Practical recommendations on how to win a man - a virgin according to the horoscope. How a Virgo man loves

Practical recommendations on how to win a man - a virgin according to the horoscope.  How a Virgo man loves
Practical recommendations on how to win a man - a virgin according to the horoscope. How a Virgo man loves

When describing your male psychological portrait astrologers analyze at least 5 indicators from your personal horoscope. Among these indicators is the Zodiac Sign under which you were born, i.e. where the Sun was at the time of your birth. The position of the Sun in the horoscope is one of the important indicators that sets the overall color of the character when drawing up your male portrait. For those who want to better understand the individuality of their character or the character of a partner, I post a chapter from Linda Goodman's book "Zodiac", where, in my opinion, the most interesting and accurate description of the male character of each Zodiac Sign. However, do not forget that in addition to this characteristic, astrologers also take into account a number of other indicators.


Do not pin your hopes on the Virgo man if your heart is hungry for romantic dreams and fairy tales, otherwise you will find yourself on a diet. A love affair with this man will put you on cold ground, and this can be very painful. Such a man lives completely on a practical material level and one cannot expect a tender romance from him. This is not the type of man who will sing romances and serenades under your balcony.

Virgos practically fall in love from an early age, but it's not the type of love Romeo and Juliet had. For him, the expression of love lies in selfless affection for family, friends and those who are weaker than him. He was born with an instinct for love of work, duty, discipline, and affection for all that is helpless. The kind of love that produces dramatic emotions, sentimental promises, tearful explanations, passionate feelings leaves him cold and may even frighten him. But it can melt if the temperature is right for it, even if it appears to be made of steel and ice. There are hidden paths to it, but they by no means include aggressive harassment, as well as flirtatiousness and sexual treatment, which the Sirens have already seen and it was surprising to them. In love, he strives most likely for quality. And since quality is difficult to achieve, then they do not have many love affairs and even they are doomed to be unhappy and sad to some extent. His reaction to love disappointments is usually hard work. In such cases, he closes himself, leaves society, next time he will be twice as careful.

You see that you will have to use a subtle strategy and be patient in order to win it. The basic instinct is purity and he can only sin with it for the sake of a good target or a stunning woman. Many Virgos can tolerate abstinence much more easily than other signs, as they are very disciplined. The Virgo succumbs to her fate without a fight. If fate has destined him to be alone, the Virgo man accepts this without regret or emotional drama. Therefore, among them there are many bachelors. Although it is not conspicuous, Virgo can be a skilled seducer. This man is a mixture of sharp intellect and very earthy inclinations. He can destroy hearts with light flirting, but his critical and analytical mind rarely allows these hobbies to go from platonic to physical. His modesty and ingenuity protect him from unnecessary connections. Of course, he can sometimes start a purely physical earthly love, but for him this is more an exception than a rule. And the rule for him is just an interest in the opposite sex. Naturally, a man is a man. And not all Virgo men are virgins, but they always remain pure in their views. In their love there is always something pure, sublime. He devotes a lot of time to finding the object of his love, because he is very picky in choosing his woman, as well as in food, in habits regarding health and work. Don't try to fool or lie to him. Your Virgo man has no illusions. He wants relationships to be decent, clean and honest. He is well aware of how slim his chances of finding such a relationship are. But it is useless to assume that he will accept what is not suitable for him. And if circumstances force him to connect his life with an unsuitable woman, then I can assure you that they will not live long. It is very difficult to hurt his emotions, if you fell in love with a Virgo, it can bring you to tears. You will ask yourself: is he made of marble or does he have no heart? No, it's not made of marble and it certainly has a heart, be patient. Success will come to those who know how to wait. Sometimes a Virgo man can start aimless flirting in order to make sure of his masculine abilities. Naturally, not a single man can not strive for human warmth, the call of nature, and someday he will give in to this, admitting even to himself with difficulty that he has fallen in love. He will hide his true feelings. And at the same time, a truly acting talent is revealed. He will pretend that you are absolutely indifferent to him ... Do not expect him to respond to you with an open display of feelings, he will behave coldly, even if he is in love. And if he decides that you suit him, he will very simply tell you about it. His love will burn with an even flame, without any flashes that are typical for other signs of the zodiac, and it will give you a feeling of warmth and reliability for many years. Is it bad?

