Congratulations to your son on graduation 11. Universal congratulations for your son

Congratulations to your son on graduation 11. Universal congratulations for your son
Congratulations to your son on graduation 11. Universal congratulations for your son

Wishes for your son are serious wishes. The son is seen as the heir and continuer of the family and surname. The main parting word for him: to trample his father’s paths. They want him to follow his dear parental path without stumbling over roadside boulders and stones.

In verse

  • I wish you, son,
  • Go through your hundred roads,
  • And so that it’s easy to go,
  • I wish you to go with a dream!
  • With love and great kindness,
  • Don't forget your father's home,
  • And remember and love my mother,
  • And don’t forget what I taught you!
  • I wish you success in your studies, son.
  • So that I only pass the exam with flying colors,
  • And so that you become what you have been since you were a virgin
  • You dreamed of becoming who you dreamed of!
  • May everything come true in your life!
  • Happy love and bright days!
  • Be free from bad habits!
  • And live, son, always with dignity!
  • Happy shopping, son!
  • May God help you!
  • So that you buy what you dreamed of,
  • So that you get joy from your purchase!
  • Don't let that thing break
  • So that you can save it for a long time,
  • So that she will always be like new,
  • And so that it turns out to be cheap!
  • Feel free to go to the market
  • Feel free to buy what you want
  • I wish you good luck
  • And don’t be fooled with your purchase!
  • Son, I wish you success in love,
  • So that your choice is worthy,
  • Always live in joy,
  • Don't let your heart hurt!
  • So that I can do everything in life myself,
  • And let the girl love you,
  • And drive laziness out of life,
  • Otherwise, she will destroy you.
  • Let everything be as you wanted
  • Wishes come true
  • Do not look for limits to desires,
  • Dream while you dream!
  • I wish you, son,
  • So that an angel protects you from troubles,
  • So that he doesn’t like to drink alcohol,
  • And so that you quit smoking.
  • Just to do sports,
  • To get rid of bad things.
  • So that you love life and the world,
  • And you were never sad!
  • I wish my son to work
  • To earn money for a car!
  • So that you take me to the sea,
  • And so that in life there will be no troubles, no tears!
  • So that the bride is smart,
  • So that there is a place for happiness in life,
  • And so that you are not proud,
  • He was kind and always had a beautiful soul!
  • Son! I wish you dates and joy,
  • May your dreams come true
  • Bad habits and nasty things
  • Let them dissolve in the fog!
  • Let the apartment be cozy,
  • Harmony in the soul and peace,
  • Spring and peace, hope,
  • Beautiful and stylish clothes,
  • Good luck and happy laughter,
  • Have a healthy body!
  • Be a man, son!
  • And may God protect you!
  • I wish you wisdom, son!
  • So that you avoid difficulties,
  • So that I meet good people along the way,
  • And so that you yourself are good too!
  • To hell with all the failures
  • Make your life comfortable
  • Make the apartment cozy
  • And feel free to take on any task!
  • Never despair
  • Always be an optimist!
  • Drive away negativity from your life,
  • And give people positivity!

In prose

One day, a kindergarten teacher complained that you had offended a girl. I was surprised because I explained at home: offending someone weaker than yourself is very bad. Seeing that I was upset, you explained: “Mommy, I actually love her so much and I wanted to do something nice for her!” - And that’s why you threw a pillow at her? - I wanted to kiss, but there are as many as six beds between us! Son! I wish you to always remain a kind, sympathetic boy, love and respect your parents, enjoy life and never raise your hand to a woman!

How do you understand happiness, what is it? - I once asked my little son. He thought long and seriously, then confidently said: “This is your love!” My dear child, my son, my future support and support! Happiness is having a son like you! I want to wish you to be strong and reliable. Never be led astray by friends who lead you astray from the right path with caustic words. These are boyfriends, not friends. A true friend will always be there and keep you from rash actions. A faithful friend to you, son!

My husband dreamed of a son. And I always dreamed of a son. Therefore, our desired child did not disappoint us and was born a boy! We promise to do everything for you that loving parents can do. Because we wish you great human happiness and prosperity! You must become great and wise, fair and courageous. You are a man, which means you are a protector and a warrior! Never forget this!

