How to teach stress. How to explain accent

How to teach stress.  How to explain accent
How to teach stress. How to explain accent

A well-mannered person always feels confident in communicating with a variety of people. He will not shy away from a professor during a session and will be full of dignity when meeting a public person. What gives him confidence? Perfect command of the native language, when he has the opportunity to speak on equal terms with the most educated people. You cannot consider yourself an intellectual if you are unable to express your thoughts or use inappropriate words in your speech, especially if you pronounce words with errors. Placing the correct emphasis is one of the components of competent and beautiful speech.

Correct literary speech presupposes the implementation of certain rules, among the most significant being stress. Hearing correct speech around him, a child automatically remembers stressed syllables from childhood and usually does not make mistakes when speaking. But as with any rule, there are exception words in stress. There are more than 20 of them in the Russian language. And in order to pronounce these words correctly, you just need to remember them. Moreover, some of these words relate exclusively to the business sphere, where illiterate pronunciation can not only hurt the ear, but also make a depressing impression on business partners.
To prevent this from happening, you need to remember that the emphasis in words is as follows: development - development, catalog - catalog, domain - domain, marketing - marketing, means - means. In the word agreement, the emphasis is placed on the last “o” - agreement; in the plural, the correct literary form is the word agreements, and in business life you should use only it. In common parlance, the acceptable form is agreement.

It is completely unforgivable for a person who considers himself literate to make mistakes in everyday speech. Therefore, you need to firmly remember the emphasis in the following words: call - call, more beautiful - more beautiful, thinking - thinking, quarter - quarter, stroke - stroke, provision - provision, petition - petition.

Language, like everything that surrounds us in life, tends to undergo changes from time to time. New forms are introduced, old ones fall out of use. This is especially indicative of such words as cottage cheese - the more preferred form is cottage cheese, although cottage cheese is considered acceptable, but a more colloquial and outdated form of using this word.

The word deserves special attention. The fact is that we pronounce it very often, and just as often we make mistakes. You can often hear “About money, money, money.” But these are outdated and outdated forms of pronunciation. Modern literary norms suggest a completely different emphasis in words - about money, money, money. However, in sayings it is correct to use the old form, for example, “Money doesn’t buy happiness.”

If you have children in your family or Russian is not your native language, be sure to get a dictionary. Look into it more often and teach your children to do it. At a minimum, you are guaranteed correct pronunciation and spelling of words. Deep and strong knowledge of the language is the basis for confidence in communication, which will attract your interlocutors. So try to speak correctly!

A modern person has a lot of opportunities to learn to speak correctly and beautifully. And these opportunities cannot be neglected. Competent speech attracts interlocutors, arouses interest and builds respect for the person.

Some experts argue that serious issues of word formation and stress should be addressed when the child’s speech is already formed. Others believe that it is better to immediately spend effort on teaching how to pronounce words correctly than to try to relearn them later.

Children show a conscious interest in language starting from the age of three. Having accumulated a certain vocabulary, the baby is happy to learn new words and asks what they mean and why we pronounce them that way. This internal desire to learn to pronounce and then read words may arise earlier. It is important for parents to capture and support this interest. Most two-year-old children have unclear sound pronunciation. They omit and replace sounds, in some cases rearranging entire syllables, and quite often make mistakes in stress. To correct these shortcomings and help your baby learn to speak correctly, play simple speech games with him that do not require special knowledge or training.

Tell me how I am

It's no secret that children consciously and unconsciously repeat the actions of adults. Therefore, if your family and immediate surroundings speak competently, the likelihood that the little one will follow your example is very high. Especially if, when communicating with him, you do not distort words, imitating a child’s pronunciation, and call things by their proper names, and do not use onomatopoeia after the baby.

However, the essence of the game lies not only in correct repetition, but also in the development of auditory perception. Select words and phrases that your child has difficulty pronouncing. Shout the first word and ask your baby to repeat after you at the same volume. Say the next word in a whisper and make sure your baby says it the same way. Speed ​​up and slow down the pace of the game, pause and shout the word again as soon as the baby is a little distracted. This will add fun and excitement to the game.

