifts).

Leading: Congratulations to all participants on completion competition! But this is not where we say goodbye! There are new ones ahead of you competitions, new competitions, which means new victories ahead! Good luck everyone!


  1. “The most charming performer”;
  2. “For sincerity of performance”;
  3. “For the original reading of the poem”;
  4. "Best Image";
  5. “The most cheerful performance”;
  6. “The most soulful performance”;
  7. “The most striking performance”;
  8. “The most lyrical performance”;
  9. “The most perky performer”;
  10. “The most emotional performer”;
  11. "For artistry of performance"
  12. "Most inspired performance"
  13. "For an original reading of the poem"
  14. "The youngest performer."
  15. "Audience Choice"
  16. “The best performer of poetry among pupils of junior kindergarten groups.”
  17. “The best performer of poetry among pupils of the middle groups of kindergarten.”
  18. “The best performer of poetry among pupils of the senior groups of kindergarten.”
  19. “The best performer of poetry among pupils of kindergarten preparatory groups.”
  20. 1 place
  21. 2nd place
  22. 3rd place

On February 3, smart, inspired and joyful children hurried to the music hall of the kindergarten for the now traditional reading competition. Beautiful poems by Russian poets were heard in the hall. It is worth noting that there were quite a lot of people willing to participate. Therefore, the group underwent a preliminary selection and the best readers took part in the final round of the event.

Parents were invited to the poetry festival, Zimushka-winter herself came (teacher Filippova E.V.), who played, sang and had fun with the children, and most importantly, the children dedicated their poems to her - the Russian beauty - Zimushka-winter! It was fun to dance in circles with her, play musical games, dance fiery dances, and solve riddles. The children read lyrical, playful, humorous poems with expression. Each performance is a separate concert number. And everyone read poetry better than anyone else! The friendly atmosphere, loud applause, and parental support inspired the children. The children did not just read poems, but experienced the events they were talking about. Games, dances and choreographic performances by their friends were prepared for the young readers and all guests of the competition. At the end of the event, all participants received diplomas.

We would really like that after each such event, the child would again and again want to turn to a book, read a fairy tale or poem, or learn a work he liked.

Thank you very much to all the teachers and parents who prepared the children for the competition!