In your own words

God could not be with me all the time and help only me - so he gave me a son! You are the only man for whom I will go to any hardship and on my knees I will beg to return if you go astray! I will not hesitate to give my life for you! And even if you are two meters tall, for me you will forever remain a child in need of my love! I wish you not to know grief and loss in your life. Always smile, because real men do not cry under any circumstances! Son! I’m busy all day with worries and chores - cooking porridge, ironing your things, tidying up your toys! You sit down to rest and think: how would I live alone? I would become completely lazy! You are my favorite mischief maker and the one with the sly sparkle in your eyes! I wish you to always be a leader and lead your friends in your glorious boyish exploits! And after great battles, from which you will always emerge victorious, I will treat your knees with brilliant green! Dear son! Live in such a way that your parents are proud of you. Women loved without looking back and followed you to the ends of the earth. Envious people burst with envy, and friends and acquaintances took you as an example to follow. Don’t make anyone suffer and don’t abandon anyone in insoluble situations, because everything comes back! I, as your father, hope that you will be honest and prudent!

Son, congratulations on your first graduation. You leave kindergarten and go towards new adventures. Now lessons and school breaks, new friends and big discoveries are ahead. We wish you, our dear, to always remain a brave boy, a kind person and a real man who can handle anything. Be young, smart and handsome!

Even if you leave kindergarten,
But you are still the same boy,
More expensive than all the awards in the world,
My son, my little hero!

And I'm on your first graduation
I want to wish with all my heart,
So that in life, dear and dear,
You could handle everything!

Are you leaving kindergarten today?
My beloved son, I am proud of you.
Congratulations on your graduation, of course!
My beloved boy, my angel.

The doors are already open ahead,
Soon you will be at school.
I believe in you, my baby.
You can definitely do anything, dear.

Are you leaving kindergarten today?
And you open a new chapter.
How quickly did you become an adult, son?
You can be serious sometimes!

I wish you a lot of strength,
Learn so that you love!
To always strive for more
And I could be proud of you!

You won't go back to kindergarten anymore
You have matured a lot, beloved son!
You are more valuable to me than all awards,
And you will always be number one!

I wish that in the future you will become
A successful and responsible man,
So that I only get “A” grades at school
And it was always a reason to be proud!

Dear son, congratulations on your first graduation. We wish you to always be brave and cheerful, dexterous and decisive. Now you are no longer some crumb, but a real hero who has to make many discoveries and perform many feats. We are proud of you, son, and wish you all the most interesting, impressive and good things in life.

Dear son, congratulations,
Today is a glorious graduation day,
You have already finished your kindergarten,
You have become so big already.

I wish you to be healthy
Study only for five,
School tops with a smile
And conquer with inspiration.

Wave your hand to the garden,
My son is golden
You are now from childhood life
You will step into a wonderful new world!

The school is waiting, there are many discoveries,
The road to new knowledge
A sea of ​​happiness and friends
Let it be in your life!

Beloved, dear son,
You graduated from kindergarten!
May this joyful day
Your dreams come true!

I wish you always
I was happy, smile brightly!
Let's start with a clean slate
Your life will begin at school!

I graduated from kindergarten today, son.
Congratulations, dear.
Wave to your favorite band
On a special day with your hand.

I wish you happiness
Only become stronger
Just straight A's at school,
My nice boy, study.

Warm wishes from their mother to their sons accompany them throughout their lives. A woman loves her child, from accepting the fact of pregnancy to her last breath. All thoughts and prayers are blessed with maternal warmth and love.

The very first wishes

What does a mother put into her wishes for her children? Of course, a piece of yourself, your own soul and heart. Every sound in her words was begged from God. Therefore, mother’s congratulations take on the meaning of a talisman.

Any event in the life of a son is equally significant for a mother: the first tooth or word, a timid step or graduation - every time she finds the right words to bless her child.

The very first wishes for sons from mother are heard along with a lullaby. A loving mother wishes her little son goodness and health, sound and sweet sleep, a happy future, and the melodiousness of the lullaby has a calming effect on the child.

Sleep, my dear, sleep, baby.

I pray while you sleep.

I'll ask God

Have a safe journey.

Be healthy and cheerful.

Soon to kindergarten

Later to school

The prom is just around the corner -

Your mother is always with you.

I pray for blessings from my heart.

My dear, I love you!


A year is a significant period in a person’s life. The first years of a baby’s life will be especially eventful. Therefore, the birthday wish for your son from your mother takes on new colors and shades every year. In these words, the mother puts all the pride and hopes associated with her child.