Guess the riddle

All kids love to solve riddles. Use this not only for gaming purposes, but also for educational purposes. Ask “What is a dog?”, or “Where does the fox live?” Incorrect use of accents will not only amuse the child, but will also develop the ability to “play” with words, which will be useful to him in subsequent learning to read.

Call a friend

A stressed syllable can be heard if you “call” a word. Demonstrate this by extending your pronunciation, for example: “MASHI-I-Ina”, “mA-A-Ama”, “kU-U-Uk-la”. By highlighting a stressed syllable, you can focus additional attention on it by nodding your head or crouching. To make the child feel the difference, show him what will happen if you shift the emphasis. Practice on words that are already familiar to the baby, for example, the names of family members and his toys, names of animals, products, and so on.

Repeat the poem

When choosing works to read and learn, pay attention to “memory poems” that will help your child master the correct pronunciation of words, the emphasis of which even some adults make mistakes in. The child does not need to know the rhyme by heart; his task is to correctly pronounce the “impact” word, before which you pause. For example.

What awe parents feel when their baby begins to babble his first words! But over time, caring mothers and fathers begin to think about how to teach their baby to pronounce words correctly, especially with regard to the issue of stress placement. How to make the learning process interesting for a child? What are the features of working on pronunciation for young children? Let's consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem.

At what age should you start?

If the child already knows how to write, then learning can be based on graphic analysis of the word

According to research on children's readiness to start school, about 75% of those who are not ready have speech problems. In particular, they put stress on words incorrectly.

According to teachers and psychologists, you need to work with your child on correct speech production from an early age, and not wait until school starts and then spend a lot of effort retraining the child. Of course, before the age of 3 there is no point in systematic pronunciation exercises. After all, at this age, all children speak “their own” language. However, by the age of 4, the baby’s vocabulary allows him to construct complex sentences; the baby begins to actively use and expand his passive vocabulary, transforming it into an active one. From this moment on, it is worth paying attention to the correct placement of accents. If you don’t work with your child, then:

  • words that are just entering into everyday speech will be misunderstood, as a result of which your child faces bad grades due to illiteracy;
  • there will be no clear connection between the word and the concept, which will significantly complicate the further intellectual development of the baby;
  • There will be difficulties with learning to read and write.

Why does a child put accents incorrectly?

The main reason is lack of communication with parents. Or talking with kids in their children's language. The latter is highlighted by psychologists and speech therapists as a key obstacle to the development of a child’s speech. The fact is that children learn absolutely everything through imitation - imitation of adults. And if you lisp with your son or daughter, then be prepared for the fact that he will not begin to speak correctly without the professional help of a specialist. Therefore, ALWAYS speak to your child correctly, pronouncing all words clearly and slowly. And, of course, be sure to talk to the baby, even to the point of commenting on your own actions. The sooner you adopt these two principles, the sooner the child will speak correctly.

How to teach?

Be sure to teach your child to identify stressed syllables in words

There are several ways to teach your child the correct accent. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just one; it’s better to periodically resort to different types of activities. This way, the child will not have a feeling of heavy duty from these lessons, but will retain interest in work.


Try to accompany the word with the image it means.

As you know, play is the main activity for children of preschool and primary school age. Why not use this feature to teach accent placement? Moreover, these games do not require additional funds, so they are convenient to play on the road or while walking.

  • “Calling words.” Invite your child to take turns calling any surrounding objects by name. For example, “DEEEEErevo”, “KachEEEEli”, “SAAAAdik”. Choose two or three syllable words to begin with, then complicate the task.
  • "Names" Very often children make mistakes in names. Therefore, together with your child, pronounce the names of acquaintances and friends.
  • "We decorate words." This game is suitable for those children who already know how to read. Write words on cards and ask your child to color in the accent letter. By the way, this activity also trains reading skills.
  • "Knock with a hammer." Sit next to the child and, while pronouncing the words, ask him to tap each syllable on his knee with a hammer, and on the stressed syllable the tap should be a little stronger than on the others. For fear of bruises, you can also knock on the table.
  • "Guess the word". Tell your child words with the wrong accent; his task is to correct you and pronounce them correctly.

Counting rhymes and rhymes

Counting rhymes and short rhymes are a great way to remember the emphasis in words

It is not necessary to learn rhyming lines by heart; you can simply pronounce complex words. For example:

A painter is painting our walls.
Shelves makes tableYar.