There is one romantic quality in Virgo love. This is what he can wait for years for a reciprocal feeling from his chosen one. He is capable of great sacrifices in order to find the right foot for which the crystal slipper would fit. It cannot be denied that the flame of his love is very strong. The whole difficulty lies in igniting it.

Once you have won him, he will rarely give rise to jealousy. He will overcome any problems: financial relationships with relatives and others. He will not shower you with money, but you will have everything you need. And he will shower you with his attention. The Virgo man is attentive to all the little things that are important for a woman. He has a good memory and will remember all your dates, even if he does not understand why they are important to you. He will not be wildly and unbridledly jealous, but remember that Virgo is the owner to the extreme. This may sound strange. Even if he does not arrange jealousy scenes, then his possessiveness should always alert you. The Virgo's wife, who has gone too far from home, may find that her husband is not at home when she returns. Virgos are very loyal and very reluctant to destroy family ties, but when their sense of decency and decency is affected, nothing will stop them from a cold break. There will be no scenes or complications. If everything means everything! Farewell and be happy. Even his unusually excellent memory will not make him mourn the memories of the past, because. he has good discipline to control his memory and emotions. Self-discipline is part of his character. If he decides something, then it is final. And your tears and apologies are completely useless to change his mind. He is never a victim of illusions and will never believe that a broken pitcher can be glued together to perfection.

If you fell in love with a Virgo, you need to improve your intellect. He does not tolerate ignorance, stupidity, as well as dirt and vulgarity. A woman who has penetrated the heart of the Virgin must be well dressed and under her neat hair must be good brains. Notice that I said neat hair. Virgo needs a woman who is pure in body and soul, well-dressed, but not falling into the extremes of fashion. A woman who is seeking pleasure, selfish and mentally lazy, will never get along with such a man, even if she is sexually attractive to other men. Virgo is looking for a wife, not a lover in any sense of the word.

He does not have strong paternal feelings. His special nature does not require children to fill him emotionally. He usually has a small family. However, if the child appears, he will become a conscious father and will take his duties very seriously. He practically does not spoil children.

Virgo loves to be worried about his health, but if you get sick, she will be attentive to you and will take care of you. He may be in a bad mood at times. Here you need to remember one thing: if you leave him alone, then he will never sort things out with you. Give him the opportunity to overcome this state himself. And he will surprise you with the tenderness with which he comes to try on. And even if he gets excited for a while, it's good for him. But if you see that his bad mood is affecting his physical condition, distract him by suggesting something interesting. It is very easy to interest him mentally.

And now you know that the man is with you and you like him, you can expect a good, stable future. You will have an attentive, interesting person with you who will not force you to do everything possible to look attractive, spending a lot of money on perfume and other cosmetics. But he is quite satisfied with your spending on soap and shampoo. He is reliable and pleasant if you are tactful about his shortcomings. He doesn't have many of them. Whatever he does, try not to criticize him. Remember that he is not at all built to listen to critical analysis in relation to himself, the very analysis that he applies to other people. Get used to his way of criticizing you and try to just laugh it off in such cases. When his critical mood passes, you can relax and enjoy with your beautiful and faithful husband. Of course, he is not an angel and he does not have wings behind his shoulders, but most women will envy you. And when he smiles and you see yourself reflected in his clear, clean eyes, you'll be happy you put on his wedding ring, as long as someone with wings on their backs doesn't get in your way.

Virgo man tries not to show strong emotions. Seeks to avoid touching and sentimental situations. In conversation, he shows restraint, but this does not affect communication. He speaks slowly and very thoughtfully. Like many others, he hardly tolerates criticism, especially when it happens in public. Scrupulous and strives to achieve perfection in everything, which often causes difficulties in relations with the outside world. He does not like the manifestation of slovenliness, absent-mindedness. He does not tolerate rudeness and arrogance towards himself. He is a very responsible person who values ​​​​his honor and dignity. He almost never makes mistakes, knows how to keep secrets, and he can really be trusted.

