Chocolate fondant, milk fondant, sugar fondant. How to make fondant at home

Chocolate fondant, milk fondant, sugar fondant.  How to make fondant at home
Chocolate fondant, milk fondant, sugar fondant. How to make fondant at home

Fondant for a cake is a confectionery decoration that gives a product a memorable shine, taste and aroma. It is a boiled sugar syrup with the addition of molasses or citric acid, into which, depending on aesthetic wishes, chocolate, fruit additives, cream or cocoa are added, trying to emphasize the exclusivity of the baked goods.

How to make fondant?

Homemade cake fondant has a variety of options. However, there is a classic recipe in which 800 g of sugar is dissolved in 270 ml of water and boiled until thickened, a citric acid solution is added and boiled for another 30 minutes. With the help of ice, the fondant is quickly cooled, whipped with a mixer and placed in the cold for a day to mature.

  1. Cooking fondant requires strict proportions and quality products. So, when choosing cocoa for chocolate fondant, you need to pay attention to its composition - it should be a powder without herbal additives and flavor enhancers.
  2. If the fondant contains butter, then its fat content should not be less than 83%. Otherwise, the chocolate fudge will turn white when applied.

Chocolate fudge has two preparation options: chocolate-based or cocoa powder. The latter is relevant in the case when you need to quickly and without special financial costs make simple homemade baked goods tastier and more effective. To do this, you need to boil sugar with cocoa in milk and, after cooling, mix the mass with butter.


  • cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • butter - 90 g.


  1. Stir in the sugar and cocoa.
  2. Heat the milk and pour into the dry mixture.
  3. Place the mixture on the stove and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and cool.
  5. Add soft butter to the mixture and mix well.
  6. The chocolate fondant for the cake is applied to the products immediately.

Chocolate fondant for dark chocolate cake is traditionally used to decorate a product that needs to be given a shiny and effective surface. For this, an egg is added to the mass of butter and chocolate. As a result, the fondant becomes glossy and plastic, adheres well to the surface and does not cause any inconvenience in work.


  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • oil - 110 g;
  • icing sugar - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath.
  2. Beat in an egg and stir quickly.
  3. Add powder and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  4. The chocolate fondant is applied to the product hot.

Creamy fudge at home - recipe

Creamy Fudge is a recipe for creating a delicate, silky finish for cakes, desserts, and a candy base. The fondant is made from cream, which, interacting with sugar, during the boiling process, acquire a caramel color and a soft but stable consistency, which is why the mass fits well and hardens quickly.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • cream - 120 ml;
  • oil - 60 g;
  • vanillin - 2 g.


  1. Combine cream, butter and sugar in a container.
  2. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Add vanillin and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is pleasantly caramelized.
  4. Check the readiness by dipping a drop of fondant into the water: the frozen drop is ready for use.

The most popular type of decoration. It is made from sugar syrup (for which it received the name sugar), boiled, cooled and whipped into a tight mass. Such a fondant is very convenient, since it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and when heated to 40 degrees, it quickly takes on a viscous consistency.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • hot water - 150 ml;
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp;
  • boiling water - 10 ml.


  1. Pour sugar over with hot water, stir, remove adhering crystals with a brush and cook until boiling.
  2. Remove the foam and cook until sample on a soft ball, periodically dipping a drop of syrup into a container of cold water.
  3. At the end of cooking, add citric acid diluted with boiling water, counting 12 drops.
  4. Cool the syrup quickly and beat with a mixer until it turns white.
  5. Sugar fondant for the cake hardens quickly, so you need to warm it up before glazing.

Milk fondant is the easiest and most financially beneficial option, in which you can create the perfect decoration from two components - milk and sugar. In terms of technology, it is similar to sugar fudge. The mass is also boiled down, cooled and kneaded for a long time. Milk gives the fondant a delicate creamy color and melted aftertaste, so it does not need to be supplemented with other ingredients.


  • milk - 450 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g


  1. Dissolve sugar in warmed milk and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil the syrup until creamy.
  3. Test on the "soft ball".
  4. Cool the mass with ice and, stirring, bring to the state of a homogeneous smooth lump.
  5. Before being applied to the surface, it is warmed up to a fluid state.