Wanting to surprise her son, a mother can prepare congratulatory couplets for him. The younger the child, the shorter the poems to the son from the mother should be. At first, these are comic quatrains with instructions to be obedient. With age, the embedded wisdom and number of lines in poetry increases. The older the child, the more serious the wishes become.

There will always be adherents of congratulations in their own words. With simple phrases filled with wisdom and sincerity, addressing the birthday boy, the mother proclaims her love and hopes associated with him.

Visual greeting

A worthy place is occupied by visual wishes from the mother to the sons. If you put your soul and maternal feelings into them, then the son will be in seventh heaven.

A beautiful postcard can serve as a visual greeting. For the little ones, images of their favorite cartoon characters are appropriate, and for older children - pictures of their dreams: a car, a house, an exotic country, a friendly company or a beautiful girl.

Mom can add family photos, adding the best congratulations, or create a family wall newspaper.

From fragments of home videos and photographs, you can edit a video greeting for your son, including addresses to him from all family members.

Happy Angel Day!

It is believed that every person has several angels. Parents are angels on earth who always look after, teach, give advice, care and love. And, depending on the child’s birthday, there are heavenly patrons.

Mom never misses an opportunity to tell her son how much she loves him. And he will use any reason for this. And if it is an angel’s day, then the wishes will be special.

And poems for your son from your mother will make this day unusual. And sincere prayer for intercession for your child has special power.

Dear dear son,

Dear sunshine.

I ask the Lord

Peace for you.

Let him send you

Angel from heaven.

Let him lead you by the hand

According to your destiny.

I'll be there - I have enough strength,

May the angel protect you!

Dear dear son,

I love you so much!


A graduation party can be a significant event for mother and child. My son will have several such holidays. elementary school, after school or college. And every time the mother will find new ones that are relevant for her son.

Every time at graduation, a child finds himself on the threshold of the unknown. And mom finds the right words to understand, support, reassure and give guidance for the next stage of life.

Wishes for his son from his mother for his graduation party in kindergarten will be of a comic nature. His main task in this period of life is adaptation to school.

After completing a course of general education, it is important for a guy to choose the right path and not make mistakes in friends. And after college, the main thing is to be able to find yourself, a good job, arrange your personal life, and find a faithful companion.

My dear son -

A hundred roads are in front of you,

And the choice is only yours,

Where can you find goodness and peace?

May the Lord bless

Sends strength and wisdom.

Good luck, my dear.

I'm always waiting for you to come home.

All these parting words can be conveyed in a beautiful poem, ode, parable, or spoken in simple, ordinary words.

Wishes from a mother to her sons act as a kind of magic key to the child’s heart, which she always so carefully selects. And that’s why they sound so touching, because they contain a piece of a loving mother’s heart.

Son, you have become quite big already,
Today is your first graduation,
The toys sit quietly in the corner,
And they look at you with envy.
Congratulations on your first graduation,
I sincerely wish you a bright future,
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth,
May a good angel protect you.

Today is a sad holiday and a happy one,
Today kindergarten sends you to school,
You are growing up quickly, my son,
It’s like a sprout is reaching towards the sun.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, son,
We wish you great success in life,
May your path be bright,
All the best to you, good luck and warmth.

Today is your first graduation party,
We are proud of you, son,
You are an obedient boy and attentive,
Overall, the guy is wonderful.
Let everything be your way,
Always joyful and clear,
Reliable friends and a bright home,
And let all your achievements be wonderful.

Today it's time for a happy holiday,
Children and parents will be worried in the morning,
Today is your first graduation party,
Filled with sun, light and spring.
We congratulate you, son,
We wish you joy and good luck with all our hearts,
We wish you great success in everything,
May your dreams certainly come true.

Our beloved son, dear,
We are always very happy with you,
Today we send you congratulations,
After all, graduation is a celebration and fun.
Be healthy and happy,
Let luck rain down,
May the most beautiful star
Your path always lights up.

Mom and Dad congratulate you,
Happy graduation, our dear son,
We wish you a happy holiday,
May every day be filled with happiness.
May life always smile at you,
Let your eyes fill with happiness,
May troubles never occur
Let fate be amazing.