Virgo man in love

Virgo man tries not to show his feelings, from which outwardly his love does not manifest itself in any way. It stands out for its purposefulness and reliability, it is able to expect reciprocal feelings for a long time. A woman in him is able to arouse not only interest, but also the desire for a closer relationship. As in everything else, he does not show emotions until he is sure of the correctness of his choice. Relationships are usually modest, his lady will always feel peaceful, happy and surrounded by care. Virgo man does not require special treatment. He is faithful in love and will not start relationships on the side. Not quick-tempered, does not show aggression. The partner will be trusted, does not pester with bouts of jealousy. Avoids scandals and does not like to sort things out.

What kind of women do Virgo men like?

Virgo man loves independent and responsible women. Dislikes negligent, ignorant, stupid and vulgar. Strives for a relationship with a woman worthy, honest, able to control herself in everything from finances to feelings. He tends to choose from those who are somehow similar to himself - responsible and not too demanding. Appreciates self-care, pays attention to details. He does not like loud statements and unrestrained behavior. He loves to be praised.

Virgo man married

Virgo man is very demanding of his future companion. She must correspond to the image of an ideal woman, whose features are reproduced in advance in his imagination. Tends to be shy and timid. This man is perfect for that woman who strives for a stable relationship, adheres to a measured lifestyle, appreciates honesty. Virgo man does not tolerate lies, is proud. Only after he is completely sure of his choice does he make a marriage proposal. Not finding a worthy chosen one, he does not feel lonely and abandoned.

Children for the Virgo man

Doesn't want a big family. Is not a passionate, immensely loving father. It does not really depend on the moral necessity in communicating with children. At the birth of a child, the Virgo man becomes an extremely responsible, serious father. He does not seek to avoid the fulfillment of his father's obligations, he has his own idea about this. He spares neither material nor moral resources for the children to receive a diligent upbringing and a good education. He will not tolerate his child's behavior changing for the worse. It will be demanding to develop in him the necessary and useful skills and qualities. In a special priority in the issue of education are decency, diligence and self-control.

The Virgo man is a modest and pleasant person. So many of his friends would say about him. Those who have not seen the reverse side of this medal.

He is definitely smart. In his head there is a whole library of all kinds of useful and not very information, and he is ready to share it with everyone around him. Even if you absolutely do not need advice, this guy will give it to you, because he feels the need to teach others. To teach? .. Probably, it would be worthwhile to express it more neutrally - to teach. After all, he really is guided by the most benevolent motives. Our hero is a Virgo man, a great moralist and just a good person.

The last righteous of this world

Before you is a very pleasant young man - polite, gallant, intelligent. It is interesting to communicate with him: he knows a lot and knows how to keep up the conversation. He dresses discreetly, but carefully selects things that emphasize the dignity of his figure. Honest, modest, decent, obligatory. Somewhat conservative ... is this guy from our brutal century ?! Maybe he is a lost time traveler? .. Indeed, people of such a warehouse can now be seen less and less, but they certainly exist. They just do not catch the eye, do not climb to the fore, but quietly live somewhere nearby. You could live with a Virgo man in neighboring houses across the street for ten years without noticing him, and meet one day at the opera, having bought tickets in the same row.

Modest people are always inconspicuous - but this does not detract from their merits. The Virgo man is a truly respectable person in all respects. He does not have the habit of succumbing to vicious passions that push other people to bad deeds, because he is steadfast in his principles and moderate in desires. Representatives of this sign value prosperity and stability, but do not strive for luxury. They prefer solid durable things and are indifferent to fashionable status things. For happiness, they need very little - modest but well-equipped housing, high-quality household items and at least small savings for a rainy day, in order to feel protected from the surprises of fate. But material values ​​are only half of the vast concept of “happiness”. The other half lies somewhere beyond what money can buy. And getting it, therefore, is much more difficult.

“There are two points of view - mine and deserving of condemnation”

In the soul of every Virgo man lives a Teacher. That's right, with a capital letter: to bring the light of knowledge to others - the mission entrusted to him by the stars. That is why representatives of this sign often become teachers, and very good teachers: by investing in other people, helping them grow intellectually and spiritually, our hero feels fulfilled and needed. He feels confident in children's groups. How many modern guys admit that they love to mess around with kids? Virgo does not consider this shameful. He will make a wonderful, wise and caring father ... if, of course, he still manages to marry and have his own offspring. Which, for a number of reasons, does not always happen.