The perfect solution to add freshness and vibrant color to your baked goods. It has an attractive taste and distinctive cooking technology, which, in fact, resembles a custard. Unlike the latter, the fudge is cooked in lemon juice with the addition of zest, acquiring a delicate acidity and a pronounced citrus aroma.


  • lemon - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 225 g;
  • starch - 10 g.


  1. Peel the zest from the lemons and squeeze the pulp.
  2. Combine with beaten eggs, sugar, butter and starch.
  3. Place on the stove and cook until thick, 8 minutes.
  4. You can immediately decorate products with such fondant or transfer the mass to a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Chocolate fondant for sour cream cake

Fudge is a recipe aimed at not being expensive and to please everyone. In this case, chocolate fudge from cocoa and sour cream will help out. Eaters will appreciate the bitter taste and aroma, and housewives will save on purchases and will not get tired when working with plastic mass, which, thanks to sour cream, will not crust after cooling.


  • sugar - 80 g;
  • cocoa powder - 80 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 80 g;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Stir sugar with cocoa and sour cream and cook for 3 minutes.
  2. Add oil and stir.
  3. Such a fondant for a cake is taken to work a little cooled down, a couple of minutes after being removed from the stove.

A fondant cake recipe can include healthy and healthy ingredients. A prime example is orange fudge, made from the zest and juice of citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamins and are natural flavors. It is worth stocking up on such a fondant for future use in order to use it both as a topping and as a fastening base.


  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Remove the zest from the oranges, squeeze the pulp.
  2. Combine juice and zest in a separate container and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain, add butter and sugar.
  4. Bring to a boil, pour the beaten eggs in a trickle and cook until the consistency of condensed milk.

Fondant confectionery can not only give a product an aesthetic look, but also make it memorable. For this, natural dyes are added to the mass. The latter give the fondant both color and light flavor. Sugar, milk and butter fondants are often used as a base, which initially have soft shades.

Recipes for making boiled milk sugar in water, sour cream, milk, cream.

From the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century, many delicious dishes have migrated to our time, for the preparation of which you do not need to buy special ingredients or purchase modern kitchen appliances. Everything you need is in the kitchen of any housewife.

  • And it is absolutely not necessary to take courses in culinary skills in order to please your household with a delicious delicacy. You can also surprise those who have long been spoiled with an abundance of all kinds of desserts prepared according to a newfangled recipe with an unusual taste.

What is boiled milk sugar?

Boiled milk sugar korda was one of the most favorite Soviet desserts. A delicacy is prepared from a minimum amount of products. You can cook a treat according to your grandmother's recipe even with a catastrophic lack of free time. And the taste of the finished sweet product is not inferior to purchased delicacies from confectionery factories.

  • Milk sugar is more commonly seen as an independent dessert. However, a delicious sweetness can brighten baked goods or complete a birthday cake.
  • The basis for the preparation of boiled milk sugar, as the name of the product implies, includes three ingredients: sugar, milk and butter. The rest is the result of experiments and the taste preferences of households.
What is boiled milk sugar

How to cook milk sugar in milk: a recipe like in childhood

Dessert products:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 3.5 cups sugar
  • 140 or 200 grams of peanuts (you can take half a glass of different nuts)
  • butter - about 80 grams

Cooking process:

  • It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare products for preparing this delicacy. But for the dessert itself, you need to allocate an hour of free time.
  • Believe me, the result is worth it and you will not regret that you had to stand at the stove instead of watching your favorite show or another melodrama. Let's get down to the mystery of making a dessert from the distant 70s.
  • Let's prepare a container in which we will cook the dessert. This can be a saucepan or a round stainless steel ladle. We measure out three glasses of granulated sugar and pour into a container. We will need the remaining 0.5 cups of sugar for further cooking.
  • Pour sugar into a container with a glass of milk and send it to the stove. We turn on a small fire. We warm up the liquid, stirring all the time.

Pour sugar in a container with a glass of milk and send it to the stove
  • While the milk with sugar is heated on the stove, fry the whole serving of peanuts. Pour the nuts into the pan. Stir or shake constantly. The peanuts should turn golden. After frying, the films from the peanuts should peel off easily. The process will take about 30 minutes. This time will be just enough for the milk sugar to boil down to the desired thickness.