Like our Martha
Everything is striped scarves.

For older children, counting rhymes can be more difficult to choose:

Aty-Bati, humpbacked bridge,
sings under the bridge gypsies,
A dancers ran away
the cockroach scared them.

Once the shaggy gorilla
crocodile called.
He was not friends with the gorilla,
pick up straight away put.
He better not call,
Who they're calling, so lead.

Children in the nursery indulged,
the teachers cursed:
"Not have fun, strap
you will be put on

One two three four five.
To give us a game start,
let's all get up alphabet:
Ani, Vanya, Kolya, Rita.
Who doesn't know alphabet,
that calculation is ours will make it easier.


Always check your child's work carefully

Exercises on the correct placement of accents should also be in the nature of a game, otherwise the baby will get bored.

  • "Repeat after me". The child needs to shout out the word you say. It is precisely raising the tone of the voice that makes it possible to avoid the drawn-out pronunciation of all vowels, which many children “suffer from.”
  • “Underline the stressed syllable.” For children who can write, you can try dictating words; their task is to write them down and add accents.
  • "Correct mistakes". Pronounce words with the wrong accent so that your baby can correct you. It’s good if this exercise includes words that are not yet known - this way your little one will expand his vocabulary and train his linguistic intuition.

Zaitsev cubes

By putting words together using Zaitsev's cubes, the child learns to correctly identify the stressed syllable

If possible, use Zaitsev cubes. Their peculiarity is that on each side there is not a letter, but a syllable. Compose the words yourself and ask your child to put a special cube on the stressed syllable, or make the task more difficult: let the child put the syllables into words himself, highlighting the stress. This way you will also train your reading skills.

Video: Placing stress in words

"Folk" methods

If we talk about the so-called “folk” methods of teaching stress in words, then here we will not talk about the most ancient method - the belt, but about funny and effective advice from experienced parents.

  • "Fists." Sit the child at the table, place his fists face to face so that they are close to the chin, but do not touch it. Now let him start reading out loud - on the stressed syllable, the chin will touch the fist. This is an excellent technique to show that every word has stress and teach them to identify it by ear.
  • "Overkill." Offer to pronounce a difficult word for the child with different accents. For example, milk - milk - milk. Let your student choose the most sonorous option. As a rule, children feel the melody of a word.

Ours in first grade simply put stress on each syllable one by one:


Ekaterina AL

We need to say out loud:
Hey horse
hey soap -

and the emphasis is audible.

These methods have been tested by entire generations of parents, and are also actively used in lessons by primary school teachers.

Teaching a child to place correct stress in words is not an easy task, but it is achievable. You just need to gradually introduce useful activities, introducing the baby to language and words. Of course, all classes should be accompanied by reading aloud, reciting poetry and singing. The sooner children hear correct, varied speech, the faster they begin to feel the melody of the language.

MBOU Dalnekonstantinovskaya secondary school

« How to teach a child

put emphasis on words."

Teacher speech therapist

Malinovskaya Marina Ivanovna

2013-2014 academic year year

In Russian, a stressed syllable is distinguished by several phonetic means simultaneously: force, manifested in loudness, greater length, or duration; finally, timbre - the special quality of the sounds that make up a syllable.

First-graders, before learning letters, learn to divide a word into syllables andput emphasis on a word . It seems to us that this is simple, but in reality it turns out to be far from so. It is very difficult for kids to learn correctlyput emphasis . First, the children learned to divide the word into syllables. And when it is necessary to place stress, the teacher asks: “Which syllable does the stress fall on?” Children immediately begin to divide the word into syllables and this makes their work more difficult.

When we pronounce a word syllable by syllable, it is very difficult to determine the stress! How to help kids? And here a fairy tale and a game come to the rescue.

« The Tale of the Hammer"

One day Mishka came to a forest clearing. He walked around the clearing and found no one. The bear left its mark.

Why did the trail remain like this? (Because the word BEAR has 2 syllables). And he left to look for friends.

At this time, Bunny jumped out into the clearing.He had been running through the forest for a long time in search of Mishka. He didn’t see the bear, but he noticed the footprint and immediately thought that the bear was there. The bunny decided to call him.