What is the reason that this all-round positive guy risks being left alone? With adults, including women, he behaves in the same way as with his students. Do you like it when they talk to you in a mentor tone, shamelessly get into your affairs and colorfully explain that you don’t live the way you should? .. Unfortunately, Virgo men sometimes lack a sense of tact. Moreover, the closer the interlocutor is to him, the more our great moralizer will torment him with his nit-picking: when everyone is around, you can not be shy in expressions. Living with such a person under the same roof is still a pleasure: he will give you a scolding for every little thing, like a cup left in the sink. Not because it is irritable beyond measure, it's just the communication style of the Virgo man. He sincerely wishes you well, pointing out your shortcomings.

Parents are probably proud of such a clean and tidy son (especially if it so happened that his mother is also a Virgo), but will her beloved woman be able to get along with him? If she is the same refined aesthetic, accurate and a person of the highest moral principles, also immensely patient, flexible - probably yes. But how many such ladies are found in our time?.. They exist, but such brides are worth their weight in gold, and not all of them are missing. A simple earthly woman, not ideal, but the most ordinary, will have a hard time if she decides to conquer the Virgo man. However, no one forbids her to try ... and the prospects for a future union are very easy to imagine by reading the compatibility horoscope on our website.

In a love relationship, the Virgo man is also restrained, as in any other. Still he is a rationalist to the marrow of his bones, and is simply not able to inflame feelings suddenly and fatally like, say, a Scorpio. No, Virgo chooses her mate carefully, looks at the applicants for her hand for a long time ... most likely, we are not talking about the heart at all, since we are talking about a person - it is worth recalling - utterly rational. Feelings in the minds of some men of this sign are generally shameful, and the habit of being led by emotions is a sign of infantilism, if not stupidity. Therefore, for the Virgo, a marriage of convenience with the indispensable conclusion of a contract is preferable.

Difficulties and prospects

Virgo men are somewhat slow and indecisive, therefore they rarely achieve fabulous success in matters that require ambition and pressure. But they do an excellent job with such work, where laboriousness and patience are needed. Representatives of this sign terribly dislike uncertainty, instability, abrupt changes - and changes in any direction: a sudden or too easy victory will alert Virgo, if not scare. He does not believe in the possibility of an easy victory at all - and if so, he will begin to suspect something was wrong and look for where he was deceived ... and in the end, he will miss his chance.

Virgos spend a lot of time and effort on self-improvement, primarily on honing their professional skills. They are very conscientious: if you happened to work with representatives of this sign, you probably noticed how responsibly they treat their duties. The authorities are proud of such exemplary subordinates - but if the Virgo man himself becomes the leader ... no, it’s better for him not to take on the burden of power. Because for him it is really a burden. He is a teacher, not a manager: in order to make people work effectively, you need to be a much tougher person than our hero is. As a result, he will work alone in the whole team, trying to drag the whole thing on himself, while others will brazenly use his complaisance. Of course, Virgo will try very hard to fulfill her duties as best as possible, but she will not receive satisfaction from such work and will not achieve success in it. If so, it's not worth trying.

Virgo man horoscope

Virgo-man: appearance

The appearance of this man is invariably modest and neat. He hates to spend big sums on clothes, but his appearance is usually impeccable - the Virgo man is extremely scrupulous and accurate in this regard. You are unlikely to see him with neglected facial hair or in a bright, defiant outfit. Most likely, he will wear clothes in soothing colors and a classic cut. Such a man always carefully monitors the correctness of his speech and the correctness of behavior.

Virgo man - a characteristic of behavior

Virgo sign - a man in work and career

Work, good material security, financial stability - all this is among the priorities of a man born under this zodiac sign. Everything that can somehow strengthen his financial position, increase his fortune, Dev is keenly interested in. True, they recognize only legal methods of earning money, they are not inclined to "fish in troubled waters." Work for them is a source of livelihood and moral satisfaction, their deep inner need. They are hardworking, disciplined workers, their mind is characterized by a purely practical orientation.