We check if the sherbet is ready in the old grandmother's way: put a little syrup in a spoon and drip it onto a plate
  • Let's add a rich brown color to the milk sugar. To do this, we need the same 0.5 cups of sugar remaining aside. Take a small frying pan and pour the sugar onto the surface. Melt and fry the white sand a little.
  • Now we send the contents of a small frying pan into a container with milk-sugar syrup. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.

Pour the sugar mass into a mold
  • If you want a darker color in the finished treat, hold the sugar in the pan until it's overcooked, but not black.
  • We keep on low heat for another 20 minutes. We check if the sherbet is ready in the old grandmother's way: put some syrup in a spoon and drip it onto a plate. A spreading drop indicates that the dessert needs to be cooked a little longer. As a rule, sherbet “ripens” on the stove for about an hour. A few minutes before the container with the syrup is removed from the heat, add the butter and stir.
  • This is not the end of the preparation of the sweet treat: we are preparing the form in which the sherbet will solidify. Any dish will do: a plate, a shallow bowl. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to extract the sherbet later. You can take a baking dish, lay the inside. Grease the parchment with butter.
  • We take out the roasted peanuts (you haven't forgotten about it, have you?) And put them on the bottom of the mold. Pour the milk-sugar mass on top. We take it out to a cool place (or leave it in the refrigerator after cooling). The syrup should be completely set.
  • When the whole family is assembled, we serve a treat for tea, after cutting or splitting into small pieces.

When the whole family is assembled, we serve a delicacy for tea

Video: Homemade Milk Sugar

If you decide to make a dessert that is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of the Ladybug candy, then carefully read the following recipe. Perhaps this delicious delicacy with a delicate milky taste is exactly what you need.

For cooking, we need products:

  • half a glass of milk
  • 1 glass and 4 rounded spoons of sugar

The process of making soft milk sugar:

  • The preparation of milk sugar, regardless of the recipe chosen, starts the same way: the entire portion of milk is poured into the container, one and a half glasses of granulated sugar are poured.
  • We put the container with milk and sugar on low heat. Do not forget to stir the syrup.
    Stir the resulting foam thoroughly. Nothing should burn in the saucepan! With a spoon, which we stir, we pass not only along the bottom, but also along the walls of the saucepan.
  • When the foam becomes less (after 2 minutes), the syrup thickens a little (if you pick it up with a spoon, it will stretch). By changing the consistency, the sweet mass will also change its color. This means that the process of cooking sweets on fire is over.
  • Now we prepare the molds, grease them from the inside with butter and fill them with the prepared sweet syrup. Before serving milk-flavored sugar for tea drinking, do not overdo it with "sampling", otherwise your relatives will not get anything!
  • Tip: For lovers of sweet sorbet with a porous structure, the following proportions of sugar and milk are recommended: liquid 100 ml, and granulated sugar 300 gr. The finished product will have a smooth front side and bumps on the back side.
  • For lovers of dense sweet sherbet, the following proportion of the main ingredients is recommended: 100 ml of liquid per 200 grams of sugar. The dessert prepared according to this recipe will be smooth on all sides and even in the cut.

How to cook milk sugar in soft milk: a recipe

If you need to achieve a viscous consistency of milk sugar, which will spread over the surface of the irrigation, then prepare a sweet mass with the addition of cream. This milk sugar can be used for fondant.


  • 300 ml of cream (you must choose with a fat content of at least 33%)
  • granulated sugar - 2, 5 faceted glasses
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • 50 g butter

Cooking process:

  • Let's start preparing the sorbat. Pour the cream into a container in which we will cook the dessert. We will also send sugar here. Mix the ingredients and turn on the stove. We set up a slow fire. Bring the liquid to a boil with constant stirring.
  • At this stage, add a spoonful of honey and cook for another 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the molds, grease them with butter and pour the hot syrup. After waiting until the mass has cooled down a little, cut into small pieces.