Son, today is your graduation,
You've been waiting impatiently for him for a whole year,
And today at the holiday you stand bright,
And you will receive gifts from me.
Mom wishes you, my dear,
So that your life in the world is interesting,
May you be healthy and sing with happiness,
To be smart and grow up faster.

Mom and Dad congratulate you,
Today is your kindergarten graduation,
You are graduating from the senior group today,
This means that you, son, have become quite big.
Soon you will start studying at school,
Try to do it better than anyone else
We will always be proud of you, dear,
And set a good example for you.

Today the guys congratulate each other,
Happy first graduation in your life,
And we are happy to congratulate you, son,
The fact that we have grown up makes us a little sad.
You won't go to kindergarten anymore,
After all, other things await you ahead,
But about toys and your crib,
Now you will remember forever.

Now the kindergarten is left behind,
And this is your first graduation, son,
Soon we will be accompanying you to school,
And we’ll want to get straight A’s.
So that you study joyfully and with pleasure,
To make your dad proud of you,
And so that my mother has enough patience for lessons,
I wish our entire family good luck.

We are immensely happy for you,
We have a reason for fun today,
You're graduating, kindergarten is behind you,
And you, son, are such a great fellow.
You're growing up right before our eyes,
And very soon you will go to school,
You will get to know the world around you in a new way,
And you will also find new friends.

Mommies wipe away their tears with handkerchiefs,
And the children look at their parents cheerfully,
Today is graduation in the garden, which means
That the guys are being released on a new journey today.
Ahead of you, son, is school,
And behind her will come college,
After all, you are still a baby, just a child,
Why do children grow up so fast?

Congratulations on graduation from kindergarten:

Like a movie reel - episodes of school life
These years flew by cheerfully and carefree,
And the time has come to say goodbye to what is dear and sweet,
Preserving in your memories what happened to you, son.

The place at your desk won’t be empty for long,
I want to congratulate you, graduation is the beginning of the start,
There is a crossroads before you and doors are open everywhere,
To succeed, you just need to clearly define your goals.

Be attentive and courageous, know how to make decisions,
Let neither despondency nor doubt hinder you,
I want to wish you good luck in every bold endeavor,
And may the memories of my school years live in my soul forever.

Congratulations on your son's graduation

Life is filled with new feelings
Every morning, meeting the sunrise,
You will remember with a hint of sadness
Happy time - school years,

Even though you haven’t had time to separate yet,
And realize what freedom is,
The time has come for different achievements,
Bold discoveries and new finds.

Son, congratulations on this event!
Your graduation is a celebration of farewell,
To the school with which you are forever connected,
Now you will go on a date.

The last bell rang
Graduation put an end to it
The door closed at the high school,
So you have grown up, son,

Let me congratulate you,
This is a holiday, albeit a sad one,
But you will leave in memory
Only joyful feelings.

We have to try really hard
And serve your Fatherland,
So that you can succeed as a person
And achieve something in life.

Poems for an eleventh grade son from his mother

Son! Your last school graduation
The ball is like a multi-ball summer storm!
But I congratulate you on the spacious
A huge world behind the portal of curtains!

You looked away from your hand suddenly.
I'm worry. I know how old it is!
Let everything be! Of course, step by step,
But they don't give out candy to adults.

You are very strong! Because I hope
That the path to your dream will be conquered!
Dressed in white and clumsily shaving,
Don't flinch! This is the sword in your hand!

Graduation Congratulations from Dad

Dear son! I congratulate
Happy graduation! You are released into the world!
You know exactly how to behave.
The ball is a hymn to beauty, not a clown feast!

May your grades be good for the year!
Exams, ringing - and free bread!
And I will become a grandfather... We are a tree, branches!
But no, not trees, but a garden in two rows.

From green to mature you will jump.
Then, as you walk, follow your mind!
I'm proud of you! Son, you will see
That people and crowds are not a stream and not noise!

Happy graduation to my 11th grade son from his parents

From mom, dad, graduate -
A hundred kisses and congratulations!
We know that you are already out of habit,
But with one last word of advice.

And with our best wishes.
Today next to you.
Slightly confused, sick,
But we will endure this while standing.

The last fight and the first step
Along the staircase with thorns.
We hope there won't be any fights.
You all be the best there!

You will have time to prove yours:
Worthy and trained!
In life you need to be so daring,
Like the rays of the sun in the morning!