Virgo man in love

If a Virgo man fell in love, outwardly it may not manifest itself in any way for a long time: for the time being, he hides his feelings. This person is distinguished by purposefulness and constancy, he can wait for reciprocity for many years. Women arouse curiosity in him, a desire for a closer acquaintance, but, as in everything, he will not give vent to his feelings before he is convinced of the expediency of this and the correctness of his choice. It is unlikely that a love union with a man of this zodiac sign will be bright and passionate, but his chosen one will always feel calm, happy, surrounded by care, she will not be required, forgetting about herself, to take care of her partner in every possible way. This man is devoted in love and is not capable of playing a double game. He will not wag the nerves of his chosen one with a temper, unreasonable jealousy, a desire to sort things out for any reason.

Virgo man in sex

This modest and calm man is able to satisfy the sexual needs of even the most demanding women in this regard. A favorable impression is made by the delicacy and tenderness with which Virgo men treat the weaker sex, attentiveness to the needs of their partners. The Virgo man, without good reason, will not refuse an intimate date, although he is not a "hunter" in this sense.

Characteristics of the Virgo man in marriage

Among men born under this constellation, there is a large percentage of bachelors, in this status they do not feel deprived, and loneliness does not become a heavy burden for them. These men are too picky and demanding to link their fate with just anyone. Their chosen one must correspond to the idealized image that is once and for all created in their imagination, and in every woman they look for these rare features. In addition, they are not very sociable, often shy. Meanwhile, as the horoscope assures, the Virgo man is an excellent match for a woman who appreciates the stability of relationships and lifestyle, decency, attentiveness to her person, gentle and courteous treatment. These people are "ripening" for a long time for marriage, but the partners have no reason to doubt the inviolability of their decision. However, Virgo men cannot stand it when they begin to trample on their human, masculine dignity, lie, lead an unworthy, in their opinion, lifestyle. In this case, the future fate of this union will be threatened.

Virgo zodiac sign - male owner

Virgo men are homebodies, so they prefer women who are also not indifferent to the family hearth. They are never averse to giving their free time to household chores. There is no doubt that order and almost perfect cleanliness will reign at this man’s house. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that he himself will direct it, in this case the household members will be forced to “lick” the dwelling, otherwise the head of the family will plague everyone with reproaches.

Zodiac Signs: Virgo Man - Father

These representatives of the stronger sex cannot be called passionately, blindly loving children, strong paternal feelings are unknown to them. They rarely decide to have a large family. The nature of the Virgo-man is such that he does not have a strong emotional need to communicate with children. At the same time, if a child is born, a man turns into a responsible, serious father who does not avoid fulfilling his duties, although he understands them a little differently. Virgos spare no time and money to ensure that their children receive a good upbringing and a decent education. They will not allow the character of the offspring to change for the worse - on the contrary, they will be persistently instilled with a number of necessary and useful qualities, such as responsibility, diligence, organization, etc.

Who suits the Virgo man according to the horoscope for creating a family

If Virgo is a man, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.

What to give a Virgo man

A gift for a Virgo man can be chosen from a wide range of household appliances, all kinds of useful devices, practical things used in everyday life, from an office chair pillow to a high-tech electronic gadget. Good gifts for a Virgo-man are an organizer, watches, optical instruments, everything that allows you to be accurate and rationally organize your time. People of this zodiac sign can be given professional literature, subscriptions to publications of topics of interest to them; everything related to their work can also be included in this list. Gifts for a Virgo man can be related to health care, for example, a paid massage course, a kitchen device for preparing healthy meals, etc. If there is a desire to give something from clothes, then it should be comfortable, practical, certainly stylish and in no way defiant. The same can be said about accessories.

If the zodiac sign of a man is Virgo, then you can be almost one hundred percent sure that he is outstanding, well-mannered, logical. Although the female logic, many of his actions are incomprehensible.

One of the main distinguishing features of such a man is a heightened sense of responsibility. Another nuance of character, by which Virgo man can be recognized - extraordinary performance. Virgo Man not only can he work hard, he is ready to work from dawn to dusk, to go headlong into the field of his professional research and completely forget about everything else. Yes, Virgo men are workaholics.

This man is always restrained, neat, smart. This provides him with a respectable and attractive appearance and the glory of an intelligent person. Add to this punctuality and accuracy, bordering on royal courtesy.

Richard Gere

“Oh, what a wonderful portrait!” many will exclaim, especially beautiful ladies. However, in fairness, it should be noted that the sense of duty inherent in the Virgo man can also tire, and not everyone can withstand scrupulousness and a tendency to an ideal order.