If you need to cover the cake with sweet sherbet, you can leave it in a suitable mold until it cools completely. And if you need to fix figures of sweet milk sherbat on the surface of the cake, then do the following manipulations:

  • cut out the figurine using a mold, set it on the cake
  • slightly heat the edges so that they settle and lie firmly on the baking surface

How to cook milk sugar with cream: a recipe

Adding sour cream will give the boiled sugar dessert a unique taste and aroma, reminiscent of the most “delicious” moments of childhood. A delicacy based on sour cream has another name: milk fudge. If you want to improve grandmother's technology for making sweets, add cocoa, nuts, seeds to the recipe.

To prepare milk fudge, you will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • a glass of fat sour cream
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa (optional)

Cooking process:

  • We will cook the delicacy in a refractory container with a non-stick coating. If you prefer to recreate in your kitchen the method of making dessert, which was tested by our grandmothers, then prepare an enameled saucepan or bowl.
  • Pour the entire portion of sugar into a preheated container, add sour cream and, if you decide to make a dessert with nuts or seeds, then add these ingredients.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan until the mixture boils. Reduce heat and leave the syrup on the stove for another half hour.
  • After 30 minutes, the sweet mass will acquire a beautiful caramel shade, and its density will be optimal for dessert. Stirring constantly will prevent lumps from forming. It is not worth continuing to cook the sweetness after 30 minutes: the syrup can curdle and become tough.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan, throw in the butter (the amount of butter indicated in the recipe). After the butter has melted, the caramel mass can be filled with oiled molds, taken to a cool room. Remove the finished sweet from the mold and cut into pieces.

How to cook boiled sugar in sour cream: a recipe

How to cook sugar with butter: a recipe

Video: Boiled sugar: video recipe

Lean boiled sugar in water: a recipe

If there is no milk in your refrigerator, but there is a desire to pamper the kids with a delicious dessert, then cook boiled sugar in milk. This delicacy is called "lean sugar". The only drawback: without milk, the dessert will not have an additional caramel flavor.

We need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 cups sugar

Cooking process:

  • Pour sugar into water heated on the stove (it is better to cook on a gas stove, then the sweetness will have a uniform consistency).
  • To prepare the treats, take a non-stick refractory saucepan.
  • Bring the contents of the container to a boil. We expose the minimum heat and continue to boil for another half hour with constant stirring.
  • We check the readiness of the dessert in the old grandmother's way: we drip the syrup onto a plate and check if the drop spreads. If not, then the treat is ready and can be poured into oiled tins.

How to prepare fruit sugar?

Video: Milk sugar, grandma's recipe

How to cook fondant from sugar and milk: a recipe

Video: Sugar fondant

How to make homemade sugar and milk candies: recipe

Video: Sweets made from sugar and milk

Fudge needed to decorate confectionery - muffins, cakes, Easter cakes. Even regular cookies can be made more attractive with fondant. Fudge there are two types - liquid (solidifies very quickly and after solidification becomes dull) and solid (poured into curly shapes, cooled). Fudge hard can persist for quite some time.


Here are some recipes for different hard fudge.

The fondant is creamy.

The fondant is creamy.

Homemade cake fondant. We need products:

  • Cream - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour cream. Mix well until smooth.

Put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add honey - simmer until tender, stirring constantly. Readiness is determined as follows: drip a little syrup into a bowl of cold water, try to roll a ball, if the ball does not stick to your hands, then the syrup is ready.
Pour the prepared mass into a tray or pour into molds (for ice), leave to cool.

Pour into a patch or molds.

When the mass has cooled, remove it from the tray (molds), and then cut into squares.

Milk fondant for cake at home

Milk fudge is a very tasty dessert that is absolutely not difficult to prepare yourself at home.

We need products:

  • Butter - 120 Grams
  • Powdered sugar - 60 Grams
  • Powdered milk - 220 grams
  • Liquid Cream - 2 Teaspoons
  • Pine nuts - 50 Grams
  • Cashew - 20 Grams

Servings: 6-7

The right products.