“Mishka, Mishka,” shouted Bunny. But Mishka didn’t hear. And then the magic Hammer came to the aid of the Bunny. He hit one syllable and the syllable sounded loud, loud and very long: “Miiiiish-ka”! Mishka immediately heard his name and came. The bunny was glad to have a friend. And Mishka’s trail became like this

Now Bunny and Mishka decided to call the rest of their friends. “Li-sich-ka,” they shouted. But Chanterelle did not respond. Then the Bunny called the magic Hammer for help and struck one syllable. This syllable rang louder and longer than the others, and the Fox heard it immediately.

So the friends called the Hedgehog, the Wolf Cub, and the Squirrel. And every time the magic Hammer helped them. He struck one syllable at a time and this syllable sounded very loud and long.

When all the friends had gathered, Bunny thanked Hammer for his help. And the Hammer smiled and said: “I live in every word and am calledAccent . I can only make one syllable in a word loud and long. And to make this syllable sound long, I always tap on the vowel sound, because only vowels can sing. A

I can also jump from one syllable to another and change words, because IAccent - magic hammer ».

And now you can invite the child to determine for himself which syllable the hammer is knocking on. To do this, divide the word into syllables and write

syllabic scheme. And then “call” this word, pointing to the syllable being pronounced. If a child finds it difficult, then you should help him.

The main thing is for the child to understand:

    To determine a stressed syllable, you do not need to pronounce the word syllable by syllable. You need to “call” him, chanting.

    The stress falls on the vowel sound, because Only a vowel can be drawn out, sung.

"Speaking Technique"

Children learn quicklydetermine the stress in words where the spelling does not differ from the pronunciation, correctly indicate the stressed sound in writing. The speaking technique is used: “Say, listen, compare (compare)” - an action “by contradiction”. (Ask in surprise: “Is this a pencil?” - with emphasis on different syllables). A set of words, where each subsequent word is increased by one character, will help to consolidate this exercise:

    ball fish pear matches porch

    noise wolf wing paper desert

    Anya notes bag seal shirt

    com bow pants trumpeted toothy

    willow leopard tail kite strawberry

Exercises aimed at mastering and consolidating stress norms.

1) The goal is to learn how to correctly place stress and explain the place of stress in words.

1). Exercise. Place emphasis on these words, using reference dictionaries, if necessary.

Carpenter, statue, tool, block, oil pipeline, pine needles, cooking, petition, invention, document, bonus, ringing, silo, funds, start, deepen, alphabet, kilometer, nettle, shop, percentage, case, owners, sorrel, sentence, hyphen, loop, cottage cheese, thinking, compass, report, metallurgy, mining, music, watermelon, gypsy, rust, youth, hatred, belt, cement, driver, petition.

2) Task. Put these verbs in the past tense, change them according to persons. Explain why the stress location changes.

Start, transmit, call, drink, raise, accept.

3) Task. Write down the words with the correct stress. If necessary, use a spelling dictionary.

Rough - rough, thick - thick; (tape) road - road; (walk) together - together; (the guys) are friendly - friendly; (grass) green - green; (upper room) light - light; (dog) full - full


The stressed syllable is pronounced with greater force, hence the technique of quickly and repeatedly pronouncing a word with shouting of the stressed syllable. G.P. Firsov describes this technique, usually practiced in primary school: “Pronounce a word several times at a fast pace, then shout it out - and then the stressed syllable should be sharply defined: car, car, car (Firsov G.P. How I teach literary pronunciation in phonetics lessons). Is greater power retained in a stressed word if the word is pronounced not loudly, but quietly, even in a whisper? Yes, and when pronounced in a whisper, the stressed syllable will be perceived as the most powerful due to the specific timbre of the sounds of the stressed syllable.

Isolating a stressed syllable with greater length is the basis for the technique of extending a stressed syllable in a word. The word is pronounced slowly, in a sing-song manner, the stressed syllable stretches out: chaaayka, beeely, lyubiiiit. In school practice, this technique is most popular and is used in lessons in the form of completing the task “Call the Word!” This experience is not sufficiently reliable in the early stages of the formation of the ability to identify a stressed syllable in primary schoolchildren: when searching for a stressed syllable using the method of extension, children begin to draw out all the syllables in a word, either losing the stressed syllable or choosing it by chance. It is more appropriate to use prolonged pronunciation of a stressed syllable at the stages when the student has more or less developed the ability to isolate a stressed syllable. It is important to combine the technique of drawing out a stressed syllable with the technique of artificially changing the place of stress in a word: pencil, pencil, pencil. The use of this technique contains great reserves for improving the skills of primary school students. For the exercises, words of different parts of speech are selected: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs. It is effective to include proper names in exercises: first and last names of students, well-known geographical names: Dima, Pirogov, Neva, Murmansk.