That's why Virgo man sometimes reputed to be a pedant and a bore. The absence of the need to pour out one's emotions to others, to cry in a vest, as well as secrecy in amorous affairs can be perceived as a manifestation of coldness, including sexual. Meanwhile, serious passions can rage in the chest of this representative of the strong half of humanity. Only few people manage to see their flame.

Character Description

From the side, the character of the Virgo man resembles a shiny lacquered surface. One gets the feeling that all the feelings are hidden inside him or they do not exist at all. In fact, this is a misperception. Indeed, from an emotional point of view, Virgos are capable of much: both deep love and crushing jealousy. But the magma of his passions never erupts. He does not like to shine, but in high society he usually feels at home.

The love of the Virgo man for self-discipline helps him easily get used to even the strictest etiquette. After the age of 30, when his time comes, he, like a chrysalis in a butterfly, turns into a model of integrity and nepotism.

Virgo man in a relationship

If a woman meets a Virgo and is going to start an affair with him, then she should understand that she does not have to expect ardent confessions, madness and unreasonably expensive gifts from him.

Virgo Man first, he will look at his lady for a long time, then build a logical chain of reasoning about the necessity and possible prospects of their relationship, and only then he will calmly make a decision and immediately announce this to his chosen one.

But, once falling in love and making a choice, the Virgo-man will carefully and tirelessly carry through the years the even fire of love. Especially if he feels that his wife has become his life partner, girlfriend. For such a man, the emotional sphere is primary, while physical pleasures are secondary.

Keanu Reeves

Of course, he knows who both Romeo and Juliet are (well, of course, because he is an intellectual), but he does not understand all the complexities and ups and downs of such a passion. Yes, you can probably say: zodiac sign Virgo makes a man an average lover, but a caring, stable husband, behind whom you can feel like behind a stone wall.
The wife of such a husband will have to get used to the fact that when he comes home, he can casually run his finger along the surface of the shelf, checking for dust, or start rearranging shoes in the closet, folding them in perfect order. But it is unlikely that he will do this out of a desire to show that his wife is not a good enough hostess. It's just that this is his need for purity, and it's beyond him.

Sean Connery

It should be noted that Virgo Man has a need for purity, not only physical, but also moral. He will not stoop to betraying his wife (exceptions are very rare), but he will also demand the same high devotion from her.

The Virgo man is a great father. True, at first he may not even want to have children, because he is afraid that this will bring discord into his usual way of life. However, having become a father, he immediately begins to love his offspring, and this feeling is for life. Children of Virgo fathers are disciplined, but sometimes they feel discomfort from the excessive pressure of a parent who places great hopes on them and, accordingly, demands a lot.

Virgo man and career

If Virgo Man occupies a leadership position, this means that his efforts were appreciated. After all, only in this way can he move up the career ladder. He will not undertake any tricks, tricks for this, he will not fit into any squabbles and intrigues. Vanity Virgo is not peculiar. Such a person is more likely to be an indispensable worker, but modestly in the shadows.

The cause, which the Virgo-man is engaged in, he devotes himself wholeheartedly. Work is often the main reason for his existence. Moreover, he is able to reach the heights of mastery in any field, as he has a sharp and flexible mind and is able to comprehend any complex concept or theory. Devotion to the professional field chosen by the Virgo-man often even leads to the fact that he never finds time to start a family.

For no money it is impossible to persuade a Virgo man to participate in a dubious event or adventure. He is engaged in the implementation of only reasonable, realistic plans and projects. The Virgo leader is critical of his subordinates, he measures the requirements for them with the requirements for himself, and they are very high.

Colin Firth

Virgo man and other zodiac signs

You can safely call the marriage of Virgo with a Taurus or Capricorn woman auspicious. These two people will become a harmonious couple, thinking alike and understanding each other perfectly. The union of two Virgos is almost perfect. Both are calm, reasonable, predictable. True, sometimes they still want some novelty of emotions. But even if one of them decides to go “to the left”, he will do it so carefully and thoughtfully, so that the second spouse will not even suspect something was wrong.

Good chances for a Virgo man with a Scorpio woman. Of course, one cannot do without “grinding in”, but in the end everything will work out.