In a convenient container, mix room temperature butter, milk powder, powdered sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of cream, pine nuts, knead the dough with your hands until smooth. The amount of milk powder / cream powder may vary. It is important that the mass has acquired a homogeneous soft consistency. Then we send the mass to the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

We sculpt cubes from the mass, decorate them with nuts and put them on a plate. Then we send the sweets to the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

We take them out of the freezer and serve them to the table.

Sugar fudge.

The cake is covered with sugar fudge.

You can decorate homemade pastries - muffins, cakes, Easter cakes, even regular cookies with sugar fondant. It is very convenient that the fondant can be stored for quite a long time and can be prepared for future use.

We need products:

  • Granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • Water - 0.5 cups;
  • Lemon juice -1 teaspoon.


Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour warm boiled water over it. Stir well, cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup boils, a white foam forms on the surface. Remove it with a regular spoon.

After covering the pan with a lid, continue to boil the syrup until the "soft ball" test. For such a sample, from time to time take a little boiling syrup from the pan with a teaspoon and lower it into a container of cold water. After one minute, try rolling from the contents of the teaspoon into a ball. If the ball does not work, let the syrup simmer. At the very end of cooking, add one teaspoon of lemon juice to the syrup. It can be replaced with citric acid solution.

Chill the syrup as soon as possible after boiling. To do this, place the pan with it in a container with cold water or on ice. Sprinkle the surface of the syrup with cold water as well to prevent crusting.

After cooling, beat the syrup (10-15 minutes) with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous white mass is formed. The resulting mass is called fondant.

To store the fondant, cover with a damp cloth and close the pan tightly with a lid. As needed, you can take part of the prepared mass, heat it up in a water bath and use it to decorate a cake or any pastry.

Chocolate fudge.

We need products:

  • Condensed milk-395 g;
  • Brown sugar-1 tbsp;
  • Honey-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 125 g;
  • Dark chocolate - 180 g;
  • Cherries - 100 g;
  • Pistachios - 100 g;
  • Coconut flakes - 80 g.


Grease a 20cm square dish, line with baking paper. Combine condensed milk, sugar, honey and butter in a saucepan. Heat, stirring occasionally, over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass is smooth.

Increase heat slightly, bring the mixture to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly, for 6-8 minutes, until the mixture thickens and begins to lag behind the sides of the pan.

Remove from heat and add chopped chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Add half the dried (or syrup-candied) cherries, half the pistachios and all the coconut flakes, and stir.

Pour the chocolate mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the surface quickly.

Spread the remaining pistachios and cherries over it, pressing them slightly. Set aside for 30 minutes to cool down the fudge. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 6 hours to freeze. Cut into 2.5 cm pieces before serving. Bon appetit!

This is what the finished dish looks like.

Ready fudge.

Cake fondant.

Fudge it turns out thick and freezes almost instantly, so everything must be done very quickly.

Stir 1/2 cup sugar with 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, add 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Stir everything over low heat until the sugar dissolves, add a piece of butter to the finished glaze. Cool slightly and cover the cake or pie. Caution, it freezes pretty quickly!

The specified volume is suitable for decorating pastries or cakes, for example, to make a beautiful cobweb. If you wanted to completely cover the top and sides of the cake, use double the amount of food.

To cover the cake with fondant, it is best to pour the cake over the top, starting in the center. If the mass has already begun to solidify, you can warm it up to a liquid state so that it flows freely. The sides are coated with an already thickening mass.

Oil fondant.

We need products:

Powdered sugar - 1 glass

Softened butter or margarine - 80 gr.

1 tablespoon vanilla essence

Milk - 2-3 tablespoons

Combine butter, icing sugar, 1 tablespoon milk and vanilla essence. Beat with a mixer, adding milk a little, until a homogeneous mass is formed.

You can make a butter fondant with a variety of additives.

Butter fondant chocolate.

Make a butter fondant. Combine 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of hot water and cool. Mix with cooked fondant.

Butter fondant for coffee.

Make a butter fondant by substituting water for milk. Combine 2 tablespoons of instant coffee and 1 tablespoon of hot water and cool. Mix with cooked fondant.

Lemon oil fondant.

Make a butter fondant by substituting lemon juice for milk and vanilla. You can also use oranges or limes. Add 2 tablespoons of finely grated zest to the fondant. Color the fondant with dyes if desired.