Tasks for working with such words (written on the board) can be as follows:

Read the words as required by the accent mark.

What word is funny, funny, unusual?

Which word is familiar, habitual?

In which word does the stressed syllable stretch out most easily?

Thus, in the search for a stressed syllable, both techniques are combined: the technique of prolonged pronunciation of the stressed syllable and the technique of artificially changing the place of stress in the word.

In the practice of primary school teachers, in addition to those mentioned, there are other methods of highlighting a stressed syllable: beating, tapping, and also clapping, either only the stressed syllable in a word, or all syllables with emphasized stress.

Independent determination of stress in a word, independent placement of an accent mark in it involves the student performing a number of actions (operations) that make up the algorithm for determining the stressed syllable in a word:

1. I pronounce the word, highlighting the stressed syllable.

2. I name the stressed syllable.

3. I place an accent mark above the vowel of the stressed syllable.

Let me give an example of reasoning: “Pilot - stressed syllable - lot, I place the stress mark above the vowel letter o; hedgehog – stressed syllable – e, we don’t put an accent mark, this letter is under stress.”

Based on speech therapy diagnostics, it was revealed that 48% of students attending speech therapy classes do not know how to place stress correctly.

Oh, this is it emphasis! It’s impossible to correctly determine its place in a word.

First-graders, before learning letters, learn to divide a word into syllables and put emphasis on a word. It seems to us that this is simple, but in reality it turns out to be far from so. It is very difficult for kids to learn correctly put emphasis. First, the children learned to divide the word into syllables. And when it is necessary to place stress, the teacher asks: “Which syllable does the stress fall on?” Children immediately begin to divide the word into syllables and this makes their work more difficult.

When we pronounce a word syllable by syllable, it is very difficult to determine the stress! How to help kids? And here a fairy tale and a game come to the rescue.

The Tale of the Hammer.

One day Mishka came to a forest clearing. He walked around the clearing and found no one. The bear left its mark. Why did the trail remain like this? (Because the word BEAR has 2 syllables). And he left to look for friends.

At this time, Bunny jumped out into the clearing. He had been running through the forest for a long time in search of Mishka. He didn’t see the bear, but he noticed the footprint and immediately thought that the bear was there. The bunny decided to call him.

“Mishka, Mishka,” shouted Bunny. But Mishka didn’t hear. And then the magic Hammer came to the aid of the Bunny. He hit one syllable and the syllable sounded loud, loud and very long: “Miiiiish-ka”! Mishka immediately heard his name and came. The bunny was glad to have a friend. And Mishka’s trail became like this

Now Bunny and Mishka decided to call the rest of their friends. “Li-sich-ka,” they shouted. But Chanterelle did not respond. Then the Bunny called the magic Hammer for help and struck one syllable. This syllable rang louder and longer than the others, and the Fox heard it immediately.

So the friends called the Hedgehog, the Wolf Cub, and the Squirrel. And every time the magic Hammer helped them. He struck one syllable at a time and this syllable sounded very loud and long.

When all the friends had gathered, Bunny thanked Hammer for his help. And the Hammer smiled and said: “I live in every word and am called Accent. I can only make one syllable in a word loud and long. And to make this syllable sound long, I always tap on the vowel sound, because only vowels can sing. I can also jump from one syllable to another and change words, because I Accent - magic hammer».

And now you can invite the child to determine for himself which syllable the hammer is knocking on. To do this, divide the word into syllables and write a syllable diagram. And then “call” this word, pointing to the syllable being pronounced. If a child finds it difficult, then you should help him.

The main thing is for the child to understand:

  • To determine a stressed syllable, you do not need to pronounce the word syllable by syllable. You need to “call” him, chanting.
  • The stress falls on the vowel sound, because Only a vowel can be drawn out, sung.

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