The union will also be quite successful - the Virgo man and the Cancer woman. True, sometimes there are excesses on one side or the other - in Virgo because of a tendency to teach, in Cancer because of an increased sense of ownership, but such conflicts are local and usually do not "grow" into a global problem.

Marriage between a Virgo man and a Libra woman is a moot point. They have excellent sexual compatibility, but from a spiritual point of view, everything is somewhat more complicated. But, as you know, for Virgos, it is precisely the spiritual sphere that is dominant. So it is impossible to predict the outcome of such a romance or marriage.

The Virgo man and the Pisces lady are two opposites that can be mutually attracted, but may not find a single point of contact. Their connection is a delicate matter, like the east. Now, if Pisces has more romanticism, and Virgo - realism, then perhaps ...

There is no way to find a common language for the Virgo-man with the ladies of the signs of Gemini and Aquarius. Virgo cannot tolerate the frivolity of such partners, but they will never understand the conservatism and pedantry of the Virgin. There can be no perspective in the relationship between the Virgo and the Leo woman. He is too soft for her and far from her idea of ​​a man. Virgo Man he sees in the Lioness by no means a female character, and this inevitably repels him.

The characters of the Sagittarius lady and the Virgo man are very different. Their ideological positions are also different. Such a pair has very little in common, however, there is no need to even talk about creating a pair here.


Unlike his predecessor, the Leo man, the Virgo man never has a noisy success with women, although he always strives for it latently. However, the reasons for this kind of failure Virgo should be sought in himself. He does not know how to admire women, idolize the female sex as such and bow before it - this is not in his character. All his life, the Virgo man is looking for only one single, ideal woman.
And only to her he is ready to give all the treasures of the world. To the greater regret of the Virgin, his chosen one may not appreciate this. Hence it is not surprising that among Virgo men, the largest percentage of bachelors.

When entering into a relationship with a Virgo man, any woman should keep in mind the golden rule - "U2": guess and please. The Virgo man loves when a woman serves him. He notices every little thing, remembers everything and never does anything for nothing. Therefore, if your Virgo man has not congratulated you on your birthday or wedding anniversary, do not rush to attribute everything to his forgetfulness. Make no mistake, this was done on purpose. So, there is reason to think - what did you do wrong to him?

The exactingness of the Virgo man knows no bounds, and there is only one side in which the woman is given some indulgences. And this side, oddly enough, appearance. Like any normal man, our hero of the month will never leave a passing beauty unnoticed, but next to him he prefers to see not a “face from the cover”, but quite an earthly female creature with all minor flaws.

Igor Kostolevsky

The main thing is that a woman should be nice, neat and moderately well-groomed. Most often, the Virgo man voluntarily eschews sexy girls, preferring the modest charm of femininity to frankly alluring sexuality. Such instruments of seduction as a red lace peignoir in feathers and war paint on the face will rather repel the Virgo man than throw him with all the force of passion into your open arms.

Success will be achieved by the one who, modestly lowering her eyes, slightly touched by light make-up a la naturel, politely accepts his restrained caresses, making the Virgo man feel like the master of the situation. After all, in the end, like any other representative of the stronger sex, the Virgo man prefers to conquer, rather than be conquered.

Famous Virgo men

High intelligence and wealth of the spiritual sphere lead to the fact that famous representatives of the Virgo sign can be found in any area of ​​human activity.
Guessing a Virgo man among world-famous personalities is not so difficult. These are always the most presentable, restrained and good-looking representatives of the stronger sex: Leo Tolstoy and actor Igor Kostolevsky, chess player Peter Leko and Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Sean Connery, Hugh Grant, Richard Gere, Mickey Rourke, Keanu Reeves, Colin Firth were born under the sign of Virgo.
It is believed that Virgos are not particularly interested in politics, perhaps that is why you rarely meet Virgo men in politics - Yuri Luzhkov and Alexander Lukashenko are rather exceptions.
In life and love, Virgo men go well with Cancers and Taurus. But, for example, a Virgo man will never get along with a Gemini woman, light as a butterfly's wing. For her, he is like a heavy rain, which will nail to the ground for a while, breaking off a carefree flight.

Alexander Lukashenko

But as soon as the sun comes out, the Gemini woman will dry her colorful wings and will be ready to fly high into the sky again. There, where her too "earthly" companion, the Virgo man, the path is blocked.