Now you are armed with several fondant recipes for decorating your "masterpieces".

Try it, experiment.

Fondants for buns are very often used to decorate certain products, which we all so often call confectionery. Because of this widespread use, there are a huge number of fondant varieties and their preparation methods.

Sugar fudge is one of the most popular. Well, now more about this.

What is the difference between fondant for buns and icing?

It is actually very simple to prepare this sweet according to the recipe, but the main thing is that you can add certain ingredients on your own, thanks to the presence of which the taste and, accordingly, the color of the sweet that you want to make will change.

The glaze is not as plastic as ordinary fondant for which it is very simple. Any (even an inexperienced) hostess can cope with cooking, so don't worry!

How to make fondant?

You can make the sweetness at home much better than some pastry shops do. Sometimes professional pastry chefs make products so tasteless that it is simply impossible to eat them.

Sugar fondant for buns: recipe


  • Exactly 200 grams of regular sugar.
  • About 100 milliliters of filtered water.
  • About 1/10 teaspoon of simple citric acid.
  • Desire to cook something perfect! (the most important ingredient).

We pour our sugar into a not very large saucepan and fill it with almost boiling water (hot water). We put the pan on low heat, cook the so-called sugar syrup (do not forget to stir). After five minutes, turn off the heat, add a little and mix very well before everything dissolves.

We cool the syrup, but do not forget to stir constantly so that it does not freeze. In order for the syrup to cool faster, you can dip it in cold water in a saucepan, but again, do not forget to stir. Cool the resulting suspension to a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Pour the mixture into a mixer (you can pour it into a bowl to mix it by hand) and beat it until a homogeneous pure white mass appears. Here you need to stop in time when the resulting mixture begins to become loose.

This fondant for buns is applied to the product in a slightly heated form.

Milk fudge: preparation method

Milk fudge is simply the perfect treat for people who love milk and all dairy products. Even an inexperienced man can make such a fondant at home, but for this you need to follow exactly what you read below!


  • Ordinary butter - 110-130 grams.
  • Powdered milk, which can be bought in any hypermarket (about 200-250 grams).
  • Any cream - a little over 30 milliliters (taste of your choice).
  • 60 grams of plain caster sugar (not sugar).
  • A little (literally 50 grams).
  • Cashew nuts (20-25 grams - no more).

We take some not very large (medium-sized) cup and, to make the fondant for the buns perfect, add powdered sugar mixed with milk powder. We mix very thoroughly, even in a mixer (or blender).

To the resulting milk-sugar-cream suspension, add the required amount of cream with any taste and, of course, delicious ones that must first be chopped up. Mix again, you should get a mixture that we can easily call homogeneous. Once you've mixed well, you should have a delicate and very soft bun fudge. But if you somewhere made a small mistake, because of which your mixture has become very liquid, then add a little more milk powder (at your discretion).

And for people who love something out of the ordinary, the following will do.

Now we need to send our "porridge" to the refrigerator for as long as 10 minutes. When the mixture has frozen in the refrigerator, we take it out and sculpt small volumetric figures from it, similar to rectangles or balls. To do this, boldly pinch off small pieces from the resulting mixture and actually create. When you finish sculpting the figures, decorate them (also crushed), put the unusual dish in the freezer for 15-25 minutes.

So that is all. Milk fudge can go to the table!

A cake without decoration is a regular cake. After preparing the cakes and cream for the cake, the most difficult stage begins - decorating it. Of course, you can use cream, fruits, candied fruits, nut crumbs for this purpose, but to become a real professional in confectionery, you need to know and be able to do much more.

Famous cakes - "White Acacia", "Leningradsky", "Esterhazy", "Prague", "Zakher" and other culinary masterpieces will be remembered by all lovers of the popular dessert, including their glossy shine that adorns the surface of the products. How do you make homemade baked goods look the same? Let's figure out the main secrets of making fondant for cakes at home, and find out what is the secret ingredient that makes it shiny and plastic.

Homemade cake fondant - basic technological principles

As a decoration for cakes, fondant at home is good in that it can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator until use, in a sealed container, which significantly reduces the time spent directly in making the cake. The second advantage of decorating cakes with fondant is the availability and low cost of ingredients.

Fondant is a boiled sugar syrup, with the addition of molasses or invert syrup, or citric acid, and the addition of fruit components, milk or cream, cocoa and various flavors to these ingredients allows you to diversify the taste of cake decorations, add a "zest" to the recipe.

The fondant differs in appearance, consistency and its properties from syrup and sugar glaze due to a special preparation method.

To begin with, we will consider in detail the description of the technology for making the main sugar fondant for a cake at home in order to understand all the important subtleties of cooking using the example of a basic recipe, and then, based on this recipe, it is easy to prepare other types of fondant, supplementing them with milk, cocoa, chocolate, nuts or fruit. By the way, even if you are not going to make a cake anytime soon, fondant is a great addition to a sandwich and tea. You can also try to make your favorite sweets from it.

1. The main fondant for the cake at home

The basic recipe requires only three ingredients to make fondant, not counting the essence that is added for flavoring:

Water 265 ml

Sugar 795 g

Treacle - 120 g; or invert syrup - 135 g; or citric acid - 12 g

Essence 1.8 ml

Cooking technology:

This is the amount and set of ingredients required to prepare 1 kg of fondant. In the technology of making fondant, 4 main stages can be distinguished:

Making sugar syrup

Sugar is dissolved in water and boiled, skimming off the foam. When the foaming stops, it is imperative to cover the pan with a lid so that the splashes of syrup that settle on the walls of the dishes do not form crystals. Condensation forms under the lid, which, flowing down the inner walls of the pan with syrup, prevents the sugar from crystallizing. The syrup is boiled until tender. The temperature of the finished syrup is 108 ° C, the consistency is a stretching thick mass of golden brown color. The time for boiling the syrup until the sample "on a thick thread" is 25-30 minutes, the concentration of sugar in it reaches 80-85%.

Adding molasses and boiling until sample "on a weak ball"

Molasses or invert syrup, or citric acid solution is heated to 45-50 ° C and added to the syrup, mixed, the container is again covered with a lid and the heating temperature is increased to 115 ° C, boiled for about half an hour.

Important: it is not recommended to increase or decrease the amount of added molasses, since non-compliance with the norm leads to a deterioration in the quality of the fondant. Insufficient molasses content leads to rapid sugaring; if the norm is exceeded, the finished lipstick does not dry out on the products for a long time.

Cooling the fondant

Actually, you need to prepare for this stage in advance and, since we are talking about making fondant for a cake at home, you need to stock up on a lot of ice. In production, there are special cooling systems for this.

From the moment of the end of cooking, the fondant should be quickly cooled to 40 ° C by dropping it into a saucepan or bowl of ice, and also continuously and intensively stir it to cool evenly. Slow cooling also starts a crystallization process that must be avoided.


Begin to beat the warm mass intensively. There is practically no time gap between cooling and whipping the fondant mass: you need to pay attention to this. A small mass can be whipped with a spatula, by hand.

At first, the fondant syrup becomes cloudy, but as it becomes saturated with air and the formation of the smallest sugar crystals, it takes on the appearance of a ready-made fondant. It is immediately transferred to a resealable container, covered with water on top, tightly closed with a lid and left to ripen for 18-24 hours. The container is placed in the refrigerator.

To apply the finished fondant to the cake, it is reheated to 40 ° C in a water bath. At this time, flavors and colors can be added to the lipstick. To enhance the shine, egg white is added to the heated fondant for the cake at home, whisking the mass until a homogeneous consistency. Protein is introduced at the rate of 2% by weight of sugar. The mass of one protein, on average - 30 g; this amount is sufficient for 200-240 g of finished fondant.

Other types of fondant for decorating the surface of confectionery products have a similar preparation technology.

2. Chocolate fondant for the cake at home

To make a chocolate fondant you will need:

Fudge, basic 200 g

Dark chocolate 250 g

Cognac 30 ml

Cooking method:

Chocolates are crushed and heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. In the same way, I warm up the sugar fudge prepared according to the basic recipe (see description above). Combine both masses, add a tablespoon of cognac or rum to them, then beat until smooth and shiny.

The mass is applied to the surface of the confectionery product with a spatula or wide spatula. Tools for applying fondant are pre-moistened in alcohol to make the surface smooth and shiny.

This recipe for homemade chocolate fondant cake is ideal for applying to cakes: "Bird's milk", "Slavutich", "Prague".

3. Fondant with cocoa for a cake at home with milk


Whole milk, 0.8 l

Sugar 600 g

Cocoa 35 g

Molasses 200 g

Vanillin, crystalline 8 g

Output 1.0 kg


The technological process is similar to the preparation of the fondant according to the main recipe, but the sugar is pre-combined with the cocoa powder, and the cooking duration is increased, since more milk is taken than in the main fondant. Vanillin is added after the fondant syrup has cooled. The amount of cocoa can be increased if a richer chocolate fudge flavor is required.

4. Creamy fudge with cocoa for cake at home, milk-based


Butter 82.5% (extra) 180 g

Whole milk (or cream 15%) 550 ml

Sugar 630 g

Powdered cream (30%) 200 g

Molasses 195 g


Warm milk (25-30 ° C) is combined with dry cream, stirred until dissolved, heated to 90 ° C, sugar is added and boiled over low heat until sampled on a thick thread. I add molasses to condensed milk and continue to boil until the consistency of thick sour cream. Then quickly cool, whipping the mass on an "ice pillow". After daily ripening, milk fondant is combined with butter, heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. Beat until smooth. When whipping the fondant mass with butter, add vanillin and apricot or other liqueur to taste.

5. Fruit fondant for the cake at home

An easy way to make fruit fudge involves using fruit essences and food colors. A more complex option is a fondant based on natural fruit syrup (fruit molasses). The fact is that the presence of acid in fruit juices is undesirable at the initial stage of boiling the fondant. Therefore, in a production environment, juices for fruit fudge are pre-leached, but after boiling acid is added to avoid the appearance of large sugar crystals, although this method of preparing fruit fudge is not cost-effective for industrial production.

At home, you can deviate from the standard requirements and add concentrated fruit and berry syrup containing acid (invert syrup based on natural juices) to boiled sugar syrup, and use essences, fruit tinctures, food colors to enhance the aroma.


Syrup, invert

Food Color and Essence


The cooking technology and the composition of the ingredients of the fruit fudge are similar to the preparation of the main fondant (recipe No. 1), but instead of molasses, invert syrup is used with the addition of food colors and fruit essence.

6. Fondant for a cake at home: a recipe for making molasses

Watermelon "honey"


Watermelon juice, refined - any amount


Purified watermelon juice is brought to a boil over high heat in an enamel bowl. After that, the juice must be filtered to remove the foam. Then it is boiled over low heat until the volume is reduced by 6-7 times. A soft drop test is done. Hot watermelon "honey" is packed in dry sterile jars.

Homemade fondant cake tips and tricks

It is worth paying attention to molasses, since it is this product that plays a decisive role in the preparation of confectionery fondant.

Molasses is a product of hydrolysis (dissolution in water) and starch fermentation. Of course, you can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself in several ways. Making molasses at home is a rather troublesome and time-consuming process, but it is an ideal addition for kvass, it can be used to make jam - during the harvesting season. The addition of molasses to ice cream contributes to its deeper freezing, not to mention that the taste of gingerbread and rye bread finally forms this particular product.

Why add molasses to fondant? Molasses prevents the process of reverse crystallization of sugar, contributes to obtaining a fudge of a higher quality, plastic and delicate consistency. Fruit syrup can be cooked from grapes, apples, pears, melons without added sugar. Molasses can be made from barley malt, honey. All these types of molasses are successfully used in the preparation of confectionery.

Less troublesome and affordable options for replacing molasses are invert syrup or citric acid, in the absence of ready-made maltose dextrin. Invert syrup - in short - ordinary sugar syrup, boiled down to the test "on a thick thread" with the addition of citric acid.

On the day when the preparation of the cake is scheduled, do not waste energy and time on preparing molasses, invert syrup and fondant. Moreover, after cooking, the fondant must mature: it is kept for a day in a closed container, covered with a layer of water.